REPUBLIC OF ZAMBIA MINISTRY OF FINANCE PUBLIC FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT REFORM PROJECT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS For the year ended 3f' December 2016 THE AUDITOR GENERAL P.O. BOX 50071 LUSAKA - ZAMBIA ÿþMINISTRY OF FINANCE - Public Financial Management Reforin Progran (PFMRP) Phase i Financial Statements for the year ended 31" December 2016 Table of Contents Page Statement of Programme Management's Responsibilities........................... 2 Ind ependent A uditor's Report ..................................................................................................3 Statement of Cash Receipts and Payments by component for the period cnded 31sl December 20 6 .....................................................................................................................................:..........6 Statement of Cash Receipts and Payments by component for the period ended 31st December 2016 - M D T F ................................................................................................................................7 Statement of Cash Receipts and Payments by component for the period ended 31st December 2016 - G R Z ....................................................................................................................................8 Notes to and forming part of the Financial Statements for the period cnded 31" December 2016 ............................................................................................................................................. 9 i- OFFICE OF THE AUDITOR GENERAL INDEPENDENT AUDITOR'S REPORT STAND No.7951 IAILE SELASSIE AVENUE, LONGACRES P.O BOX 50071 LUSAKA, ZAMBIA E-mail: anditore~~,ort Telephone: +260252611/25277J To the Permanent Secretary Ministry of Finance - Budget and Economic Affairs Report on the Audit of the Financial Statements Opinion I have audited the financial statements of the Public Financial Management Reform Programme, which comprise the statement of sources and utilisation of funds for the year ended 31" December 2016, and notes to the financial statements, including a summary of significant accounting policies as set out on pages 6 to 18. In my opinion, the accompanying financial statements of the Public Financial Management Reform Programme are prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSASs) Cash Basis of Accounting and the Financing Agreement between the World Bank and the Republic of Zambia. Basis for Opinion I conducted my audit in accordance with International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions (ISSAJs). My responsibilities under those standards are further described in the Auditor's Responsibilities for the Audit of the Financial Statements section of my report. I am independent of the Public Financial Management Reform Programme in accordance with the International Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) Code of Ethics together with the ethical requirements that are relevant to my audit of the financial statements in Zambia, and I have fulfilled my other ethical responsibilities in accordance with these requirements and the INTOSAI Code. I believe that the audit evidence I have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for my opinion. Responsibilities of Management and Those Charged with Governance for the Financial Statements Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in accordance with International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSASs) Cash Basis of Accounting and the Financing Agreement between the World Bank and the Republic of Zambia, and for such internal control as management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. Those charged with governance are responsible for overseeing the Project's financial reporting process. 3 OFFICE OF THE AUDITOR GENERAL Auditor's Responsibilities for the Audit of the Financial Statements My objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements as a whole are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an auditor's report that includes my opinion. Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance, but is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance with ISSAls will always detect a material misstatement when it exists. Misstatements can arise from fraud or error and are considered material if, individually or in the aggregate, they could reasonably be expected to influence the economic decisions of users taken on the basis of these financial statements. As part of an audit in accordance with ISSAls, I exercise professional judgment and maintain professional scepticism throughout the audit. I also: * Identify and assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error, design and perfourn audit procedures responsive to those risks, and obtain audit evidence that is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for my opinion. The risk of not detecting a material misstatement resulting from fraud is higher than for one resulting from error, as fraud may involve collusion, forgery, intentional omissions, misrepresentations, or the override of internal control. * Obtain an understanding of internal control relevant to the audit in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate inthe circumstances, but not for the purpose ofexpressing an opinion on the efiectiveness of the project's internal control. * Evaluate the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates and related disclosures made by management. * Conclude on the appropriateness of maniagemnent's use of the going concern basis of accounting and, based on the audit evidence obtained, whether a material uncertainty exists related to events or conditions that may cast significant doubt on the project's ability to continue as a going concern. If I conclude that a material uncertainty exists, I am required to draw attention in my auditor's report to the related disclosures in the financial statements or, if such disclosures are inadequate, to modify my opinion. My conclusions are based on the audit evidence obtained up to the date of my auditor's report. However, future events or conditions may cause the project to cease to continue as a going concern. * Evaluate the overall presentation, structure and content of the financial statements, including the disclosures, and whether the financial statements represent the underlying transactions and events in a manner that achieves fair presentation. I communicate with those charged with governance regarding, among other matters, the planned scope and timing of the audit and significant audit indings, including any significant deficiencies in internal control that I identify during my audit. I also provide those charged with governance with a Statement that I have complied with relevant ethical requirements regarding independence, and to communicate with them all relationships and other matters that may reasonably be thought to bear on my independence, and where applicable, related safeguards. 4 Report on Other Legal and Regulatory Requiremnnts -- in iny Opinion, the Financial Statements of the Public Financial Management Reform Programme as at 31 December, 2016 have been properly prepared in accordance with World Bank Rules and Procedures. REPUBLIC OF ZAMBIA OFFICE OF TH1E AUDiTOR GENERAL F23 JUN 2017 Ron M. Mwanbwa, FCV4, FZCA, CGMA, MSc, CFEi AUDITOR GENERAL ACTING AUDITOR GENERAL P 83 } AKA. OFFICE OF THE AUDITOR GENERAL T . . . 5 MiNISTRY OF FINANCE - Public Financial Management Reform Program (PFMRP) PhAse I Financial Statements for the year ended 31" December 2016 Statement of Programme Management's Responsibilities The programme management is responsible on behalf of the Controlling Officer for preparing a Consolidated Statement of Receipts and Payments (by disbursement/Procurement category and by activity and showing sources of funds) for each financial period, which gives a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the Public Financial Management Reform Programme (PFMRP) Phase I project. In preparing the Consolidated Statement of Receipts and Payments, the programme management: * selects suitable accounting policies and then applies them consistently; * makes judgements that are reasonable and prudent, and a follows Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. The Consolidated Financial Statement of Receipts and Payments is prepared using the International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS) cash basis of accounting. The programme management is responsible for ensuring that the Public Financial Management Reform Programme Unit keeps proper accounting records, other relevant documents and registers required by the Act or agreement which disclose with reasonable accuracy at any time the financial position and activities of the programme. It is also responsible for taking reasonable steps for the prevention and detection of errors. fraud and other irregularities. The programme management is also responsible for the systems of internal controls. These are designed to provide reasonable, but not absolute assurance as to reliability of the financial statements and to adequately safeguard, verify and maintain accountability for assets, and to prevent and detect material misstatements. The systems are implemented and monitored by suitably trained personnel with appropriate segregations of authority and duties. Nothing has come to the attention of the programme management to indicate that any material breakdown in the functioning of these controls, procedures and systems has occurred during the year under review. In the opinion ofthe programme management, the Consolidated Financial Statement of Receipts and Payments is drawn up so as to present fairly the financial activities for the period ended 31" December 2016. Signed on behalf of the programme management by: Clare M.M. Mazimba Mumba Chanda Financial Management Specialist, PFMRP Deputy Accountant General & Coordinator, PFMRP Date: ........ ....................... ...... Date:........................... e...D ....... Pamela C. Kabarnba Permanent Secretary Budget and Economic Affairs , Ministry of Finance Date: ... ...... ....... .,.............. 2 MINISTRY OF FINANCE - Public Financial Management Reform Program (PFMRP) Phase i Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2016 Statement of Cash Receipts and Payments by component for the period ended 31st December 2016 All figures are tabulated in US dollars and Zainhan Kwacha Notes ACIUAl EXPENDITIRE 2016 2015 USS ZMK Uiss ZMK Opetrmp ngah banecs 13 3,738,364 39,101,784 - Add: Re[ept from Cooperating Pariners 8 4,767,374 46,505,606 10,252,917 72,784,335 Add: Interest Received 9 1,230 12,780 6,359 44,694 Total funding 8,506,968 85,620,170 10,259,276 72,829,029 Less: Expendiure by Component Component i integrated Planning and Budgeting 1,844 18,774 233,049 1,628,839 Componem 2: Strengthening IFMIS and Cash Managemenr 697.947 7,099,086 2,647,050 17.649,903 Componeni 3: (a)Pubiic Procurement - ZPPA 1,852,708 19,833,515 216,392 1,683,849 Component 3: (b)Publie Procurement - ZIPS 252,160 2,2982,981 253,321 1,745,380 Component 4: Enhanced Intemal Audit and Control 228,838 2,233,568 671,032 4,618,799 Component 5: increasing the Effeeiiveness of Revenue Admin 3.217,678 33,068,648 1.493.178 14,064.560 Component 6: Strengthening Tax Policy Formulation 42,319 423.975 33,250 223,886 Component 7: program Managemeni 435.952 4,489,627 848379 5,552,417 Component 8: (ai Other PFM Interventions - OAG 81,721 800,001 . Componenm 8 (b) Other PEM Interventions - ZICA - - Total Expenditure 6811,167 70,250,175 6,395,651 47,167,633 Receipts Less Expenditure 1,695,801 15,369,995 3,863,625 25,661,396 Foreign exchange difference gain(loss) 10 (48,371) 950,753 <125,261) 13,440,389 Closing eash balances 13 1,647,430 16,320,748 3.738,364 39,101,785 Signed on behalf of the Public Financial Managernent Reform Programnme (PFN4RP) management by: Clare MM. Mazinba Mumba Chanda Financial Management Specialist. PFMRIP Deputy Accountan General & Coordinator, PFMRP D ate ..................... D ate: .. .... .. Pamela C. Kabamba Permanent Seretary - Budget and Economic Affairs Miristrn of 1Iance Date: .... 6 MINISTRY OF FINANCE - Public Financial Management Reform Program (PFMRP) Phase I Financial Statements for the year ended 31" December 2016 Statement of Cash Receipts and Payments by component for the period ended 31st December 2016 - MDTF All figures are tabulated in US dollars and Zambian Kwacha C 'NU 1,UAT1VE Notts ACTUIAL EXPENDITURE ACTUAL EXPENDITURE EXPE.NDITURE 2016 20155 MK US 1 Opening cash balances 13 3,658,193 38,221,460 - Add: Receipts from Cooperating farners s 4,6(0,000 44,874,700 8431,548 61,107,358 13,031,548 105,982.058 Add: Interest Received 9 - Total funding 8,258,193 83,096,160 8,431,548 61,107,358 13,031,548 105,982,058 Less: Expenditure by Component Component 1: integrated Planning and Budgeting 4 1,844 18,774 233,049 1,628839 234893 L647,613 Component 2: Strengthening IFMIS and Cash Management 4 666,130 6,772,363 $31,714 10,516,960 2,197,844 17,289,323 Component 3 (a)Public Procurement - ZPPA 4 1852,708 19,833,515 216,392 J,683.849 2,069.100 21,517,364 Component 3 (b)Public Procurement -ZIS 4 252,160 2.282981 253321 1,745,380 565,481 4,028,361 Component 4: Enhanced Internal Audit and Control 4 228,838 2,233,568 671.032 4,618,799 899,870 6,852367 Component 5: Increasing the 1Blectiveness of Revenue Admin 4 3,217,678 33,068,648 1,493,178 14,064,560 4,710,86 47,133,208 Component 6: Strengthening Tax Policy Fomulation 4 42,319 423,975 33,256 223,886 75,569 647861 Component 7: program Management 4 222747 2,303345 285,417 1,844,014 508.164 4,147,359 Componecnt 8 (a) Other P1K-M Interventions - OA(3 4 81,72] 800,001 - - 8 1.721 800,001 Component 8: ib) Other PFM Interventions - ZICA 4 - - Total ExpenDditure 6,66,145 67,737,170 4,717,353 36,326,287 11,283,498 104,063,457 Receipts Less Ependiture 1,692,048 15,3-58,990 3,714,195 24,781,071 1,748,050 1,918,601 Foreign exhnedifference gain}lIosst 10 (45.799% 956,753 156,002) 13,440,389 (101.801) 14,391,142 Closing cash bances 13 1,646,249 16.309.743 3,658,193 38,221,460 1,646,249 16,309.743 7 MINISTRY OF FINANCE - Public Financial Management Reform Program (PFMRP) Phase I Financial Statements for the year ended 31Pt December 2016 Statement of Cash Receipts and Payments by component for the period ended 31st December 2016 - CGRZ All figures are tabulated in US dollars and Zambian Kwacha Notes EXMENDITUIRE ACTUAL. EXIIENDITUR1E EXPENDITU RE 2016 2015 Openin ZMK Uss ZMK Uss ZMIK Opening cash balances 13 80,171 880,324 - Add: Receipts from GC 8 Add: Interest Received 8 167,374 1,630,906 1,821,369 11,676,977 1988,743 13,307,883 A&ItrsReevd9 1,230 12,780 6,359 44,694 7,589 57,4y4 Total funding Ttlfnig248,775 2,524.010 1,827,728 11,721,671 1, 996,332 13,365,357 Less: Expenditure by Component Component 1: Integrated Planning and Budgeting Component 2: Strengthening IFMIS and Cash Management 5 31817 326,723 l, 5,336 7,132,943 1,147,153 7,4 Component 3 (a)Public Procurement - ZPPA - 3 8 6 3 Component 3: (b)Public Procurement - ZIPS Component 4: Enhanced internal Audit and Control Component 5 Increasing the Jttectveness of Revenue Admin Component 6 S -rengthening Tax Policy Formulation Component 7. program Management 5 23,205 2186,82 562,962 3,708,404 776,167 5,894,686 Component 8 (a) Other PFM Interventions - OAG 3 0 2 1 f 5 Component 8 (b) Other PFM Interventions - ZICA Total Expenditure 245,022 2,513,005 1,678,298 10,841,347 1 923,320 13.354352 Receipts Less Expenditure 3,753 1 149,430 880,324 73,012 11,005 Foreign exchange difference gatn/(oss) 10 (2,572) 0(6259) (71831) - Closing cash balances 13 11st 1,005 80,171 880,324 1,181 11,005 8 MINISTRY OF FINANCE - Public Financial Management Reform Program (PFMRP) Phase I Financial Statements for the year ended 31" December 2016 Notes to and forming part of the Financial Statements for the period ended 31s' December 2016 1. Background The Government of the Republic of Zambia (GRZ) has continued to implement public sector reforms aimed at improving service delivery in the public sector. In 2005, the Public Expenditure Management and Accountability (PEMFA) programme was launched whose overall objective was to contribute to the efforts of Government in improving capacity to effectively and efficiently mobilise and utilise public resources (improve public expenditure management) and to strengthen overall financial accountability. The Programme was implemented over a period of seven years. While there has been some progress made, significant weaknesses still remain in the areas of budget planning, preparation and implementation, budget execution and procurement, financial reporting and audit. In order to build on the achievements of the previous and on-going public sector reforms, especially on the Public Expenditure Management and Financial Accountability (PEMFA) Reform programme undertaken between 2005 and 2012, the Public Financial Management (PPM) Reform Strategy was developed in August, 2013. The design of this Public Financial Management (PFM) reform strategy for 2013-2015 was based on an assessment of reforms undertaken to date. 2. Principal aim of the Programme The overall objective of PFMRP is to contribute to the efforts of Government in improving the efficiency and accountability of public resources. The PFM reform strategy for Zambia has applied a holistic, systemic view of the public financial management system in order to consolidate macroeconomic stability. Structural reforms under the Public Sector Reform Programme are focused on the creation of more fiscal space, improvement of public expenditure and financial management as well as tax administration, and expansion of the tax base. The ultimate goal of the PFM reform strategy is to ensure efficient. effective and accountable use of public resources as a basis for economic development and poverty eradication through improved service delivery. The PFM reform strategy is to be implemented under ten complementary components each with their own Component Managers. All the components consist of already on-going reform processes, and specific key programmes, activities and steps planned for the coming three years. The PFM Reform strategy was the basis for the formulation of the new reforms, and in order to implement the PFM reform strategy, Government in consultation with all key stakeholders developed the Public Financial Management Reform Programme (PFMRP) Phase I Project which is being funded by the Department for International Development of the United Kingdom (DFID), the Government of Finland and KFW of the Federal Republic of German. The World Bank has been appointed as administrator for the Multi Donor Trust Fund (MDTF) that had been created as a funding window for the implementation of PFM reforms for the period from 2014 to 2017. The PFMR.P Phase I was declared effective on 17"' July 2014 by the World Bank and subsequently launched on 19"' August 2014. 3. Significant accounting policies The significant accounting policies adopted in the preparation of these financial statements and applied in all material respects, are set out below: 3.1 Statement of compliance The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with International Public Sector Accounting Standards cash basis of accounting. The Statement of Consolidated Statement of Receipts and Payments (by disbursement/Procurement category and by activity and showing sources of funds) is prepared on a cash basis of accounting in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted by GRZ and Cooperating Partners. 9 MINISTRY OF FINANCE - Public Financial Management Reform Program (PFMRP) Phase I Financial Statements for the year ended 31I December 2016 Notes to and forming part of the Financial Statements for the period ended 3Pt December 2016 3.2 Basis of financial statement preparation The Statement of Consolidated Statement of Receipts and Payments (by disbursement/Procureren category and by activity and showing sources of funds) for each financial period is prepared under historical cost convention. 3.3 Revenue Recognition Revenue is recognized when money is received from the Cooperating Partners namely Department for International Development (DFID), the Government of Finland and KFW of the Federal Republic of German- and disbursed to the Programme through the Multi Donor Trust Fund (MDTF) which is administered by the VWorld Bank. Contributions by Government in any form other than cash funding are not accounted for in these financial statements. 3.4 Expenditure Expenditure is recognized when paid. No provision is made of accrued expenses. The Programme expenditure is paid for out ofthe Operational Bank Accounts held at Stanbic Bank for eligible expenditure under MDTF and Eco Bank for GRZ eligible expenditure. On exceptional, some of the US dollar denominated payments were paid directly from the Designated Account at Bank of Zambia. This was done to avoid exchange losses due to the performance of the local currency against the US dollar. 3.5 Cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents comprise cash and bank balances. Cash and cash equivalents are presented net of bank overdrafts that arc repayable on demand. 3.6 Foreign currencies Transactions in foreign currencies are translated at the foreign exchange ruling at the date of transactions. Monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies, which are stated at historical cost, are translated at the foreign exchange rate ruling at that date. Foreign exchange differences arising on translation are recognized in the Consolidated Statement of Receipts and Payments Sources and Utilisation of Funds Statement. The exchange rates used are tabulated below as follows: 3.6.1 Schedule of exchange rates used for the preparation of 2016 Financial Statements Opening Balances at JI January 2016 ZMW 10.9806/USD Closing Balances at 31" December 2016 ZMW 9.8972/USD Budget Amount ZMW 10/USD Actual expenditure Actual rate at time of transaction 10 MINISTRY OF FINANCE - Public Financial Management Reform Program (PFMRP) Phase i Financia) Statements for tbe yea r ended 3j1" Decem ber 2016 4, Statement of Reccipts and Payments against Budget by Component by Cost Categorv for the period ended 31" December 2016 - MDTF Al figure are tabolated in US Dollars and Zambian Kwacha Notes NDTF BUDGETED ACTUAL EXPEINDITURE ENPENDITURE VARIANCE 2016 2016 2016 ._.S-S- Z1 ___ [ __ __ ZNI _ [S__ ZMW__ Opeing cash halances 3,658,193 38,221.460 AM: Rece lpth frm CoopMtT]g PartIers 4,600,0lY 44,871,700 Aid: fimerest ReceitvemCd Total funding 26ý000,000 182.000,00 8,258,193 83,096,160 (17,74 1107) (98,903,84() Less: ExpenditUre by Compo eit Comnponent 1: Integruted Planning and Budgefingu 445,000 4,450,000 1844 18.774 443156 4431,226 Como 1n011 ent 2: Strengtiening IFMIS and Cash1 Maiagemrrerit 3,888,000 38,680,000 6c6130 6,772.363 3,221,870 32,107,637 Component 3: (a)PubWic Procureniet - ZI'PA 2.189.500 21,895,000 1,852.708 1933,515 336,792 2,061,485 Component3: (b)Publie Procurerneti- ZIPS 485,000 4,850,000 252,160 2,282,981 232,840 2,567,019 Com ponefil 4: Enhliaced inlernal Audit and Cotrol 691ß001 6,910000 228,838 2,233,568 462,162 4,676.432 Component 5: Inereasing the E(lectivenes olRevenueAdrnin 7,034,420 70,344,200 3,217,678 33,068,648 3,816,742 37275552 ComponenW 6: Strengthening Tax Policy Formulation 190,000 1,900,000 42,319 423.975 147,681 1,476,025 Component 7: program Ma.nagernenl 440,900 4,409,000 222,747 2303,345 218,153 21105,655 Caipoeln 8:i (a) Other Pn F Inten eions - 0 AG 226,800 2,268100 81,721 800,001 145.079 1.467,999 Componeui 8: (b) Olier PFNI Interventionis-ZICA 482,100 4,821.000 - - 482.10 4,821,000 Total Exparidnure 16,072,720 160,727,20(1 6.566,145 67,737,170 9,506,575 92,990,030 Receipts I ess Expenditure 1,692,048 15,358,990 Add ss) Foicign exchange differencc (45,799) 95U,753 ClO-sing c21,31 b'larl l 1,646,249 16,309,743 MINISTRY OF FINANCE - Public Financial Management Reform Program (PFMRP) Phase 1 Financial Statements for the yea r ended 31 December 2016 5. Statement of Receipts and Payments against Budget by Component by Cost Category for the period ended 31 December 2016 - GRZ All figure are tabulated in US Dollars and Zambiai Kwacha IBDGET ACITAL-- EXPEND'TURE E,XPENDITURE VARIANCE 2016 2016 2016 _USs ZW S$_ ZM _ U_SS zMW Opening cah balances 80,171 880,324 Ad ZMk UISD ZMK Compone 1: titegraled 1Aiiing and Pudgeing Consultantcy Servces -- - - - - - - Tr-ainmg and Workshops 1,844 18,774 125,573 92-1.982 - - - GoodsiWorks - - 14,847 93,357 - - - Motor Vehiclc - - 92,629 610.50( - - - Operling Costs:Non- Conisu]lL .g Se r es - - -- - - - Š'b-Total 1,844 18,724 233,049 1,628.839 - - - Component 2: Strenglloe,in g iFM1S and Casli Management Consultancy S crkes 201,958 1849,663 44,895 315,84 - - - Tramming and Wcrkshops 44,758 458,844 682,316 4,761 573 29,026 296,076 29.201 192,460 Goods/Works 294,839 3,132,300 331.501 2.264,8-1 2,791 30,647 24Æ4 155,663 MitorVhcle - - - - Operating Costs/Non- Consulstnp Sen ices 125,575 1331,556 472,999 3,174,672 - - ,061,681 6,784.920 su b - Toal 666.130 6,772,363 1,531,214 10,516,960 31,817 326,723 1,115,336 7,132,943 Component 3: (i)l>ublie Procurement - Zamlbia Pubie Procurement AuthoriN Conisultanc3 Sernes 1L703,238 18,230.721 1 88,831 1.480,834 - -- - Trammgand Workshops 135.350 1,450,193 24.164 177.993 - - Goods/Works 12,241 132,4330 3.397 25,022 - - M toT VcelI - - - ··ll· - Operattg Cosls'NDon- Conlsultt Srces 1,879 20,168 - - Sub-'lotil 1852,708 19,833,515 216,392 1683,849 - - - Compont rit 3: (li)P[ublic Procuremnent - /anbi Institute n 11 rchasing and Suppl Consultancv Services 148,206 1,436,265 57,712 417.832 - - Tramm<Éz and Workshops 8,030 78.135 818 6.121 - - - - Goods%Works 24,129 177.734 4&,554 363,400 - - Motor Vehicle - - 100,419 631,413 - - - Operating CostaNon- ConsuIting Scrtices 71,795 590,847 45818 326,614 - Sub - Total 252,160 2,282,981 253,321 1,745,381 - - - - Componevii 4: Enhanced Internal Audit and Control Cnsoancy Sernces 12,382 434,567 17,241 127,000 - - - - Traming and Worksops 90,513 880.673 373,376 2,559.579 - - GoodsVorks 57,534 605,16 72,046 539,222 - - - Motor Velicle - - 85881 540,00 - - Operating Costs:Noi- ,Consulting Senes 38,409 3 1 3,222 12248 852_998 -- - - Sub-To(al 228,838 2,233,568 671,032 4,618,799 - - - - 13 MINISTRY OF FINANCE - Public Financial Management Reform Pi-ograrn (PFMRP) Pliase i Finaneial Statements for the vear ended 31 December 2016 .. 6. Statenet of Payments by Cost Category for the period ended 3P' December 2016 All figure are tabulated in US Dollars and Zambian Kwacha NWIFF GRY, ACT UAL A C1')AL AL MIAL CTUAIL 2076 2015 2016 2015 COMP'ONEN I/COS1- CATEGORY USD ZMI< USD ZMK USD ZMI USD ZMJ ?omponetl 5: Inreasig the EffectivLness of Rwetuc Alministration consulanyServites 97,( 0 8 998,920 55,672 350,057 - Trairung anld WoIrshopo 130.714 1339,022 14.743 103,1 IS - Goods/Works 2,602,507 26,907,793 1,422,763 13,63 3385 -- Motor Vchilec 353,160 3,484,440 - - - - Opertmng Costs.Nwon Consuhli1m, Scruc"e 34,273 338,473 - - Sib - T otal 3,217,678 33,068,648 1,493178 14,064,56» - - Conmponent 6: Sirengtheting Ta Poiicy Formvulauou ConsuItancy Serces - .- - - Trm g and Workshops 40.384 399,891 12,887 95,846 - GoodsfWorks 2>335 24084 20,363 128,040 - - - Motor Vel:cie - - . - - - upertiTirg nL cos N on- Constg Sesrve - - - - - SubI- Gial 42,319 423,975 33,250 223,886 - Component 7: program Management Consuancy Sre"cs 90,239 911349 - -- Tram img and Workshops 78,673 817,535 54.576 352.482 - - 16,502 767.844 GoodaWork 5,982 62,520 28,359 180,u03 - - Motor Vehicle - 152,430 958,450 - - 23.177 152,757 Opemting, Cosis/Non- Conslmg Semeies 47,855 512 314 50.052 353.079 233205 2,J86,282 423.283 2,787,803 Sub-Tota0 222.747 2,303,345 285.417 1,844,014 213,205 2,186,282 562,962 3,708.404 Component 8 (a): Other PFM tntersentiona - OAG Consiiancy Senices - - - - - - Trag in and Workshops 81,72! 100,003 - - - Goods/Works - - .- ,-- Motor Vehicle - - - - - - - Operating Costs INon- Consltmgiio Series - - - - - Sultai t 81,721 800,001 - - - - Component 8 (b): 01her PFM oh tervenions_ZICA Consuhatrncv Semeres - ramg and Workshops - -ø - - -- GSoods/Work648 1,493,178 14,064,569 4,710856 47,133,207 - - - - Component 0' Strengthenmg Tax Pohey Formulaion 42,3 19 423,975 33,250 223.886 75,569 6,17,861 - - - - - Componen , 7 progin Manageinent 222.747 2,303,345 285,417 [,844,014 508,164 4,147,360 213.205 2,1 86,22 562.962 3,708404 776,167 5994.86 Lomponent 1 (a) utiler I.M Jilen enlionts - 0AG 81,721 800,001 - - 81,721 800,001. - - - % 11J[mp m F P2ICLL o 15 kP t I IlIel tIuUns - ZICA Total Expenditure 6,566,145 67,737,170 4,717,353 36,326,287 11,283,498 104.663,457 245,022 2,513015 1,678,298 10,841,347 1,923,320 13,354,352 RecCpts ,es ExpNrudiuurc [1692,048 15,358,990 3,714,195 24,78 [,071 1,748,050 1,918,601 3,753 1 1,105 149,430 880,324 73.012 11,005 Add/(Les) Forcign exclhange difference (45,799) 950,753 (56,002) 13,440,389 (10 1,801) 4,391,142 (2,572) - (69,259) - (71,831 ) - t loYing cash be12anes 1,646.249 16,309,743 3,658,193 38,221,460 1,646,249 16.309,743 1,181 11,005 8),(71 880,324 1,181 11.005 15 MINISTRY OF FINANCE - Public Financial Management Reform Program (PFMRP) Phase 1 Financial Statements for the year ended 31" December 2016 8. Receipts from Cooperating Partners and Government of the Republic of Zambia All figure are tabulated in US doilars and Zambian Kwacha Tatl 2016 2015 2014 USD ZMK LSD ZNlK UISD1 Z-tK LISD 13031,.548 105,962,058 4,600,000 44,874,7010 0/31,94 48983,958 2,000000 12,11400 GRZ 1,9886743 133070882 167374 1,630,906 815365 5,276,977 1 005,401 6A00,000 SubTo1I 15,020,291 119,289,941 4,767,374 46,505,606 7,247,514 54,260,935 3,005,404 18,523,400 1vteresi Recented on GR7 Accoit 7,51 57,4 1,230 12780 6,339 4469-1 - - Total Fincinag 15,027,880 119,347,415 4,768,604 46,518,386 7,253,872 54,305,629 3,005,404 18,523,400 9. Interest Earned Interest amounting to US$ 1,230 (K 2,780) was received from Eco Bank GRZ Kwacha Account and has been included in the financial statements. 10. Exchange Gain/Loss Computation 2016 2015 r111711 GRZ MOTF GRZ 751 ot11 [II UNDW 1= s) Zfl1r= t SI) 7V Closing Balance 1,646,249 16,309,743 1,181 11,005 3,658,193 38,221,460 80,171 880,324 Fund% Avai1able: Opening Balance 3,658,193 38,221,460 80,171 880324 - Receipts 4600,000 44,874,700 167,374 1630,906 8,431, 4 61.107,358 1,821,369 11,676,977 Interest - - 1,230 12,780 6,359 44,694 Sub Tot-d 8,258.193 83.096,160 248.775 2,524,010 8,431L548 61,107.358 1,827,728 11.721.671 Less Expenses 6,:0.145 67,737.170 245,022 2513,005 4.717353 36,320,287 1,678,298 10.841,347 Receipts less Expandittire 1,692,048 153c8,990 3,753 11,005 3,714,195 24.78 1,071 149.430 80,324 Exchange Guiu/(Loss) (45.799) 950,753 (2,572) 0 (56.002) 13,440389 (69,259) 0 The MDTF has recorded an exchange loss in USD of $45,799 and exchange gain in ZMW of K950,753 as a result of having accounts in both USD and ZMW as payments are made from both accounts. The exchange loss in USD incurred on the GRZ account is on account of exchange rates used for translation at payments stage. 11 Office equipment, furniture, vehicles and civil works All plant and equipment purchased and expenditure on civil works are expensed in the period of purchase and when expenditure is incurred. No depreciation is charged. Expenditure on plant and office equipment, furniture and vehicles and civil works is analysed in note 12. 16 MINISTRY OF FINANCE - Public Financial Management Reform Program (PFMRP) Phase I Financial Statements for the year ended 3111 December2016 12, incremental operating costs incremental operating costs relate to costs incurred on account of project implementation management and monitoring including; office supplies. equipment and vehicle maintenance. communication costs, travel and service costs. 13. Cash and cash equivalents All figure are tabulated in UJS dollars and Zambian Kwacha 2016 2015 USD ZMW USD 7MW Unutilized funds beginning financial year Bank of Zambia Designated Account (US dollar) 3,119,337 34,252.192 1,000,000 6,385.600 Bank of Zambia Operations Account (ZMW) 332,248 2,447.373 201,618 1.287.450 Stanbic Kwacha Operational account 206,608 1.521,895 782.,993 - 4,999,880 Eco Bank Kwacha Operational account (GRZ) 80,171 880.324 74,794 477,607 Total 3,738,364 39,101,784 2,059,405 13,150,537 1Unutilized funds at end of financial year Bank of Zambia Designated Account (US dollar) 433.979 4-295.180 3.119.337 34.252.192 Bank of Zambia Operations Account (ZMW) 397.102 3.935.593 332,248 2,447.373 Stanbic Kwacha Operational account 5.342 52.943 206,608 1.521 895 eco Bank Kwacha Operational account (M DTI) 809.826 8.026.027 - - tco Bank Kwacha Operational account (GRZ) 1,181 11 .005 80.171 880,324 Total 1,647,430 16,320,748 3,738,364 39,101,784 14. Office Equipment, furniture and motor vehicles In accordance with the policy to account for expenses on a cash basis only, procurement of assets have been recognised as expenses at the time of acquisition under equipment, furniture and motor vehicles in the statement of Cash Receipts and Payments by Cost Category. The registers for fixed assets acquired during the period are maintained by both the Components and the Programme Management Coordinating Unit and are presented separately as appendix I to these financial statements. Schedule of movement in Fixed Assets OFFICE EQUIPMEI AND FURNITURE M01 OR VTIIWLES CIVIL WORKS TOTA L 1SD ZA1K [SD 7MIK [ISD ZMI[ USD - 711K At 31st December 2015 1,001,949 10,244.300 454.536 2,893120 0 0 1.456,484 13,137,420 Additions 2,642,7;2 27,304,917 353.166 3,484,440 31,491 313,305 3,027,410 31.102 662 Al 31t December 2016 3.644,701 37.549,217 807.702 6.377,560 31,491 313,305 4,483,894 44,240,082 15. Contingent liabilities There were no contingent liabilities as at 3 1 December 2016. 17 MINISTRY OF FINANCE - Public Financial Management Reform Program (PFMRP) Phase I Financial Statements for the year ended 31' December 2016 - 16. Commitments There were outstanding commitments totalling US$5,995,899 equivalent to K65.246,147 (see Appendix 11) at the end of the year relating to on-going contracts for consultants and supply of various goods and services. 17. Comparative tigures No specific reclassifications have been made for comparative figures in the current financial year due to the fact that this is the first reporting period. 18. Going concern The Public Financial Management Refiorm Programme (PFMRP) Phase I project was declared effective on 17" July, 2014 with a life span of 3 years which will end on 31st December 2017. 19. Related Party transactions The Programme has related party transactions with Cooperating Partners and the Government. There were no transactions with related parties in 2016 other than funding. 20. Post balance sheet events There were no significant events after the balance sheet date requiring adjustment to the accounts or disclosure. 18 APPENDIX l (a) PFMRP ASSETS ACQUISITION FOR THE PERIOD E NDING 31ST DECEMEER 2016 Chequ1e MOfFICE EQII 1 EiNT & Date EFTANo. PAYEE_ Deuilä NIrGluri- Vc~le fURNI URE CIVMLWORRKS STATION usD 21K u75 - 7,5K us 71K "Paymvent to Q- Pv.iit coiptmlg am i e JL%ï o La rsterm 1d 10 06 20]6 vFTA 0051 5C69 Q-ONT C01 & N F]WORK[NG SYSTI fnr tile Supp1 atJ 5,o20 su,5] MOplCASH \NAGIVlMEN r 'aPyient ia Mi s ns)iLeIis fer lie supply md titig 14 12 2C] GN 76J Mln MO, INVESTMLN IS LTD - of uie iimi mi m 4 455 45>356 MOF-C.\1S4 MANAOEMENT *Paymneint co NIitms Investmers for Le Iai EotiLang and 01 11 2016 0061 257 IITMOS fNVIESTMENTS LTD - rehabulItati. of he 27.036 26791 M N101 -CAS M V ANA [ GEMNT *aIrMeL for sapp!y end del vey of Lticc fi.ririut fur 27 12 2016 0061276 WASIMA TRADERS - TIcasi seieres and 28,(127 21,720 MOF.C.\kSI MANAGEMlENT 1'äsirmeed th d iJ2J Cl , of ccmIters o Zbir6a 151 bI 15 09 i016 1655 Cosnie Comalic SippIers L,MAed - Precruei AtÄlioj - 5,55 52,40 7PPA OFFIeFS 12 31-20 1 5 flA 005 5S MAJOR BUSINESS SOLUTIONS - SUpply af dCSkte CUlIpuicI fol TIPS 24.12-) 177,734] zipS OtFICFS tP'Qaiyej.C to lr Bs mS IS s f oJ uu aes or th au i P n .J 16 65 2016 Tl( 51 t5 M.JOR RUSINESS SOLUTIONS - deIse efra 4.6'6 52115 IM ZIlS OFFICLS yrnvm o Of fc thies Sen ices for be aipPy L rd t 9 05 201 - e A061065 fc MAhVe Serlees t mined - djvleij af t10 Lhynnej de1,en(10) 28,963 213,9161MOF-NTERAI AUDIT OYFIES 9Payment far the suppy ard del cry foftfice 21 12 216 00068 Orca Deco >mbia Linci,iJ - Fu.ale(eCCIe tables.) C 9,c03 91,70D MOF-INTERNAL ALDJf OFF[1S "Pia,i1iei t u reca D.-0 ZaiÃ¥Mla Ltd er tLie supply Of ei;!t 20 12 2016 0.261275 O,e. De:o ZameiL L.mited - (8) unbes 24,V4 246 525 MOF.INTERNAL C¯D7 OF-ICE25 Z5022016 1-F-IA ,ibefi tiierp iI Liniled SuppI u oIasa.iry Infor1ciuai Seni eeNI i Syim (DA) 196.51 2,258.416 ZRA 011C5 Si pply of 1ic tem at jy larda e & Softno e fOr .erCJal 07 G3 2016 EFTA [ Khret Z.Mbkl Lited caliiee haii (DA . 19 0, 761 6.595.874 zRA OFWCES Suppl'y of cmum cari CqUilpiieii foi carg. Irckliig 7 03 2016 EFTA Star Tech ComRIuil,a[n td - syGtm (DMA 7-1.011 l 40,6 ZRA OFFIC1,5 Sipp41,,eliverS .nd tiisali1 n iid uimissiei.ig of 1 004 20 :6 EI.TA 13usmitecss Consi:ian 2;imbia Ltd serciis & storae C e. fel i1ie ERM-5 -,C 9,471 0523,675 ZIA OH'CES tymer. a Stc Tecl C'oiimueiblilian ftd for fiial pÃ¥yrlm _4 05 2016 [021527 Star Techrlaoiy Limitd _ .m repeGCi to sipply 7,67 79,7-14 ZRA OFFICES Paymcent ta Shtrep i nesil1ent l d far tle sappli O a 18052016 001545 Sh 1CciLi csiit Lied cr mc fai Ilie 1 45,21 7RA OFFIC4S Saipp'lyOf,sri %i and 5 uipie e n epline f I elie celcte t,i 22 Gt 2016 EFTA GolO?¯ Bni-es Cormiriexin Zambia LtJ - Rerords ii.aemlm eiiGrac 55 b LCI n 245 02- 2 02,674 4RA OHPICES P15 mli'i lD Saro Ap, ii dl il' iS tid for fl) sLipL, dc er 33 L6016 EFTA OCblU7 sar Ag' lardL[triaL 1jrui:ed iii,nstaji ofo a0 nof,] 4:97U [60 EC- Z RA OFFICES P1a ment le Teliiet tJ fr arhe1 tpliy aid delusco Of VArlous 62 S2016 ¯EFTA 00617 Techael tLI iriforim;lIli - 139.55 1,lc%9A9 2.RA OFFICES Payiieit is O tU Ge l Eich ie aen se L td for lie sup p-t: aud 06 10 2016 CAJ006 OFFICE M kCHPNE SERVICES LTD deblei0 ofbisrode j3 t:5,,5 cc) ZRAft OFICES P iyn io MF1 DaeUmiuaias sl i,cas .1J ta ile pipily af -4 il 20t6 C06125 .SFI Ducae. SCIL-1.Cas tw12) J,4tOL,1iaLe C6 cb ,RA 01-I-CLS i )TICL)t ra k11 1 c. cl i Ã¥ulijtis ler, ile ffi 3 iupply et ,4 11 2117 62561255 .1\1 Derr.enrt Se'MIal Insa2) dna astuage 8,I9 882 ZRA OFFICES Pil for tlc s,ipply and dels cry of 3 heaty dl~5 cGaiers far 31 lOf2a6 l 6 X, l2 ME] DOCLID C NTS LUTON$ CYT SULT10_ ENIS e. 25,1644 256 156 ZRA OFFICFS P1i to Digital hIelCIhe.e oir supply & 41NC eC If E~ci ense 01 122016 0I125' D.i,igamel en e Laboitrve cincient Aor ZRA 257 395 2 525.04 ZRA OFFIChS Payminw te icjdoLIas d.SutA irada for IlLe [> Il 2016 |iS 12M Me_,chÃ¥v Diuiutal Tadi. _ falmpieaten,delLVeY ad J \'135 S.1C S:M ZRA UFFICE .P f,r th e vp p e) arid del h4iJ Of VLrivisa Ole el L.;~ärmel ii iD 30 122018 42612h 6 Di 4). i-cn26ger.r e LRA 11u,97X 1 090.6t2 1211A l jZ RA 0F-ICL PYI fail la supply and dehe1 af 4 lreade te.dets gud 2', 122016 0061267 IMITACH ENTIERPRlSES Lricis dor ERMS ,4114 945,432 zRA 01-0JCES P> i fOflri upp and d19heCI3 ofI e;ghitS) 1oyoi a I l ilux D eub!c 32 12 016 Ta cta Zaota LLL d ab 353J66 3,44 40 RA OFIICES Py mn ril to PTinish,rp4 WotId faf the ca9ply IJmd delucelry af 1OG5216 l61533 Tinishing Wo-ld Office fumilILe I.613 18.204 U1F.BUDGECI OFFICE APPENDIX i (a) PFMRP ASSETS ACQUISJTCIN FOR THE PERIOD EnNOKG 3 1ST DECEMBER 2016 CIIL.qtie! OFI LE EQUIPLN', & Dou LFTA Nl PAYEE DttaILIs M tor VeiIde Iq¯RITURE C]IL WORKS ISTATIGN USD ZMK 1 [SD USD ZkK PvenitIt to Ihe Prmt $Shp tl Ille Ipily ad deJ t Iery of 10 05 2016 $01532 TiL Prnt Slep Linited Twelv C hs to 521 ,m 0IIT- DGET ,Qi-lCE TOTAl. 33,166 3,484-14 2,642,752 27,30-191'7 31,411 3 u3395 APPENDIX 1lb) PFMRP ASSETS ACQUISLTION FOR THE PERIOD ENDING JIST DECEM IR 20] Clhequei OFFICE EQuIPmENT & Date EFTA No. Plyet Delails Motor Vohicle FVIR-N1URE STATION USD) ZMIK US D ZM K 3 t 12 20 1 003149 MvalGr BL:3m12s SILLIUmS Supply ofp;ojector,IIP pliones & pninters 6.702 17 38,098 00 Budget Office 31 12.2014 003147 Office Maciärje Serces - Prumctiemtirest of pltocepceC & pminer 7,556 3S 1 17,512 99 Budget Office 3 [12 2014 003143 Gane Stores - Supply ofa TV sc 100 78 4 Ou Budget Olika 07 04 2015 0060165 Soutem Cross Motus - piase of a wchicia 48,249 77 321,300 07 __ Budiget Office 07 04 2015 0060166 Valleb ce1t e - Priclpse cf4 X-1 Foid R ti ruspallad tu b of a cse mtaiiapeuntt ssatasr ema_i_i___ri_ y 9 1 C111 9-1.245 19 694.219 50 ZRA Offices i__ OinJe %yuni Ltd - Supply &e dehur of 16 3tal0C daubne SO2,e 602,600 6,983,134 87 ZRA Offices 31 12 2014 27046 laeu Bttssmeas Selttiots - Procuremtet nflapf0ps 20,363 27 128,040 16 Budget Officc 31 12 201-1 0060155 Veliel Centi - _ Pro uiicciim ofa ueor velutie .42374 51 267,70000 PEMRP Coorditaltn L¯nt 31 122014 0060156 PklIMs Zabnli Ltd - Procmeeltent rf cilIs 109.855 59 690.750,00 PF IRP Cona dmcKn Unu 5 Ö09204 003055 Relanice'l ZeIdlog - Picmelt ofpops 8,54 71 53,74000 PFIRP Coordmtun n 25 09 2014 003050 Fu Srluacs- Pi octtcmnent ofn ptoee;tuo 1,359 83 8,55056 PENIRP Coordmlitattnc itUn 25 00 2014 0030 Oca Dceco - llroemmcll)cll el, ofhimumre 5,007 05 31,961 21 PPMRP CooLdmsIont Unt 20 11 2014 003101 Ore Dco Zaibt:i - Bdlance ort proeMeI offurItle 688.96 4 33206 PFMRP Caoidiatien Ut 20 11 2014 003098 Reltirce Teclhiology - PIoctettMt of office eqUipWIetI1 1-479.21 9,301 00 PFVMRP Conedttaan unit 19052015 0080216 Ntssn Zamtbia - SuppJlv & dÃ¥IcIneCt of mtOr scel Ge 231?723 152,75650 PF,_ l RP C(1 PnlRP C iooudunatCt Lti G r d tCL I154.535.79 2,893,11].50 1,001,948.60 10,24333 4I APPENDIX W SUMMARY OF COMMITMENTS BY COMPONENT AS AT 315T DECEMBER 2016 (0OMP0ONEN DATE VNENDOR'StPPL6ER CONTRACI DETAII, CONTRIAC I'S¯M. _ _ PAYMENTS TOD8ATE HALANCEONCONTRA(1 CT {STAVIs Cerpu 442 m(iM AND CARIINMANAGEMNT £SDK C1k SRVICES OF 1WM15 iN SERVE5, NE1APP Al DC ANU DRC, TRAI7MN0 FOR fr STAl"F 0 VARMOL'S BACKEND TCCHNOLOGIES ANDNORMASATION0FSYSTuMAS BULLTON 2 46 2.u15 TECIHNET ONEYEARCONTrRACT 2.12989 2,34A198v 2612989 2129179 04 F5.¯LLPAYMENTANtF CONSGUIANCX SERVICES 2LMWE1 MR CRAIG L BROWN SEN10tz, 1FS115 RASiS CONSULTANT AND 00\ ERNMENT QFE 2 1802 -116 CRAM, L BROWN SNR RIEP'UUC OF ZAMB A 82 WÃ¥. 0w 25>4 ,25i 43 l373 22 7,243 57 ' 45 62 7 U'DATED CONSULTA\Cn SERkCES BTEEN DR R.0 l.G ROUlWNS, irMls A05VISO R,PLiC F1A1NCI.AL MANAW,4LNT R:FORM 2 43 k,& 2415 IR GREC ROUINS PROGRM AND nE REPLWC Of ZAMSIA 2' 1M 33 3,C4247 444.664 ?v 2444,3 w 76,741 94 341,6434 Sk,PPLY, DELIVERY AND INSTAILATlMN OVF VE'S1 NCTBACK 7 7 2 NA CLOUDTECHZ LTD FUR ORZGMS10N UNDLRiFNUM1i 84 232 84173224 - - 84.7322 54,7224 CONTRACTARARDED 2 'NA TBA DL\¯EI.01MENOF IMIS ENHANCE.Ni.NTS 2» A 214ugnYu - - 264 00 20-0ÂŽ1ewa 4 1AL 2,67164,45 26,752.399.? 432ßt071 344,C)740 2,235,16374 13,312,Z1297 COMPAE.VT 3. PUBLIC PROCURE,MENT REFORMS EIGlOPEAN DYNAMICS LEMDRGSA, EURDPEAN DYNAMiCS A UROCIR LMENTF F LMPIENTA1 ON Os"-THE , GOVTL%ffNT AND EUOEO4LN PROCLPJILNTSYSTEM SUPPY, DuIVERY NSTALL\TION D"i NA"fics U LIMTUTED AND COlM SSiNING POR lcT 4N6RASTRLCTLRE FOR DATA 3 22 G3 216 0% CENTRE AND CNH1ANC4MENTF THEIZPPA 1 X4S15Ne WM B511E z'233.64 c"; 24,68 931 e , 7e 24 19 34,37 7 276.447 75 7 ÂŽ43.882 (D ULTANCY TO DEVELOP IlE 71115 CO0 OF Ci128(S AND ' 22 >7 241 EVA JIALA ItGuLA F1ONS 24.53 12 2?23 5) IV 49 462 éO ,j 7 048 L¯ 74 3 CONU.LTANCY 5ERYViCES FOR ¯MI, DEV1LPO\NT 04 A DATABut? AND Ws\ WE15fYL. MNTENANCE 0F f-L SYS I CM ASD TRAlINGF R cf 115S 0 W TO uSt'fii SYSTEM iOR 200423 LU71NClZYAMELO '11IEL 3B4AS ',51TtIfE OfPUCIMSi4ANDSLPPLYl42PS) 4426 M41).w 27,4461 2327533 24242 :6435 CONSWLTANCY 5ERVICES fOR 1441 MAM 54FTNG AND BRANDNG 3 4 201 MARLE MNG OMGA CI-R1 CONSLTANCIES l' &uuJ W -32-00 24 .617 23 wut00 4,3 83 'W130 CONSLLT ANCT SERVICES TO DlS-GW.. PRE-PARE AND DEVEL<3 A SlIORTTERMTRAINIXO \IATERAIS AND TO CONDUCT SHORT TLILM TRAINING15 TO STAKEJl406(DERS FOR1 T112:laM54A 3 28 KAHLANIA NLOM10-M. INSTiTITJ-E OF PURCRSING AND 5(11PLY 4ilPS 3 6 24.si814 FINANCL NIA'NACURL.kA1M6 3 1 TLlEOFU CASINAND 3 vio1 2214 l,LOYDH fLBI SPLY 5 YAND GDVERÂŽNMEN¯OF1 IREPLIC0F7A\B5A 1,814 40 'ü00 4'4743 527A" 62A4 b722.',u T014A4 214£434 29,"733414 9,74,84694126.49L,854.3 482,44612 9,628"'28,97 COPONENT 4 - ENHACED INTERNAIL AUDIT AD CD0CNTROL CONSLLTANCY kOR -ME DILA-TING 0F U Ti 1A fILL FOR :A EV'AIJHALA ZANM'A CR-APTER 4,043 4514>257 -5L'000 '41' ToiAL 45,3i3 44 5 (00 - . 4540366 4Gfi0 COMONEAT- 5 INCI«A EFS ECT Ø'SE 01R E LADNITI ATION UNITEDhNATIONS CONFEPJ:ACE 0NTfRItD .\NDDOEYILOPMFNT F-UNCTAD0 01R THE DEVELGPMNWNT WF TI M-NNERA 5 226ÂŽ34 2 84Ul'CTAD 'MONlTORING SYSTEM 347184 1 3 676,400 52304 4,83147 34l. 4 43,4 4.PDATED CO'TRACT VOR C54M SLPLY.iDELIVY,INSALLATION AND COMMISSIONNG4 Of 1Nr1O\ATION CorMNCAi0N '41CHNDLOGY FOR Tl-E MINE6lmL VALUE CIAIN MONIJORING 5 26m233(6 TECHN6T SYSTCM 724,950 "2 &212,247tD 723,9293 8,24¯.24r2 .- 32 UPDATED APPENIJX 11 SUMMARY OF COMMITMENTS BY COMPONENT AS AT 31ST DECEMBER 2016 CONTRACT CDMfPO'FN DATR VENDf)R.'S1IPLIER a'OTRACTIF¯ARS COITRACTSI, PP.V1ENTS · DATE BA[LA\EONCO1N1RAT STTI' CONTRA CT FOR -lE SlPPLY AND DELI1 <-RY OF VARI0LS INSORMSAT[ON COMN12ILMCATIDN TLCEDOOY ([DT) EQL'11PMENT FOR THE MINERAL VALE Ci lAEiN MOIMTORI\G 5 16522316 TECkL,L-I SYSTE1 1955J 7 m160S¯6 l5¯u62 1,4355. F 11 IAYIIkN iAE CONTRAC FOR Tl IF SL'W [Y. DLLWSRY AND CO kmi S lONING 5 29(1 115 TELHND BRA' DFA CASE MLANAGTMNFNTSYSTL41 12)35573 925,6i, ý0 12535580 925,6 25-· (1167) [U [l5 FLLAYMF T NLADE SLPPLY, DELI VFRY,INSTAI1AFON AND CONMGSSION]NG 0F A LAODOATORS INFORMATION IANAGEMXNI SYST[M FOR TIE 0 L2122]]5 LIN-KRE-NTERPR]SES \I]NERAL VALUL CHAN' MONFORING PROJEC 16541,5'4 7,95,,5404) 6SM149 225141511 ' %i- 54 5665 6431 7 SLFPLY, DF\1, LIRY lNSTALLA TIO N D DCOMCISSJ N[NO F SERVFRS AND STOfAGE EQLlPMN IR l-EkH T£E ECTONIC 6 02t221)5 ELSIIESS CONNEIONZA RECORDS LNAGENMINTSYSTI4 653505 9226S>- 157 953,5.6 6 922585557 . - FULL PAYMIEN¯ FMADF FABRmCA IION,PRNTINEG,DIVPRY AND iNS FALLATION OF Bil .1, RJOAVIDS 4'l KASL~1ALESÄ,NALONDE,C-IRIN DL4NR,\\W,CiLAb!I'D A ANDG 2o16 MEGACVAV D[GITALTRAI KARIBA 1.062 1i.CKu bj 18.118 i,2 i^' 1J - - Si'PPIX. DELIVLRY,INSTALIOWN AND COMMISSOINNGOr 5 12 51 2116 STAR rITI CONILNICAT ELECTRONIC CARGO TRACKINO SYSTEM 82,2' 14 v33 961 77 7,5I i .u4 84,565 38 1,223 6 1 305 ]v S LPP Y, DELIVERY.INSTA LLA 110X AND ( 0MI[S SIO -NG OF 5 23642315 START-CHCOMMALNICAT 1l0[TAL RADIOS J-) 21 797,4375 1[14,497 T7A,3674 1 527 FtLIIFAYMLSJMDE CO.N'S ULTA KCY F OR THE PRO ISlON 0 F SECTO R 'N0TLS f-0 R 5 2511 LI CS CYIARTE-REDP l-31- EIID1 VIS5IESALEAND A11 Al INDUS'IRY 95,1524k' W,u01.1 6,36'-r2 614,72ubU 15.9048 155U6.1 CONSL'LTANCY l OR THE pROVISION ' 1:SL-CTDR ND~ 1ES FOR 5 25 i-,15 CYMA CHIARTFRED PI,BLl THE CONSTlUIIDN D STllY 75 4>2 .1J 75.25 lO fl 2 ,14,720N 0 S514 11s3 &1 SLPPLY, DELIVRY lNSTALLA TO AND CWM[SSIOilNG OJ- 22 58 251,6 STAR TECI COMMUI]CAT 11EGiTAL RADIO5 257021 34 2i7,713 35 - 259 021 34 2,571,713 SS 2 5,0 116 TOYTA ZAM[I-ALTD SUTLY AND DEVERY OLIGHT (t) IX- DOI,BLIf-CABS 353,16564 3,4s225512 353,is65 3,2,25562 SIPFLY. DELVERY, JNSTALLATION ANDDC.0LN[ESLONING OF 5-L09216 DIG]TALiNTELLIGENCE 8, FORD.5MCLOSORVEQUIPMENT 7,20 5A5.,8R6| O,Y 31.,624.87861 - 016 5 II 05265 N Fi DOCLMeNT SOLUTIOT SUPPLY AND DEL VERY oF DA 'A BAS1 STORAGF EQAPMN[ 109.¯1 5P551 MN 1.599 15 1651' 5 11,1 326 51T-1 DCL1·N 5OLUTID:"SEPLY ANDDELIVIRY OF~DIRFLit9.0J') 32W,110' - - 329,Au 1 'J 3,9 fi 1 NNA NA PROCUREME1C.NT OF U1'5 I'5S0'Ej 9 1 .656JF)JÃœ - - , >5uN1 616109 IMPLEMO'NTATION OF¯E[1 IDTMOOERKV£HICLP' IRAFF[C RA N.A INAGIA IENTSYSTU~M ,r I J - g L- 18, 3. n yj,muM5u IOIÄ 6. 4z75.72 65,912,928s2. 3,95.II.2 25.158,8934 21775,2640 4 27,654[135 01 COMI'NENT 7- 1'ROGRAME Ã¥RMANAGEMIEN r CON SULTA6NC SERVICES - MONIUTOING A|\D -VALUATION L 7 ' 5 0W I EL E H y gP ,Ç A L 5 T . N D D IW L E9 55K w u f 9 8 I4 0 0 . 0Q 1 4 3 .4 2 1 l ,4230,1 B Y 5 4 2 4 -, S ) 0 15 . L64. APPENDIX Il SUMMARY OF COMMITMENTS BY COMPONENT AS AT 31ST DECEMBER 2016 CONTRACT CONIPONF' nxA-E VENI2ORIStIUp1E CONTRACTRTA iOlTRAC7 UM 'AiIENTS DDATE AtuCEoN COTRACr STAT(S CONSULTA\CY SER VICES PUR EEN MR VENKAA KUMAR RANVANA i>ECHiToi. SAP'ARE >P D ifLPE4R CONSULTANT AND 7 (7,3 2M(6 VENKIATAR:M4AN KLÄXAROOVRNMEUTOr OLkKEPURLIC o ZAMBI4A 352.v300 353,-10w 28.x3937 2612764 663 63222 35 Cc,m.c- OTAL 1363.6.95 >32,100 0 22,301 22.n64 61,5s5 07 612,39235 COMPONENT 8 - OTEkER PFM LN FERVENTONS (ZlCa AND o.G DEVELOIFMENT 01 TH-E SAl PERCO>itINC 1 L' MAGO(3t-N1 t14 1 2,O DR -DINANDPOf rOAMEWOVEMFORALDITORGENEAL m794 2> 2,874 5,924 5217492 2' 29 9 P,2.549L Dr LLOP'12\ or THE LEAtINGMA 1WEAL FOR CA CONTR.rCT AT \RCOTAfTNG 2 n -73 236 U'2\E WOOLF r' INRNATI QUAUINCATION 17213, 2 ,92.2790'> - - 372.5-,0> OM9.279w3 tTA,) TofL -40120 4191ts$,s 5.29124 92,374.92 29632296 4fl3,7266 TOTALCOINITMENtS 11,43,9?9.?4 12812,2218 6,44135101 62,E6.215.04 6,995.9073 65.246,147.4