Kenya Inclusive Growth and Fiscal Management Development Policy Financing Chair Summary* The Executive Directors approved a credit in the amount of SDR 540.3 million (US$750 million equivalent) to the Republic of Kenya for the Inclusive Growth and Fiscal Management Development Policy Financing (DPF) on the terms and conditions set out in the President's Memorandum. Messrs. Bethel, Chavez Presa, Montgomery, Schoenleitner and Zattler wished to be recorded as abstaining. Directors welcomed the World Bank's support to the Government of Kenya's "Big Four" inclusive growth agenda and to the operation, noting that it provides an effective avenue to engage with the authorities on key policy and institutional issues. Directors noted that the DPF would help bridge the government's financing gap through concessional financing, while helping the government pursue its development priorities. Directors stressed the need to deepen reforms to increase tax revenues, enhance fiscal space and ensure debt transparency and the disciplined management of fiscal resources. They highlighted the continuing need for implementation of measures that could pave the way for the removal of interest caps. Directors commented on the size and the level of ambition of this operation. Directors stressed the need for continued efforts to improve good governance and fight corruption in Kenya. They urged staff to be more ambitious in the scope of such measures and to deepen the policy dialogue with the government in these areas. They also inquired about the distributional impacts of the program and noted that poverty and gender analysis should be further strengthened. Directors underlined the importance of the government's strong ownership of its reform agenda. There were queries about how timing and sequencing of the program are being coordinated with the IMF. Directors encouraged the Bank to strengthen technical assistance and capacity building activities to help close the implementation gap in Kenya and underlined the importance of effective coordination among the Bank, IMF and other development partners in supporting the government's reform agenda. *This Summary is not an approved record.