Phone: 01-4004075/76 Fax: 01-4004078 G 4[Newl Minisly rallknd Livestock Agricultu ecurity Project # q 01oIM ent Gairidhara, Kathmandu t1fre & Nepal o ( 2 ( (0 I' 1t Date: March 25,2019 Ms.Karisma Wasti, Task Team Leader, The World Bank, Nepal Office Durbarmarg, Kathmandu ADM C/oa Mr. Bigyan Pradhan Senior Operations' Officer W6 The World Bank, . Nepal Office Durbarmarg, Kathmandu Dear Ms. Karisma, Submission of Audited Project Accounts of Fiscal Year 2017/18: AFSP (TF 013719) It is my pleasure to submit Audited Project Accounts of Fiscal Year 2017/18 of this Project (AFSP TF 013719) along with Audit Report and Audit o'bservation. One copy of Audited Project Account is attached for your necessary arrangemets. Thank you. Sincerely Yours, x Ach t Prasad Dhakal (Project Director) CC: Office of the Auditor General, Babarmahal, Kathmandu, Ministry of Agricultural And Livestock Development, Singhadarbar, Kathmandu, Financial Comptroller General, Anamnagar, Kathmandu ~TT. Ref. No.- 201 8/19 (2075/76)-633 Date: March 22, 2019 INDEPENDENT AUDIT REPORT The Secretary Ministry of Finance Singh Durbar, Kathmandu Report on the Financial Statements We have audited the accompanying Project Financial Statements and Statement of Designated Account of the "Agriculture and Food Security Project" Financed under the GAFSP TF Grant No. 013719 as at 16 July, 2018 (32 Ashadh, 2075) and for the year then ended and a summary of accounting policies and other explanatory notes. Management's Responsibility for Financial Statements Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of the Financial Statements in accordance with the Government of Nepal (GON) accounting policies and relevant practices. This responsibility includes: designing, implementing and maintaining internal control relevant to preparation and fair presentation of project financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud and error. Auditor's Responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these Project Financial Statements based on our audit. Except as mentioned in following paragraph, we conducted our audit in accordance with the INTOSAI (International Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions) Fundamental Auditing Principles. Those Principles require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor's judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity's preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity's internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion. Opinion Management letter highlighting areas for improving financial management including compliance with financial covenant is attached herewith. In our opinion, the Project Financial Statements and Statement of Designated Account ,in all material respects, give a true and fair view of the financial position of the " Agriculture and Food Security Project " as at 16 July, 2018 (32 Ashadh, 2075), and of the results of its operations for the year then ended in accordance with GON accounting policies. We also report that funds provided under GAFSP TF Grant No. 013719 has been utilized for intended purposes. In addition With respect to statement of expenditures (SOE) a) adequate supporting documentation has been maintained to support claims to GAFSP for reimbursement of expenditures incurred; and b) expenditur are eligible for financing under the above mentioned Grants. (a uram Gautam) Deputy Auditor General Governrne M-f Nepal Ministry of Agricultui-e LivesfPk Development Agriculture and Food Security Project GAFSP - TF Grant No. 013719 Audited Project Account FY: 2017/18 (2074/75) Period: 16 July 2017 to 16 July 2018 Hariharbhawan, Lalitpur Governii-ent of Nepal Ministry of AgiculturmLive5tockDevelopment Agriculture and Vo"o& Seurity Project AudiWd Pr6e& ount FY: 2017/1 (2074/75) Period: 16 .ulN 2017 to 16 July 2018 Contents: Report 1 Summary of Sources and Uses of Funds Report 2 Designated Account Reconciliation Statement Report 3 Expenditures Statement Note 1 GoN Fund, Reimbursable Fund & IDA Fund Statement Note 2 Statement of Disbursement Note to Account I Statement of Expenditure (SOE) 2 Reconciliation Statement of Reimbursable 3 FAO-Statement of Advanced and Documented � " "" -N, оо о cv и � �-+ о� � � оо м о г. .-� о ^.-� ^ о о о w Ач � о о и г� м и м ^� и�о о� м м о ы и и � cv � о - о Z н о ' � c�i ^� � � vi о� а; й�D ,-.� '.-: � о; о� г� о со о - о о о и и ^ г� а� и о v�с �с а� о� о� ^ о о- .� о о гА о� д- � оо М г� �n �л п� .., О оо оо д� и.-- � � � _ .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. _ _ СС " N � а� ^ г`+ � м t� о о� г� и v v о� и и а� о v � с г� � о и и°ои^о� м и и м мvv п �� � � гv и rn 7 м о д; о со �о 7 еУ а� '" ..� .-. г� г� оо ; о у О� �л �б N О� 00 l� О� N �л N N �„r� м м^^ О� � U � � i N о0 л 7 г'1 '7 О� �U О а0 7 V о ��О � N М Г-L � М Со N .• О О� М Г• д� � сб N о0 о0 о0 � �О 7 И ^ И И � N N N , �`� 7 � V ,��' � Е � °' ' р С) О� Ш с С..) 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Ехрпиl,гшгlпеl7вtг \ Р.рпгпl 1пУКеппЬип�Ые To1aI Си�' nir.•c1 1П.\-КгiтM1игsвЫе Тога1 (п,\ Тогч1 Р.ь КгiтЬигsвЫг 1 1 5 б 10° (]+8+9 1I 12 Ь-10 13 1д д.101 '1 ��г+1 Р, и1ег1 С„хг И.\ 1'12 !'1}U1IПОПUП 22s1i i тгэ,п�псsгп,�пегеwпл,мп, vvsvs.ssls3 � ?ous,oo0o0 1s16ь:2sьо0 , 1s.16б,zs6o0 1г.1бг,.2sбоо ° 1s.v,б.2sбoo � 7sзь°ь 4вsв.744оо z4б4°,ъ и4]r,z.io7sз ' ??31? 1 51�11I)c,clпincпl.lA,r.,,cnc„lreinnic 12Ч143Э00')2 , 1КОООООП00 . . 15Jin%1231 : 15J36.81273 - - - 13,д36.81237 13дЭб,8I233 /8i7G°" 2.5б7.18](,] 1424?Ъ 1дд5К0.11i23 � ?:iZ'_ 1 гп�сг.ипС„ы J55lЧ].]fi8ifi . 273.2б3>0000 1.]пЯ.ЧКГ00 i - 23..1КЯбПIЧ2 2%.1S].58]92 . 62'l.бгЧ00 / б2].б2Ч00 : 17ннЧКбгю I - 251:1бОЧ]2.Ч2 255.52Ч.Ч5Я92 .ЧЗОfi•° 1Ч.105.`)120R бЧд°'° ]1IП2]72]д8 2232Ч 1 ОгЬсгггпигеп,l:�гспк. i61.50000 _ _ _ _ _ 1б1i0000 ?Чб11 1 Тге,п,пеГеегlihЕпhэпгстгпl i.д0].12300 - 5д0]12500 , 22Г17 1 lге.еll�пvПllп,.эпсс�lпг«.niunn. 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I .1]')4JU'14 . 9.0?%JOM1Yi • Ч.508}47Ч4 /8i10°е 1Y11fi3?UП 1бу0°-° in4UUЧUbJY . ._ч! ,лпсгiп.i, ii2ь>00 . ?нiи'оии �1н.,и0 � zlx2so0 г 21.хп,w zlнz>о0 /]п°. zsчiau0 чz2з°. л,ит0о . :z]�? : игьг.ьп����wntепиг�ы�ь. 13чдб0iгдн 1(:П'нЮип 3n30Ie7' - :1хiпlпм / 2758.зПч1 . 3n10is] - 2знlтиа z.]iв.з1]ЧI н2н}°° 5]1ьн2оЧ П1]°. 1г.]wЗЗогч , ^аз w„п,пьг зчо.ньиll дгоои0о0 ci,�0]i 1z1.зzOn / ❑13ron 1z1u07t •2ял°е Зонь7вгч ]1]ч+ь >г1яч1. ?')I1� Ггпгг.,10I1;.гГ\гьпк, Аб]]ЗОб17Ч :tU]3ППООП 2П3Ч.2нц]3 / 1]нл1Ч15]н , 1ЧЧ0120J>3 / '_05')?КК]5 1]Кл191578 1v901.20JS3 Г8б2i". 317Э.7Ч5д] 1Э]i°° бGп]J2fiRiZ ?2лс ое�ггьсп�ьг, аглs>оод iньi7ипппа ч]оа]о0о • ть:оiКпSь / 17бо00гОSь / ч7дн]о0п 1ьг,zчlно5б 2r,oo0sOSб • Чдiб°° i011уlЧlд 3д4•. 5имьппбо Г 2:ьп 3 М,��пыппгэ��аЕ'еwег,,.п iояцбчэб]о . ЗЧSппопии„ liз010оо . знiниsьа! , збsд4обьоо . - l11П1иио 3ьuinsoo0 Зьsддог,ноо - vz3x°. :oisч3lo0 ]бz=. нlнппи2]0 Г :ии i iг.,дЬп.лп,п,��„�, av�vw]> . 1н1х1:и�ш0„ - . I]3и�дин7. Г151Lб1н87 - " ' 17.Я1б1нн] . 1]511б1нн] -Г,]5J°с 10lv03xi13 3]дб°° 2o.0:5i3чaz / _н]ььч?п . - льондlа sax3lon `ч51>°. 2пlнчгч !н3•° 1'�ачб753\ +' "]11 : Mi,.rll.�nь„n,tyип,c. IJOUI1Nfiz . �tПпJ,и,пп 2н]бб9:0I - з]ИпКд1i1 . 50д8310]1 / � JIЮ 1еМ+пгСпчГИа12С} J1]U 1Э,и�А,М.,v.:гiпсКРиЫпеп��п ](�8д8i13 _ ]бКдК115 llни 1еи��игСп,г1NП1311 34Чб00000 iJ4мU00П0 ' л i . . . - ' ' . . . . � =1и C„inn,n«ь•SиЬСиiппп«гехРеппыl\ггп-с,1NПИ 50.00000 . 30(tUU00 ' л?30 , 1lсь«,inncni 1:\гсп,г.lиаКС1 111 00000 � - " ' - - - . - . 111 000 W ,1f.1t01П2oi 1 л1,ЧП Гпп,лl�п.:егпiгпilNПКС1 (1E1i01020) . I .г1.�� п,.,,,_.`11�i�n�.ni, i �и_ ._,/v- 1llапепппг i._i1ui., . 1и'.1ппл 11".i1К.112г " " . 1n:iliNn . 1ii.1П'ii:1x 11-'_и.11? ! КгЧ глз,бг:чл+J! 1_П lпЕцi.". ,чс с_�� ' п, п, 1, . в, ( 1 в� б i � ., , .� / - . ' S. «, н 1 _ ' '1:М1. 1� 1<,.u�iы,i(�raniilniell(,,.n,t.i ]ПiUп1ЧКГЧ0 . л1и.п«u�uiu,1 :tnj:1::JUU , . 1l�п�:.1пiК1 J%O5]15G000 1Эп:,1::J1и, - 1Jд0i,?itбlNl . JNUS]13б00П `Чу1Ч°. iy2(�дlODU U81°е 1.1%5nic,lfiVO - 1JаПг:.(}с.ип , лКп ^пnn�,iliil,n,�11l.,пn, -и:пП1.`lнг.•К1 . Jлl�пп,п,ппп ;«,=,1::�пг, . 1J.и�:{iГ.п,г Jxu.�};M1ППп . :.Г�...1?:lini �4.<[.iлпп 'гЧ1'1 з'J3nJJnnn ix1 1.1л'�г.з�гJп'ni )_ ')1'} 1u3JJ�n3�nx К2� J..t�l�.'�и^-1цГ� - I' I 1�.i�1•�11Е.,и,,.,и 1,1��п.1�,и,� � з..апl+..У,!?ппд / 1:}ч1,":ппппп tуiЧlгп!'r�i 1J3J,1;.3?хг! [�l:НR-г.иСЧ3 1.1:б.г?ч.`)7JЧ2 ' п:'(.:Ч.пп Г?�!.?чПп icn•1lгхЧп'l 1Jг�п.•згх?J г.JS.`J'К•)-пчг ! 111:.бn,iJi" .11�пi� - - �л1'/г 1г•г1l�ипппп " 1!`ап-}:л`� 1:v`;п,•п%i! - 1J^_.Ап-.:?и?J � 'зЧ l 1.}ц:11-J."1}(. / 1J?!11"г1(Ч :1д:J��1г.111 - ����� / Ассоии/О!lП��lгсг rojttl Ducctnr Note I Govei-nill*.'k epal Ministry of Agric ire UT sto Development Acyriculture a ity Project Audi e 0" lit FY: 20 r1ft ( 5) Period: I - i y I July 2018 Statement of GON Fund, Reimbursable Fund and IDA Fund Amount in NPR Description Notes to Cumulative up to ITY 2017/18 Cumulative to Account FY 2016/2017 2017/18 1 GON Fund A GON Fund Opening Balance B GON Fund Release 53 1,240,846.3 1 35 1,845,040.73 883,085,887.04 C Add: Source changed to GoN (Previous FY) and to be changed ofReporting 1-Y 2,721,347.90 0.00, 2,721.347.90 D Less: Gon Fund Refund/ AdJustment 257,427.92 - 257,427.92 I Net GON Fund (A+B+C-D)) 533,704,766.29 351,845,040.73 885,549,807.02 2 GON Reimbursable Fund A GON Reimbursable Fund Opening Balance B GON Reimbursable Fund Release 2,472,349,211.56 888,449,839.39 3,360,799,050.95 C Add: Under recorded Rei rnbursable- Expend i tu re ad.iLlstment (according to FCGO Record) 0.20 0.00 0.20 D Less: Last FY's Advance Refund to Ka 1-6 11,530,737.15 627,629.00 12,158,366.15, E Less: Source changed to GoN (Previous FY) and to be changed of Reporting FY 2,721,347.90 0.00 2,721,347.90 F Less: Reimbursement from IDA 464,167,936.84 464,167,936.84 Less: Transfer to GON Treasury frorn DA 952,648,006.61 2,88 1,749,497.7 1 Net GON Reimbursable Fund (A+B-C-D-E) 528,995,635.61 (528,993,733.06) 1,902.55 Note: IDA Fund Disbursement in July, 2018 and remaining advance returned from FAO settled in August, 2018 is included ill this report due to completion of ProJect. C 4 ' 7 J Account Oficer Agriculture япд Food Security Project (GAFSP - TF Grяnt N0. 013719) hotc 2 Audited Project Account F1': 2017/18 (2074/75) Period: 16 Ju1y 2017 to 16 Ju1y 2018 Stлtement оГ Disbursement м,оип[ п цsп " . Reyueчtcd . Diчburocd 5. No. �ЧlANo. Catcgurie5 Tnfa1 - Currenq� .4mnunt •' Eyv. NPR. Vяlue Dste � Advanec Totn1 Diчбarsed 1 3 д 5 G Totn1 В-13) Arh�antt to РАО Tot:d(x+9+1U 1 2 д 5 G 7 Я Ч 1n 11 12 1Э 1д 15 12 16 А. Cumulпtive as оГ ' LastReport USD 13.(ЧК.89К.62 ' 1,ЗЗд,663,91д.G9 , д,0110,00П.00 � ],7Ч9,бАЧ.12 ' д.61г.U52.77 � 99д,882.97 i Э,3111,д3н.1Ч N55.167.д9 11д.1П.85 1LГ77,3l2.2д 1,365,162.011 - 13.Од2,5Пl.2! � TotnlofRepoпingPcriod(А) I3.1Чн,89А.Гr2 , 1,ЗЗд,663,914.Г,9 , - д,11П11А110.00 1,7')Ч,68Ч.12 д.(12,Псг.77 99l,нн2.97 Э,3111,lЗЯ.Од К5>,167.-19 - 11l,1Л.н: 1I-Г77,Зд2.2д � 1,365,1(2.11П - 13,Пд2,50l.2д А.СптиlпдvепгиГLпцRсрагt z:,ниn.nнг.я9 ' z.7nn.79я.OZ6.79 д.n1ыl,Опп.по s.зu,ln;.71 6; 7ч.;зн.н6 г.пд;�7;.lг , 7,Г,пнs96.1ч 2.2п1,7Э6�6 , 1д1з,г9д.т гl.ббЭ.нг,.,1 1,г1а,:дб.Оп - zs,R7з,69zs1 г lЗ. DuringReportingPerind ! 11NG00001 US� 'J137U7.00 . Ч383770890 / 1К-1и1-l7 - 1J3o.3-13011 % - - - - 1J}П.ЭlS.ПП , (21G.G38.ПO) / 913,7117.ПП . Z WA (1016 USD 3 9КК.671 72 • 413.RG4.i77.32 г 23-Nor-17 1.434J25.3R 311662 79 г 9)4 �21 14 i 1.174.37i 3') , 35д.386 72 / - 39нн.г71.72 г 3.9RR.671J2 3 WАООП USD 111<1G9x6.29 114.3ПЭ-429.29 г 14-Nоч�.17 373,I3727 ' - - - - 723,R29U2 . 1.п9гgе6.29 i 1,119li,9R6.29 4 1JNDOCU3 USD 426,571.00 • 43,608,353.33 29-Dсс-П - 413.574(1П + лз571по i 12.)970U г l26.571.(111 . 5 FAO-18 U$D 360,303 00 = 36,700,463.58 22-1ап-18 - - - - - - . ЗГ11,3(1Э oU � 3Г,О,ЗП3.1111 G WA 0018 U$D 2,114.868.53 224,324.104 59 ; 2д-Арг-1К (2.11д.86R 33) � - 3111 JКГ 27 7п4633 47 1 24П.С,Кд Зг , Кi7,П44 46 - ±,I Ч.нгИ.;з 2.1 N.x6R.53 7 WA19 USD 456,400.57 , 49.270,72386 , I-1un-18 - - 9,и22д1 . 2U.777.72 27l.К1Я2> Ч).224_Gl 2,3373К � а5ь,lпаs7 : дSС,,lОО.S7 � н WA0020 USD 1.885.131.47 199,955,89541 24-Арг-l8 (1.RR3,13147) � 1,I47,2GR83 - - 737.ЯG2G4 - - 1.иNi,I71.l7 ! 1,RN5.131.l7 ' 9 WA 21 ' USD 3 433.546 75 372,471.151 44 . 21-7ип-1Я 1.095,Я04 77 - 1 0П9.325 90 - 1,327,91С ОЯ � 7.lзз z!г 75 З.д3Э.5lС.75 1п NA22lfinat U5D 389,668.37 42,606,34009 . 1Т1°1'1Я 389,668.37 - ' - - - зчч,ььК.з7 / 389,fi6R.37 11 PSRNEP USD 0.00 000 30.Aug-l8 1.ПЭ2д3ЧОП r - - ' - 1,пз2.озЧ.пп . (1,032,039П0) ' 12 Ran3398a8 USD -335,169.00 ' -31.739.19Z57 . ' - ' ' (333.f6)оП). (Э35,I69.пП) : Tot:dafRcportingPcrind(В) 11.7311,685.7U / 1�?i).l113S50.zJ / (!.(1111I,ППП.п0) Е J.lд0.Нгд.62 ?J'?6,1'_').!7 1.721,7i2.63 ! 3,l37,5C1.5I f 1.3(1I,655.79 � 2,П5д.302.(А � 159l1 _31.711 (1=10,5д6.11П) - 1l.7311,ЬА5.'1П г' C.Cumula'ticëaROfRepartiпgPcri 411.61П.77г.5Ч /�4,2б11,2П1.577.113 ! � -- 9,755,23П.З3� 1 9,2U>.ЬГrн.Э3 r 3.7б7,32н.115 Х�' 11,1146.162.711 7 Э,5б2,Э92.1b "3,267�96.75 г lп.Г1Ч,37н.21 у` - _ д11.6П.1,378.21 � Amnunf in NPR Rcqucstcd DiчbuncЛ S. Nn. W/А Na Cпtcgnric5 Тпгл1 Сиггспсу Amount Еqч. NPR. b':iluc D:rtc Адч:исс Tnta1 Diлburscгl 1 Э д й ( ТпIп1 (К-13) Atlrлncc to FAO ТоIл1(н+9+111 1 2 Э ! 5 G 7 К 9 1П 11 12 13 Ч 13 12 1(> л.агтиЬ[r,ся5игl.п,[есl,ог[ г;,нни,пяг,.А9 / г.7nи.7Пн.nг6.7ч � з9з,бяп.0оп.пп -:5l,9зn.з;ч.16 . б:д.l;з.и:l.гс, . г16.г,чз.9l9s6 7Чс.Чо0,ггэвs >з1.зz2_нз.зг 129,69п,ибз.и6 % г.,нз,ч9п.ззzп 11з.г,нн.нl2.9! , - г,6Ч7.г,79.1нп.ад / Q. DuringRcportingPcrind I R-UNCПOl10I USD 91Э7(17.00 � 9i8Э77ПК911 . 1R-1u1-17 - ПG11КG:1713П . - ' - ' ПГ,.оЧГ,.lзLSП . 22.2дК.722ГП ( ) - ')3,R37,7Пн.')ы / 2 WA1101G USD 39К8-671.72 . 413A44.i7732 - 23-Nov-17 148-8К7,Кi7.7G Э-1К1.371о11 г I113.U11-7`)2Я0 . 121,853.1')u2i ' 3G.771.16i,31 i - Лз.нга.577.32 l1зУ6дi77.3'_ Э WA(10П U$D 1П96.9ЯG29 . 1Ч.i11?А2Ч29 ` 2К-Nо�-17 ЗЯ95n-1339К . - - - - 75.53?.27з?1 . 1и.:п7.l,у.zЧ г 71l.5113.l29.?9 r 4 UN DOC ПЭ USD 426,571.00 : 43,608,353 33 ' 29-Dcc-17 - 42.27Ч.67U П2 !г,?79,r7n.n? ; 1,32X.Gx3 3I � lЗ,Ьин,Э53.ЭЭ �' 3 FAO-18 USD 360,303.00 - 36,700,463.58 ' 22Jan-1A - - - - - - - - ЗG,7ПП.4G358 ЭГ,7ПП,J63.5н � 6 WAO(11Я U5D 2.114,868.53 ' 224.324,10459 ' 24-Арг-1Я (22д.32д.1одi9) ' - 7293Э.27н5и 7д.95д.7ЭЭ72 . 25.32Ч.ЗК7пи г Чи.9о6.7115Э7 • - цаJ?а.иЧ.SУ е . ц.1.3гl.lпд._9 � 7 WA1) USD 456,40057 49,270.72386 ' I-1ип-1Я - - 971iliul2 2.2?дКi136 . 2').33q-1in97 � 1(,ui11i99П3 2731ЮЭ?1 • Jvn9n.lJ5.зt ; J9J1911.дJ>.31 - Я WAOU2o USD 1,895.13147 199.955.895.41 24-Арг-1Х (1ч9.)i;КЧiд1)< 12L(9П.Яид7Ч - - 7К.265J19U62 - - 1вч,•»3.нч - 19Ч.955,895.l1 `) WA21 U$D 3.433,54675 ' 372.471.15144 21-1ип-1К - I18.%72.')П1 Э7 - - 1119,3д5Ч1lП7 / - 1449>2.з36оП - S7г.nI, f . 372,l71,1S1.lJ , IO NA22/Fina1 USD 389,66837' 42606.34009 � V-1и1-1Я 42,606.340.09 . ' - ' - - !?.гиь,зlпоч � - д?.ГПС.ЭlП.119 : 11 PSRNEP USD 0.00 0.00 Эо-Аи,-1К - 97.T1iuG9бб • - - 073 5 ' ' 97.7зп.пь2г,г � (97.7Э[LUG9 GG) . - 12 Rап i3Чн+х USD -335,169.00 , -31 739.797 57 ` - - ' . . - - (Э1.Л9.tЧ7i71, (3l,73').1I7.5�) % fntлlnfRcpnrtingPcriud(Н1 1!,'Эы-бн5.711 1,55').lП3.5с11.гд . (!2!?н11.111111.1И1) r д7LIIUx./1>99Ч г')Э.1К1.J'1.1П : 1Ки.зГ,о.37К.1Lц . ЭЬl.75Э-113'_?1 ЧЭ-7гн.!!')9Э г1'LrixU.711?.G]. LlT_.11?.11J.l,3 (113,ЬК8.н!?!>!1: - 1.5;9.г?Э.271.69 ' C.CumulнticcusofRcpnrгiпgPcrir lп.61П.77э.5) � !_61I,?o1577.t13 � (Э11.Г1111.111111.11111 "1.11?$!)ЗК.д1ЧJ� г 9l7.ЬЭд.3".36 , 3')7l5д.327.(д �1.161.653.66?.нG , 375.и>11J>3.>_g : З!').i711.7(6.lx . д.'�69n2.lSL7J - - !.2>6Jt12.l51.7J Nata 1DA Fипд Daбurscmcm т)и1ч. 2и1К апд rcmmning адчапсс гмитсд Ггот FAO 5сгдгА т Augusl.2olК is тсlпдсд т this гсроп дiм го сптрlсиип лГ Рги)cct � / (4nm Китпг Rпi1� (ACh ut Рг:пяЛ Dh:J,л1j :\mount OOiccr Ргаlгсг Duccror Govemment of Nepal Ministry ofÅgriculture Development Agiieidture and Food Security Project CAFSP-T17 Grin-rt N.. 013719 .A,,dil,d P. ojt,,t A-~1 FY: 2017118 (2074/75) Note to Account-l:St2tement of Expenditu res (SOE) Uss NPR S.N. WA N.. VM- Dat, C.u,g,uy C.,1ýg.,.y l 1 2 3 4 1 5 6 T.t.I 1 3 4 5 6 Total n. Reldenishment i R,pl,niänucrtt Tin.l up t. FY 2016/17 5,314,405.71 200,546.86 1 2,045,575.42 i 7,608,596.19 2,201,736.27 1,213,294.07 18,584,154.51 554,930,359.16 20,804,715.46 216,693,949.56 796,900,629.95 231,322,283.31 129,690,063.86 1,9",342,001.30 l WA 0016 23-Nov- 17 1,434,92538 30,66279 , 994,321,44 1 1,174,375 39 354,38672 - 3,988,671.72 148,887,857 76 3,181,571 00 g 36,771,165 51 121,853,190 25 413,864,577.32 2 WA0017 14-N ov- l 7 373,157.27 - - - - 723,829.02 1,096,986.29 38,950,155 98 75,553,273 31 114,503,429.29 - 310,48627, 706,65347 240,684,33 857,04446 2,114,868.53 50 74,954 733 72 25,529,3 87 00 90,906,705 WA0018 24-Apr- 18 - - 224.324,104.59 4 WA 0020 24-Apr- 18 1,147,268 83 737,862 64 - - 1,885,131.47 121,690,804 79 78,265>090 62 199,955,895.41 l Tmal f 2017118 l 2,955,351.481 341,149.06 Ii 1,700,974.91 2,152,922.36 1 1,211,431,18 l 723,829.02 9,085,658.01 309,528.818.53,, 36,114,849.501, 178,125,526..521, 225,647,667.87 127,677,870.88 1, 75,553,273.31 l 952,648,006.6 1 Replenishinent Total Up to 2017118 1 8,269,757.191 541,695.92 11 3,746.550.33 11 9,761,518.55 3,413,167.45 11 1,937,123:ý.ý 17,669ý,.211 56,919,564.96 3 9 4::8::9:ý4 7 6. 0 ý , 1,0ý2,54S297.82ý17359,000,154.19 [ý 20i,243-337.17 2,9 ib. Minbursernernt Rýiruhu.-.-t- Up to 20161017 111 A 19 1 -Juri- l 8 9,02241 20,777 72 274,818,25 149,22461 2,557 58 456,400.57 970,45042 2,234,85 1 56 [, 29,559,450 97 16,050,599 05 275,093 31 49,090,445.31 2 WA 21 21-Jun-18 1.095,804,77 - 1,009,825 90 - 1,327,916 08 3,433,546.75 118,872,901 37 - 109,545,914 07 144,052,336 00 372,471,15:,44 I WA22/Final 17-Jul- l 8 389,668.37 - - 389,668.37 42,606,340.09 - 42,606,340.09 Total .1`2017118 1,485,473.14 9,022.41 20,777.72 1,284,644.151 149,224.61 1ý330,473.66 4.279,615.69 161,479,241.46 970,450.42 2,234,851,56 139,105,365,04 16,050,599.05 144,327,42931 464,167,936.84 IR,irnbnr,t- t Tc,mi Up t. 2017118 1,485,473.14 1, 9,022.41 20,777.72 284,64,4 11 149,224.61 4 .279,615.69 L ,33ý0,47366 970,410.42 1, 2,234,851.561 139,105.365.04 16,050,599.05 144.327,429.31 4 Di. tt Nyrncitt Di.-1 Nyvu~ Triml Up to 2016117 6,078,992.00 - - 6,078,992.00 633,648,335,80 633,648,335.80 i 8-UNCO0001 I 8-Jul- l 7 1,130,345 00 1,130,345.00 l 16,086,431 50 116,086,431.50 2 UN DOC 03 29-Dec- 17 413,57400 413,574.00 j 42,279,670 02 42,279,670.02 FAO- l 8 22-Jan- l 8 - -1 PSR NEP 073 3 O-Aug- l S 1,032,039 00 1,032,039.00 97.730,069 66 97,730,069.66 T.1.1 f 2017118 2,575,958.00 2,575 ' "8.00 256,096,171.18 256,096,17 1. 18 Di,ý,t Nyrn-t Total Up 1. 2017118 8,6,,4,950.00 8,654 9 50.001. licrand Tmfl Up t. 2017118 1 9,755,230.331 9,205,668.33 3,767,328.05 11,046,162.70 3,562,392.06 3,267,596.111,1 40,604318 -1 1 1 07-5 939 9 947,k3ý,136 ý197,054,327.64 1ý 1,161,653,662.86 1 375,050,753.251, 349,5-0,766.ÅS 4,256,902,451.74], rrya P asad Gautam Ar.. Ktinnu Ra. Achyiit kal Dr Yubak Dhoj GC Aýwunt Officý, Project Ducctor Secretary (MoAD) F C pn.] k, G-~1 ---Baburam Gautam Deputy Auditor General Ministry of AgricWure Development Agriculture and ,Security Project Audit,Px ef Acwunt FY: 8SO04/75) Note to Account-3 1 The Project Accounts has prepared in accordance with the World Banks Financial and procurement guidelines. 2 Project has completed in 31 March 2018. However, advance refunded from FAO to IDA Account (which was given by IDA to FAO as Direct Payment) NPR19,593,671.76settled after this fiscal year and cash refunds in advance settlement of the project NPR 627,629.00, which is deposited to Ka 1.6 is included in this project account. Due to theseadjustments, total expenditure stated in project account is less by NPR. 20,221,300.76 thanthe FCGO record. Account Officer Pr je t Director Ministry of Ag i% Development Agriculture ald F 'd Swirity Project Audi! Account FY: 201 -71 (2 74/75) Note to Account-2: Reconciliation Statement ofTReinibursable to FCGO Record Particulars As per FCGO As per Project Remarks Account Outstanding Reimbursement of 2016/17 529,031,080.61 528,995,635.61 Cash Refunds of Advance, FY 2073/74, DoCurments deposited to Ka 1-6, Acc.No. 15 112 submitted to (reimbursable expenditure to be deducted in FCGO in FCGO record) (35,445.00) - 2074/6/22 Sub Total 528,995,635.61 528,995,635.61 / Reimbersable Expenditure of FY:2017/18 888,449,839.39 888,449,839.39, Reimbursement/Transfer during FY:2017/18 (1,374,209,603.36) (1,374,209,603.36) Reimbursement from IDA to GoN Account in July 17, 2018 (FY:2018/19) (42,606,340.09) (42,606,340.09) Cash Refunds of Advance, FY 2073/74, Documents deposited to Ka 1-6, Acc.No. 15112 submitted to (reimbursable expenditure to be deducted in FCGO in FCGO record) (627,629.00) (627,629.00) 2074/7/27 GoN Reimbursable amount in NPR 1,902.55 , 1 ,9 0 2 .5 5 Account Officer P t Director Agriculture and Food ti Statement of Advance and Dd uiaf AO SN WA Requested Disbursed Advance/Balance USD NPR USD NPR USD NPR 1 1 800,800.00 30-Apr-14 96.38 77,661,584.00 - - 800,800.00 77,661,584.00 Sub Total (2013/14) 800,800.00 77,661,584.00 - - - 800,800.00 77,661,584.00 2 2 700,000.00 10-Oct-14 97.39 68,173,000.00 172,344.00 16,784,582.16 527,656.00 51,388,417.84 3 3 2,250,362.00 11-Mar-15 100.12 225,306,243.44 1,328,456.00 133,005,014.72 921,906.00 92,301,228.72 4 4 12-Mar-015 100.16 350,685.00 35,124,609.60 (350,685.00) (35,124,609.60) Sub Total (2014/15) 2,950,362.00 293,479,243.44 - 1,851,485.00 184,914,206.48 1,098,877.00 108,565,036.96 5 5 1,186,598.00 26-Aug-15 105.44 125,114,893.12 2,355,092.00 248,627,062.44 (1,168,494.00) (123,512,169.32) 6 7 918,767.00 18-Mar-16 106.46 97,811,934.82 284,788.00 30,318,530.48 633,979.00 67,493,404.34 Sub Total (2015/16) 2,105,365.00 222,926,827.94 2,639,880.00 278,945,592.92 (534,515.00) (56,018,764.98) Total 5,856,527.00 594,067,655.38 4,491,365.00 463,859,799.40 1,365,162.00 130,207,855.98 7 8 933,119.00 25-Jul-16 107.04 99,881,057.76 958,220.00 102,567,868.80 (25,101.00) (2,686,811.04) Sub Total up to Nov.15,0063987311,401.0 2,5,4.4 2016 6,789,646.00 693,948,713.14 - 5,449,585.00 566,427,668.20 1,340,061.00 127,521,044.94 8 UN-DOC 499,892.001 15-Feb-171 106.801 53,388,465.60 629,407.00 67,220,667.60 (129,515.00)1 (13,832,202.00)1 Total up to July 15, 2017 7,289,538.00 / 747,337,178.74 6,078,992.00 633,648,335.80 1,210,546.00 113,688,842.94 9 UN DOC 2 913707.00 / 18-Jul-17 102.70 93837708.90 1130345.00 , 116086431.50 -216638.00 -22248722.60 10 UN DOC 3 426,571.00 29-Dec-17 102.23 43608353.33 413,574.00 , 42279670.02 12997.00 1328683.31 11 FAO-18 360,303.00 1' 22-Jan-18 101.86 36,700,463.58 1 - - 360303.00 36700463.58 Total (up to July 16, 2018 8,990,119.00 921,483,704.55 7,622,911.00 / 792,014,437.32T1,367,208.00 129,469,267.23 12 073 - 19-Jul-18 94.696 - 1,032,039.00 97,730,069.66 335169.00 31739197.57 13 Ran 339848 (335,169.00) 19-Jul-18 94.696 (31,739,197.57) - - 0.00 0.00 Total 8,654,950.00 .889,744,506.98 8,654,950.00 889,744,506.98 - *Note: Remaining amount returned from FAO, which is settled in August 2018 is included in this report due to completion of Project. Note: Since the Total Advance is settled and Documented, NPR is converted in Average Exchange rate of US$ (Remaining Advance NPR/Remaining Advance in US$). (Arun Kumar Rai) (Ac t Prasad I3hakal) Account Officer Project Director