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Managing coasts with natural solutions : guidelines for measuring and valuing the coastal protection services of mangroves and coral reefs (English)

This guidance note provides review and recommendations for how the protective services of mangroves and coral reefs can be measured and valued in a manner consistent with national economic accounts and included in other decision-making processes to support planning for development, disaster risk, and coastal zone management. It synthesizes evidence of the role mangroves (chapter 2) and coral reefs (chapter 3) play in coastal protection and risk reduction...
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Official version of document (may contain signatures, etc)


Beck, M.W. and G-M Lange (Editors); Wealth Accounting and the Valuation of Ecosystem Services Partnership (WAVES).

Managing coasts with natural solutions : guidelines for measuring and valuing the coastal protection services of mangroves and coral reefs (English). Waves technical paper Washington, D.C. : World Bank Group.

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