96583 Central African Republic: Emergency Public Services Response Project Additional Financing Chair Summary* May 19, 2015 Executive Directors approved an additional grant in the amount of SDR 7.3 million (US$10 million equivalent) to the Central African Republic for the Emergency Public Services Response Project (IDA/R2015-0103) Additional Financing on the terms and conditions set out in the President’s Memorandum. Directors acknowledged the challenging security context and critical political transition period currently facing the country. And in that light, they agreed that the original project and this additional financing are key pillars to help support CAR’s recovery over the next two years and the successful completion of the transition. Directors took note of the project’s achievements to date in restoring the provision of basic public services through the payment of civil service salaries and technical assistance to the Ministry of Finance. They also strongly supported the aims of the next phase to reestablish an operational government payroll and related financial management systems. Directors noted that this is a high risk operation, and urged staff to be vigilant in ensuring that timely and effective mitigating measures will be taken if and when necessary. They highlighted that achieving the project’s development objective would be contingent on continued progress in restoring security and economic growth, as well as continued support from the donor community. Looking ahead, they underscored the importance of working with the government and development partners toward a sustainable functioning public administration. _________________________________ ∗This summary is not an approved record.