WPS8664 Policy Research Working Paper 8664 Malnutrition Gap as a New Measure of Child Malnutrition A Global Application Juan Feng Shamma Alam Patrick Hoang-Vu Eozenou Development Economics Development Data Group December 2018 Policy Research Working Paper 8664 Abstract “Leaving no one behind” is an overarching principle of the measures are moving in the same direction, in many other Sustainable Development Goals. Many countries are prior- cases, they are moving in opposite directions. Moreover, itizing resources for those who are furthest behind. Existing employing the new measures, the study can identify coun- malnutrition indicators—underweight, stunting, wasting, tries that have low levels of headcount for a malnutrition overweight, and severe wasting—are headcount ratios. They measure but comparatively high severity of malnutrition do not capture how far behind malnourished children are according to the gap measures, and vice versa. This suggests relative to the World Health Organization growth standards. that these new malnutrition measures provide additional To understand the severity of malnutrition, this study devel- information on the severity of malnutrition that is not ops a new malnutrition measurement, using the method possible to be known from headcount measures. These originally developed for estimating poverty. This study esti- new measures of the severity of malnutrition can there- mates the prevalence, gap, and gap squared for stunting, fore improve the monitoring of child malnutrition across wasting, overweight, and underweight, using data from 94 countries, and consequently help countries to achieve their developing countries over 20 years. The results show that Sustainable Development Goals. although in most cases the headcount measures and gap This paper is a product of the Development Data Group, Development Economics. It is part of a larger effort by the World Bank to provide open access to its research and make a contribution to development policy discussions around the world. Policy Research Working Papers are also posted on the Web at http://www.worldbank.org/research. The authors may be contacted at juan.feng@fao.org. The Policy Research Working Paper Series disseminates the findings of work in progress to encourage the exchange of ideas about development issues. An objective of the series is to get the findings out quickly, even if the presentations are less than fully polished. The papers carry the names of the authors and should be cited accordingly. The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed in this paper are entirely those of the authors. They do not necessarily represent the views of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/World Bank and its affiliated organizations, or those of the Executive Directors of the World Bank or the governments they represent. Produced by the Research Support Team Malnutrition Gap as a New Measure of Child Malnutrition: A Global Application Juan Feng*, Shamma Alam†, and Patrick Hoang-Vu Eozenou‡ Keywords: new measurement; malnutrition; gap; severity; global dataset Disclaimer: The views expressed in this paper are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official views of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations or the World Bank. * Corresponding author, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, juan.feng@fao.org † Dickinson College, alams@dickinson.edu ‡ The World Bank, peozenou@worldbank.org The authors gratefully acknowledge the funding from the Knowledge for Change Program (KCP). 1. Introduction A renewed aspiration from the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), the second Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) calls for achieving, by 2025, the internationally agreed targets for reduction of stunting and wasting in children under 5 years of age.1 “Leaving no one behind” is an overarching principle of the newly adopted SDGs. The UN 2016 SDGs Report states, “In committing to the realization of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, Member States recognized that the dignity of the individual is fundamental and that the Agenda’s Goals and targets should be met for all nations and people and for all segments of society. Furthermore, they endeavored to reach first those who are furthest behind.” (UNSD 2016, p. 48) The World Health Organization (WHO) defines child malnutrition as growth measures more than 2 standard deviations (SD) below the median WHO growth standards. In addition, the WHO defines severe acute child malnutrition as weight for height below -3SD from the median WHO growth standards (WHO and UNICEF 2009). Existing child malnutrition indicators include prevalence of underweight (weight for age below -2SD), stunting (height for age below -2SD), wasting (weight for height below -2SD), overweight (weight for height above 2SD), and severe wasting (weight for height below -3SD). These prevalence indicators are headcount measures and do not vary with the distance between individual Z-scores (number of SD) and the WHO reference lines. And thus, such headcount measures fail to identify malnourished children furthest away from the reference line, i.e. the inequality in malnutrition present among the malnourished population. As the SDGs require                                                              1 United Nations. Sustainable Development Goals. (http://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/sustainable- development-goals).  2   more granular data to monitor progress, it has motivated us to develop new indictors to provide supplemental, yet critical, evidence to the conventional indicators. There have only been a limited number of studies that attempt to develop a measure of severity of child malnutrition. McDonald et al. (2014) proposes a measure of malnutrition based on the notion of multiple anthropometric deficits. For example, a child is considered to be severely malnourished if she/he is both stunted and underweight. However, this measure is still a headcount measure, and it compounds the information when people want to know how stunted and how underweight a child is separately. In contrast, studies by Shekar et al. (2015) and Jolliffe (2004 & 2004) adopt the techniques used for measuring poverty to measure nutrition outcomes. Specifically, they put the Foster, Greer and Thorbecke (1984, hereafter referred to as FGT) class of poverty indicators in the context of malnutrition. Shekar et al. (2015) estimated FGT(0) as the stunting prevalence (similar to the poverty headcount measure) and FGT(1) as the stunting gap (similar to the poverty gap) in Mali from 2001 to 2013. Similarly, Jolliffe (2004 & 2004) uses FGT to calculate the overweight gap and gap-squared to understand the overweight problem in the U.S. They demonstrated that the stunting gap and overweight gap, analogous to the poverty gap, can provide further information in addition to the stunting prevalence in nutrition diagnostics and policy recommendations. This paper aims to provide supplementary, but critical, information to the conventional headcount measures of malnutrition. Specifically, following Shekar et al. (2015), this paper will adopt the techniques used for measuring the depth and severity of poverty to measure the severity of malnutrition. More specifically, we develop the following eight measures of malnutrition in this study: (i) stunting gap, (ii) stunting gap squared, (iii) wasting gap, (iv) wasting gap squared, (v) 3   overweight gap, (vi) overweight gap squared, (vii) underweight gap, and (viii) underweight gap squared. This study makes two important contributions to the research literature. First, while the stunting gap measure has been developed by Shekar et al. (2015), the other seven measures of malnutrition are developed for the first time in this study. Hence, in addition to the conventional headcount indicators, these proposed indicators can provide useful information about a country’s malnutrition status, especially on the depth and severity of malnutrition, which can consequently improve evidence-based decision-making. Second, we employ over 20 years of malnutrition data from 94 developing countries to calculate the new measures. Employing the new measures, we are able to identify countries that have low levels of headcount for a malnutrition measure, but comparatively high severity of malnutrition according to the gap and gap-squared measures, and vice versa. This allows us to identify cases where headcount measures may be providing an incomplete description of a certain country’s malnutrition status. From a policy perspective, it is important to distinguish between malnutrition measures based on the headcount and measures of depth and severity in malnutrition. As countries are in particular committed to reach first those who are furthest behind in order to realize the SDGs 2030 agenda, high-quality data are needed for monitoring the progress of these individuals and providing evidence for effective policy making. We proceed as follows. Section 2 discusses the methodology for the new measures. Section 3 describes the data used in the empirical application. Section 4 presents the results. Section 5 concludes. 2. Methodology 4   While we adopt the method of Shekar et al. (2015), it is not the only application of the FGT poverty indicators in non-monetary indicators. Nguyen and Wodon (2012, 2015) applied the same approach to the estimation of child marriage. Apart from estimating the incidence of child marriage (the share of girls marrying before age 18), they also estimated the “child marriage gap,” which accounts for how early a girl marries. We intend to generalize the method for all of the aforementioned existing malnutrition indicators and produce the gap estimate for every country with data, using a standardized data set of growth Z-scores calculated from Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) and Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys (MICS). We will also extend the calculation to the squared malnutrition gap, i.e., FGT(2). Foster, Greer, and Thorbecke (1984) showed that the FGT class of poverty indicators have a number of attractive axiomatic properties such as additive decomposability and subgroup consistency. Analog to the poverty gap, the malnutrition gap is defined as the average shortfall of children’s Z-scores of an anthropometric measure from the reference line (counting zero shortfall for non-malnourished children) as a proportion of the reference line. It measures how far off a child is from the WHO growth standards. Taking stunting as an example, the national average stunting gap (Gap) can be expressed as ∑ (1) where N denotes the total number of children under 5 years of age in a given population, M denotes the number of stunted children, and denotes individual Z-scores of stunting and 2 in this equation. Implicitly in this equation, the shortfall for non-stunted children is zero when 2. Subsequently, the national average squared stunting gap (SqGap) can be expressed as 5   ∑ . (2) The squared malnutrition gap takes into account not only the distance between the malnourished children and the reference line (the malnutrition gap), but also the inequality among the malnourished children. That is, a higher weight is placed on those who are further away from the reference line. 3. Data We reanalyzed all DHS and MICS, phases 3 onwards, and calculated individual Z-scores for all children with available anthropometric data according to the WHO standard approach. As of today, we obtained estimates for 168 DHS from 1993 to 2014 and 70 MICS from 2005 to 2014. These surveys combined cover 94 countries. Annex 1 lists all the surveys included in this data set. The recalculation of Z-scores was based on the WHO child growth standards and prevalence estimates were generated following standard analysis as per available Stata macro (http://www.who.int/childgrowth/software/en/). The recalculated Z-scores may generate slightly different prevalence estimates from those published by DHS and MICS reports, mainly due to the use of the WHO standard approach, which (i) uses all valid Z-scores for each child, and (ii) imputes the missing day of birth as 15. Each of our surveys is representative for the data collection areas, and most are nationally representative for the country. Therefore, we use survey weights in our analysis to ensure that we have a representative estimation for the country or the areas where data were collected.   4. Results 6   4.1 Comparison of Changes in Malnutrition Headcount and Malnutrition Gap We applied the class of FGT measures to each of the malnutrition indicators and produced results for all eight measures mentioned in section 1. Given the space limitation, we limit our discussions on the results to the primary malnutrition indicator – stunting. For interested audiences, the whole data set is available upon request. One of the motivations to develop these new measures is to obtain insight that is not offered by the headcount measures. For example, if the malnutrition gap of a country increases significantly over time, but the malnutrition headcount does not, it would indicate that malnutrition severity in a country is increasing over time, a fact that is not captured by the headcount measure. This is why we examine whether the headcount measure and gap measure change in a similar manner over time for each country. To understand these changes, we measure the change in malnutrition headcount and the change in malnutrition gap over each consecutive survey rounds for each country. We identify whether the headcount measure and gap measure increase significantly, decrease significantly, or face no significant change over time. If there is a significant change in one measure (headcount or gap), but no significant change or a significant change in the opposite direction for the other measure, then we categorize those two differing changes as “headcount and gap moving in different directions.” In contrast, if both the headcount and gap remain statistically unchanged, or increase or decrease statistically significantly, then we categorize them as “headcount and gap moving in the same direction.” Figure 1 presents four examples of countries where the headcount and gap are moving in the same direction and four examples of countries where the headcount and gap are moving in different directions. For the cases of the headcount and gap moving in the same direction, we can observe 7   that the headcount and gap track each other closely for all four countries: Colombia, Côte d’Ivoire, Kazakhstan and Niger. In contrast, for countries where the headcount and gap are moving in different directions, we can observe the opposite movements in each measure. For example, the stunting headcount remained the same for Chad from 1996 to 2004 (44%). However, in that same period, the stunting gap in Chad increased from 29% to 32%. Similarly for Mozambique, the stunting headcount increased by 2 percentage points between 1997 and 2003 and decreased by 1 percentage point between 2008 and 2011. In contrast, the stunting gap moved in the opposite direction: it decreased by 3 percentage points between 1997 and 2003 and increased by 2 percentage points between 2008 and 2011. Figure 1a Examples of countries with gap and headcount moving in same direction Colombia Cote d'Ivoire 20% 40% 35% 15% 30% 25% 10% 20% 5% 15% 10% 0% 1993 1998 2003 2008 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011 Headcount Gap Headcount   8   Kazakhstan Niger 20% 55% 16% 45% 12% 35% 8% 25% 4% 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 1998 2002 2006 2010 Headcount Gap Headcount   Figure 1b Examples of countries with gap and headcount moving in different directions Chad Nigeria 42% 44% 40% 37% 36% 32% 32% 28% 27% 1996 2004 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Headcount Headcount     9   Mozambique Madagascar 50% 45% 50% 40% 35% 40% 30% 25% 30% 20% 1997 2003 1996 2001 2006 2011 Headcount Gap Headcount   Source: Authors’ calculations using DHS and MICS. These results may imply the effects of different policy interventions. Overall, the fact that in most cases the headcount and gap are moving in the same direction (and improving) is supportive of the fact that the policies in place have been effective for all the children below the reference line, not just those closest to it. For example, countries like Colombia that have lowered both the stunting headcount and stunting gap may have targeted their interventions to all children and brought them above, or closer to, the reference line (Figure 1a). Likewise, a country for which the gap is improving but not the headcount may have targeted its interventions to the most malnourished, and the effects of this targeting are not showing up yet on the headcount (Figure 1b). By contrast, if a country wants to prioritize its efforts and investments towards those children who are the closest to the reference line, this would be consistent with an improving headcount without necessarily seeing improvements in the gap measures (Figure 1b). Figure 1 only provides a handful of examples. To have a comprehensive understanding of the differences in trends in the headcount and gap measures across all developing countries, it is 10   important to understand the proportion of countries that have headcount and gap measures moving in different directions. In Table 1, we present the results of our analysis where we summarize the number and percentage of countries that had the headcount and gap either (i) moving in the same direction, or (ii) moving in different directions. Given there is a strong long-term decreasing trend in malnutrition across most countries, to understand whether the gap measure is changing differently than headcount measures, it is important to measure changes in malnutrition over relatively short periods of time. For a fair comparison of changes in malnutrition over time across countries, we want to compare all countries over the same time period. Therefore, we chose the following three overlapping time ranges: years 1993 to 2005, 2000 to 2009, and 2005 to 2014. We chose overlapping time ranges to ensure that we have sufficient number of countries with consecutive survey rounds in each of the three time ranges; otherwise, we would be unable to measure changes over time for certain periods. As repeat surveys occur within 5 years of a prior round for most countries, we have an overlap of 5 years between the three time ranges to ensure that we cover the greatest number of consecutive survey rounds. As shown in Table 1, we find that between 1993 and 2005, 29 percent of cases represented the stunting headcount and gap moving in different directions than each other. Similarly, for the periods 2000-2009 and 2005-2014, we find that for 17 percent of cases, the stunting headcount and gap are moving in different directions. We observe similar percentages, 21 percent, 17 percent and 17 percent respectively, over the three periods for the underweight measures. In contrast, we observe lower percentages, 6 percent, 11 percent, and 5 percent respectively, for the overweight measures. However, overall, these results suggest that the stunting gap provides additional 11   important information on the severity of malnutrition that is not always represented by headcount measures. Table 1 Changes in headcount and gap for child stunting, underweight and overweight Changes from 1993 to Changes from 2000- Changes from 2005 to 2005 2009 2014 Number Number Number of % of of % of of % of countries countries countries countries countries countries Stunting Headcount and gap moving in same direction 24 71% 29 83% 49 83% Headcount and gap moving in different direction 10 29% 6 17% 10 17% Underweight Headcount and gap moving in same direction 27 79% 29 83% 49 83% Headcount and gap moving in different direction 7 21% 6 17% 10 17% Overweight Headcount and gap moving in same direction 32 91% 31 89% 56 95% Headcount and gap moving in different direction 2 6% 4 11% 3 5% Source: Authors’ calculations using DHS and MICS. 4.2: Comparison of Severity for Countries with Similar Headcounts In addition to understanding changes in malnutrition over time, it would also be useful to examine how the malnutrition gap and gap-squared vary for countries with similar headcount rates. If the malnutrition gap and gap-squared measures are substantially different for countries that have similar headcount rates, it would indicate that the gap measures are capturing information regarding severity that is not captured in the headcount measures. This is why we compare the gap and gap-squared measures for countries that have similar headcount rates, i.e. headcount rates within one percentage point of another country. 12   Ideally, we would want to compare the malnutrition status across countries for each year. However, as we do not have malnutrition data for enough countries for each year, we instead create four time periods: 1993-2000, 2001-2005, 2006-2010, and 2011-2014. Both Figure 2 and Table 2 illustrate how diverse the stunting gaps can be for countries with similar stunting prevalence. In Figure 2, for example, Pakistan, Timor-Leste and Burundi have a similar headcount ratio (57.7%, 56.4% and 57.4% respectively) in 2009-2010, but their gaps are various (45.2%, 37.6% and 32.5% respectively). In Table 2, we provide examples of countries whose stunting headcount is within 1 percentage point of another country, but their gap and gap-squared measures are statistically significantly different from the other (tested using a t-test). Each group of countries is shaded or unshaded for ease of visualization in the table. For example, the first two countries in the list are Ethiopia and Nepal. Ethiopia has a stunting headcount rate of 57 percent and Nepal has 56 percent. However, their stunting gap and stunting gap-squared are substantially different, which is expressed in the t-test results in the last column, which examines whether the difference in the gap between the countries is statistically significant. The stunting gap and gap-squared for Ethiopia are both 38 percent, but for Nepal they are 31 and 28 percent, respectively. Similarly, the next set of countries, India, Bangladesh, and Tanzania, have similar stunting headcount rates: 50, 50, and 49 percent, respectively. However, India’s gap and gap squared measures are substantially different from the other two countries. India’s stunting gap rate is 33 percent compared to 28 percent for Bangladesh and Tanzania. And the stunting gap squared in India is 35 percent, which is substantially higher than 24 percent for Bangladesh and Tanzania. This shows that India has more severe malnutrition even though a similar fraction of its population suffers from stunting as in Bangladesh and Tanzania. The rest of Table 2 provides similar differences between the headcount 13   and gap measures, which suggests that the gap measures are capturing important differences in malnutrition status that the headcount measure does not, which points to the importance of these new measures. Figure 2 Comparison of stunting head count ratios and stunting gaps 50% Pakistan 2010 45% 40% Timor‐Leste 2009 35% Burundi 2010 30% Gap (%) 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% Headcount (%) 1993‐2000 2001‐2005 2006‐2010 2011‐2014 Source: Authors’ calculations using DHS and MICS. 14   Table 2: List of countries/surveys with similar headcount rates but different gap measures Stunting Stunting Stunting t-stat Country Year Source gap squared for gap headcount gap Years: 1993-2000 Ethiopia  2000  DHS  57%  38%  38%     Nepal  1996  DHS  56%  31%  28%  7.8  India  1998  DHS  50%  33%  35%    Bangladesh  1999  DHS  50%  28%  24%  9.4  Tanzania  1996  DHS  49%  28%  24%  9.3  Nigeria  1999  DHS  47%  38%  43%     Rwanda  2000  DHS  48%  28%  25%  7.0  Tanzania  1999  DHS  48%  26%  21%  7.9  Niger  1998  DHS  46%  29%  29%  5.6  Uganda  2000  DHS  44%  24%  21%    Burkina Faso  1998  DHS  44%  28%  28%  5.2  Chad  1996  DHS  44%  29%  29%  6.3  Mozambique  1997  DHS  44%  30%  31%  6.5  Uzbekistan  1996  DHS  34%  23%  24%     Bolivia  1994  DHS  34%  18%  16%  3.5  Zimbabwe  1999  DHS  33%  17%  15%  4.0  Egypt, Arab Rep.  1995  DHS  33%  20%  20%  Bolivia  1998  DHS  33%  16%  13%  7.4  Kyrgyzstan  1997  DHS  32%  13%  10%  6.9    Years: 2001‐2005    Malawi  2004  DHS  51%  32%  30%     Bangladesh  2004  DHS  50%  26%  21%  8.1  Mozambique  2003  DHS  46%  27%  26%    Sierra Leone  2005  MICS  46%  31%  33%  5.0  Chad  2004  DHS  44%  32%  34%     Tanzania  2004  DHS  44%  22%  17%  12.8  Lesotho  2004  DHS  44%  24%  21%  7.0  Cambodia  2005  DHS  42%  21%  17%    Nigeria  2003  DHS  42%  28%  30%  8.6  Mali  2001  DHS  42%  27%  27%  8.4  Congo (Brazzaville)  2005  DHS  30%  18%  16%     Honduras  2005  DHS  30%  13%  9%  8.3              15   Stunting Stunting Stunting t-stat Country Year Source gap squared for gap headcount gap Years: 2006‐2010    Pakistan (Balochistan)  2010  MICS  57%  45%  51%     Burundi  2010  DHS  57%  32%  28%  12.3  Timor Leste  2009  DHS  56%  38%  38%  8.0  Guinea‐Bissau  2006  MICS  46%  31%  32%    Malawi  2010  DHS  46%  25%  21%  6.8  Zambia  2007  DHS  45%  25%  22%  6.7  Congo, Democratic Republic  2007  DHS  44%  29%  31%     Rwanda  2010  DHS  44%  21%  17%  8.6  Bangladesh  2007  DHS  43%  20%  16%    Sierra Leone  2010  MICS  43%  28%  29%  11.7  Central African Republic   2006  MICS  43%  29%  30%  13.1  Tanzania  2010  DHS  42%  20%  16%     Benin  2006  DHS  42%  27%  29%  13.2  Congo, Democratic Republic  2010  MICS  43%  26%  24%  9.7  Nigeria  2007  MICS  41%  32%  37%    Tanzania  2010  DHS  42%  20%  16%  19.8  Central African Republic  2010  MICS  40%  21%  18%  18.4  Cambodia  2010  DHS  40%  18%  14%  15.3  Tanzania  2010  DHS  42%  20%  16%  19.8  Somalia  2006  MICS  41%  29%  31%  12.3  Cambodia  2010  DHS  40%  18%  14%    Chad  2010  MICS  39%  26%  27%  13.4  Côte D’Ivoire  2006  MICS  39%  23%  21%  7.3  Nigeria  2008  DHS  39%  27%  29%  15.3  Nigeria  2008  DHS  39%  27%  29%     Lesotho  2009  DHS  39%  19%  15%  10.6  Uganda  2006  DHS  38%  19%  16%  10.6  Sierra Leone  2008  DHS  35%  24%  26%  10.3  Kenya  2008  DHS  35%  18%  15%  7.3  Zimbabwe  2009  MICS  35%  15%  12%  10.3  Burkina Faso  2010  DHS  34%  18%  16%  6.9  Djibouti  2006  MICS  32%  25%  30%     Zimbabwe  2010  DHS  32%  14%  10%  9.1  South Sudan  2010  MICS  30%  20%  21%    Eswatini  2010  MICS  31%  13%  9%  9.9  Togo  2010  MICS  30%  12%  9%  11.3  São Tomé and Príncipe  2008  DHS  29%  15%  14%     Peru  2007  DHS  28%  10%  6%  5.0  Egypt, Arab Rep.  2008  DHS  28%  17%  16%    Peru  2007  DHS  28%  10%  6%  10.7  16   Stunting Stunting Stunting t-stat Country Year Source gap squared for gap headcount gap Peru  2008  DHS  27%  10%  6%     Syrian Arab Republic  2006  MICS  27%  17%  18%  14.6    Years: 2011‐2013    Benin  2011  DHS  45%  37%  45%     Ethiopia  2011  DHS  44%  25%  23%  17.9  Lao PDR  2011  MICS  44%  23%  20%  21.6  Congo, Democratic Republic  2013  DHS  42%  26%  25%    Bangladesh  2011  DHS  41%  19%  16%  11.3  Source: Authors’ calculations using DHS and MICS. 4.3: Regional Analysis Until now we have focused on headcount and gap measures only at the country level. Extending this analysis to the regional level may provide further insight on malnutrition across the world. Therefore, we examine the regional averages of malnutrition. As survey data are not available every year for most countries, only a few countries in a particular region have a survey in a given year, with some regions having no survey conducted in certain years. There are two common practices for calculating regional averages in such cases: (1) modeling methods and (2) aggregating over a range of years. An example of modeling methods closely related to this study is the UNICEF-WHO-World Bank joint child malnutrition estimates (JME) (UNICEF, WHO, and the World Bank 2018). The JME adopts linear mixed-effect models allowing for random effects at the country level and for heterogeneous covariance structures. One model is fitted for each region or country group for calculating its aggregated number. Such modeling methods are beyond the scope of this study. For simplicity, we chose to calculate regional averages for a range of years following the exercise in Nguyen and Wodon (2015). Thus, we create regional averages for five-year periods: 1993-1997, 1998-2002, 2003-2007, and 2008- 2012. We use these five-year periods so that the middle years of these ranges,1995, 2000, 2005, 17   and 2010, coincide with the years in which under-five population data are compiled for each country in the sample. We create regional averages of stunting measures weighted by the under-five population of each country of the middle of each reference period. Following the World Bank regional classification, we divide the countries in our sample into six regions: East Asia and Pacific (EAP), Europe and Central Asia (ECA), Latin America & Caribbean (LAC), Middle East & North Africa (MNA), South Asia (SAS), and Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). These regional averages are presented in Figure 3 using two graphs that show (i) headcount rates for the different regions, and (ii) gap rates for the regions. Figure 3: Regional trends of stunting headcount and stunting gap Stunting headcount 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 1995 2000 2005 2010 East Asia and Pacific Europe and Central Asia Latin America & Carribean Middle East and North Africa South Asia Sub‐Saharan Africa 18   Stunting gap 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% 1995 2000 2005 2010 East Asia and Pacific Europe and Central Asia Latin America & Carribean Middle East and North Africa South Asia Sub‐Saharan Africa Source: Authors’ calculations using DHS and MICS. Results need to be interpreted with caution as the population coverage for some regions and years are below 50%. A comparison of malnutrition across regions suggests that the stunting gap is telling a slightly different story from the stunting headcount for some regions. While the trends of the headcount and gap are the same for each particular region, the ranks of some regions differ depending on the type of measurement being used, i.e. headcount or gap rates. For example, according to the headcount measures in 2005 and 2010, EAP has a greater level of malnutrition than MNA. In contrast, according to the gap measures for the same period, MNA has a greater level of malnutrition than EAP. Similarly, according to the headcount measures, MNA and LAC have similar headcount rates in 2005, about 24% each, which is significantly higher than that of ECA (17%). However, in terms of the gap measure, MNA has a significantly higher gap rate (13%) than LAC (10%), and LAC is actually closer to ECA (8%). Similarly, for 2010, the headcount measure suggests a sizeable difference between LAC (19%) and ECA (15%). However, the gap measures suggest that both are 19   around 7 percent. This shows the importance of the gap measure, providing us further insight in addition to the headcount measures. 4.4 Income-group Analysis Next we conduct our analysis by different income groups as defined by the World Bank: low income, lower-middle income, and upper-middle income. The results are presented in Figure 4. Similar to our regional analysis, we find that the trend of the stunting gap can reveal a different story than the trend of the stunting headcount. Specifically, the stunting headcount of lower- middle-income countries as a whole was slightly lower than that of low-income countries until sometime between 2000 and 2005. However, the trend of the stunting gap of lower-middle-income countries during this period of time was higher than that of low-income countries. In the reference year of 2000, the difference amounted to 2 percentage points. Figure 4: Trends of stunting headcount and gap by income groups Stunting headcount 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 1995 2000 2005 2010 Low income Lower middle income Upper middle income 20   Stunting gap 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% 1995 2000 2005 2010 Low income Lower middle income Upper middle income Source: Authors’ calculations using DHS and MICS. Results need to be interpreted with caution as the population coverage for some regions and years are below 50%. 4.5 Population Coverage Next, we examine the population coverage in our analysis, i.e. the percentage of population in low- and middle-income countries that we cover through the nationally representative surveys in our analysis in each of the time ranges. We use data from WHO on the number of children below the age of 5 for all low- and middle-income countries in five-year intervals: 1995, 2000, 2005, and 2010. Thus, for each of survey year for a particular country, we use the closest population data available from WHO. Hence, we use population data from: 1995 for surveys conducted in years 1993-1997; 2000 for surveys in years 1998-2002; 2005 for surveys in years 2003-2007; and 2010 for surveys in years 2008-2012. Table 3: Percentage of low and middle income country population covered in the malnutrition aggregations Years Percentage of population 1993-1997 18% 21   1998-2002 47% 2003-2007 57% 2008-2012 38% Table 3 presents the population coverage for each five-year time period. We find that for the initial surveys from 1993 to 1997, the population coverage of low- and middle-income countries in our analysis was 18%. However, we see population coverage increase over the years to 47%, 57%, and 38% for the periods 1998-2002, 2003-2007, and 2008-2012, respectively. This shows that population coverage improved, likely because the number of surveys across countries increased over the years. While we may not have sufficient data for precise aggregation at this point, as more surveys are conducted in the future, we will have greater population coverage and greater precision in future analysis. Table 4: Percentage of regional population covered in the malnutrition aggregations Region: 1995 2000 2005 2010 East Asia and Pacific 0% 1% 5% 7% Europe and Central Asia 40% 31% 57% 16% Latin America & Caribbean 54% 22% 19% 20% MENA 26% 26% 57% 43% South Asia 12% 85% 85% 26% Africa 32% 65% 86% 86% Similarly, in Table 4 we present the population coverage for the regional aggregations in Figure 3. As we can see, while South Asia and Africa are well-represented in several of the time- windows, the coverage for the other regions are generally well below 50%. This demonstrates that the regional coverage estimates need to be interpreted with caution. However, it is important to note that the purpose of this exercise is not to create regional aggregates with sufficient coverage. It is instead to show how these new indicators and new estimates can be used for analysis. 22   5. Conclusions This paper develops a new method of measuring malnutrition across the world. The current key measures of malnutrition, such as stunting and wasting, are based on headcount measures, i.e. the proportion of children who are suffering from malnutrition. However, a potential drawback of these headcount measures is that they do not inform us about the depth and severity of malnutrition. It is possible that a country with a low headcount rate for a particular malnutrition measure also has a high severity of malnutrition compared to countries with a similar headcount rate, and vice versa. Therefore, it is important to develop a measure of the severity of malnutrition. To develop a measure of the severity of malnutrition, this study adopts a particular technique used in the development literature, specifically the Foster, Greer and Thorbecke (1984) class of poverty indicators, in the context of child malnutrition. Employing this new technique, we develop eight new measures of malnutrition in this study: (i) stunting gap, (ii) stunting gap squared, (iii) wasting gap, (iv) wasting gap squared, (v) overweight gap, (vi) overweight gap squared, (vii) underweight gap, and (viii) underweight gap squared. We employ over 20 years of malnutrition data from 95 developing countries to calculate these measures of severity. Due to space limitations, this paper presents the results on stunting only, although all results have been calculated. It is of our interest to explore all our results in our future studies to understand if the additional information provided by the gap and gap squared measures is more useful for one malnutrition indicator than for another. 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New York, NY: WHO. 25   Annex 1 Surveys with anthropometric measurements for children under 5 years of age COUNTRY SURVEYS Afghanistan MICS 2010 Albania MICS 2005 / DHS 2008 Armenia DHS 2000 / DHS 2005 / DHS 2010 Azerbaijan DHS 2006 Bangladesh DHS 1996 / DHS 1999 / DHS 2004 / DHS 2007 / DHS 2011 Barbados MICS 2012 Belarus MICS 2005 Belize MICS 2006 / MICS 2011 Benin DHS 1996 / DHS 2001 / DHS 2006 / DHS 2011 Bhutan MICS 2010 Bolivia DHS 1994 / DHS 1998 / DHS 2003 / DHS 2008 Bosnia and Herzegovina MICS 2006 / MICS 2011 Brazil DHS 1996 Burkina Faso DHS 1998 / DHS 2003 / MICS 2006 / DHS 2010 Burundi DHS 2010 Central African Republic DHS 1994 / MICS 2006 / MICS 2010 Cambodia DHS 2000 / DHS 2005 / DHS 2010 Cameroon DHS 1998 / DHS 2004 / MICS 2006 / DHS 2011 Chad DHS 1996 / DHS 2004 / MICS 2010 Colombia DHS 1995 / DHS 2000 / DHS 2005 / DHS 2010 Comoros DHS 1996 / DHS 2012 Congo Brazzaville DHS 2005 / DHS 2011 Congo Democratic Republic DHS 2007 / MICS 2010 / DHS 2013 Côte d’Ivoire DHS 1994 / DHS 1998 / MICS 2006 / DHS 2011 Djibouti MICS 2006 Dominican Republic DHS 1996 / DHS 2002 / DHS 2007 / DHS 2013 Egypt, Arab Rep. DHS 1995 / DHS 2000 / DHS 2005 / DHS 2008 Ethiopia DHS 2000 / DHS 2005 / DHS 2011 Gabon DHS 2000 / DHS 2012 Gambia, The MICS 2005 / DHS 2013 Georgia MICS 2005 26   Ghana DHS 1993 / DHS 1998 / DHS 2003 / MICS 2006 / DHS 2008 / MICS 2011 COUNTRY SURVEYS Guatemala DHS 1995 / DHS 1998 Guinea DHS 1999 / DHS 2005 / DHS 2012 Guinea Bissau MICS 2006 Guyana MICS 2006 / DHS 2009 Haiti DHS 1994 / DHS 2000 / DHS 2005 / DHS 2012 Honduras DHS 2005 / DHS 2011 India DHS 1998 / DHS 2005 Iraq MICS 2006 / MICS 2011 Jordan DHS 1997 / DHS 2002 / DHS 2007 / DHS 2012 Kazakhstan DHS 1995 / DHS 1999 / MICS 2006 / MICS 2010 Kenya DHS 1993 / DHS 1998 / DHS 2003 / DHS 2008 Kyrgyzstan DHS 1997 / MICS 2005 / DHS 2012 Lao PDR MICS 2006 / MICS 2011 Lesotho DHS 2004 / DHS 2009 Liberia DHS 2007 / DHS 2013 Macedonia MICS 2005 / MICS 2011 Madagascar DHS 1997 / DHS 2003 Malawi DHS 2000 / DHS 2004 / MICS 2006 / DHS 2010 Maldives DHS 2009 Mali DHS 1995 / DHS 2001 / DHS 2006 / DHS 2012 Mauritania MICS 2007 / MICS 2011 Moldova DHS 2005 / MICS 2012 Mongolia MICS 2005 / MICS 2010 Montenegro MICS 2005 / MICS 2013 Morocco DHS 2003 Mozambique DHS 1997 / DHS 2003 / MICS 2008 / DHS 2011 Namibia DHS 2000 / DHS 2006 / DHS 2013 Nepal DHS 1996 / DHS 2001 / DHS 2006 / DHS 2011 Nicaragua DHS 1997 / DHS 2001 Niger DHS 1998 / DHS 2006 / DHS 2012 Nigeria DHS 1999 / DHS 2003 / MICS 2007 / DHS 2008 / MICS 2011 / DHS 2013 Pakistan DHS 2012 Pakistan (Baluchistan) MICS 2010* 27   Pakistan (Punjab) MICS 2011* Palestinians in Lebanon MICS 2011* COUNTRY SURVEYS Peru DHS 1996 / DHS 2000 / DHS 2005 / DHS 2007 / DHS 2008 / DHS 2009 / DHS 2010 / DHS 2011 / DHS 2012 Rwanda DHS 2000 / DHS 2005 / DHS 2010 São Tomé and Príncipe DHS 2008 Senegal DHS 2005 / DHS 2010 / DHS 2012 / DHS 2014 Serbia MICS 2005 / MICS 2010 / MICS 2014 Sierra Leone MICS 2005 / DHS 2008 / MICS 2010 / DHS 2013 Somalia MICS 2006 St. Lucia MICS 2012 West Bank and Gaza MICS 2010 Sudan (North) MICS 2010 Sudan (South) MICS 2010 Suriname MICS 2006 / MICS 2010 Eswatini DHS 2006 / MICS 2010 Syrian Arab Republic MICS 2006 Tajikistan MICS 2005 / DHS 2012 Tanzania DHS 1996 / DHS 1999 / DHS 2004 / DHS 2010 Thailand MICS 2005 Timor-Leste DHS 2009 Togo DHS 1998 / MICS 2006 / MICS 2010 / DHS 2013 Tunisia MICS 2011 Turkey DHS 1993 / DHS 1998 / DHS 2003 Uganda DHS 1995 / DHS 2000 / DHS 2006 / DHS 2011 Uzbekistan DHS 1996 / MICS 2006 Vanuatu MICS 2007 Vietnam MICS 2010 Zambia DHS 1996 / DHS 2001 / DHS 2007 Zimbabwe DHS 1994 / DHS 1999 / DHS 2005 / MICS 2009 / DHS 2010 / MICS 2014 *Subnational sample 28