AUDITORS' REPORT & FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ., MINISTRY OF TRADE & INDUSTRY NATIONAL QUALITY INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT PROJECT I I FOR THE YEAR ENDED 7 JULY 2019 Kokeb & Melkamu Chartered Certified Accountants (UK) & Authorized Auditors ~ 0116 16 69 56 l 09 11 51 61 46, 0911203778 FAX: 0115522688 18:1 P.0. Box 33645 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia I .. I I MINISTRY OF TRADE AND INDUSTRY NATIONAL QUALITY INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT PROJECT I FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND AUDIT REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 7'h JULY 2019 I I TABLE OF CONTENTS ', I Independent Auditors' Report ................................................................................... 1-2 I The Statement of Financial Position ................................................................................. 3 I The Statement of Sources and Uses of Funds .................................................................4 I The Statement of Designated Account- lDA ................................................................... .5 I Notes to the Financial Statements .......................................................................... 6-10 I Reconciliation of Amounts Received by the Program and Funds Disbursed by the I World Bank ........................................................................................................11 I Fixed asset procurement .............................................................................................12-13 I Management report. ............................................................................................. 14-20 I I I I I I I ... 1 I I I I INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' REPORT ON THEFINANCIAL STATEMENTS OF MINISTRY OF TRADE AND INDUSTRY NATIONAL QUALITY INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (NQIDP) I ' ,. Qualified Opinion I We have audited the accompanying financial statements of National Quality Infrastructure Development Project (NQIDP}, financed by World bank through credit Number 59830 - ET, set out on pages 4 to 10, which comprise the statement of financial position as at 7 July 2019 and I the statement of reimbursable eligible expenditure programs for the year then ended and notes to the financial statements, including a summary of significant accounting policies I In our opinion, except for the effects of the matter described under the basis for qualified opinion paragraph, the accompanying financial statements give a true and fair view of the financial position of the project as at 7, July 2019 and of the income received and expenditure paid and I reimbursable eligible for the year then ended in accordance with Government Accounting Procedures, the Financing Agreement and other applicable national laws. Basis for Qualified Opinion I 1. From the report we observed that there were a total of birr 10,535,377.44 and birr 15,003,460.73 over budget utilization in various sub-components of one and three I respectively. On the other hand a total of birr 6,898,500.00 and birr 320,400 00 totally unused budget is available in various sub-components of one and three. I 2. We have not obtained confirmation from the following suppliers - • LMT LightmessTechinik GmbH for an amount of birr 298.714 50 and. I We conducted our audit in accordance with International Standards on Auditing (ISAs) and the I project's Audit Terms of Reference. Our responsibilities under those standards are further described in the Auditor's Responsibilities for the Audit of the Financial Statements section of our report. We are independent of the Project in accordance with International Ethics Standards I Board for Accountants code of Ethics for Professional Accountants, together with other ethical requirements that are relevant to our audit of the financial statements in Ethiopia, and we have fulfilled our other ethical responsibilities in accordance with these requirements. I We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is suffi,eien ~ /~"', 11 appropriate to provide a basis for our qualified opinion. . ' ..;, f' •";:~ .~·· •' . 1',(,, ,. I i/ ,- , ,' i\ ..- X _J-· :":ha,--i•rodCa,t,~ed ,i,,,,.,. Ac,;, ... °; \ .. * I \1 1liKI \' ( .,, f c,,.-:,-...___./,/' .... . .fl ·\' i::.)" ,.'.•;\':' ~- c,, '•;;. ,. . .::> -..:.=---0- I I I ." 2 I With respect to the statements of sources and uses of funds submitted during the period listed on page 4, in our opinion: I (a) The statements, together with the procedures and internal controls involved in their preparation. can be relied upon to support the related withdrawals; I (b) The proceeds of the Disposition Fund have been used exc/usiv8ly for eligible expenditures and provisions and covenants of the Financing Agreement and Separate I Agreement have been substantially respected I I Addis Ababa December 4, 2019 I I I I I I l'. () B<1\J.\11iS\d1!1, \hab,1- I lhi.,pia I vkph1111l2'.'t-l 1--::-1:'--W-:'-2 I· -r1t,1it: knl,mdl, 11 rl hiunl'l.l'! I \lllhilt· ·1,-: :'":;;I ll!-1 ~Ii-.{-_-"! :::1 1,] -H, I· ' '- , . I I I I I I I I -- 3 I NATIONAL QUALITY INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT PROJECT STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION I AS AT 7 JULY 2019 I Currency: ETB I ASSETS CURRENT ASSETS Notes I Cash at banks 3 150,063,600 171,467,444 Debtors and prepayments 4 24,104,570 28,866,090 I Total Assets 174,168,170 200,333,534 I CURRENT LIABILITIES Payables - . I REPRESENTED BY I Fund Balance Total Liabilities and Fund 5 174,168,170 174,168,170 200,333,534 200,333,534 I I I I I I I I I I I I ... 4 I NATIONAL QUALITY INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT PROJECT I STATEMENT OF SOURCES AND USES OF FUNDS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 7 JULY 2019 I Currency: ETB I SOURCES MAIN 6 I IDA Credit 6.1 32,312,163 214,409,1,63 I OTHER Foreign Exchange Gain 7,778,976 1,201,007 59,490 21,497 I Other Miscellaneous Revenue 7,838,466 1,222,504 40,150,629 215,632,267 I USES 7 I Strengthening Institutional Capacity for NOi Dev't Enhancing Private Sector Engagement 7.1 7.2 7.3 39,573,135 1,409,036 25,333,822 11,549,603 137,411 3,611,720 Project Management and Monitoring and Evaluation I 66,315,993 15,298,734 {26,165,364) 200,333,533 I EXCESS OF SOURCES OVER USES I I I I I I I I I I . ,. 5 I NATIONAL QUALITY INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT PROJECT I STATEMENT OF DESIGNATED ACCOUNT- IDA FOR THE YEAR ENDED 7 JULY 2019 I IDA Credit I Account number Depository Bank 0100511300018 National Bank of Ethiopia Related Credit and Grant IDA Loan No. 59830 and Project ID No. P 160279 I Address Currency Addis Ababa, Ethiopia USO ', I Opening balance brought forward,8 July 2018 USO 5.043.068 ID!! 147,431,363.00 32,312,163.00 I Add -Transferred from World Bank-Credit Reimbursement from advance payment 1,119,602 6,162,670 179,743,526.00 I Less:- Transferred to Birr account, & Other expenditures (1,491,727) (43.340.205.25) I Bank charges (1,491,727) (9,019,693.07) (52,359,898.32) 7,776,976.45 I Add:- Gain on exchange Ending balance,7 July 2019 4,670,943 135,162,604.13 I I I I I I I I I I I ... 6 I Ministry of TRADE AND INDUSTRY NATIONAL QUALITY INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (NQIDP) I FOR THE YEAR ENDED 7'" JULY 2019 Currency: Ethiopian Birr I 1. BACKGROUND I The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia (GoE) and the International Development Association (IDA) have signed a Financing Agreement (FA) on April 7, 2017 for National Quality Infrastructure Development Project (NQIDP). The project covers a period of five I years (from July 8, 2017-July 7, 2022). !DA.will finance the project by investing 50 million US Dollar. I The Project Development Objective (PDO) is to improve the delivery of quality assurance services to enterprises in the targeted sectors. I The theory of change for the proposed project is that both improved delivery of quality assurance services by NOi institutions (supply side) and increased demand by targeted enterprises in the targeted sectors, both the private and public sectors, for these services I (demand-side) will strengthen the competitiveness of the selected industries in GVCs. The targeted sectors will be leather and leather products, textile and garments, and agro- processing. I The Project Development Objective of National Quality Infrastructure Development Project (NQIDP) has three components; (i) Strengthening Institutional Capacity for NOi I Development; (ii) Enhancing Private Sector Engagement; (iii) Project Management and Monitoring and Evaluation. I Component 1: Strengthening Institutional Capacity for NQI Development The objective of this component is to strengthen the NOi institutions' capacity to deliver I effective and efficient quality assurance services to enterprises in the targeted sectors. This component will have two subcomponents: (a) Strengthening Institutional Capacity of NOi Institutions and (b) Strengthening MTl's NOi Oversight Function. The main areas of I intervention of this component are to support technical and human capacity development and to upgrade the selected technical and physical facilities of existing NOi institutions and I MTl's NOi function. Component 2: Enhancing Private Sector Engagement I The objective of this component ls to support more active private sector involvement for the development of NOi system in terms of creation of the demand for NOi services and I increase of the number of private sector NQI service providers, in particular conformity assessment services. This co/?ipo.~~J! have three main subcomponents. ~1\'i '"',:),, ~ f' .. r·"- I i:.f/ ,'"',,. " \ i( ,,-'·:' ''[ * "'·:::;·:· ~ ~'>, -; , 11 '.''"'"·• c. I ·"·<01, I' I \ ·- ,., -~·,;11, \\ 'r_, '<·J , / ...... - ;.::. '\ ' '--- ·: .. r:> *1' J :·''-f / ,f - " ' .,· .' ... I ,• I I .. 7 I Component 3: Project Management and Monitoring and Evaluation I This component s to support Project management and monitoring and evaluation through, inter alia, financing of Operating Costs, consultants' services, goods and technical I assistance I 2. ACCOUNTING POLICIES NQIDP follows the government's accounting policy of modified cash basis of accounting I system. Where, the cash basis of accounting applies except for:- -Revenue and expenditure recognition when aid in kind is received. I -Expenditure is recognised:- • When payroll is processed I • When goods are received or services are rendered and if payments were effected in advance for the goods or services rendered. • Salary related transactions withholdings, VAT and profit tax withholding from I suppliers are recognised in the absence of actual cash transaction. I - .A.dvance payments are recorded as receivable and charged to expenditure account against valid supporting documents which show the receipt of goods or services or accomplishments of the purpose of the advance. I - Accounting for direct payments will be charged to expenditure. - All other revenues and expenditures are recognized as per cash basis of accounting i.e revenues and expenditures are recognized, when cash is received and paid respectively. I - Fixed Asset purchases are charged to expenses up on purchase &recorded on the Fixed Asset Register Book. I National Quality Infrastructure (NOi) uses a computerized accounting system which is Peachtree accounting software. The project uses Government of Ethiopia budget calendar for planning, budgeting and reporting purposes ie. from 8th July to 7'h July of a given year. I I I I I I I I I .. 8 I NATIONAL QUALITY INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT PROJECT NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS I FOR THE YEAR ENDED 7 JULY 2019 Currency: ETB I 3. CASH AT BANK I Designated Accounts IDA Credit Account USO Birr Account at Federal 135,162,604.13 14,900,995.75 147,431,362.93 24,036,081.25 I 150,063,599.88 171,467,444.18 • ' I 4. DEBTORS AND PREPAYMENTS Advances to Consultant 317,006.52 380,750.00 I Advance to Supplier Other Receivables 3,276,814.50 8,785.00 28,485,339.56 Letter of Credit-Opening 20,501,963.62 I 24,104,569.64 28,866,089.56 L=::::::::::=::==.I I 5. FUND BALANCE I Balance as at 8th Ju!y,2018 Initial Deposit 200,333,534.00 214,409,763 13 Direct Payment I Excess of Sources Over Uses Balance as at 7th July 2019 (26.165,364.22) 174,168,169.78 200,333,533.74 200,333,533.74 I 6. SOURCE OF FUNDS I SOURCES USD Rate ETB I 6.1 IDA Credit 17-Jun-2019 1,119,602.05 28.86 32,312,163.00 1,119,602.05 32,312,163.00 I I I I I I I 9 I NATIONAL QUALITY INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT PROJECT NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 7 Jl)LY 2019 I 7. USES OF FUNDS BY PROJECT COMPONENTS AND SUB-COMPONENTS % of Annual Actual Annual Budget I 1lf66'M·eo~E:'N:t' Project Components & Subcomponents 1' itre'n'*henin~ 'iriSt1frit1onal Capac1lv·for Nii D~Velopmenf: "• ,' Annual Budget Utilization .'::,-..''".;._t Variance ; -,, ,.,.~:.\."L'.j _. .hi/\'.-' ! 'l'< ••. ·:,'' Budge t ',,·,. C:; ' I Sub comoonent 1.1 · Support to ESA 1 1.1 Refurbishment 5,709,320.91 13,567,486.00 (7,858,165.09} 2.38 I 1 1 2 Development and lmplementat1on of Standards 1 1 3 International and Regional ISOIIEC Technical Committee (TC) meeting participation 5,778,000 00 1,682,127.00 1,559,582.72 1,845,475.45 4,218,417.28 (163,348.45) 0.27 1 10 I 1 1 4 Procurement of ICT software and hardware Sub total 1.2: Support to ENAO 858,600.00 14,028,047.91 2,094,833.44 19,067,377.61 (1,236,233.44) (5,039,329.70) 2.44 1.36 I 1 2 2 International and Reg,onal part1c1pat1on 1 2.3 Training and capacity building programs (Training on traceability. fixed scope, method validation and venf1cat1on, proficiency testing) 756,000.00 1,329,11701 (573,117 01) 1.00 405.000 00 618,324.70 (213,324.70) 2.00 I 1.2 4 Procurement of ICT software and hardware Sub total 4,860,000.00 6,021,000.00 1,947,441.71 - 4,860,000.00 4,073,558.29 - 0.32 1.3: Support to NMIE I 1.3. 1 Upgrading measurement equipment for selected industrial and scientific laboratories 1.3.2 Refurbishing the existing lab facility to upgrade selected industrial 33,854,000.00 810,000.00 3,710,969.80 872,500.00 30,143,030.20 (62,500.00) 0.11 1.08 and sc1ent1fic labs, I 1 3.3 Training to NIME staff to use and maintain procured equipment 1 3 4 International and Regional participation 2,430,000.00 823,500.00 374,383.45 - 2,055,616.55 823,500.00 o. 15 - 1.3 5 Upgrading ICT infrastructure for service delivery 810,000.00 90.453.37 719,546 63 o. 11 I Sub total 1.4: Support to ECAE 38,727,500.00 5,048,306.62 33,679,193.38 0.13 1.4 1 Upgrading equipment for selected testing labs focusing on the I scopes that are not currently available 1n the country yet pertains to the nrioritv sectors 1.4.2 Procure 1nspect1on equipment for selected industries including 54,000.00 482,688 75 669,624.63 {428,688.75) 6,890,375.37 8.94 0.09 loortable eau1omenl 7.560.000.00 I 1.4.2 Training and capacity bu1ld1ng programs 1 4 3 Upgrading ICT infrastructure for service delivery Sub total 3.510.000 00 810,000.00 11,934,000.00 1.923,867 02 90,453.36 3,166,633.76 1,586.132 98 719.546.64 8,767,366.24 0.55 0.11 0.27 I 1.5: Support lo MoST on NOi dev. 1.5. 1 Office equipment, including IT to strengthen the NOi dev't Unit 540,000.00 - 540,000.00 - ' 1.5.2,,Resident Advisor to support NOi dev't and the NOi system 10,886,400.00 8,942,929.00 1,943,471.00 0.82 I 1.5.3 Training and Capacity Building for MoST Staff working on NOi Dev't and Coordination 405,000.00 190,948.91 214,051.09 0.47 1 5 4 TA for the facilitation and management of NOi TC and NOi Forum 1,890,000 00 121,657.13 1,768,342 87 0.06 I 1 5 5 Consultancy services to Develop upgrade 1.5 8 Communication materials and media engagemen_ts 7-,' 1\', ,., ,, ·~ ' 2,052,000 00 1,087,840.27 ' 964,159 73 ' 0.53 Sub totar #/,. ,,\\" ,,-,.,..,"' 15,773,400.00 10,343,375.31 5,430,024.69 0.66 I ,,· /. ! : ·,; -.. ; ' - _,, ,,;,- Component Sub total ,,- \\ (' ' -- ,0 '"= "cc""·"•nta "~ f. ' 86,483,947.91 39,573,135.01 46,910,812.90 0.46 I ,,' ''-'"-· ' ,, "'· (Ul<'.J . * I ,• I ' I 10 I f:l¢0~\fl,iJ~Nt2~- Enhancing Private Sector Enciagement . . ' . : -, ,:,_,- -· ' /,, ·<' /:·: ,. ' -- ··--· .-:::ir -~ ;_ ' ' ' ub co--onent 1 Technical Assistance to Industries 5,346,000.00 63,790.93 5,282,209 07 0 01 21 5: Recruitment of consultants for industry needs assessment 7,020 000 00 6,215.12 7,013,784.88 0.00 ub total 12,366,000.00 70,006.05 12,295,993.95 0.01 .2:Technical Support to Private labs Sector dev't inst1tu\1ons 2 2. 1 Technical Assistance to Private Sector NQI Service Providers 4,050,000.00 51,284.00 3,998,716.00 0.01 .2 5 Enhancement oftra1mng capacity of NMlE's National Equipment \Jla1ntenance Training Centre to support training of maintenance technicians and Engineers of private sector laboratories. 675,000.00 - 675,000.00 - ub total 4,725,000.00 51,284.00 4,673,716.00 - 0.01 I 2 3.consultancey service to carry out client (private sector) engagement pnd satisfactory survey 4,860,000.00 1,260,740.90 3,599,259 10 0.26 2 4. Create awareness through Public Private Dialogues and Outreach campaign (hiring experts and resource persons, logistics costs for PPD, ~onsultants to strengthen the effectiveness of the PPD, set up of M & E I and results system, action plan etc. Sub total 270,000.00 5,130,000.00 27,005.20 1,287,746.10 242,994.80 3,842,253.90 0.10 0.25 I component Sub total 22,221,000.00 1,409,036.15 20,811,963.85 0.06 I 7;3; COMPONENT 3- Project Management and Monitoring and Evaluation §ub cOmQQnent . '; ' 3.1 NOi project offices including local consultants and experts 3,658,500.00 3,863,597.98 (205,097.98 1.06 3.2:Project running expenditure 1,944,000.00 592,144.20 1,351,855.80 0.30 - - I 3.3: Procurement of office Furniture and Equipment 3.4: Procurement of Vehicles for NQI institutions 3.6: Implementation of gender action plan & safeouard 270,000.00 4,185,000.00 5,591,700.00 18,983,362.75 1,894,717 26 270,000.00 (14,798.362.75) 3,696,982.74 1.00 3.7: Monitoring & evaluation 50,400.00 - 50,400 00 - I Component Sub total GRAND TOTAL 15,699,600.00 124,404,547.91 25,333,822.19 66,315,993.35 {9,634,222.19) 58,088,554.56 - 1.61 0.53 I I I I I I I I . I I . -· 11 I I NATIONAL QUALITY INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT PROJECT RECONCILATION OF AMOUNTS RECEIVED BY THE PROGRAM AND FUNDS I DISBURSED BY THE WORLD BANK FOR THE YEAR ENDED 7 JULY 2019 I Received b" the Pronram IDA Credit disbursed I No IDA Credit/ Withdrawal bv the Bank USO USO Rate ETB Remark '; 28.8604 32,312,163.00 - I 1 7-Jun-19 1,119,602.05 1,119,602.05 1,119,60205 1,119,602.05 32,312,163.00 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - - - - - - - - - - -12- - - - - - - - - - Fixed Asset Register Form MoTl·NOIDP Project No. 160279 2018/2019 (2011) Warrantee Location/Initial Item Descnpt1on Item Code Serial No Date of Purchase PVNo. Purchase Cost GRN No. No. Ex• iration Custodian Sharp MX-M464N Copier MoTI-NQIDP-6313-Cop-01 75004839 3/12/2018 516600 112,700.00 Redial A. 469855 1 2 Epson Eb-S41 LCD ProJector MoTI-NOIDP-6313-Pro-01 WE8K6Z00752 3/5/2018 516602 18,975 00 Bedassa G. 469599 HP 450 G3 Core i7 Laptop with bag Mo TI-NQIDP-63-13-lap-01 5CD7257V47 3/112018 516603 20,872 75 2128/2019 Ber1hun T 469852 31 HP 450 G3 Core 17 Laptop with bag Mo TI-NQIDP-6313-Lap-02 5CD7257TKV 311/2018 516603 20,872 75 2/2812019 Abate A 469852 32 HP 450 G3 Core 17 Laptop with bag Mo TI-NQIDP-6313-Lap-03 5CD7257V91 311/2018 516603 20,872 75 2/2812019 Bedassa G. 469852 33 HP 450 G3 Core 17 Laptop with bag Mo TI-NQIDP-6313-Lap-04 5CD7257V5W 311/2018 516603 20,872.75 212812019 Woldamlak B 46985€ 34 HP 450 G3 Core 17 Laptop with bag MoTI-NQIDP-6313-lap-05 5CD7257TYG 3/1/2018 516603 20,872.75 2/2812019 K1dis!M 469852 35 Mo TI-NOIDP-6313-Lap-06 5CD7257V5Q 3/112018 516603 20,872.75 2/28/2019 TamiratS 469852 3.6 HP 450 G3 Core 17 laptop with bag HP 450 G3 Core 17 laptop with bag Mo TI-NQIDP-6313-lap-07 5CD 7257V4Y 3/112018 516603 20,872 75 2/28/2019 F1kremanam N 469852 37 HP 450 G3 Core i7 Laptop with bag Mo TI-NQIDP-6313-Lap-08 5CD 7257 TKS 3/112018 516603 20872 75 2/2812019 Red1at A. 469852 38 MoTI-NOIDP-6313-Lap-09 5CD7257VBF 31112018 516603 20,872 75 212812019 Wondwosen F. 469852 39 HP 450 G3 Core i7 Laptop with bag HP 450 G3 Core i7 Laptop with bag MoTI-NOIDP-6313-Lap-10 5CD7257TK6 31112018 516603 20.872 75 212812019 Abdi D. 469852 31 MoTI-NQIDP-6313-Pn-01 PHCXD09741 317/2018 516609 8,050 00 Redial A. 469851 41 Printer HP LJ M402D MoTI-NQIDP-6313-Pn-02 PHCXD16939 3/7/2018 516609 8,050 00 Redial A. 469851 42 Printer HP LJ M402D Laminating Machine 3206 A3 MoTI-NQIDP-6313-Lam-01 . 3/5/2018 516610 2,199 99 Bedassa G 469600 5 MoTI-NQIDP-6313-Cut-01 . 2/23/2018 516611 650 Bedassa G. 470553 6 Cutter A4 . .:-:.c:--·v, ~,,,- WXU1E771TWKM 3/7/2018 516609 2,748.50 Wondwoswn F 470555 71 External Hard Disk C ff /'' ,; 1:-r WX51A87F10VL 3/7/2018 516609 2,748.50 Benhun T. 470555 72 73 External Hard Disk External Hard Disk 5,-/ ,, ·"""'"' , WXK1A879KPDE WX21A87J5JH8 3/712018 31712018 516609 516609 2,748.50 2.748.50 Abate A Bedassa G. 470555 470555 74 External Hard Disk C ~ 4cLo,~ C•,1,~. 944336046 6121/2019 470096 4.029.00 Berihun T 95651 81 4G LTE W1 Fi Router 8.2 4G LTE Wi-Fi Router I • 't:\ /(;!{i ' • 944334882 6121/2019 470096 4,029.00 Wondowsen F 95651 \.\'"o--°:A _.,.,,,.:,. 944334890 6/21/2019 470096 4,029 00 Woldamlak B. 95651 8.3 8.4 4G L TE W1-Fi Router 4G L TE Dongle ')'. '- -__';r"lie\·.~ ' 944334883 6/1/2018 516729 2.230.00 Tm1rnt S. 470562 - . ':'.\~ .,/ ,';~ ·,~ 944334884 6/21/2019 470096 2,230 00 f1kremanam N. 95651 8.5 4G L TE Dongle 944334885 6/21/2019 470096 2,230 00 Bedasa G 95651 86 4G L TE Dongle 944334886 6121/2019 470096 2,230.00 KidistM. 95651 8.7 4G LTE Dongle 944334887 61112018 516729 2,230.00 Abdi D. 470562 8.8 4G LTE Dongle 944334888 61112018 516729 2,2~0 Abate A. 470562 8.9 4G L TE Dongle 944334889 611/2018 516729 2.230.00 Teshome B. 470562 8.1 4G L TE Dongle HZJ76L-RKMRS JTEEB71 J007043692/ 1212212018 82112 3,794,601.17 PIU 469867 9.1 Vehicle ..,, """"'"" - - - - - - - - - - -13- - - - - - - - - - 9.2 Vehicle HZJ76l-RKMRS JTEEB71 J807043732/ 1HZ-0902887 12122/2018 1212212018 82112 82112 3,794,601.17 3,794,60117 ESA ENAO 46986 46986 9.3 Vehicle HZJ76L-RKMRS 1HZ-0902884 Vehicle HZJ76L-RKMRS JTEEB71 J007043711/ 12/22/2018 82112 3,794,601 17 NMIE 46986 94 1HZ-0902798 HZJ76L-RKMRS JTEEB71 J3070436541 12/2212018 82112 3,794,601 17 ECAE 46986 95 Vehicle 1 HZ-0902539 HZJ79-T JMRS JTELB71J604336103/ 12122/2018 82112 1.534, 107 23 NMIE 46986 9.6 Vehicle lHZ-0902925 Vehicle HZJ79l-TJMRS JTELB71 J3043360741 12/2212018 82112 1,534,107.23 NMIE 46986 97 lHZ-090285 98 Vehicle HZB?OL-ZGMSSV JTGFB7185060041741 12/2212018 82112 2.004,380.07 ESA 46986 1 HZ-0902055 611212019 470090 588,570.00 NMIE 953.17 10 Canopy (2) 111 Biometrics 7/912018 516780 35,017.50 ESA 469863 112 0191\al S1gnage 71912018 516780 454.997.50 ESA 469863 11 3 D1g1tal Signature (Room Manager) (8setl ;::: -~ \Y' ''"'~"10,,'"-, 71912018 516780 334,880.00 ESA 469863 11 4 Chairman Units (3pcs) ,,l ~--. r ..::,...:..~Q., .. " 71912018 719/2018 516780 516780 93,288.00 139,581.25 ESA ESA 469863 469863 11 5 Delegate Units (5pcs) 11.6 Audio Mixer i/ - ""'ecod C .. " ?-" 71912018 516780 92,345.00 ESA 469863 ' Accc.«.1"nLO • 71912018 516780 369,380.00 ESA 469863 11.7 Central Control unit (Audio Mixer) t' iUK) (4ocs\ 11 8 Chemical and Delegate Unit (110pcs) ·,- ,, \, '(,- c• ·-:::: ' . <)' . ,_,,, ·"" .. ·-· ~, ~,,\~' ,~,f, , .;- 71912018 516780 4,279.495 00 ESA 469863 12 1 Low Back Chair (185pcs) ~-> .;- -'( C •• , .,,,/ 1011212018 516856 954,981 60 ESA 469873 12.2 High Back Chair for Experts & Team 10/12/2018 516856 1,261,837.50 ESA 469873 Leaders t200ncs\ 12.3 High Back Chair for Experts & Team 1011212018 516856 89,475 75 ESA 469873 Leaders 113ncsl 12 4 Ceiling Speakers (10pcs} 10112/2018 516856 66,291.75 ESA 469874 12 5 Wired Microphone (3pcs) 10112/2018 516856 39,775 10 ESA 469874 13. 1 Smart Interactive White Board (8pcs) 31512019 470503 111,125.60 ESA 470354 132 Executive Secretary Table (11 pcs) 3/512019 470503 121,00383 ESA 470354 13 3 Director Office Table (13pcs) 31512019 470503 188,502.91 ESA 470354 13 4 Office Work Station Table 3/5/2019 470503 1,701,010.08 ESA 470354 4setlf44--s1 13.5 Floor Carpet 2,360 93 square karee 3/512019 470503 920,761.52 ESA 470354 13.6 Ceiling Finishmg 2,360 93 Square 31512019 470503 1,640,825.10 ESA 470352 & 470353 Karee 14 1 AC(Air Conditioner) (15Pcs) 4/2/2019 470522 491,625.01 ESA 469917 14 2 Smart TV 80" (2Pcs) 41212019 470522 181,286 00 ESA 469917 Agilent Technologies 6nt2019 82113 460,774.15 £GAE 469877 15 Spare Parts for Maintenance and Renair of Mai or Test Enu1nment International Toni Technik Baustoffpru 6nt2019 82114 208.5:iu.48 ECAE 469876 16 Spare Parts for Maintenance and Reoair of Ma1or Test Enui"ment Svstem GmbH