95999 MOZAMBIQUE Service Delivery Indicators EDUCATION | MARCH 2015 Mozambique is poised to meet the MDG goal of 100 percent primary education enrollment. The achievement will have limited impact if the quality of the education that pupils have access to is lacking. Education quality will critically determine whether the promise of the newfound mineral wealth is shared among all Mozambicans and whether the economic growth will be concentrated in the extractive industries, while innovation, education and training remain underdeveloped. Highlights FIGURE 1. Service Delivery Indicators in the Education Results Chain Input availability Input Availability Directors Learning Outcomes Mozambique’s schools were §§ ■ School Absence 44% relatively well endowed with the basic inputs for teaching. Three quarters (74%) of classrooms had Teachers ■ School Absence 45% blackboards as well as exercise ■ Test Score 29% books and pens. There were fewer ■ Infrastructure 27% ■ Minimum Knowledge 1% ■ Pupil Knowledge 24% than 20 pupils per class and just ■T  eacher Equipment 74% ■ Mathematics26% ■ Pupils with textbooks 69% ■ Language 23% over two thirds (69%) of pupils Pupils had the necessary textbooks. ■ Pupil-Teacher ratio 17 ■ School Absence 56% Seventy four percent of schools had available toilets but only 34 percent of schools had toilets sufficiently clean for use, suggesting that available inputs are not well maintained. Pupil performance and attendance Teacher effort While the country is reaching nearly 100 percent §§ Almost half (45%) of teachers were not in school during §§ primary school enrollment, absence among enrolled an unannounced visit and a further 11 percent were pupils was high: on average 56 percent of pupils were at school, but not in the classroom when they were absent. supposed to be teaching. The result is that pupils only Grade 4 pupils in Mozambique had the lowest perfor- §§ get an average of 1hr 41min of teaching per day. Stated mance compared to other SDI countries surveyed (in differently: out of 190 school days, pupils received only Portuguese, mathematics and non-verbal reasoning), 74 effective teaching days. scoring an average 24 percent. Only 49 percent of pu- A key determinant of teacher absence was whether the §§ pils could add single digits (e.g. 7+8) and only 5 per- Director was present at school. In schools where the cent could subtract double digits (e.g. 57-49). Director was absent, teachers were twice as likely to be absent: 64 percent versus 34 percent. Pupils have serious socio-economic impediments: §§ compared to those who did not have breakfast, the Teacher ability pupils who had breakfast before school scored 10 Teachers in Mozambique have serious gaps in §§ percent higher on the test. knowledge and teaching ability. The average teacher score on the teacher assessment (in Portuguese, Links between teacher performance mathematics and pedagogy) was 29 percent. Only 65 and pupils’ learning outcomes percent of mathematics teachers could do double digit In schools with the best performing pupils (e.g. §§ subtraction (e.g. 86-55) and only 39 percent could do the top 5 percent of pupils in mathematics scores) subtraction with decimals (e.g. 12.15-11.83). teachers were 17 percent more knowledgeable and There were some teachers who performed better: for §§ 30 percent less likely to be absent. There were no example, the best performing decile (10%) of teachers significant differences in the availability of inputs scored 44 percent in the teacher assessment. such as textbooks, equipment and infrastructure. SDI Results when in the classroom. The SDI results show that 45 percent of teachers were not in school during Availability of Key Inputs an unannounced visit, which translates into a loss Mozambique is doing relatively well on equip- of 1hr 56min of teaching time. A further 11 percent ment and textbooks: 74 percent of schools had a were at school, but not in the classroom when they blackboard, notebooks and pens for pupils and were supposed to be teaching, leading to another 69 percent of pupils had textbooks.1 The regional 47min loss of teaching time. When in the classroom, gaps are pronounced: in the North region only 56 teachers taught 95 percent of the time, with 21min percent of schools had a blackboard as well as note- being lost. Cumulating the sources of lost teach- books and pens for the pupils. Overall, class sizes are ing time, pupils received roughly 39 percent of the relatively high when we consider the number of en- scheduled teaching time. This means that out of a rolled pupils. However, the class sizes drop from 42 to possible 190 school days, pupils received only 17 when taking into account pupil absence.2 Seventy 74 effective teaching days (or 317 hours of class four percent of schools had toilets available but only time), or an average of 1hr 41min of teaching per 34 percent of schools had toilets that were sufficient- day from a total of 4hr 17min they should be receiv- ly clean for use, suggesting there were inputs avail- ing.3 While absence rates in the South were much able but not well maintained. lower than the rest of the country, this is no cause for complacency as they are still very high (30%) Teacher effort: What providers do? when compared to other countries. In order for pupils to learn, a teacher has to be pres- The majority of teacher absences were reportedly ent at school, in the classroom and actively teaching due to having a family member sick (31%) or because teachers were attending school-related meetings4 (20%). For Directors the most frequent reported rea- Only four in ten teachers are in the FIGURE 2.  son for absence was school-related meetings (36%). classroom teaching. % of Teachers One key determinant of teacher absence was ab- sence among Directors. When a Director was present at the school the average absence rate was 34 per- Absent from school cent, while when a Director was absent the average In school, not in class absence rate was 64 percent. This implies that in 39 45 In class not teaching schools where the Director was absent, teachers In class teaching were almost twice as likely to be absent, suggest- ing that leadership and accountability matters in the performance of teachers. 5 11 Which teachers were most likely to be absent from class? It turns out that younger teachers were more likely to be absent. Unlike in other SDI countries, there Lack of supervision by Directors contributes FIGURE 3.  were no differences in absence by gender, by teacher to high absence rates among teachers. education levels, or whether they were born in the Teacher School Absence Rate (%) district where they teach. 65 66 52 64 Teacher Ability: What providers know? 40 34 Are teachers competent in the curricula they are 32 28 supposed to teach? The share of grade 4 teachers 1 Please note that SDI does not measure all aspects of infrastructure. 2 The indicator of pupil-teacher ratio is not measured looking at pupils enrolled, but using direct observation and computing the number of pupils per teacher in grade four classes. 3 See Annex for the definition of indicators and more information. South Center North National 4 Examples of school-related meetings: meetings of the Zona de Influência Pedagógica (ZIP; Pedagogical Influence Zone), meetings of the Serviços Distritais Director Present in School Director Absent from School de Educação, Juventude e Tecnologia (SDEJT; District Services of Education, Youth and Technology), among others. 2 MOZAMBIQUE SERVICE DELIVERY INDICATORS ■ EDUCATION who mastered 80 percent of the grade 4 curriculum was shockingly low: 1 percent. As an example, only Pedagogical skills are consistently below FIGURE 4.  teachers’ mathematics and language two thirds of mathematics teachers (65%) could test scores. perform the calculation: 86 - 55 correctly, and when Test Score (%) asked to correct a letter written by a grade 4 pupil, 39 teachers only found 2 out of 20 mistakes (such as 36 35 34 grammar, punctuation spelling, syntax, and salu- 32 31 30 28 29 tation). Women, recent graduates and teachers in the South region performed better in the teacher 18 assessment. 15 13 Pedagogical skills were consistently worse than teachers’ competencies in mathematics and lan- guage. On average, teachers scored only 15 out of Overall Score Language Score Mathematics Score Pedagogy Score 100 points in pedagogy, reflecting difficulties in suc- South Center North cessfully preparing a lesson plan (19 out of 100), cor- rectly assessing children’s writing (14 out of 100) and using pupils test scores to make some statements Gender gap is particularly evident in the FIGURE 5.  about class learning patterns (7 out of 100). Central and North regions. Pupil performance and attendance Girls 29 42 South While the country is reaching nearly 100 percent 29 Boys 36 primary school enrollment, absence rates among 22 enrolled pupils are high. While officially there are Girls 13 Center over 40 pupils enrolled per class only an aver- Boys 27 23 age of 17 pupils effectively attend. Pupil absence Girls 20 is highest in the center (62%) and the north regions 8 North (65%) and relatively less in the south region (24%). Boys 26 15 The SDI survey tested grade 4 pupils and found se- Pupil Mathematics Score (%) Pupil Language Score (%) vere gaps in pupil knowledge. In particular, results show that among the pupils assessed only a quarter could identify words (such as father, respect, out-  ow do schools of the top 5% pupils differ? FIGURE 6. H side), only 17 percent could read a sentence and less than a tenth could read a paragraph. In mathemat- 83% 79% ics, the results are also worrisome: only half of pupils 67% 65% could do simple addition (e.g. 7 + 8) and only 18 per- cent could do double digit addition (e.g. 27 + 28). 41% 43% 35% Figure 5 shows that the girls in the center and north 30% 26% 24% performed substantially worse. For example, in the central region boys scored 42 percent higher than girls in Portuguese and 18 percent in mathematics. Math Test Absent from Infrastructure Equipment Share of Similarly, in the north, boys scored 48 percent higher Score School availability availability Pupils with (Teacher) (Teacher) Textbooks in Portuguese and 24 percent higher in mathemat- Schools of Top 5% Pupils in Math Others Schools ics. These results may partly reflect the fact that the average number of female teachers is lower in the central (32%) and north region (20%) compared to pupils who had breakfast before school scored 10 the south (46%). percent higher on the test. A quarter of pupils did Pupils have serious socio-economic impediments: not have any breakfast before class and another 35 compared to those who did not have breakfast, the percent had breakfast with no proteins. MOZAMBIQUE SERVICE DELIVERY INDICATORS ■ EDUCATION 3 Links between teacher performance Mozambique’s children receive 1hr 41min of teaching and pupils’ learning outcomes time compared to an average of 3hr 2min among the comparison countries. Mozambican teachers also per- Figure 6 shows the characteristics of the schools formed the worst in teacher assessment. For example where the pupils who tested in the top 5 percent the average test score in mathematics, language and in mathematics attend. The schools with the best pedagogy was 29 percent compared to the best per- pupils had teachers that were absent less often forming country — Kenya with score of 57 percent (30% versus 43%) and performed better on the — and the worst performer — Nigeria and Togo scor- test (41% versus 35%). There were no significant ing 34 and 36 percent respectively. Table 1 shows se- differences in the availability of inputs such as text- lected elements of the teacher assessment by country. books, equipment and infrastructure. In the language assessment, for example, teachers in Mozambique only found 2 out of 20 mistakes (such as How does Mozambique grammar, punctuation spelling, syntax, and salutation), compare to other SDI compared to an average of 28 percent in other SDI countries (about 6 out of 20 mistakes). In mathemat- countries? ics, only 65 percent of teachers in Mozambique could Mozambique performed poorly relative to the coun- subtract 86-55 compared to 77 percent, the teacher tries where SDI surveys have been implemented average scores in the other SDI countries. In summary, (Tanzania, Senegal, Kenya, Uganda, Nigeria* and Togo). pupils in Mozambique are at a disadvantage in terms Textbook availability and access to teaching equip- of the quality of the service they receive compared ment (e.g. blackboard etc.) is relatively high compared to their peers in other SDI countries, which translates to the other SDI countries. The performance gaps were into significantly lower scores on pupil performance. In especially significant in teacher’s school absence where fact, pupils in Mozambique are the lowest performers 45 percent of Mozambican teachers were absent from among SDI countries, scoring an average 24 percent school compared to the worst performer among the compared to an average of almost 53 percent in the other countries, Uganda with 27 percent. As a result other SDI countries. TABLE 1. Teacher Competence across SDI Countries Mozambique Kenya Nigeria* Tanzania Togo Uganda Overall Score 29 58 38 48 35 44 Language Language Average Score 34 63 49 42 50 54 Grammar task 83 92 64 73 74 89 Composition task 10 49 24 22 26 37 Mathematics Mathematic Average Score 33 77 42 65 33 58 Adding double digit numbers 87 98 89 97 79 96 Subtracting double digits 65 86 70 86 65 79 Comparing fractions 17 40 16 50 13 21 Subtraction of decimal numbers 39 83 45 67 18 57 Pedagogy Pedagogy Average Score 15 35 18 36 19 25 Preparing a lesson plan 19 39 20 58 27 31 Assessing children’s abilities 14 33 23 18 33 25 * Surveyed states in Nigeria are: Anambra, Bauchi, Ekiti, and Niger. 4 MOZAMBIQUE SERVICE DELIVERY INDICATORS ■ EDUCATION At a Glance TABLE 2. SDI Education Indicators by Geographic Area: Ability, Efforts and Inputs Across Countries Tanzania Tanzania Mozambique Kenya Nigeria* Senegal Togo Uganda (round 1) (round 2) Pupil Learning Test Score (%) 24 71 45 Not Comparable 50 45 53 (Math, Language) Mathematics Test Score 26 62 40 Not Comparable 58 44 58 Language Test Score 23 80 46 Not Comparable 37 45 53 What providers know (ability) Minimum knowledge (%) 1 39 4 Not Comparable 21 3 19 (At least 80% in Math and Language) Test Score (%) 29 57 34 Not Comparable 48 36 45 (Math, Language and Pedagogy) What providers do (effort) School absence rate (Teacher) 45% 15% 14% 18% 23% 15% 18% 27% Classroom absence rate (Teacher) 56% 42% 22% 29% 53% 47% 34% 56% Director absence rate 44% Time spent teaching per day 1hr - 41min 3hr - 40min 3hr - 44 min 3hr - 15min 2hr - 04min 2hr - 47min 2hr - 52min 2hr - 55min Schedule teaching time 4hr - 17min 5hr - 40min 4hr - 53min 4hr - 36min 5hr - 12min 5hr - 55min 5hr - 29min 7hr - 20min What providers have to work with (availability of inputs) Pupil-teacher ratio 17 32 20 34 74 44 43 50 Share of pupils with textbooks (%) 69 71 38 Not Comparable 25 69 5 Equipment availability (%) 74 72 56 Not Comparable 89 28 81 Infrastructure availability (%) 27 59 17 Not Comparable 41 23 60 * Surveyed states in Nigeria are: Anambra, Bauchi, Ekiti, and Niger. MOZAMBIQUE SERVICE DELIVERY INDICATORS ■ EDUCATION 5 TABLE 3. SDI Education Indicators by Geographic Area: Ability, Efforts and Inputs Across Mozambique Mozambique Urban Rural South Center North Pupil Learning Test Score (%) 24 24 24 38 21 15 (Math, Language) Mathematics Test Score 26 26 26 29 25 23 Language Test Score 23 23 23 39 19 12 What providers know (ability) Minimum knowledge (%) 1 2 1 4 0 1 (At least 80% in Math and Language) Test Score (%) 29 27 30 32 28 29 (Math, Language and Pedagogy) What providers do (effort) School absence rate (Teacher) 45% 33% 48% 30% 48% 53% Classroom absence rate (Teacher) 56% 39% 61% 41% 58% 68% Director absence rate 44% 30% 41% 30% 49% 43% Time spent teaching per day 1hr - 41min 2hs - 7min 1hr - 36min 2hr - 16min 1hr - 38min 1hr - 20min What providers have to work with (availability of inputs) Pupil-teacher ratio 17 29 16 28 15 14 Share of pupils with textbooks (%) 69 65 69 69 67 72 Equipment availability (%) 74 79 74 90 80 57 Infrastructure availability (%) 27 28 27 27 33 18 6 MOZAMBIQUE SERVICE DELIVERY INDICATORS ■ EDUCATION Annex. Definition of the Education Service Delivery Indicators School absence rate Share of a maximum of ten randomly selected teachers absent from school during an unannounced visit. Classroom absence rate Share of teachers who are present in the classroom during scheduled teaching hours as observed during an unannounced visit. Teachers may be found teaching outside, and these are marked as present for the purposes of the indicator. Time spent teaching per day (also known as Time on Task) Amount of time a teacher spends teaching during a school day. This indicator combines data from the Staff Roster Module (used to measure absence rate), the Classroom Observation Module, and reported teaching hours. While inside the classroom distinction is made between teaching and non- teaching activities. Teaching is defined very broadly, including actively interacting with pupils, correcting or grading pupil’s work, asking questions, testing, using the blackboard or having pupils working on a specific task, drilling or memorization. Minimum knowledge among teachers This indicator measures teacher’s knowledge and is based on mathematics and language tests covering the primary curriculum administered to all mathematics or language teachers that taught grade three in the previous year or grade four in the year the survey was conducted. It is calculated as the percentage of teachers who score more than 80 percent on the language and mathematics portion of the test. Test score: This indicator measures teacher’s knowledge and it is calculated as the overall score of a mathematics, language, and pedagogy tests covering the primary curriculum administered at the school level to all mathematics and language teachers that taught grade three in the previous year or grade four in the year the survey was conducted. Infrastructure availability Unweighted average of the proportion of schools with the following available: functioning electricity and sanitation. Specifically: (i) functioning toilets operationalized as being clean, private, and accessible; and (ii) sufficient light to read the blackboard from the back of the classroom. Teaching Equipment availability Unweighted average of the proportion of schools with the following available: functioning blackboard with chalk, pencils, and notebooks. Specifically: (i) functioning blackboard and chalk, (ii) the share of pupils with pens is equal to or above 90 percent, and (iii) the share of pupils with notebooks in that classroom is equal to or above 90 percent. Share of pupils with textbooks Number of mathematics and language books used in a randomly selected grade four classroom divided by the number of pupils present in the classroom. Pupil- teacher ratio Average number of grade four pupils per grade four teacher. The indicator of teachers’ availability is measured as the number of pupils per teacher in one randomly selected grade four class at the school based on the classroom observation module. MOZAMBIQUE SERVICE DELIVERY INDICATORS ■ EDUCATION 7 About the SDI surveys The SDI survey was conducted between March and June, 2014. The fieldwork involved collecting information from 200 primary schools, 1006 teachers, and 1,731 grade four pupils. The results provide a representative snapshot of the quality of service delivery and the physical environment within which services are delivered in public primary schools. The survey provides information on three dimensions of service delivery: measures of (i) teacher effort; (ii) teacher knowledge and ability; and (iii) the availability of key inputs, such as textbooks, basic teaching equipment and infrastructure (such as availability of sanitation, quality of lighting in classrooms, etc.). Mozambique is the seventh country where SDI surveys have been implemented, the other being: Tanzania, Senegal, Kenya, Uganda, Nigeria and Togo. This allows for comparison across countries and benchmarking country performance. The Service Delivery Indicators (SDI) Program The SDI initiative is a partnership of the World Bank, the African Economic Research Consortium (AERC), and the African Development Bank to develop and institutionalize the collection of a set of indicators that would gauge the quality of service delivery within and across countries and over time. The ultimate goal is to sharply increase accountability for service delivery across Africa, by offering important advocacy tools for citizens, governments, and donors alike; to work toward the end goal of achieving rapid improvements in the responsiveness and effectiveness of service delivery. More information on the SDI survey instruments and data, and more generally on the SDI initiative can be found at: www.SDIndicators.org and www.worldbank.org/SDI, or by contacting SDI@worldbank.org. © 2015 International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank Group 1818 H Street NW Washington DC 20433 Telephone: +1 202-473-1000 Internet: www.worldbankgroup.org This work is a product of the Service Delivery Indicators initiative (www.SDIndicators.org, www.worldbank.org/SDI) and the staff of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/The World Bank. The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed in this work do not necessarily reflect the views of The World Bank, its Board of Executive Directors, or the governments they represent. The World Bank does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this work. The boundaries, colors, denominations, and other information shown on any map in this work do not imply any judgment on the part of The World Bank concerning the legal status of any territory or the endorsement or acceptance of such boundaries. Rights and Permissions The material in this work is subject to copyright. Because The World Bank encourages dissemination of its knowledge, this work may be reproduced, in whole or in part, for noncommercial purposes as long as full attribution to this work is given. Any queries on rights and licenses, including subsidiary rights, should be addressed to the Office of the Publisher, The World Bank, 1818 H Street NW, Washington, DC 20433, USA; fax: +1 202-522-2422; e-mail: pubrights@worldbank.org or sdi@worldbank.org