85658 Madagascar Emergency Food Security and Social Protection Project Chair Summary* February 27, 2014 The Executive Directors approved a credit in the amount of SDR42.3 million (US$65 million equivalent) to the Republic of Madagascar for the Emergency Food Security and Social Protection Project on the payment terms and conditions set out in the President’s Memorandum. Directors welcomed this third emergency operation under the Interim Strategy Note that was discussed by the Board in December 2011. They considered the project timely and appropriate given the ongoing food security emergency that is not currently addressed by either of the other two emergency operations. Furthermore, the proposed interventions will preserve the remaining productive and institutional capacity that will be needed to rebuild the agricultural and social protection sectors, with possible support from the World Bank, once a re-engagement strategy has been developed. Executive Directors appreciated the link between rebuilding agricultural production capacity and protecting vulnerable populations while providing them with economic opportunities. They noted that the project supports investments in irrigation infrastructure combined with investments in technology adoption in the form of seed and fertilizer, and other complementary investments in marketing infrastructure. Directors noted the watershed protection measures that are needed in order to safeguard the environment, as well as the investment in irrigation infrastructure. They also commended the project’s focus on the extreme poor, particularly women, through the safety net component, but cautioned on the need to appropriately target the cash transfer components. Executive Directors welcomed the emphasis on using existing and functioning institutions for the implementation of project activities, and urged careful coordination with other donors. Directors underscored the need to mitigate risks related to governance, environmental and social safeguards and fiduciary standards. Finally, Directors urged the Bank to move forward with a medium and long-term approach to engagement with the client. _____________________ *This summary is not an approved record.