Verification Handbook Infrastructure 1 INFRASTRUCTURE VERIFICATION HANDBOOK Good and Bad Illustration of Infrastructure INFRASTRUCTURE VERIFICATION HANDBOOK Good and Bad Illustration of Infrastructure Published: The World Bank, Indonesia Local Government and Decentralization Project Team Partnered: The Government of Indonesia The Indonesian National Government Internal Auditor The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing The Ministry of Finance Printed: February, 2015. Rights and Permission: This work is a product of the staff of The World Bank/International Bank for Reconstruction and Development with external contributions. The findings, interpretations and conclussions expressed in this work do not necessarily reflect the views of Executive Directors of The World Bank, or the Governments they represent. Materials of this work is copyrighted. Copying, citing and/or distributing of partially or full material of this work without permission is violation to the applicable law. The World Bank will acknowledgely endorses the dissemination and reproduction of this material for noncommercial purposes, and will not bear responsible for any risks. Further information: The World Bank Gedung Bursa Efek Jakarta, Tower 2 Fl. 12 Jl. Jend. Sudirman, Kav 52-53, Jakarta Selatan Tel: (021) 52993000/ Fax: (021) 52993111 This Verification Handbook is one of reference in quick qualitative assessments on infrastructure outputs. This Book illustrates the Good and Bad conditions of specific infrastructure outputs: Road/ Bridge, Irrigation, Water and Sanitation. Pictures of infrastructure in the Book are tagged with brief narration and colored notations. The Book marks red-colored frame for Bad illlustration and green-colored frame for Good illustration. Each of pages is marked on outer-side of pictures. 6 Verification Handbook Infrastructure MAIN CONTRIBUTORS The Indonesian National Government Internal Auditor [BPKP] Ernadhi Sudarmanto [Director] Arief Tri Hardiyanto Hendri Santosa Cecep Sanwani Priyanta Eka Nugraha The Ministry of Finance. Project Implementation Unit [PIU] of LGDP: Ahmad Yani [Sec. Director General] Kurnia Erdhani Dwi Cahyadi The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing Sumito [Head of Program and Budget Unit. Secretariate General] CONTENTS ROAD AND BRIDGE 11 Material Aspects of Road and Bridge 12 Physical Aspects of Road and Bridge 23 IRRIGATION 59 Material Aspects of Irrigation 60 Physical Aspects of Irrigation 67 WATER 97 Material Aspects of Water 98 Physical Aspects of Water 101 SANITATION 153 Material Aspects of Sanitation 154 Physical Aspects of Sanitation 160 8 Verification Handbook Infrastructure PRAKATA Proyek Pemerintah Daerah dan Desentralisasi Dalam melakukan verifikasi, BPKP (P2D2) merupakan proyek yang ditujukan mendapatkan tantangan yang salah satunya untuk meningkatkan akuntabilitas dan adalah pengetahuan teknis dan pemahaman sistem pelaporan dari Dana Alokasi Khusus komprehensif untuk mendukung kualitas hasil (DAK) untuk sektor infrastruktur (jalan, pemeriksaan dan keputusan yang diambil. irigasi, air minum, dan sanitasi) di 30 Provinsi Untuk itu, buku ini dapat digunakan sebagai di Indonesia. Proyek ini dipandang sangat suatu instrumen pendukung untuk melakukan strategis untuk mendorong dan memastikan penilaian yang memaparkan titik-titik penting bahwa penggunaan DAK digunakan sesuai dan kritis dalam pemeriksaan. Secara spesifik, dengan petunjuk terkait dari Kementerian mengingat latar belakang pemeriksa BPKP Keuangan dan Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum di lapangan yang beragam, instrumen ini dan Perumahan Rakyat. disampaikan dengan pendekatan sederhana dan gamblang dengan tetap menyampaikan Komponen ketiga dari P2D2 adalah setiap pesan secara utuh tanpa bias verifikasi atas hasil pekerjaan DAK di pengertian yang berlebihan. provinsi/kabupaten/kota di daerah peserta P2D2. Badan Pengawasan Keuangan dan Dengan didukung oleh contoh-contoh ilustratif Pembangunan (BPKP) merupakan badan berupa gambar dan foto, setiap bagian independen yang ditunjuk untuk melakukan dilengkapi dengan deskripsi ringkas dan padat. verifikasi ini. Perwakilan BPKP di tiap provinsi Objek infrastrukur buku ini dibagi menjadi 4 bertugas untuk melakukan verifikasi setiap (empat) bagian yaitu: tahunnya, dengan menggunakan verification a. Jalan dan Jembatan check list yang terdiri dari beberapa kelompok b. Irigasi kriteria verifikasi termasuk diantaranya untuk c. Air Minum teknis pelaksanaan DAK di daerah, proses d. Sanitasi Berbasis Masyarakat pelelangan pekerjaan DAK infrastuktur, manajemen keuangan terkait dana transfer Semoga substansi dari Buku ini dapat DAK, pelaporan hasil DAK di lapangan, dan bermanfaat bagi khalayak pembaca, pengamanan sosial dan lingkungan. utamanya para pemeriksa BPKP dalam menjalankan tugasnya untuk pemeriksaan Buku ini bertujuan untuk membantu output infrastruktur DAK. Buku ini juga tim BPKP di lapangan untuk melakukan dapat menjadi bagian dari sebuah proses verifikasi keluaran DAK infrastruktur. Buku pembelajaran yang mengedepankan perhatian ini disusun sebagai bagian usaha bersama pada aspek pelayanan publik serta mengambil dari Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan pengalaman-pengalaman terbaik dilapangan Perumahan Rakyat dan BPKP Pusat sebagai referensi utama. untuk mencapai peningkatan efektifitas pemanfaatan dari proses verifikasi. Di dalamnya mencakup objek infrastruktur dasar Terima kasih, yang dibiayai oleh DAK. Proyek Pemerintah Daerah dan Desentralisasi Verification Handbook Infrastructure 9 FOREWORD The Local Government and Decentralization On conducting the verification of outputs, Project (LGDP) aim to improve the initially, BPKP faces many challenges which accountability and reporting of the one of them are on the technical knowledge Government of Indonesia Specific Purpose and capacity to support quality of reports and Grants (DAK) for infrastructure sub-sectors the decision. Therefore, this book serves as (road, irrigation, water and sanitation) in supporting document to determine the critical selected 30 local governments in Indonesia. items for the verification process. Considering This project is considered straetgically the fact that BPKP auditors in the field appropriate to support the local governments have different education backgrounds, this on improving the implementation of DAK handbook is presented in a simple and concise infrastructure. way, while keeping the main message clear with intact and unbiased definitions. The third component of LGDP is verification of outputs for DAK activities at the participating Each chapter of this handbook is illustrated districts. The Government of Indonesia with pictures or photos and short paragraphs. Internal Auditor (BPKP) is an independent The subjects are divided in four chapters: agent appointed to conduct the verification a. Road and bridge. of outputs for LGDP. BPKP representatives b. Irrigation. in each participating Province is responsible c. Water. to conduct verification every year, using d. Community-based sanitation. the verification check list, which consist of several criteria including: technical aspect We hope that the content of this handbook on the implementation of DAK in the field; would be useful for the readers, especially procurement for DAK infrastructure sub- BPKP auditors in the field on reviewing DAK sectors; financial management related to DAK infrastructure outputs. The book should also transfer in infrastructure sector, reporting be part of a learning process which focuses of DAK results from the field, and social and on improving the delivery of public services environmental safeguards criteria. and taking lessons learned from the field as a reference. This handbook aim to provide guidance for BPKP team in the field on conducting the verification of outputs for DAK infrastructure. This handbook is created as Thank you, part of collaboration between the Ministry of Public Works and the BPKP at the central level, to improve the effectiveness of BPKP Local Government and technical verification. It describes all the basic Decentralization Project infrastructure objects that are financed by DAK transfer at the local governments. 10 Verification Handbook Infrastructure ROAD & BRIDGE Technical observation is ideally assessed along the verified road. Perfect timing for observation is during low-traffic hour (not during peak hour) with sufficient daylight (not additional lighting). Necessary equipments for technical obser- vation are: • Traffic safety signs. • Map of road network. • Walking measure. • Tape measure. • Waterpass. • Color Camera. • Stationery. • Project vest and helmet. • Marking/Stationing blocks. 12 Verification Handbook Infrastructure PAVEMENT TYPE: HOT ROLLED ASPHALT UK (HRA-UK) Characteristics Gradient Type Mixture Smooth surface with High Gap Graded. Gap-graded aggregate, Flexibility level. a mixture of medium size (2.36 to 10 mm) aggregate, sand matrix, mineral filler, asphalt and coarse aggregate (14 mm). Material Aspects of Road & Bridge 13 PAVEMENT TYPE: SPLIT MASTIC ASPHALT GER/UK (SMA-GER / SMA-UK) or STONE MASTIC ASPHALT USA (SMA-USA) Characteristics Gradient Type Campuran Maximum Macrotexture with Gap Graded. High proportion of coarse High Stiffness level. aggregate. The skeleton is filled with mastic (mixture of bitumen, fine aggregate and filler). 14 Verification Handbook Infrastructure PAVEMENT TYPE: ASPHALTIC CONCRETE USA (AC-USA) Characteristics Gradient Type Mixture Medium Macrotexture with Continous graded. Coarse and Fine aggregate; Interlocking stability. and filler with asphalt binder. Material Aspects of Road & Bridge 15 Round shaped aggregate Bigger aggregate size SIZE AND FITNESS OF AGGREGATES Why is Bad? What is the Treatment? 1. Poorly shaped aggregate and its surface 1. Aggregate should be crushed to form binding (round shaped). angular shapes. 2. Aggregate size is too big. 2. Treatment with crusher or manually by hammer to produce a controlled size. 16 Verification Handbook Infrastructure A Very-Fine Surface Condition Poorly Compacted Material SURFACE LAYER MATERIAL Why is Bad? What is the Treatment? 1. This is a very-fine surface course materials. 1. Replace the course materials or adding 2. Surface course material is less bonded and proper aggregate. poorly compacted. 2. Rework or recompact the materials to 3. Mixing segregation between coarse and fine prevent erosion. aggregates. 3. Properly segregate the material. Material Aspects of Road & Bridge 17 Alligator Cracks FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT DAMAGE: ALLIGATOR CRACKING Why is Bad? What is the Treatment? 1. Cracks with a large gap and resembles as 1. Temporary treatment by patching with single alligator skin may cause water seeping to or double AC; or, sealing with hot rolled sheet subgrade in over time which in turns will (HRS). create pot-holes because the release granular 2. Full treatment has to remove and dispose pavement materials. wet parts, seal it with proper material 2. Cracking occurs because of repetitive-stress specifications. which results in fatigue of surface cource. 3. The drainage system should be improved to prevent pooled water on pavement. 18 Verification Handbook Infrastructure Released gravels FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT DAMAGE: RAVELING Why is Bad? What is the Treatment? 1. Ravels due to decrease bonds between sub- Patching the upper course to cover raveled base and upper course materials which may particles, after the area is removed and dried. affect riding safety and comfort. 2. The structural distress will decreasing periode of road-services. Material Aspects of Road & Bridge 19 Polished aggregate RIGID PAVEMENT DAMAGE: POLISHED AGGREGATE Why is Bad? What is the Treatment? 1. This damage reduce roughness level and 1. Perform diamond grinding. creates a slippery surface. 2. Perform the overlay. 2. May cause of slipping vehicle. 20 Verification Handbook Infrastructure Pacthing RIGID PAVEMENT DAMAGE : PACTHING Why is Bad? What is the Treatment? 1. Even though the surface functions normally, 1. Proper slab replacement or overlay. the pacthed area is classified damage since 2. Sealed with fine asphalt sheet and milled. pacthed mixture is different materials. 2. Driving inconvenience. Material Aspects of Road & Bridge 21 Pop-outs RIGID PAVEMENT DAMAGE: POPOUTS/POROUS Why is Bad? What is the Treatment? 1. Loosen gravels on upper slab surface and 1. Patch or seal the minor popouts with cement marked popouts with dia. 25 to 100 mm. paste fillings. 2. It reduce the surface roughness. 2. Large popouts should be repaired with 3. It also indicates a poor aggregate durability. partial depth patching. 22 Verification Handbook Infrastructure Cement material is used for repairing flexible pavement CORE DRILLING MISTAKE ON FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT Why is Bad? What is the Treatment? 1. Horizontal line of core drill sampling. 1. Sampling pattern must be collected 2. Repairing materials on drilled hole is different diagonally as following: with pavement material. 2. Repairing material must be similar with tested pavement. Physical Aspects of Road & Bridge 23 FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT DAMAGE: CRACKED ON PAVEMENT AND SHOULDER JOINT Why is Bad? What is the Treatment? 1. Shoulder surface is higher than primary 1. Paving the shoulders or recompact the surface which may trap water in the joint. sructure. 2. Water is seeping beneath the course with 2. Repair and increase drainage capacity. loosing of gravels from the cracks, leads to 3. Filling cracks with mixture of bitumen and further deterioration. sands. 24 Verification Handbook Infrastructure Shoulder cracks FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT DAMAGE: SHOULDER CRACK Why is Bad? What is the Treatment? 1. Poor ground support under shoulder and 1. Filling cracks with asphalt-sand mixtures. poor drainage system. 2. Improve the drainage. 2. Cracks will become larger with holes. 3. Extend the shoulders and solidified. 3. Water will seep beneath the course and distress surface. 4. It will result a total damage of pavement, courses and distract the riding comfort. Physical Aspects of Road & Bridge 25 Fine cracks FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT DAMAGE: FINE CRACK Why is Bad? What is the Treatment? There are fine cracks with gaps which will seep 1. Replace the surface course by removing the water beneath pavement courses. damage parts and coated with new materials (similar specification). 2. Coating with asphalt sand sheet for maintenance purpose 3. Improve the drainage system to prevent water ponding that damage the surface 26 Verification Handbook Infrastructure FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT DAMAGE: POTHOLES Why is Bad? What is the Treatment? 1. Potholes will seep water beneath the 1. Clear off the hole from water and materials. pavement course and results more severe 2. Cut straight the damage surface including damage on the road. its base course. 2. This damage potentially cause fatal 3. Open the upper and sub-base layers, place accident for riders. bonding mixtures of asphalt and compact it. 4. Improve the drainage system to prevent worse condition. Physical Aspects of Road & Bridge 27 Deformation in wheel-path FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT DAMAGE: RUTTING Why is Bad? What is the Treatment? 1. The uplifted and wavy surface is very Patching additional upper coat with similar dangerous and uncomfortable for riding. specification; or, road reconstruction. 2. The wheelpath will collect rainwater on pavement surface. 28 Verification Handbook Infrastructure Puddles FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT DAMAGE: INUNDATION Why is Bad? What is the Treatment? Water inundation damage the structure 1. Improve the drainage system for properly by loosing the structural bonding between channel the rainwater. aggregates and asphalt. 2. Regularly maintain the drainage channel, clear from debris and vegetation to prevent overflow and inundation on road surafces. Physical Aspects of Road & Bridge 29 Tree and bushes FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT DAMAGE: VEGETATION ON PAVEMENT Why is Bad? What is the Treatment? 1. There is tree and bushes growing on the 1. Clearing off the vegetation from road road that harmful for riding safety. It also structure. indicates a poor maintenance. 2. Repairing the damage course. 2. Vegetation root will absorb the water and damage the base course. 30 Verification Handbook Infrastructure Shoving FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT DAMAGE: SHOVING Why is Bad? What is the Treatment? 1. Poor support on the road edge. Driver 1. Corrective maintenance by patching sand- discomfort when riding. sheet asphalt course or HRS. 2. Poor stability of mixture as results 2. Treatment by removing damage area, of excessive bitumen, excessive fine- clearing the wet and replace with similar aggregates, high penetration on surface. material specification. 3. Improving drainage system to prevent excessive water seeping due to inundation. Physical Aspects of Road & Bridge 31 FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT DAMAGE: RAVELING Why is Bad? What is the Treatment? 1. Major surface has been raveled or stripped 1. Relaying the surface course with bonding from the road segments. mixtures or asphalt sheet. 2. The road slope is deformated which is 2. Rehabilitation by remove the pavement blocking the flow of water into drainage. courses and recompact with proper slope (as in the road design and specification). 32 Verification Handbook Infrastructure Material damage on median MEDIAN DAMAGE Why is Bad? What is the Treatment? 1. There is material damage and missing curbs 1. The damage median must be repaired by which erode the soil in rainwater. installing curbs. 2. Materials are spilling off onto the road 2. Paved the median for pedestrians crossing. surface. 3. The median is unpaved or support with paving blocks for pedestrians crossing facility. Physical Aspects of Road & Bridge 33 OVERHEIGHT MEDIAN Why is Bad? What is the Treatment? Overheight curbs which is disrupt the access The design should take consideration of and comfortability for pedestrians crossing. proper median height at specific segments for other purposes i.e. emergency crossing for ambulance. 34 Verification Handbook Infrastructure Fault parking Structural damage DAMAGES OF PEDESTRIAN FACILITIES Why is Bad? What is the Treatment? 1. The facilities are used for parking. 1. Park the vehicles only on assigned parking 2. Pedestrian facilities is designed only for area. pedestrians load. 2. Place parking-banned signs to sterilize the 3. Damage the materials. area from parking vehicles. 3. Materials for the parking facilities has to be properly maintained. Physical Aspects of Road & Bridge 35 ROAD EQUIPMENT Why is Good? Alternatives 1. The equipments is complete: good Other supporting road equipments (only structured of road, shoulders, open drainage, if required): median for pedestrians, road and safe area for road inspection. separator, paved shoulder, drainage, sideways, 2. In this condition, the road has fulfilled the and retaining walls. standard of good road construction. 36 Verification Handbook Infrastructure CLEAR AND SAFE Why is Good? Alternatives 1. The cleanliness is properly maintained. Vegetation on road side should be cleared to 2. Zero damage is a safe condition for riders. give better view for pedestrians crossing. Physical Aspects of Road & Bridge 37 COMFORTABILITY Why is Good? Alternatives 1. The surface is smooth and straight, give a Drainage should be constructed evenly to comfort riding. maintain the good condition. 2. Black colored surface will comfort the feeling of riders. 38 Verification Handbook Infrastructure No drainage channel DRAINAGE EQUIPMENT Why is Bad? What is the Treatment? Absence of drainage will collect the rainwater Construct a proper drains channel and repair on surface. the surface slope (AC and HRS). Physical Aspects of Road & Bridge 39 No retaining structures Undersize channel IMPROPER SIZE OF DRAINAGE CHANNEL Why is Bad? What is the Treatment? 1. Capacity of drains channel is very low. Increasing the width as minimum standard 2. There is no retaining structure on upper side capacity for drain requirement; of channel. The height of channel is aligned Q=(Axr)/3600, “A” is square of road, “r” is with road surface. rainfall. 40 Verification Handbook Infrastructure No retaining wall ABSENCES OF RETAINING WALL Why is Bad? What is the Treatment? Debris and soil materials falls directly into gully, Use retaining walls on slope to prevent erosion. create sediments and blocking the water-flow. Physical Aspects of Road & Bridge 41 ROADSIDE DRAINS Why is Good? Alternatives 1. The size is properly opened and fulfill the None. technical specification (material). 2. The gullies are kept clean and fully operational. 42 Verification Handbook Infrastructure ROADSIDE DRAINAGE Why is Good? Alternatives 1. Road sloping and the shoulder is ideally flow 1. The channel could be formed of solidified the rainwater to open channel. ground with lower cost, but maintenance 2. Natural sloping and the minor vegetation will be more complex. between shoulder and channel is good to 2. The natural sloping could maintain with prevent erosion, but regular maintenance is permanent construction. Higher cost but also needed. cheaper maintenance. Physical Aspects of Road & Bridge 43 Trash Vegetation VEGETATION AND TRASH IN DRAINAGE CHANNEL Why is Bad? What is the Treatment? Vegetation and plugging trash inside the gully Vegetation and plugging trash should be will block the water flow. removed priodically to clear the water flow. 44 Verification Handbook Infrastructure Vegetation VEGETATION ON SHOULDER Why is Bad? What is the Treatment? 1. Vegetation on this shoulder will block the 1. Clear the vegetation periodically if water flow since the road surface in align reconstruction of channel or road is difficult, with channel. 2. Concreting the shoulder. 2. Blocked water will seep beneath the course and damage the structure. Physical Aspects of Road & Bridge 45 No shoulder Gap of height ABSENCE OF SHOULDER STRUCTURE Why is Bad? What is the Treatment? 1. No shoulder structure. 1. Cover the side ground to raise the surface. 2. Significant gap of height between road and 2. Constructing support structure for shoulder. side ground, extremely dangerous for riders. 46 Verification Handbook Infrastructure Joint cracks RIGID PAVEMENT DAMAGE: JOINT CRACKING Why is Bad? What is the Treatment? 1. Poor bonding between slabs. Repairing maintenance by filling crack sealent 2. The faulting will lead to deterioration due to (mixtures of asphalt and sands). release particels. 3. Water will enter and accumulate under the pavement structure. Physical Aspects of Road & Bridge 47 Shoulder cracks RIGID PAVEMENT DAMAGE: SHOULDER CRACKING Why is Bad? What is the Treatment? 1. Poor drainage conditions or vegetation on 1. For linear cracking (horizontally or shoulder that damage the sub-course and diagonally), repair with filling mixture of roadside structure. asphalt and sands. 2. There is material settlement which leads to 2. For square cracking, repair with removing spalling. damaged structure and replace with similar materials/specification. 48 Verification Handbook Infrastructure Line cracking RIGID PAVEMENT DAMAGE: LINEAR CRACKING Why is Bad? What is the Treatment? 1. Major cracks on main lane will deformate 1. Narrow linear cracks could be maintained by the slab. crack sealing with AC. 2. This damage will punch the slab partially. 2. Multiple large cracks must be majorly 3. This damage will erode the base and repaired with full depth patch. subbase soil materials. 3. The slabs must be removed, dried the wet parts, and covered with new material (similar specification). Physical Aspects of Road & Bridge 49 Transvers cracks RIGID PAVEMENT DAMAGE: TRANSVERS CRACK Why is Bad? What is the Treatment? 1. Cracks on the old slab were not repaired 1. For linear cracking (horizontally or properly prior to overlay works. diagonally), repair with filling mixture of 2. Cracks will be larger with holes. asphalt and sands. 3. Water will seep under the slab and damage 2. For square cracking, repair with removing the surface layer. damaged structure and replace with similar materials/specification. 50 Verification Handbook Infrastructure Outlet pipe DRAINING PIPE ON RETAINING WALL (UNDER BRIDGE) Why is Good? 1. Absorbed water creates pressure on wall. The draining pipe will realease the water and pevent overpressure on wall structure. 2. Drainage pipe has to use plastics or other anti-corrosive materials. Material Aspects of Road & Bridge 51 Porous fence Off holder Loosen nuts DAMAGE OF BRIDGE Why is Bad? What is the Treatment? 1. Loosen nuts from bridge structure. Maintenance and special treatment for steel 2. Corroded steel structures. structures and replace damage parts. 3. Holders of safety-support are damaged. 52 Verification Handbook Infrastructure Vegetation VEGETATION ON BRIDGE STRUCTURE Why is Bad? What is the Treatment? 1. Vegetation will absorb water into steel 1. Vegetation should be removed to prevent structure, make corrotion and failure on water bleeding into bridge structure. structure. 2. Remove the corrotion and repaint with anti- 2. Corrotion on supporting structures. corrosive epoxy. Material Aspects of Road & Bridge 53 No retaining wall LACK OF RETAINING WALL FOR EROSION Why is Bad? What is the Treatment? Lack of retaining wall to prevent erosion. Construct the retaining wall with proper drainage system to strengthen the ground structures. 54 Verification Handbook Infrastructure Stonewall Abutment BRIDGE ABUTMENT Why is Good? Alternatives 1. The abutment is made of hardened Abutment could be support by pillars to stonewall, preventing erosion. improve supporting capacity. 2. The abutment also useful for supporting base structure, transferring pressures and deck placement. Physical Aspects of Road & Bridge 55 CONCRETE SLAB ON BRIDGE Why is Good? Alternatives 1. Concrete slab is used for short bridge. 1. Place short-span slab to distribute the bigger 2. Bridge with reinforced slab is economically pressures. lower cost for construction. 2. If the load service is medium, the length of 3. Detailed design of concrete slab for bridge is bridge may be extended. simple and less-technicalities. 56 Verification Handbook Infrastructure SAFETY FENCE ON BRIDGE Why is Good? Alternatives 1. This bridge is equipped with safety fence to Higher fences with steel-reinforced pillars prevent fatal accidents. to prevent fatal accident on medium loaded 2. The material is more than required standard vehicles. for medium load services. Physical Aspects of Road & Bridge 57 Raveled materials Wood panels POOR SAFETY CONDITION Why is Bad? What is the Treatment? 1. THe wood panel (for construction) was not 1. All of wood panels should be cleared off the cleared properly. structure once the physical construction 2. The panel will absorb water and its humidity had been completed. will corrode the structure. 2. There must be partial inspection to check 3. Poor quality of finishing works will damage quality of finishing works and instantly the material instantly. repair the concrete damages. 58 Verification Handbook Infrastructure IRRIGATION 60 Verification Handbook Infrastructure Retaining wall PREVENTING EROSION Why is Good? Alternatives Stonewall will prevent erosion on canals, Canals from ground soils is lot cheaper, but vegetation, and reduce maintenance of damage require intensive maintenance and clearance of canal walls. sediment. Material Aspects of Irrigation 61 Gravels on the base STONES ON CANAL BASE Why is Good? 1. Stones will support the ground structure, especially in sloping area. 2. Preventing downward pressure and scours on canal base. 62 Verification Handbook Infrastructure Construction sands CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL ON THE CANALS Why is Bad? What is the Treatment? Construction material (sand) is placed next to Do not place construction material on canal, approaching inlet of the canal. The materials and ensure the stocking area will not overflow will spill into the channel and make sediments. the material into irrigation channel. Material Aspects of Irrigation 63 No retainings NO RETAINING WALL Why is Bad? What is the Treatment? 1. Retaining structure is damaged.. Preventing erosion and soil sedimentation 2. The soil or other materials will be spilled into within the canal is important. Thus, retaining channel and creates sedimentation. wall must be constructed with proper structures. 64 Verification Handbook Infrastructure IRRIGATION WALL Why is Good? Alternatives 1. The concrete material will properly restrain 1. Stonewall as alternative material. the water pressures. 2. Placed pressure gauge/door or chutes to 2. Streams in concrete material is higher control the overflow/overpressure. than stonewall. This condition will reduce sedimentation in the channel. 3. Preventing vegetation within the channel. Material Aspects of Irrigation 65 DAMAGE ON IRRIGATION WALL Why is Bad? What is the Treatment? Porous surface of irrigation wall. This damage Permanently sealed the sruface with proper will affect the inner layers and ground material specification. structures. 66 Verification Handbook Infrastructure CRACKS ON CANAL BANK Why is Bad? What is the Treatment? 1. Cracked wall will extremely reduce the 1. Permanent repairment by subdue the physical support in restraining the streams. damage structure with concrete material, 2. This damage will completely deter the canal than seal the cracks (water flow should be since water will be absorbed under the diverted during construction). structure. 2. The construction should be well-conducted to supervise technical acpects. Physical Aspects of Irrigation 67 Concrete support CONCRETE MATERIAL FOR SIDE SUPPORT Why is Good? Alternatives 1. Use the concrete material for side support 1. Use T-slab for >5 meter bridge. and road over the canals. It will support the 2. If the load services only for pedetrians, wood pressure. and steel material will be more economic. 2. Concrete material in this small bridge is low- cost maintenance than wood-material. 68 Verification Handbook Infrastructure No retainings NO RETAINING WALL Why is Bad? What is the Treatment? 1. Lack of retaining support will disrupt the Reinforce the side slope with stone or concrete canals, especially the rainwater. material to prevent erosion. This construction 2. Natural slope require more space. need fewer space than natural slope. Physical Aspects of Irrigation 69 Medium sloping SLOPING OF CANAL SIDE Why is Good? Alternatives 1. Side area of canal is sloping in medium. This Higher canal surface to prevent spilling soild condition will prevent excessive soil erosion. into channel. This reconstruction might be 2. Protection could also be placed on canal wall. costly. 70 Verification Handbook Infrastructure Steep cliffs NATURAL STEEP OF CLIFFS Why is Bad? What is the Treatment? The steep cliffs on canals will erode the soil into 1. Constructed the outer line on the side of channel, create sedimentation. canal (same height with the canal) as an alternative channel. 2. Planting the cliff to prevent erosion. Physical Aspects of Irrigation 71 Pematah arus WATER CHANNEL PROTECTION Why is Good? Alternatives 1. There is drop structure that reduce the Protection could be done by placing stones at velocity. drop structures. 2. Streams will be controlled since high velocity is reduced. 72 Verification Handbook Infrastructure Gap on gate structure GAP ON GATE STRUCTURE Why is Bad? What is the Treatment? There is gap or holes between concrete wall and Use proper panel during construction for firmly the gate frame which will decrease support on locking the frame on concrete wall. water gate to restraing water pressure. Physical Aspects of Irrigation 73 Control gate Division wall DIVISION WALL AND WATER GATE Why is Good? 1. There is division wall/box to control the downstream. 2. Control gate is also critical component in irrigation system. 74 Verification Handbook Infrastructure Tangga pada tepi INSPECTION STAIRS ON SIDE CANALS Why is Good? This inspection stairs will ease the operation, maintenance and inspection of irrigation channels. Physical Aspects of Irrigation 75 SCREEN ON CONTROL GATE Why is Bad? What is the Treatment? There is plugged trash on gate which block the 1. Installing trash screen to prevent water water flow. blocking because of plugged trash at the gate. 2. Screen will be easier to maintain and cleaned rather than inspecting the channels to identify the blocking spot. 76 Verification Handbook Infrastructure Draining pipe on wall DRAINING PIPE ON CANAL WALL Why is Good? There is draining pipe on canal wall as outlet for undground water and reduce the inside pressure. Physical Aspects of Irrigation 77 Screen on gate SCREEN ON GATE Why is Good? Alternatives The screen will collect the trash off the water. Use steeled screen for longer period of service. 78 Verification Handbook Infrastructure ABSENCES OF GATE, DIVISIONS, AND SCREEN ON CANAL Why is Bad? What is the Treatment? 1. There is no control gate for proper water 1. Permanent gate must be placed on canal. distribution. 2. Temporary gate should be placed during 2. There is no division to channel the water maintenance of permanent gate. flow. 3. Place the trash screen to collect debris off 3. There is no screen to filter trash. the water. Physical Aspects of Irrigation 79 CORROSION AND TRASH ON COLLECTION GATE Why is Bad? What is the Treatment? 1. Rusting gate will decrease the operationality 1. Rusting gate could be replaced with steel and structural ability in restraining the plate and painted with anti-corrosive epoxy. stream. 2. Remove the trash periodically to clear the 2. Plugged debris and trash will block the water collection gate. flow. 80 Verification Handbook Infrastructure TRASH ON OVERFLOW GATE Why is Bad? What is the Treatment? 1. There are many trash plugged on overflow 1. Remove the trash, and place the trash gate. screen. 2. The gate is opened all-day. 2. Overflow gate is used to control water level inside the irrigation canals and overflow the sediments. 3. Gate must be opened and closed within certain hours, not all-day. Physical Aspects of Irrigation 81 vegetasi VEGETATION IN CANAL Why is Bad? What is the Treatment? 1. There is vegetation in canals which block the 1. Clear the vegetaion off the wall. water flow. 2. Replace the material by sealing or 2. Vegetation will absorb water and damage reconstruction. the wall structure. 3. Regular maintenance to prevent vegetaion on the wall. 82 Verification Handbook Infrastructure TRASH IN CANALS Why is Bad? What is the Treatment? 1. Trash in canals will block the water flow. 1. Clean and remove the trash periodically. 2. Inundation also dangerous for healthy 2. Regular maintenance and direct restriction for disposing trash to canal. Physical Aspects of Irrigation 83 SEDIMENTATION Why is Bad? What is the Treatment? 1. There is soil sedimentation on canal bottom. 1. Remove the sedimentation. 2. Sedimentation will decrease water and flow 2. Design the sloping properly to ensure velocity capacity. and streamings off correctly. 84 Verification Handbook Infrastructure CHANNELS AROUND THE FARMING FIELD Why is Good? 1. The channel will distribute the water evenly on farming field and improve the productivity. 2. The channel will minimalize rat breeding. Physical Aspects of Irrigation 85 CLEANLINESS AND FUNCTIONALITY OF CANAL Why is Bad? What is the Treatment? 1. Poor cleanliness. Maintain the cleanliness will ensure the canal 2. The canal is inoperable due to blocked water can be functioned properly. at control gate. 86 Verification Handbook Infrastructure CLEANLINESS OF CANAL AND DAMAGE OF WATER GATE Why is Bad? What is the Treatment? 1. Lots of sedimentation, trash and vegetation 1. Clear the trash and sedimentation off the in canal which will block the water flow. canal. 2. Water is improperly flowed. 2. Replace the gate with better material. 3. The gate is damaged, disrupt the water distribution, and restraining capacity on water pressure. Physical Aspects of Irrigation 87 TUNNELS IN CANAL Why is Good? Alternatives 1. This square tunnel is used to overflow the A pipe tunnel from concrete ring which placed water out of channel to nearest river. and support with reinforced pillars. 2. The structure is durable for supporting pressure from the road. 88 Verification Handbook Infrastructure SLOTS FOR STOPLOGS Why is Good? Alternatives 1. There is slots to install stoplogs if needed. Valved gate is better but more expensive. 2. Stoplogs from wood panel or steel plate is more operable than permanent gate. Physical Aspects of Irrigation 89 Dropping pool DROPPING POOL IN CANALS Why is Good? 1. Dropping pool is used to cut the high velocity or streams before tertiary distribution. 2. The dropping pool will prevent grease on canal bottom due to high streams. 90 Verification Handbook Infrastructure WATER FLOW IN IRRIGATION CHANNEL Why is Bad? What is the Treatment? The irrigation channel is not functioned COntructed small ponds to channel intake off properly since water is empty. This may caused bigger dam or collect more rainwater as buffer of bad management in water intake. supply for canals. Physical Aspects of Irrigation 91 CRACKS ON IRRIGATION WALL Why is Bad? What is the Treatment? Cracks on irrigation wall will loose the cement 1. Regular maintenance for improving the surface, and affecting the strength of wall structure. structure. 2. Replace the cement composition with better mixture to increase its durability, as the standards of irrigation channel. 92 Verification Handbook Infrastructure CLEANLINESS OF IRRIGATION CANALS Why is Good? Alternatives Clean canals. Place the off-stream line which is useful for: a. Reduce the water-loss from absorbtion b. Preventing erosion c. Preventing vegetation d. Reduce the maintenance cost Physical Aspects of Irrigation 93 STAGNATE WATER IN CHANNEL Why is Bad? What is the Treatment? 1. Water is not flowing properly. 1. The sloping should be designed properly to 2. The sloping is not properly downward the create good downstreams for reach all of streams. serviced area. 2. Maintain the cleanliness for preventing water stagnate along the channel. 94 Verification Handbook Infrastructure PILLARS AND RETAINING WALL Why is Good? 1. There are pillars and retaining wall to support the canal and preventing erosion on ground structure. 2. Retaining wall supports the canal and distribute the water pressure to ground. Physical Aspects of Irrigation 95 No overflow gate OVERFLOW GATE IN CHANNEL Why is Bad? What is the Treatment? There is no overflow gate in this channel which Place a permanent overflow gate i.e. wood affecting water distribution and overflow panels, steel or concrete material. management during raining season. 96 Verification Handbook Infrastructure CLEAN WATER 98 Verification Handbook Infrastructure Water tank Plastic bottle Distribution pipe PIPING - WATER DISTRIBUTION Why is Bad? What is the Treatment? 1. Plastic bottle is not for fitting. 1. Replace the plastic bottle with fittings. 2. Connections must be firmed to prevent 2. In emergency (if there is no fitting available), leakages or broken pipes. use bended pipe. When bended with fire, insert soft-fillet into the pipe to maintain the diameter. Material Aspects of Water 99 Plastic bottle is used as fitting for distribution pipes PIPING - CONNECTION Why is Bad? What is the Treatment? 1. Using plastic bottle for connecting the 1. Replace the plastic bottle with fittings. distribution pipe. 2. In emergency (if there is no fitting available), 2. Connections must be firmed to prevent use bended pipe. When bended with fire, leakages or broken pipes. insert soft-fillet into the pipe to maintain the diameter. 100 Verification Handbook Infrastructure Wire Cutted steel Rubber PIPING : IMPROPER PIPING CLAMP Why is Bad? What is the Treatment? 1. Pipes should be clamped firmly, not loose or 1. Use proper clamp (PVC) with correct size of laggy because the connection will be broken. pipe diameters. 2. Pipe will be brittled on continous exposure of 2. Shield the pipe with concrete mix to prevent sunslight. continous exposure of sunlight. Once the pipe shielded, clamp is no longer useful. Physical Aspects of Water 101 WATER INTAKE CONSTRUCTION Why is Bad? What is the Treatment? 1. There is no treatment on intake water and 1. Place the cover to protect water from falling reservoir is opened, which may affect the items. quality of water, even polluted. 2. Install faucets. 2. Distribution pipe is opened. 3. Build drainage for spillover water. 3. No drainage for spilled over which flooded 4. Protect the quality with regular the water during high intensity of rainwater. maintenance. 102 Verification Handbook Infrastructure WATER INTAKE CONSTRUCTION Why is Good? Alternatives? 1. This intake construction is a closed reservoir in Simplee intake construction may cost cheaper which protect the quality of water. rather than this intake. 2. Collected water may also be distributed for irrigation. 3. There is proper distribution gate. 4. There is drainage from intake to nearest channel. Physical Aspects of Water 103 WATER INTAKE CONSTRUCTION IN HILL GROUND Why is Good? Alternatives? 1. Fit the hillside tophography, away from 1. Design of intake may be vary to local water resources and access of piping water. condition and applicable technology. 2. This intake is a closed reservoir which 2. Proper drainage system beside outlet pipe protect the quality of water resources. to irrigation which may prevent overpressure 3. There is proper distribution gate. and inundation around the structure. 4. There is outlet pipe for spillover water to nearest irrigation channel. 104 Verification Handbook Infrastructure WATER INTAKE - RAINWATER Why is Bad? What is the Treatment? 1. This open intake collecting rainwater which not 1. Cover the intake to prevent fallen items into the protect the quality of water. water. 2. Outlet pipe is opened. 2. Install faucets. 3. There is no drainage for overflow water which 3. Build drainage for spillover. make puddles around the structure, or, flooding 4. Drain the intake periodically or give cholrine to the area during heavy rainwater. clear the water. 4. There is no draining outlet to clean the intake. 5. Use water tank instead of opened intake. 5. Collecting pipe is too small. Physical Aspects of Water 105 Inlet for rainwater WATER TANK - RAINWATER Why is Good? Alternatives 1. Rainwater tank is a closed tank to protect 1. This tank will be very useful during wet the quality of water. season. There should be alternative 2. Inlet for rainwater will direct the water into collection during dry season. tank in minutes. 2. The water may collected from other 3. Minor use of pipes to collect the water. resources which is costly. 3. Design and size of tank is varied on local condition. 106 Verification Handbook Infrastructure WATER INTAKE - RIVERWATER Why is Bad? What is the Treatment? 1. The intake is operated by sand trap and 1. Inlet must be filtered properly to screen the water is flowed to intake through pipe. materials when the river is overflowing. 2. Piping for spillover is not channeled to 2. Reinforce the ground support and build the drainaged which heavily risks in heavy upper cover for intake. rainwater and over capacity. It can damage the structure and flooded the area. Physical Aspects of Water 107 DIGGING WELL Why is Bad? What is the Treatment? 1. The open condition is heavily polluting the 1. Build upper cover to prevent fallen items into water. the well. 2. There is no safety ring/fence for preventing 2. Build ring or fence for user safety. user from harmful accident. 3. Build retaining wall to prevent soil pollution 3. Potentially excess the usage, disrupt the and erosion into the well. ground water cycle and other risks. 108 Verification Handbook Infrastructure DIGGING WELL Why is Good? Alternatives? 1. This well is equipped with standard items 1. Installing pump to collect water from well. i.e. pulley and basin, cover, spillover outlets, 2. Build simple wastewater treatment (min. concreted floor. capacity is 2% of daily use) before water is 2. The wall meet the standard with minimum outflowed to nearest drainage. depth of 3 meters from ground, constructed with water-resistant mix. 3. Concreted floor with size ± l,5 meter from well to avoid water spilled back into well. 4. The floor is solid without cracks, easy to maintain and sloped properly to flow off the dirty water. Physical Aspects of Water 109 PIPING NETWORK Why is Bad? What is the Treatment? 1. Without pipe bridge, this piping will be Place supporting material i.e. bamboo that bended and leaked because of river streams. attach to it and place it over 1 meter of river 2. Broken pipe when the river is flooded. surface. Placed a solid structure on the sides 3. Opened pipe will be easily damaged. of river. This structure must be inspected and maintained regularly. 110 Verification Handbook Infrastructure WATER INTAKE - GRAVITATION TECHNIQUE Why is Good? Alternatives 1. A gravitation intake not require pumping to 1. Build an upper cover to protect the intake distribute the water which will reduce the from fallen items. oeprational cost significantly compare to 2. Design of intake is varied to local conditions. pumping system. 2. There is water filter. 3. There is proper distribution pape to channel collected water to nearest reservoir, public hydrant, or house connection. Physical Aspects of Water 111 WATER TOWER Why is Good? Alternatives The tower will ensure continuity of water supply Design of water tower is varied to local in sufficient quantity and quality. condition and applicable technology. 112 Verification Handbook Infrastructure RESERVOIR - GROUND WATER Why is Bad? 1. The reservoir is opened and not protect What is the Treatment? quality of water. 1. Installing faucets/stop gauge. 2. Outlet pipe is opened. 2. Build drainage for spillover to prevent 3. There is no drainage for spillover and may puddles or flooded water. creates puddles or flood during heavy rainwater. Physical Aspects of Water 113 RESERVOIR - GROUND WATER Why is Bad? What is the Treatment? 1. This reservoir is opened and not protect the 1. Installing faucets/stop gauge. quality of water. 1. Build drainage for spillover to prevent 2. Outlet pipe is opened. puddles or flooded water. 3. There is no drainage for spillover and may creates puddles or flood during heavy rainwater. 114 Verification Handbook Infrastructure Reservoir Sands trap/gravels inside RESERVOIR - GROUND WATER Why is Good? Alternatives 1. Filters and sands trap will screen the Design and variation of reservoir may vary to sediment inside main distribution pipe, main local condition and topography. tank and distribution networks. 2. Sands trap and the gravels will preventing the sediment which should be inspected and cleaned regularly. Physical Aspects of Water 115 Reservoir Spillover Outlets RESERVOIR - SMALL RIVER Why is Good? 1. This reservoir operates a sand trap, and Alternatives channel the water through pipe. Reservoir should be placed next to intake to 2. Outlet pipes is properly installed. prevent mixing water whenever both places is 3. It is better to screen the inlet for preventing overcapacity. trash or other item when the river is overflowed. 116 Verification Handbook Infrastructure Roof/Water Tank cover Water from river Gate in collecting ponds RESERVOIR - RIVER WATER Why is Good? Alternatives 1. Collecting ponds is constructed parallel for 1. Design/variaty of reservoir is vary to local slowing down the inlet water, and trap the condition, topography and lowest streams of sands and sedimentation in collecting ponds. river water. 2. Stones are placed under the dropping points 2. Parallel reservoir is best option to collect the to control the overflow before distribute to sedimentation before distribution. reservoir. 3. Control gate will flushed the sand and sedimentation out of reservoir. Physical Aspects of Water 117 Tthere is no draining outlet Dirty water, trash and moss inside the tank RESERVOIR - RAIN WATER Why is Bad? What is the Treatment? 1. The reservoir is opened and not protected 1. Build the cover. the quality of water. 2. Installing outlet for draining the water. 2. There is no outlet pipe. 3. Build drainage for preventing overcapacity 3. There is no drainage for spillover which may and flooded area. cause puddles and flooded water during heavy rain. 118 Verification Handbook Infrastructure RESERVOIR - GROUND WATER Why is Good? Alternativesnya? This reservoar ini is placed as ground water Design of reservoir may vary to local condition, storage. The place is closed and locked to location and applicable technology. protect quality of water. Physical Aspects of Water 119 PUMPING HOUSE Why is Good? Alternatives 1. The pumping house will secure the Size of house is depended on design, and equipements from unnecessary access and equipments. weather. 2. It is better to have access to pumping house to ease the inspection and maintenance. 120 Verification Handbook Infrastructure RESERVOAR - CLEAN WATER Why is Good? Alternatives This reservoir collects clean water from rain or Design of reservoir may vary to local condition other surface water. This system maintain the and applicable technology. supply, continuity, the quantity and quality for distribution. Physical Aspects of Water 121 PUBLIC HYDRANT Why is Good? Alternatives 1. The hydrant will connect the clean water Design of public hydrant may vary to local from reservoir or water tower to surrounding condition and applicable technology. people. 2. This hydrant meets the technical standard, drainage and distribution pipe. 122 Verification Handbook Infrastructure SIMPLE WATER TREATMENT - PEAT WATER Why is Good? Alternatives 1. This treatment will process peat or muddy Design of this water treatment (especially water. the capacity) may vary to local condition and 2. SImple and easy to install and operate; demand. and low cost. It uses minor checmical composition, i.e. chlorine and lime-stone. 3. This treatment unit can also be used for collecting rainwater. Physical Aspects of Water 123 WATER TANK - DISTRIBUTION Why is Bad? What is the Treatment? 1. This water tank is opened. 1. Tank should be covered from pollutant 2. Quality of water is not protected. material. 3. Distribution pipes are installed on tank wall 2. For small tank (around 2 x 2 m), the cover which highly risks for leakage. should be removeable for maintenance. 3. For bigger tank (more than 2 x 2m), there should be manhole for easy access and maintenance. 4. Place a gauze on ventilation pipe to filter the water before distributed. 124 Verification Handbook Infrastructure WATER TANK AND PIPE Why is Good? Alternatives 1. The tank has complete facility for washing 1. Routine maintainenance to kept the facility and distribute water. cleanliness. 2. Combination of water tank and washing 2. Place the tank, pipe and washing area in floor. open space for easy access. 3. Proper sloping of concrete floor to drainage outlets. 4. Water is flowing easily to drainage channels and kept the floor dry. Physical Aspects of Water 125 Water inlet Sands trap SANDS TRAP IN RIVER WATER Why is Bad? What is the Treatment? 1. The water flow will slowing the sands and 1. There should be drop wall to divide inlet and other sediments. tunneled the stream through one inlet. 2. Sands will not traps due to high water 2. Closed other inlets. pressures through water inlets. 3. Clear the approaching hole from plugged 3. The traps will slowing water and plug the sands periodically. sands at inlet. 126 Verification Handbook Infrastructure Outlet to distribution channel Collected water Suggest: Build retaining wall to prevent sands from spilled water Water flow Sands trap SANDS TRAP IN RIVER WATER Why is Bad? What is the Treatment? 1. The sands will be plugged behind the 1. Place the retaining wall to channel the sands retaining wall and the surface will raise, back to river. cleared and spilled over the traps into intake. 2. Bend the wall to overflow the cleanwater 2. The sand will trap inside the pond and block directly into intake. the water. 3. Clear the trapped sands periodically. 3. Sands will flushed easily on outlet channel due to slower debit of water. Physical Aspects of Water 127 A B C A. Connection with glue B. Connection with screwed pipe. C. Connection with screwed pipe D. Connection with top welding. E. Connection with permanent welding D E TYPES OF VENTILATION PIPE Why is Good? Alternatives 1. Ventilation pipe is important to release air 1. Place a screen on the tip of ventilation pipe. pressure within the tank. 2. Design and variaty of ventilation pipe may 2. THe ventilation pipe should be PVC or vary to local condition and tank location. galvanized steel. 3. Connections might be placed with glue, screwed or welded. 4. Ventilation should be placed on top of water tank. 128 Verification Handbook Infrastructure OVERFLOW OF WATER TANK Why is Bad? What is the Treatment? 1. This overflow is damage the wall. 1. Place a permanent pipe to control the 2. Overflow pipe should be channeled directly overflow to drainage. to drainage system. 2. Place the pipe with diameter of 2x inlet. Physical Aspects of Water 129 COVER OF WATER TANK Why is Bad? What is the Treatment? 1. This intlet pipe should be removed when the 1. Removed the inlet pipe to tank wall cover is opened. 2. Place the ventilation pipe on top of water 2. This inslet should be permanently attached tank. to tank wall. 3. Mainhole should be closed and locked. 130 Verification Handbook Infrastructure Outlet pipe OUTLET PIPE IN PUBLIC HYDRANT Why is Good? Alternatives 1. This public hydrant installed with two Design and variety of public hydrant may vary faucets and other facilities for house to local condition. connection. 2. The concrete wall is sloped properly to drainage hole. 3. The wastewater is channel to drainage. Physical Aspects of Water 131 Unsupported pipe and not placed horizontally Connection with plastics PLACEMENT AND CONNECTION OF PIPE Why is Bad? What is the Treatment? 1. Pipes are not placed properly, nor covered 1. Plased the pipe underground ((min. 50 cm). with stronger material. 2. Further protection to sunlight is not needed 2. Pipe should be covered with stronger if pipe is placed underground. material to prevent damage (i.e. passing 3. Use proper fitting to prevent overstressed. vehicle). 4. Place the pipe horizontally. 3. Connections shoudl be firmed and sturdy to prevent leakages. 4. COntinous exposed on sunlight will damage the pipe. 132 Verification Handbook Infrastructure Fail connection PIPING Why is Bad? What is the Treatment? 1. The connection will be stretched and leak the 1. Place the joint with glue and proper fitting. water. 2. Clamp and hold the pipe firmly. 2. There is no bonding between the connection 3. Check the connection between fitting and and fail the joints with leakage. pipes. Physical Aspects of Water 133 PIPING - STACKS Why is Good? Alternatives 1. The stack is arranged properly on the wall. It The stacks may also be arranged based on also fized with proper clamps. distribution scheme or simpler variation. 2. Simple Layout and neat. 3. Distribution line will be traceable and easy for inspections. 134 Verification Handbook Infrastructure PIPING - EQUIPMENTS Why is Good? Alternatives Cover is hosted firmly and protected from Place a steel cover and locked to protect it external risks which may damage the pipe. from damage. Physical Aspects of Water 135 PIPING PLACEMENT AND CONTROL GAUGE Why is Bad? What is the Treatment? 1. Ppes and the gauge is placed next to road 1. Placed the pipe underground, beside the gully which highly risks (i.e. passing vehicle). or beneath, and cover with cement (min.10 2. The gauge is opened. cm). 3. PIpe is not protected from sunlight. 2. Control faucets should be 1.5 meter off the 4. Unsupported pipes. streets to be safety during water inspection. 136 Verification Handbook Infrastructure COVER PIPES IN SLOPING AREA Why is Good? Alternatives 1. The cover will protect pipes from water and 1. Diameter of cover pipe is 1.5 x supply pipe. erosion. 2. Ideally build pipe bridge but more expensive. 2. Steel pipe will protect the distribution in sloping area i.e. river. 3. The pipe is bonded firmly on ground. 4. Uncovered pipe will be easily damaged and required replacement. Physical Aspects of Water 137 PLACEMENT OF DISTRIBUTION PIPE Why is Bad? What is the Treatment? 1. Unprotected pipe from external damage (i.e. 1. Place the pipe underground (min.50 cm). passing vehicle). 2. More protection from sunlight in 2. Exposing sunlight will damage the pipe. unnecessary. 3. Unsupported pipes will be easily damage. 3. Place the pipe horizintally. 4. The bending will course the pressure. 138 Verification Handbook Infrastructure PLACEMENT OF DISTRIBUTION PIPE ON DRAINAGE Why is Bad? What is the Treatment? Pipes are not supported and placed nearly the 1. Place the pipes underground and shield with drainage which risk the pipe i.e. leakage and concrete mix (min.10 cm). damage. 2. Regular maintenance to inspect the waterflow. Physical Aspects of Water 139 PLACEMENT IN HILL AREA Why is Bad? What is the Treatment? 1. Pipe is unsupported and passing the slopes. 1. Place with structure, i.e. bamboo, attach and 2. Bended pipes will leak the connections. compact the pipe and bamboo together. 3. Highly risks for broken and overpressures. 2. Place the bamboo every 1 meter, place a solid ground on trees. 140 Verification Handbook Infrastructure PIPING PLACEMENT Why is Bad? What is the Treatment? 1. Place unhorizontally, uncovered and 1. Placed the pipe underground, min 50 cm. inconsistent. 2. Placed the pipe horizontally. 2. Minor protection from mechanical failure. 3. Avoid extreme sloping to maintain the safe 3. Exposed water temperature. pressure. Physical Aspects of Water 141 PIPING PLACEMENT Why is Good? Alternatives 1. Placed horizontally to reduce overpressure or Ensure the pipe is placed min. 50 cm underpressure. underground. 2. Placed underground properly and protected from sunlight. 142 Verification Handbook Infrastructure PIPING PLACEMENT Why is Bad? What is the Treatment? Connections will fail due to overbending pipe. 1. Placed the pipe with clamps or placed In every segments of connection, pipe is not underground. fitted on wall or sturdy area. 2. Periodically check the fitting and connections to prevent over leakage. 3. Protect the pipe from direct sunlight. Physical Aspects of Water 143 PIPE BRIDGE - OVER RIVER Why is Bad? What is the Treatment? 1. The crossing pipe is not supported properly 1. Placed 2 bamboo sticks, joint and attached with firm structures. on the top of pipe. 2. PIpe will be risked to external damage. 2. Bind the pipe with bamboo, every 1 meter. 3. The connection will be easily tipped-off. 3. Place a solid structure to stand the structure on river sides. 4. Use the right fittings beside glue or masking tape. 144 Verification Handbook Infrastructure Pump is installed on the reservoir and pipe is supported properly PIPING AND PUMPS Why is Good? Alternatives 1. Pipe is connected to pumps horizontally to 1. Supports, with bricks or clamp, and placed minimize overpressure inside the pipe. the pipe with bended connection. 2. Overpressure will damage the pipe. 2. The bended connection will reduce more pressure inside the pipe. Physical Aspects of Water 145 Saluran air dalam keadaan terbuka dan tidak ada kran air FAUCETS Why is Bad? What is the Treatment? 1. Faucets is opened and only plugged with Install permanent faucets and stop gauge if plastic sheet to stop the flow. needed. 2. There is no other faucets installed, which dripping water created puddles around the tank. 146 Verification Handbook Infrastructure WATER TANK - CONSTRUCTION PANELS Why is Good? Alternatives The use of panels during construction is Panel for water tank should be adjusted with important to maintain the structure form and design and availability of local material ie. wood its quality. or abmboo. Physical Aspects of Water 147 Too many faucets installed on the wall WATER TANK - WATER DISTRIBUTION Why is Bad? What is the Treatment? 1. Pipes on tank wall is highly risk to damage 1. Place a collecting pipe to host the the tank and leaks the water. distribution pipes. 2. Unsupported pipe is easily damage or 2. Place the main pipe underground. broken. 3. Mark the distribution pipe to ease inspection on leaks and damages. 148 Verification Handbook Infrastructure Trash Outlets from tank Puddles under structure FLOOR DRAINAGE Why is Bad? What is the Treatment? 1. The overflow is not spilled to drainage. 1. The excess water must be directed to 2. Water is flowing everywhere. drainage. 3. There is no drainage near the tank. 2. Patch the floor to drainage. 4. Pooled water will be best spot for mosquito. 3. Regularly maintain the drainage. Physical Aspects of Water 149 Puddle of tank DRAINAGE - WATER TANK Why is Bad? What is the Treatment? 1. There is no outlets and drainage near the 1. Place a ditch around the tank (or water water tank. resource) and channeled to exit pipe/ 2. Water flow of the tank is directed drainage. everywhere and pool the water around the 2. Design or variety of water channel may be water tank. This is also risk for healthy issue. simpler and adjusted to demand and local topography. 3. Routine maintenance to inpect the water flow. 150 Verification Handbook Infrastructure Water flows into drainage WASTEWATER CHANNEL Why is Good? Alternatives The water is flew to drainage channel, not 1. Place a ditch around the tank (or water everywhere. resource) and channeled to exit pipe/ drainage. 2. Design or variety of water channel may be simpler and adjusted to demand and local topography. 3. Routine maintenance to inpect the water flow. Physical Aspects of Water 151 Wastewater is flew to drainage DRAINAGE - WATER TANK Why is Good? Alternatives 1. The sloping is good to direct the wastewater 1. Design and variety of drainage channel may into lowest point and tunneled into drainage. vary to local condition and the topography. 2. Wastewater is flew directly into drainage, 2. Routine maintenance to inpect the water not everywhere. flow. 152 Verification Handbook Infrastructure SANITATION 154 Verification Handbook Infrastructure ECOFRIENDLY BIOFILTER SEPTICTANK Why is Good? Alternatives 1. The biofilter septictank is made of fibre, The capacity of biofilter septictank is strong and durable, anti-corrosive. adjustable to required demands. 2. Installing the biofilter is simple and easy, directly used after connection, unlike the conventional septictank. 3. Not affect the groundwater becuase this septictank is free absorption. 4. This biofilter septictank use media cell and bacteria to decompose solid wate into liquid material and filtrated as clear and safe waste to be disposed without pollution. Material Aspects of Sanitation 155 Water Latrine Washing, bath, etc PUBLIC LATRINE Why is Bad? What is the Treatment? 1. This latrine is not equipped with closet, Build a public toilet, with proper equipment and disposal outlet, water. septictank, with distance from river aournd 3 2. The waste is disposed on the river, will affect meters. sorroundigs and highly risk in healthy issue. 3. The wooden floor and open to sunlight is made the place not hygienic. 156 Verification Handbook Infrastructure Latrine TRADITIONAL TOILET Why is Bad? What is the Treatment? 1. This building and the rooms is made of 1. Build a public toilet, with proper equipment plywood without proper structure. and septictank. 2. The septictank is a hole sized 50x50 cm 2. The construction should be concreted and and depth of 60cm. This septictank is very placed with bricked wall. dangerous for healthy issue, soil pollution and environment. Material Aspects of Sanitation 157 FACILITIES OF MCK++ [BATHING, WASHING AND TOILET] Why is Good? Alternatives 1. MCK is constructed with bricked wall, and 1. Layout and deign may vary. reinforced foundation, with proper public 2. Maintain the cleanliness. washing area. 2. MCK also has a hand washing facilities. 158 Verification Handbook Infrastructure CONVENTIONAL SEPTICTANK Why is Bad? What is the Treatment? 1. This septictank does not have absoprbing 1. There should be absorbing tank placed in tank, disposing outlets for water and gas. this conventional septictank, covered with 2. The waste will pollute the soil and concrete wall. surrounding environment. 2. There shold be permanent cover of concrete 3. There is no septictank cover which spread slab and the ventilation pipe and cleaning the smell and healthy risks. access. Material Aspects of Sanitation 159 CONVENTIONAL SEPTICTANK Why is Good? Alternatives 1. Relatively cheaper with simpler 1. Layout/design may vary to local condition. construction, and long lifespan or services. 2. To prevent over logging capacity, pay attention 2. There is cleaning access for easy on piping slope (min 2%), and diameter of maintenance or sucking the waste. outlets min. 4 inch, according to domestic 3. There is ventilation for releasing gas. demands (i.e.: a family of four people, septictank sized 1,5mx1,5mx2m. Absorbing tank sized 1mx1mx2m. More resident means bigger septictank size) with concrete structure and water resistants. 160 Verification Handbook Infrastructure Bathrooms Hand pump Ventilation Communal septictank Control box CONVENTIONAL PUBLIC TOILETS Why is Good? Alternatives MCK is equipped with bathrooms (separate 1. Design of bathrooms may vary. entry for male and female), with communal 2. Mantain the cleanliness (responsiblity of septictank. users). Physical Aspects of Sanitation 161 No cleaning access on septictank ABSENCE OF VENTILATION ON SEPTICTANK Why is Bad? What is the Treatment? Manhole and control box is important to 1. Build manhole and disposal access to clean inspect the condition of septictank. the septictank regularly. 2. Disposal access will be adjusted to regular euipment in sucking or cleaning the septictank. 162 Verification Handbook Infrastructure SEPTICTANK: LEAKS AND OVERCAPACITY Why is Bad? What is the Treatment? Leak in septictank and overcapacity that Routine maintenance to inspect the septictank. spilled the waste outside the tank. Physical Aspects of Sanitation 163 DAMAGE VENTILATION PIPE Why is Bad? What is the Treatment? Ventilation pipe is damage and over spilled the 1. Replace the ventilation pipe. Size and liquid waste outside the tank, spread the smeel deisgn to be adjusted. to surrounding area. 2. Routine maintenance to inspect the tank (monthly). 164 Verification Handbook Infrastructure ECOFRIENDLY COMMUNAL SEPTICTANK Why is Good? Alternatives? 1. This communal septictank is not only Layout/design of communal septictank collecting solidwaste, but also domestic may vary to applicable technology and local liquid waste. condition. 2. This septictank model is highly effective for slum area. 3. This communal septictank is successful in imprving quality of dispose liquid waste, decerase the pollutan and safer for environment. Physical Aspects of Sanitation 165 Sanitation pool Fish pool SANITATION PARK (SANITA) Why is Good? Alternatives 1. This park is design with integrated Layout/design of SANITA park may vary to ecosystem approach, using waste as source available space and local condition. of nutrient for imprving quality of soil and other vegetations. 2. Use the ability of vegetation to decompose and reduce pollutant material to produce safer waste and preventing pollution of soil, water and environment. 3. SANITA recycle the waste into good-nutrient for vegetation. 4. Create harmony in surrounding environment; 166 Verification Handbook Infrastructure Outlet pipe Trash collections OUTLETS Why is Bad? What is the Treatment? 1. This sewerage is contain patogen bacteria, 1. The disposal pipe should be direct to and should be treated properly prior dispose septictank or vegetation. to open drainage. 2. Septictank and other means of absorbing tanks will decompose the waste and improve the soil condition. 168 Verification Handbook Infrastructure