72596 v2 World Trade Indicators 2009/10 Ghana: Trade-at-a-Glance Table 2008 GDP 2008 GDP 2008 Share 2008 Trade Membership No. of FTAs/ EIAs (millions) per capita in World Trade per capita GATT WTO Goods Services $16,123 $690 0.05% $852 1957 1995 2 0 TRADE PERFORMANCE‡ Ghana Ranking Decile SSA Low inc TRADE POLICY (TP) (out of 125) 89 8 EXTERNAL ENVIRONMENT (EE) (out of 125) 65 6 INSTITUTIONAL ENVIRONMENT (IE) (out of 183) 92 6 TRADE FACILITATION (TF) (out of 155) 117 8 TRADE OUTCOME (TO) (out of 157) 59 4 Outer bound represents best value in latest year ‡ Rankings are based on the representative indicators (in bold) in each group below for the latest year TRADE POLICY (TP) 1995-99^ 2000-04^ 2005-08^ Latest Tariff Trade Restrictiveness Index TTRI (MFN applied tariff) 17.1 9.2 9.0 * TTRI (applied tariff including preferences) .. 9.1 8.9 * MFN applied tariff (spl avg) OTRI (Overall TRI, applied tariff incl. prefs.+NTMs) .. 11.4 10.7 * MFN applied tariff - simple avg (%) .. 13.9 13.0 13.0 TTRI (MFN) Dispersion (coefficient of variation) .. 0.8 0.5 0.5 Maximum rate (excl. alcohol and tobacco) .. .. 20.0 20.0 Agriculture - simple avg (%) .. 18.6 17.4 17.4 MFN applied tariff (wgt avg) Nonagriculture - simple avg (%) .. 13.1 12.3 12.3 MFN applied tariff - trade weighted avg (%) .. 13.6 11.3 11.2 Applied tariff (wgt avg) Applied tariff (incl. prefs.) - trade weighted avg (%) .. 13.6 11.3 11.2 Agriculture .. 17.0 16.7 16.7 Import duties Nonagriculture .. 13.1 10.2 10.0 Applied tariff (incl. prefs.) - production weighted avg (%) .. .. .. 0 10 20 30 MFN applied tariff escalation (finished % minus raw %) .. -1.1 -1.1 Ghana SSA Low inc Agriculture .. 2.8 1.8 1.8 Nonagriculture .. 0.8 0.8 0.8 Import duties (% of imports) .. 5.0 .. .. Tariff overhang (MFN bound minus MFN applied rate,%) .. 78.2 76.3 76.3 GATS commit. Bound tariff frequency ratio (% of total lines) .. 14.8 14.3 14.3 index Non-ad valorem tariff frequency ratio (%) .. 0.2 0.5 0.5 Non-tariff measures frequency ratio (%) 9.8 .. .. .. 0 40 80 Anti-dumping initiations 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Ghana SSA Low inc Overall GATS commitment index (0-100, best) .. 13.87 13.87 * EXTERNAL ENVIRONMENT (EE) 1995-99^ 2000-04^ 2005-08^ Latest Market Access-TTRI (MA-TTRI, applied tariff incl. prefs.) 3.1 3.1 * MA-TTRI MA-OTRI (applied tariff incl. prefs. and NTMs) 27.6 30.2 * ROW applied tariff (incl. prefs.) - trade weighted avg (%) 0.8 1.9 2.7 0.5 ROW applied(wgt avg) Agriculture 1.2 1.3 1.2 0.6 Nonagriculture 0.5 2.3 4.1 0.4 MFN zero-duty exports (% of total exports) 33.7 52.9 62.4 58.2 * MFN zero duty exports (%) Exports to FTA / CU partners (% of total exports) 0.0 0.0 2.5 7.4 Ghana SSA Low inc Anti-dumping initiations faced 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 1 All numbers normalized to a 0 to 1 scale Real effective exchange rate (% change,+ =apprec.) 7.4 -7.4 3.3 -2.5 All data are as of January 2010 and are drawn from the World Trade Indicators 2009/10 Database. The database, Trade-at-a-Glance Tables, Country Trade Briefs and User Guide, are available at http://www.worldbank.org/wti. ^ Indicators shown are period averages. "Latest" indicates 2008, when not available, 2006 or 2007 (noted by *). EAP: East Asia and Pacific, ECA: Europe and Central Asia, LAC: Latin America and the Caribbean, MNA: Middle East and North Africa, SAS: South Asia, SSA: Sub-Saharan Africa. GATT: General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade; WTO: World Trade Organization; FTA: free trade agreement; EIA: economic integration arrangement; NTM: nontariff measures; ROW: rest of the world; CU: customs union; ".." indicates missing value. World Trade Indicators 2009/10 Trade-at-a-Glance Tables INSTITUTIONAL ENVIRONMENT (IE) 2006 2007 2008 2009 Ease of Doing Business (rank out of 183) .. 82 87 92 Ease of Starting a business (rank) .. 143 136 135 Doing 160 Business Enforcing contracts (rank) .. 50 50 47 Rank Closing a business (rank) .. 99 106 106 80 World Governance Indicators (WGI) 2005 2006 2007 2008 Ghana Regulatory Quality (-2.5 to +2.5, best) -0.11 -0.02 -0.01 0.08 SSA Rule of Law (-2.5 to +2.5, best) -0.15 -0.02 -0.03 -0.10 Low inc 0 Control of Corruption (-2.5 to +2.5, best) -0.33 -0.03 -0.09 -0.06 TRADE FACILITATION (TF) 1995-99^ 2000-04^ 2005-08^ Latest Logistics Performance Index (LPI, 1 to 5 best) .. .. 2.2 2.5 Efficiency of customs and other border procedures .. .. 2.0 2.4 Quality of transport and IT infrastructure .. .. 2.3 2.5 Logistics Performance Ease of arranging competitively-priced shipments .. .. 2.3 2.4 Index Logistics competence .. .. 1.8 2.4 Ability to track and trace shipments .. .. 2.3 2.5 0 2 4 Timeliness of shipments .. .. 2.5 2.7 Ghana SSA Low inc Trading Across Borders (Doing Business, rank out of 183) 80 83 No. of documents required for export .. .. 6 6 200 No. of days required to export .. .. 27 19 160 Cost to export (US$ per container) .. .. 886 1,013 120 No. of documents required for import .. .. 9 7 80 No. of days required to import .. .. 39 29 40 Cost to import (US$ per container) .. .. 927 1,203 0 Telephones (fixed + mobile) per 100 people 0.8 4.4 31.1 50.2 Trading Across Borders Rank Internet users per 100 people 0.0 0.8 3.2 4.3 Ghana SSA Low inc Export credit insured exposures - short term (% of goods export) .. 40.3 39.0 TRADE OUTCOME (TO)# 1995-99^ 2000-04^ 2005-08^ Latest Real growth in trade of goods and services (%) ## 14.9 1.2 7.8 7.4 Real Trade Growth Rate 16 14.9 Exports 12.4 0.8 6.8 4.7 14 12 Imports 17.1 1.7 8.4 8.9 10 Goods 16.3 -0.4 10.0 7.5 8 7.3 8.1 7.8 7.6 7.4 7.1 7.0 6.3 6.5 6 5.9 Services 12.5 11.4 8.3 5.8 4 Nominal growth in trade of goods and services (%) 14.5 7.2 22.6 23.2 2 1.2 0 Exports 14.0 7.0 21.7 23.8 1995-99 2000-04 2005-07 2008 Imports 15.1 7.8 23.3 22.9 Ghana SSA Trade integration (trade as % of GDP) 68.9 103.9 109.5 127.0 Low inc Goods balance (% GDP) -9.5 -15.1 -25.9 -30.3 Export Composition (2005-08) Food balance (% GDP) 6.6 3.3 4.3 0.4 Oth com Services balance (% GDP) -3.6 -2.3 -1.3 -1.4 ser, 4.3 Goods share of total exports (%) 87.0 79.0 71.7 72.9 Travel , 17.8 Services share of total exports (%) 13.0 21.0 28.1 26.3 Goods exports as a share of world goods exports (rank)** 97 103 103 100 Agric, 32.9 Services exports as share of world services exports (rank)** 113 101 90 89 Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) inflows (% of GDP) 2.0 1.9 4.3 6.5 * Transport Total remittances inflows (% GDP) 0.4 0.8 0.8 0.8 , 4.3 Export product concentration index (0-100, most) 42.1 46.5 33.9 44.1 * Minral, Manufac, Fuels, 0.8 13.2 Export market concentration index (0-100, most) 32.0 30.1 29.6 15.6 1.9 Top 5 export markets (shares) Netherlands (15%), UK (9%), France (6%), USA (6%), Germany (3%) Top 5 import markets (shares) China, People's Rep. of (16%), Nigeria (16%), USA (6%), France (5%), UK (5%) Top 5 export products (SITC 3 digit-shares) 971-Gold (45%), 72-Cocoa (27%), 248-Wood simply wkd (4%), 634-Veneer/plywood (3%), 57-Fruit/nuts (3%) Top 5 import products (SITC 3 digit-shares) 333-Petrol, crude (13%), 781-Cars (6%), 782-Goods/serv vehic (5%), 764-Telecom eqpt (4%), 661-Lime/cement/constr mat'l (3%) ^ Indicators shown are period averages (except for Trading Across Borders rank: 2005-08 reflects 2008). "Latest" indicates 2008 (for Doing Business, LPI 2009), when not available, 2006 or 2007 (noted by *). # Outcome indicators are from the World Bank Development Data Group, Prospects Group, UNCTAD and COMTRADE. ## In constant 2000 US dollars. ** Rank is based on average annual world share for each period. The sample sizes are 173, 179, 180 and 173 countries, respectively.