PROCUREMENT PLAN EUIlPA 2013 ENERGY SECTOR TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE PROJECT TRUSTFUND GRANT P161934 V9 1 General 1. Project Information Country Turkey Borrower R Republic of Turkey Project Name :EUIPA 2013 Energy Sector Technical Assistance Project Trust Fund No : TF019255 Implementing Agency Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources 2. Bank"s Approval Date of the Procurement Plan 22 October 2018 fRev 9) 3. Date of General Procurement Notice 18-Mar-2015 4. Period Covered with this procurement plan 01 April 2015 - 31 May 2020 5. Grant Closing Date 31-May-2020 6. Applicable Guidelines Selection and Employment of Consultants under IBRD Loans and IDA Credits & Grants by World Bank Borrowers dated January 2011 and revised July 2014 (Consultant Guidelines) Procurement of Goods. Works and Non-Consulting Services under BRID Loans and IDA Credits & Grants by Ward Bank Borrowers dated January 2011 and revised July 2014 (Procurement Guidelines) 71. Selection of Consultants 1. Prior Review Threshold : Selection decisions subject to Prior Review by the Bank as stated in Appendix 1 to the Consultant Guidelines Selection Selection Method Prier Reeiew Threshold Method Threshold Guality and Cost Based Defaul Method (to Contracts nalued US 1 M and Irrespective of contract ( Se o namount first contract of each s neletion method Selection Contracts valued is subject to prior review Based on Consultants U 0000 sungle source Sle of No selction method A,. cotrlacts are nuject to prior review Firms (SSS) threohold Contracts valced a US$ 300,000 and, Individual No selction metnod the first individual consultant contract and all single source Consultants N tesho m individual contracts are subject to Bank's prior review irrespective (I C) of contract amount. ToRs for individual consultart contracts are all subdect to prior review by the Bank 2, Short list comprising entirely of national consultants: Short list of oonsutants for services estimated to cost less than JS$ 300 000 equivalent per contract may comprise entirely of national consultants in accordance with provisions of paragraph 2.8 of the Consultant Guidelines. 1I. Goods, and Non-consulting Services (including Supply & Installation) 1. Prior Review Threshold : Procurement decisions subject to Prior Review by the Bank as stated in Appendix 1 to the Procurement Guidelines. Procurement Procurement Method Prior Review Threshold Method Threshold International Default Method (No Competitive procurement method Contracts valued a US$ 2 M Bmdoing (ICB) threshold) Contracts valued < Shopping US$100,000 - Goods and First contract Non-consultirg Services IV. Any Other Special Procurement Arrangements: Logistical and organizational services required for the international and National Symposium, Seminars, Workshop, and other training programs shall be procured by Shopping procedures as the Non consulting services, if the contract se is ess than USS1 00,000 equivalent. V Procurement Packages with Methods and Time Schedule The estimated costs in the attached tables (sheets) ineude all physical and price contingnrcies but do not include the taxes As per the Framework Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Turkey and the Commission of the European Communities on IPA dated 03 June 2008, the Project is exempt from the taxes incurred in Turkey on the Services. PROCUREMENT P�N Turkey : Ец/IPA Eaergy 8ector Technical Аввiвtаасе Progam - РЪаве 2 Project Geaeral Informatioa Сот4у: Turkey ВвпУв Approvel Date о£ t6e Origmвl Proceremeat Р1ва: 2018-10-25 Reviввd Р1вп Datв(в): (сотта deliveeted, leeve Ыavk if non г91ч-оs-1'7 Р[qject ID: Р151934 GPN Dete: рг ject Neme: Ец/IPA Energy Seemr Technieal Аееiвснvсе Program - Phase 2 Projecc Loan / СгедiЕ Na: TF / 19255 Ezeeeyag Аgэасу(iee) Ministry оС Enerq WORКB Bid Evalaation Activicy Rыfегвисв No. / Dгaft Biddivg Loav / Cгedit Maгket Рюсигетепt Peegualifiшti и АеШа1 Атомt Ргосввь Dгak Ргы-qualifi�ati Prequali6ггtion 9рысiбс Ргоометыпt Biddiuy Dоситеигь Реороьыl 9иЬтiвьiоп / Report апд OescгipNun Сотрыиеиt Rыview Туры Меtбод Docmпeut / Бiутыд Goutгact Contгact Сотрlыбыи No. АрргоагЪ Ргогвьь (У/N) ([I9'�1 5tatas Dпсшпепtв Evaluatiou Кeport Чогiсы / Invita[iou аь Iывиед Opening / Мiииtыь Rыwmmыndation Гог Juыiбcгtion Award Рlапиед e4tual Рlаппед AeWa1 Plavned Actwl Рlаппвд Actual Рlымыд Аееиаl Рlаипед lv:tual PWuned Aotual Plavned Aceual Рlапивд Actual сооnв Bid Evalwtion Activity RвГегвиив No. / Dп1t Hiddiug ].оаи / Сгыдi[ Markыt Ргосигетыи[ Preyualifiuti п Actual Атомг Ргооеьь Dгыft Preyualifiшti Pгequaliliггtion Ьpыeific Ртаиттыиг Hiddiuy Dоситыиtь Ргороsаl SaFmiььion / Аырогг апд Dеьспр и Сотропеиг Review Туры Method Documevt / 9iутыд Covtгvct Сопtгасе Complыtiov No. АррrоыгЪ Ргогввь (У/N) ([I9$) 5tatus Documentв EvaluaHon Repoгt Noticы / lnvita[iou ыь Iьвиад Opыning / Мiиигыь Rыwmmьndation (ог Juвtifiution Аиаед Рlаппыд ALwua1 Рlаипед Ае[иа1 Рlыииед Aotaal Рlапиед АгКиа1 Рlаииыд Actual Рlаипыд AcNa1 Рlаппыд Аа[иа1 Рlаииед e4tual Рlмиед Actual 1г.иои-1lвььь.ьо.lгrгг / �.тгыг ы1т н�га,..,г ,/вzьь с аттгт,� �иа 'в` ° о_ е,ыг. /я.аь. _ ш.оь. 1я.1/. NON CONBULTIN6 BERViCEe Bid Evalaation Activicy Rыfегвисв No. / Dгaft Biddivg Loav / Cгedit Maгket Рюсигетепt Peegualifiшti и АеШа1 Атомt Ргосввь Dгak Ргы-qualifi�ati Prequali6ггtion 9рысiбс Ргоометыпt Biddiuy Dоситеигь Реороьыl 9иЬтiвьiоп / Report апд OescгipNun Сотрыиеиt Rыview Туры Меtбод Docmпeut / Бiутыд Goutгact Contгact Сотрlыбыи No. АрргоагЪ Ргогвьь (У/N) ([I9'�1 5tatas Dпсшпепtв Evaluatiou Кeport Чогiсы / Invita[iou аь Iывиед Opening / Мiииtыь Rыwmmыndation Гог Juыiбcгtion Award Рlапиед e4tual Рlаппед AeWa1 Plavned Actwl Рlаппвд Actual Рlымыд Аееиаl Рlаипед lv:tual PWuned Aotual Plavned Aceual Рlапивд Actual�m ьспть гт ,/вzьь т amWam,� m.,an,w 1еь.zав_ ы,i.�ап, sыпыг, 1т . lяzьь г <г�и��� �ыа "в` ° о_ г,ы.,: ia/а. /я.оч rzo-оь. а�поы ,м н„ . lяzьь г i`�с р�°` �ыа р"а` ° о_ р,ы.,: iaaz. /а.оы 1я.ол. CONBULTING FIl2M9 Mtivicy Rыfегвосв No. / Сотtдпыд EvaШation Loav / Cгedit Maгket Coutract Туре Actual Amowt Еаргввлiоп о[ ]псыrвве SЬогс List апд Dra[t Regueвt Юr Ргороsаlв Opeving о[ Techuiwl EvaШatiov оЕ Oescгiptiun Compunent Авиеw Турв Method Ргоиеsь 5txtuв Terms of АвСвreп�е Repurt впд Dгak Stiyued Conhact Cootгact (bmpletiun No. АрргоагЪ 1UЬ£) Notice Аеуивы fnг Ргороьаlь дs ]sьиед Ргороsаlь / Minutes Techпicel Раnроьаl Neyotiaeвd Conhact Рlмоед Actoal Рlгпоед АсЕив1 Рlамыд AoNa1 Рlхппед AcNx1 Рlаппвд Actual Рlаопед LиtuaL Рlаповд АсЕиа1 Рlамед Actual Рlьпоед Actual �� т�, sг�a�w . iяьsь �. а�иi ��� � вьо.�ьs. о� л� о� гт Ш� � . iядьь �. a�ni �,�� saaai9. °,° ..`. i°` ,�пzss �� а� �. . . в:. а.` i пi. w.пы. i,.п�. i:.пи. i.ов. i;.iь - �a.�i. ,¢нлiа , п' , R . iяzьь �. a�i.w л„а а� � �зьаsчь. и.ыа иs.о�� . а,,,г,�. ма г� . ат ���� ��>�•'т и . iяьsь � а�га���� � а. °o� oio-aы �ь.аы iь.оы �ьдz. iя.oi. - iааь., м�ш н�.��,,, . iяьsь � а�гп��в,�� � а. ' oio-iz.z �ьдz. i�.o,. �,ды iяад. iэaz. °,°� �""`• �°` . iяьsь � а�гп���� � а. oi,-аы �,.аы i�.оя. �,ды iя.оo- iэая. °'°� .�""`• �°` ,�вzьь � а� i��u�� � а_ тв.а:.а �ии. iядь �s.оь. ..o.w.. � .,�а м�, zaiв ы, ,�вzьь � а� i��u�� � а а•` тя.аzа iя.az �аоo- iя.оы �s.m. ..о.аь. INDIVIDUAL CONSULTANTB