1 SA3 i E N V I R O N M E N T tA t3 ~~D E P A R T M E N T _t ^ PA PERS PAPER NO. 016 TOWARD ENVIRONMENTALLY AND SOCIALLY SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT . POLLUTION MANAGEMENT S E R I E S sustainable Energy Development (SED): Issues and Policy Mohan Munasinghe June 1995 Environmentally Sustainable Development The World Bank ESD rX Pollution & Environmental Economics Division Sustainable Energy Development (SED): Issues and Policy Mohan Munasinghe June 1995 Papers in this series are not formal publications of the World Bank. They are circulated to encourage thought and discussion. The use and citation of this paper should take this into account. The views expressed are those of the author and should not be attributed to the World Bank. Contents Acknowledgments iii 1. Energy, Environment and the Economy: The Nexus 1 Current Status 1 Future Economic Growth and Energy Needs 2 2. Key Role of the Electricity Sector 5 Electricity and the Developing World 6 Power Sector Problems and Investment Needs in DCs 7 Electricity, Environment and Regional Concerns 9 3. The Need For Sustainable Development 13 Economic, Environmental and Social Approaches 13 National Issues 15 Transnational Issues 18 Global Issues 18 4. A Framework for Sustainable Energy 21 Integrated Approach 21 Identifying Sustainable Energy Options: "Win-Win" Options vs. Tradeoffs 23 Improving Energy Efficiency 26 Implementing Environmentally More Benign Technologies 30 Price Reform 31 Institutional and Regulatory Reform 32 SED Options Matrix 34 5. Sustainable Energy Development: A Case Study of Sri Lanka 37 Environmental Issues 37 Methodology 38 Application to the Sri Lanka Power Sector 40 Some Illustrative Results 42 6. Conclusions 47 References 49 Sustainable Energy Development Tables 1. Average Annual Growth Rates of Energy Demand and GDP 2 2. Electricity Demand And Its Share In Total Primary Energy 5 3. Growth Trends in Electricity, Energy and Economy 6 4. Electricity Fuels Share in Total Primary Energy 7 5. CO2 Emissions From Energy Use 9 6. SED Options Matrix 35 Figures 1. Past and Future Energy Demand 3 2. The Economic, Social and Environmental Dimensions of Sustainable Development 14 3. Conceptual Framework for Sustainable Energy Development 22 4. Complementarities and Tradeoffs Among the Three Main Dimensions of Sustainable Development 25 5. Three Scenarios of Emissions from Electricity Generation in Developing Countries, 1990-2030 29 6. General Methodology for Environmental Analysis of Power Systems 39 7. Cost Versus Health Impacts 43 8. Cost Versus Biodiversity Impacts 44 ii Environment Department Papers Acknowledgments An earlier version of this paper was presented The author is deeply grateful to Vittal at the International Conference on Energy, Anantainula, Asitha Sandanaychke and Noreen Environment and Economy, Taipei, August Beg for assistance in preparing the paper. 1994. Thanks are also due to Karen Danczyk for editorial support. iii Energy, Environment and the Economy: The Nexus The state of the environment is a major growth and human well-being. Economic growth worldwide concern today. Pollution in prior to the 1970s was always accompanied by a particular is perceived as a serious threat in corresponding global increase of demand for the industrialized countries, where quality of energy. As a direct consequence of the oil price life had hitherto been measured mainly in increases, decoupling between economic growth terms of growth in material output. Mean- and energy demand growth was achieved in the while, environmental degradation has be- mature economies of industrialized countries come a serious impediment to economic (ICs) which were able to reduce energy wastage development and the alleviation of poverty in relatively easily and also achieve a better energy the developing world. The growing evidence management by restructuring and through energy of environmental problems is due to a combi- efficient technologies. Such decoupling was not nation of factors. Over the last three decades observed in developing countries (DCs). As DCs the environmental impact of human activities are still in the early stages of economic develop- has grown considerably due to the increase in ment and have higher growth rates, there is a economic activity, population and per capita much closer linkage between economic growth consumption. and energy consumption than in industrialized countries (Munasinghe 1991). Among the human activities that cause changes in the environment, those associated Current Status with the energy sector have great impact. Energy production, conversion, transporta- At present developing countries comprise 77 tion and utilization have been and continue to percent of the world's population but utilize only be a primary source of local, transnational a quarter of the world's energy. A majority of this and global pollution. The environmental population have little or no access to any form of effects of energy are: groundwater and air commercial energy. A large proportion of the DCs contamination; land degradation and changes population live in rural areas and continue to rely in use; marine and coastal pollution; ecosys- heavily on traditional biomass fuels such as wood, tems destruction and loss of biodiversity; crop waste and animal dung. OECD countries, in damage to health, synethic structures and contrast, consumed over half the world's energy natural systems from SO2 and NO. and ash and nearly six times more energy per person than particulates which degrade air quality; and did developing and CEE/CIS countries. However, finally, greenhouse gas emissions which may energy demand has been growing rapidly in the have long-term implications for the global developing countries in the past fewdecades environment. (Table 1). In the last decade alone, the rate of growth of DC energy consumption has been about Despite such problems, however, energy six times that of the OECD countries and twice the services such as heating, refrigeration, cook- average world growth rate. ing, lighting, communications, motive power and electricity are essential for economic 1 Sustainable Energy Development The rapid growth in energy demand in DCs Future Economic Growth and Energy (driven primarily by economic expansion, Needs population growth, urbanization, the increasing penetration of energy-using products, and the The world economy is expected to continue to transition from traditional energy sources to grow at a healthy rate over the next few commercial sources) has surpassed the growth in decades. The World Bank estimates the GNP of energy production and power generation capaci- large industrialized countries (ICs) to grow at ties, thus creating shortages in primary fuels and an average rate of 2.7 percent annually over the electricity. To meet this rising energy demand, 1994-2003 period and that of DCs to grow at DCs require tremendous financial resources. In 4.8 ercent annuall over the same eriod with addition to the economic burden, environmental above average growth in East and South Asia degradation associated with an expanding (7.6 percent and 5.3 percent respectively). The energy sector compound the energy-related prospects for economic growth in DCs prompt- problems in DCs. ing a similar increase in energy demand are The crucial dilemma for the developing world is obvious. how to reconcile development goals and the The world's population is expected to grow by elimination of poverty, which will require 3 billion during the period 1990-2020, with increased use of energy and raw materials, with ninety percent of the increase taking place in responsible stewardship of the environment. DCs. Onlv eight countries are expected to This has to be done without overburdening their a already weak economies. Hence, the challenge and a significant portion of global energy facing DCs today is meeting the rising energy demand gronth, over the next 30 years: India, demand in a manner that will not absorb inordi- nate amounts of investment, which in turn China, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Brazil, Indonesia, would divertfunds ofrm msthen worthy develop- Mexico, and Vietnam (WDR 1992 and WEC would divert funds from other worthy develop- 1993). According to the WEC "high-growth" ment goals, such as poverty alleviation and the case, Acord to thergy "high-growth" proviion o eductionand halth are.case, world primary energy consumption is provision of education and health care. estimated to double to roughly 17.2 Mtoe Table 1 Average Annual Growth Rates of Energy Demand and GDP Erg Econonic Growth- --Year OECD D-.QC C&EEs world - OECO ECD- s Wrd 1961-70 5.0 4.1 5.2 4.8 4.7 4.7 5.2 1.7 1971-80 1.8 4.7 3.4 3.0 3.2 4.8 3.4 1.5 1981-90 0.8 4.7 2.2 2.3 2.9 5.6 1.3 3.8 Sources: WEC 1992. Khatib & Munasinghe 1992. 2 Environment Department Papers Energy, Environment and the Economy: The Nexus (megatons of oil equivalent) in the next 30 years, almost double to 60 percent during the same with almost 90 percent of the growth coming period.The International Energy Agency (IEA) from the DCs (see Figure 1). Under this sce- has forecast that through the year 2010, world nario, the share of total energy consumption energy use will grow at an annual rate of 2.1 accounted for by the OECD will have fallen percent, with East Asian countries energy use from over 5.Q percent in 1990 to under 30 growing at more than 4 percent (World Energy percent by 2020, while the share of DCs will Outlook, OECD, 1994). Figure 1 Past and Future Energy Demand (Mtoe) 18 16 14 12- 0 0 10 0 OECD 8 CEEICIS 6-D 4- 2 I960 1970 1980 1990 *2020 Source: World Energy Council 1992, 3 2Key Role of the Electricity Sector Electricity is clean, versatile, easily accessible Electricity has not only transformed the quality of and simple to distribute. It is also essential to life and work, but also created one of the largest maintain a reasonable quality of life, and for industries, with worldwide revenues estimated at sustainable development. Due to this phe- more than $800 billion in 1992 (Flavin and nomenon, electricity is gaining a larger share Lenssen 1993). Thus, in addition to its widely of energy in final use and the demand for it is recognized role as a catalyst to economic activity increasing worldwide at almost twice the rate in other sectors, the electricity sector itself makes a of demand for primary energy. Currently, the direct and significant contribution to the economy. worldwide electricity demand is increasing at a rate of over 3.6 percent annually, which Despite a general recognition of the indispensable is slightly higher than the world's economic nature of electricity, one third of the world's growth rate, twice the population growth population is still deprived of access to electricity, rate and more than 1.5 times that of global mostly in developing countries. The ICs are the commercial energy consumption. Presently most electricity intensive, containing 16 percent of fuels for electricity production are claiming the world population and consuming almost 60 36 percent of total energy demand and in the percent of the globe's electricity. On average, next thirty to forty years, more than half the developing countries use only 500 KWh of elec- world's primary commercial energy sources tricity per capita per year compared with more would be utilized in electricity production. than 5000 KWh in Europe and more than 10,000 KWh in the USA (World Bank 1992). Table 2 Electricity Demand And Its Share In Total Primary Energy 1990 (actual) 2000 2020 OECD 6800 41 8600 - 2.40 10900 49.0 1.2 DCs 2630 30 5050 - 6.75 12000 47.3 4.5 C&EEs 2270 34 2850 - 2.30 3700 50.0 1.2 World 11700 36 16500 - 3.20 26600 48.3 2.4 Source: Khatib and Munasinghe 1992. 5 Sustainable Energy Development Electricity and the Developing World sumption increasing over thirteen fold since 1960. During this period electricity consump- Of the various forms of energy, electricity is tion has grown at a rate which is over 1.5 times particularly important in the context of the the rate of energy consumption and economic developing world. The provision of electricity growth (Table 3). greatlv enhances the quality of life in DCs particularlv for the poor. It improves health A direct relationship between electricity and standards, and assists in education and in economic growth cannot be deduced as easily motivating people. Rural electrification (RE) as in the case of total energy. This is mainly also helps to retard migration from rural areas because electricity growth depends not only on to cities and enhances opportunities for income economic growth, but also on the substitution generation and employment in rural areas. To of electricity for other commercial and non- the extent that it displaces less efficient and commercial energy. Such a substitution de- more environmentally damaging fuels, electric- pends on the cost and productivity of electric- ity is essential for sustainable development. ity use compared to other commercial fuels, Hence, given the vital role electricity plays in and also on the changes in quality and style of the development process, the future prospects life. In the more developed OECD countries, for economic growth are closely linked to the such substitution decreases as more energy provision of adequate and reliable electricity uses are shifted into electricity use, moving the supplies. Electricity demand in DCs grew very share of electricity in final energy to saturation. rapidly over the past three decades with con- Table 3 Growth Trends in Electricity, Energy and Economy Electricity growth Electricity/GDP Year OECD DC Woeld OECD -C E. W6rld 1961-70 5 4.1 4.8 1.6 2 4.7 1971-80 1.8 4.7 3 1.3 2 3.5 1981-90 0.8 4.7 2.3 0.9 2.2 2.7 1991-2020 0.7 4.2 2.2 0.7 0.9 0.7 Energy/GDP Electricity/Energy . Year n : OECD_ DC Worl-. OI) - . -ii.ld 1961-70 1.1 09 2.8 1.5 2.3 1.7 1971-80 0.6 1 0.5 2.4 2 1.8 1981-90 0.3 1.3 0.6 3.1 1.8 1.5 1991-2020 0.3 0.8 1.7 2.3 1.2 1.2 Source: Munasinghe 1991. WEC 1992. 6 Environment Department Papers Key Role of the Electricity Sector Table 3 shows an interesting contrast between assuming no drastic changes in the past trends electricity demand and economic growth in with respect to demand management and OECD countries and DCs. Owing to the conservation, the World Bank estimates that the decoupling of economic growth from energy demand for electricity in DCs will grow at an demand in the 1970s, the ratio of electricity average annual rate of 6.7 percent in the 1990s growth to economic growth in OECD countries (Table 2). This compares with actual growth steadily declined. Developing countries which rates of 10 percent and 8 percent in the 1970s still have a long way to go in satisfying their and 1 980s respectively. Such rates of growth basic electricity needs showed a very high indicate the need for large additions in capacity. electricity/economy growth relationship in the The Asia Regions requirements dominate with past three decades. While it is evident that there almost two-thirds of the total, and coal and is a trend in OECD countries to decouple hydro are the primary sources- both which economic growth from dependence on in- have specific environmental problems associ- creased electricity consumption, in developing ated with their use (Munasinghe 1992). countries the electricity/economy ratio will remain relatively high. Developing countries Power Sector Problems and Investment will require more electricity in the future and Needs in DCs this growth in demand is influenced by the electricity share in their economies and energy Currently industrial and residential electricity demand, as well as by their economic growth. demand in DCs have exceeded their power Table 4 outlines this relationship. From the generating capacities, resulting in frequent table it is clear that the growing share of power shortages and blackouts. Power short- electricity fuels in total energy is increasing, but ages in any country affect it in two ways: they at a declining rate. This growth will continue handicap productive activities and delay social until electricity reaches a point beyond which it development. On the output side, electricity cannot fully replace other fuels (Khatib and shortages disrupt production. For India the cost Munasinghe 1992). of power shortages to the industrial sector has been estimated at 1.5 percent of GDP and in Given the benefits of electricity and its impor- Pakistanat 1.8 percent of aD Mnasin tance to the developing world, the demand for electricity can only grow. In the medium-term, 1992). Power shortages also discourage inves- Table 4 Electricity Fuels Share in Total Primary Energy (%) 1970 32 27 18 29 1980 38 32 25 34 1990 41 34 31 36 Source: Khatib and Munasinghe 1992. 7 Sustainable Energy Development tors by affecting production and requiring more trillion (in current terms) to finance future investment for on-site electricity production or capital investments. In comparison with the standby supplies. This not only requires more total projected annual requirement for DCs of investment by entrepreneurs in DCs where $100 billion for the early 1990s, the present capital is already limited, but it also distracts annual rate of electricity related investment in investors from their main productive activity. It developing nations is only around $50 billion. would (for small investors) increase the cost of Even this present rate is proving difficult to operation, since electricity from small private maintain. Developing country debt, which generation is more expensive than public averaged 23 percent of GNP in 1981, increased national supplies (Munasinghe 1990b). dramatically to 42 percent in 1987 and, although it has since declined to 37 percent due to Structural, institutional and financial problems improved economic performance and trade further exacerbate the already inadequate conditions, is still significant (World Bank, electricity supply in DCs. Poor operating 1992). Capital-intensive power sector invest- performances, poor maintenance of plants, ments have played a major role in this observed technical and non-technical transmission and increase. Investments required to meet growth distribution system losses and high fuel con- of demand for energy in DCs will rise to an sumption have resulted in high energy wastage average of $200 billion per annum in the late and economic losses. Poor maintenance prac- 1990s, or 4 percent of GDP. Added to this, tices account for some of the low availability of private investors are reluctant to re-enter those power generating capacity, which averages less DCs that continue to experience difficulties in than 60 percent for thermal plants in DCs, servicing their foreign debt (Saunders and compared with more than 80 percent in devel- Gandhi 1994). oped countries (World Bank 1994). In DCs, power plants consume 15-30 percent more fuel The future expansion of the power sector in DCs per unit of electricity than that of ICs (WRI also has serious environmental impacts to meet 1994). Transmission and Distribution system the growing demand. WDR estimates indicate losses represent a loss to DCs of about $30 that, under the worst scenario, emissions of billion a year through increased supply costs pollutants from electric power will rise tenfold (Saunders and Gandhi 1994). Inadequate tariffs bv 2030. In addition to the basic investments due to governmental policies and poor revenue mentioned above, the World Bank, in the 1992 collection due to inadequate metering, as well WDR, estimates incremental investment for as poor accounting and billing, have led to large energy-related environmental management financial losses and difficulties in raising programs in DCs in 2000 as follows: investment capital. While institutional building (training of power utility staff, modernization) *$2 billion for controlling particulate matter has continued to progress, conflicts between emissions from coal-fired power stations. government's role as owner and its role as operator of utilities, have affected sector perfor- *$5 billion for reducing acid rain deposition mance. Opaque command and control manage- from new coal-fired stations. ment of the sector, poorly defined objectives, government interference in daily affairs, and a *$10 billion for switching to unleaded fuels, lack of financial autonomy have affected and for implementing controls on the main productive efficiency and institution perfor- pollutants from vehicles. mance (World Bank 1992). *$10-15 billion for reducing emissions, effluents To accommodate the projected growth in and wastes from industry. electricity demand, assuming no major gains in energy efficiency, DCs will require about US $1 8 Environment Department Papers Key Role of the Electricity Sector *$3-4 billion per year by the end of the century Electricity, Environment and Regional would enable a major program of research, development, and demonstration projects for Concerns renewable energy to be undertaken. Although electricity is relatively benign in use, Controlling emissions of particulates will raise the generation of electricity is one of the world's investment costs by about 1 percent, or 0.04 major environmentally damaging activities. percent of GDP. In areas where controls on While the energy sector contributes 49 percent sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides are neces- of greenhouse gases, electricity generation alone sary, a further 5-15 percent of capital costs (or produces more than 25 percent of energy- 0.5 percent of the regions' GDPs) would be related carbon dioxide emissions. During the incurred if low-sulfur coal or natural gas were past 20 years, half of all increases in energy- not available. With these investments, DCs will related carbon dioxide emissions were from be able, in 2030, to produce ten times as much electricity (Energy Analysis Program 1991). electric power as today, with lower emissions of Most of the growth in world carbon dioxide eletrticulater asntodacid rain-causithnr e onts. o emissions from 1971 to 1990 is due to the CEE particulates and acid rain-causing pollutants. and developing countries (Table 5). Taking account of the impact of energy effi- ciency and environmental considerations, the Despite alternative energy sources such as WEC (1993) estimates a broad order of magni- wind, solar, and biomass, the largest segment of tude figure for the cumulative investment new electricity in the world is projected to come requirements (at 1992 prices) of the world's from coal firing in the next several decades, and requirenergyeindus(atry992 overi the ntwent o this will bring related environmental problems energy industry over the next twenty-five to along with it (U.S. Industrial Outlook 1994). thirty years at around $30 trillion. By compari- son world GDP in 1989 was approximately $20 The expected growth of electricity generation in trillion. The WEC estimates that the DCs could DCs escted prously genera be investing in excess of $2 trillion (at 1992 DCs described previously is confronted by a prices) annually by the year 2020; over 50 variety of technological, economic, and environ- percent of world annual energy investments, mental problems. Although the electric power About $1.2 trillion annually will be needed to sectors in industrialized nations are concerned raise energy efficiency and environmental with environmental problems related mainly to standards in the former USSR to the average generation, in many DCs environmental issues level of the OECD. are not considered such a high priority. The Table 5 CO2 Emissions From Energy Use 1971 4380 2427 - - - 1980 5500 2750 1570 1180 37% 1985 5800 2640 1700 1460 - 1990 6550 2900 1700 1950 39% Source: Various IPCC Reports. 9 Sustainable Energy Development problems of the electricity sectors in the devel- their growing economies and the improvements oping world differ among regions and countries in people's living standards. China and India, (Winje 1991). which have almost 37 percent of the world's population (mostly rural and poor), are cur- Africa rently following a path of economic reform and will continue to depend on coal for electricity Many African nations import oil, and indig- generation over the next two decades. There- enous commercial energy resources play a small fore, these nations will continue to be the largest role in domestic electric power generation. This regional sources of transnational and global practice has worsened the debt situation in environmental problems in the future. With an these countries. In much of Africa, existing increasing awareness of regional and global electricity systems are isolated, and consist of environmental impacts of coal combustion, both small generation units that have low efficiency China and India are increasingly searching for and reliability. Therefore, the demand for ways to minimize environmental impacts of electricity usually exceeds supply. Confronted power generation while focusing on problems with these basic problems, many African such as inadequate supplies of electricity for governments are concentrating mainly on economic growth and to improve living stan- improving and expanding existing systems, and dards of poor rural populations. Another believe that environmental issues in the power major problem facing countries in this region is sector are relatively unimportant. Therefore, in the loss of power in transmission and distribu- this region, there is an urgent need for the tion. When compared to the typical rates of 6-8 development of national and regional electricity percent in the industrialized countries, these are master plans, with assistance from industrial- enormous: China, 16 percent (UNICEF 1993); ized nations (Winje 1991). In many parts of India, 22 percent; Pakistan, 28 percent; Africa there is substantial hydroelectric poten- Bangladesh, 31 percent; South Korea, 12 tial, but its exploitation has been subject to percent; Sri Lanka, 18 percent; and Thailand many environmental and social problems and the Philippines, 22 percent each. In contrast, (Akosombo Dam in Ghana, Aswan Dam in the United States and Japan had corresponding Egypt). values of 8 percent and 7 percent respectively (Munasinghe 1991). Asia Apart from the above problems, nations in the The consumption of commercial energy in region suffer from inefficiencies resulting from developing countries in the Asian region grew inadequate pricing and excessive governmental rapidly in the last two decades. Between 1980 interference. and 1992 energy consumption grew at an annual rate of 5.6 percent in east Asia and the Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) Pacific and 6.8 percent in south Asia. While the dependence of oil has decreased in many Electricity generation in the LAC region is countries, the use of coal, an abundant resource distributed evenly between hydroelectric and in the region, has increased especially in China thermo-electric plants. The development of the and India. China is currently the world's largest power sector in many nations has been over- coal producer with an output of 1082 Mt shadowed by the general debt problem in Latin followed by India. The consumption of coal is America. In spite of this, the environmental expected to increase rapidly in the next two impact of electricity supply has been given decades. Although the percentages of electricity increasing attention in the last 10 years. Many generated from coal are 92 percent for China countries have begun to consider the environ- and 70 percent for India, current electricity mental impacts of mining fossil fuels and generation is inadequate to meet the needs of constructing large hydropower and thermal I10 Environment Department Papers Key Role of the Electricity Sector power plants. In some cases reforestation ratios. Many of the above factors have also projects are now required by law. Concerted resulted in the emission of high levels of sulfur international action in Latin America will dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and total particulate ensure the development of an efficient electric- matter. Cooperation with industrialized nations ity system in a sound environment (Winje 1991). is needed to enable measures such as restructur- ing the fuel mix in the power sector, and Eastern Europe (EE) and Former Soviet implementing stack gas cleaning equipment, to Union (FSU) occur (Winje 1991). Technology could be one solution to lower energy intensity levels. EE and FSU countries consume a larger amount Historically, such technical advances have led of primary energy and electricity than industri- to large reductions in the amounts of energy alized countries in terms of energy intensity. required for any given economic activity - for Their electricity intensity is two to three times, example, the electricity required to produce a and the energy intensity is three to four times, ton of aluminium has declined steadily since the higher than that of developed nations. This is last century. mainly the result of the existence of vast energy resources in the region, which were made In Central Asia, another area of high hydroelec- available at highly subsidized prices. The tric potential, electricity planning is made inefficiency of energy generation, the poor difficult by conflicts with irrigation and by the quality of commonly used energy carriers such problems faced by the newly independent states as coal and lignite, and the large portion of in continuing development towards an inte- primary industries, contribute to these high grated system. 11 3 The Need For Sustainable Development The increasing level of environmental pollu- scarce resources. Problems of interpretation arise tion in both industrialized and developing in identifying the kinds of capital to be main- countries as well as resource depletion, have tained (for example, manufactured, natural, and led to a recognition of the need for ICs and human capital) and their substitutability, as well DCs to find a less material intensive develop- as in valuing these assets, particularly ecological ment path. In the past, industrial countries resources. The issues of uncertainty, irreversibility that faced a tradeoff between economic and catastrophic collapse pose additional difficul- growth and environmental preservation ties (Pearce and Turner 1990). invariably gave higher priority to the former. These richer countries have only recently The environmental view of sustainable develop- awakened to the environmental consequences ment focuses on the stability of biological and of economic progress. This model of economic physical systems. Of particularly importance is and social development has been adopted by the viability of subsystems that are critical to the many third world regions. However, an global stability of the overall ecosystem (Perrings increasing awareness by both ICs and DCs of 1991). Protection of biological diversity is a key the consequences of following such a path aspect. Furthermore, "natural" systems may be have led them to explore the concept of interpreted to include all aspects of the biosphere, sustainable development. This is an approach including human-created environments like cities. that will permit continuing improvements in The emphasis is on preserving the resilience and the present quality of life at a lower intensity dynamic ability of such systems to adapt to of resource use, thereby leaving behind for change, rather than conservation of some "ideal" future generations an undiminished or even static state. enhanced stock of natural resources and other assets. The social concept of sustainability seeks to maintain the stability of social and cultural Economic, Environmental and Social systems, including the reduction of destructive Approaches conflicts (UNEP et al. 1991). Both intra-genera- tional equity (especially elimination of poverty), Sustinabedvsthree key and inter-generational equity (involving the rights Suementstainableodev entironmental hasof future generations) are important aspects of eocalees-economic, 2)The enonmet and this approach. Preservation of cultural diversity social (see Figure 2). The economic approach acostegb,anbterkwldeocrig to sustainability is based on the Hicks-Lindahl esstainblee raies embedded inoless conceming concept of the maximum flow of income that cultures, . . cuturesshould be pursued. Modern society could be generated while at least maintaining wulduneed to enurage smcand the stock of assets (or capital) which yields would need to encourage pluralssm and these benefits (Solow 1986, Maler 1990). There strengthen empowerment and grass roots partici- is~~~~~~~~ an uneligcnet.fotmltn pation into a more effective decisionmaking iscanounde ryiconce optimatity and framework for socially sustainable development. economic efficiency applied to the use of 13 Sustainable Energy Development Figure 2 The Economic, Social and Environmental Dimensions of Sustainable Development ECONOMIC 0 E* fficiency * Growth * Stabitity * Poverty Biodiversity/Resilience* i * Consultation/Empowerment Natural Resources 4 • Culture/Heritage Pollution- 0 inter-generational equity SOCIAL * popular participation ENVIRONMENTAL Source: Munasinghe 1993a. 14 Environment Department Papers The Need for Sustainable Development Given the foregoing three criteria for sustainable, disease, toxicity and cancer. Disposal of solid development, the rapidly increasing demand tfor i waste leads to. health risks associated with energy, particularly electricity, in the DCs, aand . leachate and groundwater contamination. the corresponding increase in investment re- Natural gas-fired plants pose a public health quirements, the need for a comprehensive and: risk from nitrogen oxides and particulate integrated conceptual framework for analysis . emissions, but are significantly less hazardous and decisionmaking is evident. Sustainable . to health in comparison with oil- or coal-fired energy options may be identified by using ax plants. Coal mining, transportation and framework that takes into account multiple washing also have substantial adverse impacts actors, multiple criteria, multi-level 'on environment. decisionmaking, and many impediments and constraints. However, any discussion of a i The contribution of fossil fuels to carbon framework within which to define sustainable . dioxide emissions depends on the carbon energy options would be incomplete without a 'content of the fuel. Fuel oil emits 87.7 percent delineation of the environmen'tal' and social' as much carbon dioxide as coal, and natural implications of energy use. They can be broadly gas only 58 percent for the same thermal categorized into national, transnational and . content. Without control or treatment, coal global issues. emits more particulate matter (PM), sulfur dioxide, and nitrogen oxides, than any other National Issues fuel. While PM emissions in the case of oil and gas are negligible, coal emits almost 10 percent National environmental and social issues arising . ofits oil equivalent in weight as ash and other from energy use are mainly related to electricity matter. Sulfur dioxide emissions depend on generation. While electricity has relatively few - sulfur content of the fuels, while emissions of environmental and health consequences at the X nitrogen oxides are not significantly different point of end use, the same cannot be said for between fuels, with gas emitting only two- electricity generation. The extent and nature of, thirds that of coal. impacts, however, differ among energy sources. Oil- and coal-fired plants not only have national . - Nuclear Plants impacts but also regional and global environ- mental and health effects. Even sources like wind Nuclear fission reactors, currently producing power, geothermal energy, and ocean energy, . . almost 17 percent of electricity worldwide, which are perceived to be "clean," have some were intended to replace fossil-fueled capacity negative impacts on the surroundings. The in the medium-term. Safety concerns, driven environmental and social consequences of some by iaccidents at Three Mile Island and typical energy sources are described below. Chernobyl, have contributed to the current status of nuclear energy as neither politically Fossil-fired Plants nor economically attractive in many countries. However, in a few countries, such as France In the case of oil- and coal-fired plants, a signifi- arnd Japan, nuclear reactors are used exten- cant public health risk results from exposure to sively. Though nuclear energy has the advan- the large amounts of gaseous and solid wastes' tage that it emits none of the atmospheric discharged in the combustion process. These pollutants of concern with 'fossil fuel technolo- emissions include sulfur dioxide, carbon mobrox- . ' gies, the fission reaction does generate long- ide, nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons, polycyclic . lived highly radioactive wastes; their ultimate organic matter, and in the case of coal, additional disposal is extremely controversial. Nuclear pollutants include fly ash, trace metals, and ' power also causes groundwater contamination. radionuclides. The presence of these pollutants ' It is more capital intensive than fossil fuel leads to increased incidence of respiratory 15 Sustainable Energy Development power generation. There is also a great deal of South Asia and South America. Furthermore, still controversy about the true cost of nuclear water reservoirs create ecological environments power. favorable to the spreading of parasitic and waterborne disease. Decades of experience have Studies indicate that occupational health risk, been developed internationally with mini and which may have inter-generational conse- micro-hydro schemes that cascade many small quences, exists from exposure to radiation. run-of-the-river turbines. These designs are Pubiic health risks result from exposure to becoming a visibly popular means for providing low-level radiation from power production, local power supply and irrigation without the waste storage and waste disposal. High massive environmental and social impacts that exposure to radiation is possible in the event have plagued some large hydro schemes. Micro- of major accidents, with potential long-term hydro projects are currently underway in India health implications. While actual public risk and Malaysia and other DCs. These projects also may be relatively small, public fears of risks have the advantage of providing electricity to from nuclear plants and waste disposal sites rural areas beyond the central grid. are extremely strong and cannot be dismissed (often based on risk- averse reactions to Hydropower plants have many other advantages potentially catastrophic but rare accidents). which include longer service life, lower staffing requirements, operational flexibility, reliability, Hydroelectricity and fast response time to changes in demand. Nineteen percent of worldwide electricity is Solar Energy produced currently by flowing water, mostly in large hydroelectric dams that utilize Direct solar radiation is another vast potential reservoirs or natural steep drops and water- energy source for electricity generation. Ad- falls. Since the capital investment require- vances in solar thermal technologies and direct ments for large hydroelectric schemes are electricity generation by photovoltaics (PV) have significant, many sites in DCs must compete reduced costs significantly over the past decade for scarce capital. Hydroelectric power utilizes (Ahmed, 1994). While these techniques pose no a renewable indigenous resource without significant occupational and health risks at the producing air emissions or radioactive wastes. generation stage, some environmental impacts of However, this technology is not entirely solar thermal generation, may arise from the loss environmentally benign. Hydroelectric power of land use resulting from its high land intensity. generation has primarily local environmental Solar energy is constrained by its limited applica- and social consequences. These consist of the bility. damage caused by dam construction: destruc- tion of habitats and loss of local/national Geothermal Energy biodiversity, the inundation of productive land and forests, siltation, and possibly the Geothermal energy is harnessed in several loss of cultural sites and mineral resources. countries (for example, the United States and the Water shed disturbance sometimes leads to Philippines) by using geothermal steam to drive increased flooding, and low flow in the dry steam turbines. Cost competitive exploitation of season. (On major river systems, this can have geothermal energy with current technology transnational consequences causing significant largely limited to the volcanically active Pacific political and social unrest over water rights). "Ring of Fire" and the Mediterranean, where suitable steam reservoirs are located within one Such environmental and social impacts of hydropower projects have recently led to public protest against proposed projects in 16 Environment Department Papers The Need for Sustainable Development mile of the surface. Geothermal steam carries technologies for waste incineration do not emit with it a number of atmospheric pollutants more atmospheric greenhouse gases than if the including carbon dioxide, mercury and radon. wastes were allowed to decay. In addition to the Under current technologies, the toxins are option of direct incineration, small power plants commonly reinjected into the reservoir. With that burn landfill gases (mostly methane) have commercialization of designs expected late in been employed for decades around the world. this decade, hot dry rock technology is expected The ultimate potential of municipal solid waste to be competitive with conventional geothermal incineration and landfill gas plants as an energy technology and fossil-fueled plants. source, is limited both by public concern over emissions and by the shortage of concentrated Biomass sources of solid waste. In tropical areas, the water content of municipal solid wastes reduces A wide range of options exist for converting its attractiveness as a fuel. biomass into electric power. Dendrothermal power plants burn wood from fast growing Wind Power species (grown on a dedicated plantation), in boilers, to generate electricity through a conven- Large grid-connected wind generators (75kW- tional steam cycle. Most potential applications 450kW), configured in multi-turbine "wind are for remote power supply in DCs. Concerns farms", now supplement fossil fuel capacity in a about the effects of dedicated fuelwood planta- number of countries. Research is currently tions, on the local environment and competing underway in the United States on combined land uses, impose major constraints on the wind and gas turbine power supply schemes widespread adoption of dendrothermal power that would provide reliable power on demand, supply schemes. at minimal cost. Although wind generators do not produce air or water emissions, planners It is economical to use biomass for energy often face public opposition since the larger purposes only where it is available as a turbines do present a visual impact on the byproduct of other processes. Crop residues, landscape, emit acoustic noise, generate electro- agricultural waste, and animal dung produced magnetic interference, and present a hazard to in DCs are currently used as fuels, mainly by birds. the poor. Ocean Energy Another source of biomass for power generation is municipal solid waste. High temperature Pilot plant experience has indicated that tem- incinerators for municipal solid waste have perature differences of 20 degrees centigrade been developed in Germany and the United between surface waters and waters about 1000 States. The public has voiced opposition to meters below are sufficient for economic power incineration in both countries due to concerns generation. As a large proportion of the tropical over emissions of dioxin, furans and other oceans contain such thermals, a vast potential toxins that are released when plastics are resource is available. Due to significant capital burned. Virtual elimination of toxic effluents is requirements and risks inherent in an unproven achieved in some of the new high temperature technology, no commercial plants have been designs that utilize a slanted bed to ensure total built to date. In addition, this technology poses combustion and wet scrubbers. A 25 MW some environmental concerns about effects on incinerator can consume about 400,000 tons of sea life and atmospheric release of carbon municipal solid waste each year, thereby dioxide stored in deep ocean waters. reducing the volume of waste ash for disposal. In addition to energy recovered and reducing urban waste disposal problems, leading edge 17 Sustainable Energy Development Transnational Issues degrees centigrade over the last century. While -the study does not suggest that the case for Acid deposition is perhaps the most serious of - global warming is fully established, several the transnational issues faced today. Acid important issues remain unsolved. The warm- deposition is a result of oxides of sulfur and est year for the planet Earth since measurements nitrogen that originate from fossil fuel combus- of surface temperatures were initiated was in tion, falling to the ground as particulates and 1990. Six of the seven warmest years since 1850 acid rain. Coal- and oil-fired power stations have all occurred since 1980. Changes in recent emit significant amounts of sulfur dioxide and .rainfall patterns, and frequency of storms, may nitrogen oxides into the atmosphere. The also be attributable to the phenomenon. Over transport of sulfur dioxide occurs over long the last one hundred years global sea level has distances (greater than 1000 km), causing the increased by 10 to 20 cm (IAEA 1991). These deposition of emission products over national climatic changes may have contributed to boundaries. This may result in sensitive ecosys- - natural disasters, such as the floods in tems receiving depositions of sulfur well above Bangladesh and serious drought conditions in their carrying capacity. Acid depositions caused Africa, which resulted in extremely high social by sulfur and nitrogen oxides result in damage costs- high mortality, the spread of diseases to trees and crops, and sometimes extend to such as typhus and cholera, widespread starva- acidification of streams and lakes, resulting in tion/malnutrition, and significant population destruction of aquatic ecosystems. They also displacement. lead to the corrosion, erosion, and discoloration of buildings, monuments and bridges. Indirect The relative contribution of electricity genera- health effects are caused by the mobilization of tion to overall global warming (mainly in the heavy metals in acidified water and soil (IAEA form of CO2 emissions) has been estimated at 1991). about 25 percent compared to about 14 percent caused by deforestation. Of this amount, coal Other important transnational issues include and oil each contribute about 40 percent of environmental and health impacts of radiation *anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions, and due to severe nuclear accidents (Chernobyl), gas about 15 percent. OECD and other Euro- oceanic and coastal pollution due to oil spills pean countries account for about 75 percent of (Amico Cadiz, Exxon Valdez and Braer), global fossil fuel CO2 emissions, at present. downstream siltation of river water in one Energy consumption as a whole is the single nation due to deforestation of water sheds and largest contributor to greenhouse gas emissions soil erosion in a neighboring country, and in developing countries. While the use of changes in hydrological flow and water condi- traditional fuels is declining as a share of energy tions caused by dams. supply in many developing countries as a result of growing prosperity, India and China will be Global Issues forced to increase coal-fired generation through domestic energy sources to meet the growing The increase in atmospheric concentrations of energy needs of their citizens. CO2 and other radiatively active trace gasses Given the considerable problems faced by the (N20, CH4 and chlorofluorcarbons, or CFCs) has led to an increase in global mean temperatures, power sector in DCs, the additional growing or global warming. According to a study concerns about the environmental consequences conducted by the intergovemmental panel on of energy use considerably complicate the climate change (IPCC), increases in greenhouse policy dilemma facing the DCs. Developing gas concentrations from anthropogenic activi- countries share the deep worldwide concerns ties are believed to have resulted in mean about environmental degradation, and some surface temperature increases of 0.3 to 0.6 have already taken steps to improve their own 18 Environment Department Papers The Need for Sustainable Development natural resource management as an essential levels of future greenhouse gas accumulation as prerequisite for sustained economic develop- well as a more general depletion of natural ment. However, they also face other urgent resources. issues like poverty, hunger and disease, as well as rapid population growth and high expecta- Up to now, scientific analysis has provided only tions. This paucity of resources constrains the broad and rather uncertain predictions about ability of DCs to undertake costly measures to the degree and timing of potential global protect the global commons. warming. However, it would be prudent for humanity to buy an "insurance policy" in the The challenge facing the developing world is form of mitigatory actions to reduce greenhouse how to harmonize development goals and the gas emissions. Ironically, both local and global elimination of poverty (which will require environmental degradation might affect devel- increased use of energy), with environmental oping nations more severely, since they are goals without worsening their weak economies. more dependent on natural resources, while In 1992 per capita income in low income devel- lacking the economic strength to prevent or oping nations was almost one-sixtieth of that in respond quickly to increases in the frequency, the high income nations ($390 in low income severity and persistence of flooding, drought, countries versus $22,600 in high income coun- storms, and so on. Thus, from the DC view- tries). Correspondingly, per capita energy point, an attractive low cost insurance premium consumption in low income countries was 338 would be a set of inexpensive measures that Kg of oil equivalent as compared to 5,101 Kg of could address a range of national and global oil equivalent in high income countries (WDR environmental issues without hampering 1994). development efforts. The disparity in both per capita income and The report of the Brundtland Commission energy use among different countries also raises (WCED 1987), which has been widely circulated additional issues in the context of current global and accepted, has presented arguments along environmental concerns. Fossil-fuel related the theme of sustainable development, which carbon dioxide accumulation in the atmosphere consists of the interaction of two components: is a relevant example. The developed countries needs, especially those of the poor segments of accounted for over 80 percent of such cumula- the world's population; and limitations, which tive worldwide emissions during 1950-86 - are imposed by the ability of the environment to North America contributed over 40 billion tons meet those needs. The development of the of carbon; Western and Eastern Europe emitted presently industrialized countries took place in 25 and 32 billion tons respectively, while the a setting which emphasized needs and de- DCs share was only about 24 billion tons. On a emphasized limitations. The development of per capita basis the contrasts are even more these societies have effectively exhausted a stark, with North America emitting over twenty disproportionately large share of global re- times more and the developed countries as a sources - broadly defined to include both the whole being responsible for over eleven times resources that are consumed in productive as much total cumulative carbon dioxide activity (such as oil, gas and minerals), as well emissions as the DCs. The DC share would be as environmental assets that absorb the waste even smaller if emissions prior to 1950 were products of economic activity and those that included. Clearly, any reasonable growth provide irreplaceable life support functions scenario for developing nations that followed (like the high altitude ozone layer). Indeed, the same material-intensive path as the industri- some analysts argue that this development path alized world, would result in unacceptably high has significantly indebted the ICs to the larger global community. 19 Sustainable Energy Development The division of responsibility in this global tute environmental protection for further effort is clear from the above arguiments. 'TThe growthi of material output. On the other hand, unbalanced use of common resources in the thlD 5.2 ,, T&D>11 5.1- \ *U + wind 5 -Trade-off curve \ 4.9 ++U 2001 * noHydro - - - ----- - U basecase(with DSM) C 4.8 _ Quadrant III + PFr 4 7 U02001 > 4.7 ~IIIC 2 3 4 5 6 7 PV (HEALTH IMPACTS, 2010, 10%) Source: Meier and Munasinghe 1994. C-l. DC Figure 8 DJ Cost Versus Biodiversity Impacts CD 5.9 _ Q 5.8 U * +kukulef 0 D CD 5.7~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~5 a no DSM 5.6 5.5- _ 5.4 -I +FGD c E 5.3 - IowScoal 5.2 - iresid UT&D>Il C.) 5.1 + wind 5 4.9 _lioHydro Trade-off curve ku 4.8- i U02001 4~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 7J l ___ __ ____ l - I. )X 1100 200 300 400 500 600 BIODIVERSITY tMPACT INDEX VALUE IN 2010 Source: Meier and Munasinghe 1994. CD~~~~~~~~~~~~~~__ SED: A Case Study of Sri Lanka order of $1.5 million. This is at least one (if not the specific economic value assigned to health two) orders of magnitude greater than what effects. Thus, the study clearly demonstrated would be needed to justify the installation of that if the health effects of pollutants associated modern diagnostic equipment at the regional with fossil fuel combustion (particularly fine hospitals. particulates and nitrogen oxides) are to be considered, then the most effective strategy for Third, the case study indicated that certain reducing the overall population dose is to install options were in fact clearly inferior, or clearly tighter pollution controls at oil-burning power superior, to all other options when one exam- plants located in or near urban areas, rather ines all impacts simultaneously. For example, than installing FGD systems at the more remote the high dam version of the Kukule hydro sites suitable for coal-burning power plants. project can be safely excluded from all further consideration as a result of poor performance Finally, with respect to the practical implica- on all attribute scales (including the economic tions for planning, the study came to a series of one). On the other hand, implementation of specific recommendations on priority options, certain demand side management measures including (1) the need to systematically examine dominates all other options; that is, they yield demand side management options, especially positive gains in terms of economic and envi- fluorescent lighting; (2) the need to examine ronmental criteria. whether the present transmission and distribu- tion loss reduction target of 12 percent ought to Fourth, the results indicate that it is possible to be further reduced; (3) the need to examine the derive attribute scales that can be useful proxies possibilities of pressurized fluidized bed for impacts that may be difficult to value. For combustion (PFBC) technology for coal power; example, use of the population-weighted (4) replacement of some coal-fired power plants incremental ambient air pollution scale as a (on the south coast) by diesel units; and (5) the proxy for health impacts permitted a number of need to re-examine cooling system options for important conclusions that are independent of coal plants. 45 6 Conclusions Increasing levels of energy-related environ- development and the large number of options, mental degradation in both industrialized and may require techniques of multi-criteria analysis developing countries have led to a recogni- (MCA), rather than conventional cost-benefit tion of the need for improved energy options analysis (CBA) methods, to provide a range of for sustainable development. The primary feasible alternatives as opposed to one best objective is to maximize net economic welfare solution. Using MCA, "win-win" energy options of energy development while maintaining the that satisfy all three elements of sustainable stock of economic, ecological and sociocul- development (that is, economic, environmental tural assets for future generations and provid- and social) may be identified and after having ing a safety net to meet basic needs and done so, trade-offs can be made from other protect the poor. Sustainable energy options available sustainable energy options. A case study may be identified using a comprehensive and of the Sri Lankan power sector demonstrates this integrated framework for analysis and approach of MCA may improve decisionmaking. decisionmaking that takes into account multiple actors, multiple criteria, multilevel Dealing with energy-related environmental and decisionmaking and many impediments and social issues will require increased cooperation constraints. 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