Document of The World Bank FOR OFFICIAL ONLY Report No. 5591b-rn INDIA NATIONAL SOCIAL FORESTRY PROJECT HIMACWL PPRAESH PROJECT FILES - C2 May 30, 1985 South Asia P r o j e c t s O f f i c e Department tneral Agricultural Division This document has a restricted distribution and may be used by recipients only in the performance of their official duties. Its contents may not otherwise be disclosed without World Bank authorization. L INDIA NATIONAL SOCIAL FORESTRY PROJECT HIMACHAL PRADESH PROJECT FILES .C2 Table of Contents No . of Pages I . ITEM 1 Description of the Project .............................. . . Organization and Training ............................... 111 . ITEM 3 Research ................................................ Cost Tables . A Table 201 .Organization & Management ................ . B Table 202 .Organization & Management .Field Operations ......................................... . C Table 203 .Physical Targets ......................... . D Table 204 - Seed Research ............................ .................... . E Table 205 - Extension . . - Publicity . F Table 206 . - Trainlng ................................. G Table 207 - Monitoring 6 Evaluation Including . Wood Balance Studies ............................... H Summary Accounts by Year - Base Costs ................ . I Breakdown of Summary Accounts ........................ . - J Summary Accounts by Year Totals Including Contingencies ...................................... . K Breakdown of Summary Accounts - Base Costs, Physical Contingencies. Price contingencies ........ . L Project Components by Year - Base Costs . .............. M Project Components by Year - Totals Including Contingencies ...................................... . N Summary Account by Project Component ................. ................................. . 0 Project Cost Summary . P Summary Accounts Cost Summary ........................ . Q Financing Plan by Disbursement Category .............. . R Financing Plan by Summary Accounts . S Financing Plan by Project Components ................... ................. . T Financing Plan by Foreign Exchange/~ocal/Taxes . U Disbursement by Lender by Semester ....... ................... . V Program Listing for Cost Tables . W Analysis of Model Costs ...................... ............................. . X Plantation Unit Costs.. .............................. - Table of Contents (continuation) No. of Pages V. ITEM 5 Product Distribution, Rates of Return and Cost Recovery to Forest Department Plantation Models.................. VI. ITEM6 Copy of letter dated September 26, 1983 from the Secretary (Forests) to the Government of Himachal Pradesh, Management of Private Areas under Section 38 of the Indian Forest Act - Raising of plantation thereon...................... VII. ITEM 7 Copy of letter dated July 19, 1984 from Secretary (Forests) to the Government of Himachal Pradesh to the Chief Conservator Forests, "social Forestry - Involvement of People ............................................... VIII. ITEM 8 Management of Private Areas under Section 38 of the India Forest Act - Raising of plantations thereon. Copy of letter dated December 20, 1984 from the Chief Conservator of Forests H.P. to all cFs/DFOS(T) in H.P........................... IX. ITEM 9 Section 38 of the India Forest Act, 1927 (As modified up to ................... December 1, 1 9 7 3 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pro iect File C-2 Item 1 Page 1 INDIA NATIONAL SOCIAL FORESTRY PROJECT BIMACHAL PRADESH PROJECT DESCRIPTION 1.01 Paragraph 3.27 of the Staff Appraisal Report describes the general outline of the Himachal Pradesh Social Forestry Project. Item 2 of the Project File gives details on organization and training. A. Plantation Program 1.02 The plantation program would have the following phasing, with farm forestry equivalent hectares derived by dividing the number of seedlings distributed by 1500. Table 1.01: PHASING OF THE PLANTATION PROGRAM Plantat ion 85/86- 86/87- 87/88- 88/89- 89/90- Category Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Total A. Agroforestry --Farm Forestry 8,000 9,300 10,400 12,000 13,300 53,000 --Private Wasteland 2,350 2,600 2,850 3,100 - 13,000 Planting 2100-year 0 B. Tree Tenure-Poor and Landless --Group Farm Forestry 60 113 200 200 260 833 C. Conanunity Plantations --Community Woodlots 100 150 200 250 300 1,000 Self help --Community Woodlots 7,250 8,000 8,750 9,250 - 40,000 Rainf ed 6,750-year 0 D. Departmental Plantations --Rehabilitation 750 750 1,250 1,250 - 5,000 750-year 0 TOTAL 9,600 - year 0 18,510 21,163 23,650 26,050 13,860 112,833 The above represents the best estimate of a balanced program, given previous experience with social forestry. Targets may be reallocated in light of Pro i e c t F i l e C-2, Item 1 Page 2 experience during implementation, a f t e r d i s c u s s i o n between G OHP and t h e donors. I n any c a s e , p l a n t a t i o n t a r g e t s would be reassessed during t h e midterm review, t o be conducted a f t e r completion of t h e t h i r d year's p l a n t - ing. 1.03 Assurances were given a t n e g o t i a t i o n s t h a t G OHP would inform IDA about any major developments concerning s o c i a l f o r e s t r y programs c a r r i e d o u t by t h e f o r e s t department i n o r d e r t o enable IDA t o e v a l u a t e t h e impact, i f any, such developments might have on project-financed a c t i v i t i e s . I D A and USAID would wish t o be s a t i s f i e d t h a t s t a f f and o t h e r r e s o u r c e s t o c a r r y out a d d i t i o n a l programs would be s u f f i c i e n t , t a k i n g i n t o account t h e organiza- t i o n a l norms e s t a b l i s h e d a t a p p r a i s a l . 1.04 Farm F o r e s t r y (53,000 ha) would c o n s t i t u t e a lower percentage of t h e t o t a l s t a t e p l a n t a t i o n program than i n t h e o t h e r NSFP s t a t e s , because hold- ings a r e r e l a t i v e l y small and may already have a number of t r e e s (although o f t e n long r o t a t i o n ones). Moreover, s e e d l i n g d i s t r i b u t i o n has lacked t h e - l a r g e promotional e f f o r t s made t o d a t e i n o t h e r NSFP s t a t e s and w i l l take time t o expand. The only d i r e c t c o s t a t t a c h e d t o farm f o r e s t r y r e l a t e s t o seed1 ing product ion, described i n para 1.12. 1.05 The H P F o r e s t Department has been s e l l i n g s e e d l i n g s f o r farm f o r e s t r y a t a p r i c e of 10 p a i s e each, and w i l l r a i s e t h e charge t o 15 p a l s e i n years 3 and 4, and 20 p a i s e i n year 5. The e f f e c t s of p r i c i n g on s e e d l i n g uptake would be s t u d i e d by t h e midterm review, and t h e r e s u l t s applied w i t h a view t o achieving f u l l c o s t recovery i n a l l farm f o r e s t r y programs. Some f r e e s e e d l i n g s have been d i s t r i b u t e d under v a r i o u s c e n t r a l l y sponsored schemes w i t h s o c i a l f o r e s t r y components and t h i s may be continued under programs f o r small and marginal farmers. 1.06 P r i v a t e Wasteland P l a n t i n g (13,000 ha, US$ 2.0 m i l l i o n ) provided f o r under s t a t u t e F t . 60-36/38(m) of Himachal Pradesh Government, would be taken up on t h e following c o n d i t i o n s : ( a ) h i g h l y eroded o r erodable land, a s defined by e x i s t i n g F D c r i t e r i a , ( b ) 5 o r more h e c t a r e s included f o r each s i t e , and ( c ) no one farmer having over 2 ha p e r s i t e . G OH P would explore ways t o reduce c o s t s f o r t h i s component, p a r t i c u l a r l y t h e c o s t of barbed wire fencing. I n d i v i d u a l s p l a n t i n g t h e land would c o l l e c t g r a s s e s , l e a f y fodder and fuelwood. A f t e r F o r e s t Department recovers i t s c o s t s from s a l e of produce, t h e remaining procedes would go t o those owning t h e land. Tree Tenure f o r Poor and Landless 1.07 Group Farm F o r e s t r y on Government Land (833 ha, USSO.1 M ) would - involve p l a n t a t i o n of 1.25 m i l l i o n s e e d l i n g s , a f i v e f o l d i n c r e a s e over t h e Pro iec t F i l e C-2 Item 1 Page 3 o r i g i n a l p r o p o s a l i n o r d e r t o permit a thorough t r i a l of t h i s i n n o v a t i v e component. The t e s t would c o n c e n t r a t e on 3-5 d i s t r i c t s , b u t t a r g e t s could expand. A l l secondary p r o d u c t s would go t o t h e i n d i v i d u a l s working t h e l a n d ; t h e y would a l s o t a k e a l l procedes from s a l e of f i n a l h a r v e s t i n g a f t e r t h e F o r e s t Department r e c o v e r s i t s c o s t s . Community P l a n t a t i o n (USS13.0 m i l l i o n ) 1.08 S e l f - h e l p Community Woodlots (1,000 h a ) would e n t a i l e s t a b l i s h m e n t of t r e e s by t h e community i t s e l f , t h e r e b y r e d u c i n g c o s t s t o t h e F o r e s t Depart- ment, and r a i s i n g t h e n e t b e n e f i t s t o t h e community a f t e r t h e F o r e s t Depart- ment r e c o v e r s i t s c o s t s . While panchayats have p a r t i c i p a t e d i n management of p l a n t a t i o n s i n t h e p a s t , t h i s component would i n t r o d u c e a more a c t i v e com- munity r o l e . The p r o j e c t s u p p o r t s t h e i d e a of r e v i v i n g t h e H P Forest S o c i e t i e s , which were c r e a t e d t o t a k e an a c t i v e r o l e i n f o r e s t r y b u t have lapsed because of i n a t t e n t i o n i n r e c e n t y e a r s . 1.09 Rainfed Community Woodlots (40,000 ha) would f o l l o w t h e e x i s t i n g G OHP g u i d e l i n e s f o r d i s t r i b u t i o n of produce and t r e e by-products t o l o c a l com- m u n i t i e s t o meet b o n a f i d e needs ( a s d e f i n e d i n t h e S t a t e Panchayat A c t ) . Species mix would f a v o r s h o r t e r r o t a t i o n t r e e s and ones which y i e l d o t h e r p r o d u c t s (e.g. l e a f f o d d e r ) i n o r d e r t o p r o v i d e e a r l i e r r e t u r n s t h a n i n previous years. I n t h i s and t h e f o l l o w i n g component, c o n i f e r and b r o a d l e a f branch fuelwood, l e a f f o d d e r and g r a s s would be c o l l e c t e d f r e e by r e s i d e n t s i n t h e a r e a . Timber D i s t r i b u t i o n (TD) r i g h t s f o r a l l panchayat r e s i d e n t s would be provided from stemwood. Departmental P l a n t a t i o n s 1.10 R e h a b i l i t a t i o n of Degraded F o r e s t s (5,000 ha, US$ 1.6 m i l l i o n ) would be done i n s e l e c t e d a r e a s c o n t i g u o u s w i t h a l a r g e r community f o r e s t p l a n t a - t i o n a r e a , where t h e two could be t r e a t e d a s a s i n g l e u n i t . The r e a s o n s f o r t h i s a r e t h a t degraded s i t e s should be l o c a t e d n e a r communities and t h a t t h e s e s i t e s i n v o l v e t y p e s of G O H P land where t h e d i s t r i b u t i o n a l g u i d e l i n e s f o r t h i s s o c i a l f o r e s t r y p r o j e c t cannot be met. When n o t d i s t r i b u t e d d i r e c t l y , produce would be s o l d a t c o n c e s s i o n a l p r i c e s t o a d j a c e n t com- m u n i t i e s , a f t e r F o r e s t Department r e c o v e r s i t s p l a n t a t i o n c o s t s . 1.11 F u e l s a v i n g Devices (7,500) would be i n s t a l l e d t o h e l p promote ruore e f f i c i e n t u s e of fuelwood and would make u s e of t h e s u c c e s s f u l e x p e r i e n c e from t h e Dhauladhar P r o j e c t . Women e x t e n s i o n workers, h i r e d under t h e p r o j e c t , would h e l p convince u s e r s t o a c c e p t improved s t o v e s . P r o j e c t F i l e C-2 - Item 1 Page 4 B. Nurseries (US$ 7.0 m i l l i o n ) 1.12 O r i g i n a l l y t h e s t a t e proposed e s t a b l i s h i n g l a r g e departmental nur- s e r i e s , but during a p p r a i s a l t h e s t a t e agreed t o expand the number of small n u r s e r i e s t o t h e e x t e n t p o s s i b l e , i n o r d e r t o f a c i l i t a t e b e t t e r a c c e s s by farmers t o s e e d l i n g s and extension, p a r t i c u l a r l y s i n c e t h e h i l l y t e r r a i n of t h e s t a t e makes t r a n s p o r t over d i s t a n c e s c o s t l y and time consuming and tends t o r a i s e seedling mortality r a t e s . A l l n u r s e r i e s near v i l l a g e s would be stocked w i t h some f a s t e r growing s p e c i e s , e.g., poplar, a l b i z i a and fodder producing t r e e s . High p r i o r i t y would be given t o nursery t r i a l s f o r reducing c o s t s , improving t e c h n i c a l a s p e c t s , e t c . C. I n s t i t u t i o n a l Support 1.13 Organization and Management (USS10.4 m i l l i o n ) s t r e n g t h e n i n g would e n t a i l provision of incremental s t a f f , including some 575 p r o f e s s i o n a l posi- t i o n s p r i m a r i l y focussed on such "extension" work a s farm f o r e s t r y promotion and formulation of agreements with v i l l a g e s , c o n s t r u c t i o n of housing f o r 250 f i e l d s t a f f posted i n remote a r e a s and 175 motorcycles p l u s o t h e r v e h i c l e s f o r f i e l d s t a f f . Item 2 of t h e P r o j e c t F i l e C 2 e x p l a i n s changes t o made i n t h e o r g a n i z a t i o n a l s t r u c t u r e i n t h e s t a t e . Under NSFP, GOHP undertook t o maintain a s i n g l e l i n e of command over f i e l d s t a f f below t h e conservator l e v e l . The monitoring and e v a l u a t i o n system would be e s t a b l i s h e d a s soon a s p o s s i b l e according t o t h e GOI/IDA/FAO g u i d e l i n e s . 1.14 Extension (US$ 0.4 m i l l i o n ) would depend l a r g e l y on F o r e s t Department r e s o u r c e s a t f i r s t , s i n c e of TbV a g r i c u l t u r a l e x t e n s i o n has not yet been e s t a b l i s h e d i n t h e s t a t e . For t h i s reason, t h e s o c i a l f o r e s t r y e x t e n s i o n would r e c e i v e s p e c i a l s t r e n g t h e n i n g under NSFP. However, a g r i c u l t u r a l exten- s i o n a u t h o r i t i e s have i n d i c a t e d t h e i r w i l l i n g n e s s t o c o l l a b o r a t e with F o r e s t Department on s o c i a l f o r e s t r y extension once t h e new a g r i c u l t u r a l e x t e n s i o n system i s e s t a b l i s h e d . 1.15 T r a i n i n g (US$ 0.9 m i l l i o n ) support would allow t h e F o r e s t Department t o expand i t s i n s e r v i c e t r a i n i n g a s a key t r a i n i n g component. The t r a i n i n g s i t u a t i o n and s t r a t e g y i s d e t a i l e d i n Item 2 of P r o j e c t f i l e C 2 . 1.16 Monitoring and Evaluation (US$ 1.3 m i l l i o n ) would t o be strengthened c o n s i s t e n t with t h e g u i d e l i n e s agreed by G O 1 and IDA. The p r o j e c t would provide, i n t e r a l i a , t e c h n i c a l a s s i s t a n c e on M6E methodology, f i e l d inves- t i g a t o r s and s u p e r v i s o r s , a micro-computer, and c i v i l works. P r i o r i t y would be given t o a survey of farm f o r e s t r y . P r o j e c t F i l e C-2 Item 1 Page 5 1.17 Research (US$ 0.5 m i l l i o n ) The p r o j e c t would p r o v i d e s e l e c t i v e sup- p o r t t o a p p l i e d t r i a l s on s u b j e c t s such a s seed improvement, n u r s e r y methodology, s p e c i e s and provenance t r i a l s and growth and p r o d u c t i o n s t u d i e s of p l a n t a t i o n models. C i v i l works would s u p p o r t expanded f l e l d r e s e a r c h . Although somewhat broader r e s e a r c h a c t i v i t i e s w i t h i n t h e F o r e s t Department were o r i g i n a l l y proposed, i t l a t e r agreed t h a t e x i s t i n g i n s t i t u t i o n s such a s t h e one a t Solan should t a k e on a d d i t i o n a l r e s e a r c h , f o r which t h e y a r e a l r e a d y w e l l equipped. F u r t h e r d e t a i l s on r e s e a r c h a r e g i v e n i n P r o j e c t F i l e C2, Item 3. PROJECT FILE C2 ITEM 2 Page 1 INDIA NATIONAL SOCIAL FORESTRY PROJECT HIMACHAL PRADESH Organization and Training State Organization 1. Administratively, the Himachal Pradesh is divided into 12 dis- tricts, 69 Panchayat Samitis and 2,357 Gram Panchayats. For rural and community development, there are community development blocks, which follow the same geographic lines as Panchayat Samitis. Most recent figures (1971 Census) show 16,916 villages in the State or about seven villages per Gram Panchayat. Forest Department organization does not follow the administrative boundaries. Current Organization in Forestry 2. In May 1984, the Soil Conservation Department was merged with the Forest Department, with the result that the number of field units was increased. Although each field unit consequently encompasses less ter- ritory than before, it is now responsible for both forestry and soil work. 3. For territorial forestry, the state is divided into eight Forestry Circles, each headed by a Conservator of Forests. These Circles are further subdivided into 37 Forest Divisions and 160 Forest Ranges, each Circle containing approximately 4-5 divisions and about 20 ranges. One Deputy Ranger is assigned to each of the 597 Forest Blocks (about four per Range). This Territorial Forestry Organization will continue to take responsibility for the plantation work for social forestry. 4. A Chief Secretary who also acts as Secretary of Forests presides over forestry activities. Under him, there are the three Chief Conser- vators of Forests, one each for Territorial, Planning and Development, and H.P. Forest Corporation. The CCF/Planning and Development is responsible for working plans, project formulation, monitoring and evaluation, soil conservation functions, training, research and wildlife. For research, the Forest Department coordinates with the Forest Research Institute (Dehra ~ u n )and H.P. Agricultural University (presently headquartered at Palamur with a Campus at solan). PROJECT FILE C"- ITEM 2 Page 2 5. During the Sixth Five Year Plan, the Forest Department undertook some 27,351 ha of social forestry plantations under centrally sponsored schemes. In addition, on its own the State accomplished some 33,751 ha of social forestry plantation. Besides these plantation, state and centrally-sponsored schemes helped establish nurseries. Of the 1,908 nurseries operating in the state, about 60% have been connected with the social forestry schemes. Total social forestry expenditure during the Sixth Five Year Plan period amounted to Rs 153 M (not counting GOI'S share of financing under centrally sponsored schemes). 6. Himachal Pradesh has a long-established system which stipulates- the benefits in terms of grass, leaf fodder, fuelwood loppings and mature wood products which must be given to the local population. Furthermore, a system of Forest Societies was institutionalized in Kangra about 40 years ago, still exists and could be revived, the implication being that ter- ritorial forestry in H.P. already has a strong social flavor. Proposed Organization 7. The Himachal Pradesh Project Preparation Report (Project File B2) suggested that social forestry plantation work, which has been done to date by territorial field staff, continue to be done by existing ter- ritorial staff. The social forestry work would account for the largest part of the total workload for these staff. The Forest Department estimates this to be a reasonable level of work. The Preparation Report also recommends adding staff to help strengthen the social forestry program through the following activities: (a) formulation of agreements with villages/panchayats for allocation of responsibilities and distribu- tion of benefits (b) identification of sites for group farm forestry, (c) extension and promotion, (dl distribution of benefits, and (e) collection of data for wood supply and demand studies, and monitoring and evaluation. 8. The Bank and USAID endorsed the idea of having territorial staff continue to do social forestry plantation work. The Forest Department has given assurances that it would increase staff according to workload. 9. Government of Himachal Pradesh would maintain a single line of command for field staff through the Conservator of Forests (circle) level. The Chief Secretary (cum Secretary of Forests) made clear that the Conser- vators of Forests and Deputy Conservator of Forests would maintain a single line of command over both plantation and extension field staff. The Chief Conservator of ~orests/~erritorial and Chief Conservator of ~orests/Planningand Development would collaborate in issuing directives PROJECT FILE C2 ITEM 2 Page 3 and a steering committee 1/ would coordinate activities. The Committee would meet at least oncea quarter. 10. Organizational Chart 27204 shows the deployment of field staff currently and as proposed, according the Forest Block level norms. Every block has one territorial Deputy Ranger assigned to i t for plantation work, adding up to about 1 6 Rangers per district. Two Rangers and 2 Deputy Rangers for Extension would be added to each district under the new organization. Coordination between these plantation and extension field staff should be made effective by their assignment to contiguous areas, and through clear setting of targets and priorities during planning. Territorial and social forestry work for each division would be detailed in the Working Plan and Annual Plan. A third element in coordination would be a detailed statement of job responsibilities for each category of staff. (For example, for Ranger level, there would be job descriptions for both plantation Rangers and extension Rangers). 11. The State would conduct an organizational study, evaluating the current structure for social forestry. The staffing configuration be re-evaluated during the mid-term review, since experience over the next three years may show that certain adjustments would be desirable. 12. Social forestry extension in H.P. would continue to be primarily a Forest Department responsibility, with extension field staff responsible for the main contacts with individuals and ~illages/~ancha~ats. The number of small nurseries would be increased in order to improve farmers' access to them (especially since access is hampered by the difficult terrain in Himachal Pradesh). Nurseries, especially these small ones, would become focal points for extension, where planting would be promoted and advice given to individuals and ~illages/~ancha~ats. In addition, the Forest Department would coordinate with Agricultural on extension, capitalizing on the large field staff of the latter. In order to formu- late forestry recommendations and train agricultural extension field staff about them, Forest Department would appoint certain of its Rangers, prob- ably the extension Rangers, as Forestry Subject Matter Specialists. These Forestry Subject Matter Specialists would attend agricultural extension's monthly subdivisional meetings at which future recommendations are decided, and the fortnightly training sessions at which the Village Exten- sion Workers (VEW) for agricultural extension are trained. The Village Extension Workers would only carry information and would not deal with seedling distribution or other inputs; they would refer farmers to 1/ - Including the Chief Secretary, the CCF/Planning and Development and ~~F/~erritorial. PROJECT FILE - : c ITEM 2 Page 4 appropriate Forest Department locations for inputs. Forestry extension would also be promoted by other media, including schools (seedling programs and additions to syllabus), radio announcements, posters and brochures, farmer fairs, etc. Mobility of field staff will be essential for social forestry extension work; therefore, the project would provide motorcycles to be sold on credit to Rangers and Deputy Rangers, who must cover rough terrain and large areas. Training 15. As in other states, basic training currently is provided at Debra Dun for IFS (DCFs, ACFs), and at State Schools (AcFs, Rangers). The State has a well equipped Forestry Training School at Chail (near Shimla) for basic training of Forester (Deputy Ranger) and Guard level staff.11 This school has one D.F.O. and 3 ACF instructors on its staff, and facTlities adequate to accommodate more than the current basic training load. This excess capacity will enable it to provide the needed inservice training. 16. Curricula for basic training of Deputy Rangers and Guard level - staff would be revised. The number of lectures devoted to "social" topics as opposed to purely technical topics (e.g., surveying law enforcement) would need to be increased. An extension and communication curriculum has already been developed. 17. Inservice training would play an important role in supplementing and updating the skills of existing staff. Such training could be scheduled at Chail and other courses could be offered at the Training Center at Mallan (near Palampur), or other facilities could be borrowed from the University campus, depending on availability of accommodations etc. Key in-services courses would include: (a) Extension and communications, as mentioned above, with faculty members drawn for the Forest Department as well as the Gram Sewak Training Center (Mashobra) and Extension Education Institute (Nilokheri, Haryana Social Forestry Project); three courses were already conducted between February and March 1985 ; 4 1/ Deputy Ranger training lasts one year, April to March, and involves - 30 participants; Guard level training lasts 6 months, April to - October, and involves 30 participants. Not all existing staff have been trained, and new staff would need training, so the possibility of breaking basic training into shorter segments is being considered. PROJECT FILE C2 ITEM 2 Page 5 (b) Training of Trainers, to be conducted at the Extension Educa- tion Institute (Nilokhri) and/or Anand (~ujarat), and to include curricula in both teaching methods and most recent developments in social forestry; (c) Training of Rangers to act as Forestry Subject Matter Specialists in agricultural extension, once the Training and Visit System is introduced; (d) Orientation courses for senior staff, and for DcF/AcF level field supervisors; training would cover technical models for social forestry, species selection, formulation of agreements with panchayats/villages, distribution of benefits, etc; these would be 3-5 day intensive sessions, and might draw on prac- titioners, or instructors outside the State; (e) Study tours, domestic and international; it was agreed that visits to other States with social forestry programs should be stepped up, in particular States with similar agro-climatic conditions (e.g., J&K) or components (e.g., West Bengal group farm forestry). ACFs and DCFs would be sent to domestic university courses, such as the new six months diploma course in social forestry at Dehra Dun. Other courses could be identified for staff, such as the upcoming ICRAF course on agroforestry to be provided through ICAR. The project would also provide for visits to other countries with relevant social forestry programs, e.g., an exchange tour between Nepal and Himachal Pradesh. International study opportunities could include courses such as the social forestry summer course at Oxford, which includes project preparation, management and accounting, social forestry approaches, and research; the project planning courses at Bradford and the University of East Anglia; and the four months research course at Oxford. ( f ) Monitoring and evaluation courses on both methodology and use of micro-computers; any new director of M&E for social forestry should receive such training; and (g) Training for new nursery staff in extension techniques and recommendations for farmers (besides technical skills). 18. In addition to inservice courses for staff, the Department would provide training camps for farmers, voluntary groups, forest societies, etc., of an average of three days duration. Project F i l e C2 Chart 1 : Project File C Chart 2 P r o j e c t F i l e C2 Chart 3 Project File C-2 Item 3 Page 1 INDIA NATIONAL SOCIAL FORESTRY PROJECT HIMACHAL PRADESH - RESEARCH Research Within the scope of the Social Forestry Project, support -- would be given to increasing the capacity of the State for operational problem solving and trials. There would be four groups concerned: (a) Existing field staff, who would continue their current activities. (b) The State silviculturist and staff who would be assisted by a small increase of staff and resources. (c) The State Agricultural University at Solan. (dl Increased research capability under the Forest Research Education and Training Project (FRET) for which GOHP has made a substantial proposal. - 1/ Staffing; It is proposed that the staff under (b) above be augmented by the addition of 1 DCF, 3 Range Officers, 8 ~oresters/~eputy Rangers and ancillary personnel, The Foresters would be stationed near ~ircle/~istrict Head- quarters, associated with seed handling activities and nurseries as described below. Prioritv T o ~ i c sfor Attention Growth and yield studies Verification of yield estimates in the longer term (b). It 1/ - Forestry Education Research and Training Project for Seventh Five Year Plan (1985-90)", Department of Forest Planning and Conservation, Simla, HP. (undated) p. 36. Project File C-2 Item 3 - Page 2 Seed and Tree Im~rovement Seed stand identification, seed collection, seed storage and distribution (a, b). Seed certification ( b , c) Seed testing (c) Plus tree selection and registration (a, b, c) Species and provenance trials (b, c) Plantation O~erations Nursery improvement (a, b) Propagation studies (b, c,) Field plantation methodology (b) These would be carried out by the different groups as indicated, but close collaboration and direction would be needed to ensure that all work is directed towards the immediate problems identified by the project. The topics are further described below. 1. Growth and yield studies. Priority 1 Little reliable information exists in the actual sustainable yields that can be expected from each plantation model in the project. The proce- dure suggested is firstly a survey of existing areas of each model in the State, and their ages. Permanent sample plots would then be laid downing a very simple way by selecting an area (a compartment) which is bounded by permanent features such as fences, ravines, walls, etc. A register would be kept with the following information: Model type and description Area in hectares Age (approximate) Number of stems of each species at start and end of each year Monthly records of removals by weight of: branchwood leaf fodder grass dead and dying trees and trimmings Weight can be measured by headload, or in the case of stemwood by volume measurement. At least two plots of different ages in each model should be estab- -- lished, and records should commence immediately and be continuous. Project File C-2 Item 3 Page 3 2. Seed and tree improvement Priority 2 Seed stand identification, seed collection, storage and seed distribution. The identification and recording of seed stands of commercial conifers has been well begun in the State under the 'certification of Forest Reproductive ater rial' Scheme which has been approved by GOI. (see "certification of Forest Reproductive Material in India", Department of Forestry, HP, Krishi Vishva Vidyalaya, P.O. Dachghat, Solan, HP Undated. p. 7. 11 Record of seed production areas selected in Himachal Pradesh under Seed Collection storage and certification scheme", Department of Forest Farming and Environmental Conservation, Simla, HP, 1983 p. 4). The seed unit which carried out this work is already staffed and stationed at Solan, in association with the AU, and under the guidance of the Indo-Danish project on seed procurement. For the present project, interest is mainly centered upon broadleaved trees, which often do not occur in large forests, and it is therefore proposed that eight social and agroforestry (sAF) seed centers be set up, based in each case on an important nursery, equipped with a seed storage shed, and under the direct control of a forest guard. These forest guards would require short-term on-the-job training at Solan. The eight centers would be: Chamba, Palampur, Nichar, Mandi, Kullu, Bilaspur, Nahan and Keylang. The Guards would be responsible for organizing seed collections, storage and dispatch under the instructions of the Conservator of Forests. The certificate would be based on seed collection areas identified firstly by the field staff and confirmed by the DCF. Seed testing would be carried out at Solan by the seed unit and university staff. (priority 2 ) The selection of plus trees- superior mother trees for seed collection and eventual tree breeding - is important for long-term improvement of productivity in social forestry. The whole question of forest genetics is too complex to be undertaken by the present project, but the foundations could be laid for future work through the application of simple seed procedures. Indeed, much 'genetics' work done in India is producing no benefit for field operations because of deficient field sampling. The following is proposed: Project File C-2 - Item 3 Page 4 (i) Instructions to all field staff to search for superior trees of named species, and to record these in their reports. (ii) Inspection by range officers who have been given guidelines for acceptance or rejection in a plus tree register. (iii) Final selection by geneticists from the Agriculture University, and the compilation of a State-wide plus tree register. Species and provenance trials (Priority 3) There is adequate knowledge in the State about species choice to make a real impact in Social Forestry, but some improvements could be expected from further investigation of species and seed sources, especially of exotic species. Specifically, the following would be of interest: Eucalyptus grandis - Southern provenances E. teheticornis - II 11 E. camaldulensis - 11 11 Trials would not be extensive. On advice from international centers with knowledge of the species (including Dehra Dun) a limited number of provenances would be chosen, say not more than 4 of each species, and trials of 30 trees of each provenance laid down at each of 3 sites within the current planting areas. Such small areas would be maintained by the field staff and assessed by the State staff with the help of the University if needed. Plantation operations An examination of estimated costs of nursery and plantation work indicates three major areas of heavy expenditure: the costs involved in the use of polythene bags in nurseries; the cost of fencing plantations; and the cost of ground preparation including pitting. These three items would form the most immediate program. Nursery work (Priority 1) This would be done by the State research staff, in collaboration with the Indo-German research project, and following on the findings of the Indo-New Zealand nursery project. Specifically the following would be tested, in simple non-replicated trials: Project File C-2 Item 3 Page 5 - the use of polythene tubes rather than bags. - the use of smaller tubes. - further trials of bare-rooted planting. - further trials of care of plants in transport. Fencing The use of 'social' fencing, of the sort that exists between adjacent farmers, needs urgent study. In operational planting zones, several planta- tion areas should be selected for planting without wire fencing. Instead a small trench, preferably with planting of thorny or other distinctive plants should be used. Survival should be monitored in comparison with other zones, but otherwise the experimental areas should not be treated differently, e.g. illegal grazing animals should be turned out if detected. Ground preparation studies (Priority 2 ) The current norms of pitting are effective and reasonably cheap, but on a field scale simple trials e.g. rows of trees planted using pits, notches, crowbar holes, etc. Plant propagation studies (Priority 3 ) The handling and raising of different species is well known, but important ways of reducing establishment costs include rooting cuttings and direct sowing. As part of field operations the project staff should attempt to fill gaps in knowledge for major SAF species regarding the feasibility of farmers establishing their own planting using these methods. Spacing/silvopastoral studies (Priority 1) An important issue is the desirability of different types and quan- tities of fodder, e.g. grass in perpetuity? leaf fodder vs. fuelwood. Some simple spacing trials, e.g. meters on plots of about 0.1 ha would enable some comparisons of production by different components to be made. • INDIA NAT I ON U fORlSIRY I'ROJLCI labl .. 101. OR6I1NI1 • .,0 MtlNAGHIENI . I1II1Ar.IIAl PRtlOESH ••. . ' led Co, I lab Ie IRUFF£S • 0001 Quantity Ba,e CO$t. (init 0 :> ~ Intal Unit Cost 0 ~ Iota ::.:;-:::'::'!"::- I. 'NVESIMENI COSIS A. CIVIL WORKS _~~ ___ ~_fi ___ I. HON REStOENI IAI BUILOINGS OffiCE Of AOOl cel NO 260.244 260. 2 260. 2 Off I CE Of Cf NO 260. 244 260.2 260. 2 Sub-ToUI NON ~[SIDENfiAl BUILDINGS 520. 5 520. 5 2. RESIOENIIAl BUILDINGS ocr S RE S I OENCE NO I 1 114, ~O7 114. ~ 114 5 oflltr SUPf Of ACr.! HYPE 10 NO 5 5 96.811 484. I 484, I Of fI CE SUPI Of Cf n YPE III NO 3 3 96.811 290.4 ~904 PlaN. ORIVUtS. Elf.. (lYPE " NO 5 5 78.073 390 4 390. 4 Sub-Iotal R£.SIDENTIAl BUilDINGS 1,219.4 I. 279. 4 Sub" lola I CIVIL WORKS 520.5 1.219. 4 I. 79!1. 8 B. VEHICLES CAR NO 103. 379 70G.8 206, 8 fOUR WHEEL DRIVE NO 93,041 93.0 93,0 Sub-lola I VEHICl£S 299,8 299,8 C. EQUIPI1EN! I. Off I CE Of AODL CCf '-- COMPUIER NO I 155,803 155.8 155.8 lYP[HRI fER NO 2 3.116 6.~ 6.2 I [[EPHONE NO 2 8.31 16.6 16.6 PIIOTOCOPIER NO I 103.869 103.9 103.9 DUPll CATOR NO I 20. 774 20 8 20,8 OTII£RS NO 5 18.696 III. 7 Ill. 18,1 18,7 18. 93. 5 Sub' Tala I Of fl C[ Of MOL. CCI 166,2 174.5 18.7 18 18.7 396. 8 2. OffiCE Of Cf ~-.------~~--- TYPEWRIIER NO 2 2 3. 116 6, 2 6 2 TELEPHONE NO I I 8.31 8. 3 8.3 PliO TOCOI' IE R NO 1 1 103, 869 10J.9 103.9 DUPLICATOR NO 1 I 20.774 20, 8 20. 8 POCKEr CALCUlAIOR NO :I 2 8 L 039 3. 1 2. I LO 1.0 0 8.3 OIlICRS EQUIPKrNI NO 1 1 5 4. 155 4.2 4. 2 4 ? 4. 2 4. ~ 20, 8 Sub-Total OffiCE 01 cr 1~6. f> 6. :> ~. 2 5. 2 5. 168.3 .... 1(") 23, 9 23, '1 23 9 56!>. 0 "N ~ Sub-Total EQUIPMENT 311,6 180,7 O. fURNIIURE .po I. OffICE OF AUDL CCF --~-----~~ SOfA SET NO 1 5,213 52 !>. , TABLE/CHAIRS ORDINARY NO 7 9 16 0.626 4, 4 !\,6 10.0 IA8lf/CIIAIRS OfFICERS NO 2 2 3. 128 6. 3 6.3 ALMIRAII NO 10 3 3 17 2.085 20. 9 2 I 6 3 6. :I 35. 4 BOOKSIIEI VES NO 4 8 13 0, 626 0, 6 , 5 5,0 8, I Sub'lolal OffICE Of tlDDI eef 31. 5 6.3 II. R II. 3 65 2, OffiCE OF Cf ~."'--~----- Off lCERS TABlfS NO 2 2 4.17 8.3 8.3 lABIElClIlIlRS ORDINARY NO 10 10 0.626 6.3 6.3 AllllRAIi NO S 2.085 2 I 2. I 4.2 12.5 BOOKSIIE 1 VE S NO 4 0.626 O.S 1.3 O. 6 2. 5 OrHER FURNITURE NO 4 0.313 0.3 O. 3 o 3 o J 1.3 Sub· TaU I OFFICE Of CF 14.6 3.0 3. 6 4.5 5. 30.9 Sub· Tota I FURNllURE 46. I 9.3 10.9 13. IS.4 95.9 Total INVESTNENT COSTS I. 119.0 1,469. 4 34.6 31. I 40. 3 2.160. 6 =:::=.~~::~ !::;::' I I. RfCURRENT COSTS -~---------- ~- ~ STAFF SAlARIES I. OffiCE Of ADDl CCF AOOl eCF IIY I I I I 5 56.921 56. 9 56.9 56.9 50. 9 56.9 284.6 OY eF IIY I I I ! 5 36. 115 36.2 36.2 36. 2 36.2 36.2 180.9 SIIPT GR. I IIV I I I I I 5 26.48 26.5 26.5 21l.5 26.5 76.5 132 4 SUPT GR. IV ASS I SI ANTS IIY IIY 3 ., 5 3 5 3 5 3 5 ., 3 ., 15 25 21.261 19.495 63.8 91.5 63.8 91. 5 63.8 91.5 63.8 91.5 63.8 91 . ., 319.0 481. 4 CLERK/lYPISIS IIY 5 5 5 25 12.823 64. 1 64 ! 64. I 64. I 64. 1 32().6 SrEHOGRAPI/ER IIY I I 1 I I 5 19. 49~ 19.5 19.5 19.5 19 . ., 19.5 91.5 SrENOrYPISI IIY I 1 I I I 5 12.823 12.8 I~. 8 12.8 12.8 12.8 64. I I AIIADIIR /PE ON IIV I I I I I 5 10.425 10.4 10.4 10.4 10.4 10.4 52.1 PEON NY 5 5 5 5 5 25 9.8 49.0 49 0 49.0 49.0 49.0 245. 0 CHOMKIOAR IIY I I 1 I 1 5 10.425 10.4 10.4 10.4 10 4 10.4 52.1 DRIVER ~HHPER NY IIY 2 I 2 1 2 I 2 1 , 2 10 5 12.823 10.425 25. 6 10.4 25. 6 10.4 25.6 10.4 25.6 10.4 25.6 10.4 128.2 52. I Sub'lotal OffiCE Of AODI CCF 483.2 483.2 483. 2 483. 2 483. 2 2. 416. 0 2. OffiCE OF Cf CF "V I I I 1 5 45.914 46.0 46.0 4u.0 46.0 46.0 229.9 SUP I GR. II IIY I I I 1 5 25. 124 25. , 25. I 25. I 25. I 25. 1 125.6 SUPI GR. I V IIY 1 2 2 2 10 21.261 42.5 41.5 42.5 42.5 42.5 212.1 ASS I SI ANTS Ply '2 2 2 2 10 19.495 39.0 39.0 390 39.0 39.0 194 9 STENOGRAPHER NY I I 1 I I 5 19.495 19 5 19.5 19 5 19.5 19 5 91. !i ClERK/TYPIST IIY 5 5 5 5 5 25 12.823 64. I 64. I 64. I 64. I 64. I 320 6 lAIlADAR/PEON IIY I I I I I 5 10.425 10.4 10.4 10.4 10.4 10.4 52. I PEON IIY 4 4 4 4 4 20 9.8 39.2 39.2 39 2 39. 2 39.2 196.0 DRIVER In I I I I I 5 12.823 12.8 12.8 12.8 12.8 I~. 8 64. , Sub-Tal.' OFFICE Of &F 298. 1 298. 1 19A.1 198. 1 298.1 I, 493. Sub-Tolal STAFf SAlARIES 181. 9 181. 9 181. 9 161. 9 181. 9 3.909.4 8. SrAFF !RAVEl AlLOWANCE ADOI eef IIY I I ~ 3.649 3. 6 3.6 3.6 3 Ii 3. 6 16.2 er IIY I 1 5 3. 128 3. I J. I 3. 1 3. I 3 I 15.6 DCf IIY 1 I I 5 2. 60S 2.6 2. S 1. 6 2.6 2. 6 13 0 DRIVER IIY 3 3 3 15 1. 043 3. I 3. I 3. I 3 I 3. 1 15.6 PEON IIY 1 1 7 35 O. 834 5.8 5. 8 5.8 5.8 5. 8 29.2 Sub-rolal STAff tRAVEl AllOWANCE 18.3 18.3 18.3 18.3 18.3 91. C. OFF ICE EXPENDITURE /a * - - - - - --- ~ OfFICE OF AOOI CeF NO 5 57.025 51.0 51.0 51.0 51 0 51.0 265. T OFFICE OF CF NO 5 31.53 315 31.5 31.5 31. 5 31.5 181. rtNl Sub-Tolal OffiCE EXPENDITURE la O. VEHIClE OPlRATlOH AND NAIN1 EHAHCE 94.6 94. 6 94. 94.6 94.6 412. 8 m ~----.-------- ..p.. CAR FOllR MIiFE I DRI VE NO NO 2 I , 2 2 I 2 10 5 10. 189 18.11 41. 6 18.1 H6 18.1 41. 6 18.1 41.6 IB.1 41.6 18.1 201.9 93. 6 Sub-lola I VEIII Cl E OPERATION AND IIAI NIENANCE 60.3 60.3 60. 3 60.3 60.3 301. 4 E. BUILDING "AIHlENANCf AND OPFRATIOH NO 2 2 6 5.204 to.4 10.4 10.4 31. ? iO Cf NO I t I 3 22.898 22.9 229 22.9 68. 1 NO 8 8 6 24 I. 918 15.8 15.8 15.8 41.5 .. . f • TYPE I QUARlff NO 5 5 5 15 I. 561 1.11 7.11 1_8 n Sub-lola I BUll 01'1. ,I f.NANC£ ANO OPf RA' I ON 56 9 56_ 9 SU.9 110_ 8 Tolol NECURR[NI COSIS 9~5. 1 955_ I.Ol~_O 1,0120 l,OI~() 4.Q4fi lotal 2, 134_ t 2.424 t,04& 8 I. ()49. I I. 0~2_ 3 1, lOu_ 7 la CAlCUur£o Al 1~_ 5% Of STAff CIlST AS PfR NORPIS AllOHEIl Play 16. 1985 11: 05 .... I"I'N In ; ~ Parameters Tolals Inchlding ConI ingencies Pny. ConI. . for. Gross Sl..IIIIlary o 2 3 5 fola' R,te hen lax Rale Accounl 298.2 298.2 O. 0.05 0 elf 298.2 298. 2 O. 0.05 0 eM 596.5 596.5 142.3 142.3 O. 0.05 0 elf 601.4 601.4 O. 0.05 0 eM 360.8 360. 6 0 0.05 0 eM 485.0 485.0 0 0.05 0 elf 1.589.4 1.589.4 596.5 1.589.4 ~ 2. 185.9 225.4 225.4 o 05 0.2 03 VEIl 101. 4 101. 4 0.05 o2 0.3 V(H 326.9 326.9 184.3 184.3 0.05 O. I 0.2 (OP 6.lI 6.8 o 05 O. , 0.2 [QP 18.2 18.2 0.05 0.1 0.2 [QP 113.5 113.5 0.05 O. I 0.2 (OP 22. 7 22.7 o 05 O. I 0.2 [OP 20.4 22. 24.0 26.0 28.2 120.7 0.05 oI 0.2 [OP 181. 6 206.5 24.0 26.0 28. 2 466.3 6. 8 6.8 0.05 O. I o2 [01' 9 I 9. I 0.05 O. I O. 2 fOP 113.5 113.5 0.05 O. I 0.2 EQP 22.7 22.7 0.05 0.1 O. 2 fOP 3.4 2.5 1.3 1.4 1.6 10.2 0.05 O. I 0.2 lOP 4.5 4.9 5.3 5.8 6.3 26.8 0.05 O. I 0.2 EOP "--- ----- ~~-y--- --- 160.0 7.4 6.7 7.2 7.8 189. I ---- ~o ~---- 341.6 213.8 30.6 33.2 36.0 655.4 rt N m 6. 1 6.7 0.05 0 O. I IUR 4.8 6.7 11.5 0.05 0 O. I fUR 6.8 6.8 0.05 0 O. I fUR 22.8 '.7 8.7 9.5 43.7 0.05 0 O. I fUR O. 7 3.5 7.6 11.8 0.05 0 o I fUR 34.5 1.4 12.2 17. I 80.6 "- • " 9. I 9 I o 05 0 o. rUR 6.6 6.8 0.05 0 0 rUR 2.5 5.8 6.3 11. J O. O~ 0 0 FIIR 0.1 1.6 0.9 J. 3 0.05 0 () fliR 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.5 1.1 0.05 0 O. lUI! 16.0 3. 6 4. 7 6.3 7.7 36.3 50.1 11. 0 14.1 18.5 74.8 118.9 1.315.41.814.3 44.8 51. 1 6Q.9 3.287. I 59.3 64.4 69.9 75.8 82. 2 351. 6 () 0 0 STf 37. 7 40.9 44.4 48.2 ~2. 3 223.5 0 0 0 SIf 27.6 30.0 32.5 35.3 38.3 163.6 0 0 0 51 f 66.5 72.2 78.3 85.0 92.2 394. 1 0 0 0 SIf 101. 6 110 3 119.6 129.6 140.8 602. , 0 0 () SIf 66.6 72. 5 78.7 85.4 92.6 396. 0 0 0 0 SH 20.3 n. I 23.9 26.0 28. 2 120 4 0 0 0 Slf 13.4 14.5 15.7 17. I 18.5 79. 2 0 0 0 SIf 10.9 11.8 12.8 13.9 15. I 64.4 0 0 0 SlF 51. I 55.4 60.1 65.2 70. 8 302. 7 0 0 0 Sff 10.9 11.6 12.8 13.9 15. I 64.4 0 0 () sil 26.7 29. 0 31. 5 34. I 37. 1 158.4 0 0 0 STf 10.9 11.6 12.8 13·9 15. 1 64 4 0 () 0 STf 503. 7 546. 6 593.0 643.4 698. 1 2.984.8 47.9 52. 0 ~6. 4 61.2 6b.4 284.0 0 0 0 STf 26.2 28.4 30.8 33.5 36.3 155.2 0 0 0 sIr 44.3 48. I 52.2 56 6 61 5 262. 7 0 0 0 SIF 40.6 H.I 41. 9 51.9 56. 3 240.8 0 0 0 SIF 20.3 22. I 23.9 26.0 28.2 120.4 0 0 0 STf 66.6 72.5 78.7 85.4 92.6 396.0 0 0 0 STf 10.9 11.8 12.8 13.9 15. I 64.4 0 0 0 Sir 40.9 44.3 48. I 52.2 56.6 242. 1 0 0 0 srr 13.4 14.5 15 7 11. I 18.5 79.2 0 0 0 SIf 311.4 337.8 366.6 397. 7 431.5 1.845.0 .. _---- .~~---- 815.1 884. 959.6 I, 041. 1 I. 129.6 4.829. 8 3.6 4. I 4.5 4.9 5.3 22.5 0 () 0 SIA 3.3 3.5 3.6 4.2 4.5 19.3 0 0 0 SIA 2. 7 2.9 3. 2 3.5 3.8 16.1 0 0 0 SIA 3.3 3.5 3.8 4.2 4.5 19. 3 0 I) 0 STA 6. I 6. 6 7.2 7. 8 8.4 36. I 0 0 0 Sill 19. I 20.8 22.5 24.4 26.5 113.3 62.4 67.7 73.5 79.1 86.5 369.9 O. 05 0 0 IlIH 41. 1 44. 6 48. 4 52.5 56 9 243.4 0.05 0 0 OIH 103.5 112.3 111. 8 132.2 1434 613.3 T I'1'N 45.5 49.2 53.4 57.9 62.8 268.8 0.05 O. 0 voe m 20.5 22.2 24.0 26.1 28.3 120.9 0.05 O. 0 voe ,c.. 65.9 71.4 17.4 84.0 91. 0 389.7 13.4 29.4 14.5 31.9 15. 1 34. 6 43 7 96.0 o 05 0.05 0.05 o 05 o. o. ",e ",e 20.3 22. I 23.9 66.4 o 05 0.05 O. lUI; C2 Item 4 '-' i: 0: .,., <> 0: '" <> .,; .., <> " " ... '". " ... .., ... ~:: ... .., ..; " " ... " '" ,.,. " .,; '" ..; GO '" ..; " " ... e ... "" ... " "'" ... ' " ..: " "''' ." .... "" .,; ... , ... -" -" " " " 0'> .,. ,.., " , :? ~:: ..: " ... " ~:: <> .,., .., .,; ... ..; ..,: " .,.," '" " .,; '" '" ..: " ..: " .., -" " .., "''' " " ..; " " <> " -~ :: "" " 0" " , , , ... '" """ - ..; " .,; " <> " " .., " " <> " , I , , - '" ."" ." " I " " " " INDIA • 'NAI SOCIIIl fORFSlflY rRth/Eel Table 202. ORGANIU o NANAGEl1[N I flElO OPIRAlIONS UINACIIA! PR !let;}; led (;05\ fable IRUPUS • 0001 Quantity Base Cos t 5 Unit 0 3 4 Total Unit Cost 0 2 4 lolal :: " ~:;;::;;::;;::: I. INVESTMENT cOStS II. CIVIL WORKS ACf RESTDHICE NO I 2 I 3 3 10 114.!;07 114. !; 229.0 114 5 343.5 343. ~ 1, 14!; I FRIOY RANGE/fG (TYPE III NO 36 46 24 46 45 197 96 811 3.485. 2 4.453.3 2.323 !; 4.453.3 4.356.5 19.071. 1 PEON/DRIVER. HC. ClYPE II NO 4 8 6 10 12 40 78.073 312.3 624.6 468. 4 780. 7 936.9 3. In~ Sub-Tota I CIVIL WORKS 3.912.0 5.306.9 2.906.4 5.577., 5.636.9 n . .1J9 8. VEHIClES VAN NO 7 7 7 7 7 35 129.223 904. 6 904.6 904. 6 n04.6 904.6 4.522, NOIORCYCIE NO 75 25 2!; 25 25 115 10.855 814. 1 271. 4 271. 4 271. 4 211. 4 1.899. TRUCKS NO 5 3 8 2!;8. 446 1.292.2 775.3 2.067 Sub-Total VEtllt!ES 3.010.9 1.951. 3 1. 175.9 1. 11!; 9 I. 175,9 8.490.0 C. EQUIPNENI TYPEWRI fER NO 35 35 3.116 109 1 109. I PLANlAllON [QUI P NO 3~ 35 35 35 35 175 20. 714 127. I 721. I 727. I 727, I 721. I 3.635.4 OruER EQUI PHENT LS 35 35 35 35 35 115 10.179 356.3 ,156 3 356 3 356,3 356. 3 1. 181 3 Sub- Tota I fQUIPHENT I. 192.4 1. 083. 4 l. 083, 4 1.083.4 1.083 4 5.525 D. fURNITURE IABIE/CHAIRS ORDINARY SET 82 24 31 40 50 227 0.417 34. 2 10.0 12.9 16.7 20 9 94 1 TA8LE/CtlAiRS Of(I(;[IIS SEl 23 4 4 4 4 39 L 043 24.0 4.2 4.7 4, 2 4,2 40 1 AtMIRIIII/BOOKSHH YES S£1 23 23 0, 626 14,4 14 4 OlltER fURNITURE IS I 5 0.313 0.3 0, 3 0.3 0, 3 0,3 III Sub- Tot" 1 fURNITURE 129 14,5 17 4 21, 2 25, 3 151 3 Tolal INVESTNENI COSIS 8. 188,2 8, 356, 0 5,183. I 1,858,0 1.92 L 5 31.506 ~:=;;~== ===~~:=~ II. RfCURRENT COSTS ~ STAlf SALARIES ACf MY 35 35 35 35 35 17~ 27. 9.19 917. 9 971. 9 971, !I 977. 9 911.9 ~,889. 3 fOREST RANGER I'IY 10 10 10 10 '10 350 21. 476 I. 503, 3 I. 503 3 1.503,3 1.503.3 1.503,3 1.516.4 DY RANGERS MY 70 10 10 70 70 350 18.869 1.320,8 1.320.8 1,310.8 I. 320. 8 8 6, fi04 2 SOCIAL FORESTRY WORKERS I'IY 3!;0 350 350 350 350 I. 750 13,448 - 4, 706. 9 4.706.9 4,106.9 4, 106, 9 4.70a 9' 23,534.4 CLERK/TYPIST PlY 175 175 175 175 115 875 12,823 2.244.0 2.244.0 2.244.0 2. 244.0 2.244,0 11.219,9 PEON NY 105 105 105 105 105 525 9.8 1.028.9 I. 028 9 1,028.9 I, 0~8. 9 1.028.9 5. 144.1 DRIVER NY 7 14 21 28 35 105 12.823 89,8 179.5 269 . .1 359.0 448,8 1.346.4 Sub"Tol., STAff SALARIES II. 811. 6 11. 961. 3 12. O!;L I 17, HO 9 1/.2.10 6 60. 25~. 5 B, STAFF ~ TRAVEl ~ ___ w __ ALlOHANCf __________ ACf NY 35 35 35 35 35 115 2. 085 73.0 13.0 73.0 730 13 0 364. 9 I. 094 6 fORESI RANGER Of RANG[RS IIY IIY 10 70 70 70 10 10 10 10 70 70 350 350 J, 128 2. 606 218,9 182,4 218,9 182 4 218.9 182 4 218.9 182.4 218. 9 182.4 912.2 .... In rtl',.) SOCIAL fORESIRY WORKERS NY 350 350 350 150 350 1.150 2.085 729.8 129.8 129.8 129.8 729.8 3. MB 8 PlON DRIVER PlY NY 105 7 105 14 105 21 105 28 105 35 525 105 0, 834 1,043 87.6 7.3 87.6 14.6 87. 6 2L9 87. 6 19. 2 87.6 36. 5 431 9 109 ~ m ~ Sub- Tota 1 STAff I RAVE i AllOWANCE 1,299,0 1,306,3 1.31.1 6 I. 320. 8 1.328. I 6. ~67. 8 C, OIf1CE DPfNDIIURE /8 lS 35 .15 35 3!; 35 115 40. 449 1,415,1 I. 41!;, 7 I. 415 1 f. 415. 7 I. 41!;. 1 1. 018. 6 D, VEltlf.1£ OP[RATION AND IIAINHNIINCE -~--- ----~~~-"---- VAN NO 1 14 21 28 35 105 25.986 181. 9 363, B 545, 1 727.6 909. 5 7.128. I} IIOTORCYCLf.S NO 75 100 125 150 115 625 3. 118 233.9 3 II 8 3R9.8 467.8 545, 7 1,94Q 0 TRlICKS NO 5 8 13 20. 789 IOJ.9 166.3 270 J Sub-Total VFHICIE OPERAIION AND IIAINHNANer 519.1 842.0 935.5 1.195.4 I. 455. 2 4.9~7 II £. BUilDING IIAINI [NANCE ACIS RESIDENCf NO I J 4 8 2.29 2. 3 6.9 '1.2 I~ 3 IYP[ II QUARTER NO 36 82 106 224 I 978 7! 2 162.2 209.6 44.1 0 TYP[ I QUARTER NO 4 12 18 34 1.561 6.2 16.7 28. I 53 , Sub-lata I BUll DING IIAINIEHANCE 79. 187.1\ 246. 9 514 4 lotal RECURRENT COSIS 15. 106.0 15.525.3 15.795.6 16.260.5 16.676.6 79.3639 lotal 23.294 I 23.881. J 20.978.7 24, 118.5 24,598, I 116.870 II!. CALCULATED AI 12.!i'l: Of STAff COSI AS PER NORIIS AllOWED May 16. 1985 11:05 ....In rt N ~ .too' " • « ADESII ParaR..,tors lola Is Including Cont ingem: ies Phy, ,.----.---. Cont. for. Gross StllInary o 2 5 lolal Rat" Excn. Tax Role Account 131,2 2845 154,3 502,2 544, 1 1,616,9 0, O. OS 0 ell 3,9U9 5.532.6 3,131. 0 6,509, 1 6.908,0 26.015, 2 0, 0,05 0 ell 351,9 116,0 631. 2 I, 141. 3 1.485,6 4,391. 9 O. 0.05 0 CW 4.483,0 6,593,0 3.916,5 6.153. I 8.938,3 32. 064, 0 986,3 1.065,0 1.153,5 1. 250, 0 L 354 6 5.809,5 O. OS O. 2 0.3 VEH 861,7 319.5 346, I 375,0 406, 4 2.334, 6 0,05 0,2 O. 3 vEil 1.409,0 912.9 2 ..121. 9 0, OS 0.2 0.3 VEH 3.283,0 2.291.4 1. 499, 1.625,0 1.160,9 10.466,0 119,2 119.2 0,05 O. O. 2 [QP 194,5 860,3 932, 1 1.011. 4 1.096,8 4.695. 7 o 05 0 0,2 [OP 369.3 421,5 457.0 495. 6 537 4 2.100.9 O. OS 0, O. 2 fOP 1.303.0 1.281. 8 L 389, 7 1. 501, 0 1,634,2 1,115,6 31. 4 11. 9 16.7 23. 3 31. 6 120.9 0.05 0 0.1 flJR 21).2 5, 0 5. 4 5,8 6.3 48. 7 0.05 0 O. I rlJR 15.7 15,7 0.05 0 O. I rUR 0,3 0, 4 0.4 0.4 0.5 2.0 0.05 0 O. I rUR 19,8 17.2 22.4 29.6 38.4 181.4 9. 148.8 10. 189.5 6,828,311.314.712.371.9 49.8532 1. 019. 4 1.106. I 1.200.1 1.302. I I, ~ 12, 8 6.040.5 0 0 0 SIr I, ~67. 2 I. 700. 4 1.844,9 2,001. 1 2. 171. 9 9,286, I 0 0 0 Slf 1.317.0 1.494.0 I. 621. 0 1,758.6 L 908. 3 8. 1~9, I 0 0 0 S!f 4.906.9 5.324 0 5.116. 6 6,267. 6 6.8003 29.015 4 0 0 0 SIf 2.339.4 2.538.2 2. 153 9 2,988.0 3.242. 0 13,861, 5 0 0 0 STf 1.072. 7 1. 163.9 1.262.8 1.370 I 1. 486. 6 6.356, <) <) 0 0 5H 93.6 203. I 330,5 418. I 648.4 1,153.6 0 0 0 STf ---,---~- -~~.~-- 12,376. I 13, 529. ~ 14,169 8 16.166,4 17.670.3 74.532.2 76. 1 82.5 89.6 97.2 105,4 450. 8 0 0 0 51A .... rtN 1° 228.2 190.2 247, 6 268,1 291. 5 316.3 263. 6 1.352.3 1.121,0 0 0 0 0 0 sa SIA m 206.4 2?3. 9 242.9 0 1,054,3 4.507,8 STA ~ 160.8 825.4 895.6 971. 7 0 0 0 91. 3 99. I 101.5 116.6 126.5 540. 9 0 0 0 STA 1,6 16.5 '6.9 38.9 52 1 142.6 0 0 0 STA 1,354,2 1.471.5 1.612, I 1,1'>8 8 1,916.8 8.121. 1.549.7 1. 681. 4 1.824.3 1.979.4 2.141.6 9. 182 4 0.05 0 0 0111 198.8 430.8 100. 7 1,013.2 1,313. 3. 717. I 0.05 O. 0 VOC 255.1 369.2 500 5 651,3 824. 2,600.9 o 05 O. 0 VOC 113.6 196.9 310.6 0.05 0, 1 0 VOC 568. , 997,0 1,201. 2 t. 664, 5 2. 197.7 6.628,5 2,9 9.6 13 9 26.4 0.05 O. 05 0, , IIfC 91. 6 226.2 317,2 635.0 0.05 0.05 o , IIfC 8.0 26. , 42,5 16. 7 0,05 0.05 0,1 "fe 102.5 261.9 373, 6 738.0 - 15.848. 1 17.685.5 19,529 9 21,83 t. 1 24.308.0 9~. 202. 6 24.996.9 27.1\75.0 26.358, 1 33.145,1\ 36. 57!!,!! 149,055, II ::-::::::::::::::;:::== ::::;:::::::::::::::!:;: :::~.,=:::::::::: ~:'!:;:;~;;:::;:= ':"::::::::::::::: !-tIn rtN m .f>- " • INDIA • NAIIONAl SOCIAL IOR£SIRY PROJlCf Table 103 PIIYSICAI IARGEIS IIIMACIiAi PRADf.SII Deta; led Cosl Table (RUPEE S • 0001 Qqantity Ilase (0;; t $ Un; t 0 4 5 lolal Un; t Cost 0 2 5 Iota I. INVESTHENI COSIS A. fARf1 fORESTRY AND NURSERY DEVElOPMENT -~----.--- -------~---- LAGRO fORESTRY AND r ARII WOOOlorS --- ------------- 9.379,8 10.422 0 41.687,8 tlURSERY COSI Of PLANIS IIlll 12 14 16 18 20 80 52 L 098 6.253,2 7. 29~, 4 8.337,6 DISTRIBUIION cosr HILL 12 14 16 18 20 80 521, 098 6.253,2 7,295,4 8. 337 6 9. 379,8 1~422,0 41.687 8 ~253,2 1~548,5 15.632.9 17.717, 19.8017 10.412,0 8~, :J7h 6 Sub-Total AGRO fORESIRY AND fARf1 WOODLOTS 2, PRlVAlE WASTElAND PLAN liNG -------".< .. _.- ADVANCE PREPARAIION IlA 2.100 2.350 2,600 2,850 3.100 13,000 0,261 547, fil2 3 677, 4 742, 6 807 7 3. 38'/ 1 PROIECTloN 1ST YEAR IIA 2.100 2.350 2,fiOO 2.850 3,100 13,000 1,407 2,954,6 3. 306, 4 3,658, I 4.009,8 4,36 L 6 18.290,5 PROTECTION 2ND YEAR IlA 2, 100 2,350 2,600 2,850 9.900 0,094 197,0 220,4 243,9 267 3 9111 6 PROTECTION lRo YEAR IIA 2.100 2.350 2,600 7.050 0.094 197,0 220,4 243.9 661. 3 PROIHIION 41H YEAR IiA 2.100 2,350 4,450 0,094 197,0 120,4 417.4 PROTE ClION 5 III 1£ AR HA 2, 100 2.100 0, 094 197 0 197 0 Sub-Total PHIVAH, WAS lElAND PLANIING 547 3.566,9 4, 180,8 4,818, I ~,478,8 5. ~90. 2 23. 881, 9 Sub'lotal FARf1 fORESIRY AND NURSlRY OEYElOPMENT 6,800, 11.115.419,613721.535425,180.515.7121107.257,5 B. TRU !ENURE FOR POOR AND lAHOLE 55 I. GROUP fARI! FORESIRY NURSERY COSI Of PLANIS HilL 0, I o2 O. 3 O. 3 0,4 1.3 521. 098 36,5 99,0 130,3 156,3 729,3 651. 4 DISIRIBlJlION COST MilL 0, I 0, 2 0,3 0.3 0,4 1.3 521,098 36.5 99,0 130,] 156,3 229,3 651. 4 Sub-Iota I GROUP fAR" fORESIRY 36,5 135,5 229 3 286, 6 385, 229,3 1,302, Sub-Total [REE [ENURE fOR POOR AND lANDlESS 36,5 135,5 229,3 286 Ii 385. 229.3 1,302, C. COIIHUNIfY fORfSlS I, COHIIUNITY IIOOOIOIS r SElF IlHP , ADVANCE PR[PARft TI ON HA 100 150 200 250 300 1,000 1 407 140.7 211. 0 281, 4 35 L 1 422, I 1,407.0 PROIECTION lSI yrAR IIA 100 150 200 250 300 1.000 I, 97 197,0 295,5 393,9 492, 4 590,9 I, 969, 7 PROIECIION 2ND HAR IIA 100 150 200 250 100 0,313 31. J 46,9 62,5 18,2 218,9 PROfECTlON 3RD YEAR IiA 100 150 200 450 0,208 20.8 31. 3 4 I. 7 93,8 PROltCnON 4111 YfAR IIA 100 150 250 O. 177 17, 1 26, 6 44 .1 PROnCllON 51H HAR 114 100 100 0094 9,4 q 4 Sub' Iota 1 COI'IPIUNIIY WOODlOIS I SFH IIELP I 337. 537,6 743 955, 1, 168.8 1. 743, 0 2, COIIIIUNIIY WOOlll0lS ( RAINfEO I ADVANCE PREPARATION HA 6. 750 7, 250 8.000 8. 750 9.250 40,000 r. 407 9.497,0 10, '00, 5 II, 255, 12,310 9 1],014. 56, 278 ESIABlISIIIIENI lSI YEAR IIA 6, 750 7.250 8.000 8. 750 9.250 40. 000 r. 97 13, 2~5, 8 14.280, 15,758.0 17, 23~ 18, 2 no. 18.7A9. PROTECTION 2ND nAR IIA 6, 150 1, 250 8,000 8. 750 30. 1!i0 0,313 2, 110, 2, 266. 8 2,50 I, 2. 735,8 9.614 PI/OIECflOH JRO YfAR 6,7(,0 7,250 8.000 22,000 0208 1,407,0 I. 511 1,667.5 4,585 7 "A PROIECTlON 41U YEAR I1A 6.750 7,250 14,000 0,177 1,195 9 1,284 5 2.4110 4 PROllCTlON 5111 YEAR IlA 6,750 6,150 0.094 633, I 633 1 T rr r-:J n. 646, 8 35,458 I 24.541. I 15/.381, 9 Sub·lolal COII"UNIIY WOOoLOIS ! RAINrFo I 9.497 0 23,496.3 31.742, m Sub-Iota I COI'IHUNIIY FORlSIS 9. 497, 0 23, 634, 0 28. 184, 6 32.485, 3G. 413, 8 25,709,9 156, 175, +'- 0, WASIHAND PlANIAIIONS fOR CO"PlUNIIY H[[OS -~---------- I, REIIA811ITAIION Of oEGRAo£.O rORESI lANDS - - - - - .. ADVANCE PRfPARU ION HA 750 750 1.000 I. 250 1,250 5, 000 I. 407 1, 055, 2 I, 055 2 1.407,0 I, '/56 I, 7~8 7 7, 0'l4 8 ESTABllSIlf1[NI lSI YEAR IIA 750 7~0 1,000 1,250 1,250 5.000 I, 97 1.4n 3 1,471,3 1,969, 'f 2,462 2 2.462 9,8487 PROJ[CIION 2ND HAR IIA '150 750 1,000 r. 250 3,150 0,313 234.5 234 ~ 312.7 390 8 1.1725 Parameters lotals Including Contingoncies PIIy. Cont for. Gross Summary o 5 lola I Rate heh. h. Rate Account 6,565.8 7,984.6 9,899.3 12,082.6 14,565.6 - 51. 097. 9 0.05 0.01 (I NUR - 6.844.0 8. 661. 9 10. 740. 1 13. 109. 0 15. 803. 0_ _ _ 8_~ 55. 157.9 ______ ._~_ 0.05 0.01 0 NUR ~-.----- -~---.-- -----~-- 6,565.8 14.828.6 18,561. 2 22,822. 7 27.674.6 15,803.0 106.255.8 574.5 610.1 804.3 956.5 1.128.8 4. 134.3 0.05 0.01 0 FfN - 3.233.8 3,925. 7 4.112.2 5.604.1 6.613. 6 24.089.3 0.05 0.01 0 fFN 233.9 283.9 340.8 405. 3 1.264.0 0.05 0.01 0 ffN 253. 7 308.1 369. 8 931. 6 0.05 0.01 0 ffN 215.3 334. 2 609.5 0.05 0.01 0 FFN 298.7 298.7 O.~ 0.01 0 FfN ----~-- -------- -----~~- 514.5 3.903.9 4.963.9 6.206.4 7.657. I 8.021. 6 31.327.4 7, 140. 3 18. 132. 5 23,525.0 29.029. I 35.331. 8 23. 824. 131.583.3 38.3 108.4 154.7 201.4 320.4 8:n 2 0.05 0.01 0 NUR 39.9 111. Ii 161.8 218.5 347.7 891. 4 0.05 0.01 0 NUR 38.3 148.3 272. '} 369.2 538.9 341. 1,114.6 38.3 148.3 212.2 369.2 538.9 347. 1. 114. 6 154.0 250. 6 362.5 491. 6 640.0 I. 898.7 0.05 0.01 0 e/lf 215.6 350.8 507.5 688.2 896.0 2.658. 1 0.05 0.01 0 Cllf 31. I 60.4 87.4 118.5 303.5 0.05 0.01 0 Cllf 26.9 4J. 7 63.2 133.8 0.05 0.01 0 C/lf 24.8 40. 3 65. I o.~ 0.01 0 Cllf 14.2 14.2 0.05 O. 01 0 e/lf 369. 6 638.5 951.2 1.335.7 1.172. J 5.013. 3 9.911. 9 11. 164.2 13,364.0 15.858.4 18. 188.8 68.547. J 0.05 0.01 0 e/lf 14.552.0 16.955. 6 20.298. 7 24.087.9 21.627.6 103.521. 7 0.05 0.01 0 [/If - 2,505.8 2.920.0 3.495.1 4. 148.3 13.069. 7 o 05 0.01 0 [/If 1.812.4 2. 112.0 2.528.; 6.452.9 0.05 0.01 0 [/If I. 671. 4 1.947.7 J. 619. I 0.05 0.01 0 e/lf 960.0 '160.0 0.05 0.01 0 CMf .... 1° rtN (I) 9,971. 9 25.716. I 32.825.4 40.889.5 49.555.831.212.1 196.170.8 ~-~-~--- ---~~-~- a 9.911.9 26.085. 7 33.463.9 41.846. 7 50.891. 5 38.984.4 201. 244. 0 .po I. 108.0 I. 154.9 1.67 ~.265.5 2.457.9 8.656.8 0.05 0.01 o IIPC 1.616.9 1.7 )53~J 3.441. I J. 7315 1~08~ 8 O. OS 0.01 o IIPe 2. 302. I 431.0 592.6 1.610. I 0.05 0.01 o IIPe .. . 201. 4 218.5 l16. I 135.9 o 05 o 01 0 liPe 185.7 201.5 381 1 () 05 o 01 0 Nrc 106 7 106.7 o 05 0.01 0 Ii!'!: I. lOS. 0 2.171. 8 l. 702. 9 5.306. 3 6.740. 4.950.3 14,579.5 1.106.0 2.171. 8 3.702.9 5. JOS. 3 6.140.2 4,950.3 24.519.5 85.6 Y2.9 100.8 109. 1 388.5 0,05 0 0 ISO 24, 0 34 1 37 6 lO. 6 126.9 O. 05 0 0 fSO 28.5 31 0 33,6 36.4 39 5 16H,0 0.05 0 0 fSO 138. I 158.5 112.0 176.4 39.5 684.4 18, 2!\S. 5 47.876.4 61. In 6 76.723.1 93.678.8 68.146,5 365.805.8 :::=:::::::::::::::.:: =====::::::::::::. =:===::::::::::;:: :--:::=;-:":~:::= :::::==;;::::;::::::::~ =:::.!::::::::~=:.= 16.258.5 47.876.4 61, In. 6 76, '123. 2 93,618.8 68,146.5 365,805.8 Hln rtN m ,po. PROTECTION 3RD YEAR IIA 7!tO 750 1. 000 2.~00 0.208 lSI" 156.3 206.4 5n 1 PROTECTION 4111 YEAR HA 750 750 1.500 O. 177 131.9 132 9 76~ H PROTECTION 5TH YEAR HA 750 '/50 u.094 10 3 10. 3 ~'Jb-Total R[HA8Il11AIIDN OF DEGRADED fORESI LANDS 1.055.2 2. ~3/ 5 3.118 II 4.119. 4. 622 /I .1. 2M 1 18. 91.1 Sub-IoUI MASIELAND PIANIATlONS FOR COIIIIUNITY NEEDS 1,055.2 2.532.5 3. 118.8 4. 119. 4.622.8 3.264.1 la 913 E. fUElIiOOIl SAVING IlEVICES OEIIOliSIRAflON CHUtlUIS la NO 1.000 1.000 1,000 1,000 4.000 0.078 78. 2 78. 2 18 2 16.2 317.8 PReSSURE COOKERS /b NO 300 400 400 300 1.400 O. 073 21. 9 292 29. ? 21. 9 102 2 II1PROVED CR£I1AIORIA 110 5 5 5 5 5 25 5.213 26. I 26.1 26 1 26. I 76 130.3 Sub-Total fUELMOOD SAVING DEVICES 120. I 133.4 133 ~ 126. 26 1 545. 2 Total INVESTIIENT COSIS 17.389.0 43.743.6 51.479. II 59. 560. ~ 67.078.8 44.942.1 2M. 143.1 : Tolal 17.389.0 43.743.6 51. 479. 8 59.560.4 67,028.6 44.942.1 784.143.1 COST 10 PROd£CI IS RS.75. BEING IHE AI10l1NI Of SUBSIDY 10 B£NEf!CIARIES. COST TO PROdECT IS RS.70 BLING 33% SU8Si~Y Of TOTAl COST Of RS.210 I1I1Y 16. 1985 II: 05 Nt\,) m ""1° J::-o ... .. INOlA NATIONAL fORESIRY I'RO.lfr.T lab Ie 204. Sf AR~'1t III IIAellAI PRAO£ 511 Db ,d Cost lable IRUP((S • 000) Quant j IY Bas .. Costs Totals Including r.ontjnqonCl~s Unil 0 lolal Unil 5 Tolal 0 2 ~ lola 1 2 4 · __ Cosl ~w.___ 0 2 =:::.::'::-.::: :,::::::== I. INVESTHENT COSTS A. CiVIL WORKS Off ICE Of DY Cf NO I 260.244 260.2 260 2 298. 298 2 OCf /ACf RERSIOENCE NO I 1 114.507 114.5 114 5 154.3 154.3 fR/DT RANGflSfW HYPE ill NO 6 6 96.811 580.9 51109 782.7 182. 7 PEON/DRIVER HC. (IYPE Il NO 2 2 78.073 156. I Pili. 1 210.4 210.4 SEED STORrS NO 8 8 31. 129 249.8 249.8 286.3 2116 3 Sub·lotal CIVIL WORKS ~ 10. I 851. 5 1,3616 ~84. 5 1. 147.5 1. 7no 8. VEIl I ClES fOUR WIIEEL DRIVE NO 93.041 93.0 93. 0 10 I. 4 101. VAN NO 129.223 129. 129.2 152. 1 152. Sub-Tolal VEIIICLES 93.0 129.2 222.3 101. 4 152. I 253 C. EQUIPH(NI --------- 3. 4 l. TYPEWRIIfR NO I 3. 116 3. 1 3.1 CAL CUlAIORS NO 5 5 10 5. 193 26.0 26.0 51.9 28. 4 30. 59. TElEPHONE NO I 1 8.31 8.3 8.3 9. I 9. I 30 H UDDER NO 2 2 3 116 6.2 6.2 6.8 6. 8 SAfElY TAPES NO I 1 2.077 2. I 2. I 2.3 2 J TAPES. 01 SKS. [lC. lS 1 1 10.387 10.4 10.4 11.4 11. 4 ALlIHEIER NO 1 1 0.935 0.9 0.9 1.0 1.0 COHPASS NO 2 2 L 039 2.1 2. 1 2.3 2. 3 STEREOSCOPE NO 2 2 0.519 1.0 1.0 1.1 I. !lICROSCOPE NO 1 I. 039 1.0 1.0 1. 1 1 SACKS. CON TAINlRS. HC. fOR SEEDS lS 1 20. 774 20. 8 20.8 22. 7 n Sub-Total EQUIPl1fNf 82.0 26.0 107.9 Rq 6 30. 120 D. fURN I TURE ----~---- TA8IE/CHAIRS ORDINARY S(J 8 0.626 3. 1 1.9 5. 0 3.4 2 2 5. TABLE/CHAIRS OrFICERS Sf[ 3. 128 3. I 3. 1 3. 4 3.4 AtMI RAIl/IlOOKSHEl VES SH 2.085 4.2 2. 1 6.3 5. 0 2. 7 7. 6 OllIE R fURN IWRE S(J 0<209 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 O. 2 1.0 O. O. 2 O. 3 0 o. J 1. 4 Sub-Total fURNI1URE 6.5 6.3 2. 0.2 O. 2 15.4 7. 7. 4 3. 0 0 0.3 18. f..RE SEARCH I'ROGRAHS ~--~~----- RESEARCH BY fO AND SAUS lS 0.5 4.5 52.125 26. I 52. I 52. I 52< 1 52.1 234.6 ~8. 5 61.9 67. 2 72.9 79 1 309. 6 Sub- Tala I RESEARCII PROGRAI1S 26. I 52. 1 52. I 52 I 52. 1 234.6 28.5 61. 9 67.2 12.9 19 1 309. 6 lola I INVfSHI[Nl COSTS 717.6213.6 905.9 ~2. 3 52. 3 1.94 l. 8 811. I 252.2 1.217.6 n7 79.4 2.433. II. RECURRENI COSTS T A. SlArr SAURllS "N /I) OY cr I1Y 1 I I 1 I 5 36. 175 36 2 36. 2 36. 2 36 2 36.2 180.9 37. 7 40.9 44. 4 48. 2 52. 3 223.5 a fORES! RANGER I1Y 2 2 2 2 2 10 2l. 476 430 43<0 43.0 43. 0 43.0 214.8 44. 8 48 6 52 1 ~7. 2 62. I 765.3 OY RANGERS 'IV 18.869 15.5 15. 5 75.5 371.4 78 7 85. 4 100 5 109.0 466.2 oP- 4 4 4 4 4 20 75.5 75< 5 9'. 6 SOCIAL fORESTRY WORKER HY 8 8 8 8 8 40 13.448 107.6 107.6 107.6 1076 107.6 537.9 112.2 121. 1 132.0 143.3 155.4 664. 6 ASSISTANT HY I 1 1 1 1 5 19.286 19.3 19. J 19.3 19.3 19.3 96.4 20. I 218 23. 7 ~5. 1 21.9 119.1 Cl ERK/rYl'l S f liT 2 2 2 2 2 10 12.873 25. 6 25. 6 25. 6 75.6 25. fi 128.2 26 7 ?qo 31. 5 34. I 37. I 158 4 PEON HY 4 4 4 4 4 20 98 39.2 39.2 39.2 39 2 39.2 196.0 40.9 44. 3 48. I 52. 2 ~6.6 242.1 IlRIVER IIY I 1 I 5 12.823 12.8 12.8 12.8 12.8 12.8 64. , 13. 4 14.5 15. 7 17. 1 18.5 79 ~ CIIOWKIDAR MY 1 I 1 5 10.425 10.4 10.4 10.4 10.4 10.4 52 1 10.9 IL 8 1'.8 13. ~ 15 1 61.4 SWEEPER HT 1 I 5 10.425 10.4 10.4 10< 4 10.4 10.4 52. t 10.9 II. 8 12.8 1J.9 '3. I 64. 4 Sub-Tota I SlIlfF SAl ARI ES 380.0380.0 380.0 J80.0 380.0 1.900.0 396. 479.8 466. 3 506.0 ~4'l 0 2.347. 8. 51 Aft TRAVEl All OWANCE -----~---~------ DY CF 111 I I I I I 5 2. 606 2.6 2. 6 2. 6 2.6 2.6 13.0 2. 7 2. 9 3.2 3. 5 3. 8 16. I rOR[~1 RANGER I1Y 2 2 2 2 2 10 3.128 6.3 6.3 6. 3 6. 3 6.3 31. 3 6.5 7. I 7. 7 8. 3 9 0 38.6 OY RANGERS I1Y 4 4 4 4 4 20 2. 606 10.4 10 4 10.4 10.4 10.4 52.1 10. 9 11. 8 12.8 13.9 15 I 64. 4 SOCIAl rORESIRY WORKER "y 8 8 8 8 8 40 2.085 16.7 16.7 16.7 16.7 16.7 83.4 17.4 18.9 20.5 12.2 24 I 103.0 PWII "y 4 4 4 4 4 20 0.834 3.3 3. 3 3.3 3. 3 3.3 16.7 3.5 3,8 4. I 4.4 4. 8 20. 6 DRIVEII "y I 2 2 2 2 9 I. 043 1.0 2. I 2. I 2, 1 2. I 9. 4 1.1 2. 4 2.6 2.8 3. 0 11. 8 - - - - - -- ~ Sub-Total STAff IRAVEl AttOWAMCE 40. 3 41.4 41.4 41. 4 41. 4 205, 9 42 1 46,8 50. 8 55, I '\9 8 254 6 C. OfF I CE HPENOIIURl la NO 5 183.272 183.3 183.3 183.3 1813 183.3 916.4 200. I) 217.7 236. 2 2~6. 2 na 0 1. 188 7 O. ¥EHlen OPERAIION AND "AINlENANCE fOUR HHEEl DlilVE NO 4 18.7' 18. 18. 7 18.7 18.7 74. 8 22. 2 24.0 26. 28 3 100.5 VAN NO 3 18.71 18. 7 18.7 18.7 56. 1 24.0 26. 1 28 3 78.3 Sub'lolal VEHICLE OPEIiATlON AND ""IMlENANCE 18.7 374 37.4 37.4 131. 0 22.2 48.0 52. 'i6.5 118 8 E. 8UIlDING OPERAIION AND "AINllNANCE Off I CE Of DCf NO 1 3 2. 602 2.6 2. 6 2. 6 7.8 3. 3 3. 6 3.9 10.9 DeflACf RESIO[NC[ SUPI. HC.. Off ICES IIYPF 10 NO NO :1 26 2 26 2.29 I. 978 ,I. 4. 6 4 9. 4 4. 6 51.4 9. 4 6 9 77.8 14.2 6 9 77. B 14.2 PEON. DRIVER. EIC. HYPE I) NO 6 6 1. 561 SHD STORES NO 8 8 8 8 32 , 249 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 40.0 11. 8 12.8 1.1. I~. I 53.8 Sub-lola I BUILDING OPERATION AND "AINTENIINr.r 10.0 12.6 12.6 78.0 113. I II. /I 16.2 17 6 '18 () 163.6 F. OIH[R OPERAIIIIG EXPENDIIURE -*---.-~~-- ~- ----._-- IIlBOR FOR SEED COll. BY DEPI. lS 5 83.4 83.4 83.4 83. 4 83. 83 4 417.0 91. 99 I 107. !l 116 176.5 !>40. 9 Sub-Iota 1 OIHER OPERATING HPENDIIURE 83.4 83.4 83.4 83.4 83. 4 417.0 91. ')9. , 107.!> 116.6 126 ~ 540. lotal R(cURREHI COSIS 687 0 716.8 138. 1 7311. 1 803. 4 3. 683. 3 730. 827 925.0 I. ()03. 6 1. 167. 4. 673. Tolal - I. 404. 6 930.3 I. 644. 0 790. 4 855.8 5.625. 1 1.5412 1.079. 2. 1~2. 6 1,076.8 1. 261 7. 107.4 --------~--- -------------~ la CALCULATED AI 12.5% OF SIAFF COST AS PER NOR"S All OIlED. -- - - - - - - - -- - "ay 16. 1985 11: 06 !-fIn rtN m ~ ·t " Parameters Phy. Cont. for. Gross Sunrnary Ra.te hch. Tao Rate Account 0.1 0.05 0 CN 0.1 0.05 0 CN 0.1 0.05 0 eN o. 1 0.05 0 CN 0.1 0.05 0 CN 0.05 0.2 0.3 VfII 0.05 o. ;> O. 3 Vf.ll 0.05 O. I O. ;> [QP 0.05 0.1 o2 [01' 0.05 O. I 0.2 (OP 0.05 O. I 0.2 EOI' 0.0, O. 1 0.2 EQP 0.05 O. I O. ;> EOI' 0.05 O. I O. ;> EOI' 0.05 O. I O. ;> EOI' 0.0, 0.1 o2 EOI' 0.05 O. I O. ;> EOI' 0.03 o I 0.2 E(lP 0.05 0 O. I fUR 0.05 0 O. I fUR 0.05 0 0.1 rUN 0.05 0 0.1 fUR 0.05 0 o Rf 5 Hln l'1'N 0 0 0 SH m 0 0 0 SI! ~ 0 0 0 STf 0 0 0 SIf 0 0 0 SIf 0 0 0 STF 0 0 0 STf 0 0 0 STF 0 0 0 Sif 0 0 0 SI f C2 Item 4 • ~!:::::~~ V'JtI"ltl"lV'JV'I..n = <; .... u 00 » r..,., iEEE': (,.)C:~ t.J: c.J ::: C; 0000010 () o () ----- 00000 0 0000000 () \1'1\1"1',,""'''' 0 00000 co 000.00 000000 or> () "' 00 .... ~~~~~ ~ 0 00 .000.00 0 . .~ 11ft II ONaL SOC 'SIRY PROJECI lable 20!>. EXTfNSION ICITY II I MACIIAI PRAOI.SII Dolailb, Jst Table IRUPHS • 0001 (::; ul.tct~ , I~J(.,?? rf Quant ity Base Costs 10lals Including ContingonC 1 os Unit 0 2 , Total Unit Cost =~=:::::;:: :;:; 0 'Z:::;== ===::.:::: 2 4 5 IOlal 0 2 . - - - .- - - . 1 5 Totsl I. INVEStMENT COSIS A. CIVIL WORKS OrrrCE Df DY Cf NO 1 260. 244 260.2 260.2 298.2 298. fR/OY RANGE/SFI! I1lPE III NO 4 4 96. 811 381.2 381.2 566. I 506. PEON/DRIVER EIC. ITYPE II NO 2 2 18.013 1,6. I 156. 1 22A.3 228 Sub-Tala I CIVIL WORKS 260.2 '43.4 803. 6 298.2 794.3 1.092 5 B. V[lIIClES fOUR WHEEl ORI VE NO 93.041 93.0 93. 0 109. 10~. 5 VAIl NO 129. 223 129.2 129.2 178.6 118.6 PUBll CITY VAN NO 129.223 129.2 129.2 152. I 152. 1 Sub- Iota I VEHICLES 222. 3 129.2 .151. 261. 178.6 440. 3 C. EQUIPMfNT -~----~-" TYPEWRITER NO 1 3.116 3. I 3. 1 3.4 3.4 TEl EPIIONE NO 1 8.31 8. 3 8.3 9. I 9. I Sl IDE PROJECTOR NO 1 51. 934 51.9 51.9 61. 4 fit. 4 f II.M PROJECTOR NO 1 5 t. 934 51. 9 51.!! 66.6 60.6 CAMERA-VIDEO NO 2 25.961 26.0 26.0 51.9 28.4 36. 1 64. 5 YCR NO 1 20. 714 20. 8 20.8 24. 24. 6 FIlMS·FUll lENGTH & DOr.UHENTARY NO 5 20. 774 20.8 20.8 20.8 20.8 20.8 103.9 22 1 24 6 266 28.9 313 134 2 PANE IS/BOARDS NO 5 25.961 26.0 26.0 26.0 26.0 26.0 129.8 28.4 30.1 33. 3 36.1 39. 2 161.1 OIHER [QUI PHENT lS 5 • 29.083 29. I 29.1 29. 1 29.1 29 1 145 4 31. 8 34. 4 37. 3 40.5 43 9 181.8 Sub-Total EQUIPMENT - 113.2 14L5 12~8 101. 8 75.8 567.1 123.1 175.7 163.9 141. 6 114. 4 119.3 O. FURNITURE ---~----- TABlllCHAIRS ORDINARY SET 11 11 0.626 Ii 9 6.9 7. !j 1. !j lABI ElCHA I RS OFF ICE RS SET I I 3 128 3.1 3. 1 3.4 3.4 AlMIRAH/BOOKSHELVES SET 4 9 11 35 0.626 2.5 2.5 4.4 5 6 6 9 21.9 2.7 3.0 5. 6 7 9 10.4 29.1 OTHEI! fURNllURE lS 1 1 1 5 0.209 O. 2 0.2 O. 2 0.2 O. 2 1.0 0.2 O. 2 O. J 0.3 oJ 1.4 Sub-Total fURNITURE 12. 7 2. 7 4. 6 5.8 7. 1 32. 9 13.9 3.2 ~ 9 82 10.8 42. 0 E. SPHIAl STUDIES AND EVALUATION EVAL. RES .• AND DEVT. Of STOVE MODHS lS 21. 9 52. 14.0 24. 0 61. 9 85.9 Sub'Total SPECIAl SIUDIES AND EVAlUAlION 21.9 52. 1 74.0 24.0 61. 9 85 9 Total INVESIMENT COSTS 408 I 425.6 132. J 780. 82.9 1. 829. 2 459.8 502.6 169. 1. 122.6 125. 2.380.0 II. RECIIRRENT COS1S A. SIAH SALARIES ~--~"~------ IlY Cf PlY I 1 I 1 1 5 36. 175 36.2 36.2 36 2 36.2 36.2 180.9 37. 7 40.9 44. 4 48 2 52.3 2235 ~n I"tN m fOREST RANGER MY 2 2 2 2 2 10 21.476 43.0 41.0 43. 0 43.0 430 214.8 44.8 48.6 52. 7 51.2 62.1 2Ii~. 3 DY RANGERS MY 2 2 2 2 2 10 18.1169 - 37. 7 37 7 37.7 37. 7 37. 7 188.7 39.3 42. 7 46.3 50.3 54. 5 233. 1 SOCIAL rORES1RY WORKERS MY 4 4 4 ~ 4 20 13.4411 53 8 5:1.8 53.8 ~3 8 53. 8 269.0 56. I 60.8 66. 0 71.6 77.7 332.3 SR. PIIOIOGRAPIIER ItY 1 1 1 I 5 n 101 221 22. I 22 I 22. I 2? 1 110. 'i no 25.0 27 1 29. 4 31.9 136 5 SR. ARTIST MY I 1 1 I 5 22.101 22.1 22. I 22.1 22. 1 n. 1 110. , 230 2~. 0 27. I 29.4 31.9 136.5 SUPT GR. IV MY I I I 1 5 21. 261 213 21. 3 21. 3 21. 3 21.3 106.3 22.2 24 I 26. I 78.3 30.7 131. 4 ASSISTANTS HY 1 1 I I I 5 19.495 19.5 19.5 19. !> 19.5 19.5 97. 5 20.3 221 23.9 26. 0 ?8. 2 120.4 CLERKIIYPISI Ity 3 3 3 3 3 15 12.823 38.5 38. 5 38.5 38.5 385 192.3 40. I 43.5 41.2 51.2 55. 6 237. 6 DRIVER MY 2 2 2 3 3 12 12.823 - 25.6 25. 6 25.6 38.5 38. 5 153.9 - 26 7 29. 0 31. 5 51.2 55.6 194.0 CIIOWKIOAR MY I I I I I 5 10. 425 10.4 10.4 10.4 10.4 10. ~ 52 1 10.9 118 12.8 13 9 15. I 64.4 SIIEEPER MY I 1 I 1 1 5 10.425 10.4 10.4 10.4 10 4 10 4 52. I 10.9 11.8 12.8 13.9 15. I 64.4 p[ON MY .1 .1 ~ 3 .1 l'i 9. 8 - 29.4 29. 4 29 .• 29.4 29.4 147.0 30.6 33. 3 36. 1 39. I 42 'i 181.6 .. - -- - _. -- . - Sub-Iotal SIAff SAlARIES 170.0370.0370.0 382.8 382.8 1.81~ 6 385.7 418, 5 454. 509. 7 5~1. 2.321. 1 8. SIAff IRAVEl AllOHAHCE Dr Cf I1Y I 1 1 1 1 5 2,606 2.6 2 6 2, 6 2.6 2,6 13.0 2.7 2 9 3. 2 3, 5 3 II 16. 1 2 2 2 2 2 10 3, 128 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 6, 3 31. 3 6. 5 7. 1 7. 7 8. 3 9 0 38, 6 fOliES I RANGE R DY RANGERS "' I1Y 2 2 2 2 2 10 2.606 5.2 5.2 5. 2 5,2 5. 2 26. , 5. 4 5, 9 6.4 6. 9 1 ~ 32, 2 SOCIAL fORES1RY WORKERS SR. PH010GRAPllfR I1Y I1Y 4 1 4 1 , 4 4 1 4 I , 20 5 2,085 1. 043 8,3 1.0 8.3 1.0 8.3 1.0 8, 3 1.0 8. 3 1.0 41.1 5. 2 8. 7 1.1 9.4 1.2 10.2 I. 3 11. 1 1.4 12 0 1.5 'i l. 5 6, 4 SR. ARI! 51 MY 1 1 1 1 5 1. 043 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 5.2 1.1 I 2 I. J 1.4 1 5 6.4 DRIVER I1Y 2 2 2 3 3 12 I. 043 2.1 2. I 2.1 3. 1 3. 1 12 5 2.2 2.4 2. 6 4.2 4 5 15.8 PEON MY 3 3 J 3 3 15 0.834 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2 5 12,5 2.6 2. 8 3. I 3,3 3.6 15.5 Sub lola I S I AH TRAV£[ AllOWANCE 29. 1 29. 29. I 10. I 30 141.5 30,3 32.9 35.7 40. 1 43 5 1112 6 C. Off I CE HPENIlIIIJRE /a *-----------~---------- DCFS OffiCE liD 5 42.326 42.3 42. J 42.3 42. 3 42. 711.6 46. 50, 3 54, 5 59 2 64, 274 5 Sub-Iotal OFFICE EIPFNOIIURE /. 42. 3 42.3 42.3 42.3 42. 211. 6 46.3 50, 54, 5 59. 2 6~. 27~, 5 0, VEHI CLE OPERAI ION ANO MAINTENANCE - ---- -- - - -- ---- fOUR WIIEH DRIVl NO I I 5 18,71 18.7 18.7 18.7 18.7 18.7 93. 6 20. 5 22. 2 24. 0 26. 28 3 120 q PUBLICIl, VAN NO 2 2 7 25.986 - 26.0 26.0 26.0 52.0 52. 0 181. 9 28. 4 30. 8 33.4 12 78. 5 743.4 Sub-Iotal VEHiClE OPUAlION ANO MAINIENANCE 44.1 44.7 44. 70. 70. 1 275.5 489 52 g 57. 98 106.7 364 3 E. BUILDING "AINlfNANCE ANO OPERAIION _ _ _ _ _ _ ~~_ a _______ ~ ~ ~ _ ~ ___ ~ _______ ~_ Off I CE Of DCf liD 3 2.602 2. Ii 2. 6 2.6 7.8 3.3 3.6 3.9 10.9 Sub-Iota I BUILDING MAINtENANCE ANO OPERATtON 2. 6 2.6 2. 6 1.8 3. 3 3 6 3 9 10 9 r. OIH(R ElPENOITURE ----------------- . FIElD PUBLICITY. CINE"A SHOWS LS ~ 5.213 5. 2 5, 2 5. 2 5.2 5. 2 26. 1 5 6. 2 6.1 7 3 7.9 33.8 Sub" Iota I OTHER ElPENOllURE 5. 2 5.2 5. 2 5. 2 5.2 26. 1 5. 6. 2 6.7 7. 3 7.9 33.8 lotal RECURRENT COSIS 491.3491.3493.9 5338513.82.544,0 516.9 ~60. 8 611. 8 718. 4 779 4 3. 187. lolal 899,4916.9 626.3 1,314,0616.7 4.373.2 9768 1.063.3 781.6 I. ~41.0 904. 55.567.2 ==!:=='::= ::.==:.= /. CALCUlAtED A1 12.5'% or SUFF COSI AS PER NORI1S AllOWED. ---------------------- ------ -~- ---------- . ----- -- -- - - --- -- - -- - - - - - lilY 16. 1985 11:06 HI(") rtN ~ .po .. • " Parameters Phy. Cool. for. Gross Surmary Rate r_ch. Ta. Rate Account O. 0.05 o ell O. 0.05 o CH O. 0.05 o ell 0.05 0.2 0.3 VUI 0.05 0.2 O. J Vf.If 0.05 0.2 0.3 VlH 0.05 O. 1 0.2 fQP 0.05 O. I o2 EQP 0.05 0.1 0.2 [QP 0.05 O. I 0.2 fQP 0.05 O. I 0.2 £QI' 0.05 O. I 0.2 EQP 0.05 0.1 o2 EQP 0.05 O. I 0.2 fQP 0.05 O. I 0.2 f.QP O. os 0 O. I fUR 0.05 0 o1 fUR 0.05 0 O. I flJR 0.05 0 O. I flJR 0.05 0 o 510 0 0 0 STf 0 0 0 0 0 0 SIf Sff ....In rtN 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sif SII ~ 0 0 0 SIf -Il'- 0 0 0 Sir 0 0 0 51! 0 0 0 SIf 0 0 0 SIf 0 0 0 51f 0 0 0 SlF 0 0 0 Slf C2 Item 4 .. .- -------- crccc ~.., 0 0 00 .0 0000'0'00'00 '" '" .0 .,"" 00 00 '" 0 .0 .. '" 0 ---,.. ,-,~ ---'--"--"-~~-~~ f INDIA NAIIOHAL SOCIAl FORESIRY PROJfCr julo 206. [RAINING HIMACIlAl I'~AOESII Ootailed Cost r.hl" lRlJl'E f S • 0001 Quant i ty Base Costs lIn;1 0 2 3 5 Tol" I lIn;t Cost 0 ~ Iota I L INVESTMENf COSTS *~~ ~------ A. CT Vll WORKS OffiCE Of OY CF NO 260.244 260 260.2 IICF/ACf RESIDENCE NO I 114.507 II~.5 I I~ 5 fRIOY RANGE/Sfll trYPE III NO 4 96.811 387. 2 381. 2 PEON/DRIVER. ETC. t!YPE II NO 4 711.073 312.3 312.3 Sub-'Total CIVIL WORKS 260. 1 1114.0 l. 014. 3 B. V£HI Cl(S fOUR WHEEl DRIVE NO 93.041 93.0 93.0 VAN fOR TRAIHrES 110 129.223 129.2 129 2 Sub Total VEHICLES 222.3 212 C. EQUIPMENJ IYPEWRllER NO I 3. 116 3. 1 3 I fElEPIlONE NO I 8.31 8. 3 8.3 DUPLICAJOR NO I 20. 774 20.8 20.8 COlOII[O IELEVISION NO 1 10.387 10.4 10.4 SlI DE I'RO.IECIOR NO I 1 5 1.934 51.9 51 9 SURVEY INSTRUMfNI NO 1 I 1 5 10.381 10.4 10.4 10.4 10.4 10.4 51. 9 SLEEPI~() BAGS NO 5 2 2 10 2.077 10.4 4.2 4. 2 2. I 20.8 lENIS-ORDINARY NO 4 3 2 10 2.597 10.4 7.8 5. ? 2.6 26.0 lENIS-Off ICERS NO I I 1 4 5. 193 5.2 5. 2 5. 2 5. 2 20. 8 COMPASS NO '2 '2 '2 10 0.519 1.6 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.5 5 '2 CAM£RA"OROINARY NO I '2 5. 193 5.2 5. '2 10 4 OHlER IRAINING AIDS NO I . 5 18.6QIl 18. 7 18.7 18.7 18.7 18. 93.5 Sub-Iotal EQUIPMENT 73.2 66.5 10~, 4 44. 7 34.3 3230 D. fURNIIUI!E JABI E/CHlI IRS ORO I NARY S[[ 10 2 16 O. 626 6.3 1.9 1.3 0, 6 10.0 TABLf/CHAIRS OffiCERS Sf! 3 3 3.128 94 9 4 AlIll RAIl/BOOf(SIIE L VE S SEt 4 3 10 0.626 2.5 1.9 O. 6 O. 6 O. Ii 6.3 OiliER FURNI lURE Sf! I I 4 0.417 O. 4 0.4 0.4 O. 4 I. 1 Sub-tot", fURNIIURE 18.6 4.2 2. 3 1.7 O. 6 27. L TRAINING I. slArr tRAINING DOMESlle ------~~-- ~n ACf I WO YfAR COURSE 13 NO 4 8 8 8 28 16 68 bo.7 133.4 133.4 133.4 467.0 31. 31. 3 62,6 62. 6 31. 3 218.9 r1' N ACr EXlfNSION TRAINING NO 5 5 10 10 ~ 35 6. 255 fORESt RANGER Ell. TRG. DY RANGE R EX r. IRG. NO NO 10 25 25 25 25 40 25 30 25 30 110 150 5.213 3.128 52. I 78,2 130 . .1 78.2 130,3 125. I 130.3 93, II 130.3 U8 573. 4 ~69. I m SfW HI. TN(;. NO 60 110 110 110 110 500 3 128 187.7 344.0 344.0 344.0 344.0 1.563.8 DtV. Of HI. (QIIRSI.S fOR SIAH. HIRING Of fACUlty AND PAYMf.NI TO IHSIIJUIlONS, EIC. LS 5 52. 125 52. I ~'2. I 52. I 52. I ~2. I 260 6 HI. ING. fOR fARI1ERS 130AYSI. VOLAGS AND Af STAff, flC. Ib NO .15 70 70 70 10 315 6.255 216.9 437.9 437.9 437. q 431.9 I. 970. 3 TRAINING Of EXJENSIONISIS Ie NO 15 15 30 0.209 3. I J. 1 6.3 LOCAL fELLOWSHIPS ·ACf AND ABOVE lS 7 8 8 7 30 10.425 730 83.4 63.4 73.0 312.8 STUDY 10llRS lOR fORESI RANGlRS IS 5 5 7 7 6 30 5.213 76. 1 26, 1 36.5 36.5 31. ,1 156.4 Sub-Total SIAff IRAINING DOM(SJIC 649.5 1.742 1,405.3 I. 174. 0 I •.127. 5,998,5 2. SIAfF IRAINING lNIERNIIIIONAL ~. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~w _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~_ lNTERNAIIONIIL fEllOWSltlPS·ACf AND ABOVE LS 3 3 12 76. 129 178.4 226~ 2284 228. 4 913.5 OVERSfllS SEMINARS AND WORKSIIOPS lS 1 5 SO. 753 50. 8 50.8 50. 8 50.8 50.8 253.8 Sub-Total STAFF TRAINING INIERNAIIONAL 50.8 279. ! 279. 219. 279. I. 167. 3. C[NIRALl Y SPONSOHfO WORKSHOPS -----~------ .~----------- SEMINARS AND WORKSlIOI'S LS 2 10 7.298 14.6 14.6 14.6 14 6 14.6 13. ° Sub-Tolft! CENTRlIll Y SPONSORED WORKSIIDI'S 14.6 14.6 14.6 14. 14. 13.0 SIAl-Total TRAINING 714.8 !.5J~4 1.699.0 1.667 1.670.8 7.238.8 - - -- - - ~ Tota 1 INVESII1ENT LOSTS I. 0669 2.643 3 1.805.7 1. 714. l. 655 7 8.885. II. RECURRENI COSTS A. SIAff SALARIES or CF MY 1 1 I 1 1 5 36. 175 36.2 36.2 36. 2 36.2 36.2 180.9 ACF NY 2 2 2 2 2 10 27.939 55.9 55 9 55.9 55.9 55. 9 219.4 fORESf RANGER MY 4 4 4 4 4 20 21. 416 8!>.9 8!l.9 85.9 85.9 85. 9 429.5 DY RANGERS MY 1 I 1 1 1 5 18.869 18.9 18 9 18.9 18.9 18.9 94. 3 SOCIAL fORESTRY WORKER MY 2 2 2 2 2 10 13.4411 26.9 26.9 26. 9 26 q 26.9 134 5 IlEAD DRAfTSMAN MY I 1 I I 5 22. 101 22.1 12.1 22.1 22.1 221 110.5 dR. ENGINELR MY 1 1 1 1 5 22. 101 12.1 22.1 22.1 22 ! 22. I 110.5 5111'1. GR. IV MY I I 1 1 5 21. 261 n3 21.3 21. 3 21. 3 21 3 106.3 ASSISTANIS MY 1 1 I I I 5 19.495 19. S 19.5 19.5 19. ~ 19.5 915 CLERK/TYPISTS MY 3 3 3 3 3 15 12. 823 38. 5 38. S 38. S 38.~ 38.5 192.3 PEON MY 10 10 10 10 10 50 9. 8 98.0 98.0 98.0 98.0 98.0 490. 0 CIlOWK I OAR/SWEEPER MY 2 2 2 2 2 10 10.425 20.9 20.9 20 9 ,0. 9 ,0. 9 104.3 DRIVER MY 2 2 2 2 8 12.823 25.6 25 6 2~. r, ,~. 6 102.6 Sub'Total STAfF SALARIES 466.0 491. 6 491. 6 491. 491. 6 2,432. 6 B. SIAl! TRAVEL ALLOWANCE - - - - - - - -. - ~ ~ OJ CF I'IY I I I I I 5 2. 606 2. r. 2.6 2. 6 2.6 2. 6 '3.0 ACF I1Y 2 2 2 2 2 10 2.085 4. 2 4. 2 4. 2 4. , 4. 2 20.9 fOREST RANGER MY 4 4 4 4 4 20 3. 128 12.5 12.5 1'.5 12.5 12.5 62.6 OY RANGERS MY I I I I 1 S 2 606 2. 6 2.6 2. 6 2.6 2.6 13.0 SOCIAL FORESIRY WORKER MY 2 2 2 2 2 10 2 OilS 4. 2 4.2 4. 2 4.2 4.2 20 9 DRIVER MY 2 2 2 2 8 1. 043 2. I 2. I 2. 1 2. I 6. 3 PEON dR. ENGINEER MY MY 10 I 10 I , 10 10 10 1 50 5 0.834 I. 043 8 3 1.0 8.3 1.0 8.3 '.0 8. 3 1.0 8. 3 1.0 4! 7 5. 2 SIAl-Total SIAFF TRftVEL ALIOHANCE 35.4 37.5 37.5 37.5 37.5 185 6 C, 01 flCE HP[NDlf1JR~ /d NO 5 52.751 52.8 5'.B !l2.B 52.8 52 8 263.B D. VEHICLE OPERATION ANO MAINIENANCE - _. - - - - - - - - - - ~ ~ ~ - fOUR WHEEl DRI VE NO 18.11 18.7 18 7 18.1 18. 1 14.8 VAN NO 25.986 26.0 26. 0 26.0 26.0 103. 9 Sub-Total VFHICLE OP[RAIION AND MAINTENANCE 44.7 44.7 4~. 1 44. 7 178.8 E. BUILDING OPERAIION AND MAINIENANCE -- - --- -- ---. ~- -- -- --- ~ ~ OffiCE or ocr NO 1 3 2.1i02 2.6 2. G '.6 7 6 OCf/ACr RESIDENCE NO 2 2 2.29 4. 6 4.6 TYPE II qUARTERS NO 4 8 I. 918 ~n 4 1 9 1.9 15.8 IYPE I qUARTERS NO 4 4 8 I. 561 6.2 6.2 12.5 rtN SIAl-lotal BUILDING OPERIIIION AND "AINTENANeE 2. 6 16 8 21 3 40.7 m Total RECURRENT COSIS 554. 2 626.6 629.2 643.4 6~8.0 3.101. 4 lotal - 1.621.0 ~27QO ~434.9 2,3!17.5 2,303.7 11.981. ':':::-::::-:..:: :;;-;:-::- - - ------ -- la PROFESSIONAL TRAINING fOR FOREST RANGER. OT. RANGER AND fG WOULD liE ME T THROUGII NORMAL ACIIVITY Of EUSTING tNSIITUlIONS. Ib IWO COURSES PER YEAR PER DIVISION EXCEPI IN !HE flRSI YEAR WlllN ONE COURSE PER DIVISION WOIILD BE ARRANGED. Ie TRAINING Of MALE AND fEMALE HHNStONISTS AT RS. 10 PER DAY Id CALCULAIED AT 12 5'1: OF STAff cOSt AS PER NORMS AllOWED. -~~-- .. _._----- ---~. ----- - -"- ~ ~ - - - _. - - - - -- Play 16. 1985 11: 07 • 4' Parameters Totals Including Conlingoncies Phy, •.••••••.•• ' ConI, for, Gross S 79,2 112. 0 186.6 202.4 640.2 0,05 0 0 IRO 34.2 37. I 80.6 87,5 47, 4 286.9 0.05 0 0 IRO 57. I 85.6 154.8 92.9 167.9 161.1 182. '2 131.2 197.7 142.3 759.6 613,2 0.05 0,05 0 0 0 0 TRIl TRO ....In rtN 205.4 408,6 4Hl 481. 0 !I21. 9 2.060.2 0,05 0 0 IRO 67, 12,9 0,05 IRO m 57. I 61,9 79.1 338. I 0 0 .I:'- 239.6 520,0 564. 2 612.2 664,2 ?,600.3 0,05 0 0 rRO 3.4 3, 1 7. I 0, OS 0 0 TRO 86.7 107,5 Ill!. 6 110.7 421. 4 0,05 0 0 TRO 28.5 31. 0 47. 0 51. 0 47.4 205.0 0.05 0 0 TRO 71Q9 1.47~9 1,81Q9 1,921. I ~013. 2 7.932.0 761. 7 284.5 307.4 332. '1 I, 187.8 G.05 0,9 0 TRI 54.9 58.6 63. 1 6A.3 73.8 318.8 0,05 0.9 0 TRI 54.9 322.3 347. 7 375.7 406.0 1.506.6 __ 16.0 ~M ___ 17.3 ______ ~ 18.8 20.4 22. 1 94.1 0.05 0 0 IRe 16.0 17.3 18.8 20.4 22. I 94.1 781.8 1,815. 9.533. 3 ---- _ .. - ~-. - 1.180.3 3.172.2 2.314.3 2.381. 1 2.494.0 11.542.4 ====::.== ::.:::::::~::::: '!:;:'~::!':'!'! 37.1 40.9 44.4 48.2 52. J 223.5 0 0 0 STF 58.3 63.2 68.6 74.4 80.7 345.2 0 0 0 SIf 89.6 97.2 105.4 114. 4 124. I 530. 6 0 0 0 SfF 19.7 21. 3 23.2 25. I 27.3 116.6 0 0 0 SfF 28.0 30.4 33.0 35.8 38.9 166. I 0 0 0 SIf 23.0 25.0 21. 1 29.4 31. 9 136.5 0 0 0 SIf 23.0 25.0 27. I 29.4 31.9 136.5 0 0 0 SIr 22.2 24.1 26. I 28 3 30.7 131. 4 0 0 0 Sif 20.3 22. I 23.9 26.0 28.2 120.4 0 0 0 Sif 40. I 43.5 41.2 51.2 55.6 231. 6 0 0 0 SIF 102. :I 110.8 120.3 130.5 141. 6 605.3 0 0 0 SIf 21. 7 23.6 25. 6 27.8 30.1 128.8 0 0 0 SIf 29.0 31.5 34. I 31. I 131.1 0 0 0 Sif 485.8 556. I 603.4 654.1 710.3 3.010.2 2.7 2. 9 3.2 3.5 3.8 16.1 0 0 0 SIA 4.3 4. 7 5. I 5. 6 6.0 25.8 0 0 0 STA 13.0 14.2 15.4 16.7 18. I 77. 3 0 0 0 STA 2.1 2.9 3.2 3.5 3.8 16.1 0 0 0 SJA 4. 3 4. 7 5. I 5. 6 6.0 258 0 0 0 SIA 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 10 1 0 0 0 SIA 8. 7 9.4 10.2 II. I 12.0 51.5 0 0 0 SIA 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 6.4 0 0 0 STA .. -- ---~--- ---- -----~~ ~------ -----~ 37.0 42.5 46. I 50.0 54.2 229. 57.7 62.7 68.0 738 80.0 342. I 0.05 0 0 01" 22. 2 24.0 26. I 28.3 100.5 0.05 O. 0 VOl: 30.8 13 4 36.2 39. 2 139.6 0.05 O. 0 voc ~~-- ----~~- 52.9 51.4 62.2 61.5 240. I 3.3 3.6 3.9 10.9 0.05 0.05 o. "Ie 6.9 6.9 0.05 0.05 O. "Ie II. 0 12.0 23.0 0.05 0.05 O. I lilt 8.7 9. 4 18.2 0.05 0.05 O. I !'lIt 3.3 23.4 32.3 59.0 ---- -------- 580.5 714. I 778. I 864.0 944.3 3.881. I T :::::::.=== ==:::==== nN I. 760.8 3,886. 3 3.092.4 3,245. 7 3.438. 3 15.423.5 m .c- • .. • It/iliA H' SOCIAl fORfStRY PRo,lln ... 207. 110NIIOIIING ANIl ION INeL WOOO BAIANct StUOI[S . Itll1ACllfti P .mta ded tost lab Ie IAIJP[[ S '0001 Ovant ily Baso eost s Un; t 0 5 lotal U"it Cost 0 5 lolal I. INVESII1[NI COSTS A. CIVIL WORKS ----,.--.~~ ... f NON RfSlOfNIIAI BUILDINGS Off I C£ Of oCf NO 160.244 260.2 260 Sub-Iotal NON RESIDENIIAl BUILDINGS 2&0. '2 160 2. RESIDENtiAl RUnOINGS OCIS RESI DENCE NO I 2 f 14.507 114 . ., 114, ~ 229. Q SUPERINIENOENIS !TYPE III NO 20 16 95.8" 580,9 1,9.16.2 2, 5 f 7. 1 PEON, ORI VEn. flC, IIYP[ II NO 4 7 78,073 234.2 312. J '>46, ~ Sub-lotal R[SloFNIIM BUilDINGS 9'9,6 1,3G3,0 J. 292, fi Sub'Total CIVIL HORKS I. 189.8 2.363,0 3.552.8 B, VflllClIS fOUR WitH l ORI n NO 2 2 2 6 9J.041 186, I 166, I 186, ,58. 2 Sub-lotal VEIIICLES IR6. 186, I 186. I 558 2 C, fQUIPKF.NT I YPElIllll ER NO 3 J, 116 9. 3 9. 3 IFLEP1l0NE NO 2 8.31 16 I} 16, fi 111 CROCOIIPU IE R NO I I 201.738 207. 107. 1 SOflWAR[ IS I 5 10.387 10,4 10,4 10.4 10,4 10,4 51. 9 CAlCULAIORS NO 9 15 L 039 1.0 9. J 2. 1 2, I 1.0 15 6 OTHER EOLtIPI1ENf lS I 5 4,57 4. 6 4.6 1, 6 4. Ii 4. 6 22.9 Sub'lotal EQUIPI1ENI 0, FURN I lURE 12. 0 232,0 17.0 11. ° 16, ° 324 IABlE/CHAIRS ORDINARY 5£1 24 14 2 46 0.626 15.0 8.8 2.S I. LJ '8.8 IABLE/CHAIRS OfFICERS SEl 5 I 8 3. 128 15,6 3. I 3, I 3. I 75 0 AII1I RAil/CAB I ME IS 'SH 10 16 2.085 20.9 12.5 33, 4 1I00KSII[l VES Sf I 15 23 O. 626 9.4 3.8 0.6 0,6 14.4 OilIER FURN!lURE IS I 5 0, 626 0.6 O. 6 0.6 0, 6 0. G 3, I 104. 7 -- Sub-Total FURNIIURE 6'- 5 28,8 3.8 5. 0 5, 6 L HCIiNICAl ASSISTANCE ~f/C6 [_ 11£111000L06Y ANI! ANAlYIICAl IECIINIQUES NO 5 10.425 10.4 10.4 10. 4 10.4 10, 4 ~2, Sub·lotal I[CfINltAi ASSISTANCE 10. ~ 10,4 10 4 10.1 10,4 52, I 1-11° rtN F. SPEr.IAL SIUOIES AND fVALIJAIION ---~---- - m 156.4 156.4 781. ~ WOOD BALANCE FlliD StiAVOS WOOD BALANCE PRlPARAIION REPORIS. £IC (VAIUAIION SIUOlFS lS LS LS 5 5 5 156,315 52,125 52. 125 156.4 52,1 S? I 156,4 52, I 52. I 156.4 51 I \)2, I '>2. I 52, I 52, I 57. I 2606 '60.1> "" Sub-Total SP~CIAL STUDIES AND EVAlUATION 260.6 260,6 260, 6 2606 260, 6 1.303, I Tola' INVESIK£NI COSTS 1.150.4 711,9 2,840.9 '91, I 292. 7 ~I, R'IS. 1 I L RECURR[Nr COSTS A, SIAff SALARlfS OY Cf I1Y 5 36, 115 36, 2 16.2 3fj 2 36.2 36,2 180. !) DY DIRlCTOR SI'IISIIC$ flY 1 I I 1 I 5 30 331 30. ~ 30 3 ~O. 3 30. J 30. 3 151. 7 OY 01 RI:CIOR la IIY 1 I I I I 5 30.331 30. 3 30. 3 30. 3 JO.J 30 3 151. 1 PROGR'""ERISTAlI SI IClAN IIY 2 2 2 2 2 10 25.229 50.5 ~O.5 50. 5 50.5 50.5 252 3 Aef "Y 4 4 4 4 4 20 n. 939 111.8 11 L R 111 8 111.8 II L 8 5511.8 FOREST RANGER IIY 6 6 6 6 6 30 21. 416 128.9 128.9 128.9 128.9 128.9 64~. J DY fOREST RANGER flY 12 12 12 12 12 60 18.869 226 4 226.4 22S.4 2'6.4 2~6. 4 1.132.2 SOCIAL fORESTRY HORK[RS "y 24 24 H 24 24 120 13.448 3228 322.8 322 8 322. II 322. II 1.613.8 STAlISIICIIl ASSIST"NI "Y 8 8 8 8 8 40 19.286 154.3 154.3 154.3 154.3 154.3 171. 5 COIIPUTORS flY 3 3 3 3 3 15 14.074 42. 2 42. 2 42.2 42. 2 42.2 21 L I H£AO DRAFTSMAN flY I I 1 1 I 5 22.101 22. I 22. 1 22. I 22. I 22.1 110.5 SUPI GR. IV flY 2 2 2 2 2 10 21. 261 42.5 42. 5 42.5 42.5 42. 5 212.7 ASSISlANIS IIY 5 5 5 5 5 25 19.495 91.5 97.5 91.5 97.5 97.5 481. 4 CLERKIIYPISI "Y 9 9 9 9 9 45 12 823 115.4 115.4 115.4 115.4 115.4 517. 0 DRIVER MY 2 4 6 6 6 24 12 823 25.6 51. 3 16.9 16.9 76.9 307.7 PEON IIY 17 11 17 11 11 85 9.8 166.6 166.6 166.6 166.6 16S.6 833 0 CUOHKIDAR "Y I 1 1 I 5 10.425 10.4 10.4 10.4 10.4 10.4 52. I SWfEPER IIY 1 I I 5 10.425 10.4 10 4 10.4 10.4 10.4 52. I Sub-Toto I STAff SAURIlS 1.624.2 1.649 9 1.675. <; 1,675. t. 615. 5 11.300.6 B. SIAFF TRAVH AlloHANCE -----~---~~~~-. ~------- DY CF "y I I I I 5 2 606 2. 6 2.6 2.6 2, 6 2.6 13.0 DY OIR STAl/PNOGRAIIHER "Y 3 3 3 3 15 I. 564 4. 1 4.1 4. 1 4. 1 4. 1 23. !i STAL ASSTlCOflPUTOR IIY 11 11 11 11 11 55 1.043 11.5 11.5 11. !i 11. 5 11. 5 57.3 ACF flY 4 4 4 4 4 20 2.085 8. 3 8.3 8. 3 8. 3 8. J H 1 FORES I RANGER "y 6 6 6 ti 6 30 3. 128 18.8 18.8 111.8 lB.8 18.8 93.B DY FOREST RAHG(R flY 12 12 12 12 12 60 2. 606 31. 3 31. 3 31 3 313 31. 3 156.4 SOCI Al fORESTRY HORK[RS flY 24 24 24 24 24 120 2.085 50.0 50.0 50,0 50.0 50.0 :150. 2 DRIVER "Y 2 4 6 6 6 24 I. 043 2. I 4. 2 6.3 6.3 6.3 25. 0 PEON "y 11 17 11 11 11 85 0.834 14.2 14.2 14. :I 14.2 14.2 70 9 Sub-Total STAfF IRAVEI AI.lOHANCE 143.4 145.5 141.6 1~1. 6 147.6 111.8 C, OffiCE DPENDllURf Ib IS 5 166.8 166.8 166.8 166.8 166.11 166.1\ 834,0 D. VEHIClf . AND "AINrENANCE OPERAIIOII _________ ._~_~ . - - - - - -- ~~_M_ ~ FOUR HHEfl DRIVE NO 4 6 6 6 24 18.11 374 14.8 112 3 112. 112 449.0 Sub-Iotal VEHICLE OPERAIION AND "AINIENANCE 37.4 14.8 II' 3 112. 112. 4~9.0 E. BUILDING OPERAIION AIID "AINIENAIIC£ Off I CE OF DCF NO 1 1 1 3 2.602 2. 6 :I 6 2.6 7. a DCfS RESIDENCE NO I I I 3 :1.29 2.3 2,3 2.3 6.9 SUPERINHNOfNTS Off I CE (tYPE III NO 6 6 26 38 1. 918 119 11. 9 51.4 75. I DCf IACf NO 1 I 2. 29 2.3 2. 3 ClERKS, DRIVERS, SfHS. PfONS !TYPE Il NO 3 9 1. 561 4. 4 1 4. 1 14. I Sub-Iota I 8UIlDING OPERATION AND "AINIENAHC[ H4 '14 63.3 106.2 Tota I RECURRENI cosrs 1.97 L 9 2,031,0 2. 123 6 2. 123.6 2. 165.5 10.421. 6 Total J. 122. 3 2,155.0 4. 96~. 6 2.416.1 2.458. I 16.316.7 ~:~~~== ==~~ :: ======= ________ v __ ~ __________ ~_ _~. _______ w ____________ ~ la ECONOMIST/SOCIOLOGISI Ib CALCUlATED '1 12,51. Ot SIAFf COST AS PER NOIlIIS AllOWED. ~---.------ llay 16, 1985 11: 08 ~n ""-' ~ 1\ 'J .. RAOESII Parameters lotals Including Contingencies Phy. ConI. for Gross St61tnary o 2 4 lola 1 Rate hen. lax Rato Account 298.2 298.2 O. I 0.05 0 CII -- --~--~-- 298.2 298.2 IJ1. 2 154.3 285.5 O. I 0.05 0 CII 665.7 2,609.1 3. 274 8 O. I o 0; 0 CII 268.4 470.8 689. 2 0.1 o 05 0 ell 1,065 . .1 3, 1M. 3 - 4,249.6 1,363. ; 3. 1M. 3 4.547 202.9 219. I 231.3 659. 3 O. os 0.2 O. 3 VfII 202.9 219.1 237.3 659. 3 10.2 10.2 o 05 0.1 O. 2 EOI' IB.2 18 2 0.05 O. I O. 2 EOI' 245.8 245. 8 O. 05 O. I O. 2 EQP 11. 4 12.3 13.3 14.4 15.7 67.1 0.05 O. 1 O. 2 EQP 1. 1 11.1 2. 7 2.9 1.6 19.3 o 05 O. I 0.2 FOP 5.0 5.4 5.9 6.4 6.9 29 5 0.05 oI O. 2 fQP 45.9 274.6 2L9 23 24. I 390. I 16.4 10.4 3.2 1. 7 1.9 33.1 O. OS 0 0 fUR 17. I 3.7 4.4 4.7 29.9 0.05 0 O. fUR 22. 8 14.9 37.7 0.05 0 O. fUR 1(1.3 4.5 0.8 0.9 16.5 0.05 0 0 fUR O. 7 O. 7 0.8 0.9 0.9 4, I 0.05 0 O. I fUR 67.3 34,2 4. 8 7.0 8. !j 121. 9 11.4 12.4 13.4 14. 6 15.8 67.6 O. 05 0 0 IA 11.4 12.4 13.4 14.6 15.8 67.6 171. 2 185.7 201. 5 218.6 237.2 1.014 . .1 0.05 0 0 STO 57.1 61. 9 67.2 12.9 19.1 338.1 o 05 0 0 SID SID T 57.1 61.9 61.2 72.9 79. I 338.1 O. OS 0 0 I"tN 28S. 3 309.S 33S.8 364.4 39S.4 1.690.4 m - 1.976 3 849. 7 3. 797. 5 409. 7 443.9 1.411.1 ./:'- -- .. -~~- 37.7 40.9 44.4 48.2 52.3 :>23. S o o o 511 31. 6 34, 3 37.2 40.4 43,8 187,4 0 0 0 STF 31. 6 34.3 37 2 40, 4 43.8 187,4 0 0 0 Slf 52.6 57, I 61. 9 67,2 72.9 31 I. 7 0 0 0 srr 116.5 126 4 137, 2 148,8 161. 5 690,3 0 0 Sir 134. J 236, I 145.7 256, I 158. I 2n9 171. 6 301. 5 186.2 327. I 7960 1,398.7 0 0 ° 0 0 0 0 SH Sif 336.5 365.1 396, 1 429.8 466.3 1,993,7 0 0 0 Sif 160.8 174.5 189,4 205. 4 222,9 953. I 0 0 Sif 44.0 23.0 47.8 25.0 51.8 21.1 56.2 29.4 61. 0 JL 9 260.8 136,5 0 0 ° ° 0 ° 0 SIf Slf 44.3 48. I 52,2 56.6 61. 5 262,7 0 0 0 Sir 101. 6 110.3 119,6 129.8 140,8 602,1 0 0 0 STF 120.3 130,5 141, 6 153.7 166,7 112.9 0 0 0 Slf 26. 7 58,0 94,4 102.4 1 11.2 392.8 0 0 SIf 113. 7 10.9 188.4 11.8 204 5 12.8 221. 8 13.9 240. 7 15.1 1. 029, 1 64,4 ° 0 0 ° 0 0 STF STF 10.9 11.8 12.8 \3.9 15. 1 64.4 ° 0 0 0 STF 1,693,2 1,866.2 2,056.3 2.231,1 2,420.7 10.267.5 2. 7 2.9 3. 2 3,5 3.8 16.1 0 0 0 srI 4.9 5.3 5.8 6.2 6.8 29.0 0 0 srA 12.0 8.7 13.0 9.4 14. I 10,2 15.3 11, 1 16.6 12.0 70.8 51. 5 0 0 0 0 ° 0 0 su SlA 19,6 212 230 25,0 27. 1 115,9 0 0 0 SIA 32.6 35,4 38.4 41.6 45,2 193.2 0 0 0 su 52.2 56.6 61. 4 66,6 72,3 309, 1 0 0 0 srA 2. 2 4, 7 7.7 8.3 g,O 31.9 0 0 0 SU 14,8 16,0 17,4 18.9 20.5 87.6 0 0 0 SIA 149,5 164,6 181. 2 196,6 213,3 905. 2 182,6 198.1 214 9 233.2 253.0 1,081.9 0.05 0 0 OfH 40.9 88.6 144, I 156,3 169,5 599.5 0.05 0.1 0 VOG 40. 9 88.6 144. 156,3 169.5 599,5 3,3 3.6 J.9 10.9 0.05 0,05 O. I KIG 2.9 3.2 3.5 9.6 0.05 0,05 0. I IIle 15,3 16.6 77.8 109,6 0.05 0,05 0. I IIIC 3.5 3.5 005 0,05 0.1 IIIC 6. ° 6.5 7. 1 19.6 0,05 O. 05 0.1 Kit 27.6 29,9 95.8 153,2 ~ -----~- 2,066.3 2,317.5 2.624,1 2.847, 1 3,152,3 13,007.3 :;t==::,: :::::::::::::: :::."::;;=--::::;;;;' ;:::::::::: - 4,042.6 3, 167.2 6,421. 6 3, 2S6. 7 3,596.2 20,484.3 . . . 1° rtN m ~ INDIA NAIIONAl SOCIAL fORISIRY PROJlCI SlITmary Account s by Yoar IRUPLES • 0001 Bas" Cos!. forqign Excn.ngq --.--~--- --- 0 5 lolal X Amount :::= =:::::::=:::.::::.=::: 0::::=::::::::::;::= ;:::.::=:::::=. L INVESIMENt COSIS A, CIVIL WORKS 6.652,9 7.400, 3 6. 120. 9 6.120,9 5.636. 9 3 I. 931. 9 4.9 I. ~52, 2 B, VEIl! CtES 3,589,8 2.111. , I. 362, 0 I. 305, 2 1.115,9 10. 144,0 19,6 I. 986, , C, EQUIPMENI 1.815,4 1.137,1 t. 356. 4 I. no, 7 t. 233,3 7,413.0 9.7 72?, J D, fURNlIURE 218,2 65,7 41. 3 47, I 55,3 427,5 0.0 0, 0 E. IRAINING 1. SIAff IRAINING DOM~SIIC 649,5 t. 242,7 t. 405. 3 1.374.0 1.327. 5.996,5 0,0 0,0 ~ SIAff IRAINING lN1ERNAIIONAl 50 8 279, 1 279, 1 279. I 279, I. 167,3 89. 7 1.047, 4 3. CENTRALLY SPONSORED WORKSIlOPS 14,6 11.6 14,6 14.6 14 730 o0 0, 0 -~---~--- ----~---- Sub-Total TRAINING 714,8 1.536.4 1,699,0 1.667.7 1. 620. 8 7.238,8 14,5 1.047,4 f, TECHNICAL ASSISlANCE 10,4 10,4 10,4 10,4 10,4 52, I 0,0 0, 0 G, SPECIAL STUOllS AND EVAlUAIlON 282,5 312,8 260, 6 260, 6 260 6 1.377. I 0.0 0,0 II. RES[IIRCII OPERATION AND GRAN!S 10 SAUS 26, I 52, I 52, I 52, I 52. I 234 6 0,0 0, 0 I. PIANIAIION I. NURSERY DEVElOI'It£NI 6.289. 6 13,684,0 15.86'. 2 18.003.9 20. 187. 3 10.65 L 2 M, 618, 3 1.0 822. 3 2, I ARM WRESTRY 547.2 3.566,9 4.180,8 4,818, I 5.478,8 5,290.2 n.881.9 1.0 231. 9 3, COMMUNITY fORCST 9.491,0 23.8]4,0 28. 184,6 32.485,7 36.413.8 25.709,9 156. 125.0 1.0 1,516.0 4, IIAS!ElAND PLANTAIION 1.055.2 '.532,5 3. 118.8 4, 119.3 4.822. 8 18.913,2 3.264. 7 __ 1.0 I~l. 7 ___ - -------- ~ w~_ Sub-Tolal PlANIAI/ON 17.389,0 43.611,4 51,316.3 59.427. 0 66.902, 7 44.916,0 283.598,5 1.0 2. 751, 8 J, fUEl WOOD SJ\VINr. DEVICES 126, 1 133,4 133.4 126. 1 26 I 5~5, 2 0.0 0, 0 -------~- - - _.----.- Tolal INVESTMENT COS!S 17,389,057.053,1 65.305.6 70.463, 3 17.763,1 54.987, 5 342.962,8 2.4 8.061. 1 II. RFCURRfNI COS I S - -_. ~- --- ~-- -~- J\, STAff SALARI ES 15.193. 6 15.634 1 15.750, I 15.852. 1 15,942.4 18, 673, 5 0, 0 0,0 S, STAff lRAVH AllOWANCE 1.565.6 1.578 I 1,587,5 1.595,9 1.603.2 7.930.3 0.0 0.0 C. BUILDING RENI AND MJ\INI[NANCE 10.0 175.9 298. I 469,0 953.0 4,9 46, 3 0, VEltlCtE OpeRA! ION AND MAINTENANCE 662, 1 1.085,2 I. 234. 9 1.520.7 1.780.6 6.283 5 9, 1 61 I. 8 E, Off I CE AND OTHER OPf.NDllURE 2.044,0 2.044.0 2,044,0 2.044,0 2.044. 0 10.220. I 0.0 o0 ----~--~- Total RECtlllRENr COS!S 19. 765.4 20,352.0 20.792,4 21.311.4 21.839.2 104,060.4 0.6 651l I rota I BASELINE COSIS \7, 3M, 0 70:619, I 85.657.1 91.255,1 99.075,0 76,826.7 447,023,2 2,0 1\. 11q 8 Phys ica I Co", i"gendes 869 5 3,320,6 3.792.3 4.002,0 4.387,4 3.245.9 HI. 611. 6 2, 6 ~13.6 Price Contingencies 3.374,0 11.647. I 21.561. 2 34. 195,3 35.497,7 106.275,3 1.6 I, 677. I Total PROdECr cosrs 18.256,5 83.513.8 101.097. I 116.818,6 137,657,1 115.570.3 572. 916 I 1.9 10,910.5 :0:::';:::::;::::=::::: '::o:::::::::~=:::: :::::;:::::::-:::='::,; 1.594,9 1. 377. 7 897,0 942, 8 979. 7 5.792, 1 o0 0,0 foreign hchang" 177,3 1.891 1 2.223,7 2.068,2 2.350.0 2.200, I 10,910 5 0,0 0.0 May 16, 1985 II: 08 1-1\(",) rtN ~ ~ Su/W\4i/~fl:fgu,1t 13 BcMu. Cd!.!d- INDIA NAlIONA[ SOCiAl FOR[S!RY PROJECI AUf IIKDOWN or SUI!HARY ACCOUH I S illS' • 0001 Phys ica I Can! .ngene ies Pr Ice Cont ingoncjes 8ase Cost s Iota I Inc l. ConL lo~al local For. Loca I tExe I. Out ie. & For. thel. Out ies & for tl.cI. Out'es A for I oca I tExe I. Dulles & Exc". laxesl laxes lata I £Xen. laxesl lolal het> I axes I laxes Tot.1 hen laxes) lox .. s Iota I : : : : = : . ': ':. -:.::::::::: ~" I. INVESTl!lNT COSTS ---~~--~~--- A. CIVIL WORKS 129. J 2.531.6 2.661. 0 12.9 253 2 266. 1 26.0 626.2 652.2 168.3 3,411. 0 3. ~79. 3 B. VEHICLES 165.5 426.2 253.6 845.3 8. l 21.3 12.7 42 3 24. 2 78 2 43.9 146.4 198.0 525 6 310.2 1.034 0 C. EQUIPrtEHT 60.2 434.0 123 6 617.8 3.0 217 6.2 30.9 10.9 97.3 27. I 135.3 74. I 553.0 1~6. 6 783. 9 D. fURN I JURE 32. I 3.6 35.6 1.6 0.2 1.6 5.3 O. 6 5.9 39.0 4.3 U3 E. TRAINING I. SlAfF TRAINING DOI1ESTIC ~99. 9 499 9 25.0 25. 0 136. 1 136. I 661 0 6610 2. STAFf TRAINING INIERNAIIONAL 81.3 10.0 97.3 4. 0.5 4.9 20. 5 2.9 2].4 112 2 13.4 175.6 3. CENTRALLY - SPONSORED WORKSHOPS 6.1 6.1 0.3 O. 3 1.5 1.5 7. 9 7 9 Sub-Total rRAINING 87 3 546.0 1;03 2 4.4 25.6 30.2 70.5 140.5 161. 0 112.7 682. 2 794.4 T. TECIiNICAl ASSISIIINCE 4. 3 4 3 0.2 o2 I. I I. 1 5. 6 5 6 G. SPECIAL STUOIES IINO EVALUATION II 4.8 114.8 5. 1 5. 7 ?7.5 27.5 1'46 0 H8.0 H. Rf ~EARCII OPERAf I ON liND GRAN I S TO SAUS 19.5 19. S 1.0 1.0 5. 3 5. 3 25.6 25.8 I. PLANTAIION ~--~~~---- 1. NURSERY D£VUOPI1F.NT 66.5 6,968.0 7.056.5 3.4 .149.4 352.8 12. 6 1. 575. 6 1.568.2 84. '} 8.913.0 8.997.5 2. FARII FORESTRY 19.3 1.970.6 1,990.2 1.0 98.5 99.5 4. 2 516.8 521. 0 24. ~ 2.586.2 2.610.6 3. CUI!IIIJNIIY rOnHI 126.3 12.884.1 13.010.4 6.3 644.2 650.5 24.7 3. OM. 7 ]. 109.4 157.3 16.613.0 16. 770 3 4. NASHIAND PLANIAT ION 15.3 1.560.8 1.576. 1 0.6 78.0 76.8 3. 1 390.3 393.4 19.2 2. 02~. I 2.048.3 Sub-Tolal PLANTATION 229.5 23, 403. 7 2.1.633.2 11. 5 I, 170.2 - I. 161. 7 44.55.567.4 ~.611.9 265 ~ 30. 144 3 30.426 8 d. fUUNOOD SAVING orvl CES 45.4 45. 4 2.3 2.3 9.3 9. 3 57 0 57. 0 ----.------ Total INVESTMENT COSIS 611.8 21.527 1 380.7 28.580.2 40. I I. 503. 0 19.0 1.562. 1 126. 2 6, 558. 2 71. 6 6. 156. 0 838. I 35.588.8 471. 36. 898. 3 i II. RECURRENT COSTS -----------_.--- A. STArr SALARIES 6,556.1 6.556.1 1.552.9 1.552.9 8.109 0 6.109.0 D. STAff TRAVEl ALLOWANCE 660 9 6609 156.4 156.4 817.2 817 2 C. BUILDING ROT AND "AINrENANCE 3.9 61. 6 7.9 79.4 0.2 3. 4 O. 4 4.0 1.2 26.0 3.0 30.2 5.3 97. 0 II. 4 113.6 D. VEHICLE OPERATION AND IlAINTENANC[ 51. 0 ~72. 6 521.6 2.5 23.6 26.7 12.3 138.0 150.3 65.8 634. 3 700 1 E. OffiCE AND OlllER UPEHOllURE 851. 1 851. 7 42.6 42. 6 210.5 210.5 I. 10~ 8 1, 104 6 Total RECURRENT COSTS 54.8 8.608.9 7.9 6.671. 7 2. 7 69. 6 0.4 72. 1 13.5 2,083.6 3.0 2. 100.3 nl 10. 762 3 11. 10.644 7 lola I 726.6 36. 136.6 388. 7 37.251. 9 42.61.572.6 19. 4 1.634. 8 139. 6 8. 641. 9 14. 6 8.856. 3 909. 2 46.351. 1 462. 47.743.0 ~~---,----- .. ~~-.- ----.----~~---- -- - . - ~ - - - -- - -- Hay 16. 1985 11: 08 ~~ Physical ConI. Plus Base Costs' Price Coni. Pr ice ConI. on Physical on Sase Cont. Costs 32!>.4 3, 253.9 49.2 984.7 37. 3 746.6 2. 1 412 31.5 629. '.l 6.0 119.6 0.4 7.5 37.8 756.6 0.3 5 4 7.0 141. 0 1. 2 14.6 428.5 8.569. I 124.3 2.4863 798.6 15.911. ./ 97.5 1.950.8 --~---~----- 1.448.9 26.917. 9 2.7 54.3 ----,------ - 1. 912. 0 34.986. 3 B. 109.0 811.2 5. 4 108.2 33. 3 666 7 52. 6 1. OSL. 2 91.4 10. 753. 4 2.003.4 45.139.6 HI(J M N m .p. INOlA HAIIONAL SOCIAl fOAESIRl PROJECI ~'.....ary Accounl$ by Ye .. r lolals Induding Contingencies lola Is Inc ludjng ConI ingN.c lOS fill/PH S • 0001 fIlS$ • 0001 ~--~--~~~- 0 3 4 ~ lotal 0 2 3 5 Iota I :;:='~':;=-.:~::;:;;: -:;::::=::::::== =:=::::;.::::-- I. INVESTI1£NT COSIS A, CIVIL NORKS 1,624,0 9, 193.8 8.248,2 8,941 4 8,938,3 42,951,8 635. J 166. I 681,4 74!l,6 744,9 3.519.3 8, VEHICLES 3.914.2 3. 192,0 1. 136.9 1.803,6 1. 160,9 12.401, 7 326,1 266 0 144. 7 150 J 146 7 1.034.0 C (QUIPI1ENI 1,983.8 1,055.3 1,140,0 1,767.1 1.860 5 9,401,4 165,3 111. 3 145,0 141 3 155.0 183.9 D, FURNIIIJRE 238.8 18. 0 53.2 65,9 838 519.1 19,9 6.5 4,4 5. 5 10 43,3 L tRAINING I. StAff [RAINING DUI1ESflC 110 9 1.415.9 1. 810, 9 1,921. I 2.013. 2 1,932.0 59. ? 123,0 150.9 160 I 161,8 661. 0 2, SIAff IRAINING INTERIIAflOIIAl !l4,9 372.3 341. 1 315.7 406,0 1,506.6 4,6 26.9 29.0 31. 3 33 8 125.6 3, CENI RALl Y - SPONSORED WORKSHOPS 16.0 17, 3 18,8 20 4 '2'1 94.1 L3 1,4 1.6 I. "I 1.11 1.9 ~_~h~ ____ Sub-Iotal TRAINING 181.8 '- 815,5 2.ln4 2.311,2 2.441. 3 9,533, 3 6 ).1 A 151. 3 181. 5 193. I 203,4 794,4 f. I ECUN I CAl ASS I S lANCE 12.4 13.4 14,6 15 8 61,6 1.0 1.0 1. 1 I. 2 I. 3 <;6 ". 4 (I, SPECIAL stuDIES ANO EVALUAIION J09. 3 HI. 4 335,8 364, 4 395. 4 1,716.3 75.8 no 28.0 JO 4 32.9 148.0 H, RESEARCH OI'ERAliON AND GRANTS 10 SAUS 28.5 61.9 61.2 n9 19. 1 309,6 2.4 5,2 5,6 6. I 6. 6 25. 8 I. PLAHTATION I. NURSERY oeVElOP"fNT 6. 604, 1 14, 916. 8 18. 833. 4 23.191.8 28.213.6 16. 150 1 101.910,4 550.3 1.248 1 1.5694 1.9321 2.351 I I.H5.9 6. 997. !i 2, f ARI1 fORES [RY 514,5 3,903.9 4,963,9 6. 206 4 1.651 I 8.021. 6 31.327,4 47,9 325.3 413,7 511,2 638, I 6611 5 2,610,6 J, COI1I1UNIIY 10RESI 9, 97 I. 9 26. 085, 7 33.463,9 41. 846. 1 50.891. 5 38.984,4201.244,0 83 I. 0 2, 113.8 2. 788, 7 3, 481. 2 4. 241 0 3,2411, 1 16,170. 3 4, IIASTEIANO PLANIAITON I. 108,0 2.111. 8 3,102,9 5.306.3 6, 140, 2 4,9503 24.519,5 92, J 2310 308. 6 442.2 561 1 412.5 2. 048, 3 ----~---.- ---- ~---- Sub'lotal PIANlAlION tL 258. 5 47.138, J 60.964, 1 16.551. 2 93.502,4 68.101.0 365.121. 4 1,52 L 5 3.9'18. 2 5,080, 3 6. 319, 3 7.791,95.675630,426.8 d, III£lNOOO SAVING DfVICFS 138. I 158,5 112. 0 116,4 39.5 684,4 115 13.2 14.3 14,1 3, 3 51. 0 Iota I INVES111ENT COSTS 18, 2~,8!i 62, 168, 2 11,903,0 91. 09!>, 4 109, on 4 83, 11 I. 6 442, 119, I 1,521. 5 5,230,1 6,491. 9 7.591. 3 9.08606,916.836,8963 ==~::::=:;:: =c:;::::=:=-: :::;,:: =: t:>::.:: ;"=-:';~":':= :::: !;:;:=::=":~:. <::.-:=== II, RECURRENT COSIS A, SIAff SAURIES 16. 1!l2. I 11,684, 6 19.329,4 21,109,0 non 0 91,308, I I. 346. 0 I. 413. 1 I. 610. 8 1,759 1 1,919,4 6, 109.0 8, StAff IRAVEl ALLOHANet I. 63? 2 1,785,0 I. 948, 3 2,125,0 2,316,2 9. 806. 7 136.0 148,8 162,4 111 I 193.0 811.2 C, 1lU11.OIHG RENI AND I1AIHTENANCE 1 I. 8 226,2 415,8 109,1 I. 363, 6 1.0 18.9 34 1 ~9. I 113,6 D, VEHICLE OPERAlION AND "AINTENANCE 121.8 I, 28!1. 0 1,585,5 2,111,6 2,689.0 8.400 9 60 3 101, I 132. I 1'/6 S 224 1 700. 1 E, OffICE AND OIHER UPENDl1l1RE 2,237.4 2.427, 6 2.634.0 2.857,9 3,100.8 13.251.1 186.5 202. 3 219,5 23R2 258. 4 I. 104,8 lotal RECURRENI COSTS 20.145,5 23. 194. I 2!1. 723.4 28.625,3 31. 848. 6 130, 136. 9 I. 778. 8 I. 93?, 8 2. 143,6 ?3R5 4 2.654. I 10.844,1 :;=:====== lot III PROdECT COS IS 18,258.5 83,513. 8 101,091. I 116,818.8 137,657.1 115.570.3 512,916. 1 I. 521 5 6,959,5 8,424.8 9.134,9 II. 41L 5 'I, 6~O. 9 41,743,0 :;::::~==~= ==:~===!~ =~~= 16, 1985 II: 08 HIC"l r1'N m -i:'- INDIA ~I SOCIAl 10R[SIRY PROJICI .KOOIIN Of SUMMARY ACCOLINTS (RUPHS • 0001 Bas .. f.osts Physical Coni ingoncios P~lce Co"tinq~nctes --~-.~ --- local l£Xcl Out ies & Fot. loca I the I. Dul ies & loca I the I Out iQ~ & fot. hch lax,,~1 Taxes Total hch I .. esl Total for. ben. laxesl Taxes Total :;::::::::::" =:::::::::::: -::::::::" .:::::::::::::::;.:::: ;: ::-~==::::::::::;:;:==::= -.:;:':::; - :::::::: I. IHVESH1UH COSTS -------~----~~- A. Civil WORKS I. 552.2 30.379. II 31,931. 9 1!l5 2 3.038.0 3. 193.2 311. 9 1.514.8 7.810. 1 B. VEltI CLES 1.986 I 5. 114.8 3.043. 2 10.144.0 99 3 255.7 152.2 507.2 290.7 938 8 526 9 1.756.5 C. EQUIPMENT 722. 3 5.208.2 1.482.6 7.4'3.0 36 1 260.4 74. , 370. 7 131. 1 1. 167.8 124 1 1.623. 1 D. FUNN I WRE 384.8 42.8 427.5 19.2 2. 1 21. 4 63.8 7. 1 70. 8 £. TRAINING I STAfF TRAINING OO"ESTIC 5, 9!18. 5 5,998.5 2~9.9 299.9 1.633.5 I. 6ll. 5 2. SHIFF TRAINING INTfRNATiONAI 1.047. 4 119.9 I. 167.3 52. 6. 0 ',8.4 246.6 34. 4 280. ~ 3. CENT Rill I Y SPONSORED WORKSUOPS 730 73.0 3.6 3. 6 18 0 Ill. 0 Sub-Total TRAINING 1.047 6. 191. 4 7,238.8 52. 309.6 361. 9 246. 6 1,685.9 1.932.5 f. Hf.IlNICAl ASSISIANCE ~2. I 52. I 2.6 2 6 12.9 12.9 G. SPECIAl STUDIES AND lVAIUATlON 1.371. I 1.317. 1 68.9 68.9 330. J 330 3 If. RESEIIRCH OPERATION AND GRANIS 10 SitUS 734.6 234.6 11. 7 11. 7 63.3 63 3 I. PLANTATION ---~~---.~ 1. IIURSERY DEVElOPI1ENT 822 3 83. 8~6. I 84,6'18. 3 41. I 4.192.8 4. 233. 9 I~O8 18.907.4 Ig. 058. 2 2. fAR!! fORESTRY 231. 9 23.650.0 23.881.9 11. 6 1. 182.5 1. 194. 1 49.9 6,201. 6 6.251. 4 3. COI1I1UN/TY fORfSl 1.516. () 154.609.0 156, 125.0 75.8 7,130.4 1.806.2 296.3 37.016.5 31.312.8 4. WASTELAND PIANTAflON 18l.7 18. 729. 6 18.913.2 9.2 936.5 945. 7 37.6 4.683.0 4.720.6 --*----"'- ---~---~. --- Sub- Tota I PLANI AI I ON 2. 753. 8 280.844 6 283.598.5 137.1 14.042.2 14. 179 9 !l34.6 66.806.5 61. Hl. 0 J. fUHWOOD SAVING DtVIClS 545. 2 545.2 273 27 3 111. 9 "1.9 Total INVESTIIlNI COSIS 8.061. 7 330.3]2.5 4.568. 6 342.962.8 480.7 18.035.6 228.4 18.744. 1.514 78.691.9 856.11 III. 011. 6 II. RECURRENT COS I S ----.---~--- .. A. SfAU SAlARIES 78.073 5 78.673.5 18.634.6 18.634.6 B. SIAIF TRAVEl AllOWANCE 7.930.3 7.930.3 1.876.4 1.876.4 C. BUilDING RENT AND IIAINIENANCE 46.3 811. 3 9~. 3 9~3.0 2.3 40. 6 4. 8 41.6 14.9 311. 7 36.3 363.0 D. VEHICLE OPERAIION AND IIAINHNANCf 611.' 8 5. 671. 7 6,283.5 30.6 283. 6 314. 2 141.3 1.656.0 1.803.3 E. OFf I CE AND OiliER HPENDITURE 10.1'0. , 10,220.1 511. 0 511. 0 2.526.5 2.526.~ -------.~ - lolal RfCURRENI COSIS 6~8. J 103.307 0 95. 3 104.060. 4 32.9 835.2 4.8 8nS 162.3 25.005 36.3 2~, 20:1. TOIBI 8.719.8 433,639. ij 4.663. 9 ~47.023.2 513. " 18,810.8 233.2 19.617.6 1.617. 1 103.703 1 89~. 1 106.215. -- -,~ - - --, -. May 16. 1985 II: 08 H'IO i"1''''' ~ .p. Physical Total Inc!. ConI. Cont. Plus ---------- .. ------ ---------- Pr ice Cont. Bllse Costs' loea I lhc I. Dut las & on Physica I Price Cont. for. Excn. laxesl lues lotal Cont. on 8ase Costs ~::::::::; =::.:::::::::::::::::::: :::.: ~~:::::.':;:::;:;;::'::: --~~---.- 2.019.3 40.932.5 42.951.8 3.904. 1 39.041.1 2.316 889.5 ° 6.309.3 6. 636 4 3.722. .] 1.881. 5 12.407.1 9.407 4 590.8 448.0 11. 811i. 9 8. 95Q. 4 467.8 52.0 519.1 24.7 495.0 7.932.0 1.932.0 371. 1 7.554.3 1. 346.4 160.3 1.506.6 71. 1 1.434.9 94. 1 94.7 4.5 90 2 1.3411.4 8. 186.9 9.533.3 454.0 9.019. 3 67.6 67.6 J. 2 64.4 1. 176. 3 1.716.3 84. 6 1.69 I. 1 309.6 J09.6 14.1 294.8 1.014. I 106.956.3 107.910.4 5.141. 4 102.829.0 293.4 31. 034. I 31.3n 4 1. 491. 8 29.835.1 1.888. 2 230.4 199.355.9 24.349. I - 201. '44. 0 24.579.5 9.583.0 t. 110.5 191.661. n409 t ° ---~ .---- .. --~ 3.426.1 361.695.3 365.121. 4 11.386.1 341.134.1 684.4 6114.4 32. 6 651. 8 ____ ~M~ __ •• ° -----~~--- -----.---~-- 10.051. 3 427.066. I 5,655.8 442.119. 1 2'.944. 1 419.835. 97.308. I 9.8067 91. JOII. I 9.806.7 -0. '0.0 ° 91.308. 1 9.8061 63.6 I. 16J. 6 136.4 I. 363. 6 64.9 1.298.6 789.7 7.611.3 8.400.9 400.0 8.000.9 13.251.1 IJ. 257.1 631. J 12.626.4 ----~---- -~- --~---~-- --------- 85J.2 129. 147.4 136.4 130.136.9 I. 0!!6. 3 129.040.1 10.910.5 556.213.5 5.792. 1512.916.1 24.040.4 548.875. 1 . ------------- ~-~--------.~-------- "~-- I-fjn rtN III a ~ .. INDIA NATIONAL SOCIAL fORfSIRY PROJECT Project C""""ocnts by Year IRUPH S '0001 Base Costs Total o 2 RUPEES (US$ • 0001 A. "1IIACIIAl PRAOFSH ------------ -- I. ORGANIZATION AND "4NIIG£"£NI 2!'!. 428.2 26.305.7 22. 025. 5 25. 161.1 25.650.3 124.511. 4 10.381.5 2. PIIYSICAI IARGF!S 11.389.0 43.143.6 51.419.8 59.560.4 67.028.8 44.942. I 284. 143.1 23.618.6 3. RESEARCII 1.404.6 930.3 1. 644. 0 790.4 855.8 5. 52!'!. 1 468.8 4. EXIENSION 899.4 916.9 626.3 I. 314.0 616.7 4. 313.2 364.4 5. TRAINING 1.621. 0 3.270.0 1.434.9 2.357.5 2.303.7 11.987. 1 998.9 6. MOHIIORING AND EVAIUAIION - 1.122 3 2.155.0 4.964.6 2.416.7 2.458. I 16.316.1 1. 359.1 ---- ---- Sub-Iota I ""IACHAl PRAD[SH 11,389.0 76.819. I 85.657.1 91.155.1 99,075.0 76,826. 1 447.023. 2 31,251.9 Tola I BASH IME COSIS 11.389.0 16,819. I 85,657.1 91. 25!'!. 1 99,015.0 16,826.7 447,023.2 31.251,9 Physica I Cont ingencies 869.5 3.320. 6 3.192.3 4,002.0 4, 381. 4 J. 245. 9 19.617.6 1,634.8 Pr ice ConI ingonc ios 3,314.0 11. 641,1 21,561. 2 34. 195. 3 35, 497. 1 106.215,3 8.856. 3 ------ ----~~-- ---" ----- --~---, -- -----~~-- -----~--- Total PROd£CI COSTS 101.091. I 116.818.8 131.651.1 115,570.3 572, 916. I 47,143.0 ~=:%::==~ ~:;~==t = ==:==:=~= ====~;;~: :::::::;.:::::=; ::::::::::.::==::: faxes - 1, !'!94 9 I. 317. 1 891. 0 942.8 919.7 5,192. 1 482.7 Foreign Exchange 111.3 1.891. I 2, 223. 7 2,068.2 2,350.0 2.200. I 10,910.5 909. 2 lIay 16. 1985 II: 08 I"tN """1(") m ,/::'- INDIA NATIONM SOCIAL IORESIRY PllOdfCT Projec t C~or.enl S by Y(,3r lotals Including Contingencies Iota Is Including Contingencies IRUPHS • 0001 (US$ '0001 o 2 3 5 Total o 2 4 5 lolal A. HIIIACHAI rRAOESH I. ORGANIZATION AND "ANAGE"ENI 21.3160 30,118. 1 27.651.4 34,558. 1 36.217.6 158.527.8 ~27L3 2.564.8 ~304.8 2.879.9 3. 184.1\ 13,210.6 2. PHYS I CAL TARGH S 18.258.5 41,676.4 61. 122.6 76. n3. 2 93. 678.8 68. 146. 5 365. 805. 8 I, ~21. 5 3.989.7 5,093 5 6.393.6 1. 1106. 6 5, 6711. 9 30, 4113 8 3. RESEARCH 1,541. 2 I, 079. 6 2.142.6 1. 016. 8 1.267.2 1. 107.4 128.4 90.0 178.6 89. 7 105 6 592.3 4. EXTENSION 976.8 1,063.3 781.6 1,841.0 904.5 5. !>67. 2 81.4 88. 6 65 I 153.4 75. 4 463.9 !t. TRAINING 1,760.8 3,886.3 3,092 4 3.245.1 3,438. 3 15,423 5 146.1 n3.9 257 7 2105 286 :, I, 28~. 3 6. IIONIIORING AND EYAlUAllON 4,042.6 3, 161.2 6,421.6 3,256.7 3,596.2 20,484. 3 336.9 263.9 535. t 271. 4 299. 7 l. 101. 0 ---,~-~--- Sub-Iota I HI!tACHAI PRADESH 18.258.583,513.8 101.097.1116,818.8137,657.1 115,570.3512,916.1 t. 521. 5 6,959.5 8.424. II 9,734.9 11,411. 5 9.630 9 41.143.0 --~-----~ Total PROJECT COSTS 18,258.5 83,513.8 101,097. I 116.818.8 137.657.7 115.570.3 572,916.1 1.521.56,959.56.424.89,734.9 11, 471.!i 9.630.9 47.743 0 ::~:::::::.::=::: :;~==;:.:::: •. ::. ::.:::-:' :::::::0:: == Play 16. 1985 11: 08 t-tIO I"t t-J m .p. IN[)IA NAllONAl SOCIAl fORESTRY PRO.jfCT SIIIJnary Account by Project COIf4)onenl IRlJPH S • 0001 III HAt:HAL PRAUE SH /'hys lea I HONITORlHG Con t i ngenc i as ORGANIlAliON PIlYSI eft! AHD AND HAHAGfM[Nl IARGFTS IIESfARCH EXTENSION THJlINING PLANNING EVALUATION Tolal I Amount I. lNVESTI1ENr COSTS ____ M _______ A. CIVIL WORKS ~5. 139.5 1.361. 6 803. 6 1.074.3 3.552.8 31.931 'l 10.0 3. 193.7 B. VUIIClES 8.789.8 2n. 3 35 I. 5 2223 558 2 10. 114.0 5.0 ~07. 2 C. EQU1PI1fNI 6.090.9 1079 567. I 323.0 324.1 7.413.0 5.0 370.7 D. FURN I HIllE 247 2 15 4 32.9 27. 3 104 7 4n5 5.0 214 E. TRAINING I. STAff IRAINING DOl1[SliC 5.9985 5.998. ~ 5.0 299.9 2. SIAfF TRAINING INIERNAfiONAL I. 167.3 I. 167. 3 5.0 58.4 3 CENI RAll Y SPONSOREIl WORKSHOPS 73.0 73.0 5.0 3. 6 Sub'Iotal IRAINING 7. /38. 8 7.238 8 5 0 361. 9 f. TECIINICAL ASSISTANC[ 52. 52. I 5.0 2.6 G. SPECIAL SIUDIES AND [VAlIlAIIOIi 74.0 1,303. I 1,377. 1 5.0 68. 9 H. RESFARCH OPERATION AND GRANTS 10 SAU~ 234.6 734.6 5.0 11. 7 I. PLANIAIION 1. NURSERY OEVfI OPI1f.NT 84. 678. 3 84,678. 3 5~ 0 4.733 9 2 fARI1 fORESIRY 23.881. 9 23. 881. 9 5. 0 1,194 1 3. COHI1UNI TV [OREST 156, 125.0 156. 175. 0 5.0 7.806.2 4. WASTElAND PLANTATION 18.913.2 18.913.2 5~0 945. 7 Sub-Total PIANIATION 783.5985 ?83, 598. 5 5 0 14, 119.9 J. IUElWOOD ~AV1NG DEVICES ~45. 2 ~4~. 2 5.0 27. 3 lotal IHVESII1ENI COSIS 40. 267~ 3 284. 143. 1 I.Q41.8 1.829.2 8.885.7 5.895. I 342.961.8 5.5 18, 744. II. RECURRENT COSTS A. STAff SALARIEs 64. 164.8 1. 900. 0 1.875.6 2.432. 6 8,300.6 78.673. 5 0.0 O. 0 B. STAff IRAVEI. AllOWANCE 6,659.5 205.9 lH.S 185.6 731. 8 7,930.3 O~O O. 0 C. BUILDING RlNI AIm I1AlIlIEIIANC[ 685.2 113. I 7.8 40. 7 106.2 %~.O 5.0 4"1. 6 O. VEltlCLE OPERATION AND "AlNIENANCE 5.249 2 131 0 275.5 178.8 449.0 6.283.5 5.0 314.2 L OFFICE AND OIliER LXPENDI1URE 7.551. 3 1.333.4 231.7 263.8 834.0 10.120.1 5~ 0 511. 0 -.~---~ - Iota I RECUHREHT COsTS 84.310. 1 3,6113 . .1 2,5440 3, 101.4 10.421.6 104.060. 4 0.8 872. 8 lotal BASEliNE COSIS 124,571.4 284. 143. 5.625 1 4. 313. 2 11,987. 1 16.316~7 447, on2 4.4 19.617.6 Phys iea I Conti "Ilene i e~ 3.944.6 14.207.2 244.0 157.7 522.2 ~41.9 19.617.6 0.0 0.0 Pr ice Cant 'ngene ies 30.005. 7 67.455.0 1.238.3 1.036.3 2,914.3 3,6'5.8 IQ6. 275. 3 4. ? 4,422.8 Total PROJECT COSTS 158, 5n 8 365,805.8 7, 107. 4 5.567.2 15,423.5 20, 484. 3 572.916. I 4.2 24.040. 4 :::===:::=::;:..:::~=:.:::::= ::::::::; ~ ":':::.:-:.-:: =;;.-::::::::::.:: [axes 4.920. 4 118.3 281. 2 168.8 303.3 5.792. 1 4.8 275.8 foreign ExchMge 5. 115.9 3.426. 166.5 n8.2 1,522. 2 441 6 10.910.5 5.6 607.0 - ... ---,-- - -- - - - .' ~ ., - ---~----- -~--- flay 16, 1985 II: 08 . . '0 rt N m .p. INOlA HAIiONAl SOCIAL fOR[SIRY PROJ£r.I PROJfCI COSI SUMMARY (RUPEES • 0001 fUSS' 0001 % lot.,1 1 fore 'gn Base local foreIgn lotal local foreIgn lotal f.chango Costs A. HII'IACIIAL PRADESH I. ORGANIZATION AHD I'IAHAGEHFNI 120.496.1 4.080. 7 1'24.577.4 10.041. 4 340 I 10.381. 5 J 28 2. PHYSIChL TARGETS 28T. 389. 9 2.753. 8 784. 143. 1 23.449. 2 n9.5 618. 6n I 64 3. RESEARCH 5.486.6 138.5 5.625. I 451.2 I I. 5 46B.8 2 I 4. UTENSION 4.182.9 190.3 4.313. :I 348. 6 15.9 364.4 4 I 5. TRAINING 10.193. I 1.194.0 II. 981. I 899.4 99 5 998.9 10 3 6. "ON I TORING AND EVALUATION 15.954.3 362.4 16.316.7 I. 329. 5 30. 2 1.359.1 2 4 Sub-Total HII!ACHAl PRADrSl1 438,303.4 8.719.8 447,023.2 36.525.3 126.6 37.251. 9 2 100 .. ---~ ~ ---~----- Tolal BASElIHE COSIS 438.303.4 8.719.8447.073.2 36.525.3 726.637.251.9 2 100 Physica 1 CoM ingencies 19.104.0 513.6 19.617. Ii I. 592.0 42. B 1,634 8 3 4 Price Contingencies 104.598 2 1.617. 1 106.275 3 8.116.5 139.8 8.856.3 2 24 Total PROJECT COSTS 562.005.6 10,910.5 572. Y16. I 46. 8JJ. 8 909.241.743.0 2 128 :::::::;:.' ::!:: ~ 7 :::::::::::-:::; ::;::=:~::=:: Hay 16. 1985 II: 08 ....1(') "tv ~ .c- INDIA NAIIONAl SOCU! FORESTRY PROJ{CI SUMMARY ACCOUNT S COS J SUMMARY (IIUPE[s • 0001 fUSS' (00) X lolal :1\ foreign a.s" local 'are ign latal local foreign Iota! Exchange !:asts I. INVfSTMENT COSTS ________ w ~ _____ A. CIVIL HORKS 30.379.8 I. 552. 2 31. 931.9 2.53 L 6 129.3 2.661. 0 5 7 8. VElilCUS 8.158.0 I. 986, I 10. 144.0 679 8 165.5 845 3 20 2 C, EOUI PMENf 6.690.8 122. 3 1.413.0 557,6 60.7 617.8 10 2 o. fURNI TURE 4n5 427.5 35,6 35.6 0 E TRAINING I. SIAfF 'RAINING DOM~STlC 5.998. 5 5.998,5 499.9 499.9 I 2. STAff TRAINING INTERNATiONAL 119.9 1.047.4 I. 167.3 10.0 87.3 97. 3 90 0 3. CfNTRAI.LY SPONSORED WORKSHOPS 73.0 73.0 6. 1 6.1 0 . "----~ ---~-- Sub-Tala I TRAINING 6.191. 4 I. 047.4 7.238,8 516.0 87.3 603.2 14 2 f. TECI/NICAL ASSISIANC[ 52. 1 52. I 4.3 4.3 0 G. SPECIAL STUDlts AND EVAlUATiON 1.377. I I. 371. 1 114.8 114.8 0 H. R[SEARCH OP[RAIION AND GRANTS TO SAUS 234.6 234.6 19,5 19.5 0 I. PIANIATlON ----~----.. I. NURSERY O[VElOPH[NT 83.856 1 821.3 84.678.3 6.988.0 68.5 7.056.5 19 2, fARM fORESIRY 23.650.0 231. 9 23.8819 1.970,8 19.3 1.990.2 5 3, COI'IHUNI TY fORESI 154.609.0 I. 516. 0 156. 125, 0 12,884.1 126.3 13.010.4 35 4. HASTELANO PLANUllON 18.129,6 183, 7 16.913.2 1.560.8 15.3 1.576, I 4 S"b-fotal PLANTATION 280.844.6 2.753.8 283.598.5 23.403,7 229. 5 23. 633. 2 63 J. fUfLHOOO SAVING DEVICES 545,2 545.2 45.4 45,4 0 Total INVESTMENT COSTS 334.901. 1 8.061.1 347,962.8 27.908.4 671,8 28. 5RO. 2 2 17 II. RECURRENT COST S "~----~~-- -- A. SIAff SALARIES 78.673. 5 78.673.5 6.556. I 6.556. 1 18 B, STAff TRAVEL ALLOWANCE 7.930. 3 7.930. 3 660.9 660.9 2 C. 0, BUll 01 NG RENT AND HAINTENANC[ VfHICtE OPERAfiON AND MAINTENANCE 906.6 5. 67L 7 46.3 611.8 953.0 6.283.5 75.6 472. 6 3.9 51. 0 19.4 523.6 5 10 0 , E. Off I CE ANO Olllf.R EXPENDlIURE 10.220, 1 10.220. I 851.1 851. 7 2 ----- .. ~ --- - -- lotal RECURRENT COSTS 103.402.3 658.' 104,060. 4 8.616 9 54.8 8.671. 1 I 23 Total BASELIIIE COSIS 438.303, 4 8. 719,8 441.023 2 36.525 3 126,6 31.251,9 2 100 Phys ica I Cont i ogene ie. 19.104.0 513,6 19.611,6 1.592.0 42.8 I. 634. 8 3 4 Prlce Cont logenc ies 104.598.2 1.671. 1 106.215. 3 8,716,5 139.8 8.856.3 2 24 Tala 1 PROJECT COSTS 562.005.6 10.910.5 572. 916.1 46.833. 8 909.2 47.743.0 2 128 - .------~~"----~ ---- ---- . Hay 16. 1985 11: 08 HIe"') M'N m ~ INDIA NATIONAL SOCIAL fORESTRY PROdECT fi nanc i ng P Ian By D; sbur ~emen t Ca I egor y IUSS '000' INTERNAT IONAl US AGENCY fOR DEVElOPMENT INTERIIAl IONAl GOVERNIIENT OF ASSOCIATION DEV El OPMEN T INDIA Total _._-----* ~--- ----~------ -------------- ____ ~ _____ .M __ For. local 'bel. Duties Amount Amount Amount Exeh. Taxes Amount I, 789. 7 50.0 " :::;:::::;;;::::::: ::::.::= " 1,789.7 50.0 " ::::::::.:= ::==:::::: 3,579.3 I 7.5 168.3 Taxes' :::::===::::::::::===: 3.411.0 •• CI Yll MORKS B. VEHICLES 198.0 19. 1 .836.0 80.9 1.034.0 2.2 198.0 525.8 310.2 C. EQUI PIIE"T 74.1 9.5 709.8 90.5 783. ~ 1.6 74. I 553.0 156.8 D. FURNI TURE 43.3 100.0 43.3 O. I 39.0 4.3 E. TIIAINING 1. SJAff TIIAINING DOIIESIIC 330.5 50.0 330.5 50.0 0.0 0.0 661.0 1.4 661. 0 2. STAFf TRAINING INJEI!NAJlONAL 62.8 50.0 62.8 50.0 0.0 0.0 125.6 0.3 112.2 13.4 3. CENTRAllY - SPONSORED WORKSHOPS 3.950.0 3.9 50.0 0.0 0.0 7.9 0.0 7.9 -------'" .. --- --~----- .. --- -------- ----- -------- ----- ------------ Sub-Tota I TAAIIIING 397.2 50.0 397.2 50.0 0.0 0.0 794.4 1.7 112.2 682.2 F. fECHNICAL ASSISTANCE 2.8 50 0 2.8 50.0 0.0 0.0 5.6 0.0 5 6 G. SPECIAL STUDIES AND EVALUATION 74.050.0 14.0 50.0 0.0 0.0 148.0 0.3 148.0 H. RESEARCH OPERATION AND GRANTS TO SAUS 12.9 50.0 12.9 50.0 25.8 O. I 25.8 I. PLANTATION ---------- 18.8 84.5 1. 2. NURSERY DEVELOPIIENT FARII fORESTRY 5, 398. 5 1.566.4 10,062. 2 60. 0 60. 60.0 ° 2.699. 3 783.2 5. 03 I. I 30. 0 30.0 30.0 899.8 261. 1 10.0 10.0 10.0 8.997.5 2.610.6 16,770.3 5.5 24.4- 8.913.0 2.586.2 16.613.0 3. 4. COIlllUNlTY FOREST MAS TElANO PUNTING I. 229. 0 .. ------- 60. 0 ~--- 614.5 -------- 30. ---- ° 1,677.0 204.8 10.0 2.048.3 --"'------ ----- 35. I 4.3 157.3 19.2 2.029.1 ---.- -_ ... - -.~ Sub-Total PLANTAtiON 18. 256. I 60 0 9. 128.0 30. 0 3,042.7 10.0 30,426.8 63.1 285.5 30. 141.3 d. fUELNOOD saVING DEVICES 34.2 60.0 17. I 30.0 5.7 10.0 57.0 0.1 57.0 It STAFF SALARIES 2.637.0 32.5 2.637.0 32.5 2.835.0 35.0 8.109.0 17.0 8.109.0 l. STAff TRAVEl ALLOWANCE 558.8 68.4 258.4 31. 6 817.2 1.1 817.2 II. BUILDING RENT AND IIAINTENANCE 113.6 100.0 113.6 0.2 5.3 97.0 11.4 N. YEIII CLE OPERATION AND IIAINTENANeE 265.037.9 435. I 62. I 100. I 1.5 65.8 634.3 O. OFF I CE AND OTHER EXpellOITURE I. 104.8 100.0 1.104.8 2.3 1.104.8 -------~---~ Total Oisburs_nt 24.299. 8 50. 9 12, 269. I 25. 1 11. 174. , 23.4 47. 743.0 100.0 909.2 46.351. I 482.7 ::::.::;:::c :::;c:= ::::::::-:::-: :::=-= ::.::::::.:::::c::::::::::::::::: ________________ w ______ ~_ lIay 20. 1985 20: 35 1-11° ~N m ~ INDIA NA"ONAL SOCIAL fORESIRY PROJECI financing PI,n by Sutmary Accounl$ IUS$ '0001 IMlERNAT IONAL US AGENCY fOR DEVEt OPM£NT INTERNATIONAL GOVERNMENT Of ASSOClAllON DEVELOPIIENT INDIA lotal for. Local Ihc I. Oul ies a Amount 1 Amount 1 Amount 1 Amount X hcll. Taxes) faJCc5 "(:;;::~::-==;:::::.;:;: I. TIiVESTPlENI COSTS -------~--""---~ . A. CI VIt WORKS 1,789 7 50.0 1,789.7 50.0 3,579.3 7.5 168.3 3.411.0 8. VEHICLES 198.0 19 I 836.0 80.9 1. Ol~. 0 2.2 198.0 5258 l10.2 C. EQUTP"ENf 74.1 9.5 709.8 90.5 783.9 1.6 74. I 55l.0 156 8 D. FURN) TURE 4l.3 100.0 43.3 0.1 39.0 4. J E. TRAINING I. STAff lRAINING OOllESIIC 330.5 50. 0 330.5 50.0 0.0 0.0 661.0 1.4 661 0 2. STAff TRAINING INIERNAliOHAl 62.8 50 0 62.8 50.0 0.0 0.0 125.6 O. J 112.2 13 4 l. CENlRAll Y - SPONSORED WORKSHOPS 3.9 50.0 3.9 50.0 0.0 0.0 7.9 0.0 7. 9 --.----~ ---- ----- ~~-~ --*~---- ---- Sub-Iolal TRAINING 397.2 50.0 397.2 50.0 0.0 0.0 794. 4 I. 7 112.2 682.2 f. lECHNICAL ASSISTANCE 2.8 50.0 2.8 50.0 0.0 0.0 5. 6 0.0 5.6 G. SPECIAL SWDlES AND EVALUATION 74.0 50.0 74.0 50.0 0.0 0.0 148.0 0.3 148.0 H. RESfARt;H OPERAliON AIID GRANIS TO SAUS 12.9 50. 0 12.9 50.0 25.8 O. I 15.8 I. PLANlATiON ----~~- ~-~ 1. NURSERY DEYElOPMENI 5, 398. 5 60. 0 2,699. 3 30.0 899.8 10.0 8,997.5 18.8 84.5 8,913.0 2. fARP! fORESTRY 1,566. 4 60. 0 783.2 30.0 261. 1 10.0 2,610.6 5.5 24.4 2.586.2 3. COIIItUHITY fORESl 10.062.2 60.0 5. 031. I 30. 0 1,671.0 10.0 16.710. 3 35. I 157.3 16,613.0 4. WASTElAND PIANllIIION 1,229. 0 60. 0 614.5 30.0 204.8 10.0 2,048.3 4.3 19.2 2.029. I . ~ -- "" ~ -- . -- Sub-Total PIAlllATlON 18.256. I 60. 0 9. 128.0 30.0 3,042. 1 10.0 30,426.8 63.7 285.5 30.IH3 J. fllElWOOD SAVING DEVICES 34.2 60.0 17. 1 lO.O 5. 1 10.0 57.0 O. I 57.0 --*~---~ --~- Total INVESlltEHT COSIS 20, 839. 0 56.5 9,632. I 26. 1 6,427. I 17.4 36.898.3 11.3 838. I 35.588.8 471. II. RECURRENT COSTS -~----~-------- A. STArr SALARIES 2.637.0 32.5 2,637.0 32.5 2.835.0 35.0 8,109.0 17.0 8.109.0 B. STAff TRAVEl AllOWANCE 558.8 68.4 258.4 31.6 817.2 1.7 817.2 C. BUILDING RENI AND "AIHIENANCE I tl. 6 100.0 113. Ii 0.2 5.3 97.0 11.4 O. VEHICLE OPERAIION AND "AINIENANCE 265.0 31.9 435. 1 62.1 700. I 1.5 65.8 634.3 E. Off I CE AND OTHER EXPEHDllURE 1. 104.8 100.0 1,104.8 2.3 1.104.8 --~~---- -- - lotal RECURRENT COSTS J, 460. 8 31. 9 2.637.0 24.3 4.746.9 43.8 10.844. 7 22. 7 11. 1 10.762. J 11. 4 lola I Disbursement 24. 299. 8 50.9 12,269. I 25. 7 I I. 174. I 23.4 47. 743.0 100.0 909.2 46. J'jf. I 482.7 :::==::;:::~ ;::::::;: :: =::.:;::::- ~::: ::::;::.:. ::':==:::::;:;; :=!::::::: ~_. w ____ ~ • • _~ _____ ~ ___ ~ ______ __ w ____ ~~ ___ ~. ____ ~ __ • _~ ___ ~ May 20, 1985 20: 36 .... 1(") ~ N ; ~. INDIA NlTlOHAl SOCIAL fORESTRY PROJECT financing Plan by Project C~nents IUSS '0001 INTERNATIONAL US AGENCY fOR DEVElOPMENT INTERNATIONAL GOVERNMENT Of ASSOCIATION Df.VHOPMENT INDIA Total for. loea lIbel. Dut ;8'S .1 Amount I Amount I Amount I Amount l hen. laxest TaKes A. HIMACIIAl PRADESH --~-~----~------- I. ORGAN I ZAIION AND I'IANAGEMENT 4. 502. 5 l4. 1 2. 150.8 16.3 6.557.3 49.6 13.210.6 27.7 426.3 12.374.3 410.0 2. PIIYSICAl TARGETS 18. 290. 3 60. 0 9. 145. 1 30.0 3.048. 4 10. 0 30.483.8 63.8 285.5 30. 198. 1 3. RESEARCH 173.2 29.2 76.7 13.0 342.4 57.8 592.3 1.2 13.9 568.5 9.9 4. EXTENSION 147.431.8 66.4 14.3 250. I 53.9 463.9 1.0 19.8 420.7 23.4 5. TRAINING 561. I 43. 1 418. 7 31.2 24S.5 19. 1 1.285.3 2.7 126.8 1.144.4 14. I 6. I'IOHITOR1NG AND EValUATION 625.3 36.6 351. 4 20.6 730.3 42.8 1.707.0 3.6 36.8 1.645. Readi"ll from RDATGEN DAIA GENERATION division c~lIed. <> <> Readl"ll from RAdOM DETAILED COSI TABLE 301 COMPILED. () <> Aeadi"ll from RAdPI DE TAILED COS T TABLE 302 CONPJI EO. o <> Reading from RAdRSC" DElAllED COSI TABlE 303 COMPILED. <> () Reading from RAdElT DUAILED COST TABLE 304 COIIP IL EO. () <> Read i "9 from IIAd I RG DETAILED COST TABLE 305 COPlPIlED. <> <> Readi"ll from RAdME DETAilED CDSI TABLE 306 COMPILED. "REOUIRED MEMORY BLOCK ~ 3022 NOROS. '""'In " N PRICE CONTINGENCIES: m All LOCAL INflATION RAIES 0.0000. 0.0850. 0.0850. 0.0850. O. 08~0. 0.08S0 FOREIGN INfI AIION RAIES 0.0000. 0.0560, 0.0160. 0.0800. 0.0800. 0.0800 LOCAL INflAIION HEIGHTS ~ 0.0000. 0.0425. 0.1311. 0.2273. 0.3316. o 4448 FOREIGN INfLATlOM NEIGHTS • 0.0000. 0.0280. 0.0961. O. 1817. 0.2762. 0.3783 CONSTANT PURCHASTNG PARITY UCI!. RATES 12.0000. 12. 1693. 12.3830. 12.4626. 12.5203. 12. ~782 OElAILED COST fABLE 301 processed. DErAILED COST !ABLE 302 processed. DETAILED COSI TABLE 303 I'lrocessed. DElAIlED COSI fABLE 30' F.Slld. DETAILED COST TABLE 31 ·sed. DETAILED COST TABLE 3t s.ed. Subf i1e HPOAfGEN 100 OATA GENERU ION: 200 NOrEI5"CAlCULATED Ar 12.51 Of STAff COST AS PER NORMS ALLOWED.' 300 NOTEI6='COST ro PROdEer IS RS.75, 8EING rHE .1I0UNT Of SUBSIOY TO BENEfiCIARIES.' 400 NOfEn"COST TO PROdEeT IS RS.10 BEING 331 SUBSIDY Of TOTAL COST Of RS. 210.' 500 NOfEl8" TRAINING Of IIALE AND FEIIAlE UTENSIONISIS AT RS. 10 PER DAY.' 600 NOTEI9"PROfESSIONAL rRAINING fOR fOREST RANGER. DY. RANGER AND FG WOULD BE IIET', & 100 'THROUGH NORMAL ACTIVITY OF EXISliNG INSTlTUIIOHS.· 800 NOTE20"TIi0 COURSES PER YEAR PER DIVISION EXCEPt IN THE fiRST YUR WHEN ONE COURSE',' 900 • PER 01 VI SION WOULD BE ARRANGED.' 1000 NOTE21"ECONOMIST/SOCIOLOGIST' HIC'l rtN m .;:-. Sllbfi Ie HPREXT 300 COST TABLE 205: EXTENSION-PUBlICITY-HIIIACHAL PRADESH; COIIP=HPUT 400 INVESTIIENT COST: 500 CATEGORY: CIVIL WORKS; UNI1='NO'; SA=CII; DA=CWX 600 'Offl CE Of OY CF'; UC=250.0: 4=0. I. O. O. O. 0 700 'fR/DY RANGE/SfH HYPE III': UC·93.0; 4=0. O. O. O. 4. 0 800 'PEON/DRIVER ETC. (TYPE II'; UC=75.0: 0=0. O. O. O. 2. 0 900 CATEGORY: VEHI CLES; UNIT=' NO'; SA=VEH; DA=VEHX 1000 'fOUR WHEEl DRIYE'; UC=90.0; 4=0. O. 1. O. O. 0 1100 'VAN': UC=125.0; 0=0. O. O. O. 1.0 1200 'PUBLI CI TV VAN': UC: 125.0; (1=0. O. I. O. 0.0 1300 CATEGORY: EQUIPMENT; UNIT"NO'; SA'EOP; DA=E(lPX 1400 'TYPEWRITER'; UC=3.0; (1=0. l. o. o. O. 0 1500 'TElEPHONE'; UC=8.0; 0=0, 1. O. O. O. 0 1600 'SlI DE PROJECTOR'; UC=50.0: (1=0. O. 1. O. O. 0 1700 'F 1111 PROJECTOR'; UC=50.0; 0=0.0, O. I. O. 0 1800 'CA"ERA-VIOEO'; UC=25.0; Q=O. I. O. O. 1,0 1900 'VCR'; UC=20. 0: 0=0, O. I. O. O. 0 2000 'FIlIIS-FULL LENGTH' DOCUIIEMTARY'; UC=20.0; (1= 1 2100 'PANElS/BOARDS'; UC=25.0; 0=0.1. 1. 1. I. I 2200 'OTHER EQUIPMENT'; UNIT:' LS'; UC=2a.0; (1=0. 1. I. I. 1. 1 2300 CATEGORY: FURNHURE; UNIT=' SE1'; SA=FUR; DA=FURl 2.00' TABLE/CHAIRS ORDINARY'; UC=.6; (1=0.11. O. O. O. 0 2500 'UBLE/CHAIRS OffICERS'; UC=3.0; Q=O. 1.0.0. O. 0 2600 'AL"I RAH/BooKSHElYES'; UC=.6; Q=O. 4. 4. 7.9. 11 2700 'OTHER FURNIIURE'; UNIT:' LS'; UC=.2; (1=0.1. I. 1. I. 1 2800 CATEGORY: 'SPECIAL STUDI ES AND EVALUATION'; UNIT='LS'; SA=STD; OA=STOX 2900 'EVAl.. RES .• AND OEVr. OF STOVE NOOELS'; VALUE=O. 21, 50. O. O. 0 3000 RECURRENT COS T: 3100 CATEGORY: STAFF SALARIES; UNIT='NY'; SAoSH; DA=STFX 3200 'OY Cf'; UC:l4. 7; 0=0. I. I. 1••• 1 3300 'fOREST RANGER'; UC=20.6; 0' 3400 'OY RANGERS'; UC' 18. 1; (1= 3500 'SOCIAl FORESTRY WORKERS'; UC= 12.9; 0= l600 'SR. PHOTOGRAPHER'; UC=21. 2; 0=0. I, 1. I. I. 1 3700 'SR. ARTIST'; UC'21. 2; 0=0.1. I. 1 ••• 1 3800 'SUPT GR. Iv'; UC=20.4; 0=0. I, 1. 1. I, I 3900 'ASSISTANIS'; UC=18.7; 0=0.1. I. 1. 1. I 4000 'ClERK/TYPI ST'; UC= 12.3; Q=O. 3. 4100 'DRIVER'; UC'12.3; 0= 4200 'CHOIIKIDAR'; UC=10.0; 0=0. 1, 4100 'SWEEPER'; UC' 10.0; 0=0. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1 4400 'PEON'; UC·9. 4; 4=0, 3.3.3. 3. 3 4500 CATEGORY: STAFF TRAVEl AllOWANCE; UNIT" "Y': SA:STA; OA=STAl 4600 'DY Cf'; UC=2.5; Q=O. I, I. I. I. I 4700 'fOREST RANGER'; UC=l.O; 0' 4800 'OY RANGERS'; UC=2.5; 0'0. 2,2.2.2. 2 4900 'SOCIAL fORESTRY WORKERS'; UC=2.0; 0= 5000 • SR. PIIOTOGRAPHER'; UC=I.0; 0=0.1. I. I. I. 1 5100 'SR. ARTIST'; UC"I.O; 0'0.1. I, 1. 1. I 5200 'DRIYER'; UC' 1.0; 0= 5300 'PEON'; UC=.8; 0=0.3.3,3.3.3 5400 CATEGORY: OFFICE EXPENDITURE NOTE=-NOn!5; UNIT:' NO'; SA=OTH; OA=OTHX 5500 'DCFS OFFICE'; UC=40.6; 0=0.1. I, I. 1. I 5600 CATEGORY: VEHICLE OPERATION AND "AiNTENANCE; UNIT,,' NO'; SA=YOC; DA=VOCl 5700 'FOUR WHEEl DRIVE'; UC= 18.0; 0-0. I, 1. 1. I. I 5900 'PUBLICITY VAN'; UC=25.0; 0=0.1.1. 1.2.2 6000 CATEGORY: BUILDING NAINTENANCE AND OPERATION; UNIT" NO'; SA'IITC; DA-NTU 6100 'OFFICE Of OCF'; UC=2,5; (1'0. O. 0.1.1. I 6200 CATEGORY: OTHER EXPENDITURE; UNIT=- LS'; SA=OTH; 04=OTHX 6300 - fiElD PUBLICITY. CINE"A SHOWS'; UC=S.O; (1=0. 1. 1. 1. I. 1 Hjn r'tN m "'" Sub" I. HPRIIEAO 100 SPECIAl INSTRUCTIONS; 200 DETAILED TABLES; 300 01l1T $TOTALS, BREAKDOWN, fINANCING; PRINI All 400 SUIIIIARY TABLES: 500 PRI"I ALL 600 FINANCING TABLES: 100 PRINT All 800 ! 900 ! 1000 BASIC INfORIIATlON: 1100 COUNIRY : 'INDIA' 1200 PROJECI = NATIONAL SOCIAL fORESTRY PROdECI 1300 BEGIN YEAR • 0 1400 NUIIBER Of TEARS = 6 1500 lOCAL CURRENCY: "RUPEES' 1600 EXCHANGE RATE 12 1700 ! 1800 ! 1900 ! PRODUCE ECONOIIIC VALUES 2000 ! scr=. 80 2100 ! 2200 ! 2300 ffNANCIERS: 2400 IDA: INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPIIENI ASSOCIATION 2500 USA/Do US AGENCY fOR INIERNATIONAL DEVElOPMENT 2600 GOVT: GOVERNIIENI Of INDIA 2100 ! 2800 DI SBURSEIIENT ACCOUNIS; DL =0 2900 CAIEGORY CWX: CIVIL WORKS; FIN:IDAI. 51 3000 CATEGORY VEHX: VEHICLES; fIN=IDAHU 3100 CAIEGORY EQPX: EQUIPMENT; flN=IOAlfE) 3200 CATEGORY fURl: fURNITURE: fIN=IDA IfEl 3300 tAlEGORY : TRAINING 3400 SUBCAIEGORY TROX: STAff TRAINING DOIIESTlC; FlN=IDA C. 501, USAID I. 501 3500 SUBCAIEGORY TAU: SlAff IRAINING INTERNATIONAL; fIN=/DA I. 501. USAID I. 501 3600 SUBCATEGORY IRCX: CENTRALLY-SPONSORED WORKSHOPS: fIN=IDA 1.501, USAID 1.501 3700 SUBCAIEGORY IRfX: FARMER IRAINING AND EXTENSION; f1N=IDA f. 501. USAID C. SOl 3800 CATEGORY TAX: IECHNICAL ASSISTANCE: FIN=IDAt50I, USIID t 501 3900 CATEGORY SIDI: 'SPECIAL STUDIES AND EVALUATION'; FIN=IDA 1.501. USAID 1.50) 4000 CATEGORY RESX: RESEARCH OPERATION ANO GRANIS TO SAUS: flll=IDA I. 501, USAlO I. 501 4100 CATEGORY: PLANTATION 4110 SUBCATEGORY NUAX: NURSERY OEVELOPIIENI: fIN=IOAl. 601, USAlO 1.30) 4200 SUBCATEGORY FrNX: FARII FORESTRY: fIN=IDA I. 601, USAID (. 301 noo SUBCATEGORY "PX: IREf TENURE PLANTING; FIN=IDA t 60), USAID I. 30) 4400 SUBCAIEGORY CMU: COMMUNITY fOREST; f1N=IDA t 601, USAID I. 30) 4500 SUBCATEGORY I/PCI: NASTElANO PLANTING; fIN=IDA I. 601, USAIO I. 301 4600 CATEGORY fSDI: fUELI/OOD SAVING DEVICES; fIN=IDA I. 60), USAID I. 301 4700 CATEGORY STH: STAff SALARIES: fIN=IDA 1<0.. 5,.41..31,,26,,21>1. USAlO 1<0,.5,.41,,31,.26,.21>1 4800 CATEGORY STAX: STAff TRAVEl ALLOWANCE: fIN=IOA (' 5100 CATEGORY OTHl: OffiCE AND OTHER EXPENOITURE: FIN=IOA 10', USAIO {O) 5200 ! 5300 ! 5400 COMPONENTS: LOCAL CURRENCY SCALE = T; US$ SCALE = T 5500 CAIEGOAY: HIIIACHAL PRADESH 5600 SUBCATEGORY HPOM: ORGANllAIiON ANO "ANAGEIIENT 5100 SUBCAIEGORY HPPT: PHYSICAL TARGETS 5800 SUBCAIEGORY HPRSCH: RESEARCH 5900 SUBelliEGORY HPUT: EXIENSION 6000 S\I8CATEGORY HPTRG: TRAINING 6100 SUBCATEGORY HPPLN: PLANNING 6200 SUBCATEGORY HPIIE: IIONITORING AND EVALUATION ....1(") r1'N 6300 6400 ! ! m 6500 ! 6600 6700 ! PRICE eONIINGENCIES: "'" 6800 ALL: LOCAL=O,. 085,,085,.085,,085,.085: FOREIGN=O,. 056,,076.,08 fOR 3 6900 ! 7000 ! 7100 SUIIMARY ACCOUNTS: PR CON=ALl: lAX RATE-O: ues=I: VS=T: LCA:,0425; rCA=, 012 7200 ! 7300 ! 7400 INVUTIIENT COSTS 7500 ! 7600 CATEGORY CW: CIVIL WORKS; TR'O; FE=.05; PIIY CON=. 10; CF=.66 1100 CATEGORY VEH: VEHICLES; fR:.30: FE'. 20; PHY CON=.05; CF=.66 7800 CATEGORY EQP: EQUIPIIENT; Til:. 20; FE'. 10; PHY CON'. 05; CF=.74 7900 CATEGORY FUR: FURNITURE: TR'.10: FE'O; PHY CON'. 05; CF'.80 8000 CATEGORY: TRAINING; TR=O; FE=O: PHY COli'. 05 8100 SUBCATEGORY TRD: STAFF TRAINING DOIIESTlC; CF=.97 8200 SUBCATEGORY TRI: STAff TRAIMING 'NTERNATlONAl; FE'. 90; CF=.98 8300 SUBCATEGORY TRC: CENTRAllY-SPONSORED WORKSHOPS; CF'. 97 8400 SUBCATEGORY TRF: FARIIER TRAINING AND EXTENSION: Cf'.88 8500 CATEGORY lA: TECHNICAl ASSISTANCE: TR=O; F~=O; PHY COli'. 05; CF=!.O 8600 CATEGORY STo: 'SPECIAL S1UOIES ANO EVALUATION'; TR=O: FE=O: PHY CON=.05; CF:.97 8700 CATEGORY RES: RESEARCII OPERATION AND GRANTS TO SAUS; TR=O: FE=O; PHY CON=.05: CF:.78 8800 CATEGORY: PLANTATION: TR=O: FE:.OI; PIIY CON'. 05: CF'.70 8810 SUBCATEGORY NUR: NURSERY DEVELOPIIENT 8900 SUBCATEGORY H": FARII fORESTRY 9000 SUBCArEGDRY UP: TREE T~NURE PLANTING 9100 SUBCATEGORY Cllf: COIIIIUNITY FOREST 9200 SUBCATEGORY WPC: WASTELAND PLANTATION 9300 CATEGORY fSO: FUELWOOO SAVING OEVICES; 1R'0; FE=O; PHY CON:. 05: Cf=.74 9400 ! 9500 RECURRENT COSTS 9600 ! 9700 CATEGORY SH: STAff SALARIES; JR=O; FE:O; PIIY CON=O; Cf=1. 0 9800 CATEGORY SU: STAff TRAVEl AllOWANCE; 1R:0; fE=O: PHY CoN:O; CF'.82 9900 CATEGORY IITC: BUILDING RENT AND "AINTENANCE; TR=. 10; FE=.05; PHY CON=.05; Cf=.84 10000 CATEGORY VOC: VEHICLE OPERATION AND IIAlIITENANCE; TR=O; FE'. 10; PHY CON:. 05; Cf=.80 10100 CATEGORY OTH: OffICE ANO OTHER EXPENDITURE: TR:O; fE:O; PHY CON:. 05; CF=.84 1"1'1\.) ..../C"'l m .c- SIlb f i I. HPRME 400 Cost TABLE 207: IIONlTORING AND EYALUATION INCl. WOOD BALANCE STUDIES-HIIIACHAL PRADESH; COIIP'HP14E 500 INVEST14ENT COST: 600 CAlEGORY: CIVIL WORKS; UNlT"NO'; SA'CW; DA'CWI 700 SUBCATEGORY: NON RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS 800 'OffiCE OF DCf'; UC'250.0; (1=0. I. O. O. 0.0 900 SUBCATEGORY; RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS 1000 'DCFS RESIDENCE'; UC' 110.0; Q=O. I. O. I. O. 0 1100 'SUPERINTENDENTS HYPE 111'; UC=93.0; (1'0.6. O. 20. O. 0 1200 'PEON. DRIVER. ETC. HYPE II'; UC=75.0; 41'0,3. O. 4. O. 0 1300 CATEGORY: YEHI CtES; UNIT=' NO'; SA'VEH: OA'VEHI 1400 'FOUR WHEEl DRIYE': UC'90.0: (1'0.2,2.2. O. 0 1500 CATEGORY: EQUIPMENT; UNlT='NO'; SA'EQP; DA=EQPl 1600 'TYPEWRITER'; UC'3.0; 41=0.3, O. O. O. 0 1700 'TelEPHONE'; UC'8.0; 41'0.2.0,0, O. 0 1800 '14ICROCOIIPUTER'; UC'200.0: 41'0,0, 1,0, O. 0 1900 'SOFTWARE'; UNlT"LS'; UC=IO.O; (1'0,1,1,1,1,1 2000 'CALCULATORS'; UC- 1.0; 41'0, 1,9,2,2. I 2100 'OTHER EQUIPMENT'; UNI "'LS'; UC'4.4; 41'0. I, I, I. I. I 2200 CATEGORY; FURNITURE; UNIP' SET'; SA'FUR; DA=FURX 2300 'TABtE/CHAIRS ORDINARY'; UC=.6; 41=0.24,14.4,2.2 2400 'TABtE/CHAIRS OffiCERS'; UC=3,0; 41',1.1 2500 'AtMIRAH/CABINEfS'; UC'2,0; 41'0, 10.6, O. O. 0 2600 'BOOKSHelVES'; UC', 6; 41=0,,1 2100 'OTHER FURNITURE'; UNIl"LS'; UC=.6; 0=0. I. 1. I. 1. I 2800 CATEGORY: TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE; UNIT:' NO'; SA'TA; DA'UI 2900 'I1ETHOOOLOGY AND ANALYTICAL TECHNIQUES'; UC=IO, 0; 0'0.1. I, I, 1. I 3000 CATEGORY; 'SPECIAl STUDIES AND EVAtuATTON'; UNIT"LS'; SA=STO; DA'STDX 3100 'WOOD BALANCE FiElD SURVEYS'; UC'150.1); (1=0,1. I, I. I. 1 3200 '101000 BALANCE PREPARAT ION REPORtS, ETC.'; UC'50.0; 0'0. I. I. I, 1. 1 3300 'EVAlUATION SIUDIES'; UC'50,0; (1'0. I. I. 1.1,1 3400 RECURRENt COST: 3500 CATEGORY: SIAFF SALARIES; UNIT" MY'; SA=STF; DA'SlFX 3600 'OY CF'; UC=34.1; 41'0, 1. I, I, I, I 3700 'OY DIRECtOR StATISTICS'; UC=29, I; 0'0.1, I. I, I, 1 3800 'OY 01 RECTOR' NOTE' oNOTl21 ; UC=29. 1; 41'0. I, 1. I, 1. 1 3900 'PROGRAMIIER/StAIISTICIAN'; UC'24.2; 41= 4000 'ACF'; UC'26,8; 41'0.4,4,4,4,4 4100 'FOREST RANGER'; UC'20.6; 0'0.6, 4200 'OY FOREST RANGER'; UC- lB. I; 41=0. 12. 12, 12. 12. 12 4300 'SOCIAL FORESTRY MORKERS'; UC·12.9; 0=0,,24 4400 'STAIISTlCAl ASSISTANI'; UC'18.5; 41=0.8, B. B, 8. 8 4500 'COMPUTORS'; UC'I3. 5; 41'0.3,3.3.3,3 4600 'HEAD DRAFTSMAN'; UC=2 1,2; 41=0. I. 1. 1, I. 1 4700 'SUPT GR. IV'; UC=20.4; 41'0.2.2,2,2.2 4800 'ASSISTANTS'; UC' IS, 1; (1=0. 5. !I, 5. 5, 5 4900 'CLERKIlYPI Sf'; UC' 12.3; 41= 5000 'DRIVER'; UC' 12,3; 41'0,2,4.6,6.6 5100 'PEON'; UC=9,4; 0=0. 11, 17. 17,11.11 5200 'CHOWKIDAI!'; UC=10, 0; 0'0, I, I. I, I, 1 5300 'SWEEPER'; UC'IO, 0; 0'0. I. I. I. I. 1 5400 CAIEGORY: STAff TRAYEl ALLOWANCE; UNII='KY'; SA'STA; DA'STAX 5500 'DY cr'; UC'2.5; 41'0. 1. I. I. I, 1 5600 'DY OIR SIATIPROGRAM"£R'; UC'1. 5; 41'0.3. J. 3, 3, 3 5100' STAT. ASSTlCOltPUlOR'; UC=I, 0; 41= II. 1\ 5800 'ACF'; UC'2. 0; (1= 4. 4 5900 'FOR£ST RANGER'; UC'3.0; Q'O. 6. 6. 6. 6. 6 6000 'DY FOREST RANGER'; UC=2.5; 0=0.12, 6100 'SOCIAL FORESTRY MORKERS'; UC'2.0; 0',24.24 6200 'DRTVER'; UC't. 0; 41=0.2,4.6.6, 6 6300 'PEON'; UC=.8; 41'0, 17. 11. 11. 17. 17 6400 CAIEGORY; OFFICE EXPENDITURE 1I01E'oNOT£l5; UNIT='LS'; UC=ISO.O; 0= I. I; SA=OTH; DA'OfHX 6500 CATEGORY: VEHICLE OPERATION AND "AINIENAHCE; UNIT=' NO'; SA=VOC; DA'VOCI HIC"l I"tN 6600 'FOUR WHEEl DRIVE'; UC' 18. 0; 41=0.2,4.6.6,6 6700 CATEGORY; BUILDING OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE; UNIT='NO'; SA'MTC; DA'IITCl m 6800 'OFFICE OF DCF'; UC'2.S; 0=0.0.0,1.1.1 l:'- 6900 'OCFS RESIDENCE'; UC=2.2; 0'0, O. 0.1. I. 1 1000 'SUPERINTENDENTS OFF ICE ITYPE II": UC= 1.9; (1=0. 0, O. 6, 6. 26 7100 'DCF /ACF'; UC=2. 2: 41=0, 0, o. 0, O. 1 7200 'CLERKS, DRIVERS. SFWS. PEONS flYPE 11'; UC=I.5; 41'0. O. O. 3, 3. 3 Subf lie "PROII 300 COST TABLE 201: ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT-HIMACHAL PRADESH; COMP=HPOM 400 INVESTMENT COST: 500 CATEGORY; CIVil HORKS; SA=CH; DA=CMX 600 SUBCATEGORY: NON RES1DEIHIAl BUILDINGS 700 'Off ICE 01 APDL CCI'; UMIT =' NO'; UC=250.0; 0=0, I, O. 0, O. 0 800 'OfFICE 01 Cf'; UNIT='NO'; UC=250.0; ~=O,I,O,O.O.O 900 SUBCATEGORY; RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS; UNIT='NO' 1000 'DCFS RESIDENCE'; UC=1I0.0; 0=0,0, I, O. O. 0 1100 'Off I CE SUPT 01 ACCF ~TYPE III'; IIC=93.0; 0=0. O. 5. O. O. 0 1200 'Off ICE SliP' OF Cf II YPE Ill'; IIC=93.0; Q=O. 0, 3, O. O. 0 1300 'PEON. DRIVERS. ETC. (TYPE U'; llC=75.0; 0=0. O. 5. 0, O. 0 1400 CATEGORY: VEHICLES; UNIT" NO'; SA=VEH; DA=VEHX 1500 'CAR'; UC= 100.0; 0=0. 2. 0, O. 0, 0 1800 'FOUR HHEEL DRIVE'; IIC=90.0; 0=0, I, O. 0.0,0 1100 CATEGORY; EOUIP"ENT; UNIT=' NO'; SA=EOP; DA=EOPX 1800 SUBCATEGORY: OffiCE OF ADDL CCF 1900 • CO"PUTER'; UC= 150. 0: 0=0. O. I, 0, 0, 0 2000 'HPEHRI TEA'; UC=3.0; 0=0.2. O. O. O. 0 2100 'TELEPHONE'; IIC=8.0; 0=0.2. O. O. O. 0 2200 'PHOTOCOPIER'; UC: 100. 0; (1=0. I. O. O. O. 0 2300 'DUPLICATOA'; UC=20.0; 0=0. I, O. 0, 0, 0 2400 'OTHERS'; UC= 18.0; 0=0. I. 1. I. 1. 1 2500 SUBCATEGORY; OFF I CE OF CF 2600 'TYPEWRITER'; IIC=3.0; 0=0.2. O. O. O. 0 2100 'TElEPHONE'; UC=8. 0; 0=0. 1.0, 0, O. 0 2800 'PHOTOCOPIER'; UC=100.0; (1=0.1. O. O. 0, 0 2900 'DUPliCATOR'; UC=20.0; (1=0,1. O. O. 0, 0 3000 'POCkET CALCULATOR'; UC= 1.0; 0=0.3.2, I. 1. I 3100 'OTlIERS EOUIPMENT'; IIC=4.0; (1=0,1. I, 1. I. I 3200 CATEGORY: fURNITURE; liN IT =' NO'; SA=FUR; OA'FURX 3300 SUBCATEGORY: Off J CE OF AOOl CCf 3400 'SOFA SET'; UC'5.0; 0=0,0, O. 1. 0.0 3500 'TABLE/CHAIAS ORDINARY'; IIC=.6; 0=,0 3600 'TABLE/CHAIRS OFFICERS'; UC'3.0; 0= 3700 'ALftIRAH'; IIC=2.0; (1=0. 10. O. 1.3,3 . 3800 '800KSHEl VES'; UC'.6; (1=0. O. 1,0,4.8 3900 SUBCA lEGORY: OFF I CE OF CF 4000 • OFF I CEAS TABLES'; UC=4.0; 0=0. 2. O. O. O. 0 4100 • TABLE/CHAIRS ORDINARY'; UC=.6; 0=0. 10,0,0, O. 0 4200 • Al"IRAH'; UC=2.0; 0=0. 0.1. 1,2,2 4300 'BOOKSflEl YES'; UC=. 6; 0=0.0, 1.2. o. 1 4400 'OTHER fURNITIIRE'; UC=.3; 0=0. O. I, I. I. 1 4500 RECURRENT COSTS: 4600 CATEGORY: STAff SALARIES; UNIT='"Y'; SA=STF; DA=STFX 4700 SUBCATEGORY; OFFICE OF AOOL CCF 4800 'AODL CCf'; UC=54. 6; 0=0. I. I, 1. I. I 4900 'OY CF'; UC=34.7; Q=O, 1. 1. I, I. I 5000 'SUPT GR. I'; UC=25.4; (1=0, I. I. 1. I. 1 5100 'SUPT GR. IV'; IIC=20.4; (1=0,3.3.3,3,3 5200 'ASSISTANTS'; UC= 18.7; (1=0, 5300 'CLERK/TYPISTS'; UC·I2.3; 0= S. 5 5400 'STENOGRAPHER'; UC= 18.7; 0=0. I. I. I. I, 1 5500 'STENOTYPIST'; UC=12.3; 0=0.1.1. I, I, I 5600 'lAMAOAR/PEON'; IIC: 10.0; 0=0. 1. 1. I, I. I 5100 'PEON'; IIC=9. 4; 0=0.5,5. 5. 5, 5 5800 'CHONKIDAR'; U&=10.0; 0=0. 1. I. I. 1. 1 5900 'ORI VER'; UC=12.3; 0= 2, 2 6000 • SHEEPER'; uc= 10. 0; 0=0. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1 6100 SUBCATEGORY: OFFICE OF CF t-r1C') r1' ,.", 6200 'CF'; IIC=44. 1; 0=0. 1. 1. 1. I, 1 6300 'SUPT GR. II'; UC'24. I; (1=0. I. I. I. I, I m 6400 'SUPT GA. IV'; UC=20.4; 0=0.2,2.2,2.2 .pol 6500 'ASSI STANTS'; UC= 18. 7; 0= 6600 'STENOGRAPHER'; UC= 18. 7; (1=0. I. I, I. I. I 6700 'CLEAK/TYPIST'; UC= 12.3; (1=0.5.5,5,5.5 6800 'ZAKADAR/PEON'; UC= 10.0; 0=0. I. 1. 1. I. I 6900 'PEON'; UC=9.4; 0=0.4.4, 4. 4. 4 7000 'DRIVER'; IIC= 12.3; 0=0. I, 1. 1. I. 1 7100 CATEGORY: STAff TRAVEl ALLOHANCE; UNIT='"Y'; SA=STA; OA=SIAl 1200 'AOOL eCf'; UC=] - ~=O, I. I. I. 1. 1 7300 'CF'; UC=3.0; 0 )1. I. I 1400 'OCf'; IIC=2.5; I. I. , 7500 'DRI VER'; UC= 1. ~. • 3, 3. 3, 3. 3 7600 'PEON'; UC=.8; ' . • t. 7. 7, 7 7100 CATEGORY: OHICE EXPENDITURE NOfE=.NOf£15; UNIT='NO'; SA'OTII; OA=OfHI 7800 'OffiCE Of AOOL CCf'; UC=54.7; (1'0. I, 1. I. I. 1 7900 'OffiCE Of Cf'; UC=36.0; Q=O.I. 8100 CATEGORY: VEHICLE OPERATION AND "AIHTENANCE; UNIT =' NO'; SA'YOC; OA=YOCI 8200 'CAR'; UC;20.0: Q-O. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2 8300 'fOUR WHEEl DRIVE'; UC= 18. 0; Q=O. 1. 1. 1. I. 1 8400 CATEGORY: BUILDING MAINTENANCE AND OPUATlON; UNIT=' NO': SA="fe: OA=InCI 8500 'Off t CE Of ADOL CCf AND Cf'; UC=5.0; Q=O. O. 0, 2. 2. 2 8600 • OCfS RESt OEIICE'; UC'22. 0; Q=O. 0, 0, I. I, 1 8700 'TYPE II QUART ERS'; UC= 1. 9; Q=O, o. O. 8. 8, 8 8800 'TYPE I QUARTERS'; UC= 1. 5; Q=O, o. O. 5. 5. 5 . . In "tv m .I:'- S....,fl1. ItPRONFO 300 COST faBLE 202; ORGAN1lATlON AND MANAGEMENT-FiElD OPERATlONS'HIMACHAL PRADESH; CONP=HPO" 400 INVESTMENT COST: 500 CATEGORY: CTVIL WORKS; UNn.'NO'; SA'CW; DA'CWl 600 'ACF RESIDENCE': UC=1I0.0; 0·0, 700 • fRlDY RANGE/FG (TYPE III'; UC=93.0; 0·0,36,46.24,46.45 800 'PEON/DRIVER. ETC. CTYPE I)': UC·75.0; 0=, 10. 12 900 CATEGORY: VEHICLES; UNIT:' NO'; SA:VEH; DA=VEIII 1000 'VAil'; ue=125.0; 0=,7 1100 'IIOTORCYCLE'; UC= 10. 5; 0=0. 75. 25.25. 25. 25 1200 'TRUCKS'; UC:250.0; Q=O. 5, 3. O. O. 0 1300 CATEGORY: EOUIPMENT; UNI1='IIO'; SA:EQP; DA=EQPI 1400 'TYPEWRTTER'; ue·3.0; 0=0. 35. o. O. O. 0 1500 'PLANTATION EOUI P'; UC=20.0: 0' 1600 'OTHER £OUI PNENT'; UNI T=' lS'; UC=9. 8; 0=0. 35, 35. 35. 35. 35 1700 CATEGORY: FURliITURE; UNIT=' SET': SA=fUR; DA=FURl 1800 'TABlE/CHAI RS ORDINARY'; UC=.4; 0= 1900 'fABLE/CItAIRS OffICERS'; UC=I.O; 0= 2000 • ALNIRAIt/BOOKSHELVES'; UC=.6; 0:0.23. O. O. O. 0 2100 'OTIIER fURNITURE'; UNIT='lS'; UC·.3; 0=0. I. I. 1. I. I 2200 RECURRENT COST: 2300 CATEGORY: STAFF SALARIES; UNIT"NY'; SA=SH: DA=STFl 2400 'ACF'; UC=26.8; 0=0. 35. 35. 35. 35. 35 2500 'FOREST RANGER'; UC=20.6; 0= 2600 'OY RANGERS': UC= 18. I; 0=0. 70. 70, 70. 70, 70 2700 'SOCIAL FORESTRY WORKERS'; UC·12.9; 0.0.350.350,350.350.350 2800 'CLERK/TYPIST'; UC=12.3; 0=0.175,175.175.175,175 2900 'PEON'; UC=9.4; 0'0. lOS, 105. 105, 105. 105 3000 'DRIVEI!'; UC·12.3; Q=O, 7, 14.21.28,35 3100 CATEGORY: SfAFF TRAYEl AllOMANCE; UN I' :' "Y'; SA=STA; OA=STAI 3200 'ACF'; UC=2.0; 0·0,35.35,35.35.35 3300 'FOREST RANGER'; UC=3. 0; 0=0. 70, 70, 70, 70. 70 3400 'OY RAIIGERS'; UC=2.5; 0=0.70.70,70.70.70 3500 'SOCIAL FORESTRY MORKERS'; UC=2.0; 0=0. 350. 350. 350, 350, 350 3600 'PEON'; UC=.8; 0=0. 105, 105. 105. 105. 105 3700 'DRIYER'; uc=eo; 0= 3800 CATEGORY: OFFICE EXPENDITURE IIOTE=-NOTEI5; UNIT=*LS*; UC.38.8; Q=O, 35. 35.35. 35, 35; SA'OTIt; DA=OTHl 3900 CATEGORY: VEHICLE OPERATION AND "AINTENANCE; UNIT·' NO'; SA=YOC: DA=VOCl 4000 'VAN'; UC=25.0; 0=0,7, 4100 '"OTORCYCLES'; UC=3.0; 0'0,75.100.125. 150. 175 4200 • TRUCKS'; UC=20.0; 0'0.5,8. O. 0, 0 4300 CATEGORY: BUILDING NAINlENANCE; UN\T='NO'; SA=NTC; DA'NlCl 4400 • ACfS RESIDENCE'; UC=2.2; 0=0.0, O. 1,3,4 4500 • TYPE II OUARTER'; UC= I. 9; 0=0. O. 0, 36. 82. 106 4600 'TYPE I QUARTER'; HC·1. 5; 0=0. O. O. 4. 12. 18 ~ n f'? N m Subfile HPRPT 300 COST TABLE 203: PItYSICAL TARGETS-HII1ACHAL PRADESH: CO"P=HPPT 400 INVESTMENT COST: 600 CATEGORY: fARM FORESTRY AND NURSERY DUElOP"EMT; SA=HN; DA=ffNX 800 SUBCATEGORY: AGRO fORESTRY AND FAR" IIOODLOTS; UNIT=' "ILL': SA=NUR; DA=NURl 900 • NURSERY COST OF PLANTS'; UC=500.0; Q= 12. 14. 16. 18.20.0 1000 'DISTRIBUTION COST'; UC=!iOO.O; Q=0.12.14. 16.18.20 1100 SUBCATEGORY: PRIVATE IIASTElANO PLANTING; UNIT:' HA' 1200 'ADVANCE PREPARAIION'; UC=. 25; 0=2100. 23!i0. 2600. 2850. 3100.0 1300 'PROJECTION 1ST YEAR'; UC=I.35; 0=0.2100, 23!i0. 260Q. 2850. 3100 1400 • PROTECTION 2ND YEAR'; UC=.09; Q=O. O. 2100, 2350. 2600.2850 1500 • PROTECTION 3110 YEAR'; UC'.09; Q=O. 0, O. 2100. 2350. 2600 1600 'PROTECTION 4TH YEAR': UC=.09; 0=0, O. 0, O. 2100, 2350 1700 • PROTECTION 5TH YEAR'; UC=.09; Q=O. 0, 0, 0, 0, 2100 1800 CATEGORY: IREE TENURE FOR POOR AND LANDLESS; UNIP'I1IU'; SA=NUR; DA=NURX 1900 SU8CATEGORY: GROUP FARM FORESTRY 2000 'NURSERY COST Of PLANTS': UC=500: Q=.07 .. 19 .. 25 .. 30.. 44, 0 2100 'DISTRIBUT ION COST': UC=500; Q=O,. 07, . 19, . 25,.30, . 44 2200 CATEGORY: COMMUNITY fORESTS: UNIf='HA'; SA=Cl1f; DA=C"fl 2300 SUBCATEGORY: CON"UNITY WOODLOTS (SElf HHP) 2400 'ADVAIICE PREPARAT ION'; UC'1. 35; Q:O, '00, 150,200,250.300 2500 ',PROTECTlOII 1ST YEAR'; UC=I.89; 0'0,100. 150,200.250.300 2600 'PROTECTION 2ND YEAR'; UC'.30; Q=O.O, 100, 150,200,250 2700 'PROJECT ION 3RD YEAR': UC=.20; Q'O, 0, O. 100. 150,200 2800 'PROTECT ION 4TH YEAR'; UC'. 17; Q=O. 0, 0, 0, 100, 150 2900 'PROTECTION 5TH YEAR'; UC=.09; Q=O. 0, O. 0, 0, 100 3000 SUBCATEGORY; COI1l1UNITY 1I00DLOTS (RAINHO) 3100 'ADVANCE PREPARATION'; UC= 1. 35: Q=6750. 7250. 8000, 8750, 9250. 0 3200 'ESTABLlSH"ENT IS T YEAR'; UC= 1. 89; Q=O, 6750.7250. 8000, 8750, 9250 3300 'PROTECT ION 2ND YEAR'; UC=.30; Q=O. 0, 6750, 7250. 8000. 8750 3400 'PROTECIION 3RO YfAR'; UC=.20; Q=O, 0, 0.6750,7250.8000 3500 'PROTECT ION 4TH YEAR': UC=. '7; Q=O. 0, O. O. 6750, 7250 3600 'PROJECTION 5TH YEAR'; UC=.09: 41'0,0,0,0,0,6750 3700 CATEGORY; WASTELAND PLANTATIONS fOR CONMUNITY NEEDS 3900 SU8CA1EGORY: REHABILITATION Of DEGRADED fOREST LANDS; UNIT='HA'; SA=WPC; OA=NPCl 4000 'ADVANCE PREPARATION'; UC'1. 35; Q=750, 750, 1000, 1250, '250,0 4100 'ESTA811SHHENT 1ST YEAR'; UC=1.89; Q=O, 750, 750.1000,1250,1250 4200 'PROTECTION 2ND YEAR'; UC=.30; Q=O, 0, 750, 750, '000. 1250 4300 'PROTECT ION 3RD YEAR'; UC=.20: Q=O, 0.0,750,750, 1000 4400 'PROTECTION 4TH YEAR'; UC=.I7: Q=O, 0, 0,0. 750, 750 4500 'PROTECTION 5TH YEAR'; UC=.09; Q=O, 0, o. 0, 0, 750 4600 CAIEGORY: FUElIiOOD SAVING DEVICES: UNII='NO'; SA=fSD; DA=fSDX 4700 'DEHONS1RAT ION CHULHAS' NOTE=-NOTE.6; UC'.075; Q=O, '000, 1000, 10,00, 1000,0 4800 'PRESSURE COOI\ERS' NOTE=.NOIEI7 ; UC=.07; Q=O, 300. 400, 400. 300, 0 4900 'IMPROVED CREMATORIA'; UC:S. 0: Q:O, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 Min rt N /I) a +'- Subf il. HPRRSCH 300 COST TABLE 204: SEED RESEARCH-HHIACHAl PRADESH; COIIP:HPRSCH 400 IMYEST"ENT COST: 500 CATEGORY: CIVIL WORKS; bNIT='MO'; SA=CW; DA:CWX 600 'OFFICE OF DY CF'; UC<250.0; 0:0, 1. 0, 0, 0, 0 700 'OCF /ACf RERS I DENCE'; UC:110. 0; 0=0, 0.0, I, 0, 0 800 • fR/DY RANGE/SfW!TYPE I 11'; UC=93.0; 0=0, O. 0, 6, 0, 0 900 'PEON/DRIYER ETC. ITYPE II'; UC=75.0: Q=O. 0, 0, 2, 0, 0 1000 'SEED STORES': UC=30.0; Q=O, 8,0,0,0,0 1100 CATEGORY: YEHICLES; UMIT =' NO'; SA'VEH; OA=YEHX 1200 • fOUR WHEEL DRI VE'; UC=90.0; Q=O, I, 0, 0.0,0 1300 • VAH': UC= 125. 0; Q=O,O, 1,0,0,0 1400 CATEGORY: EQUIPMENT; UNIT='MO'; SA=EOP; OA=EOPl 1500 'TYPEWRITER'; UC=l.O; 0=0, 1,0,0,0,0 1600 'CALCULATORS'; bC=5.0: Q=O, 5. 5. O. 0, 0 1700 'TELEPHONE'; UC=8.0; 0=0. 1,0,0,0,0 1800 ' 30 " LADDER'; UC·l. 0; 0=0,2,0,0,0,0 1900 'SAfETY TAPES'; bC=2.0; 0=0, 1,0,0,0,0 2000 'TAPES. DISKS. ETC.': UNIT=' LS'; UC=IO.O; Q=O, 1,0,0,0,0 2100 'ALJIMETER'; UC=. 9; 0=0, 1,0, O. 0, 0 2200 'COMPASS'; bC: I. 0; 0=0,2,0, O. 0, 0 2300 'STEREOSCOPE'; UC=. S; Q:O, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0 2400 '"ICROSCOPE'; UC=1. 0; 0:0, 1,0,0,0,0 2500 'SACKS, CONTAINERS, ETC. FOR SEEDS'; UNIT" LS'; UC:20.0: 0=0, 1,0,0, O. 0 2600 CATEGORY: FURNITURE; UNIT" SET'; SA=FUR: DA=FURX 2700 'TABLE/CHAIRS OROINARY'; UC=.6; 0=0,5,3,0,0,0 2800 'TABLE/CHAIRS OFFICERS'; UC:3.0; 0=0,1,0,0.0,0 2900 'AL"I RAH/BOOKSHEL YES': UC=2. 0; Q=O. O. 2, I, O. 0 3000 'OTHER FURNITURE'; UC=.2; 0=0, I. I, 1. I, 1 3100 CATEGORY: RESEARCH PRUGRA"S; UNIT:' LS'; SA=RES; DA=RESX 3200 'RESEARCH BY fD ANO SAUS'; UC=50.0; 0<0,. 5, I, I, I, 1 3300 RECURRENT COST: 3400 CATEGORY; STAff SAlARIES; UNIT=' "Y'; SA=SH; OA=SHX 3500 'OY Cf'; UC:l4. 7; 0=0, I. I. I, I, 1 3600 'fOREST RANGER'; UC=20.6; 0=0, 3700 • OY RANGERS'; UC= 18. I; 0=0,4,4,4.4,4 3800 'SOCIAL fORESTRY WORKER'; UC= 12. 9; 0=0.8,8,8,8.8 3900 'ASSISTANT'; UC=IB.5; 0=0, I. I, I. I, 1 4000 'CLERK/TYPIST': UC= 12.3; 0=0,2.2,2,2,2 4100 'PEON'; UC=9. 4; 0=0. 4. 4, 4, 4, 4 4200 'DRIVER'; UC=12. l; 0=0, I. I. I, 1. 1 4300 'CHMIDAR'; UC= 10.0; 0=0, I, I, I, 1. 1 4400 'SWEEPER'; ue= 10.0; 0=0, I, I, I, I, 1 4500 CATEGORY: STafF TRAVEL ALLONANCE; UNIT='"Y'; SA=STA; DA=STU 4600 'DY CP; UC=2.5; 0=0. I. I, I. I. 1 4700 'FOREST RANGER'; UC=3.0; 0=0.2.2,2,2.2 4BOO 'DY RANGERS'; UC=2.5; 0= 4900 'SOCIAL FORESTRY WORKER'; UC=2.0; Q=O, 8,8.8,8. B 5000 'PEON'; UC=.8: 0:0,4,4.4,4,4 5100 'ORIVER'; UC=1.0; 0-0,1.2,2,2,2 5200 CATEGORY: OffiCE EXPENDITURE MOTE=-MOTEIS; UNIT:'NO'; UC=175. B; 0=0,1,1. I, I. I; SA=OTH; DA=OTHI S300 CATEGORY: VEHICLE OPERATION AND "AlNTf!.ANCE; UNIT=' NO': SA=VOC; DA=VOCX 5400 'FOUR WHEEL DRIVE'; UC=IB.O: 0=0,0.1,1.1.1 S402 'VAN'; uc= 18.0; 0=0,0,0, I. 1. I 5500 CATEGORY; BUILDING OPERATION AND "AINTENANC£; UNIT=' NO'; SA="TC; DA="TCI 5BOO 'OffiCE OF DCP; UC=2.5; 0=0,0,0, I. 1. 1 5900 'OCF /ACF RESIDENCE'; UC=2. 2; 0=0,0,0,0, O. 2 6000 'SUPT, ETC., OffiCES !TYPE III'; UC= I. 9; Q=O. 0, 0, 0, 0, 26 6100 'PEON, DRIVER, ETC, HYPE II';' UC= I. s: 0=0,0,0, O. 0, 6 6200 6300 'SEED STORES'; UC: 1.2; Q=O, 0, 8, B. 8,8 CATEGORY: OTHER OPERATING EIPE"DITURE; UNIT=' LS'; Sl=OTH; DA-OTHI f-otjC'l I"t f',,) 6400 'LABOR FOR SEED COLl. BY DEPT.'; UC=80.0: 0=0. I. I. I, I, I ~ J:).. Subf; Ie HPRIOI 100 READ FRO" HPRHEAD 200 READ FRO" HPDAIGEN 300 READ FRO" HPRO" 400 READ FRO" HPRO"FO 500 READ FRO" HPRPI 600 READ FRO" HPRRSCH 700 READ FRO" HPRElT 800 READ FRO" HPRTRG 900 READ FRO" HPR"E 1-11(') rt N m ,f>-' 7600 • fOUR WHEEl DRIVE'; uc= 18.0; 0=0. O. I. I, I, I 7100 • VAN'; UC=2!i. 0; 0=0, O. 1. I. I. I 7800 CATEGORY: BUILDING OPERATlDN AND MAINTENANCE; UNIl='NQ'; SA'MlC; ":MTU 7900 'OffiCE Of DCf'; UC:2.5; 0=0.0, O. I, I, I 8000 • OCF/ACf RESIDENCE'; UC;2.2; 0;0,0,0, O. 0, 2 8100 • TYPE II QUARtERS'; UC:" 9; Q=O, 0, 0, 0, 4,4 8200 • HPE I QUARtERS'; UC:" 5; Q;O, 0, O. 0, 4, 4 . \0 .m rtN ~ 'J Subfll. HPRTRG 300 COST fABLE 206: TRAINING-HIMACHAL PRAOESH; COMP~IIPTRG 400 INVESTMENT COST: 500 CATEGORY: CIVIL WORKS; UNIT" NO'; SA'CII: DA=CIIX 600 'OffiCE OF DY cr'; UC'250.0: 0=0,1,0,0,0,0 700 'OCF /ACf RESIDENCE'; UC= 110. 0; 0=0.0, I, O. 0, 0 800 'fR/DY RANGE/Sfll HYPE Ill'; UC=93.0; 0=0,0,4,0, O. 0 900 'PEON/DRIVER, ETC. HYPE I)'; UC=75.0; Q~O,O.4,O.O.O 1000 CATEGORY: VEH ICLES: UNIT =' NO'; SA=VEH; DA=VEHX 1100 'FOUR WHEEl DRIVE'; UC=90.0; 0=0,0, I, O. O. 0 1200 'VAN fOR TRAINEES': UC=125.0: 0=0. O. I. O. 0, 0 1300 CATEGORY: [QUI PREIIT; UNIT =' NO'; SA~EOP; DA=EQPX 1400 'fYPENRI TER'; UC~3. 0; 0=0. 1.0, O. O. 0 1500 'TELEPHONE'; UC=8.0; 0=0. I. O. 0, O. 0 1600 'DUPLICATOR'; UC~20. 0; 0=0. 1.0,0, O. 0 1700 'COLORED TElEVISION'; UC=lO.O; 0=0.0, I, O. O. 0 1800 'SLIDE PROJECTOR'; UC=50.0; 0=0,0,0, 1,0,0 1900 'SURVEY INSTRUMENT'; UC= 10.0: 0=0, 1,1.1. I. I 2000 'SLEEPING BAGS'; UC=2.0; 0=0,0,5,2,2. I 2100 'TENT S-DRDINARY'; UC=2.5; 0=0. O. 4. 3. 2, 1 2200 'TENTS-OFfiCERS'; UC=5.0; 0'0. I. 1. 1. 1.0 2300 'COMPASS': UC=.5; 0=, 1 2400 • CAMERA-ORDINARY'; UC=5.0; 0=0, 1.0, 1.0,0 2500 'OTHER TRAINING AIDS'; UC= 18.0; 0'0. I. I. I. I. 1 2600 CATEGORY: fURNIlURE; UNIT=' SET'; SA=fUR; DA=fURX 2700 'TABLE/CHAIRS ORDINARY'; UC=.6; 0'0. 10,3,2. 1.0 2800 'TABLE/CHAIRS Off I CERS'; UC=3. 0; 0=0. 3. 0, 0, 0, 0 2900 'ALMIRAH/BOOKSHElVES'; UC=.6; 0=0,4,3, I, I, I 3000 'OTHER fURNITURE'; UC=.4; 0'0, I, I. I, 1 3100 CATEGORY: TRAINING; UNIT"NO' 3200 SUBCATEGORY: STAff TRAINING DOMESTIC; SA=TRD; DA=TRDX 3300 • Aer TMO YEAR COURSE' NOTE= .NOTE 19 : UC= 16.0: 0'0.0,4.8,8,8 3400 'Aef EXTENSION TRAINING'; UC=6.0; Q=O, 5, 5, 10. 10.5 3500 'fOREST RANGER EXT. TRG. '; UC=5.0; 0=0,10,25.25,25.25 3600 • DY RANGER EXI. TRG.': UC=3.0: 0=0,25,25.40,30,30 3700 'SfM EXI. TRG.'; UC=3.0; 0=0,60. 110. 110, 110. 110 3800 'DEV. Of EXT. COURSES fOR STAff. HIRING Of fACULTY',' 3900 'AND PlYMENT TO INSTI TUlIONS, ETC.'; UNII =' LS': UC=50.0: 0=0. I. I, I. I. 1 4000 'EXT. TAG. fOR fARMERS 13-DAYSI. VOLlGS', & 4100 • AND AE STAff, ETC.' NOTE=.NOT120 ; UC=6. 0; O~O, 35. 70, 70. 70, 70 4200 'TRAINING Of EXTENSIONI STS' NOlE=.NOTE 18; UC=.20; 0=0, 15. IS, O. 0, 0 4300 'LOCAL fElLOWSHIPS-ACf AND ABOVE'; UNI T='lS'; UC~ 10.0; 0=0.0,7,8,8,7 4400 • STUOY TOURS fOR fORESI RANGERS'; UNIT=' LS'; UC=5.0; 0=0.5,5,7,7.6 4500 SUBCATEGORY: STAff TRAINING INTERNATIONAL; SA=TAI; DA=TAU 4600 'INTERNATIONAL fElLOWSHIPS-ACf AND ABOVE'; UNIT='LS'; UC=75.0; 0'0.0,3,3,3,3 4100 'OVERSEAS SEMINARS AND WORKSHOPS'; UNlT='LS'; UC=50.0; 0=0, I. I, I. I, 1 4800 SUBCATEGORY: CENTRALLY SPONSORED WORKSHOPS; SA=TRC; DA=TRCI 4900 'SEMINARS AND MDRKSIIOPS'; UNII"LS'; UC=7.0; 0'0.2,2,2.2,2 5000 RECURRENT COST: 5100 CATEGORY: STAff SALARIES; UNIT='MY'; SA=SH; DA=STfX 5200 • DY Cf': UC=34. 1; O~O, I. I. 1. I. 1 5300 'ACF'; UC=26.8; 0=0.2,2.2,2,2 5400 'fOREST RANGER'; UC=20,6; 0'0.4.4,4.4,4 5500 • DY RANGERS'; UC= 18. 1; 0=0, 1. I, I. I, 1 5600 'SOCIAL FORESTRY WORKER'; UC=12.9; 0'0.2,2.2.2,2 5700 'HEAD DRAftSMAN'; UC=21. 2; 0=0, 1. 1. I. 1. 1 5800 'JR. ENG INEER'; UC=21. 2; 0=0, I, I, I, I, I 5900 'SUP!. GR. IV'; UC=20.4; Q=O, I. I, I, I, 1 ~ 6000 'ASSISTANTS'; UC=18.7; 0=0. I. I. I. I, I n 6100 'ClERKITYPISTS'; uc= 12.3; 0=0,3,3,3,3,3 1'1' I'-.) 6200 6300 'PEON'; UC=9. 4; 0=0. 10, 10, 10, 10, 10 'CHONK I DAR/SMEEPER'; UC= 10. 0; 0=0. 2. 2. 2, 2, 2 ~ 6400 'DRIVER'; UC=12, 3; O~O,O. 2, 2,2, 2 6500 CATEGORY: STAff TUVEl ALLOWANCE; UIIII='MY'; SA'STA; DA=STU 6600 'Of CF'; UC=2.5; 0=0, I, I. I, 1. 1 6700 'ACf'; U&=2.0; 0'0,2,2,2,2.2 68DO 'fOREST RANGER'; UC=3.0; 0'0,4.4.4,4.4 6900 • DY RANGERS'; UC=2.5; Q=O, I, I, I, I, I 7000 'SOCIAL fORESTRY WORKER'; UC:2 0; 0=0,2,2,2,2.2 7100 'DRIVER': UC=1.0; 0=0,0,2,2.2.2 7200 'PEON'; UC=.8; 0=0, 10, 10. 10, 10. 10 7300 'JR. ENGI NEER'; UC= 1. 0; 0=0, I. I, 1. I, 1 7400 CATEGORY: OffiCE EXPENDITURE NOTE=.NOTEIS; UNIT ='110' ; UC=50.6; 0=0, I. I, I, 1. I; SA=OTH; DA=OTHX 7500 CUEGORY: VEHICLE OPERAlJON AND MAINTENANCE; UNlT='NO'; SA=VDC; DA=YOCI /"srl '} I 11"1"1 u/beverlyb/NATSOCFOR/bpmod 3. 5 .6 4-29-85 Pag" 1 STATE: HlHACllAL PRADESH MODEL: Govt/Panchllyat 1~"steland8 - Planting by Forest Department {Models B2: Group farm forestry, Government Land C1 & C2: Community Woodluts Panchayat or Department Managed, D1: Rehabilitated Degraded Areas PER HECTARE ANALYSIS (W liOIlEL COSTS, ANNUAL 0.100 trees/hal Montb I ITEM of Ilurk! Unit _ _ !!I!ILgOSTS (Rs) __ _ -.1 __ .. TQT~L=COSTS (~al =-:::. ___ _F_ ~_--. -1 When I Work I Expend i t 11),(' lIa, M, Kg. Mt No. of Units Labour _'-Materials _, Vehicle . , , , MD 'Cost , Qty , Coat , Cost I , , MD ICost 'Qty I Coat I ' ___ L _ I _, . , I Total , Labour"-=" Matj!riai!1. _, Vehicles' Total' Panchayat's Phy , T. R. , 'Share of Total Cont I _ _ , _f:!.ostlL!!L % I , ----1 Done L' etc. I L. I % - YE!R_O Oct.- Nur Bery Se,'d I i 111\ no. 1,100 0.035 0.35 var 0.15 0.50 38.5 385 var 165 '550 5/ 550 6 1.2 Mar. Mar.- Land Preparat iOIl 1/ md 80 10 10 80 800 I 800 400 6 Total Yr 0 118.5 1I85 165 1350 950 6 0.5 YE!R 1 Apr.- Fencing - Hal. (]w) kg 100 8 8 100 800 800 1/ 800 6 4 Hay - ),,,hor md 20 10 10 20 200 200 100 6 - Trnllspo rt 275 275 5/ 275 or !;"nd lings June- - PI'''ll ing 2/ md 55 10 10 55 550 550 275 6 Sept. also Jan.- Mar. Oct.- Nursery S('"d I i Ill'," md 120 0.035 0.35 var 0.15 0.50 4.2 42 var 18 60 1/ 60 6 1.2 Mar. for Beating lip in Year 2 Total Yr 1 79.2-792 818 275 1885 1510 6 2.0 -------.-- YEAR 2 Incentive for S""dlillg Survival (00)* 300 11 Ju1y- Weeding/Glenn i "l> '}/ md 45 10 10 !!L. 450 _ 450 __ 6 Oct. Total Yr 2 45 450 (00)* 750 6 -----. YEAR..] Incentivl' for '~"r:dl ing Survival (200)* 200 5/ June- Weeding/CI ("III i,,)\ md 28 10 10 2fl 280 280 6 t-t10 rt N Oct. Total Yr 3 28 280 - (200)* 480 6 m ::-. '. Page 2 STATE: HIHACIIAL PRADESII MODEL: Govt/r.1ncll"yar Wastelands - Planting by Forest Department Community Woodlots - (Pauchayat/Dept. Managed) PER IIECTARE AlIAIY~'!S OF MODEL COSTS, ANNUAL N" 1.100 treeslha - Month I ITE~1 II I II< 'rk I Unit I UNIT COSTS (Re) TOTAL COSTS (R~'--'--'--- When I Expend iton' lIa, M, I No. of Materials I-Vehicle Total r ~bol!r _1 !!aterials I Vehicles I r;;t~l I F.E. Phy T. R. Work I I Kg, Mt I Units Qty -'C~-;t-' Cost I I MD ICost I Qty I Cost I fiRe. Cont % 1!0 ll£J - , _ 1 _£le. __ , 1_ I I ___ J -1 I r 1_ 1 _ _I _ -.h YEAR l, Year ROIII)'l l'r(lU'ction rod 17 10 10 17 170 170 6 Total Yr 4 17 170 ---jio--- 6 YEAR 5 Year 11mlll<1 Prol eet ion md 9 10 10 9 90 90 6 Total Yr 5 90 -- - - 90 '--6-- -' "-- ~-- --- ---- - - 11 Pits 30 em 'Ill em x 30 em spaced at 3m x 3m. 21 Inc ludes w't'd inr,. cleaning. etc_ J/ Includes 1.. 1,,)r for casualty replacement. 41 In HodeJ ct. P~II\'''ayat will share in above Total Costs as follows: Year 0 2 3 4 5 Cost to ra!lchllYilt 950 1510 450 280 170 90 Cost of FI> " 400 JZ5 J92 280 Total C"nls 1350 1885 750 480 170 90 51 In Models n2, <:2 "lid Dl, these are borne by Forest Department, hence: '(,'ar 0 2 3 4 5 Total Cost J350 1885 750 480 170 90 Cost of Fil ))0 1135 300 200 HIC"'l rt IV ~ .p- /.,,,, t 2/nspab/beverlyb/NATSOCFOR/hpmodell 4-29-85 Page 1 MODEL:' 117 (;nlllp Farm Forestry. Privat eLand STATE: HlMACllAL PRADESH PER IIECTIIJ:E AHlltYSIS OF MODEL COSTS, ANNUAL Month When I -I ITEU of Workl bp"ud iture unit I Ha, M, 110. of U~IT_COSTS -- - '.J:,!bol,!r _, Mat!'!!.ia1l! _, Vehicle --,- - TQTAL_COSTS-(i!.)~- Total' --1!._ilour_ I Materials I Vehicles =- _ Total I F.E. Phy T. R. Work I I Kg, Mt 'Units I MD ICost I Qty , Cost' Cost I MD ICost 'Qty -T-C~st I IRs. Cont % !!o~ I I ~.t.£.._' -1 __ . I _ I I I -.-1 ___ .' I J 1 % YEAII 0 Oct ,- H"""'ry Seedlings no. 500 0.035 0.35 0.15 0.50 17.5 175 75 250 I!. 6 1.2 Mar. Oct.- Pi.lling md. 36 10 10 36 364 364 6 1.2 Mar. Total Yr 0 53-::5539 75 - -614 6 -I~2 YI'AIl_l NtH spry no. 50 2 18 7 25 II! June- 'i'rnllsfl'r of Sept. Sel''' I in!; also - 1''''''1111 carriage llId IS 10 10 15 ISO 150 II! 6 Jan.- - ~l<'ch3nica1 125 125 la 6 4 Mar carriage 1'1 :lfit illg 25 250 250 II! Apr. - .'ellci llg May - U,,[,·, iats ha 600 600 600 600 la 6 4 - 1.:11_)(,,- md 10 20 200 200 Incentiv{' fllr Survival - - , _ _ _qOO)* 125 _:!OO la Total Yr I 618 907 125 1650 - - - -.. -~ HAil Z W('('" i Ill; 22.5 225 225 Pr (If pet ion _<,I ...2\L 2Q./a Total Yr 2 315 315 HAil 1 WCf'ding 14 140 140 Pnd Pf:t inn 17 170 170 II! HIC'l nN Total Yr 1 31310- 310 m -'"-"--".~ +>- Page 2 MODEL: Group I'arlll Forestry, Private Land (Model II) STATE: HIMACHAL P~D SH PER HECTARE Arlt. LYS I S OF MODEL COSTS. ANNUAL Month lTEH or Horkl Unit I UNIT_COSTL(Rs) _ 1__ __.!OT~~COSTS (Rs)_ When Expl"l<1 i t ure Ha. M. I _Labo,!r _ !:!ateri~l!!. _I Vehicle No. of Total I Labo!!r_ 1 Materials I Vehicles I Total I F.E. Phy T. R. Work Kg. Mt I HD ICost I Qty I Cost I I Units Cost I I MD ICost I Qty-TCost I I IRs. Cont % !?oll£.-.l .. __ ---.l ~tc._ 1 _ _ _ I ----.l ~ ~ _-.1. 1 ___1 _ 1 _ I __ I I 1 J % YEAR i, Protection 17 170 170 Total Yr 4 17 170 170 YEA!! ;> Protpcl ion 9 90 90 Total Yr 5 90 90 ~ummar ize_d In ~08t8 In Rs Total Cost Including Free Cost To Forest Department II!. _ _ Labor-=.Iaf.Jller !1lIJ!.ut __ Incl!!di!!& !n£enti~ _ _ Labor Mat eril! l---yehic Ie _Tota!. _ Labor Material Vehicte _TQtal Year 0 539 75 614 175 75 250 Year 618 907 125 1,650 418 907* 125 1,450 Year 2 315 315 90 90 Year 3 310 310 170 170 Year 4 170 170 Year 5 90 90 *Includes Rs 300 incentive paymenta to farmers for survival of s'eedling. H\CJ rtN m ~ A _ /ulrI2/alpab/beverlyb/H4TSOCFOI/hp.eoatl 4-11-85 HIMA~MAL PlAPESH SOCIALfOlESTIY PIOJEct - PLAHTATIOM UNIT COSTS Ayerage Coat of Production of Nur!ery Seedlingl - Per 100.000 101, II'Ilal Colt (Ill PbYlical Tall No. of Unit Lallo[ MaU[ial Cootlngenc), late Fore1gn Unit Unita COlt {Ill 1m C21 t !2tll Colt Colt I I I!xch!nl!,e I. lepairl to Huraery ad 200 10 200 2,000 2,000 6 - aft er Lift ing 2. l. 4. Seed led Preplration Nalil Rut - Teaporar), Colt of Seedl 11 - kg 150 50 8 10 10 50 150 50 1.500 500 8 400 1,500 500 400 6 6 6 4 - 5. Soving of Seedl ad 50 10 50 500 500 6 6. rilling Bailltora 200 10 200 2.000 2,000 6 Cover and Sunlhade 1. Tooh/lqui.-ent LS 500 LS 500 500 6 4 8. Prep. of looting Material- - Labor - rara Yard Manure - rertilber - Inleeticide Aldrin/Aldrell -kg kg litre 50 15,000 150 3 11 10 0.16 2 100 50 500 1.5 ton 150 3 2,400 300 300 500 2,400 300 300 6 6 6 6 4 4 4 9. Colt of Pol)'pou kg 300 33 300 9,900 9,900 6 4 - 10. rilling of Polypotl 1/ ad 1,500 10 1,500 1.500 15,000 1/ 6 11. Preparation of Bedl 125 10 125 1.250 1.250 6 for Pol)'pou 12. Watering/Irrigation 13. - Firat - lepeat Weeding - rint - lepeat - - ad ad 600 150 200 200 10 10 10 10 600 150 200 200 6,000 1,500 2.000 2.000 6.000 1,500 2,000 2,000 6 6 6 6 14. Dile ..e Cootrol - Labor - Material 15. Nileeilaneoul Illpeniel TOTAL - litre LS 10 2.5 10 100 400 10 ~g 3,505 100 200 35,050 2.5 LS 250 2!UI 14,250 100 250 400 49.300 6 6 6 6 4 4 1.2 (vt. av.) 11 Size of polypot 10 ca dia II 25 ca long • 2 kg. 100,000 plaotl - 200,000 kg • 200 toni. 1/ 15 toni of "N. 11 Includel ailling of loil. etc. h,: la 50.000 per 100,000 leedlingl • 0.5/aeedling. " T ~I\.) s "c.. "'ge I ." "1 ..,lIal h,d.,11 50(101 fore.lry Plolett Product dISh Ihulum. Rat. .1 "III,n ••/ld "eo.,,! it Dfp .. II•• 1 ""Oft HD. A. F... forestry 2: Ii'oup faro furesl'r. f"ul. linds (pe, hal 1.1 lolal Wield. , Prod.£! D.. ldbulion PRIJDUCI UISPOShL UHII Factor III II 12 \3 14 15 16 11 18 IY 20 21 22 21 24 25 210 21 2~ 29 i(' 'ot.1 FlIHlIIlDD II IOrAL o o o o (I I) 0.1 v.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.15 0.15 iI.IS 0.15 0.1 0.1 0.1 v.1 0.1 0.05 0.05 0.05 &.05 0.05 .),1)5 2.t,O (tud ffOr F(If let U~f! .t 0.5u u V (I ~ o 1).\15 0.05 0.v5 \l.I)~ O.O!i v.05 0.08 ('.08 0.08 0.08 0.1 O.O~ 0.05 0.05 0.05 1).03 6.0] O.OJ 0.01 0.')] U.03 1.('0 f,,"er Sale .t 0.5t1 (I o 0.05 0.05 11.05 0 •.,5 0.05 6.1)~ 0.08 v.08 0.08 0.08 v.1 0.05 0.U5 u.05 i).05 0.6J Ii.ol 0.u3 0... 1 v.OJ 0.'11 1.00 rUUlIDD1l 13 1011\1. o o II U 4.5 4.5 4.5 ~4 Bro.dle.1 fa,.er U., .t o ~ 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 94 LUf FODOfk 15 IDIAl v 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2. t 2 4B.5 Ilr •• dlul f4'lef use .t o 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 48.5 o 8, 6~ASS IOIAl F.roer use .t o 8, SIEHVOOO 12 101M o o o I) I) o o o o o o o o o 1.46 o o o 1.8J o o 2.10 5.19 tonller f., oe< U" cu.. 0.20 o G o o o o o I) o o I) I) I) o o 0.29 o o 0.31 o O.~2 1.08 Fi...r S.le CU.I 0.80 o o o o o ~ I) o o I) o o o o 1.11 o o o 1.46 o o l.68 4031 sn"~IIliO 14 IblAL o o I) o o o o 4.5 o 9.5 o o o o o o I) 25.4 3'.4 ~,o.dle.f Faro.r .. Ie cu., I) o o o v o o (/ (/ o 4.5 o o I) I) 9.5 (/ o o o o o o o 1~.4 3'1.4 Ibl lot,I cos I and b••• 1i Ii In Rs. I.t .cI •• 1 ,nd ilplIled pn"sl IOIAl DEHfFITS PRODUCT OISPOSAI UMIT fACIOR , 10 II 12 11 14 15 16 11 18 I' 20 21 n 21 24 25 26 21 28 29 JO lolal PRICE fUEltillOD 101 Al o o o o I) (/ o 10 ]0 10 10 10 ~ ~ e ~ ~ ~ ~ JO 50 30 IS 15 15 15 IS IS 600 CUlIl fer Use lOo 0.5 o o o o o o o o 15 15 15 15 15 15 22.S n.5 n.s 22.5 15 15 15 15 15 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 ,OIl f" ••, Sale JOO 0.5 o o o o 15 l!i I~ 15 15 15 n.s 11.5 1?S n.s 15 IS 15 15 15 1.5 1.5 1.5 I.S 1.5 1.5 300 rUflVOOD !lro.dle,f IBTAl f M .e' Use 400 4) o o o o I.I~ I~ l~ I~ I~I_I_ I . ,_ I . I~ I~ I~ I~ 1_ l . ~ I. I. I. ~ ~ ~I~l~ ~ I~ I~ I . 1_ I~!~ I~ I~ I~ I~ I . 1_ I . 1* , . I~ I~ I~ I~moo 1_ ---- l£AF fODOfR IOIAl o o bO 60 bO 60 60 ~o ~o 100 100 300 ~O 100 lOt! m m 115 315 lIS ~O 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 JOO 100 1m 8,oadl .. 1 Faroe' us. 1:'.0 (I o o 60 60 60 60 60 1()0 100 300 100 100 lvO 100 100 lIS 1I5 m m liS 300 300 100 100 100 ]00 ]00 100 300 100 1215 GRASS lorAl o 150 ISO 150 lS0 150 lS0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1:'.0 150 1:'.0 ISO ISO 150 150 150 ISO ~ 150 20150 Far lef u~e 2:'.0 o o ISO 150 150 150 150 ISO 150 750 150 :'.00 500 500 500 IS\) ISO 150 750 ISO 750 750 150 15v 150 750 150 I~O 150 150 150 20lS0 S1EHVOOQ 10lAl o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 584 o o o m o o o 840 2156 Conller f".e, U.. 400 0.2 I) /) o o o o o o o o ~ o o o 111 \I o 14b o o o 168 4lI F....r S.1e 400 0.8 ~ o o o o o o o o u o 41>1 o o 5810 o o o 612 1125 01'loy-85 1-41° ,",N ~ V1 . - '''''1'" .. 5IE"WDOO 101ft 0 I) I) 0 !! 0 0 0 I) 1800 () IJ 1800 I) 0 0 0 () I) u 0 o 11)160 1~1b') 8,uidluf f.lfler ~.h 4(1,' ~ 0 0 II 0 0 I) I) 1800 0 _ _ _ _ _ _ ~~ _~ ~. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ • _ _ _ .~ _ _ ~ _ _ _ ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~_. _, _ _ ., ~ ~ _ _ _ ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ _ _ _ ~ . . _ _ w o 36,)0 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .. 0 0 I) 0 0 o '11160 15/'60 rot.1 0 1511 810 810 810 810 810 2650 2650 2680 mo 2410 2411) 24JO 4480 2910 2911) mo ~YIO 107Y 1680 2680 2680 i.80 1397 2.65 2665 7065 2bb~ B065 94141 Fir .., 0 7S0 810 810 810 Blii aJO 2bS0 2650 2680 1410 2410 2430 2410 4480 2910 2910 2910 2910 1019 2680 2.80 2680 ~6ao H9J 26b~ 2665 261.~ nb~ 11665 84141 fO I) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I) !! U 0 IDIAl com Of WHI[H 614 Ib50 m -110 110 90 YII 90 90 90 90 90 90 Yll 90 90 90 90 90 90 YO YII 90 YO 90 YO YO 90 90 YO ~o ~3Y9 COSI 10 FO lSQ 1450 'I . . '".', 1 '" ~ "': ,. , 'ft " ::; '::;: . ~ ... ... "" 'i' ~ ~ .... . t- ~ :1: . .. '" '" i' ~ '" N " .., :.=.. ~ ., ,~ ~ ~ " .. . ,~ ~ ., .:. ~ " " :2 '" ~ .... ~ .. ~ '" . . ,"." ~ ~ !.. :; - :; \I ~ ~ ;: ~ .;:. > ~ '!! ! <> .. Kluthal Pradesh Sucial foreslr V ProJ'ct Pf.dud dutributlDn. Rale D' retufn, ind Co~t r.(OY"I to For •• t Depart.ent HO~El NO. B. Ire. I••• r. 'Iit Poor and landles. 2, Group rail f.r.~lrv, Go,t land~ Iprr hal Cat lot.I Yield, ,a • Product Di<" ~ROIIIlCI DISPOSAL UN" radllr (I 8 10 If 12 II 14 I~ Ib II 10 B 20 21 22 2, 24 2~ 2b 21 28 ~9 3U Iota I FU£tIlOOD 10lAl It o \) It 1i.22 o.n o.n Ii.n u.n 0.~2 0.11 0.13 0.13 1'.13 0.22 u.n 0.22 1!.22 0.22 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 4.4 (olli ler Far I~r U~. .t o o o 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 1).22 O.B Ii.n 0.33 O.ll 0.22 0.21 0.22 o.n 0.22 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 4.4 FUHIIOOD IOlI\l o O.B B.8 B.8 B.B B.B 8.8 8.B B.8 9.9 9.9 9.9 9.9 B.8 8.8 B.8 8.8 8.8 8.8 8.8 B.8 8.0 8.0 8.0 206.B ~roadlu' Far •• r Us. .t v 8.0 0.8 B.8 8.B B.8 B.8 8.8 8.8 9.9 9.9 9.9 9.9 B.8 8.8 B.8 8.8 8.8 8.B O.B B.O B.B 8.0 8.0 2116.0 tEAf FODDE~ IOIAl o 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 U 4.6 4.6 4.6 4.6 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 U 4.4 106.1 I/ Faroer .,. .t 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.6 4.6 4.6 4.b 4.6 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 Iv6. I GRASS IUIAl o 2 1 OJ F.rotr u'" .t o 2 1 01 S1E"IIDOO IDIAl o o o o o .) o o o o II o o 3020 o 1/ o 4.01 o \l o 1.2l Conl'.r For"", u.. I ••• 0.2~ o o o o o Q o o o II o o o o 0.00 o o II 1.01 o o o o o 1.01 Far ••r 5.1. tu.' 0.1~ o o I) o o o o o o (/ II o o o o 2.40 o o o 1.02 o o 5.42 SIE"UDOD IDIAl o o o o II o I) o o II '.90 o o (i o 20.90 II o (0 1/ o o o o 30.8 IlrQa~lul far ••r Us. cu.. 0.25 o o o o u o o II II II o 2.48 o II II o s.n II 1/ II II 1/ o o o 1.1 Fa'ter ~.I. I ••• O.I~ o 1/ f) o o f) o I) 9 o II 1.43 o o II o 15.6B o o II o 1/ o o o 2l.1 SIEHIIOOI I. Aui4.d 101111. fD SI.a" FUI.r Sale tu.. I... U.2~ O.I~ Ii o o o o o o o o o o o o i) o o I) 1/ o o o o o o II o o o o o o o o o o o II o o II II o o o o II o o II o II 1/ o o o o \I o i) II o o o II o II II o II II o o o o o o o o II 1>0.5 o 15.12 o 45.:11 1>0.5 15.1 45.4 Ibl Iotal tost ind b~lItlit. in Ri. 'al actul and I.,uted pfI'''''} IDIAl Il€NEfIIS PRODue! DISPOSAL UNII FACIOR o 2 5 6 8 10 II 12 Il 14 I~ 16 II t8 19 20 21 n 23 24 25 26 21 18 29 10 lolal fRICE ftlHlIIlOI 100Al o o o o II o o II 66 66 66 66 66 66 '9 9' 99 99 66 66 66 66 66 31 l3 B lJ II n 1310 tORi I.r .r ••• h hr ... Un 3(1\) o o II o II o II o 66 66 66 6. 66 66 99 99 99 99 66 66 66 66 66 33 13 31 n II n mo fUElIIUOI 100Al II o o II II II II~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Btoldlul f a,.., Use 400 o o o II o II 3520 1520 3520 1520 3520 3520 3520 mo 391>0 3960 19611 mo 3~20 3510 mo 3520 1~20 mo 1520 mv mo 3520 mo BmO --. lEAf fODIl€R IDIAl o o o m m m m m 660 660 660 660 660 660 660 660 690 690 690 69() 690 660 660 660 660 660 660 660 660 660 660 1600~ hrltr use I~O u o m 135 m US m 660 66U 660 660 660 660 660 660 690 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 61>0 660 1>60 16')05 6!lASS TOTAl ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 150 I~O 150 150 ISO 150 150 150 I~O I~O I~O 150 20150 Fuaer U'if 250 ISv 15u 150 1:10 150 ISO 150 ISU ISO ~oo 500 5(00 51)0 150 150 150 150 156 1~0 150 I~O 150 ISO 750 15~ m I~O 15U 150 2U15" SIE"MOOD IOIAl o o o o o o o 1280 o o 1012 o zaY2 !-tIn rt N Co.. for Us. 400 (i.25 II 320 1/ 40J o o 11 121 faro.r S.l. 4ilQ 0.15 o II II o o 960 12iJ9 o o o o 2t1l9 m \J1 SIEftMOOU IOIAl o o o o II 'Y6U o 831>0 o o o Br.adle.f far ... fO ~.25 o o o o 1 0 o 2090 o o o OI·niY 85 ~a9t 2 for ••r •• 1. 400 Q.1~ 0 0 2910 0 II 6UO U 0 0 0 u () 9240 51£"Il00II IOTAl 0 h 0 II 0 0 0 0 0 0 U II 0 {) 0 I) U 242')& 2420" ~.sldu.1 fD 51,.,. 40u 0.25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ft 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 II U U bOSO 60~~ Fdr ... Siles 40.) II,IS 0 II 0 \) 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ij o ISISO 1815'J --. ~~-- "------"--- lolal 150 885 885 88S 88~ 885 4910 4910 4996 4146 4146 4146 4146 8956 S499 5499 5499 5499 14666 4996 4'96 4996 4996 6~15 .9bl 496l 4961 49i1l 29161 WJ101 F", at' ISO 895 985 685 085 085 4nO 4nO 4996 4146 4146 4741> 4146 9956 5499 5499 5499 54q~ 14666 4~96 4"6 499. 49'6 ~57S 4963 4963 4961 4~63 m 13 1~4151 to 0 0 0 (} II II U 0 U \) 0 \) U 0 II o 6050 b05iJ IOTAI com fif MiliCH us" 1895 750 490 110 '0 90 90 90 90 90 9G 90 '0 % 90 90 90 ~o 9O N 90 90 90 '0 90 90 ~o 9u 90 90 HIS LOST 10 FO 550 lU5 lUu 200 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ;} 21&5 lel of R.lur. a.d ,ela •• ,y 10 for"1 Depart ••nl --- .--- ~ -- --- --~- --- - -~ ~-- -.- --~ --~~ -.- ------ llele.•• h ls ul ""de I -1350 -189S 0 41)S m 795 195 795 4B46 4B40 4906 4656 465b 4656 4656 B8b6 5409 541)9 54')9 54.)9 14~16 !Y06 "hb 4906 49<)6 6485 4873 4813 40B 4813 296B IRk ul "Ddel 0.330) Nel B ••• flh I. Forhl Oop.,I •• AI -55!) -1135 -300 -200 o 6050 IRk 01 FO v.(lJ5B C.,I Reco • .,.y 01 fa III . . . Inal 10r15 l8b5 Iil'V 01 i.oe/it. 10 fD, doscoulil - 0),12 -m2 la On lh. ,a •• ba'is a. ""del A.2 •• ,copl Ih.1 den,lly 'i 1100 liu,u,jo9) Ir ... in,lead 01 SOil tree. i. ""d. I A.2. Ib R•• idual sl ••• ood In Y." J() lliliude. 4.6 tu •• .teowood (coo,led •• d 55.9 cu .•• 1".DUd (broadl •• II. ....In I"1!N ~ LA hq. I H,.uh.1 Social for.stry ProJ.d Produd dut"buhon, Rate of return, .nd lo.t r.,o ••ry to for •• t D.part •• nt IMIDEl NO. C. COllunlty fore ... I: COllunlt, Woodlots, S.If-H.lp IP.nch.,.1 "an'q.dl Ip.r h., tal lotal Yi.ld, la , Produd D"t"buh .. PRoDUCI DISPOSAL UtIli F.dor 10 II 12 II 14 15 16 17 IB I~ 20 21 22 21 24 2~ 26 27 28 2~ 30 lotal fUHIIOOD IOIAl o o 0.22 0.22 O. n 0.22 Q.22 0.22 O.ll 0.11 0.13 0.11 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 u.22 0.11 O. II O. \I O. \I 0.11 O. ! I 4.4 C.. tI.r Fr •• (011. .t o o 0.22 0.22 ('.12 0.22 0.22 '0.22 0.11 0.11 O.B 0.13 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.\1 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 4.4 fUHMOOD lolAL ~ o o o o B.B B.B B.B B.B B.B B.B B.B B.B 9.9 9.9 9.9 9.9 B.B B.B B.B 8.B B.B B.B B.B B.B B.B B.@ B.B 206.B broadl •• t Pa",h ••• 1••• t o o B.B ~.B B.B B.B B.B B.B B.B B.B 9.9 9.9 9.9 9.9 B.B B.8 B.B B.B B.B B.B B.B B.@ B.B B.B B.8 2116.B LEAf fODDER 100Al 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.6 4.6 4.6 4.6 4.6 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 106.7 Iuoadl •• f PaRch . . . . . . . t 0.9 1i.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.6 4.6 4.6 4.6 4.6 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 106.7 GRASS 100Al o BJ Pan,h. ..... .t o Bl SIE"NOOD 10lAl Ii o o 0 o o o 1.2 4.01 o 7.21 CORlftr P. Con, •••• ,u.. O.~ o .0 o o o o I.b 2.02 1.62 W.OI p"'.' PAlh. 50lH cu.. 0.5 o o o fI o I.b o 1.u2 o 1.62 11001 prlcel SIUIIOOD IDIAl o fI o o o 9.90 o o o 20.90 o o 30.e Broadl.a! P. C"", .... lU.. 0.5 o o o o 4.95 o o 11).45 o 15.4 t';.OI p","1 f·Rch ...... lU.. O. ~ o o o o o o 4.95 o o o 10.45 o 15.4 1I0ul prl'.' 5IE"IIOOD Ib IOIAl o o o o Ii o o o o o o o o o o 60.5 60.5 R.5idual P."Ch.5.1 •• lU •• 0.75 o o o o o o o o o 45.4 45.4 fD 5'''5 cu.. 0.25 o o o o 15.1 I~.I Ibl Total (o.t .nd b.n.flls in R5. tat ,,1u.1 .nd I.puted prI(." 100Al BEIIU 115 PRoDUCI DISPOSAL UtIli fACloR 10 \I 12 II 14 15 16 17 IB 19 20 21 n 2J 24 25 n 27 2B 29 JO lotal PRICE fUElllOoD 100At o o o 66 66 66 66 66 66 99 99 99 99 66 M M 66 bb II 11 II lJ 1J Jl mo Coni f.r fr •• (011. 100 o o 66 66 66 66 66 66 99 99 99 99 66 66 66 66 06 31 II J3 JJ B II 1126 fOElWoUD IOIAl o l5lu 1520 1~20 1~20 1520 mo 3520 J520 3960 mo mo 1960 mo 3520 J~20 1520 mo 1~,20 1520 1520 1520 3520 3520 BmO lit Dad".! P.lllh ••• 1•• 4i10 o mo mo 1520 1520 1520 3510 1520 1520 3960 mo 1~60 lYbO 1520 3520 15~O 1520 J520 1520 1520 1520 J520 1520 3520 BmO LEAF FODDER IOIAl 115 m Il5 m Il5 660 660 660 660 660 MO 660 660 690 690 690 690 690 MO MO 660 660 66~ 660 660 660 660 660 1601'S faolh ••• 1•• 150 m Il5 Il5 m Il5 660 660 660 660 660 660 660 660 690 690 690 690 690 660 660 660 660 660 MO 660 660 6b(· MO 16005 GRASS IUTAl salJV "'1.11\(1 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 SOO 500 ~OO 500 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 75,) 7~O 2ft r~.o H\n rtN ~ a . . hllch. 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 500 500 500 501' 750 750 750 750 750 750 7~O 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 ) VI SIE"WoDD lolAl o 0 o 0 o 12BO 1612 f.'. til ~" Pc:. - t'a,t!' 2 Co.ifer f. runce~~. ~i;'J (1,5 (I (I (I II (I (I (I b40 11<'6 () ~ I~.(li pr lCel F."cI,. "I •• 40" 0.:' (I (I (I (I Il () 640 Q 8\i6 IHb 110<.'1 p' nel SJEnwooo lUlAL II o IJ II IJ mo o 8Jbl! II II 12120 &••• dlul r.c",,(e.s. 4(/() o.~ o Q (I II (j o 1990 (I 41S0 (I o o blb!l 111":'1 P' 1l.1 Pao(h .•• les 400 (1.5 II II (I o o v II 1980 u 4196 o 6160 1(1)('1 pricel S1£IIWDun lU IAl ;) (I o o o (I (I o o II 2420u 24,'VI! R•• ,du.1 laoch.Sale. 4(10 0.75 \) II o (I (I o {) o o o o (. !SISlI 181S0 FO 5.1.. 411i! 11.15 (I o o (I o o o o II o o o () II bUSu 1;{;50 lot.I o 7~0 80S e~ 811'" ~ 91r.. 491', 49:'0 4996 4746 4746 4746 4741. 8956 5499 5499 5499 S4~~ 141>66 4996 4996 49% 4996 6575 496~ 496~ 496J 496! 29163 16')21)1 Fr •• 10 .. II, II II 0 o (I 0 66 66 66 66 66 66 " 99 99 99 66 66 66 66 66 ,l II n 33 n B mo fO (I o (I 0 o II II 0 II (I 0 0 (I II 0 0 (I 0 ~ (IOu 0 0 0 6050 6050 1·.lIch'yat II (I 750 885 995 885 895 88~ 49}0 mo 4930 4ABO 4680 44611 4A80 8890 5400 540~ 5400 5400 I4bllO 4930 mu 4930 49]f) b542 mQ 4910 mo mo mao 152837 IOIHl COSTS Of MIliCH t:;:iG 1816 150 480 110 M H M H H H H H H H H H H H 90 90 90 911 90 90 90 90 90 90 9~ 91) 69n Co.t 10 Fe 400 315 31/0 281) 0 o 60000 000 0 U 0 o o 0 0 o (I ms • III Rale 01 Return dnd Cost le[o .." to fore.t Ol!jlart •• nl --~--~---~" .-~---------- Nel B ••elt Is 01 IIodel ·mo -1995 II 4(;5 m 795 m 795 4940 4840 4906 41>56 m6 4656 4656 8966 5409 5409 5409 5409 14516 4906 WJ6 WI6 49\l6 6495 4B7J 18n 4873 4bB 19013 Ifill0' IIodet u.nal Net ge••elil. to fon.t Oepartlenl -4uO -J75 -JOO -280 o (I o (I IJ o o (I u o (I o o 605u IRR 01 fD 0.6535 (ost Re[over, 0' fO ill 1101, •• 1 tef I 4695 NPV 01 Benelih to fD, di~c. rat. 0.12 -911. L footnote.: I. O. thf 'Ole b.s.s .s nodel A.2 .,cepl th.t de.sHy IS 1100 t~ulVlYi"gl Irees ,.,t ..d 01 500 tree. In "ode 1 A.2. Ib RfSidu.1 .Iuwood in IUf 30 I.!lud.. 4.6 [u •• .t ...ood {c.Aileri ... d 55.9 cu ••• t",.ood Ib,oadluO. '""'In r1'N m VI .. ~. I"t" • H,"acllal Pradesh 50c;0I for • .try Projecl Frodu.J u1-l10V-85 It) e IVl '. . . . . IIfI" ,..,. 91 o~dle.1 GRASS S1f"WOIlD Fr •• IOIAl f, •• [011. 10 I~l I~IJ :~o o II ISu IsQ II m m m 150 150 I~O ISO 150 150 IlS 150 ISO IlS ISO ISO 660 ~ ~ 61.0 ~ ~ 66d ~ ~ . -. . 660 ... •• 0 66u ,66 ~ ~ 6'10 ISO 150 690 IS~ 151) 6") 150 15u 69u ISO ISO 691) ISO 150 1260 6tl} 15') ISO u 66il 150 ISO 660 lSI' I~O I) 660 15., 150 1>60 150 150 1612 660 1St) 150 o 6611 150 '50 I) 66(- IS') l!'O W, 15U 151) I~" J50 2')]So 2{t750 ,8n LOOlI., fU Cun[e'>,. 4dO O. ~ I) I) I) 'J o o o I) 64fJ I) B06 " I) 1446 IO.i)1 plicol fI) Sdtes 4·.1(, !}.5 Ij ... t) I) 640 80b 1446 11'.101 prt"l SHH¥OOD 100Al (. I) il o o 0 o I) I) o I) \) mo I} 8160 o u 12~21) 1lr •• dl .. 1 fO (.n'.... 4i-0 O.S O. I) I) o 1980 o 'J 4100 I} ,) Q 6100 ").01 P' i«1 fa S.I.. U001 prlcel 400 0.5 o o I) o 'I Q I) I! 1900 o I' 4180 o o II \I 6160 Slf"WUDD IniAL o (I I} (f Q () o I! I) I) o o Q Q I) 2411)(1 2420~ ~m dual fD Sales 400 o iI o o o o o u 142~O 2421)0 liltal I~Q 885 885 885 885 885 4910 4950 4996 4146 m. 4146 4746 8956 5499 5499 ~499 5499 14666 4996 4996 4996 m6 J099 1497 1487 1487 1487 15687 ll9~51 free to vi II. I~O B85 805 885 885 885 mo mo 4996 4146 47410 474b 4146 4996 5499 5499 ~499 5499 5026 4996 4996 4996 4996 1481 1481 1481 1481 1481 1491 9Y9H fDlind. fD [once5>.1 u \l 0 0 0 0 II I) 0 I) 0 (j 1960 () (. 0 9640 0 1M2 0 0 2420-) 39412 IOIAt [OSIS Of WllltH miJ 1885 ISO 400 III! 90 90 90 Y6 90 90 90 90 90 9u 90 90 90 '10 90 90 90 90 90 9iJ 90 90 90 qO 90 90 6915 Cusl to fD ~~u illS JOu 100 0 0 d 0 o o 0 0 0 o I) 0 0 'i 1185 Id lide 01 Relu,. 41ld Cu;1 'Olo,e,y to Furetl Deparl ••• t Nel Bonehl; 01 "udel -mo -1885 405 115 195 195 195 4840 4840 49;;6 4&S6 41o~6 4bSb mit 8866 5409 540~ 5409 54b9 14~lb 49<'il 4906 49()b nfl6 l009 1391 1391 Il91 ml m9] IkR 01 "od.1 O.1J19 Hel 8.. _"1$ 10 fo,".! eop.rt ••"l -SSG -illS -lOO -~QO o o ]960 o o 9640 o 1M2 o ?4101J IRk of F& O.lllol Cost Reco.e" 01 10 In ".',nd Ie, .. 31nl IWVof 8enellls 10 n, d"couul,.le 0.12 680.4 r•• tnoIH: la On the s ••• b.. "., nodel A.2 Ihal d••"ly IS 1100 (su,,,,,og) I,ee; In,tead 01 51)0) I,ee; In Hod. I A.2. 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Rs. lat .ct .. 1 •• d ilputed price•• IIIAl I£IIU 115 P«lIIlOCI DISPOSAL UtIli FACIOR 5 10 II 12 lJ 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 21 28 29 30 10t.1 fRICl liliA5S TIllAl o 750 150 150 150 751l 151l 150 ~O :roo :roo ~O 250 250 150 150 150 150 150 ~OU 500 ~(/O SuO 500 5~0 250 250 250 250 250 15150 fr •• co.lecti 251l 151l 150 150 150 151l 150 m ~O :roo 500 5Il0 250 250 151l 150 150 750 750 SIlO 500 SuO SOO :roo 51)0 250 250 750 250 256 15151l SIEftlIOOD IIlIAl o o o o o o . o o o o o o 11200 o o novo o o o o 1681)0 o o o 9200 moo /1 •• 1'pole' fD [ ••C. . . 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(A)4/19/82 dated September 26, 1983 from the Secretary (Forests) to the Government of Himachal Pradesh to I.G.F.H.P. with copy endorrsement t) A.G.H.P. and Joint Secretary (Fin) (Reg.) Govt. of H.P. **** * Subject: Management of private areas under Section 38 of the Indian Forest Act - Raising of plantation thereon. *** * 1. With reference to your U.O.No.Ft.60-36/78(N)2406 dated 28.7.1984 on the subject cited above I am directed to say that the Govt. have approved the following alternatives for drawing up the agreements with the owners who offer the private area under Section 38 of the Indian Forest Act, 1927. Alternative at Sr.No.(a) According to this alternative, the departmental investment will be about 40% of the actual cost of formation on i.e. Rs 1120/- per ha. For an area of 200 ha the investment will be Rs 2.24 lac. This investment is not returnable and will form as annual subsidy. The advantage of this will be that with the departmental resources we will be able to take up double the area but the financial investment made as a subsidy is not returnable. Alternative at Sr.No.(b) The investment on this proposal for 200 ha area to be taken up will be Rs 5.60 lac annually. However, after 30 to 40 years when the crop is harvested and sold 25% of the sale proceeds will be retained by the State and 75% will go to the owner. 2. The option rests with the owner to adopt any of the alternatives. 3. The issues with the prior concurrence of Finance Dept. vide their Diary No. 1809-Fin(C)B(15)9/81 dated 12.9.84. Project File C-2 Item 7 Page 1 INDIA NATIONAL SOCIAL FORESTRY PROJECT Copy of letter No. FTSF)7-l/8l - Part dated 19.7.1984 from the Secretary (Forests) to the Government of Himachal Pradesh to the address of The Chief Conservator of Forests, Himachal Pradesh, Shinla-l. * ** Subject: Social Forestry Involvement of people. I am directed to say that despite efforts and incentives provided, it has been observed that the involvement of people in Social Forestry is not coming to the desired extent, it has been under consideration of the Government that to ensure greater involvement, create consciousness and sense of belonging among the people, some more incentives such as vesting of ownership of the plants to all the individuals who plant the tree even in Government forests be vested for all intends and purposes, be given. With this objective in view the Government has taken the following decisions: 1) To permit individual right holders to plant trees of fuel, fodder and timber species in the following areas: i) Ex-Shamlat areas (all table pool only) adjoining villages where the individuals exercise their rights and are vested the Government under the H.P. Village Common Land (Vesting & Utilization) Act, 1974. ii) Undemarcated and unclassed protected forests ln which the individuals enjoy their recorded rights. 2) To vest the ownership of such plants planted by the individual right holders in the ex-shamlet areas and the undemarcated/ unclassed forests subject to the following conditions: i) The planter will be entitled to use fodder and fuel of the trees as planted by him for domestic purposes as per regulations laid down by the Forest Department. ii) The planter will be allowed felling of such trees planted by him for sale according to 10 years Felling Program under Section 4 of the H.P. Land Preservation Act, 1978. The planter owner will be entitled to 75% of the sale proceeds and the Forest Department will retain only 25% of the sale proceeds in case of individuals. Project File C- Item 7 Page 2 No.Fts(F)7-1-1/81 Part, Dated Shinla-l, the July, 1984. Copy forwarded to Secretary (Revenue) to the Govt. of H.P. Shimla.2 for issuing similar instructions to the concerned officers in their Department. Secretary (Forests) to the Govt. of Himachal Pradesh End st.No.3.D.2(b)82.83/Vol.II/2359- /Dated/28-7-84 Copy forwarded to all CF's/DFO's (T) in H.P. for information and further necessary action. They are requested to draw scheme of the available village waste land has enjoined in para 2 above. Broad procedure will be discussed in the CF's meeting. [Signed} Chief Conservator of Forests, Himachal pradesh, Simla Copy to Case No.3.D.2(b)84-85. Copy to case No. Ft.58-142/84(H). Project File C-2 Item 8 Page 1 INDIA NATIONAL SOCIAL FORESTRY PROJECT Copy of letter No. Ft.60-36/78(M) dated 20 December, 1984 from the Chief Conservator of Forests H.P. to All CFS/DFOs(T) in H.P. **** * Subject: Management of private areas under Section 38 of the Indian Forest Act - Raising of plantations thereon. The matter regarding management of private areas under Section 38 of the Indian Forest Act and the financial investment which the department can bear on such areas was under consideration of the Government. The Government has taken a decision in this regard as per letter No. Fts.(A)4-19/82 dated 26th September, 1984 from the Secretary (Forests) addressed to this office; a copy of which is enclosed herewith. In view of this Government decision, you are directed that whenever areas are taken up for management under Section 38 of Indian Forest Act, one of the following two alternatives as per option given by the owner(s) be incorporated in the agreement required to be drawn: (1) Alternative 1 That the fencing material i.e. fencing posts, barbed wire and plants will be provided by the department free of cost and not exceeding 40% of the actual cost of formation. The rest of the labor component i.e. digging of pits, planting of plants, erection of fence posts, stretching of barbed wire, etc. will be borne by the owner(s) himself/themselves. (2) Alternative 2 The plantation will be done at the departmental cost and on maturity and or felling in between or any income derived from time to time from the area in question, 75% of the sale proceeds will be credited to the owner(s) and 25% will be retained by the Govt. The plants to be planted will be only of fuel, fodder and timber yielding species and not the fruit species. No orchards will be raised in the areas taken up under Section 38. Project File C Item 8 Page 2 2. It is requested that action may be taken accordingly whenever areas are taken up for management under Section 38 of the Indian Forest Act and complete record of such areas and the investment made maintained at Range, Divisional and Circle level. 3. Kindly acknowledge receipt of this ommunication. Encl. as stated. P.S. (for of Dharamsala only) He is requested to send draft agreement incorporating various conditions as are presently prevalent and any other condition he wants to incorporate so that draft agreement is got vetted from the Law Department before execution. Project File C-2 Item 9 INDIA NATIONAL SOCIAL FORESTRY PROJECT SECTION 38 OF THE INDIAN FOREST ACT, 1927 (As modified up to December 1, 1973) 38 (i) The owner of any land or, if there be more than Protection one owner thereof, the owners of the majority of shares of forests therein in many, with a view to the formation or at request conservation of forests thereon, represent in writing of oweners to the Collector their desire - (a) that such land be managed on their behalf by the Forest Officer as a reserved or protected forest on such terms as may be mutually agreed upon; or (Chapter V - Of the control over Forests and Lands not being the property of Government. Chapter VI - Of the duty on Timber and other Forest produce). (b) In either case, the State Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, apply to such land, such provisions of this Act it thinks suitable to the circumstances thereof and as may be desired by the applicants. • •