R. CHANDRASEKAR & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS OH: No. 104, Kamatchiamman Koil Street, Res : 18, Vlth Cross, Puducherry - 605 001. llango Nagar, Tel: 0413 • 2337093, 2342853 Puducherry~05 011. Cell : 94432 7TT61 Tel: 0413 • 2241714 E-mall : cakrajaram@gmail.com AUDITOR'S REPORT We have audited the accompanying consolidated financial statements of the Project Implementation Agency, Pondicherry, Coastal Disaster Risk Reduction Project, Fiflh Floor, 100 Feet Road, P.K.C. Educational Complex, Pondicherry - 605005, a society registered under the Societies Registration Act. 1860 as No.484 of 2005 in Pondicherry Implementing the Coastal Disaster Risk Reduction Project financed by the World Bank. We conducted our audit in accordance with established Standards on Auditing issued by the Lnstitute of Chartered Accountants of India. Those Standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material mis-statements. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion. Further our comments in the Notes to AcCOW1ts enclosed, in our opiruon. the financial statement give a true and fair view of the Sources and Application of Funds and the financial position of project Implementation Agency, Pondicherry, a society implementing the Coastal Disaster Risk Reduction Project for the period from 01.04.2017 to 31.03.2018 in accordance with the Accounting Standards issued by U1e Institute of Cha rte red Accountants of India. In addition, (a) with respect of Statement of Expenditure. adequate supporting documentation has been maintained to support claims to the World Bank for reimbursement of Expenditure incurred and (b) which expenditures are in our opinion eligible for finance under the Credit Agreement IOA -5279. For R. Chandrasekar & Co., Chartered Accounrants Firm Registration No.: 0005825 IC.-~ (CA K.Rajaram) Place: Pondicherry Partner Dale: 20.08.2018 Membership No.: 020392 P/1./313~ Page-2.01 "]:!i71-f(! ~Cl,"~ bJ ~Jc - 2-1 ~c 201~ ~ ;i:·.:. · · mole ?At ~ ROJ!j,£TJMl'LllAf~Nl'@:!gN.;i}_G!ll\lct , .. ,,. an ,; ·,. .,,4 , COASTAL DISt\S"TER RISK REDUCTION PROJECT Fifth Floor, 100 fo:t Road, l'KC Ed11.-ntio11ul Comp/a, 1'011diclk'rry - 600 005 RECEIPTS AND PAYMENTS ACCOUNT l'OR THE YEAR ENOi,D 3"1ST MARCH 2018 RECEl,l'TS To Rnl,111ct tV,l.• Cash at Bank ' 195,435,553.-12 By f.xrw11ses PAYMENITS Incremental Operating Cost " ~8.98-1,247.92 ,. lut<'rr , (CA K.Rojarnm) (R.Sclvam) (C.Covindarassou) (T. Karikalan] Partner Accounts Consultants Junior Accoui,ts Officer >c"'1ary to Covt/ J.P.D (CJ Spl Sc McmlX'rshi!'_ No. 020392 Coast/JI Disaster Risk Reduction Project Page· 2.03 -,...a1&»n • BN ~OJ.!lg IMl'L!lMf!Nl'~!!QN AS, .F!t COJ\S'fAL DISASTER RISK REDUCTION PROJeCr PKC E,lumtio11al Complex, Po11,lidu:rry - 605 005 INCOME & EXPF.NOITURE ACCOUNT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31ST MARCIi 2018 llXPl!NOJTURE ,. __ , •INCOl',fE ' ' t ;;;,;;i' To By Incremental Operating Cost 51,715,482.50 Savings Bani: 7,3-15,791. 00 " t\dvcrtiscmcnl Uxpc:nScS 2,662,281.00 Fixed Deposit 59,671,763.00 Works - Vulnerability Reduction 357,538,124.00 Other Income 426,216.00 Work - Sustainable Fisheries 71,6-18,158.00 Excess of Expenditure our Income 416,489,630.50 " Depreciation 369,355.00 " 483,933,400.50 483,933,400.50 ~ m, Regn No. 00658 Jc__,~ ..-- ' ~ C. ~ ,.__: l (CA Klership No.020392 Cuustul Dlsaster Risk Roductia11 Prof.cl Pago -2.05 PROJECT IMP LEMENT ATI ON AGEN CY, COASTAL DISASTER RISK RF.DUCT/ON PROJECr Fiftlr Floor, 100 fret Ro,11/, PKC Ed11cntio11al Complex. 1'0111/iclicrry. 605 005 SCI-IEDU!.E-1 INCREMENT AL OPERATING COST Bank Charges 4.225.50 Computer Maintenance 51.100.00 Meeting Expenses 80.564.00 Miscellaneous Expenses 32,341.00 Office Expenses 268,242.00 Postage & Couriers 16,117.00 Printing & Stntion.uy 267.385.00 Repairs and Maintenance 1•1,66-UJO Salary & wnges 45.575,953.00 Telephone Expenses 23,579.00 Travelling Expenses 176,272.00 Vehicle Maintenance 600.690.00 Accounts Consultants Charges 611,129.00 Annual Maintenance Charges 6,132.00 Audit Fees 47,200.00 E • Tender Processing Charges 91.314.00 Electricity Charges 3,343,372.00 Travelling Expenses iS,177.00 Vehicle Insurance 1,126.00 T.P.Manohnrnn Advocate 50,000.00 Building Insurance 375.300.00 51,715,482.50 SCHEDUl.ll - 11 ADVERTISEMENT EXPENSES Kasthuri & Sons Ltd " 506,880.00 Dinnknran 261.50-I.OO Bennet Coleman & Co Ltd 602,001.00 Dinamalnr 539,496.00 The New Indian Express 432.000.00 The Ind inn Express Ltd 320,400.00 2,662,281.00 Coastal Disaster Risk Reduction ProjctJ Pagc-2.06 PROJECT lMI'LEMENTATION AGENCY, COASTAi. DISASTER RISK REDUCTION PROJECT Fifi/, Floor, I 00 Fed Rood, PKC Ed11calio1111/ Comp/a, Po111/icl1ury - 605 005 SCHEDUJ.E - Ill VULNERABILITY REDUCTION Beneficiaries ~ Anbu 5/o. Selvam -U.000.00 Jnynlakshmi :r 42.000.00 /'.falllga O/o. Patchaiyappan 42.000.00 Nagammal.V ,12.000.00 Rajarajen Perinayar .A (84,000.00) Vasanlhl.D 42.000.00 126,000.00 Reh.abilitation of Govt Building V. llheskaran 15,191.879.00 Ashhirwaad Analytical Laboratory 860A80.00 16,052,359.00 Resilient Electrical Nehvork Shri Vanri Electricals (P) Lid 199,2.57.532.00 Ganesh Electricals 112.330,962.00 K.S.Mani Electriclas 29,771,271.00 341.359,765.00 357,538,124.00 SCHEDULE - rv SUSTAINABLE FlSHERIES Fisheries Infrastructures Gelind Tech Consultants 10.326,147. Nntnr.1jiln.R 13,964,853. Smnrth Technochem 72,171. Punitha Thanapandian 8,374.462. Wapcos Ltd Fisheries Sustainable Livelihoods 71,648,158.00 Coastal Disaster Risk Rtd11ctio11 Proftct PROJECT JMPLEM~A:nQN AGENCY, COASTAi. DISASTER RISK REDUCTION PROJECT Fifth Floor. 100 Feet Roml. PKC Educational Complex, Pomlid:crry - 605 005 SCHEDULE-A CAPITAL FUND 01.0-1.2017 By Opening Balance (Cr.) 1,408,835,910.00 31.03.2018 By Excess our Expenditure our Income 416,489.630.50 31.03.2018 By Closing Balance (Cr.) 992,3-16,279.50 SCHEDUI.E- D rAYAlll.ES £1Jn,r '>t h1011,:u Devosft .., EMD Axis &nk " 11.692,873.00 Baskarnn @ MagademnS 2.000.00 BNR Infrastructure Project Ltd 70,000.00 llirijbasi Fire Safety System 323,500.00 Defy System 5,920.00 GnncsanS 7,980.00 Gee Pee Reinforced Products 80,000.00 Kone Elevenator India (P) Ltd 52.920.00 Prabavathy.K 3,600.00 Sri Krishna Electrical Works 23,795.00 Swasthik Engineering & Fob 3,550.00 Venus Electricals Works 6,700.00 12,.272.838.00 P~r(onuatrcc C11am11ttt Aparna Industries 25,706.00 25,706.00 Stc.un'ty Dtpo5it.S Bhaskaran. V 781,579.00 llirijbasi Fire Safety System 6>1,137.00 BNR Infrastructure Project 15,751,476.00 Ganesh Ele ctriclas 5,616,548.00 G.C.Dhandapani & Co 3.336.00 Gelind Tech Consultants ,9.00 2,102,6. Kone Elevcnator India (P) Lid 52.920.00 KS. Mani Electricals 1A88.564.00 Microphile's India Electronics 1,326.00 26,452.525.00 38,751.069.00 Co11stal Visastu Risk Rtduction Pro/tct P• c-2.08 PROJECT !!'vfPLEMENTATION AGEN0', COASTAL DISASTER RISK REDUCTION PROJECT Fifl/J Floor, 100 Fett Rood, PKC Etiucationn! u,11111/a, Po111/ic/u,rry - 605 005 llalance C/f., 38,751,069.00 Natarajan.R 1,358,951.00 Prabekaran.B 2.41'1.00 Prabavathy.K 2,827.00 Punltha Thanapandian 3,017,065.00 S.1nkM.C 14,596.00 Sri Krishna Electrical Works 10,913.00 Shri Vaari Electricals (P) Lid 13,786,143.00 Swasthik Engineering & Fab 4,989.00 Thlruvarulselvam.M 17,948.00 18,215,846.00 Olltcr,; Salary & w,,ges 2.569,HS.OO Accounts Consultants Charges 110,000.00 Audit Fees 23,600.00 Telephone Payables 1,187.00 Tender Fees 18,210.00 Service Tax 45,276.00 2,767,421.00 59, 734.336.00 Coastal Dlsaster Risk Reduction Project ro -2.09 .. - . PROJECT IMPLEMENTAT12~_!'GENCY, - C01\STAI. DISASTER RJSK REDUCTION PROJECT Fifth Roar, 100 ftrl 11...,,1, ,. ~ ~ ~ PKC Ed11.,,1/011a/ O,mp!c.r, Pmludu,rry 605 005 SCHEDUI.E- C flX~Q ASS[[S SI. S.LM Value W.D.V. PJrticul.us Additions Role ason Deletion .is on Depreciation as on No. during the year 01.04.2017 31.03.2018 31.03.2018 1 Block - i\ 6.33% 589,658.00 128,107.00 . 717,765.00 IO-t,249.00 613,516.00 2 Hlock - B 7.07% 2.257,510.00 223,828.00 . 2.-181,338.00 253,289.00 2,228,o.t9.00 3 Block· C 9.50% 12~,383.00 . . 124,383.00 11,817.00 1'12.566.00 Tola! 2.971.551 .00 35'1,935.00 . 3,323,486.00 369,355.00 2.9~.131.00 . . . . . ,f{ij~ar&co~ ~ ~ ~"~~ Jf "' ,:: ~ ~ ,-] u_ '+-~ c;- d- ~ ~ Jf c." C'hane,etl~ Coast,tl Disasta Risk Rcducthm Prolcct . .v . . . rogc-2.10 _.. ....... ........,!'.ROJl;CTIMPLl!MEmATil!!:!t,9~,,,., CO,\STAL DISASTER RISK REDUCTION PROJECT Fiji/, Floor, 100 Frrl Rood, PKC E'J11Micmal u,mpkr, - -- -- P11d11d..:rry 605 005 SCHEDUt.l! • C FIXEQ A:i:iliI:i 5.1,.M Value W.D.V. SI. OJI< or Purchase No.or Particulars ll•le as on Delelion as on Depreciation as on No. Commissioning Value Days 01.04.2017 31.03.2018 31.03.2018 Block· A I Furniture and Fittinss 6.33% 16.1,,178.00 08/11/2005 587,240.00 365 16.1,478.00 37,172.00 126r'l06.00I 6.33% 59,698.00 06/12/2005 214,720.00 365 59,698.00 13,592.00 46.106.00 6.33% 4,667.00 08/12/2005 16A50.00 365 4,667.00 1,0-11.00 3,626.1 6.33% 15,323.00 0-1/01/2006 53,200.()() 365 15,323.00 3,368.00 6.33% 2.082.00 17/01/2006 7,182.00 365 2.082.00 455.00 6.33% 33,805.00 08/02/2006 lH,980.00 365 33,805.00 7,278.00 6.33% 292.00 2·1/03/2006 975.00 365 292.00 62.00 633% 3,086.00 12/0-1/2006 10,100.00 365 3,086.00 6.19.00 2.·147.1 6.33% 10,770.00 27/0-I/2006 35,000.00 365 10,770.00 2,216.00 8,55-1,1 '1% 6.3- 27,39-1.00 11/05/2006 88,28(),00 365 27,39-1.00 5,588.00 6.33% 1,564.00 29/05/2006 5,000.00 365 1,564.00 317.00 ·1,247.1 6-13% 6,3(10.00 07/06/2006 20,000.00 365 6,300.00 1,266.00 5,034.1 6.33% 3,721.00 H/08/2006 11,400.00 365 3,721.00 72200 6.33% ..8.00 5.0" 26/09/ 2flJ6 15,050.00 365 5,028.00 953.00 6.33% 17,852.00 16/11/2006 52.0-17.00 365 17,852.00 3,295.00 6.33% 368.00 H/12/2006 1,050.00 365 368.00 66.00 6.33% 1.833.00 "10/01/2007 5,208.00 365 1.833.00 330.00 6.33% 13,992.00 11/04/2007 37,980.00 365 13,992.00 2.,104.00 6.33% 2.m.00 09/05/2007 7A40.00 365 2.777.00 471.00 2,306.1 6.33% 1,114.00 O-l/06/2007 2.951.00 365 1,114.00 187.00 927., 6.33% 841.00 28/06/2007 2.200.00 365 841.00 139.00 702.1 6.33% 21,064.00 29/11/201 I 31.1128.00 365 21,064.00 2.015.00 19,049.00. Tolol 397,049.00 1,320,281.00 397,0-19.00 83,576.00 313,473.00 east»! Disaster Risk Rttlucl{a,,_Pruj,ct A" Po!l_e-2.11 ,....,., PROJECT IMPl,.EM_E)'IT!\'110N ~GEN~, COASTAL DISAS7'ER RJSK REDUCTION PROJECT - ,. Fifth Floor, 100 frtl R""rl, PKC f ,iucati~11al Comple.r, Pwlud,ary 605 005 SCHEDUI.E • C fix.Ill:! 6:i:ilrf:i S.LM Value W.D.V. SI. D•le of Purchase No.of Particulars Role as on Deletion as on Dcprcclarlon ,15 on No. Commissioning Volue Days 01.04.2017 31.0J.20 I 8 31.03.2018 Balance 397,049.00 1,320,281.00 397,049.00 83,576.00 313,473.001 6.33% 24,018.00 12/09/2014 28,650.00 365 24.018.00 1,814.00 22.204.00 6.33% 3,291.00 1-1/10/2014 3,900.00 365 3,291.00 247.00 3.044.1 6_ ,'l:. '\ 30,153.00 28/05/2015 34,144.00 365 30.153.00 2.161.00 27.99:!.!Xll 6.33% 24,689.00 05/11/2015 27,100.00 365 24.689.00 1,715.00 22,974.00' 6.33% 16,157.00 02/12/2016 16,500.00 365 16,157.00 1,044.00 15.113.00,I 6.33% 17,9-W.OO 05/01/2017 18,216.00 365 17,9-14.00 1,153.00 "16,791.00; 6.33% 07/08/2017 100,477.00 237 100,477.00 4,130.00 96,347.00 6.33'.I\ 04/10/2017 27,630.00 179 27,630.00 858.00 26,772.00 2 Numc Boord 6.33% 593.00 H/09/2005 2,200.00 365 593.00 139.00 45-l.1 6.33% 3,775.00 20/C'f>/2005 13,970.00 365 3,775.00 88-1.00 2.691., 6.33% 2.836.00 21/0')/2005 10,500.00 365 2,836.00 665.00 2.171., 6.33% 52.00 28/10/2005 200.00 365 52.00 13.00 39. 6.33% 90.00 08/11/2005 340.00 365 90.00 22.00 68. 6.33% 1,124.00 08/12/2005 3,955.00 365 1,124.00 2.50.00 874. 6.33% 462.00 04/01/2006 1.600.00 365 462.00 101.00 361,, 6.33% 153.00 23/01/2006 522.00 365 153.00 33.00 120., 6.33% 62-1.00 09/02/2006 2.120.00 365 624.00 134.00 6.33% 267.00 20/04/2006 858.00 365 267.00 54.00 213.1 6.33% 898.00 10/07/2006 2.807.00 365 898.00 178.00 720,1 6.33% 252.00 04/07/2006 800,00 365 . 252.00 51.00 201.1 524,427.00 1,616,770.00 . 652,534.00 99,222.00 553,312.00 oasta! Dlsasttr Risk Reductiou Prof,ct ._l .,:.f"i:.. ~ ., - . P•!!_e • 2.12 - _....,. -..-..; .. ~-,.. .. PROJl!CTJMrLl,MENTATION A~~ COASTAL DISASTER RJSK REDUCTION PROJF.CT g, :,;.:i..' lo:. ~« ~ ·.:o· ··--~.. ..-,. , . "'- · l'ifl/1 Floor, 100 F«I R0<11I, PKC E.dui *' Kam.tcb/~111 !) (I:' KoDStrttt ~ Puduclrtny. 1. "> * ~ ~ qr -?' ,a- u<:-' -,; Acco ~ u11s111I Disa51,r Risk Rc1/uctio11 />roi,ct PQge • 2.13 - ·--·. .:. • ___, __ P~OJECl'IMl'~llNTATl01:I AG~CY. COASTAL DISASTF.R RISK Rf.DUCT/ON PRO}f.CT fi/111 Floor, 100 fo,1 R""d, - - -~ PKC Ulrll""''iomrl Complex, Pududu:rry 605 005 SCH EPUI.E • C Ell![!lP t\S~ITTS S.LM Value W.D.V. SI. Date or Purchase No.of r.utkul,us Rote as on Deletion JS On Depreclauon 11s on No. Commissioning Value Days 01.04.2017 31.03.2018 31.03.2018 Block· 8 I Calcutotor 7,07')(, 433.00 03/03/2006 1.995.00 365 43-,.(X) 141.00 292., 2 Pcndrive 7.07% 789.00 12/10/2005 4,174.00 365 789.00 295.00 -194,, 7.07% 326.00 03/0J/2006 1,500.00 365 . 326.00 106.00 220.1 7.07% 670.00 09/08/2012 1,000.00 365 670.00 71.00 599. 3 voice Recorder 7.07% 1,215.00 07/03/2006 5.600.00 365 1.215.00 396.00 819.1 4 Bustm..~s Phone 7.07% 17,951.00 30/03/2006 81,0H.OO 365 17,951.00 5,730.00 5 Fax bfuchlne 7.07% 10,969.00 '11/06/2013 15,300.00 365 10,969.00 1,082.()() 7.07% 26,124.00 '10/02/2014 15,300.00 365 26,124.00 1,082.00 6 Mobllc Phone 7.07% 3,897.00 07/03/2006 17,960.00 365 3,897.00 1,270.00 7 Telephone 7.07% 151.00 09/01/2006 710.00 365 151.00 50.00 101., 8 Xerox ~ Iachlne 7.07% 231,442.00 10/02/2014 297,474.00 365 231,442.00 21,031.00 9 Level ling lnstrument 7.07% 9,999.00 13/01/2006 48,400.00 365 9,999.00 3,422.00 6,577,, 10 Paper Shredder 7.07% 1,088.00 14/03/2006 4.990.00 365 1,088.00 353.00 735. IJ Analog Xerox Photo Copier 7.07% 15,499.00 11/05/2006 67,473.00 365 15,499.00 •l,770.00 12 Printer ~ ...- 7.07% 1,683.00 04/01/2006 8,000.00 365 1,683.00 566.00 1,117,, 7.07% 1,39-1.00 28/06/ZJXJ7 4,500.00 365 1,39-1.00 318.00 1,076,1 7.07% 39,370.00 25/10/2013 52.002.00 365 39,370.00 3,677.00 35,693.001 7.07% 42,312.00 07/01/2015 50,2H.OO 365 -12,312.00 3,552.00 38,760.001 7.07% 07/08/2017 21.120.00 237 . 21,120.00 970,00 20,150.00, 405,312.00 ------·----·- ---·-·-----·- 698,786.00 ----···---- - - -·---- . 426,432.00 48,882.00 377,550.00 CoMlnl Di:1.00 9.688,(X 21 Server 7.07% 262.-159.00 25/08/2015 296,000.00 365 . 262.-159,00 20,927.00 2-11.532.00 22 CCTV Camera 7.07% 19,338.00 09/01/2017 19,650.00 365 . 19,338.00 1,389.00 17,949.00 23 IJ.1tteril-. 7.5 KVA UPS 7.07% . 17/08/2017 84,+18.00 w . 84.-148.00 3,713.00 80,735.00 Total (D) 2,257,510.00 3,680,343.00 . 2,481,338.00 253,289.00 2,228,049.00 ~0{3S8kq ~'li '/"" v Ho.104, C" 0: Kam.ilchWl!INn f' * CJ KoilStr! -, Cir - ~ OdAccou ~onstnl Dis,1sttt Risk R ~ <:j, 1> ¾Accou<' -oastJtl Disastn- Ri5k R.c1futtio11 Praiec! .. -..~- - - :-.. -- - -- Poge-2.17 ., ' ..,...,__.,.___, "w-·;,;·:4:,~ ,::~::., ·'s:L,. =-J.i. Puducbcrry 8,000,000.00 343534 22/11/2017 14/06/2018 8,256,259.00 200 256,259.00 162.~H.00 6.25'- 5 Union B,1.nk of lndia, PuJud~rrv 9,000,000.00 870019 27/11/2017 14/06/2018 9,307.372-00 195 307.372-00 192.496.00 6.25% 6 Unloo 6,u\l.. of lnJi.1. PuJucl~nv 9,000,000.00 870020 28/11/2017 14/06/2018 9,306,128.!lO 197 306,128.00 191.136.00 6.25% 7 '1TV Unlon H.1nk of lndia, PuJudk. 9,000,000.00 870021 29/11/2017 14/06/2018 9.3()1,838.00 196 301,838.00 187,879.00 6.25% 8 U,don B.:ml,. of lndi.1, PuJucllC'rrv 8,000,000.00 6,0022: 30/11/2017 M/06/llllH ~,268,5')(1.00 195 268,590.00 166.664.00 6.25:1: 9 Central &nko( lndb, Puduchcrry 9,000,000.00 345901 21/11/2017 13/06/2018 9,317,096.00 zn 317,096.00 203,066.110 6.511:r. Ill Central U,ln._, of b\diJ, PuJuchcrry 9,000,000.00 345905 :!2/11/2017 13/06/:'1118 9.315,986.00 202 315,986.00 201.m.oo 650!1; II Central B.\J\l.. o( lnJi.i, PuJuchcrry 9,000.000.00 345906 D/11/2017 13/06/2016 9,314,677.00 201 314,677.00 200,519.UO 650!1; -n1r.1I u.,ru,; of lm.UJ, PuJuc.hcrry 12 Ct.. 9,000,000.00 3-15907 '0/ 11/2017 13/1)6/21116 9,307,1!-19.00 197 307.8-19.00 193.m.oo 6.50% 13 Central U.:rnk o( lndla, PuJud-.crry 9,000.000.00 345908 24/11/2017 13/06/3'118 9,313,767.00 200 313,767.00 199,24200 6.50% 14 Central U,1.nk of lndta, PuJuclK.':ff)' 9,000.000.00 3459U Ol/12/2017 13/06/:'1118 9.294.901.00 190 294,901.00 181.599.00 650'- 15 Cenlr~ll OJ.AA of IJ\Ji.l. PuJuchc.rr)' 9,000.000.00 345944 01/12/2017 13/06/:'1118 9,29sl,90l,00 193 294,901.00 183,360.00 6.50'- -nlr.11 BJn\: of lndi.1, l'uJucherr)' 16 C't... 9,000,000.00 345946 28/11/2011 13/06/21118 9,29-1,901.00 196 291,90!.00 165.061.00 6.SOS 17 C4."fltr.1I D,mk of lndiJ. l'uJuclw-n)' 9,000.000.00 345917 30/11/2011 IJ/06/2018 9,29l,901.00 19-1 29l,90l.OO 183,935.00 650% 18 CL-nlral 13.tn.1,; of lnJi..1, Puducberry //_~ _;,,,, 'I> e,. ~ 9,000,000.00 3459-12 05/12/2017 13/06/2018 9,294,901.IX> 189 :!'H,901,00 180,999.00 6.50'- 19 CL'fltr.11 &n.k of lnJU, PuJudwny ·- ./ No.104, '('> 9.000,000.00 3459-15 29/11/2017 13/06/2018 9,294,904,00 195 294,901.00 11!-1,SOI.OO 6,,0,; 20 Ci..'11lr.1I S.m.J,; of lnJU, Pudccherry -n 'J' ,000,000.(X) * 21 City Union U.:rnl. l,hl.. Puduchertj' ~-\Pvd11<:~. "·""· . / ;':' 9.000,000.00 3459-11 28580 05/12/2017 US/03/2018 13/06/2018 OJ/Ol/2018 l,lll2.768.00 9,029,739.00 159 25 32.768.(X) 29,739.00 20,112.00 '0.360.00 6.50% 6.75% O.d.a.ncc C/o.. ~o,',. .. ,_ ~ 'l'J,000,000,00 184.706,569.00 S,706,569.00 3.595.~.oo Coastal D/s,,sttt R/11: Rrduclio11 l'ro/td .... ,. ,. ~ .. . ·- .. . - . - -·· ·- P~gt· l.18 +> • +T:·.;.:-:~~i.i;-.:-~ & - -------..: -- ... .. _ fl!OJ\:f{IM J'l,EMllNrAT!.clli AGEN<:y, . _ ...... .... • COASTAi. l>ISA~ iE/l RISK REVUCrlON PROJECT Fift/11 lror, 100 fert R,W. PKC f.Jurulicm.d Ulmplri. f>uJurlk'rry (,(J5 005. SCIIEDUI.E • D E!XED Plil'OS[rs U.11.lnt~ C /f.. 179,000,000JlO 184,706.569,00 5,706,569.00 3.595.~8.00 Z? C01y Union U,ni L1,I. l'uJud,cny 9,000,000.00 26.581 OS/03/2018 03/0l/2018 9,1129,739.00 25 29,7-19.00 27.160.00 6.,0% 21 City Uniu.n &nk l.1J.. Pudocberry 24 City Union 1:1.lnk I.ht.., f'\H.1ucheny 9,M.000.00 9,000,000.00 = 2858-1 08/03/2018 08/03/2018 03/l»/2018 03/0l/2016 9,029,739.00 9,029,739.00 2.5 25 29,739.00 29,739,00 27,360.00 27,360.00 6.,o" 6.75,; 25 Clly Union B.uu. LIJ. PuJudicrry 9,000,000.00 28585 OS/Ol/2018 0)/(»/2018 9,029.7l9JXl 25 29,739.00 27.360.0.1 6.75% 26 City Uniou B,m.k LlJ.. PuJudw.:rry 2. 137, l05.00 28586 08/03/2018 03/(H/:!OIS 2.144,166.UO 25 7,1)61.110 6,496,IXl 6.75,; 27 lnJi.m O..mk, Mellup,1l,1y.,m, Puducberry 9,625,712.00 1»71725 !'6/09/2017 13/06/2018 10,02.5.372.00 280 399.660.00 295,463.00 5.25%. 2B lndi,m 13..mk, Mc.-ltup.,tapm. Puducberry 9,727,036.00 0171727 06/09/2017 13/06/2018 10,130,901.00 "J 2, 403,868.00 298,196.00 5.25,; 29 lnJl.tn Bank , ~fo11up..1!..ly.1m. Puducberry 9,J!28,359.0ll 0171729 ff1/09/2017 13/06/2018 I 0,2 I 7,358.00 2715 388.999.00 286,85200 5.25" 30 lntliJ.n &nL, ~fcttup.i.Uy.am. Puducberry 9,929,682.00 0!71732 08/09/2017 13/06/:llllS 10,30M32.00 277 37).T,0,00 lOO 275,25. S.25" 31 Indlan Bank , Mettup.1by,ln\ f>uducherry 4,345,199.00 0471735 09/09/2017 13/06/2018 4,525,611.00 ZJ6 180,112.00 132.69-1.00 5.25~ 32 lndl.m lLtnk, Mellup.,t.,y.ln\. PuJuchcny 132.429.00 0171829 11/09/2017 13/06/2018 137,332.00 274 4,903.00 3,597.00 5.25:,, 33 lndtan Bank , Me11up.1L1)',lff\. Pududie.rry 9,900,000.00 0171830 11/09/2017 13/06/2018 10.240,245.00 274 340,245.00 249,596.00 5.25,; 3-1 ll'~dLm U,u1k, Me1tup,.1Lly,1m.. PuJuchcrry 39,814.00 0!71779 05/10/2017 13/06/2018 41.175.00 250 l.'161.00 964.00 5.25~ 35 lodl.ln U.mk, R.cdJly.lrp.ll.'l)•.lnl. PuJud\C:rry 2.026.466.00 0701514 28/08/2017 29/05/2018 2.100.m.oo 273 74.507.00 53,678.00 5,25,; 36 lmH.an B.ank. RL "'-1Jly;1rp.1Lsy.,m. Puducherry 9,929,68200 Oi'Ot5l5 28/08/2017 ?!J/f6/?fJ18 10,275,3'1.1.00 VJ 345,711.00 272.263,00 5,25,; 37 lnJl..a.n B.:inl,.,. R...'t1Jlyi1rp,.il.1y.tnl. PuJud"- "TT)' 9,727,036.00 (Ji'0.1516 2'1/08/2017 29/05/2018 IO,OISJ,572.CJO m 356,5)6,IJ(J 2!I0,5Hl.00 S.25% 'tl - IIO/J -.." 0251110 01/09/2017 13/06/2018 111,067,485.00 284 239,126.00 177,661.00 5.25'\ 4-1 lndl.1.n Bank , K.1rn,.1rJj S..IJL Puduchcn ·~ ,\ -.,,. '1J--t / -~~.934.00 0251095 ffl./09/2017 13/06/2018 576,'133.00 283 22999.00 17,066.00 5.25% D.:1l.1n" C/o.• ~O(IA- \~716.00 35-1/12.l.244.00 10,488,528.00 7,241,59~00 Cl!!!'!!!/ qu_ast~ H~k H~dJffllo11 Proftc! __ ...., •nl:. K.1n"1r,1f s.,1,,, PuJuchcrry 3,231.:in.001 0251120 06/09/2017 13/06/2018 3.363.m.oo I m 131,m.001 97~.oo I s,25,; 51 lt\ulu\•JI Bh.u.1thi.JrGr-,1m.1 H.mL..1_)1.uJu!~"'' 110,925,383,00 Sit)ij.18 20/0l/2018 22/06/'1/JIS ll3.723,S57.~ 152 2.i97,674.ool 1,2811.403.00I 6.M:t 5:? lruJuv-'_I f:Jl~r~1thforCr.am.1 0..ml. Pu1.315,932.00 570825 22/ll/'1/Jl7 22/06/2018 66,76?.239.0ll 211 2.453,3117.00 1,499,889.0II I 6.110:i. 56 IPuJuvJi Bh.m1th1:u Gr.ln"1 U.UU... PuJuchcny 103,431,686.00 569351 31/12/'1/Jl7 22/06/2018 1/17,231,929.0(I In J.soo.2aoo1 1,988,499.001 6.81\l, 57 IPuliu\'Jl Oh..mHhi.lrGram.1_D,inl..._PuJuc:herr,• 54,799,963.00 570827 24/01/2018 22/06/2018 56.182,0i9.0(I 148 1.382.116.00I 616,349,00 I 6.SOl. 58 IPuJu\'al Bh.lmlhl.1rGr-Jnw O.mk. Puduc:hcrry so.000,000.001 570838 02/02/2018 22/06/2018 51,191,388,0(I 139 l.191,36S.OOI 46S,5S5.00 I 6.SOl. Tottl 96S.622..J70.ool 9')6,701,811.00 1 31,079,441.001 18,724,429.00 .. - ·'.\ 'I; - • -~ -<::' u.,. c., "'c,~ " ' ...... 'O O: Kamotcl!Jommin a * KoYS~et <:} Puduchlny,f. ~ * "1: . ..,..._ ' ~ <> -:, <>r,,,,Acco\l~ - ~~ . Coastal Dlsns/,r Ri~k Rr1luctlo11 Pro/uto ~1,-.:~i::: ~,;:• • •r:--1 -:; ~'.' -":t' jjc.::_,,._ ~ --~-- "'s,,- ',,,r'( 111·, " ll.i_lc:'2.20 PROJECT IMPL~ENTATION AGENq', COASTAL DISASTER RISK REDLIC/'ION PROJECT Fift/r Floor, 100 Fut Rootl, PKC Ed11rnlio11nl Cnmple.r, 1'0111/idu,rry • 6-05 005 SCHEDULE- E LOANS AND ADV ANCF.S :Wobilis.atiou A.dvnttu Shri Vanri Electricals 3.112.868.00 K.S.Mani Electricals 1,751,4-l-l.OO POL Advance 72,000.00 Telephone Deposit 500.00 Pcrmnnenet Advance -KKL 3.000.00 Permanenet Adva_ncc-P0Y 10,000.00 Advance for Expenses 60,835.00 $('CUrtd Adva11cc Shri Vaari Electricals 5,217,796.00 10.228.443.00 Coastal Disaster Risk Rcductio11 Proiect: Pa e- 2.21. PROJECT ~LEMliNTATION AGENCY, COAST1\L DISASTER RISK Rf.DUCT/ON PRO/ECT Fifth Floor, 100 fret Rood, PKC E1l11cnt/011nl Comp/a, Po11diclu:rry • 605 005 SC!lf.DUI.E- F TAX DEDUCTED AT SOURCE ON FIXED DEPOSITS CDRRRP - DM.ANCF. AS ON .ll.0.l20l8 Bank of Baroda. Pondicherry 76,203.00 Canara Bank, Pondicherrv 388,868.00 City Union Bank, Pondicherry 101.816.00 Indian Bank (Main). Pondicherry 1.173,917.00 lndlan Bank, Mettupalayam 483.577.00 Oriental Bank of Commerce 933.197.00 Puduvai Bhru-athiyar Garama Bank 610,274.00 Punjab National Bank 175,512.00 State Bank of India (ADB), Pondicherry 1,388,988.00 UCO Bank, Bahoor 562.224.00 UCO Bank (Bazaar Branch), Pondicherry .>I.OO 716.T UCO Bank (!>fain), Pondicherry 4,:>56.013.00 Vijiya Bank , Pondlcherry 2.6n.H7.00 TOTAL l3.S39,790.00 SCMEOUl,E- G CASM AT BANK Pondicherry Account No.:36960056997 " 28,519,668.25 Pondicherry Account No.:30010357808 412,70t00 Pondicherry Account No.:307..,_7418816 21,229.00 Karalkal. Account No.:10743023745 46,768.25 Axis Bank Account No.:914020024807007 11,711,083.00 40,711,45'-SO \ Consla/ Disaster Risk Reductio11 Project Pog• -2. 22 Indi o: Coas tal Dis.i ster Ri sk Reduction Project - Pudu17.84 10,653.91 14,574.01 USES OF FUNDS (c) Projcrt components,tsul>r,Hn) Difference as per rnlumn (f) of lhc obove ,tutemcnt (A·B) (0.77)!1 r..artner t,.l~n,t,•r..hip No.020092 Consla/ Disaster Risk Rtductio11_l'ro.ft£1' _i..t., ~ )_._«:" ·'··~-~. _'!:~.-~- ~«-. _i_::_ •C Page-2.25 PROfECT IMPLEMENTATION AGEN CY , COASTAL OISAST£R RISK REDUCTION PROJECT Fifth Floor, 100 Feet Road, l'KC Educational Complex, Puducherry 605 005 STATE BANK OF INDIA. PONDICHERRY Account No.:369600$6997 BANK RECONCILIATION STATEMENT AS ON 31.03.2018 t BALANCE AS PER CASH BOOK 28,519,668.00 Add: Cheques issued but not debited in the pass book t40,392.00 TOTAL 28,660,060.00 Less: Cheques deposited but not yet Credited . BANK BALANCE AS PER BANK STATE. \IENT: 28,660,060.00 . Cheques issued but not debited in the pass book Chcq. No Bill No Ootl' A/cl lend Amount D,lle of Rea lisntion 233008 5-18 13.03.2018 Wclfore C"5s@I% 14.5,\7.00 03.04.2018 233013 553 13.03.2018 Office Expenses 462.00 06.04.2018 233023 566 26.03.2018 United Indio Insurance Co,Ltd 105,980.00 06.0-1.2018 2JJ026 570 28.03.2018 Office Expenses .8.00 1,i' 04.04.2018 566148 571 29.03.2018 Salary & 1Vage5 17,675.00 03.0-1.2018 TOTAL 140,392.00 ~0tase1r11/' ~~ 'edTtc.o>S .. ~ Pududienv·1. ;? ~ Constnl Dfs,,st,r Risk Rcd11dio11 Project . ,. . , Page • 2.26 STATE BANK OF INDIA "IJCH (01613) AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT BRAi KAMARA] SALAJ, BRTNDAVAN, PONDICHERRY-605 013. TO WHOMSOEVER IT MAY CONCERN Pondichcrry 03/07/2018 BALANCE CONFCRMATION CERTTFlCATE This is to certify that Project lmplcmentntion Agency (CDRRP) Ne No.36960056997 is having balance in the account Rs. 2,86,60,060.25/- (Rupees Two Crore Eighty Six Lakh Sixty Thousand Sixty Rupees and paise Twenty Five only) as on 31/03/2018. For State Bank of India ~ l g:9-J ::z- -~ \.-~,...... ;,., ,. ,"' ... ., ,.,. Branch Manager ~\ ; p: J, PONDICHERRY ADB. ,o- . '1- ' • ,,-ft/Koralknl. ADB~ BR.A!IIGU-1\1ANAGER. PRQrE CT IM PLEM ENT6TION AGENCY , COASTAL DISt\~TER RISK REDUCTION PRO/fCf FifU1 Floor. 100 fl-ct Road, PKC Edurationnl Complex, Puducherry 605 005 STATE DANK OF !NOIA. PONDICHERRY Account No,:30010357808 DA[::!K REi;;ONCII.IATION ~.J"ATEMENT AS ON ;!1.03.201~ BALANCE AS PER CASH BOOK ' ~12,70-I.OO . Add: Cheques issued but not debited in the pass book TOTAL -112,704.00 Less: Debit by Bank . BANK B;\ LANCE AS PER BANK Sf ATEM ENT: ~12.70-I.OO . Cheques issued but not debited in the pass book Chcq. No Bill No Date A/c Head Amount Date ol Realisation Nil ~\\~f3SO~ v'<:I' .,.tf O:f No.1iu, Cl * luffl.llrhlaJmnan ~ KollSt,r« * CJ: ~ Puduehc.'l)·-t -~ c-~ '>' ~,§' "