The INSW-PPC 59828 Guidelines for INSW Public-Private Consultation Overview The Secretariat of INSW (Indonesia National Single Window), located in the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs (CMEA), has launched a process for Public-Private Consultations (INSW-PPC). The main purpose of the PPC is to debottleneck the implementation and utilization of the INSW. Its goal is to promote usage of the INSW in a way that meets the needs of its stakeholders and conforms to national and international standards. It aims to provide a forum for foreign and domestic companies, and participating government agencies, to identify, discuss and agree upon solutions to issues regarding government regulations and INSW implementation procedures. Although any stakeholder may initiate a consultation, most are initiated because of a complaint by the private sector, which is usually represented by chambers of commerce or other business councils. The INSW Secretariat then responds by organizing consultations between the private sector and concerned government agencies. Below are guidelines for initiating an INSW-PPC. In presenting these guidelines, the INSW Secretariat wishes to note that variations to these guidelines may be necessary, depending on the issue. Structure The INSW-PPC is structured as follows: · The chair of the INSW-PPC is the head of the Secretariat of INSW, namely the Deputy Minister or delegated officials from the CMEA. The chair plays a coordinating role and is responsible for planning, preparation and chairing PPC meetings. · The private sector participants are typically international and domestic business councils, chambers of commerce, sector associations, and private sector companies. · The public sector participants are government officials from concerned government agencies such as the Ministry of Trade, Customs, BPOM, the Quarantines, etc. Depending on the topic, the INSW Secretariat at CMEA arranges the participation of relevant ministries. Issues of focus for INSW-PPC Several PPC meetings have already been held between private and public sector organizations. The topics concerned a broad range of problems encountered by traders in export/import. As much as possible, however, the PPC should focus on the issues specific to the INSW. The issues can be categorized as follows: INSW systems-related issues: INSW help-desk, portal, data exchange, connectivity, etc. Regulation-related issues: Importer license/permit regulations, impediments, early notification/consultation of new regulations, etc. Business process-related issues: Standard operating procedures, hard-copy document requirements, registration time, risk profiling, etc. Guidelines for The INSW-PPC Steps for Organizing a PPC Step 1: Submission of Request for Consultations: A Request for Consultations is submitted by a representative of the stakeholders to the Head of the INSW Secretariat ("the Secretariat") by letter/email/fax. The request should include a list of issues that stakeholders would like to raise at the PPC and a brief description of each issue. Where possible, the request should include information sources and a reference to relevant regulations, if any. Finally, the request must include a contact point for the stakeholder(s). A government agency may also make a Request for Consultations. Step 2: Responding to Requests ­ Review and Development of the PPC Issues Brief/Agenda: In order to arrange a PPC meeting and set an agenda, the INSW Secretariat reviews the Request for Consultations. For issues that are of relevance to the INSW, the Secretariat will work with stakeholders to finalize an agenda for the PPC, and to develop a formal issues brief for discussion at the meeting. On occasion, it may be necessary to hold a preparatory meeting between the Secretariat and stakeholders in order to develop the issues brief and iron out details of the PPC agenda. The final version of the issues brief should be specific and clear with sufficient information about the nature of the problem. For instance, if a concerned issue is about regulation, specific articles of regulation should be cited and their impact explained so that problems can be better understood and follow-up actions can be taken by relevant government agencies. The final version of the issues brief will be made available to relevant government agencies and other stakeholders for the purpose of the INSW-PPC. The INSW Secretariat will have the liberty to invite other stakeholders to the PPC. If an issue involves commercial information of value to competitors, the stakeholder may request that such information be kept confidential for the use only by the INSW Secretariat. In addition to the written brief, stakeholders will be expected to prepare an oral presentation on each issue. Step 3: Call for a Formal Consultation: After finalization of the issues brief and agenda, the Secretariat will makes arrangement to hold a formal PPC by contacting relevant government agencies and stakeholders. Invitation letters will be issued by the Secretariat. All materials to be presented at the meeting will be made available to participants at least four working days prior to the meeting. Step 4: Organization of the PPC: The head of the INSW Secretariat in CMEA, or a delegated official, will chair the PPC. Stakeholders will make a presentation on each issue. This will be followed by a response from the relevant government agencies, and a dialogue on possible solutions to the problem. Step 5: Minutes of Meeting and Follow-up Actions: Minutes of Meeting (MoM) will be drafted by stakeholders and the participating government agencies. Following clearance by participants, the draft MoMs will be submitted to the Secretariat and become the basis for follow-up actions by the relevant government agencies, including the Persons-in-Charge. Individual names and companies will be identified as attendees of the meeting in an appendix, but will not otherwise be identified in the MoM. Follow-up actions will be assigned to the Persons-in-Charge in both private sectors and concerned government agencies, supported by the INSW Secretariat. The outcomes will be reported in the subsequent PPCs, or in writing to stakeholders. Contact details INSW Secretariat Email: or Phone and Fax: +62 21 352 1885 Mobile: 0811 182 535 (Djoko T. Wibowo) or 0812 139 9626 (Ridky Wirautama)