PROJECT PREPARATION GRANT FOR ТНЕ PROPOSED НЕАТ SUPPLY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ECAPDEV GRANT ТFОАЗ993 IMPLEMENTED ВУ PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION UNIT UNDER ТНЕ OJSC "BISHKEKTEPLOSET" SPECIAL PURPOSE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND INDEPENDENT AUDITOR'S REPORT For the period from 9 January 2017 to 27 June 2019 BISHKEK June2019 PROJECT PREPARATION GRANT FOR ТНЕ PROPOSED НЕАТ SUPPLY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ECAPDEV GRANT TFOA3993 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page STATEMENT OF МANAGEMENT'S RESPONSIBILITIES FOR ТНЕ PREPARATION AND PRESENTATION OF ТНЕ SPECIAL PURPOSE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 3 INDEPENDENT AUDITOR'S REPORT 4-5 SPECIAL PURPOSE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS For the period from 9 January 2017 to 27 June 2019: Statement of cash receipts and payments 6 Statement of expenditures per components 7 Notes to the special purpose financial statements 8-13 ANNEX 1. RECONCILIATION BEТWEEN ТНЕ AМOUNTS SUBMITTED ВУ ТНЕ PIU AND DISBURSED ВУ ТНЕ WORLD BANK 14-15 2 STATEMENT OF MANAGEMENТ'S RESPONSIBILIТIES FOR ТНЕ PREPARATION AND PRESENTATION OF ТНЕ SPECIAL PURPOSE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS The management of the Project lmplementation Unit under the OJSC "BishkekTeploset" (hereinafter: PIU) is responsiЫe for the preparation of the special purpose financial statements of "Project Preparation Grant for the proposed Heat Supply lmprovement Project" (hereafter: the Project) financed Ьу Letter Agreement ECAPDEV Grant TFOA3993 that present fairly the Project's cash receipts and payments, and expenditures рег components for the period from 9 January 2017 to 27 June 2019, in compliance with the lnternational PuЫic Sector Accounting Standard "Financial Reporting under the Cash Basis of Accounting" (IPSAS-Cash Basis) issued Ьу the lnternational PuЫic Sector Accounting Standards Board (IPSASB) within the lnternational Federation of Accountants (IFAC) and the Financial ManagementManual for World Bank Financed lnvestment Operations (WB Guidelines). ln preparing the special purpose financial statements, PIU's management is responsiЫefor: • Properly selecting and applying accounting policies; • Presenting information, including accounting policies, in а manner that provides relevant, reliaЫe, соmрагаЫе and understandaЫe information; • Providing additional required disclosures for the period from 9 January 2017 to 27 June 2019. PIU's Management is also responsiЫefor: • Designing, implementing and maintaining an effective and sound system of internal controls, throughout the Project; • Maintaining adequate accounting records that аге sufficient to show and explain the Project's transactions, and which епаЫе them to ensure that the special purpose financial statements of the Project comply with IPSAS - Cash Basis and the WB Guidelines;, • Taking such steps that аге reasonaЫy availaЫe to them to safeguard the assets of the Project and to affirm that funds received have been used in accordance with the Letter Agreement ECAPDEV Grant TFOA3993 dated 7 June 2017, and World Bank related guidelines, with due attention to economy and efficiency, and only for the purposes for which the financing was provided; and • Preventing and detecting fraud and other errors. ran Raimbekov eneral Director оп Economy and lnvestment OJSC "Bishkekteploset" Тimшlliffigi= N~uп;.fnshiev ~ Project Manager of PIU Financial Manager of PIU 3 Те!: +374 60 528899 23/6, Davit Anhaght IBDO E-mail: St., 5th Floor, office 7 Yerevan, Armenia INDEPENDENT AUDIТOR'S REPORT То the management of the Project lmplementation Unit under the OJSC "BishkekTeploset" Opinion We have audited the special purpose financial statements of "Project Preparation Grant for the proposed Heat Supply lmprovement Project" ("Project") financed Ьу Letter Agreement ECAPDEV Grant TFOA3993 dated 7 June 2017 ("Letter Agreement), and implemented Ьу Project Coordination Unit under the OJSC "Bishkekteploset" ("PIU") which comprise the statement of cash receipts and payments, and the statement of expenditures per components for the period from 9 January 2017 to 27 June 2019, and notes to the special purpose financial statements, including а summary of significant accounting policies. ln our opinion, the accompanying financial statements present fairly, in all material resect, the cash flows for the period from 9 January 2017 to 27 June 2019 in accordance with lnternational PuЫic Sector Accounting Standard: Financial Reporting Under the Cash Basis of Accounting, (IPSAS-Cash Basis). Basisfor Opinion We conducted our audit in accordance with lnternational Standards on Auditing (ISAs) as issued Ьу lnternational Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB) of the lnternational Federation of Accountants (IFAC). Our responsiЬilities under those standards are further described in the Auditor's Responsibllities for the Audit of the Financial Statements section of our report. We are independent of the Project and of the PIU in accordance with the lnternational Ethics Standards Board for Accountants' Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants (IESBA Code), and we have fulfilled out other ethical requirements in accordance with IESBA Code. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide а basis for our opinion. Emphasis of Matter- Cash Basis of Accounting We draw attention to Note 2 to the financial statements, which describes that financial statements are prepared in accordance with cash basis framework, as а result, they may not Ье suitaЫe for another purposes. Our opinion is not modified in respect of this matter. Emphasis of Matter - Completion of the Project We draw your attention to Note 1 О of these special purpose financial statements which disclose that the Project was completed as at the reporting date. Our opinion is not modified in this respect. ResponsiЫlities of the Management for the Financial Statements Management of the PIU is responsiЫe for the preparation and fair presentation of the special purpose financial statements in accordance with IPSAS-Cash Basis issued Ьу the lnternational PuЫic Sector Accounting Standards Board (IPSASB) of the IFAC and Financial Management Manual for World Bank Financed lnvestment Operations ("WB Guidelines"), and for such internal control as management determines is necessary to еnаЫе the preparation of special purpose financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. BDO Am,enia cjsc, is а member of BDO lnternational Limited, а UK company limited Ьу guarantee, and юппв part of the intemational BDO network of independent member fim,s. Auditor's Responsibllity for the Audit of the Special Purpose Financial Statements Our objectives are to oЬtain reasonaЫe assurance about whether the special purpose financial statements as а whole are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an auditor's report that includes our opinion. ReasonaЫe assurance is high level of assurance, but is not а guaranty that an audit conducted in accordance with ISAs will always detect а material misstatement when it exists. Misstatements arise from fraud and error and are considered material if, individually or in the aggregate, they could reasonaЫy Ье expected to influence the economic decisions of users taken оп the basis of these special purpose financial statements. As part of an audit in accordance with ISAs, we exercise professional judgement and maintain professional skepticism throughout the audit. We also: • ldentify and assess the risks of material misstatement of the special purpose financial statements, whether due to fraud or error, design and perform audit procedures responsive to those risks, and oЬtain audit evidence that is sufficient and appropriate to provide а basis for our opinion. The risk of not detecting а material misstatement resulting from fraud is higher than for one resulting from error, as fraud may involve collusion, forgery, intentional omissions, misrepresentations, or the override of internal control. • OЬtain an understanding of internal control relevant to the audit in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion оп the effectiveness of the internal control. • Evaluate the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonaЬleness of accounting estimates and related disclosures made Ьу management. • Evaluate the overall presentation, structure and content of the special purpose financial statements, including the disclosures, and whether the special purpose financial statements represent the underlying transactions and events in а manner that achieves fair presentation. We communicate with management regarding, among other matters, the planned scope and timing of the audit and significant audit findings, including any significant deficiencies in internal control that we identify during our audit. Report оп Other Legal Requirements То comply with the terms of the Letter Agreement, the PIU management shall insure that: 1. funds have been used in accordance with the conditions of the Letter Agreement concluded between the lnternational Development Association (IDA) and the Kyrgyz RepuЫic, and World Bank related guidelines, with due attention to economy and efficiency, and only for the purposesfor which the financing was provided; 2. supporting documents, records and accounts have been maintained to support claims for reimbursement of expenditures incurred. Expenditures included in the withdrawal applications and reimbursed against are eligiЬle for financing under the Letter Agreement. lnterim Unaudited Financial Statements (IFSs) issued Ьу PIU during the reporting period are in agreement with the underlying books of account; 3. The Designated account used has been maintained in accordance with the provision of the Letter Agreement, and World Bank related guidelines. 4. Goodsand Services financed have been procured in accordance with the Letter Agreement and World Bank related guidelines. ln our opinion, the PIU management has complied with the above requirements for the period from 9 January 2017 to 27 June 2019. "BDOArmenia" CJSC 28 June 2019 IBDO PROJECT PREPARATION GRANT FOR ТНЕ PROPOSED НЕАТ SUPPLY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ECAPDEV Grant TFOA3993 Statement of cash receipts and payments For the period from 9 January 2017 to 27 June 2019 (Amounts are shown in US dollars) Note Actual Budget Variance Period Period Period 09.01.2017- 09.01.2017- 09.01.2017- 27.06.2019 27.06.2019 27.06.2019 TOTAL OPENINGCASH Sources of Funds 8 ECAPDEV Grant TFOA3993 299,680 399,540 (99,860) TOTAL FUNDS 299,680 399,540 (99,860) Project Expenditures 7 (1) Consultants' services 259,302 366,540 (107,238) (2) Goods 6,988 7,500 (512) (3) Training 20,226 20,500 (274) (4) lncremental Operating Costs 4,970 5,000 (30) TOTAL PROJECTEXPENDIТURES 291,486 399,540 (108,054) -- 6 8,194 сzъ:~ Timur lbragimoV Financial Manager of PIU 28 June 2019 The notes оп pages 8-15 form ап integral part of these special purpose financial statements. 6 PROJECT PREPARATION GRANT FOR ТНЕ PROPOSED НЕАТ SUPPLY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ECAPDEV Grant TFOA3993 Statement of expenditures per components For the period from 9 January 2017 to 27 June 2019 (Amounts are shown in US dol/ars) Actual Budget Variance Period Period Period 09.01.2017- 09.01.2017- 09.01.2017- 27.06.2019 27.06.2019 27.06.2019 Components Part 1: Providing support for the preparation of key Project documents for investment measures and related technical assistance 220,423 305,124 (84,701) Part 2: Providing consultants' services and training to support capacity and awareness building 36,418 44,716 (8,298) Part З: Provision of goods, consultant's services, training and incremental operating costs to PIE for the implementation of the Project and the Project financial audit. 34,645 49,700 (15,055) TOTAL 291,486 399,540 (108,054) Financial Manager of PIU 28 June 2019 The notes оп pages8-15 form ап integral part of these special purpose financial statements. 7 PROJECT PREPARATION GRANT FOR ТНЕ PROPOSED НЕАТ SUPPLY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ECAPDEV Grant ТFОАЗ993 Notes to the special purpose financial statements For the period from 9 January 2017 to 27 June 2019 (Amounts are shown in US dol/ars) 1. General information 1. 1. The Project The Letter Agreement was concluded on 7 June 2017 between the Kyrgyz RepuЫic and the lnternational Development Association (IDA), according to which IDA, acting as administrator of grant funds provided Ьу various donors under the Multi-Donor Programmatic Trust Fund for Europe and Central Asia Region Capacity Development (ECAPDEV), provided financing to the Kyrgyz RepuЬlic: ECAPDEV Grant TFOA3993 in the amount of 399,540 USD. The financing was provided for the implementation of «Ргогест Preparation Grant for the proposed Heat Supply lmprovement Project» (the Project). The Project became effective on 21 September 2017. The payment currency of ECAPDEV Grant TFOA3993 is United States dollars (USD). The Closingdate of financing under ECAPDEV Grant TFOA3993 was set on 30 April 2019 (as updated). The Grace Period for submitting withdrawal application for expenditures incurred before the Closing date is four months following the Closingdates: 30 August 2019. 1.2. The Project objectives The objective of the Project is to enhance implementation readiness of investments supported under the Heat Supply lmprovement Project and to strengthen the capacity of involved key stakeholders. The Project consists of the following parts: Part 1: Providing support for the preparation of key Project documents for investment measuresand related technical assistance, including: а) The Project related technical studies and documents, Ь) The safeguard documents for the proposed Heat Supply lmprovement Project. Part 2. Providing consultants' services and training to support capacity and awarenessbuilding through: а) Strengthening the technical and fiduciary capacity of the PIU, Ь) Awarenessbuilding activities in target areas. Part 3. Provision of goods, consultant's services, training and incremental operating costs to PIE for the implementation of the Project and the Project financial audit. 1.3. The Project Budget and Financing The Project is financed Ьу ECAPDEV Grant TFOA3993. Category ECAPDEV Grant Total ECAPDEV Grant TFOA3993 Expenditure Financing USD USD (inclusive of taxes) (1) Consultants' services 366,540 366,540 100% (2) Goods 7,500 7,500 100% (3) Training 20,500 20,500 100% (4) lncremental Operating Costs 5,000 5,000 100% Total 399,540 399,540 1.4. Project lmplementation The Project is implemented Ьу Project Coordination Unit under the OJSC "Bishkekteploset" ("PIU"). The PIU address is: Zhukeev-Pudovkin Str. 2/1, Bishkek city 720031, Kyrgyz RepuЬlic. 8 PROJECT PREPARATION GRANT FOR ТНЕ PROPOSED НЕАТ SUPPLY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ECAPDEV Grant TFOA3993 Notes to the special purpose financial statements For the period from 9 January 2017 to 27 June 2019 (Amounts are shown in US dollars) 2. Summary of significant accounting policies 2. 1. Preparation and presentation of financial statements The special purpose financial statements are prepared in accordance with the lnternational PuЬlic Sector Accounting Standard: Financial Reporting Under the Cash Basis of Accounting (IPSAS-Cash Basis), issued Ьу the lnternational PuЫic Sector Accounting Standards Board (IPSASB) within the lnternational Federation of Accountants (IFAC), and presented in accordance with Financial Management Manual for World Bank Financed lnvestment Operations (March 2010): RМ 3 - Financial Reporting and Auditing. The principal accounting policies applied in the preparation of these special purpose financial statements are set out below. These policies have Ьееп consistently applied to all the periods presented. 2.2 Cash basis of accounting Project financing is recognised as а source of project funds when the cash is received. Project expenditures are recognised as а use of project funds when the payments are made. 2.3 Reporting currency The reporting currency of these special purpose financial statements is United States dollars (USD). The expenditures made in local currency, Kyrgyz Som (KGS), are translated into USD based at the exchange rate prevailing at the date of the transaction. The exchange rate as at reporting date is: USD 1 = 69.80 KGS. 2.4. Taxes The taxes are paid in accordance with the tax regulation of the Kyrgyz RepuЫic. 9 PROJECT PREPARATION GRANT FOR ТНЕ PROPOSED НЕАТ SUPPL У IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ECAPDEV Grant ТFОАЗ99З Notes to the special purpose financial statements For the period from 9 January 2017 to 27 June 2019 (Amounts are shown in US dollars) З. Summary of Summary Reports and SOEs ECAPDEV Grant ТFОАЗ993 Payment categories Total Withdrawal Withdrawal (1) (2) Goods (3) (4) application No application Consu ltants' Training lncremental value date services Operating Costs BTS/PIU/ТF/ 02G - 2,894.55 11-Dec-2017 2,894.55 reimbursement BTS/PIU/TF/ 03G 27-Mar-2018 17,687.25 4,299.31 21,986.56 BTS/PIU/TF/ 04G 20-Apr-2018 21,726.94 - 1,015.59 210.45 22,952.98 BTS/PIU/TF/ 06G 06-Sep-2018 221.90 5,927.28 9,294.17 83.17 15,526.52 BTS/PIU/TF/ 07G 10-0ct-2018 20,793.66 4,583.82 88.93 25,466.41 BTS/PIU/ТF/ 08G 22-Nov-2018 4,989.32 4,287.39 - 9,276.71 BTS/PIU/ТF/ 09G 05-Dec-2018 45,068.77 - 85.00 45,153.77 BTS/PIU/ТF/ 10G 28-Mar-2019 18,891.09 51.00 18,942.09 BTS/PIU/TF/ 11G 22-Apr-2019 9,021.00 1,061.07 16.93 10,099.00 BTS/PIU/TF/ 12G 25-Apr-2019 688.50 101.63 790.13 BTS/PIU/ТF/ 16G 19-Jun-2019 26,598.21 356.30 33.71 26,988.22 167,892.69 6,988.35 20,225.77 4,970.13 200,076.94 Total 10 PROJECT PREPARATION GRANT FOR ТНЕ PROPOSED НЕАТ SUPPL У IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ECAPDEV Grant TFOA3993 Notes to the special purpose financial statements For the period from 9 January 2017 to 27 June 2019 (Amounts are shown in US dollars) 4. Statement of Designated Accounts Letter Agreement ECAPEDEV Grant TFOA3993 Bankaccount number 1280016042783477 Bank CJSC "Kyrgyz lnvestment and Credit Bank" Bank location Erkindik 21, Bishkek, Kyrgyz RepuЬlic Account currency USD ECAPDEV Grant ТFОАЗ993 1. Opening balance 2. Add: opening discrepancy З. IDA advance/replenishment 205,376 4. Less: Refund to IDA from DA 5. Present outstanding amount advanced to DA 205,376 6. DA closing balance 7,919 7. Add: Amount of eligiЫe expenditures paid 197,182 8. Less: interest earned (if credited to DA) 9. Total advance accounted for 205,101 10. Closing discrepancy (5)-(9)* 275 (*) The discrepancy is due to balance at transit account (Note 6 ). 11 PROJECT PREPARATION GRANT FOR ТНЕ PROPOSED НЕАТ SUPPLY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ECAPDEV Grant TFOA3993 Notes to the special purpose financial statements For the period from 9 January 2017 to 27 June 2019 (Amounts are shown in US dollars) 5. Statement of Financial Position The Statement of Financial Position discloses assets, liabllities and net assets of the Projects as at reporting date. lt is prepared in accrual basis that is transactions аге recognized when they occur (and not only when cash is received ог paid). Note 27 June 2019 USD ASSETS Cash 6 8,194 Prepayments Total assets 8,194 LIABILПIES РауаЫеs Total liabllities NET ASSETS Cumulative income 8 ECAPDEV Grant TFOA3993 299,680 299,680 Cumulative expenses Project expenses 291,486 291,486 Total net assets/(liabllities) 8,194 6. Cash Underlying 27 June 2019 Currency USD ECAPDEV Grant TFOA3993 Designatedaccount USD 7,919 Transit account EUR 275 8,194 (а) Bankaccounts are held at CJSC "Kyrgyz lnvestment and Credit Bank". 7. Project Expenditure budget execution Cumulative Expenditures lmplementation as at 27 June 2019 Total budget (Note 10) Category USD USD % (1) Consultants' services 259,ЗОZ 366,540 71% (Z) Goods 6,988 7,500 93% (3) Training ZO,ZZ6 Z0,500 99% (4) lncremental Operating Costs 4,970 5,000 99% Total 291,486 399,540 73% 12 PROJECT PREPARATION GRANT FOR ТНЕ PROPOSED НЕАТ SUPPLY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ECAPDEV Grant TFOA3993 Notes to the special purpose financial statements For the period from 9 January 2017 to 27 June 2019 (Amounts are shown in US do/lars) 8. Financing ECAPDEV Grant TFOA3993 Reporting period 09.01.2017- 27.06.2019 Note USD Advance/ (advance recovery), net 10.с 8,194 Direct Payment 91,409 SOE 197,182 Reimbursement 2,895 Total 299,680 Total financing budget 399,540 Percentage of finance provided as at 27 June 2019 10.f 75% 9. Heat Supply lmprovement Project The main objective of the Project was to support implementation readiness of investments supported under the Heat Supply lmprovement Project. The Heat Supply lmprovement Project financed Ьу IDA Credit Number 6146-KGand IDA Grant Number D240-KG, both with amounts of 16,300,000 SDR, was concluded between lnternational Development Association and Kyrgyz RepuЬlic оп 26 January 2018 and became effective оп 25 April 2019. 1 О. Project completion The Project was completed as at 30 April 2019 (the Closing Date), and the Grace period for submitting withdrawal application for expenditures incurred before the Closing date set 30 August 2019. The reporting date of these financial statements is 27 June 2019 (Reporting date). As at the date of signing these special purpose financial statements: а. No expenditures related to the Project were incurred after the Closing Date; the payments made during the Grace period related to expenditures incurred before the Closing Date; Ь. Expenditures related to the Project to Ье submitted to the WB after the Reporting date relates only to payment for final audit service -USD 7,756 (including withdrawal taxes). с. The balance of the advance in the amount of USD 8, 194 (Note 8) will Ье mostly settled through audit fee payment. Any uncovered advance balance will Ье refunded to WB. d. There were по uncovered prepayments or рауаЫеs outstanding to contractors related to the Project as at the Reporting Date; except for the audit service. е. The Designated cash balance and transit account outstanding as at Reporting Date, in total of USD 8, 194 (Note 6) will Ье used to рау for audit service; f. Undisbursedfund is USD 99,860 (399,540-299,680) (Note 8) will Ье cancelled. The non-disbursement is due to closing off ECAPDEV Grant TFOA3993 and the Heat Supply lmprovement Project becoming effective (Note 9); as а result: • The part 2 with total amount of USD 33,267 of the consulting contract with "Seureca" was terminated; • The part 2 with total amount of USD 50,688 of the consulting contract with "Ramboll" was terminated. g. We are not aware about апу pending or existing litigations against the Project. 13 PROJECT PREPARATION GRANT FOR ТНЕ PROPOSED НЕАТ SUPPLY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ECAPDEV Grant TFOA3993 ANNEX 1. RECONCILIATION BETWEEN ТНЕ AMOUNTS SUBMIТTED ВУ ТНЕ PIU AND DISBURSED ВУ ТНЕ WORLD BANK For the period from 9 January 2017 to 27 June 2019 (Amounts are shown in US do!lars) Expenditure Category Appl. PlU WB Difference Advance/ (Advance recovery) BTS/PIU/TF/01G 80,000.00 BTS/PIU/TF/ 03G (10,000.00) BTS/PIU/TF/ 04G (10,000.00) BTS/PIU/TF/ 06G (5,000.00) BTS/PIU/TF/ 08G (9,276.71) BTS/PIU/TF/ 10G (5,442.09) BTS/PIU/TF/ 11G (5,099.00) BTS/PIU/TF/16G (26,988.22) - 8,193.98 (1) Consultants' services BTS/PIU/TF/ 02G - reimbursement 2,894.55 2,894.55 - BTS/PIU/TF/ 03G 17,687.25 17,687.25 - BTS/PIU/TF/ 04G 21,726.94 21,726.94 - BTS/PIU/TF/ 06G 221.90 221.90 - BTS/PIU/TF/ 07G 20,793.66 20,793.66 - BTS/PIU/TF/ 08G 4,989.32 4,989.32 - BTS/PIU/ТF/ 09G 45,068.77 45,068.77 - BTS/PIU/TF/ 10G 18,891.09 18,891.09 - BTS/PIU/TF/ 11G 9,021.00 9,021.00 - BTS/PIU/TF/ 13G DP 19,550.99 19,550.99 - BTS/PIU/TF/ 14G DP 71,858.28 71,858.28 - BTS/PIU/TF/ 16G 26,598.21 26,598.21 - 259,301.96 259,301.96 (2) Goods BTS/PIU/TF/ 06G 5,927.28 5,927.28 - BTS/PIU/TF/ 11G 1,061.07 1,061.07 - 6,988.35 6,988.35 (3) Training BTS/PIU/TF/ 04G 1,015.59 1,015.59 - BTS/PIU/TF/ 06G 9,294.17 9,294.17 - BTS/PIU/TF/ 07G 4,583.82 4,583.82 - BTS/PIU/TF/ 08G 4,287.39 4,287.39 - BTS/PIU/TF/ 12G 688.50 688.50 - BTS/PIU/TF/ 16G 356.30 356.30 - 20,225.77 20,225.77 14 PROJECT PREPARATION GRANT FOR ТНЕ PROPOSED НЕАТ SUPPLY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ECAPDEV Grant ТFОАЗ993 ANNEX 1. RECONCILIATION BETWEEN ТНЕ AMOUNTS SUBMIТTED ВУ ТНЕ PIU AND DISBURSED ВУ ТНЕ WORLD BANK For the period from 9 January 2017 to 27 June 2019 (Amounts are shown in US dollars) Expenditure Category Appl. PIU WB Difference (4) lncremental Operating Costs BTS/PIU/TF/ 03G 4,299.31 4,299.31 - BTS/PIU/TF/ 04G 210.45 210.45 - BTS/PIU/TF/ 06G 83.17 83.17 - BTS/PIU/TF/ 07G 88.93 88.93 - BTS/PIU/TF/ 09G 85.00 85.00 - BTS/PIU/TF/ 10G 51.00 51.00 - BTS/PIU/TF/ 11G 16.93 16.93 - BTS/PIU/TF/ 12G 101.63 101.63 - BTS/PIU/TF/ 16G 33.71 33. 71 - 4,970.13 4,970.1 З Total 291,486.21 299,680.19 15