Republic of South Sudan South Sudan Emergency Food and Nutrition Security Project Chair Summary* May 4, 2017 The Executive Directors approved a grant in the amount of SDR 36.9 million (US$50 million equivalent) to the Republic of South Sudan for the Investment Project Financing Operation “South Sudan Emergency Food and Nutrition Security Project� on the terms and conditions set out in the President’s Memorandum. The Directors welcomed the support for South Sudan in response to the ongoing humanitarian crisis. They commended the focus of the project on both the immediate famine relief needs and the more medium-term recovery oriented activities and the alignment of the proposed support to the Humanitarian Response Plan for South Sudan. They expressed support for implementation through UN Agencies to address capacity gaps as well as any potential fiduciary risks. The Directors expressed concern about the cost of delivering humanitarian aid in South Sudan and took note of the risks associated with the project, including political and governance, macroeconomic, fiduciary, and institutional capacity. Directors stressed the need for strong coordination among multilateral and bilateral agencies operating in the country. They encouraged the Bank to move with greater resolve in response to the most recent developments, and they highlighted the need for strong government commitment to successful implementation of this project. Management will report back on project progress as part of the Country Engagement Note to be presented to the Board in FY18. _________________________________ * This summary is not an approved record