&3SA- 7S? Joint UNDP/Worid Bank Energy Sector Management Assistance Program Activity Completion Report Country: TOGO Activity: POWER SYSTEM EFFICIENCY STUDY OF COMPAGNIE ENERGIE ELECTRIQUE DU TOGO OCTOBER 1987 Report of the joint UNDPMWMd Bak Energy Sector Man2gement Asistance Progvam This document has a restricted distnbution. Its contents may not be disclosed without ,aithkn7âtinn frnm thp C.nvpmmpnt. the UNDP or the World Bank. ENERGY SECTOR MANAG8MENT ASSISTANCE PROGRAN Purpose The Joint UNDP/World Bank Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP) was started in 1983 as a companion to the Energy Assessment Program, established in 1980. The Assessment Program was designed to identify and anaiyze the most serious energy problems in developing countries. ESMAP was designed as a pre-investment facility, partly to assist in implementing the actions recommended in the Assessments. Today ESMAP carries out pre-investment activities in 45 countries and provides institutional and policy advice to developing country decision-makers. The Program aims to supplement, advance, and strengthen the impact of bilateral and multilateral resources already available for technical assistance in the energy sector. The reports produced under the ESMAP Program provide governments, donors, and potential investors with information needed to speed up project prepar- ation and implementation. ESMAP activities fall into two major groupings: - Energy Efficiency and Strateg, addressing the institutional, financial, and policy issues of the energy sector, including design of sector strategies, improving energy end-use, defining investment programs, and strengthening sector enterprises; and - Household, Rural, and Renewable Energy, addressing the tech- nical, economic, financial, institutional and policy issues affecting energy supply and demand, including energy from traditional and modern sources for use by rural and urban households and rural industries. Funding The Program is a major international effort supported by the UNDP, the World Bank, and bilateral agencies in a number of countries including the Netherlands, Canada, Switzerland, Norway, Sweden, Italy, Australia, Denmark, France, Finland, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Japan, New Zealand, Iceland, and the USA. Inquiries For further information on the Program or to obtain copies of the completed ESMAP reports listed at the end of this document, contact: Division for Global and OR Energy Strategy, Management Interregional Projects and Assessment Division United Nations Development Industry and Energy Department Programme World Bank One United Nations Plaza 1818 H Street, N.W. New York, N.Y. 10017 Washington, D.C. 20433 TOMO PO.- SYSTEN EFFICIENCY STUDY OF OM1PANIE EGIE. ECTRIQUE DU TOGO OCTOBER 1987 This report is based on the findinga and recommendations of a mission which visited Togo in September 1986 to conduet a Pover Systea Hfficiency Study for Compagnie Ener8ie Electrique du Togo. li The mission examineds (a) the causes of non-techaical losses of etectricity and the efficiency of co-ercial operations; (b) problems of diesel generating plants; and (c) stores management and radio coumuncations. These activities vere executed by the UUDP/Vorld Bank Energy Sector Management Assistance Program and primarily financed by the French organisation, Fonds d'Aide et de Coopération, vith additional financial support from the Italian Trust Pund and the Vorld Bank. The mission's findinQg are sumarized in this report, vhich also contains Terms of Reference for implementation of the actions proposed. The mission members vould like to express their sincere appreciation for the cooperation and hospitality displayed by the Ninister of Equipment, Post and Telecomiunications and by the General Manager and staff of the Compagnie Energie Electrique du Togo. li The mission consisted of Messrs. U. Tedeschi (project team leader), P. Nickson (commercial specialist), and J. Roeschli (diesel specialist). Translation and secretarial support vas provided by Ms. Hélène Talon. CEB Communauté Electrique du Bénin CEET Compagnie Energie Electrique du Togo CTL Centrale Thermique de Lomé ESMAP UNDP/World Bank Energy Sector Management Assistance Program GOT Government of Togo STS Société Togolaise de Sidérurgie UNDP United Nations Development Program CURRENCY CONVERSION CFA 50 fixed to 1 French Franc. Converted to dollars at US$1.00 = CFA 325 CEET$s fiscal year is October 1 - September 30 ABBREVIATIONS kWh kilowatt-hour MWh thousands of kWh GWh millions of kWh kW kilowatt MW thousands of kW kVA kilovolt-amps MVA thousands of kVA kV thousands of volts MV Medium or primary voltage LV Low voltage VHF Very High Frequency Overvlelf 1 Commercial Operations and Non-technical Loss es 1 Diesel Plant Maintenance 2 Radio Communication System ............................ 2 Store-Keepins Syste. 2 8lectricity Distribution System 3 Program Implementation, Costa and Saving .... 3 Report Structure 4 II. COMPANY DESCRIPTCON .... .6 Institutional Structure 6 Demand and Crovth..... 6 ,eneration and Production .....e8 Transmission and Distribution 9 Customer Services and Silling........ il Tariffsfs 11.eeeeee.............. .i Personner s o n n el........................................ 12 III. COMMERCIAL OPERATIONS AND NON-TECUNICAL LOSSES.....es.... 13 Overviev............................................... 13 Sources of Non-technical Los .. . 14 Bulk M e t e r i n g 14 Customer Classification and Konitoring................ 15 Loss Control Uiit 16 Meter Location 17 Information Processing Plin n i n g 18 Implement Billing Cycles 19 T r a i n i n g ~~~~~~~~~~20 C o n c l u s i o n s ~~~~~~~~~20 IV. DIESEL PLANT MAINTEUAC.. 21 Overviev. ........ ......... ..................... ... .. ... 21 Ceneral Problems of lsolated Un i t s 21 Specific Problems of the Pa .n t. 22 The Action Program 22 V. MANAGEMENT SUPPORT SERVICES*,............... 25 O v e r v i e " ~~~~~~~~~~~25 Radio Communication Pai iei t i e s 25 Store and Varehouse Management... 26 1 Terms of Reference for non-technical loss reduction and organization of commercial operations....... ...........e.....*.. 28 2 Terms of Reference fo: the study and procurement of materials to maintain diesel plante s......... * 34 3 Terms of Reference for planning, procurement and comissioning of new telecommunication facilities ................... ......... ......... .0..... .39 4 Terms of Reference for the study and improvement of procedures for purchasing and store-keeping tepartment .......................... 45 TAS 1.1 Recommended Improvement Program........................ 5 2.1 CEET Operational Statistics for Fiscal years 84 and 85.....................7 2.2 CEET Electricity Generation Capacity................... 8 4.1 CEET Diesel Plante......................................... 24 5.1 Radio Communication Facilities of CEET ................. 26 FIGURES I Technical and Non-technical losses.... 10 IWF IBRD 20077 Togo Electric Power System Existing Facilities I. SUWOMY Overview 1.1 Compagnie Energie Electrique du Togo (CEET) 1/ is a fairly efficient and vell-managed organization compared to electric utilities in small African countries. Its electric system is reliable and in good condition, and its management is dedicated. This report focuses on refinements which will yield significant savings and further improve upon the level of general efficiency. Commercial Operations and Non-technical Losses 1.2 Commercial operations are of particular concern to both the Government of Togo (GOT) and CEET's managers. The utility has grown rapidly and administrative procedures which used to be adequate are no longer suitable. As a result, CEET has problems accurately invoicing aIl consumers for electricity used. About 9Z of electric energy consumed is neither accounted for nor billed. This is almost double what it vas three years ago, and the shortage occurs primarily because of veaknesses in institutional systems and deficiencies in electricity metering. If ail electricity consumed vere billed, CEET vould have around$ 3.5 million in additional revenue each year. 1.3 To assist CEET in resolving this major problem, the mission has formulated a program to improve electricity metering and customer management. After an implementation period requiring just under two years, it is expected that the level of unbilled consumption vill drop to about half, which vill yield almost $2.0 million in additional revenue each year. Furthermore, the program is structured in such a way that CEET can continue to improve upon the results obtained after its completion. 1.4 The program is estimated to cost $535,000 in professional services, metering equipment, vehicles, training and local expenses. It is composed of six activities: review of bulk metering installations; inspection of customer meters and updating of computerized records; establishment of a permanent loss control unit; development of new metering standards; formulation of a medium-range information processing plan; and implementation of cyclical billing procedures. Some of these activities may indicate that further investments are warranted after the 1/ CEET is a government-owned electric utility with 40,000 customers. It i8 the principal body for electricity distribution in Togo which has a population of three million. - 2 - two year period to continue to improve CEET's commercial operations. In particular, additional investment in processing hardware and software vill be required after the medium-range information processing plan is completed. Diesel Plant Maintenance 1.5 There are eight diesel plants in the interior of Togo which are isolated from the main electricity grid. These have been derated to about 802 of their design capacity due to shortcomings in systematic preventive maintenance, deficiencies of stores and stocks of spare parts, lack of control and monitoring of running and maintenance costs of each unit, and inadequacies of plant office facilities to carry out routine administrative vork. 1.6 The program proposed for improving diesel unit availability and efficiency consists of technical assistance and funding fort establishment of a nev, fully equipped repair shop; installation of additional instrumentation and fuel meters; and provision of office equipment. The program is estimated to cost $475,000 and will enable CEET to enhance diesel performance and reduce fuel consumption. Radio Communication System 1.7 CEET has only 17 operational radios and relies heavily on personal messengers and public telephones for communication. It has a large service area and about 80 vehicles, which are often out of communication. This has resulted in staff inefficiencies, reduced system reliability, and poor response time in repairing electricity outages. 1.8 A program to provide a modern new communication system is proposed. It includes professional services for preparation of specifications and bid evaluation, funding for turnkey supply of equipment, and technical assistance for training and post-commissioning operation. The total cost is estimated at $385,000 and will result in the establishment of two base VHF radio stations, 11 fixed stations and 122 portable or mobile radio sets. Store-Keeping System 1.9 Distribution materials are kept in large, well-stocked and organized stores. However, inventory levels appear high in relation to the amount of ongoing construction activities. This is partly due teo the long lead time required to order materials, almost all of which come from overseas. Spare parts for diesel generators represent a difficult - 3 - management problem, since there is a large variety of makes and mises are required and moet of all the units are in rural areas. Occasionally diesel output la reduced because spare parts are not available. 1.10 To assist CMUT vith inventory management, a program of technical assistance i recommended. A complete evaluation of current physical facilities, procedures and bottlenecks is reco _ nded along with study, design and specification of a suitable mechanised stores and inventory system. The total colt is emtimated at $105,OOO. Electricity Distribution System 1.11 CUMT's electricity distribution system is designed in accordance vith popular Huropean standards. It is a high quality design which is located primarily underground and is noted for good voltage stability. Hovever, it is almo expensive, making it difficult for the Covernumet of Togo to extend ito coverage of electricity supply. A less expensive design could be adapted which vould better meet Togo's electricity needs. 1.12 A project to study and test less costly and more appropriate designs of electricity distribution syst-me vould be particularly effective if undertaken as a coordinated effort of several African countries. It is difficult for one country to effectively adapt standards that are not used by its principal trading partuers or neighboring couatries. Propram Implementation, Costs and Savings 1.13 The costs for each program are suimurized in Table 1.1 and total $1.5 million. Approximately two years are required for their implementation. The estimated benefits associated with these programs are: (a) about $2.0 million annually in additional revenue through improved commercial operations; (b) fever diesel plant breakdowns and improved fuel efficiency; (c) more efficient operations through better communications facilities; and (d) reduced fin ancal carrying charges for inventory. 1.14 Vith the exception of the commercial operations project, it la difficult to estimate precisely the economic benefits that will be obteined. For example, good radio communications and effective stores - 4 - management are almost universally recognized by utility managers as being essential for efficient operations. However, quantification of savings is based on assumptions that are difficult to substantiate, and the experience of several utility executives has been heavily relied upon in recommending these programs as justified. 1.15 Approximately 40X of the total program costs are for expatriate professional services and related travel and subsistence. Effective implementation of the four proposed projects requires assistance from experienced professionals that are not available in Togo. The Terms of Reference for these specialists are included in this report (see annexes 1 to 4) and contain a training component intended to tran3fer knowledge and technical skills to qualified Togolese. Report Structure 1.16 The next chapter of this report contains a description of the CEET system. Thereafter, each of the four proposed projects is discussed vithin the individual chapters. Complete project descriptions with detailed coît breakdowns are included in Annexes 1-4 as Terms of Reference for organizations to perform the work. Table 1.1: R£0oWEtNDED IMPROVEMENT PROGRAN Componesits Local Costa Foreign Costs Total Costs ('000 CFA) (S equiv.) (S) (S> Comerclal Operations end Non-Technrcal Los. Reduction Profess'onal Services 1,200 3,692 216,000 219,692 Travel 12,600 38,769 30,000 68,769 Subsistence 9,000 27,692 -- 27,692 Equlpnent end Labor 8,760 26,954 127,000 lj3,954 Training -- - 15,000 15,000 Contingencles 2,565 7,893 42,000 49,893 Subtotal 34,125 105,000 430,000 535,000 Diesel Plant Maintenance Professlonai Services - - 64,000 64,000 Travel -- - 6,000 6,000 Subsistence 10,000 30,769 -- 30,769 Equlpment 47,000 144,615 185,000 329,615 Cootingencles 6,375 19,616 25,000 44,616 Subtotal 63,375 195,000 280,000 475,000 Radio Coununications System Professionol Services - -- 40,000 40,000 Travel - - 10,000 10,000 Subsistence 7,500 23,077 23,077 Equipment - - 2e0,000 280,000 Contingencles 625 1,923 30,000 31,923 Subtotai 8,125 25,000 360,000 385,000 Iaprovemnt of Store-K Low voltage - Lamé 7.1 -1.S Low voltage - Rural -5.5 10.9 Prlmary voltage - 1.4 Overall 2.6 0.7 a/ During the 1983/84 drought, CEB's energy supplies were restricted. b/ Revenue converted at CfA 325 s S1.00. Excludes meter rental and service charges. c/ After the July 1985 rate Increase, the average price was 50.175/kWh. Source: CEET - 8 - 2.5 The population of Togo is around 3.0 million, of which 450,000 live in the capital city of Lomé. GNP pet capita vas $270 in 1984. 2/ Assuming eight persons are served by each residential meter, approximately 50% of the residents of Lomé have access to electric service, compared to an average of 2.5% in the rest of the country. 2.6 Domestic consumption is low; nearly 20% of all customers are billed the minimum rate of 30 kWh per month, indicating a level of usage for lighting only. A representative sample indicates that only 6% of domestic customers have used more than 1,000 kWh per month, a level which indicates use of air conditioning. An estimated 250 domestic customers use more than 2,500 kWh and about half this is billed to international organizations. Generation and Production 2.7 Electric generation facilities operated by CEET are outlined in Table 2.2. Under normal circumstances, 95% of all CEET's energy require- ments in the Lomé acea is purchased from CEB. The remaining 5% is generated vith equipment operated for maintenance and preservation or under emergency conditions. In rural areas, there are eight isolated diesel plants. The average bulk purchase price from CEB is about $0.067/kWh. Table 2.2: OEET ELECTRICITY GENERATION CAPACITY Year Namepiate Effective Location Installed Capecity Capacity (1MW) (MW) Lom6 CTL Two 25 M4W BBC 6as Turbines 1978 50 40 Lomé CTL Four 10 M4W B & W Diesels a/ 1982 40 0 Lamé Center Two 8 MW Sulzer Diesels 1979 16 16 Kaplimé Two 1 MW Hydro Units 1963 2 1 connected to ŒEB grid Sub-total 108 57 Eight 28 diesel generation units Isolated with average size of 450 kW Plants and average age of 8 years 13 il TOTAL 121 68 Not yet commissioned. Source: Mission 2/ World Bank estimates. - 9 - 2.8 By international agreement, CEB is responsible for all major generation and transmission projects in Bénin and Togo. To date, CEB has purchased all electric energy supplied from the Volta River Authority in Ghana, and transmitted it at 161 kV to Lomé and to Cotonou, in Bénin. By the end of 1987, CEB's first generation project, the 65 MW Nangbeto Hydroelectric project on the Mono River in Togo, vill be supplying an expected 150 GWh annually. 2.9 The CTL generation plant in Lomé, vith tvo 25 MW gas turbines and four 10 MW diesels, vas constructed by the COT to supply a project of the National Steel Society (nov STS). Rovever, plans have been modified and steel mill demand is presently ouly about 2 MW. As a result, the government recently decided to transfer operational responsibility for this plant to CEET. The four diesel unit. have never been fully operational due to technical difficulties, even though they vere installed over four years ago. CEET and the COT are discussing operational problems vith the contractors and motor manufacturers. The two gas turbine units operate adequately, although are derated due to exhaust turbine blade deposits. Transmission and Distribution 2.10 CEET does not have any significant transmission system outside of Lomé and relies on isolated diesel plants to supply power to electrified villages. Lomé is connected to the CEB 161 kV system, and is fed through tvo 161/20 kV substations located to the east and vest of the city. The town of Atakpamé, in central Togo, should be connected to the CEB grid in 1988. 2.11 Electricity is distributed at 20 kV and 50 Hz and most principal circuits are underground. The system design is based on French standards which provide considerable redundancy for higher reliability. A meshed network concept is used and operated as a radial system, which allovs the isolation of defective cables and rapid restoration of service. Loy-voltage is distributed at 400 or 230 volts, on mostly overhead lines. Centralized transformer stations of between 150 and 630 kVA serve about 100 customers each on average. Loy-voltage radial feeders tend to be 300-800 m in length. 2.12 Meters are located vithin the customer's premises. Cood quality meters are used. About one-third of low-voltage customers utilize three-phase service. An adjustable circuit breaker is used to limit supplied current to contracted value, as vell as to protect against faults. 2.13 Losses are presently about 18% of net generation and, as shown in Figure 1, have increased over four percentage points in the past two years. The high-quality design of the distribution system and short length of feeders in the high and medium-voltage systems indicate that - 10 - Figure 1$ TECIOICAL AND NON-TECHNICAL LOSSES The folloving figure shows a 12 onth .oving average of CERT's combined technical and non-techaical losses in electricity distribution and sales. 22 - -- I X 20 14 12 14- u~~~~~~~~ i 2 61 1984 1985 1986 S O N D J F t A M J J A S O N D J F M A - il - techoical losses in primary circuits are low. Hovever, long lov-voltage circuits in conjunction vith use of large distribution transformera indicate more significant technical losses at lov-voltage levels. Customer Services and Billing 2.14 Both loy-voltage and medium-voltage customers are billed every omnth. Meters are read using computer liste of customers in the area. Reading8 are also vritten on a card and left at the customer's premises. Computerized bille are then printed and delivered by CEET employees. Customers pay their bille at the CEET office in the town vhere they reside. In Lomé, one CEET office and tvo comuercial banks accept paymente. Since all of Lomé is billed as a group every month, there are long lines at cashier's boothe during the billing period and data processing and commercial facilities are usually congested. 2.15 Customers who are delinquent in paymento vith two months have service suspended and, if no payments are made after four months msters are removed. Since street addresses are difficult to locate, each neighborhood is delegated to one employee who becomes familiar vith the route and is responsible for meter reading, bill delivery, service suspension and meter removal or installation. About 2,200 customers are exempt from service suspension since they are government entities, international organizations, or large established businesses. Collections from GOT ministries and agencies vere good, vith average arrears of about twvo months. 2.16 New lov-voltage service connections are usually installed vithin one month of a customer request, as long as CEET lov-voltage lines exist on the street. where the customer lives. The cost of service connection is $215 for a single phase connection and $335 for a three- phase connection, including the required deposit. If an extension of CEETs lo-voltage lines is required, the cust is borne by the customer. 2.17 CEET has had for about two years a Wang VS80 computer vith 256K of principal memory and 380 megabytes of disk storage. This equipment is used primarily for accounting and billing. Software vas custom designed and vritten in RPG. Eight microcomputers are used by cashiers in payment proceesing. Tariffs 2.18 Tariffs are simple and uniform for all of Togo. The last approved increase vas in July 1985 and it has still not been applied fully, due to administrative difficulties. The average price of electricity billed vas about $0.175/kWh during the first six months of 1986. Due to the manner in vhich rates are structured and applied, the - 12 - average prices billed for mediurn- and low-voltage classifications are about the smae. Some large madium-voltage cuotomers have time-of-day rates. Domestic rates have a declining block structure. 2.19 The domestic tariff structure is as followss O to 100 hours a $0.179/kWh 100 to 200 hours - $0.163 kWh above 200 hours a $0.157/kWh There are also service maintenance and meter rental charges, vhich increase the average price billed per kWh. Personnel 2.20 As of mid-1986, CtET had 1,017 employees and staff levels have remained fairly constant over the past three years. Salaries are structured according to guidelines from the COT. Typical remuneration packages for an electrician are between $1,300-2,200/year. An engineer or manager vould cost between $5,000-6,000/year. The salary levels are olightly lover than those for comparable skill levels in private industry and about the same as other government-owned companies. CEST has difficulties in retaining qualified professional staff. - 13 - III. Clle RCIAL OPHEATIOS Au» D-TECHNIC&L LOES8 Overviev 3.1 CUET is concerned about high energy losses in its network, which are around 18X of total energy supplied to the system. This figure, representing an increase of 4X over the past two years, amounts to 44 CWh. Total losses in the CE8T system are computed as bulk electricity purchases from CU, plus generation, minus energy sold to customers. Total lomses are made up of technical lomses and non- technical losses. Technical losses occur in electricity transmission and distribution and are caused by technical factors such as the reoistance of vires and heating of transformers. Non-technical losses are the difference between total loms and technical loss. 3.2 About half of the total losses are estimated to be non- technical losses which cost approximately $3.5 million in lost revenue to CUST in FY86. These losmes could be reduced significantly through an action program of primarily administrative procedures, vhich is summarized below: (a) verify the accuracy of metering at bulk supply points from CES, generation stations, major customer installations, and Centrale Thermique de Lomé (CTL) and STS substations; machinery section with one center lathe (approximately 1.2 m center distance and 0.4 m mandrel height), as vell as: - 1 column drilling machine for holes up to 50 mm - 1 tool grinding machine - 4 vorkbenches complete vith locker and vise - 1 velding table - 2 sets of electrical velding equipment - 2 sets of autogenous velding equipment - electrical hand tools like drills and grinders - sets of thread cutters and topts, American and metric sizes - tools for the lathes and 4rills - 5 sets of mechanical tools - 2 sets of mechanical instruments like calipers and clocks - 2 sets of electrical tools - 2 sets of electrical instruments - lockers for the tools - consumables - foreman's officet desk, chair, shelves and typevriter - an electrical repair section for one electrician - storage shelves for spare parts - storage shelves for consumables (b) Furniture, shelves and office equipment for the isolated plants - 10 steel desks for the plant managers - 10 metal filing cabinets - 20 chairs (2 per office) - 20 shelves for consumables (plus files, note-pads and other office consumables for one-year operation) - 10 mechanical typevriters for the plant managers (c) Metering equipment for all diesel pover plants - fuel oil meters - operation time counters - kWh recorders where required - metering buckets for lube oil replenishment monitoring Annex 2 Pag-e 4 of 5 - 37 - OOST ESTIMATE Description Locol Costo Foreign Costs ('00 CFA) (S) Professional services Technical maintenance spoclallst (2 s/u) -- 16,000 Diesel technician (6 M/M) -- 48,000 SubtotaI -- 64,000 Travel Airfeare (3 round trips) 6,000 Subsistence 10,000 Purchases end contracts Kara repair shop 40,000 140,000 Power plant furniture 4,W00 5,000 M.tering equip ASIO (E. o`'r'`' * * 1 CÔTE j D -Z NIGERIA ) ~~~~~~~~~~fD'IVOIRE fGHANA1O~ \Mango.Â& 1-)M ng, , . nlGulf of Guine-c I S ' ' ` - 80-0it S- \-~~~~~~~~~' 3 O10° $ Kanté6 , TOGO mto ugu . ELECTRIC POWER SYSTEM t r '000 Provlsion pour Imprévus (approx. 10%) 2.565 42.000 Coût total du programme 34.125 430.000 Coot total: $535.000 Annexe 1 Page 5 de 6 - 35 - Répartition des tâches et des responsabilités La Firme sera entièrement responsable de l'exécution du programme. Elle devra fournir les services des spécialistes francophones en gestion commerciale, compteurs électriques, et traitement de l'information avec l'assistance du personnel de soutien du siège social de la CEET. De son côté, la CEET: (a) donnera accès aux documents et données requis; (b) fournira des locaux administratifs avec ligne téléphonique et le secrétariat; (c) achetera les compteurs de remplacement et les véhicules suivant les spécifications techniques établies; (d) fournira, selon les besoins, du personnel temporaire pour aider lors de la campagne commerciale à la mise à jour des dossiers des abonnés, à détecter les abonnés non facturés et les compteurs défectueux et à établir des listings d'adresses de relevés des compteurs par ordre séquentiel; (e) assistera pour le traitement de données dans les limites des priorités de l'exploitation journalière; (f) fournira un personnel qualifié pour aider au programme de réduction des pertes et développer les aptitudes du personnel local pour lui permettre de poursuivre le programme après le départ du personnel expatrié; (g) fournira les moyens de transport, le matériel de calibrage et le personnel qualifié pour assister l'ingénieur en installations de comptage; et (h) fournira les deux cadres de direction qualifiés pour les stages à l'étranger. Directives pour l'établissement des soumissions Les soumissions devront fournir tous les détails nécessaires concernant les points suivants: Annexe 1 Page 6 de 6 - 36 - (a) un plan d'exécution du travail conforme aux présents Termes de Référence; (b) une estimation préliminaire du nombre d'heures nécessaires que chaque personne devra consacrer à l'exécution du travail et une indication du lieu où il devra s'accomplir; (c) la nature de l'organisme qui soumissionne et de l'expérience qu'il possède dans le domaine en question dans les pays en voie de développement; et (d) les curricula vitae du personnel affecté au programme et du personnel de soutien au siège central. La soumission doit être accompagnée d'une estimation sous pli cacheté du coÛt du travail. Cette estimation sera établie selon un barème d'honoraires professionnels fixes qui devront aussi tenir compte du nombre d'heures de travail effectif. Une fois les soumissions évaluées, la CEET entamera des négociations avec la firme la mieux qualifiée, et si celles-ci n'aboutissent pas, la CEET engagera des pourparlers avec la firme classée deuxième. La CEET se réserve le droit de rejeter toutes les soumissions reçues si aucune d'elles n'est jugée satisfaisante. Forme du contrat Le contrat attribué à l'adjudicataire s'inspirera du Modèle international de contrat entre Client et Ingénieur-Conseil No. IGRA 1980 P.M.P.I.e établi et publié par la Fédération Internationale des Ingénieurs-Conseils (FIDIC). Echéancier L'échéancier sera négocié et la Firme est invitée à présenter un projet. Il convient toutefois de noter que les paiements de la CERET seront liés à des objectifs et des résultats clairement stipulés. Annex 2 Page 1 de 6 - 37 - TOERS DE RE NCE POUR LES SERVICES DE CONSULTAS RELIES A L'IETUD ET A L'ACQUISITION DR MATERIEL POUR L'ENTRETIEN DES CETRALS DIESEL Résumé des besoins La Compagnie Energie Electrique du Togo (CEET) sollicite des offres de fabricants de groupes diesel, de compagnies électriques ou de sociétés de consultants en vue d'organiser et de mettre en oeuvre un programme d'amélioration de la disponibilité des centrales diesel isolées, de réduction de la durée d'immobilisation due à des pannes prévisibles, d'entretien, de réorganisation des stocks, d'amélioration de la formation et d'aide à la direction technique. Les besoins sont répartis en deux groupes: - Services professionnels - Acquisition d'équipement et de matériel pour les ateliers de réparations et l'amélioration de l'exploitation. On estime le coût global du programme à $475.000 dont $64.000 en frais d'honoraires pour les consultants. Le programme est financé par _ et exécuté par _ Dans les paragraphes suivants le terme "Programme" désigne les travaux à accomplir et le terme "Firme" désigne l'organisme chargé de les effectuer. Contexte La CEET possède 35 générateurs diesel d'une capacité nominale globale de 70 MW. Les deux centrales les plus importantes, sont situées dans la capitale Lomé et ont quatre unités installées de 10 MW et deux de 8 MW. Toutefois, celles-ci ne sont utilisées qu'en tant que "réserves" étant donné que l'énergie électrique est achetée plus économiquement de la Communauté Electrique du Bénin (CEB). Les autres groupes diesel sont répartis entre les huit centrales de l'intérieur du pays et sont isolés du réseau interconnecté de la Zone Côtière. Ce programme d'amélioration de l'efficacité et de la gestion des centrales diesel isolées appartenant à la CEET s'inscrit dans une série de programmes recommandés par la mission du Programme Conjoint PNUD/Banque Mondiale d'Assistance à la Gestion du Secteur de l'Energie Annex 2 Page 2 de 6 - 38 - (PAGE). Le rapport de la mission qui décrit ces centrales diesel et les travaux à entreprendre fait partie des présents Termes de Référence. Domaines couverts par le travail demandé Ce programme doit être considéré comme un ensemble homogène de mesures qu'il faut coordonner avec soin en vue d'améliorer la disponibilité des centrales isolées, d'établir des ateliers de réparations et de mettre en oeuvre un programme de formation de la Direction technique de la CEET afin de maintenir leurs centrales à un niveau plus élevé ainsi que pour le personnel de soutien qui s'occupe de l'exploitation journalière des centrales. Le programme consiste principalement en services professionnels et d'assistance à la CEET pour l'acquisition, par le biais d'appels d'offres internationaux et locaux compétitifs, pour l'établissement d'un atelier central de révision et de réparation pour la région nord. A. Services professionnels La Firme fournira les services d'experts francophones dans les domaines suivants: un ingénieur en entretien diesel qui résidera au Togo pour une période de deux mois, et un technicien expérimenté en entretien diesel pour une période de six mois. L'ingénieur diesel assistera dans l'organisation de l'atelier de réparations et mettra sur pied un plan d'action pour la remise à niveau des centrales en collaboration avec les directeurs de production de la CEET des deux régions. Le technicien aidera à établir un système d'entretien, à introduire un système de classement des dossiers et de registres individuels pour chaque groupe, une gestion efficace des pièces de rechange et toutes autres procédures, y compris la formation qui sera considérée comre essentielle à l'amélioration de la disponibilité des centrales. La Firme fournira les services de soutien nécessaires en particulier lors de la préparation des documents d'appels d'offres pour l'achat d'équipement et de matériel. B. Acquisition d'équipement et de matériel Il y aura lieu d'acquérir l'équipement et le matériel suivant pour l'établissement d'un atelier de réparation adéquat et pour améliorer Annex 2 Page 3 de 6 - 39 - les services de soutien en général et par conséquent l'efficacité des centrales électriques. (a) Atelier de révision et de réparation à Kara L'atelier de réparation qui sera installé, pour désservir les centrales diesel de la région nord, sera constitué de: (i) une section réparation diesel comprenant un emplacement pour le démontage et le nettoyage, un emplacement séparé pour le montage et 4 établis, et (ii) une section machinerie avec un tour central (environ 1,2 m de diamètre central et 0,4 m de hauteur d'arbre) ainsi que: - 1 colonne de forage de trous allant jusqu'à 50 mm - meule à aiguiser les outils - 4 établis complets avec armoire et étau - l table de soudure - 2 jeux d'équipements de soudure électrique - 2 jeux d'équipements de soudure autogène - outillage électrique à main tel que foreuses et affûteuses - jeux de coupoirs, systèmes américain et métrique - outillage pour les tours et les foreuses - 5 jeux d'outillage mécanique - 2 jeux d'instruments mécaniques tels que compas et compteurs - 2 jeux d'outillage électrique 3 2 jeux d'instruments électriques - armoires de r.ngement pour l'outillage - petit outillage - local pour le Contremaître: bureau, chaise, étagères et machine à écrire - un atelier de réparation électrique pour un électricien - étagères de rangement pour pièces de rechange - étagères de rangement pour petit outillage (b) Mobilier, étagères et matériel de bureau pour les centres isolés - 10 bureaux métalliques pour les directeurs de centrales - 10 classeurs métalliques - 20 chaises (2 par bureau) - 20 étagères pour les fourniture de bureau (ainsi que les dossiers, bloc-notes et autres articles de bureau pour assurer une année d'exploitation) Annex 2 Page 4 de 6 - 40 - - 10 machines à écrire manuelles pour les directeurs de centrales. (c) Installations de comptage pour toutes les centrales diesel - compteurs de combustible - compteurs horaire - enregistreurs kWh où cela s'avère nécessaire - baquets de mesurage pour le contrôle du réapprovisionne- ment de l'huile de lubrification ESTIMATION DES COUTS Monnaie Devises Description Nationale Etrangères ('000 F.CFA) (S> Services professionnels Spécialiste en entretien technique (2 h/m) - 16.000 Technicien diesel (6 h/m) - 48.000 Sous-total - 64.000 Voyage Prix des billets (3 voyages A/R) - 6.000 Subsistance 10.00 Achats et contrats Atelier de réparation de Kara 40.000 140.000 Mobilier pour centrale 4.000 5.000 Installations de comptage 3.000 40.00 Sous-total 47.000 185.000 Provision pour Imprévus 6.375 25.000 CoOt total du programme 63.375 280.000 CoOt total du programme: $475.000 Répartition des tâches et des responsabilités La Firme sera entièrement responsable de l'exécution du programme. Elle devra fournir les services de spécialistes francophones Annex 2 Page 5 de 6 - 41 - au Togo avec l'assistance du personnel de soutien nécessaire du siège central. De son côté, la CEET: (a) donnera accès aux documents et données requis; (b) fournira des locaux administratifs avec ligne téléphonique et le secrétariat; (c) fournira les moyens de transport sur l'ensemble du territoire; et, (d) fournira un personnel homologue qualifié selon les besoins. Directives pour l'établissement des soumissions Les soumissions devront fournir tous les détails nécessaires concernant les points suivants: (a) un plan d'exécution du travail conforme aux présents Termes de Référence; (b) une estimation préliminaire du nombre d'heures nécessaires que chaque personne devra consacrer à l'exécution du travail et une indication du lieu où il devra s'accomplir; (c) la nature de l'organisme qui soumissionne et de l'expérience qu'il possède dans le domaine en question dans les pays en voie de développement; et (d) les curricula vitae du personnel affecté au programme et du personnel de soutien au siège central. La soumission doit être accompagnée d'une estimation sous pli cacheté du coût du travail. Cette estimation sera établie selon un baréme d'honoraires professionnels fixes qui devront aussi tenir compte du nombre d'heures de travail effectif. Une fois les soumissions évaluées, la CEET entamera des négociations avec la firme la mieux qualifiée, et si celles-ci n'aboutissent pas, la CEET engagera des pourparlers avec la firme classée deuxième. La CEET se réserve le droit de rejeter toutes les soumissions reçues si aucune d'elles n'est jugée satisfaisante. Annex 2 Page 6 de 6 - 42 - Forme du contrat Le contrat attribué à l'adjudicataire s'inspirera du Modèle international de contrat entre Client et Ingénieur-Conseil No. IGRA 1980 P.M.P.I., établi et publié par la Fédération Internationale des Ingénieurs-Conseils (FIDIC). Echéancier L'échéancier sera négocié et la Firme est invitée à présenter un projet. Il convient toutefois de noter que les paiements de la CERT seront liés à des objectifs et des résultats clairement stipulés. l Annexe 3 Page 1 de 6 - 43 - TRI DE POUR LES SERVICES DE CONSULTANTS RELIES A LA PLAUIICATIONI, L'ACQUISTIU ET LA M E E OEUV DE NOUVELLES INSTLATIONS DE TELECONNCATION Résumé des besoins Des installations de télécommunications inadéquates réduisent l'efficacité de la Compagnie 8lectrique du Togo (CEET) en limitant la bonne coordination des opérations et la réparation rapide des pannes. De ce fait, la CEET sollicite des offres de sociétés de consultants pour les travaux suivants: (a) préparer une évaluation de préinvestissement pour un ensemble minimal d'installations de télécommunications répondant aux besoins prioritaires de la CEET;