PHONE 2213-3151/3152/3103 FAX (033) 2213-3174 D qMtru 13&T4 fwqT ¾fftw 2, I4q ;-g(rt), ýfWM9T 700 001 INDIAN AUDIT AND ACCOUNTS DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF THE PRINCIPAL ACCOUNTANT GENERAL GENERAL & SOCIAL SECTOR AUDIT), WEST BENGAL TREASURY BUILDINGS. 2. GOVT. PLACE (WEST) KOLKATA - 700 001 No.: 360/FASS-V/lAp/ W B-ADNI/2018-19/ / L, Date: 0.12019 To The Projeet Director, Water Resources investigation & Development Department, O/ the Prjec I)ireetor, W-ADMI Project, Block-14/2, CIT Schemc-VJI (Ni), ICMARD Buildings, 511 Floor, Ultadanga, Kolkala-700 067. Subjct: : Issue of Audit Report in respect of N orld Bank assisted \\ est Bengal AcceICrated De eiopment of Minor Irrigation Project (NBADIMIP) under IBRI) Loan No. 8(90-IN and IDA ('r. No. 5014-IN flr the financial year 2018-19 (including the ad,justments pertaining n financial year 2017-18). Sir. 1am Ito forw ard Iherewtith the Audit Report. duly incorporatng the audi observazunons. m1 resplct of \orld Bank assisted Wesl Benpäl \ceeierated Development of Minor rigatiln Priojlect iI uan No. 8090-1N and fl)A,\ (r. \o. 5014-IN) for the iniancial 'ear 2018-19( lments pertainin tohl a I he recelpt ol the same a klidl be acknouledged Encie: As sta ted. Yoils fith illv. ( Iimir I dliira ) Sr. I)eputy Accountant (Generai 1 FAXW PHONL 22 13 313152/3163 FAX (033 223-3174 t{p4t PN'flL1r rnr w fråw ef7i 1141 WJr- 9 3teuch (11r1 ir-ja w ht ET NT wki) , i twen r3iT fr í~U, 2.fl1fr1N1 ttFIT .w-wH irl7o0o00 INDIAN AUDIT AND ACCOtUN TS DEPARTFMENT OFFICtE OF THE PRiNCIPAL ACCOUNTFANTF GENERAL (GE NERAL & SOCIAL SFECTOR AU DIT> WfrES 1 LEN1KATA 70 001 The Principal Secretary to tlhe Gm ernmcnt of West Bengal, D)epartmentft of WNater Resources Investigatinon & Dev elopmnent, Khady a Bhawan, Block -A (5' fluor). Kolkata-710 (187. Rteport of thie (Comptroller anid Aiuditor General of 1india on the Projeci Inanicial Statemnents We hav e audited the accompany ing financial statemuents of the \WestBengal Accelerated Dev elopmnent of NI[nor lrrigation Proect Ii nanced under \\orld Bank Loan No. 80 90-1 N 1 IDA Cr. No, 5014-IN. which comprise 18402 I' 60 2104102 & 50l & iDetails Ii Annexurle ) h )ta - - = -. ( I mir Bhadra Nr. Deputy Accountant General (FAW), Office of the Principal Aceountant General (General and Social Sectur Audit), West Bengal, 2, Government Place (West), Treasury Buildings, kolkata - 700 001. 1I)ate: 16 August 2019] Annexure - A List of items held inadmissible in respect of claim's of financial year 2018-19 (All items pertain to Part A, C &D) SI. Unit Reasons for inadmissibility in audit Amrount No. Iihhm p. Sauy LIs pail lo Lne cntirratual Procureiient Enineer inl ecess el 318155 a:pproal santined slreniiti and beynd lte ue ef 65 ears up-to Deceiber 2018 eof Rs. 35000 per lo l1enee. ihe excpenditikie el 3 0 5(W sads in,admiissihle, 2.An expeinditure ef Rs. 3155 incurred in ilatieon of legul requiremem due to non -dedctin e f GST at source tent ilIl 1paid to the_aec hh t iAs p¯¯ memorundum No. 24 3P 1A IP l' 4 1 1 Pt l.212. I ated 49236 2 (, rnli lu I) 16. I 0,2012 t 1OWl. Departmcii i WRl 1 &P Branch. dele[atin (te fincial power, il was fixed tihn Ilte I, etufive Engineer DD)s) and D)PD Tcclhnical cal iler oftice expenses d other expenses upto I per inani al car. Ne separate A w& S was obained] lor excess expenditure beynd delegation ot power el' ELi C ch Behi. A\ suh the sui el i 49216 - RSI 192% R s. 1010000) stan ds inaiiiSble' ___ \tce 4 l e' en s mg equal si Cá sg cm lor A\nund 52465 B.a.'ar & 28 ge m ter Times et India i setc pubslishied fr eecuitin of plantution oirk 1[I01rticulture) inl 7 Clcks o Cooclbehla distrieL Thruh Malhhaunga-I block wis icluded in c-tender n1o. 15I18-19, aneth er lotie el' e-telder no. Ii89 was pulblishted nly Ir Mathabbhanuu-lI block en same dae. Leatline le zvoidable & tnjusti led expenditurce of Rs1 5A65 - Rs. 3057 fIor Anand Bazar and R 22<8 3i imes ofLkirk- - 40000- 3 1, :5 s IProposal swas semi by SIPMU oel'ie to wo rild bank 'or enga eincet cl 400 \1 inupie lishieries IExiensioni W\orker (flWk .\ hIe silnte wias accor'dedbt wol I )l>N nibank. But554 ePM office enigagted I shiers IHeid Assistnt i plice el [ W. N doentni il respect el approval of wrl bank fl a l ceould be prIduce tl audit Hencc the piymet of rentmeratien lo hie stt agatinsl saidi de-ned post stands in is ' I Sa lv pa aue r. D staffl sponsored 'romi and engged troug 102144 Ithe agency West liengal Agrr industries eCorperation Ltd. was bevond he seope rmd Proecuremcint Manual andl lacckimg spec ihci Admisltrtse Appiroval & I inancial Sanction fei sueh salary pay ment le G r 1) stal enuaced ihrounh auee - 5 l i\. - A mI P\l' 1V-P1 I lu DaIel 539399 16 10.2012 et W B W )epartmieiil of [WlD. B&' Braneh. delean> Ille tinaiiciil power i fixed thiiat ite Ietive Engineer Dl Is) and DPi) Tecliticil cai ic ofit ce expenses and ollier expenses upto R,. 1 00 Lai und Rs, 2. 1 kh respectively iide WBADMIP per litiaiieliu \ear. Nø sepArAe A A & FS was otina ied lit e\cess expendituie bevii Id deleiation l preeess of (oellar. As stich Ihe [um l W 90 5 3939 9 - stands inadmissible,__-I \'uin¯¯ t¯¯ \\ t Pi li ) i i12 ed 75494 I IttZtul i\ i < l.Ieparimneii .1 S\\M> RH t I Brainch tJi nn_ii niicianetpoer. il tas 'ied thact ith' Execu se '1>4ninleer [I dl<~ al11) Iechniicail i.cii in c llic..' expeni"es and tlier L'pst esi~. upie 1 I rces' cf il.\'ldc \s ch lhe sim el ls 7S4 Ig [I I 10]mpondt imliile 7 M 1k-1 e 104715 - )N\j[j 2 l t))2 tt \\l 1 \\li Icpaiiiiicii el \9H x 3awvi cwm i eljal Cowu 1i u IIiC ed phle aii ni CS1CINC gptk.1li t -'ý u 1 ah t nc inder I \1)MII' H hWP aniiM No y e A Å IN was ohlltaicil li C\uss C exPellilic Iesn mil elegationt 9ouiso iVi ____ - 1Ik Ill imiuitl Rii b,I1 As siieti Ilie iii ol IRs, 1,11715,- (RN- 2(1Il 15 Rs. (it00){ i tnds iii;tdiiisabl' ___ 8 Ih rlin lrposl mas ent bx SPII offic leo \orld bank fori egagellent el 794818 1 \riture isAcx 1 \tensi \\tiker i \ \\ W c \\ 1 bi salne u eCorded in ny ori bnk [3Bt SP\l olike enigaged \NÅgriet n i 1 \sswtant tNI- \ I i o,he i ld \Nst.mL 1 1 ) in place eA Al Il m, IodoCe1e1s in YCspet of approal ol uoi Id hank o -said post Cold he tduce to aida. l lence lie paneit o menelaion to he stall agntst saddeignated post stands iiadisible No recos s va jible as to (lie exael ltaion of hiC work done 0ire 183149 elarges of triator and pimer tiller lo facilate ifi seed soxinhg in dillerent bloks in PuruHa irict ) in hils subNu'd bi ihe ae'ics Is uelL as in \11 enirk per aunment h he \kork IIder the sork uNas NppoSed to be done Mn kl pi, none el wi hieh were Ietonied in the hill. as ne l As in NIB doiiinet in suppirt ol leplx oud be produed tu incit, Mere cetiitnon 11 president seKetcie ol I .A on ile bod ol conpletiokn etilicate rel aii tii st n l fIl seed 0not utiiitt lo x l rIP' the extenit el work done by tie a Aent As suCI ile s,lit nds iiadimissible - Ihere was no imienlioni el measulit quanlily ibreni buCkel ix - agaiist andli qu(lery depiets ilie self decldlin- certification h\ lie In eentie l-åitier in respect of work dorne ri e Tp.ii oreamtsalol X ittot an> suppmnt ile doCeintIt. NpptxOal Ot I IPD techieal in espect ot an> ef the peräIimance rerponi itud imt be iroduced ut audit as elaimed 11he paitteni x as. released to I'li agemy - - - - -1 eeithi�эl! .ъсlitг.°t�11t`° [1t� 1?1'cral�i€ъг1 tтВ� llre �Ъ'ittггt�i. �1� ~и+.11 t1ъ�° `~1rn� 5с°.trttl;� - йnа�Эlпэ�silзl�. _ _ - - { - � � i--- lечг, 1rе1rЪгl,�г~ i7б' 11т�tilutЭt�эъal С)сеыЭ�ъ},пиlъt ti}ъes.i,aliчt� (i17�} е,'<.ге ��i�1 I- 4354� I i I г+~°nttlэЪE's•.1iillэъ lcrr .Ъ �irъs°ic пгtъпtЭ} 1n t ilтЬ�П ы+Ъаъ r,t Э�1�1те itiie>п 1!1° м. �-};;-Э�I''l4 Ii i1)1�'11i' 1l 1.! I'1 } I �Г11 f) iC�'�1 � 7C�5�f� I i L)1'`ч-�,1�'l i� ' 1rт.1lt,'г11� c�f 1�`fi1'w'С:. ЪJер�rtlъъеtзг ir1 111t117. }�.\1' 1'�1.,п�11. �Э�1<<.ягiгl� i 1_)Е''�1l' tltм° 1ilъ�ап��i;и1 4,��tч�r, а! ееам 1i��+J thъat l11�° l'ем�сЪаliе�.� k�з� пr�'��г �i%I��_r�1 _1п�1 . � � ,)Э'�� Э,С��'I11ii�,1� i,iiъ 111Ck11' #.7�411� �\Э`�11`5t"ч .1.11�1 ��t�г�1� � \�т�Э1'�� L!}зiят }ZS ,.. � 1.tlfx l.гsC1, г11�1 l:. '.а1[) 1.�t�i1 г�,{т��1ь��:1� uncl�r 1� li 11�\111' Е��г fiгЪ:+lъiг:ъi I � д°t'�!1' ��ьf .�€1�,{f�.lE� ;�,` ci, } � 14.1� �-�1iE.11@ъl.`4Э }l1C" l`\4��♦ t'\11i111�1ILfI�° }7Ce411111 I � E1cVc �,гlii�п ��f Етг�1���� 1,,t LL° l�t[,гг L7in.ьjF7tlt° 1t11�гnj �- �,и�}1 (1,� м<ъtъt и1' �' � iг�, л.t�� 1+г - гга� 17{r5-Et� Rc. II�€rг]t1�ч� ~l�1пЕ1� мп�Е�.lп,� ,11,,It - _ ; � _- l- . -{ _ - - I 1I SP'V1l' 1 kZa (,l}_{1lliь - е>v�,t� }заi�1 ts г11)`4'г"1Ntl, 1ilt 1+ItЪt1� tЕти1 етf 'ti f� .1.1ъ , i i P1��,t1t бit�° �}srtь° е+С' С}te еЪъ111Э]1�livмl a�l' ih+.° �ъtьгl,с!°;с: ii,иr еаlъiыlъ ,г�1ы�дП�с и.f~ д!1 Егаvtь ;11rt1 iэt гriъ с°д7�гг l�t� Eaгtci thc: Э?L! iсЪ+1 аэk' ,1r1�: �1�Ъе � 1rс�гл lir� i#ьаtе г➢f' ЪБr�аиl"~ 1,l'�1эс:}t асlч�ъlгrе lьpзlLS� ьъlkЪеl'eei�� }7�rmillici 1,е Е}tc: ,ъtlгttьпi,ll'�вtioе � I � I с1�°{т,1э'lltrь•rri ечiilъ 41ъG е:иlъЕir 3lэъаъ111ъЪ 1'г�1еi~ы11гъ г,1 tie�tii+rъ i1�i) !эt ,гЪэе} i itъti:пx,r,rrt�llэЪtъ ,11�;ы р•tcluires tЭъ41l г"a�Vilitil?1r:э1 €'hirl 5�<геt ы'е 1'rilъii}т;Ъ1 ti�4r�t�tt�o+' ti��r�iEЪr`'. V1'`f�1C7 [��:Эз.tа`iгъээ,:аъt е+'i11 �Fln�[itъn 4t11 th+.,°ть: � , _�i ��1'ran�lьEtaг�ti iгЪ ьёг�е гъ1' ealtir}t tkъc.: l�j�a +.•4iliэЪ!z 111 11Ъ� ВiгъгltЪыiгil Эзс?ы4ег'� lri� � � а _ - - -_ - - Ilie pfojlecl director for a finéinciai vem- lins ýcen exceceled ',11,1d silliket. "DGN- 1` lis Linder field sunctioned pro - ject cost nid budget provision , <1 l levCI equipment and instruniem catergoty SPMU office spent Rs 1.-18. 1 1.479,1- R-m- procikrernerit of numbcr' o[' DG PS during 20 18-19 Ncitlier sanction at Sceret-ii-N, level has licen obtitined us required above 1,or iiielli-i-iii,, such expenditure beyond Ilie poxver of PI), not- budget provision kvas made fot- such proci-ii-enierit. Tlitib expenditure incurred bevond 2 lakli i-e 1.46,1 1.47,&ý-( l 48 1 l 478-200000) stands inadmissible -1 As ficr kvork ordet- vide Nlertio No 946 dated 30-08-2017 (il' _ý975003 PRÄBADMIP Ilie worký of Internet coiiiiectivity kviffi video conferencing system for WBADMIP pro.lect iii SPNIV' ancl iii 18 Different (listriets DPIVII. I offices (totill 11) point,,) \ýns supposed lo be completed wifflin December 2017. llaN-iiieiii seliedLile fot- tlie above kvork requires ilial Rs ,kill be paid äfter successful supply, instalkition and operation iii all Ilie locations. Tlicre was tio provision for part paviiieilt, 11M par, nyrnen, of 49,15,103ý- was allowed lo Ilie ägency wifflou, Collipletion of [ile work as 11 whole. Pi most of Ilie DPMI, Js testin., ofthe SLII)plicd materials cotild not be done duc to 13SNL link Problem, so us tlic makin- Ilie systeni. operational as a whole- As weli release of aforesaid kmynieiii of Rs 49,7i.003:,'- out of Rs 1,15,0i.9751i- siands not only, il"l"CLIIII,,iiý due lo violaLion oftlie pavnient provision oftlic contracir IbLit induc favour t-ii Ilie agency. c 41.2 ol' Ilie General Conditions kif Comract ['or Constillancvý 98å0 service on Cieoplivsieal Logging of Borcliole,, Drilled iii variowý Distriets ofWest Beiwal under WBADMI. Projeel requires that Ilie pay Ilie Contraci sliall lic made in ltimp SLU11 illStlillICilt mý.2änst delivcrablcý sliccified in Appendix-A (Ternis of Rct'crence undci- General Conditions t) f ContraelL) , l As pet, saiel Appendix-A, iiiininium nuniber of horeholes lo be drilled in 11 - wei 1 it ýi.lrdwý i and districis -e 88 and 100 respectivelv. 31. paylllent Nvas rele,-ised to Ilie agency witliout oivaiiiiii- 111-iniber of'proposå poitus får Ltägýging fot- Tube wells (TWs) as 1,1 uniber of drillinas iii Burd,,van and Lilpaiguri distriets ýuns I 1 41 d 52 ix, neurly lialf than thal of Ilie riiiiiiiiiiiiii requirenient- Bli( Ilie payineril of Rs. 98.670.00 was al lowed to flic agency during, 201 s- V) in violation ot, [lic provisiolv, of Ilie Conträet, I-lencc p aý 8,67W- stands inadmissible 12 W FS l Pi I w9 svorld bank for 01, 706310 -oposi m sent by SIIMLI oflice to Fý\teiisioii Wor-er (AM/VYM). Tlie sarne xva,ý DPMU accorded by world bank, Bitt SMILJ office en(, 'a,jed A-ricultuie Field Assistani (AVA) 2K, Visflery Field Assistanr OTMe inplacc'ofAIEWiTENN. No Cloculileniý iii respect ofapproval ol, world bank for said pos( cou Id lic produce to audit. Hence Ilie payment (it- i-etiiiiiiei-,itioil lo Ilie ýtafl'a,,,iiiist aicl designated post standh inadmissible. A,,, lier memorandum No, 2413-BP.Aý-YBAI)Mlll,-4D-5 (PI 1k2012, date+1 196616 16-10-2012 of GOWB. Department of WSID. 13&P Branch, delegating Ilie finalicial poýý.erý it was fixed Ciat Ilie Executive En-incers (DIX)s) and D1113 leclinical can ineur officc expenses and otlici, c\penses upto Rs 1.00 lakli and Rs 2.00 lakli respectivelv mider WBADMIP pet, limancial Year- No separate AA ck! FS Nvere obtained 1'or excess CXI)CllClitLli-e bevond dele-ation of process of V.L.. As such flic surn of Rs. 11,96,6116/- (666661--123349-t-6600- 1.00.000 ) statids inadmissible. 29682873 -13 ýancc I)cpo"il witil "Y'Cicrlce wul ku- Ml (-'crlsL'h Ireltel tS 7000 c.KI)ciiiiiitit-c during 2014-1ýý onitial ýCLII, ol, CXJ)Cliditurc.)ý voliellers alitt sub- 111.1 mit lic it) midil fill Grand Totil 44739873 Annexure - B List of items held inadmissible in respect of claim's of financial year 2018-19 (All items pertain to Part B) SI. Unit Reasons for inadmissibility in audit Amount No. - i Birlii An expenditure of Rs. 114966 incurred in violation legal requirement 114966 DPMU1 due to non-deduetion of GS V at source 'rom Bills paid to the agency. Milda [x1penditure of Rs. 82800/- was incurred for ropographical survey work 82800 DPMU.1 without administrative approval & 1inancial sanction. _ 3 The payment was released to the agency for SURVIEY VORK: - 596250 i) in violation of provsiion of artieles of agreeniit of the contraci wh ich requires that paymie1 coild be made to ilie ageiN on certi lication Of the invoice by the engineer in lormiat in Annexure '2' , which was not done. ii) Acency was supposed to subimit DPR in prescribed format Annexure -3 but the sanie was a blank shect. No format was provided1 with the Puruaeement. As such the criteria for preparation and submission for DPR could not be checked and verilled in audiL iii) Not a single DPR could be prodUced before aud i that was reported to have been prepared by the agencv. iv) No administrative approval could be provided before audit in respect of preparation of the DPRs. H-lencc. the sum stands inadmissible 4 Ptiru la Expenditure fhr SURVEY WORK was incurred without any approval 397549 Asi from the world bank. The fac! admitted by the division. Payment was Divisio made on the basis of claii at the agency relating to sibmission of DPRs while subnitting the bills. No documents iii respect of preparation of DPR by tie aen ey could be produced before audit. H Lence inadm ssible According to the lause 42 under section A of [lie contract data for 2377611 execution of different works. payment of each RA bill sliall be made after deduction of 10% of RA bill value. Payment was made after deduction of 5% of each RA bill value leading to short deduction/overpavmient. Hence inadmissible. Total 3569176 Annexure - C List of items held inadmissible in respect of claim's of financial year 2017-18 (All items pertain to Part A, C &D) Amnount SL Name of the Reasons for inadmissibility Inadnissible No. Division (in Rs.) l DPMU. Bankura Bankura. DPMI! has sougt forfrom (le PD. WBADMIP Administrative Approval & Financial Sanetion før the excess expenditure ineurred beyond the i I 2005 Imit delegated but not yet received lie same. Bankura, DPMU has sougiht itr from tle PD, WBADMI1 iecessary approval 262723 for reimbursement of the expenditure. but not yci received. ¯ DPM1. Fowrah Procuremuent was iade due to inability of supply expressed verbally by W1BSSCL 49256 The said progress repurt duly signed and approved by coipetent atihtiority and attendance cum performance duly ertified4 Monthli Progress Report is being øbtained befbre making payment of monthly remnuernt ion 214 3 DMU. Malda lIe SO and IDS concerned were saCked due to their negligence of duly. Undertook to l low the instruetion of audit imt uture 24760 The SO and IDS concerned were sacked due to their neLigence of dulv. Presently records are being maintained as per mstruction o audit. [0 (160 4 DP1MI. Uttar Necessary approval of DPD (Teeh) for Rs 94100 (outl of total inadmissible Dinajpur sui of Rs 1,60,009/-) since furnished. 09 5 DI1)M l. PaschIIII No further/posi Iaeto AA&FS obtained froni coipeten1t atithority for tile Medinipore expendilture ineurred beyond the D0OP of the Ijxecutive Engineer to regularse 483567 the excess blijeeted expenditure. Being a priority distriet and cunsidering lie inreasing veluie of work. 4 nulmubers of more attendants of WBAIDCL were posied in the DPMU laschim MIidnapore fron other non-priority districl DPM-s. Ln-agemeniit of attendants 403750 through said agene (Agro) never exCceded 32 nuLIers ali over West Bengal. that was iniiillyi approved. 6 DIPMIU, Purba No documeut records could he prødueed helore atidit that can justify the Medinipore eenageent of 3 extra attendants bey ond approved snIength 4 ) 7 DPMU. Puruli a DPMU Purulia replied (bllowing: - Overpayment was made due lo letler of the Samiad Pratidin on the basis ol approved rales el I&C A effetive fromin 01-01-2010. Payment ol Rs 1440,985:- was made to the agency lor publical ion ol 145861 I advertisemneni in limes of India (Tt)1) due to non-existeice ol I &CA approved rates for All India ublication af1er 03/20 16 and with effect Irom 01 - 12-20 l7 ... .. . .. ... 8 DPIML1, Birbiani Salry was continued to be paid Lo said Procuremenl [lngineer (Pt) in excess of approved sanefioned strength up to December 2018. Moreover, the salary as 420000 paid to the PL even aften ataiin the aue of 65 vears on 0108.2017- PMIVII, Hooghly The Hooghly DPMII could no[ urnish suflicient relevant documents to jusLItfy3 lie admissibility o gihe expenditure for thi cilaii of reimbiirsement. 706923 I> SPMJ. Ultadanra, Approval of the world bank in respect oanct of tlie posts could not be 64 925 0 Kolkata p)roduIced. _____ ______ _____ _____ _____ ___ The sum spent for sponsoring cannot be jusil[led without actual participalion. 200000 ReiliLhUrsable exepenses was supposed to be paid that are actuallv and reasonably incurred by the consultants. Contractual provision clearly states Itat CoIISLItanIT shal1 subnlit to ilie client in dIplicate itemiized invoices accoipanied l 106984 by ilie receipts of other appropniate supporting documents. The same could not be produced to audit. No further developmient against the work has been done by Mitehel Drilling 5262548 Inlia Pvit Ltd. (MI11L d262548 11 Planninti Division In violation of tlie legal agreement., Labour Welfare Cess was not deduCted 42928 (A-]) SW Il) `rom ilie [3i1. No further development ii IY.20 1 8-19. 1 ence inadmissible Total Inadmissible 14118549