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Empowering girls triggers their brothers to compete : Evidence from a lab-in-the-field experiment in Uganda (English)

This brief has key messages through an experiment in Uganda, we find that empowering adolescent girls triggers a surge in their brothers’ competitiveness.Understanding preferences for competition is important because competitiveness is a predictor of labor market outcomes. To examine gender differences in preference for competition, the World Bank’s Africa GenderInnovation Lab, in collaboration with researchers from the University of Maryland and...
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Buehren,Niklas; Goldstein,Markus P.; Leonard,Kenneth; Montalvao Machado,Joao H. C.; Vasilaky,Kathryn.

Empowering girls triggers their brothers to compete : Evidence from a lab-in-the-field experiment in Uganda (English). Gender innovation lab policy brief|no. 18 Washington, D.C. : World Bank Group.

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