GLOBAL GENDER-BASED VIOLENCE TASK FORCE: ACTION PLAN FOR IMPLEMENTATION November 8, 2017 The World Bank ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS CCSA Cross-Cutting Solution Area CSO Civil Society Organization ECR External and Corporate Relations ESHS Environmental, Social, Health and Safety ESF Environmental and Social Framework ESS Environmental and Social Standard FBO Fundamentals of Bank Operations GBV Gender-Based Violence GGSVP Vice President, Sustainable Development Practice Group GRM Grievance Redress Mechanism GSURR Global Practice for Social, Urban, Rural and Resilience GT Global Teams IDA International Development Association IEG Independent Evaluation Group LEG Legal Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, and LGBTQIA Asexual MDB Multilateral Development Bank NGOs Non-Governmental Organizations OCC Operational Core Course OPCS Operation Policy and Country Services SEA Sexual Exploitation and Abuse SD Sustainable Development SPD Standard Bidding Documents TF Task Force TPM Third Party Monitor TSDP Transport Sector Development Project WB World Bank 2 GLOBAL GENDER-BASED VIOLENCE TASK FORCE: ACTION PLAN FOR IMPLEMENTATION PREFACE In August, 2017, the Global Gender-Based Violence (GBV) Task Force released a report with a set of specific recommendations to strengthen the World Bank’s capacity to identify, prevent and mitigate against risk of sexual exploitation and abuse, as well as other forms of GBV, in its operations. The Bank has committed to the implementation of these recommendations, and to taking the necessary measures to help prevent and respond appropriately to incidences of sexual exploitation and abuse, as well as other forms of GBV in Bank-supported projects. Task Force recommendations, as organized across five key stakeholder groups, reflect priorities linked to enhancing social risk management, strengthening operational systems to enhance accountability, and making the World Bank a responsible change agent by fostering a shift in culture, behavior and perceptions. The recommendations also highlight the need to create pathways for change beyond the Bank through industry and multilateral partnerships. With the establishment of the Task Force, President Kim also called for the development of an Action Plan to implement the recommendations. Fundamental to the Action Plan is the continuing emphasis and focus on the guiding principles of the Task Force, including ensuring all actions are ultimately people centered and enable the safety, dignity and agency of those affected by World Bank-supported operations. Maintaining focus on recommendations to ensure the safety and security of women, children and other vulnerable groups, and ensuring regular and dynamic engagement with community partners will be integrated into respective actions outlined in this Plan. This Action Plan is derived from a review of every recommendation presented in the Task Force Report, and of these priorities. The Action Plan consolidates and groups the recommendations across key institutional areas which reference the above outlined priorities of the Task Force Report. The primary actions are: ➢ Develop a methodology for assessing the risk of SEA/GBV: Fundamental to Task Force recommendations to enhance social risk management is the need for clear delineation of what constitutes “High Risk” of SEA/GBV to guide Task Teams, as related to the existing contextual factors, institutional capacity and the distinct, project-related risks that may exacerbate or create new risks. The Action plan highlights the need for definition and understanding of SEA/GBV risks and development of associated methodology, while also noting the need to develop of a roster of technical specialists who can support risk assessment work. ➢ Develop guidance and training materials to build staff/client capacity to address risks of SEA/GBV: The Task Force report identifies a range of critical actions to be undertaken throughout the project cycle, including among others identifying and supporting 3 appropriate expertise to educate and consult with women and children, developing differentiated approaches for assessing risks to boys and girls as compared with risks confronting women and other vulnerable groups, identifying key community partners, and also mapping the range of potential SEA/GBV service providers in a given context. Enabling realization of these recommendations ultimately relies on building the technical skills, knowledge and understanding of Task Teams to work with clients to identify key risks and address them in project design, implementation and monitoring. Building staff capacity and knowledge—particularly in country offices—to undertake and implement these requirements through training and guidance materials is a therefore a key priority. ➢ Develop an internal Reporting and Response Protocol to guide Bank staff in case of incidence: The emphasis of Task Force recommendations is to advance measures that promote prevention of incidence of SEA/GBV. In the event that SEA/GBV does occur, however, Bank staff and management require clear guidelines as to when, how and to whom to report, on the reporting chain of escalation and on how to respond in a confidential, survivor-centered and ethically sensitive way. This action will develop an internal reporting and response protocol to guide Bank staff, building on the sample reporting protocol provided in the Task Force Report (Annex 6). ➢ Strengthen operational processes to address SEA/GBV: The Task Force Report highlights a range of operational actions to be implemented in the event that a project is deemed as one with “High Risk” of SEA/GBV and seeks to leverage legal agreements to enhance accountability. This includes mandating Codes of Conduct for civil works contractors in Bank Standard Procurement Documents, with prohibitions against SEA/GBV, including prohibitions against sexual activity with anyone under the age of 18. Many of these provisions, particularly those related to procurement requirements, are already being implemented by the Bank. The Action Plan includes corresponding provisions to strengthen Bank operational processes, including procurement requirements, consultation considerations and recommendations for grievance redress mechanisms, Supervisory Engineers and Third Party Monitors. ➢ Develop internal and external outreach campaigns: Responding to Task Force recommendations to make the Bank a responsible change agent necessitates building an enabling environment to shift internal culture, perception and behavior of the need to address SEA/GBV in Bank-supported projects, the Action Plan highlights key actions to foster and maintain institutional rigor and engagement on the issue. Key actions also connect to efforts to create pathways for change beyond the Bank, working with client partners to assure their leadership and accountability in addressing risks of SEA/GBV, and identifying external outreach and partnership opportunities with industry actors and other multilateral development partners to expand attention and focus on these issues. 4 ➢ Ensure budget is available for TF recommendations: Realization of Task Force recommendations will require adequate resources to address transition costs and to develop needed training, guidance and communications materials to build internal and external capacity. The Action Plan re-emphasizes the need to make budget a driver for change through dedicated one-time surge funds to cover training and knowledge development costs, and through the establishment of a two-year GBV Prevention and Mitigation Fund to allocate additional resources to projects at High Risk of SEA/GBV to cover additional budget requirements. ➢ Ensure continuous learning to improve capacity to address SEA/GBV: Implementation of Task Force recommendations presents an important learning opportunity to expand the institution’s understanding of effective approaches to prevent or respond to SEA/GBV. Key actions underscore the need for continuous learning and include provisions for systematic portfolio reviews over the next three years, as well as a request for IEG review at the end of four years. 5 GLOBAL GENDER-BASED VIOLENCE TASK FORCE: ACTION PLAN FOR IMPLEMENTATION Recommendation Key Actions Timeline Resp. Unit Comments 1. Build Robust Risk Assessment Methodology to Identify Projects deemed "High Risk" for SEA/GBV 1.1 Develop guidance for Bank Staff on how to define and assess Defining "High Risk" of SEA/GBV in Bank “High Preliminary definition of operations.1 Risk” of "High Risk" of SEA/GBV SEA/GBV articulated in the Task 1.2 SEA/GBV risk assessment – March GT Force Report (Chapter 1 methodology to be integrated into 2018; risk SD and in Annex 3 and 4). consolidated Social Risk method- Bank team to be Management guidelines and ology – convened to finalize. relevant trainings.2 June 2018 Develop SEA/GBV Risk Assessment Methodology for 1.3 Build roster of qualified identifying Projects firms/consultants with experience deemed “High Risk” for working on SEA/GBV, including SEA/GBV to trigger those with experience working action. with children.3 Dec 2017 GT SD 1 Development of the risk assessment methodology will necessary include consideration of the wider community of vulnerability groups, including women and children, as well as minority groups, the disabled, LGBTQIA and men, male youth and boys. 2 Social Risk Management Guidelines to include guidance on community mapping to identify existing, qualified GBV service providers, key local actors and other sources of support and information, and organizations with expertise and experience in outreach and engagement with women and children – with linkages to Social Impact Assessment and Mitigation Guidelines. 3 Roster to be updated regularly and posted online, as well as integrated as an annex to existing guidance for Bank staff. 6 Recommendation Key Actions Timeline Resp. Unit Comments 2. Develop Relevant SEA Guidance and Training Materials4 Prepare SEA/GBV 2.1 Prepare consolidated SEA/GBV Should build on project guidance consolidating guidance for Bank staff building SD cycle model elaborated in policies and processes upon existing guidelines. Use June 2018 GT Task Force Report (pp 48- for preventing, and guidance to inform and update OPCS 49) responding to incidents. other relevant materials.5 Build technical expertise 2.2 Develop Master Class Training to build SEA/GBV expertise among GT to address SEA/GBV in June 2018 Bank staff.6 SD operations. Develop and integrate SEA/GBV learning 2.3 Develop a dedicated SEA/GBV modules into existing training that can be adapted for SD trainings for Bank staff, June 2018 integration into identified GT with a special emphasis trainings.7 on staff in country offices. 2.4 Organize at least three SEA/GBV learning events in FY18 Enable continuous on lessons learned from the SD knowledge exchange June 2018 Uganda case and international OPCS and learning. good practice (including in Bank- supported projects). 3. Develop Internal Reporting and Response Protocol to Guide Bank Staff Preliminary reporting Develop internal 3.1 Establish clear guidance for guidance outlined in Reporting and Response SD Bank staff on reporting incidence Annex 6. To be reviewed protocol to guide Bank June 2018 OPCS and escalation of SEA/GBV for and validated, and staff in case of incidence GT management response. 8 accompanied by response of SEA/GBV. protocol. 4 A key consideration for staff training and capacity building will be ensuring outreach and engagement in particular with country-level Bank staff. Additionally, training and guidance materials must highlight different approaches to identifying and responding to SEA/GBV risks affecting children, as well as respective approaches for supporting women and other vulnerable groups. 5 E.g. Social Risk Management guidelines, Stakeholder Consultation guidelines, the Labor Influx Guidance Note, GRM learning and best practice guidelines, etc. 6 To be linked to professional development objectives incentivizing engagement of high-performing staff. Interim training opportunities external to the Bank may be identified to enable more immediate capacity building of key staff while formal Master Class is established. 7 E.g. OCC, FBO, Procurement Webinars, ESSAT weekly safeguards training, etc. 8 This work should look to align with relevant, ongoing efforts such as the Safeguards Rapid Response Toolkit with remedy cascade currently being finalized. 7 Recommendation Key Actions Timeline Resp. Unit Comments 4. Strengthen Operational Processes to Address SEA/GBV 4.1 Establish requirement for civil works that contractors must Establish mandatory declare any suspensions linked disclosure requirements specifically to SEA/GBV and Nov 2018 OPCS in Bank SPDs for all civil demonstrate having taken steps to works contracts. mitigate risks for the purposes of the present contract. 4.2 Establish as standard practice in contractor Codes of Conduct for workers, prohibition of all forms Require Codes of of SEA/GBV, including language on Conduct, translated for prohibition against sexual SD relevant groups, to be in activities with anyone under the OPCS place for projects June 2018 age of 18. Appropriate covenants GT deemed “High Risk” of to be included in WB legal LEG SEA/GBV in Bank’s agreements for Projects at “High SPDs.9 Risk” of SEA/GBV requiring preparation and monitoring of such Codes of Conduct. 4.3 Develop list of mandatory Establish mandatory SEA/GBV procurement measures for projects requirements for contractors in deemed "High Risk" of Projects with "High Risk" of SEA/GBV: Procurement, March OPCS SEA/GBV to share with TTLs and Third Party Monitoring, 2018 SD Procurement Specialists. Ensure and requirements for inclusion of these requirements in Supervisory Engineers relevant procurement documents.10 9 This will also apply to projects for which the risk rating is raised to "High Risk" for SEA/GBV during implementation. 10 The Task Force report suggests including, among others: i) Contractors must demonstrate capacity to manage SEA risks; ii) contractors must develop plans for SEA/GBV sensitization and awareness training; iii) contractors should have sexual harassment policies governing conduct in the workplace; iv) development of contractor reporting and redress protocols in case of incidence; and v) prevention and response action plans and key staff with appropriate technical skill. Many of these actions have already been undertaken by Procurement but such provisions should ensure explicit focus on addressing risks linked to SEA/GBV. Additionally, there should be particular emphasis on building awareness of staff in country offices. 8 Recommendation Key Actions Timeline Resp. Unit Comments 4.4 Develop sample ToRs and guidance on modalities for TPM OPCS March selection for monitoring SEA/GBV. SD 2018 GT 4.5 Embed accountability for monitoring risks linked to OPCS Nov 2018 SEA/GBV in Supervisory Engineer GPVPs contracts. 4.6 Deploy pilot community Use innovative messaging campaigns in "High approaches for Risk" projects as a tool to continuous dialogue FY19 and strengthen community SD (e.g. social media and FY20 engagement and feedback. Pilot in text messaging) with at least 5 projects in FY 19, and 10 communities. projects in FY 20. 5. Develop Internal and External Outreach Campaigns11 Identify internal 5.1 Appoint 1-3 institutional Dec 2017 GGSVP champions. champions in relevant sectors. 5.2 Develop an internal campaign to strengthen Bank understanding and awareness of the risks of June 2018 SD SEA/GBV and how to address them in projects.12 Strengthen linkage between addressing 5.3 Engage with EBC on Core SEA/GBV and our Core Values "refresh" process to Values ("Walking the strengthen internal policies talk"). against sexual harassment of staff Jun 2018 SD and prohibitions against exploitation and abuse against community members where the Bank works.13 11 Internal outreach to focus in particular on engagement with country offices. Internal outreach also to include presentation of Task Force recommendations at relevant management meetings, including at Regional Management Team meetings. 12 Internal communications campaign to include development of innovative learning tools strengthening connection between Bank's development objectives and mission and prevention of SEA/GBV in operations. 13 E.g. through an update to the Bank's sexual harassment procedures. 9 Recommendation Key Actions Timeline Resp. Unit Comments 5.4 Present GBV Task Force recommendations and proposed Link with other MDBS implementation actions at the SD using existing Working Jan 2018 next MDB E&S Working Group OPCS Groups. meeting and MDB Gender Group Meeting. 5.5 Develop a schedule of Raise awareness among upcoming industry conferences industry partners of new and events to socialize TF Nov 2017 OPCS requirements and recommendations and emerging attention to SEA/GBV. Bank requirements related to SEA/GBV. 5.6 Develop externally oriented Build client capacity and training materials targeting client SD awareness of need to June 2018 partners to build awareness and address SEA/GBV. capacity to address SEA/GBV. 6. Ensure Budget Is Available to Implement Task Force Recommendations Allocate budget for 6.1 Provide required budget to surge fund – one-time cover incremental costs costs to develop associated with SEA prevention Nov 2017 BPS learning materials, and response measures (to cover guidance notes, etc. 2-year period). 6.2 Management to take into Ensure additional costs account—in the W process—the associated with projects budget requirements to establish July 2018 BPS with high GBV risks are a GBV Prevention and Mitigation covered. Fund to cover increased project costs and associated reviews. 7. Ensure Continuous Learning to Improve Bank Capacity to Address SEA/GBV More Effectively Conduct periodic 7.1 Develop a schedule and model 1st year reviews of sample High for systematic review after 1 year review by Risk projects over 2-3 (light touch), after 2 years Dec 2018; SD year period to capture (rigorous). 2nd year lessons on review by implementation. Dec 2019. 7.2 Formalize request to IEG for Initiated Request review by IEG review in four years. by Oct SD after 4 years. 2021. 10