THE UNITED REPUBLIC OF TANZANIA NATIONAL AUDIT OFFICE REPORT OF THE CONTROLLER AND AUDITOR GENERAL ON THE AUDIT OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OF THE RURAL ENERGY AGENCY AND FUND FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30TH JUNE, 2017 The Controller and Auditor General, __ rZt:11 ru\l\C\ ~ Ac -€f)c~ '(?J National Audit Office of Tanzania, Audit House, 0 16 Samora Machel Avenue, _ w~DDC.5 v P.O. Box 9080, Tel : 255 (022) 2115157/8 p,2..1 mf\ '\./ Fax: 255 (022) 2117527 E-mail ocag@ Website: 1\[).' ~ 11101 DAR ES SALAAM. March, 2018 AR/CG/REA-FEF/2016/2017 TABLE OF CONTENTS Abbreviations ....................................... . .............................. . .............. iii 1.0 GENERAL INFORMATION ................ . ................................................. 1 1. 1. Mandate ................................... . .............................. . . . ................ 1 1.2. Vision , Mission and Core Values ......................................... . ................ 1 1.3. Audit Objectives ........................................................................... 2 1.4. Audit Scope ................................................................................. 2 1.5. Audit Methodology ......................................................................... 2 2.0 INDEPENDENT REPORT OF THE CONTROLLER AND AUDITOR GENERAL ......... 3 11 Office of the Controller and Auditor General AR/CG/REA/2016/2017 Abbreviations CAG Controller and Auditor General ISSAls International Standard of Supreme Audit Institutions IPSAS International Public Sector Accounting Standards PAA Public Audit Act No.11 of 2008 PAR Public Audit Regulation , 2009 MDAs Ministries, Departments and Agencies NAO National Audit Office PAC Public Accounts Committee PFA Public Finance Regulations, 2009 PPA Public Procurement Act, 2011 PPR Public Procurement Regulations, 2013 URT United Republic of Tanzania 111 Office of the Controller and Auditor General AR/CG/REA/2016/2017 1.0 GENERAL INFORMATION 1. 1. Mandate The statutory duties and responsibilities of the Controller and Auditor General are given under Article 143 of the Constitution of the URT of 1977 (revised 2005) and in Sect. 10 ( 1) of the Public Aud it Act No. 11 of 2008 . 1.2. Vision, Mission and Core Values Vision To be a highly regarded Institution that excels in Public Sector Auditing. Mission To provide high quality audit services that improves public sector performance , accountability and transparency in the management of public resources. Core Values In providing quality services, NAO is guided by the following Core Values: ./ Objectivity: We are an impartial public institution, offering audit services to our clients in unbiased manner . ./ Excellence: We are professionals providing high quality audit services based on standards and best practices . ./ Integrity: We observe and maintain high standards of ethical behavior, rule of law and a strong sense of purpose . ./ People focus: We value, respect and recognize interest of our stakeholders . ./ Innovation: We are a learning and creative public institution that promotes value added ideas within and outside the institution . ./ Results Oriented: We are an organization that focuses on achievement based on performance targets . ./ Team work Spirit: We work together as a team , interact professionally, share knowledge , ideas and experiences . We do this by:- • Contributing to better stewardship of public funds by ensuring that our clients are accountable for the resources entrusted to them; • Helping to improve the quality of public services by supporting innovation on the use of public resources; • Providing technical advice to our clients on operational gaps in their operating systems; • Systematically involve our clients in the audit process and audit cycles; and • Providing audit staff with appropriate t raining, adequate working tools and facilities that promote their independence. © This audit report is intended to be used by Government Authorities. However, upon receipt of the report by the Speaker and once tabled in Parliament, it becomes a public record and its distribution may not be limited. Office of the Controller and Auditor General AR/CG/REA/2016/2017 1 . 3. Audit Objectives To obtain reasonable assurance about whether the Financial Statements as a whole are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error and are prepared in accordance with an applicable financial reporting framework; and whether laws and regulations have been complied with . 1 .4. Audit Scope The audit was carried out in accordance with the, the International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions (ISSAls) and other audit procedures as were deemed appropriate under the circumstances. This covered the evaluation of the effectiveness of the financial accounting system and internal control over various activities of the Rural Energy Agency and Fund. The audit was conducted on a sample basis; therefore, the findings are confined to the extent that records, documents and information requested for the purpose of the audit were made available to me. Audit fi ndings and recommendations arising from the examination of the accounting records , appraisal of the activities as well as evaluation of the Internal Control System which requires management's attention and actions, are set out in the management letter issued separately to the Rural Energy Agency and Fund. As an auditor, I am not required to specifically search for fraud and therefore, my audit cannot be relied upon to disclose all such matters. However, my audit was planned in such a way that I would have reasonable expectations of detecting material errors and misstatement in the Financial Statements resulting from irregularities including fraud. The responsibility for detection, prevention of irregularities and the maintenance of an effective and adequate system of internal control rests with the management of the Rural Energy Agency and Fund. 1.5. Audit Methodology My audit approach included tests of the accounting records and other procedures in order to satisfy the audit objectives. My audit procedures included the following: • Planning the audit to identify and assess risks of material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, based on an understanding of the entity and its environment, including the entity's internal controls. • Obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence about whether material misstatements exist, through designing and implementing appropriate responses to the assessed risks. • Form an opinion on the financial statements based on conclusions drawn from the audit evidence obtained. • Follow up on the implementation of the previous year's audit findings and recommendations and directives issued by PAC to ensure that proper action has been taken in respect of all matters raised. 2 Office of the Controller and Auditor General AR/CG/REA/2016/2017 2.0 INDEPENDENT REPORT OF THE CONTROLLER AND AUDITOR GENERAL Director General, Rural Energy Agency and Fund , P. 0 .Box 7990, DAR ES SALAAM. Report on the audit of Financial Statements for the financial year ended 30th June, 2017 Unqualified Opinion I have audited the accompanying Financial Statements of Rural Energy Agency and Fund, which comprise the Statement of Financial Position as at 30th June, 2017, and the Statement of Financial Performance, the Statement of Changes in Net Assets/Equity, the Cash Flow Statement and the Statement of Comparison of Budget and Actual Amounts for the year then ended , as well as the Notes to the Financial Statements, including a Summary of Significant Accounti ng Policies. In my opinion, the accompanying Financial Statements present fairly in all material respects, the Financial Position of Rural Energy Agency as at 30th June, 2017, and its Financial Performance and its Cash Flows for the year then ended in accordance with International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS) Accrual basis of accounting and in the manner required by the Public Finance Act, 2001 revised 2004. Basis for Opinion I conducted my audit in accordance with International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions (ISSAls). My responsibilities under those standards are further described in the Auditor's Responsibilities for the Audit of the financial statements section of my report. I am independent of Rural Energy Agency and Fund in accordance with the International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants' Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants (IESBA Code) together with the ethical requirements that are relevant to my audit of the financial statements in Tanzania, and I have fulfilled my other ethical responsibilities in accordance with these requirements and the IESBA Code. I believe that the audit evidence I have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for my opinion. Information Other than the Financial Statements and Auditor's Report Thereon Management is responsible for the other information . The other information comprises of the Di rector's Report and the Declaration by the Head of Finance but does not include the financial statements and our auditor's report thereon. 3 Office of the Controller and Auditor General AR/CG/REA/2016/2017 My opinion on the financial statements does not cover the other information and I do not express any form of assurance conclusion thereon. In connection with my audit of the financial statements, my responsibility is to read the other information and, in doing so, consider whether the other information is materially inconsistent with the financial statements or my knowledge obtained in the audit, or otherwise appears to be materially misstated. If, based on the work I have performed on the other information that there is a material misstatement of this other information, I am required to report that fact. I have nothing to report in this regard. Key Audit Matters Key audit matters are those matters that, in my professional judgment, were of most significance in my audit of the financial statements of the current period. These matters were addressed in the context of my audit of the financial statements as a whole, and in forming my opinion thereon, and I do not provide a separate opinion on these matters. I have determined that there are no key audit matters to communicate in my report. Responsibilities of Management and those charged with Governance for the Financial Statements Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of the Financial Statements in accordance with IPSASs, and for such internal control as management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of Financial Statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. In preparing the Financial Statements, management is responsible for assessing the entity's ability to continue as a going concern, disclosing, as applicable, matters related to going concern and using the going concern basis of accounting unless management either intends to liquidate the entity or to cease operations, or has no realistic alternative but to do so. Those charged with governance are responsible for overseeing the entity's financial reporting process. Auditor's Responsibilities for the Audit of the Financial Statements My objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the Financial Statements as a whole are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an auditor's report that includes my opinion. Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance, but is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance with ISAs will always detect a material misstatement when it exists. Misstatements can arise from fraud or error and are considered material if, individually or in the aggregate, they could reasonably be 4 Office of the Controller and Auditor General ML/CG.REA/2016/2017 expected to influence the economic decisions of users taken on t he basis of these financial statements. In addition, Sect. 10 (2) of the PAA No.11 of 2008 requires me to satisfy myself that, the accounts have been prepared in accordance with t he appropriate accounting standards. Further, Sect. 48(3) of the Public Procurement Act No. 7 of 2011 requires me to state in my annual audit report whether or not the audited entity has complied with the provisions of the Law and its Regulations. Report on Other Legal and Regulatory Requirements Compliance with the Public Procurement Act, 2011 In view of my responsibility on the procurement legislation and taking into consideration the procurement transactions and processes I have reviewed as part of this audit, I state that, Rural Energy Agency and Fund procurement transactions and processes have generally complied with the requirements of the Public Procurement Act No. 7 of 2011 and its underlying Regulations of 2013. March, 2018 National Audit Office of Tanzania, P.O. Box 9080, 11101 Dar es Salaam, Tanzania . Tel : 255 (022) 2115157 /8 Fax: 255 (022) 2117527 Email : ocag@nao Copy to: The Chief Secretary, State House, P.O. Box 9120, 1 Barack Obama Road , 11400 DAR ES SALAAM. Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Finance and Planning, Treasury Square Building, 18Jakaya Kikwete Road , 5 Office of the Cont roller and Aud itor General ML / CG .REA / 2016/2017 , P. 0. Box 2802, DODOMA. Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Energy, Kikuyu Street, P.O. Box 422, DODOMA. Resident Representative, World Bank Mission, DAR ES SALAAM. 6 Office of the Controller and Auditor General ML/CG.REA/2016/2017 Definition and Abbreviations a) Financial Statements The following Statements, Notes and Supporting Schedules of the Rural Energy Fund and Agency for the year ended 30th June, 2017 were prepared according to the IPSAS requirements. A complete set of Financial Statements comprises of: 1. Statement of Financial Position 11. Statement of Financial Performance 111. Cash Flow Statement 1v. Statement of Change in Net Assets/Equity v. Statement of Comparison of Budget and Actual Amounts v1. Notes to the Financial Statements b) Abbreviations BOT Bank of Tanzania DFID Department for International Development IPSAS International Public Sector Reporting Standards NHIF ational Health Insurance Fund REA Rural Energy Agency REAP Renewable Energy Awareness Promotion Tanzania REB Rural Energy Board REF Rural Energy Fund RETDCO Renewable Energy Technology and Development Company TANESCO Tanzania Electric Supply Company Limited TCRA Tanzania Communication Regulatory Authority TEDAP Tanzania Energy Development and Access Expansion Project IRA Tanzania Revenue Authority TEMDO Tanzania Engineering and Manufacturing Design Organization UNDP United Nations Development Programme 1.0 DIRECTORS' REPORT 1.1 Introduction This Report presents the affai rs of the Ru ra l Energy Fund and its Financial Statements for the year ended 301" June, 201 7 which discloses the state of affairs of the Rural Energy Fund incorporating the expenditure of the Agenc y as required by Section 24( I ) of the Rural Energy Act No . 8 of 200 5. The Report also discloses the future plans as contained in its Strategic Plan (SP) 2016/ 17- 2020/2021. 1.2 Establishment of Rural Energy Agency The Rural Energy Agency (REA) was established by Act o.8 of 2005 as an autonomous institution to promote and facilitate access to modern energy services in rural areas of Mainland Tanzania. The Agency is governed by the Rural Energy Board (REB), which is also entrusted to oversee administration of the Rural Energy Fund (REF). The main function of the Agency is to facilitate provision of modem energy services in rural areas of Mainland Tanzania by providing grants, subsidies, technical assistance, training and capacity building to rural energy project developers. The Agency also works with key partners from the Government, development partners, private sector, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and community-based organizations (CBOs) to mobilize resources for its work. 1.3 Rura l Energy Fund The Rural Energy Fund (REF) provides capital subsidies for the development of rural energy projects. Approved subsidies to qualified project developers are disbursed through the Trust Agent. Funding from REF is intended to buy down the capital investment costs of rural energy projects with a view to enable a significant number of rural households and institutions to afford energy services and products supplied to them. REF provides resources for : a) Training and capacity building; b) Capital investments of projects implemented by a qualified developers; c) Investments in innovative pilot and demonstration projects, and d) Provision of technical assistance to qualified project developers. 1.3 Operation and Objectives of REA The main function of REA is to promote and facilitate rural energy development in Tanzania to increase energy access to all rural inhabitants and improved productive use of energy to stimulate rural economic and social development. Pursuant to Section 16 of the Rural Energy Agency Act o. 8 of 2005 , the functions of the REA among others include:- (a) To act as the executi ve body and Secretariat to the Board and keep all records of the affairs and the meetings of the Board and ensure implementation of its decisions and directi ves. (b) To propose criteria for selection of the Trust Agent (TA) of the Fund in accordance with Section 23 of the Act and recommend such an agent to the Board follo wing a competiti ve selection process. (c) To prepare application procedures, guidelines, selection criteria, standards and terms and conditions for grants and submit to the Board for appro val. (d) To select projects for evaluation and contract suitabl y qualified persons to evaluate their social and economic impacts. (e) To recommend to the Board projects for approval. (f) To prepare proposals to the Board for additional means and sources of finance to be used for the benefit of rural energy service provision. (g) To ensure timel y collection of all fund s specified in the Act and deposit in the account of the Fund. (h) To promote itself and the Fund to appropriate local and national government authorities, and facilitate co-ordination of its activities with other rural development activities. (i) To facilitate provision of capacity building activities as appropriate in the preparation, installation, operation and management of rural energy systems (j) To facilitate provision of technical assistance to qualified developers by the use of private entities related to technical design, management, financial anal ysis, project finance and sound business practices. (k) To facilitate preparation and appraisal of projects applying for grants. 1.4 Financing The REA Act under Sec 19(3) provides for funding sources of REF to be:- (a) Government in annual budgetary allocations ; (b) Contributions from International Financial Organisations, Multilateral and Bilateral Agencies and other Development Partners; ( c) Levies of up to five percent on the commercial generation of electricity to the national grid, as determined by the Minister responsible for Energy in consultation with the Minister of Finance; ( d) Levies of up to five percent on the generation of electricity in specified isolated systems, including systems for private consumption as determined by the Minister responsible for Energy in consultation with the Minister of Finance; and, (e) Fees in respect of programmes, publications, seminars, consultancy services and other services provided by the Agency . 1.5 Management Structure The Director General is the Chief Executive Officer of Agency and Fund. A management team comprising of Directors, Managers and Heads of sections form the Management T earn that supports the Director General. The organization structure of the Agency is comprised of five directorates namely, Finance and Resources Mobilization; Human Resources and Administration; Market Development and Technologies; Planning, Policy and Research; and Technical Services . 1.6 Vision, Mission and Core Values The Vision of the Agency is transformation of rural livelihoods through provision of modern energy services; while the Mission is to promote and facilitate availability and access to modern energy services in rural Mainland Tanzania. The Agency's core values include integrity, honest and transparency as here under described : Integrity : We treat our customers and other stakeholders fairly and with courtesy. We are ethical in the course of discharging our duties and uphold confidentiality. Honesty: We are determined to treat customers honestly. We build value- added relationship with customers and stakeholders. Transparency: We are transparent and accountable for what we do; Goals and objectives are aligned and clearly articulated; our actions are open to the public scrutiny; and we are honest about our performance. 1.7 Internal Controls 1.7.1 Accounting System. The Financial Statements have been prepared in accordance with International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS) which apply to the accrual basis of accounting. During the Financial Year under review, the Agency applied a computerized accounting package called Sage Accpac. The Agency used the approved Accounting Manual together with the Public Finance Act o. 6 of 2001 , (revised 2004) Public Procurement Act o.07 of 2011 and their related Regulations of 2013 . 1. 7.2 Internal Audit The Public Finance Regulations 28-35 requires the Accounting Officers to establish an effective Internal Audit Unit. The Internal Audit Unit is required to appraise the soundness and application of accounting, financial and operational controls within the Agency. The Agency has the Internal Audit Unit which functionally reports to Audit Committee and administratively reports to Director General. 1.7.3 Audit Committee Regulation 28 of the PFR 2001 requires the Accounting Officer to establish an effective Audit Committee. The Rural Energy Agency established an Audit Committee. The Commitee as at 30th June, 2017 was composed of the following Members: SIN NAME POSITION ORGANISATION PROFESSIONAL 1. Elneema Mkumba Chairman REA Civil Engineer 2. Amina Lwayasye Member REA Lawyer ,., .) . Frank Mugogo Member REA IT Engineer 4. Dickson Austin Member MoF&P Accou ntant l.7.4 Tender Board The Public Procurement Act o.07 of 20 11 Sections 32, 36 and 34 require the Accounting Officer to form a Tender Board and establ ish a Procurement Management Unit (PMU) . The Rural Energy Agency established both the Tender Board and the Procurement Management Unit on 21st August 2008 . The current Tender Board was appointed in January 2017 . l. 7.5 Statutory Audit The Rural Energy Act 2005 provides under Sec 24 (1) that Annual Accounts of the Fund including expenditure of the Agency shall be audited by a competent and qualified external Auditor appointed by the Board after receivi ng a recommendation from the Auditor General. Since its establishment Financial Statements of the Fund have been audited by Controller and Auditor General. 1.7.6 Trust Agent Section 23 (1) of the Rural Energy Act, 2005 empowers Rural Energy Board to appoint a Trust Agent. The Trust Agent is responsible for disbursement of grant payments from Rural Energy Fund to project developers and ensuring that the developers meet the pre-conditions set by the Board for making grant payments. The current Trust Agent is Mis CRDB Bank in consortium with M/s.INTERFINi . 1.8 The Rural Energy Board The REB is mandated to manage the Rural Energy Fund and Agency as stipulated by the Rural Energy Act, 2005 . The Board is comprised of representatives from the Ministries responsible for Energy, Finance and Regional Administration and Local Government; Private Sector; Civic Society; Tanzania Bankers' Association; Consumers and Development Partners as an observer. The Board as at 30th June, 20 17 was composed of the following Members: l. Dr. Gideon H. Kaunda - Board Chairman 2. Eng. Gissima yamo-Hanga - Board Secretary 3. Eng. Innocent Luoga - Board Member 4. Ms.Happiness Mhina - Board Member 5. Mr. Theobald Sabi Board Member 6. Ms . Amina H. Chinja - Board Member 7. Ms.Scolastica H. Jullu - Board Member 8. Mr. Michael P. yagoga - Board Member 9. Ms . Stella Cos mas Mandago - Board Member 1.9 Staff and Recruitment As at the 30th Ju ne 2017, the Agency had a total of 49 employees out of which 17 are female (34 .6%) and 31 are male (65 .3%). The number dropped after the recent Government exercise of verifying the employees' secondary education certificates which resulted in terminating employment of five employees of the Agency who were found with forged certificates. Further, two operational staff who failed to fulfill the condition of acquiring secondary education had also to be terminated and one employee passed away. The Agency recruits staff on competitive and transparent basis to fill vacant positions in order to ensure that functions of the Agency are performed efficiently and effectively. 1.10 PROJECTS PERFORMANCE FOR 2016/17 FINANCIAL YEAR During the Financial Year 2016/ 17, the Agency continued to promote, facilitate, finance and supervi se implementation of planned projects. The projects that were implemented include Rural Electrification Turnkey Phase II; Rural Electrification Turnkey Phase III; Sustainable Solar Market Packages II; Lighting Rural Tanzania Competition (LRCT2014); Tanzania Domestic Biogas Development Programme ; Low-Cost Design Standard for Rural Electrification; Backbone Transmission Investment Project (BTIP); Training and Capacity Building to Project Developers ; Clean Development Mechanism Programme of Activities; 11 1h EDF Rural Electrification Programme and Densification Programme. These projects were financed through Rural Energy Fund and Development Partners. Implementation status of these projects and programmes in 2016/17 FY is as detailed below :- 1.11 FUTURE OUTLOOK The Agency looks forward for more challenging years ahead as a result of new developments reforms in the energy sector, and the government target to provide access to electricity to all vi llages in Mainland Tanzania by 2021 . The Agency aims to take all necessary steps toward achieving its mission of promoting and facilitating availability and access to modern energy services in rural Mainland Tanzania. For the next Financial Year (2016/17-2020/21 ), the Government target is to have all villages in Tanzania Mainland electrified either through grid extension of off-grid renewable energy. In order to achieve this target, several initiatives have been developed and some of them are in various stages of implementation. These include expansion of the national grid, development of decentralized (small) networks using renewable sources of energy and installation of stand-alone systems, development of mini and micro grids, and installation of stand-alone systems. At present, a total of 4,395 villages out of 12,268 which is about 36% have been connected to electricity. The plan is to provide access to electricity to 7,873 remaining villages by 2021. For the envisage targets to be achieved, the Agency is set to tap on all opportunities available and take all necessary measure to address challenges that will be encountered. Some measures will include: a) To put concerted efforts to mobilize more fu nd s to the Rural energy Fund. To achieve this, the new orgamiosational structure will be enforced . b) Continued collaborate with the Ministry of Finance and Planning, and the Ministry of Energy and Minerals to get tax and duties exemption for goods and services to be used for rural electrification projects. c) Co ll aborate with the Min istry of Energy and Minerals and Ministry of Finance and Planning to ensure timely disbursement of approved funds to REF, and d) To supervise the implementataion of Rural electrification Turnkey Phase III Project, Dcnsification Phase [ and roll ing out Densification Phase l[ project to increase connection in the areas ,vith electricity infrastructure BY ORDER OF THE BOARD Signed by Boa rd Chairman 29.12.20 17 Date FINANCIAL STATEMENTS STATEMENTS OF RESPONSIBlLITIES STATEMENT OF RESPONSIBILITY ON THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30TH JUNE, 2017 These Financial Statements have been prepared by the management of Rural Energy Agency in accordance with the provisions of Section 25(4) of the Public Finance Act. No 6 of 2001 . The Financial Statements comply with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles as required by the said Act and are presented in a manner consistent with the International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS) - Accrual basis. The Management of REA is responsible for establishing and maintaining a system of effective Internal Control designed to provide reasonable assurance that the transactions recorded in the accounts are within the statutory authority and that they contain the receipt and use of all public financial resources by Rural Energy Agency. To the best of my knowledge, the system of Internal Control has operated adequately throughout the reporting period and that the Accounts and underlying records provide a reasonable basis for the preparation of the Financial Statements for 2016/2017 Financial Year. I accept responsibility for the integrity of the Financial Statements, the information they contain and their compliance with the Public Finance Act No . 6 of 2001(revised 2004) and instructions issued by Treasury in respect of the year under review. Signed by Accounting Officer 29.12.2017 Date STATEMENT OF RESPONSIBILITY ON THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30TH JUNE, 201 7 The ational Board of Accounts and Auditors (NBAA) according to the power conferred under the Auditors and Accountants (Registration) Act. No. 33 of 1972, as amended by Act. No. 2 of 1995 requires Financial Stateme nts to be accompanied with a declarat ion issued by the Head of Finance/ Accounting responsible for the preparation of Financial Statements of the entity concerned. It is the duty of a Professional Accountant to assist the Board of Directors/Governing Body/Management to discharge the responsibi lity of preparing Financial Statements of an entity showing true and fair view of the entity position and performance in accordance with app li cab le international Accounting Standards and statutory financial reporting requirements . Full legal responsi bil ity for the preparation of Financial Statements rests with the Management as under Manage ment Responsibility statement on an earlier page. I, CPA George M.J Nchwali being the Director of Finance and Administration of Rural Energy Agency, hereby acknowledge my responsibility of ensuring that Financial Statements for the year ended 30th June 20 17 have been prepared in compliance w ith applicab le accounting standards and statuto ry requirements . I, thus, confirm that the Financial Statements give a true and fair view position of the Rural E nergy Fund as on that date and that they have been prepared based on properly maintained financial records. Signed by: ......... ........ .... ......... .. ....... ....... . Position: DIRECTOR OF FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION NBAA Membership No: ACPA 631 RURAL ENERGY FUND STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT JUNE 30, 2017 2016/2017 2015/2016 Notes TSHS (000) TSHS (000) ASSETS Current Assets: Cash and Cash Equivalents 2 412,827,637 136,520,285 Accounts Receivable - Rural Energy Fund 3 I 0,579,329 11 ,345,712 Accounts Receivable - DPs Supported Projects 4 6,079,292 7,436,221 Other Current Assets 5 32,926 10,793 Inventories 21 46,997 115 ,340 Total Current Assets 429,566,182 155,428,351 Non Current Assets: Property, Plant and Equipment 6 1,212,560 1,778,634 Land 4,715, 143 4,715 ,142 Total Non Current Assets 5,927,703 6,493,776 Total Assets 435,493,885 161,992,127 LIABILITIES Current Liabilities Accounts Payable - Rural Energy Fund 7 8,707,973 15,453 ,077 Provisions for Grants - Rural Energy Fund 202,973 ,903 Provisions for Bad Debts 7,433 ,600 7,433 ,600 Total Current Liabilities 16,141,573 225,860,580 Non Current Liabilities Total Non Current Liabilities Total Liabilities 16,141,573 225,860,580 Net Assets 419,352,312 (63,938,452) Net Assets/ Equity Rural Energy Fund (Government Subversions) 343,727,236 (142,588,318) Fund From Development Partners 75,625,077 78,649,866 Total Net Assets/ Equity 419,352,312 (63,938,452) BOARD CHAIRMAN SECRETARY OF THE BOARD Date: 29.12.2017 Date: 29.12.2017 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2017 2016/2017 2015/2016 Notes TSHS (000) TSHS (000) REVENUE Government Subventions Electricity Levy 39,123,322 42,437,059 Government Grants and Subsidies 361,472,081 252,603,637 Other receipts Interest or Return on Investment 2,056,825 173,986 Sale of Tender Documents 51 ,050 12,751 Gain on Exchange Differences 12,657,267 Sub Total Government Subventions & Other receipts 402,703,278 307,884,700 Development Partners World Bank (interest from Credit Line Loans) 452,778 2,064,984 UNDP 114,050 Government of Sweden and DFiD Principal 48,726,908 Government of Sweden and DFiD Interest 2,901,204 1,306,480 Government of Norway 21 ,668,507 Gain on Exchange rate Differences 1,259,292 Sub Total Development Partners Revenue 26,395,832 52,098,372 TOT AL REVENUE 429,099,110 359,983,072 EXPENDITURE RURAL ENERGY FUND GRANTS & EXPENSES Grants to Project Developers 11 (14,537,985) (123 ,751,807) REA EXPENDITURE Projects Operational Costs 12 (5 ,550,040) (4,649,213) Rural Energy Board Costs 13 (102,859) (90,913) Employment Costs 14 (4,609,986) (5 ,290,000) Finance Costs 15 (325 ,308) (152,930) Administrative Costs 16 (1,787,046) (9,470,133) Audit Costs 17 (75 ,240) (25,080) SUB TOTAL RURAL ENERGY FUND GRANTS & (26,988,463) (143,430,076) EXPENDITURE DEVELOPMENT PARTNERS SUPPORTED PROJECTS GRANTS & EXPENDITURE Government of Norway Support to REF (361 , 117) (491 ,173) Government of Norway Support to REF Grants ( I 0,457, 199) UNDP Capacity Building (147,334) (50,075) World Bank - Grants (870,504) World Bank - Operational Expenses (153 ,739) (80,168) SUB TOTAL DEVELOPMENT PARTNERS GRANTS (11,119,388) (1,491,920) & EXPENDITURE TOT AL EXPENDITURE (38,107,851) (144,921,996) Net Revenue/Expenditure for the Period - Rural Energy Fund 375,714,816 96,225,695 Net Revenue/Expenditure for the Period - Development Partners 15,251 ,732 (2,545, 170) NET REVENUE/(EXPENDITURE FOR THE PERIOD) 390,991,259 215,061,076 BOARD CHAIRMAN SECRETARY OF THE BOARD Date: 29.12.2017 Date: 29.12.2017 RURAL ENERGY FUND CASH FLOW ST A TEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2017 2016/201 7 2015/2016 TSHS (000) TSHS (000) CASH FLOW FROM OPERA TING ACT£V1TIES Cash Receipts from Government Budget Alloca tion 36 U 72.081 252.603.637 Cash Receipts from Development Partners 2 1. 782.55 7 50.79 l.892 Cash Receipts from Electricity Levy 39. 123.322 -+2. -+3 7.059 Othe r Receipts 51.050 12.751 Cash Paid-DPs Supported Projects (Operational (662 . 189) (62 !Al 7) Expenses) Cash Paid-DPs Supported Projects (Grants) ( IOA57. l 99) (870.50-+) Cash Paid to Suppliers. Employees. REB and Financial (l l.39.+.782) (10 .593 .362) Charges Cash Paid Previous Year Creditors (-+7.271) (285 ,87-+) Cash Paid-REF Project Developers (Grants) (128.-+83. 173) (250,.+15.343) Imprest issued to Staff (32 ,926) (1 32,212) CASH GENERA TED FROM OPERA TIO NS 271,351,470 82,926,631 CASH FLOW FROM INVESTMENT ACTIVITIES Interests from Fixed Deposits ( REF and DPs) 4.958.029 1,480.466 Purchase of Property, Plants and Equipment (2. 148) (441 ,894) CASH GENERA TED FROM INVESTMENT -t,955,882 1,038,571 ACTIVITIES NET INCREASE IN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALEN TS 276,307,352 83,965,202 Cash and Cash Equivalents at beginning of Period 136,520,285 52,555,083 CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT END OF PERIOD 412,827,637 136,520,285 BOARD CHAIRMAN SECRET ARY OF THE BOARD Date: 29.12 .20 17 Date: 29. 12.20 17 RURAL ENERGY FUND Statement of Change in Net Asset/Equity For The Year Ended June 30, 2017 TSHS (000) TSHS (000) TSHS (000) Rural Energy Development Fund Partners TOTAL Balance as at 30th June, 2016 ( l-1-2. 588.3 18) 78.6-1-9.866 (63. 938. -1-52) Prior Year Adjustments l l 0.600. 738 ( 18.30 1.233 ) 92.299. 506) Restated Balance as at 30th June, 2016 (3 l. 987.580) 60.3 -1-8.633 28.36 l.053 Charges for 20 l6/20 17 FY 375.71 -1-.8 16 15.276.-1--1--1- 390.99 1.259 Balance as at 30th June, 2017 3-1-3, 727,236 75,625,077 -1-19,352,312 BOARD CHAIRMAN SECRET ARY OF THE BOARD Date: 29.12.20 l 7 Date: 29.12.20 17 RURAL ENERGY FUND STATEMENT OF COMPARISON OF BUDGET AND ACTUAL AMOUNTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 201 7 ACCRUAL BASIS ACTUAL BUDGET AMOUNT (Tshs) AMOUNT (Tshs) 2016/2017 2016/2017 AC HIEVEME:-;1 (Tshs) (Tshs) % A: GOVERNMENT SUBVENTION Development Funds from Government 36 l...1- 72.08 l.063 .J.96.660.000. 000 73 Electricity Levy 39. 123.3 22.33.J. 37.7-1-0.000. 000 10.J. TOTAL GOVERNMENT SUBVENTION .J.00,595,.J.03 ,397 53.J.,.J.00,000,000 75 B: OTHER LOCAL SOURCES Interest Earned 2.056.82-1-.836 103 Sale of Tender Documents 5 l.050.000 100 TOTAL OTHER LOCAL SOURCES 2,107,87.J.,836 2,052,000,000 103 C: REVENUE FROM DEVELOPMENT PARTNERS Government of Norway 2 l ,668.507 ,30 l 2 l.668,507,30 l 100 Gove rnment of Sweden and DFiD (Interest) 2.901.20-1-.328 2.901.20-1-.328 100 TOTAL REVENUE FROM DEVELOPMENT 2.J.,569, 711,630 2.J.,569,711,630 100 PARTNERS D: DEVELOPMENT PARTNERS' PROJECT EXPENDITURE Goverrunent of Norway Support to REF Operational 36 1.116,537 36 1.116. 537 100 Expenses Goverrunent of Norway Support to REF Grants 10.457. 198,664 I0.457. 198.664 100 UNDP Capacity Building Expenses 1-1-7.33-1-. 110 1-1-7.334.110 100 World Bank Operational E:-..l)enses 153. 738. 749 153.738.749 100 TOTAL DEVELOPMENT PARTNERS' PROJECT EXPENDITURE 11,119,388,060 11 ,119,388,060 100 E: RURAL ENERGY FUND EXPENDITURE Grants - Energy Projects 14.537.98-1-.546 14.537.984.546 100 TOTAL RURAL ENERGY FUND EXPENDITURE 14,537,984,546 14,537,984,546 100 F: AGENCY EXPENDITURE Project Operational Costs 5.550,039,99 5 6.507,949,898 85 Rural Energy Board Costs 102.859.000 103.400.000 99 Employment Costs 4.609.98 5,605 4.6 11.093.893 100 325.307 .86 1 330.687.600 98 Finance Costs 1.218.824,959 1.263 ,192,325 96 Administrative Costs Audit Costs 75.240.000 75.250.000 100 2. 1-1-7.600 5,750.000 37 Fixed Assets TOTAL AGENCY EXPENDITURE 11,ss..i,..io5,020 12,897,323,715 92 BOARD CHAIRMAN SECRETARY OF THE BOARD Date: 29.12.20 17 Date: 29.12.20 17 NOTES TO THE 2016/2017 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS The principal accounting policies adopted in the preparation of these Financial Statements are set below: 1: Accounting Policies 1.1 Basis of Preparation The Financial Statements have been prepared in accordance with International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IP SAS) which appl y to the accrual basis of accounting. The Financial Statements are presented in the functional currency, Tanzanian Shillings (Tshs), rounded to nearest thousands and prepared under the historical cost conversion. Fundamental Assumptions: 1.1. 1 The Fund adopted the following fundamental assumptions. a) Going Concern b) Accrual Basis of Accounting c) Matching Principle Financial Regulations: 1.1.2 Policies as detail ed in the Financial Regulations were developed taking into account the following criteria. a) Prudence b) Substance over Form c) Relevance and Materiality 1.2 Summary of Significant Accounting Policies for the Year Ended 30th June 2017 1.2.1 Property, Plants and Equipment Property, Plants and Equipment have been stated at cost less accumulated depreciation. Depreciation has been provided to write off the cost of the Non Current Assets over their expected useful li ves on a straight-line basis. Full year depreciation has been charged in the year of acquisition and non in the year of disposal. Depreciation was computed on straight - line basis at the following rates : ITEM DEPRECIATION RATE(%) Office Equipment 12.50 Computers 33.33 Furniture & Fittings 12.50 Motor Vehicles 20.00 1.2.2 Cash and Cash Equivalents For the purpose of Cash Flow Statement, Cash and Cash Equivalents comprise of cash in hand and cash at bank. 1.2.3 Revenue Recognition Funds from Go vernment and Development Partners were reported in the Statement of Financial Performance. 1.2.4 Advances Ad vances and Recei vables are in cluded m Current Assets m the Statement of Financial Position. 1.2.5 Comparatives Financial Statements figures for 2015/20 16 Financial Year have been presented as comparati ve figures. 1.2.6 Commitments Commitments account for grants awarded but mvo1ces not received from Project D evelopers/Contractors. 1.2. 7 Provision for Bad Debts Provision for Bad Debts refers to long outstanding uncollected penalty on Electricity 111 Levy payable by T ANESCO which amount to Tshs 7,433 ,599,965 .96 as at 30 June 2017. 2 Cash and Cash Equivalents 2016/17 FY 2015/16 FY TSHS TSHS REA Operational Expenses Bank Account (CRDB Bank) 814,790, 103 .93 1,854,815 ,729.51 REF Bank Account (CRDB Bank) 4, 140,285 ,798 .66 22,8 10,332,707 .85 REF Bank Account (BOT) 352,735,259, 109.3 l Petty Cash Book 954,388.00 7,150.00 REA-TEDAP- Credit Line Tshs Bank Account 12,220,849.07 26,239, 157.07 Fixed Deposits 50,031 ,958,623 .8 l REA-TEDAP- Credit Line USO Bank Account 21 ,057,63 7,845 .87 REF -Turnkey Proj ect Bank Account 973,594,555.52 28,266,088 .30 Government of Norway Support to REF Bank Account 28 ,512,145,538 .27 38,648,347,4 18.09 (US O) - CRDB Bank REA Operational Expenses Bank Account - Azania 464,228,390.35 1,843 ,71 0,19 1.1 8 SREP Bank Account TZS 74,104,359.36 2 t 8,970,000 .00 Go vernment of orway Support to REF Bank Account 22, 178,529, 16 1.02 (US O) - BOT REA Operational Ex penses Bank Account (USO) - BOT 2,92 1,524,585 .76 TOTAL 412,827,636,839.25 136,520,284,911.68 3 Accounts Receivable Rural Energy Fund 2016/17 FY 2015/16 FY TSHS TSHS Tanzania Investment Bank (Cred it Line Administrator) l, 711 ,771 , 167. 89 2,33 1,468,787.08 TCRA 17,569,080 .00 17,569,080 .00 TANESCO 7,433 ,599,965 .96 7,433,599,965 .96 PUMA 6,078,297 .00 C RDB Bank PLC (Trust Agent) 1,416,389,025 .02 1,556,995 ,699.85 TOTAL 10,579,329,238.87 11,345,711,829.89 4 Accounts Receivable Development Partners Projects 2016/17 FY 2015/16 FY TSHS TSHS Loan to CRDB Bank - (Mwenga Hydro Ltd) 3,088,350,000.00 3,774,650,000.00 Loan to CRDB Bank - (Andoya Hydroelectric Company Ltd) 2,020,875 ,000.00 2,35 7,687,500.00 Loan to N BC - (Ngombeni Proj ect) 196,567,236.72 432,447,920 .76 Loan to CRDB Bank - (Andoya Hydroe lectric Company Ltd) 399.500.000.00 399.500.000.00 Loan to CRDB Bank - (Darakuta Hydro Power Company Ltd) 374.000.000 .00 3 74.000,000 .00 HIFAB 97,935.493 .04 TOTAL 6,079,292 ,236.72 7,436,220,913.80 5 Other Current Asset 2016/17 FY 2015/16 FY TSHS TSHS Accounts Receivab le - Staff 32,926.346 .85 l 0, 792.586.00 Total 32,926,346.85 10,792,586.00 6 Property, Plants and Equipment Com1rnter Furniture, Motor Total Facilities Fitting & Vehicles Tools Co~ TSHS TSHS TSHS TSHS At 1st July, 2016 1,132,830,320 679,937,256 2,486,301,042 4,299,068,618 Purchases for 20 16/20 l 7 FY 2. l-+7,600 2,U7,600 At 30th June, 2017 1,132,830,320 682,084,856 2,486,301,042 4,301,216,218 Depreciation At 1st July, 2016 976,171,628 304,634,161 1,239,629,287 2,520,435,076 Charge for 2016/2017 FY 11 8.576,007 74.9 12.572 374.732,114 568,220,693 At 30th June, 2017 1,094,747,635 379,546,733 1,614,361,401 3,088,655,769 TOTAL 38,082,686 302,538,123 871,939,640 1,212,560,449 Note: The carryi ng amount for Property, Plants and Equipment includes full depreciated assets with 1 shilling book value waiting approval from the Ministry of Finance to be disposed in 2017/2018 Financial Year. 2016/17 FY 2015/16 FY 7 Accounts Payable TSHS TSHS Accrued Expenses 449.793.651.97 4 7.270.848.45 Winglink Travel Limited 20,844.600.00 New Link Travel & Tour 5.309. 700.00 CRDB Trust Agent 180,000,000.00 Derm Electrics (D Ltd - Dodoma 2. 707.804.357.00 2. 707.804.3 57.00 Spencon Services Limited - Kilimanjaro 544.253.662.35 Derm Electrics (T) Ltd - Mara 3.397. 563.23 1.20 3,397.563.231.20 Lucky Exports - Njombe 542.573 ,668.42 LTL Projects (Pvt) Limited - Ruvuma 159,314,060.10 3.037.3 10,860. 18 LTL Projects (Pvt) Limited - Shinyanga 96.516.676. 80 690.809.432.07 MIS CCC International Engineering Nigeria - Manyara l, 11 9,009,884.00 Spencon Services Limited - Singida 659. 176.63 1.1 3 China Henan Intern Co- Group Co. Ltd (JV) - Tabora 1.573.6 14.068.96 Urban & Ru ra l Engineering Ltd - Misenyi 759.574.741.41 MBH Power Ltd - Morogoro 182,4 28.597.44 MBH Power Ltd - Pwani 85.902,586.66 Nakuroi Investments & Dern1 Electric (T) JV - Ka lambo 79.380.07 1.06 Gratuity Payable 321.795.451. 90 284. 11 3,384. 15 Withholding Tax 250.02 1.07 l. 7 1 856.362.629.86 Other Creditors 4.938.000.00 TOTAL 8,707,972,684.68 15,453,076,770.34 8 Grant to Projects Develope rs FINANCIAL SIN PROJECT NAME REGION YEAR GRANT IN Tshs I Sl'PPLY A>iD INSTALLATIO>i OF DISTRIBL.;TIO'.': Ll:-/DI 20 16 2017 569.332.250.00 Sll3STAT I0NS ( I I 33KV). :'vlEDI U vl A>i D LOW VOLTAGE Ll>i ES. TRA.'\/SFOR:\l ERS A.\iD CON>IECTION OF CL'STO/\ lERS O'.'\ TL.R'.'iKEY BAS IS TENDER 63 (OK ELECTRIC..\L )- .-\DDITION.-\L WORKS 2 CONSTRL.CTIO'.'i OF I I K:\l OF I 50 SQ. \ ,fM - KIGO:V!A. 20 16 20 17 42 9. 208.300.00 KIG01vlr\ -SENGERE:\ IA ENG I:'\EERl?-iG GROL"P LTD 3 SL"PPLY A.'\/D fNSTALLATIO N OF DISTIBL.TI07' i\ lTW .-\RA 20 16 20 I 7 I 7.008.676 . I I SL.BSTATIONS ( I I 33K V).:VIEDI L' M AN D LOW VOLTAGE LIN ES.TRANSFORMERS A."ID CO~:-i ECTION OF C USTOMERS O>i Tl'RN KEY BAS IS . TENDER 6 2 (N AM IS) -EXC HANGE R,.\TE -I SUPPLY OF WOOD POLE FOR CONSTR UCTION OF MOROGORO& 201 6 2017 593 .206.600.00 DISTRIB UT ION LNE FO R LOW COT :\IBEY.-\ ELECTRIFICATION IN KILO:VIBERO DISTRICT I'.'i MORORGORO AND MBOZI DISTRICT IN MB EY A REGION - UGANDA ELECT RIC ITY DISTRIB UT IOI'< COMPAJ'\/Y LIMITED ( UEDCL) - LOT 1&2 5 CONSTRUCTION OF DISTRIB UT ION AN D SERVICE SUBSTAT IONS 201612017 539.3 14.56 Ll1 E ON T URJ KEY BAS IS - PH ASE II -LOT l (S HAN DONG) - EXC HANGE RATE 6 CONSTRUCTION OF DISTRIB UTION AN D SER VICE AR USHA 2016/20 17 106.0 19,749.04 LIN E O N TURNKEY BAS IS - PH ASE I! A - (ANGELIQ UE)- EXCHANG E RATE 7 CONSTRUCTION OF DISTRIB UTION AN D SERVlCE KATA VI 20 16 20 17 794.964.20 LINE ON TlJRJ'\/KEY BAS IS - PH ASE I! A - LOT 7 (LUC KY EXPORTS) -EXCHANGE RAT E 8 CONSTRUCTION OF DISTRIBL;T ION AN D SERVICE "IJ ARO KILIM Al 2016/20 17 57.432.130.11 LIN E ON TURN KEY BAS IS - PH ASE I! A - LOT 9 (SP ENCON)- EXCHAl"IGE RAT E 9 CONSTRUCTION OF DISTRIB UT ION Al'\/ D SER VICE MTWARA 2016/2017 29.277. 710. I 9 LINE ON TURN KEY B SIS - PH ASE Il A - (NAMIS )- EXC HA!"IGE RATE LO CONSTRUCTION OF DISTRIBL;T ION AN D SER VICE MWANZ A 20 1612017 58. I 46.302.56 LIN E O N TIJR KEY B SIS - PH ASE I! A - (CHICCO)- EXC HANGE RATE 11 CONSTRUCTION OF DISTRIB UTION AN D SER VICE NJOMBE 2016/2017 18.822.262 .14 LINE ON TURN KEY BAS IS - PH ASE I! A - LOT 17 (LUCKY EXPORTS ) - EXCHAN GE RATE 12 CONSTR UCTION OF DISTRIB UT ION Al'\/ D S ERVICE RUVUMA 2016/20 17 59.582.292.65 LIN E ON T RN KEY BAS IS - PH ASE II A - (LTL)- EXCHANGE RATE 13 CONSTRUCTION OF DISTRIB UTION Al'\/D SER VICE SHINYAl'\/GA 20 16/2017 11 9.778.399.15 LINE ON TURNKEY B. SIS - PH ASE II A - (LTL)- EXCHAl"IGE RATE 14 CONSTR UCTION OF DISTRIB UTION AN D SER VIC E SINGIDA 20 16/20 17 57. 196.226.89 LINE ON TURNKEY BASIS - PH ASE Il A - LOT 23 (SPENCON) - EXC HANGE RATE 15 CONSTR UCTION OF DISTRIB UT ION Al"I D SER VICE TABORA 20 16/2017 210.260,737.52 LINE O N TURNKEY BAS IS - PH ASE II A - (C HICCO)- EXCHANGE RATE 16 CONSTRUCTION OF DISTRIB UTION Al"I D SER VIC E GEITA 201 6/2017 22.972. 799.07 LINE ON TURN KEY BASIS - PH ASE I! B - LOT 1 (NAKUROI ) 17 CONSTR UCTION OF DISTRIB UTION AN D SER VICE KAGERA- 20 16/20 17 12,389, 11 6.50 LI E ON TIJR KEY BASIS - PH ASE II B - LOT 2 BIH ARAMU LO& (UR BAN & RURAL) - EXCH ANGE RATE NGARA 18 CONSTRUCTION OF DISTRIBUTION . N D SER VICE KAGERA- 20 16/20 17 13.9 12,066.16 LINEO TURN KEY BASIS - PH ASE IIB - . LOT 3 KARAGWE (UR BAl'\/ & RURAL)- EXCH ANGE RATE 19 CONSTRUCT ION OF DISTRIBUTION AN D S ERVICE KAGERA- 2016/2017 5,084.587.64 L . EON TURN KEY BAS IS - PH ASE IIB -LOT 4 KYERA (URBAl'\/ & RURAL)- EXCH Al"IGE RATE 20 CONSTR UCT ION OF DISTRIBUTION Al"I D SERVICE KAGE RA- 20 16/2017 10.278,694.42 LINE ON TURN KEY BASIS - PH ASE IIB -LOTS MIS ENY I (UR BAN & RURAL) - EXCH ANGE RATE 21 CONSTRUCTION OF DISTRIB UTION AN D SER VICE KAGE RA- 2016/20 17 6 1.448.667.18 LIN E ON TURN KEY BAS IS - PH ASE IIB - LOT 6 BU KO BA&M ULE (UR BAN & RURAL) - EXCH ANGE RATE BA 22 CONSTRUCTION OF DISTRIBUTION Al '\/ D SER VICE KIGO MA 201 6/20 17 72.402.491 .60 LIN E ON Tl..'RNKEY B S IS - PH ASE JIB - LOT 7 (ST AT E GRID JV) - EXC HA!"IG E RAT E FINANCIAL SIN PROJECT NAME REGION YEAR GRANT IN Tslu 23 CONSTRUCT ION OF DISTRJBLT!O)I A,' lD SER VICE LINDI - 2016,2017 10.50 1.628.96 LI>IE ON T UR..'\JKEY BAS IS - PHASE llB - LOT 9 LIWALE.)IACH I ( \IBH POWER ) - EXCHA.'lGE RATE NGWEA 2-1 CO:siSTRL.CTION OF DISTRIBLT ION r\;'iD SERVIC E MA.,'\JYAR ...\ 2016 2017 7-1.62 1.1 37.18 LIN E ON TL'RNKEY BAS IS - PHASE 118 - LOT 10 (CCC) - EXCH ...\.'iGE R...\TE 25 C01'iSTRL.CTION OF DISTRIBLTIO\i ...\J'iD SERvlCE \IBEYA- 20 16 2017 3-1.357.503.85 LIN E ON TCR:siKEY BAS IS - Pl-1 ...\SE l!B - LOT 11 C HUNY &MBE (Sl)IOTEC) - EXCHANGE RAT E Y...\ 26 CONSTRL.CTIO;:-.; OF DISTRJBL.T IO'.\ ...\.'iD SER\lCE \IBEYA- 20 16 2017 48.07-1.-141 .6-1 LI'iE ON Tl"R)IKEY BAS IS - PH...\SE 118 - LOT 12 MB r\R.r\LI (ST...\TEGRID ) -EXCHANGE R.-\TE 27 co;:-.;sTRL"CT[Oi\ OF DISTRIBLT IO\i Al'i D SER VIC E \IBEY A-i\lBOZI 20 16 20 17 65.564.526.-16 LI)IE 0)1 TL.R)IKEY BAS IS - Pl-1...\SE ll B - LOT I 3 (Sl)IOTEC) - EXCHANGE RATE 28 co:s;sTRL"CTION OF DISTRIBL'TION AND SERVlCE MBEYA- 20 16 20 17 98. 70-1.329.50 LINE ON TCRNKEY BAS IS - PH...\SE l!B. LOT 1-1 ILEJE.KYELA&R (STATEG RID ) - EXCHANGE RATE UN WE 29 CONSTRL"CTION OF DISTRIBLTIO;:-.; A, ' iD SER VIC E MOROGORO 20 16 2017 6.465.221.5 l LINE ON TURNKEY BAS IS - PHASE I!B - LOT l 5 (:VIBH POW ER) - EXCHANGE RATE 30 CONSTRUCTION OF DIST RIBLTION A.,'\J D SER VlCE PWAi'l l 2016 20 17 l l ,53 l.622.99 LNE ON n rRN KEY BAS IS - PHASE IIB- LOT 16 (MBH POW ER) - EXC HANG E RAT E 31 CONSTRUCT I0 1 OF DISTRIB UT ION Ai'l D SER VICE RUKWA- 2016 2017 18.749.846.9 [ LINE ON TURN KEY BAS IS - PHASE II B - LOT 17 KALAiv!BO (NAKUROI )- EXCHAi'lGERATE 32 CONSTRUCTION OF DISTRIB UTION AN D S ER VICE RUKWA- 20 1612017 55.002.584.68 LINEO TURNKEY BAS IS - PHASE IIB - LOT 18 NKASI&S UMBA (SINOT EC) - EXCHANGE RATE WANGA 33 CONSTRUCT ION O F DISTRJ BUTION AND S ERVICE TAi'iGA- 20 16/20 17 38. 150.983.04 LINE ON TURN KEY BAS IS - PH ASE IIB - LOT 19 H. DEN I (STEG INT ERNATION) - EXC HANG E RATE 34 CO NSTRUCTION OF DIST RJ BUT ION Ai'l D S ER VlCE KIGO MA 20 16/20 17 3,55 7,06 1, 148 LINE ON TURN KEY BAS IS - PHASE l! B - LOT 7 (STATE GRID J V) - ADDITIONAL WORKS 35 CONSTR UCT ION OF DISTRJB UTIO N AN D SER V1CE MBEYA- 20 16/20 17 2. 184.398,2 18. 45 LINE O N TU RN KEY BASIS - PHASE II B - LOT 12 MBARALI (STATEGRJ D )-ADDITIONAL WO RKS 36 CONSTRUCTION OF DISTRJBUTION AN D S ER V1CE MBEY A-MBOZI 20 16/20 17 1.678,070,9 19.88 LINE O N TURN KEY 8 SIS - PHASE l!B - LOT 13 (SINOT EC) - ADDITIONAL WOR KS 37 CONSTR UCT ION OF DIST RJ BUTION AND S ERVICE MBEYA- 20 16/20 17 3,035,492.950.39 LINE ON TURN KEY BASIS - PH ASE IIB . LOT 14 ILEJE,KYELA&R (ST ATEGRID ) - ADD IT ION AL WO RK S UNWE 38 PROVI SION OF LPG TO RURAL Ai'lD SUB URBAi'i KI LIM ANJARO. 20 16/20 17 7.626,000.00 T NZAN IANS ON REA IN ITIAT IVE IN SAME SINGIDA & SING ID A & MPW APWA -ORYX GAS T Al'lZANIA DODOMA LTD 39 PROVIS ION OF LPG TO RURAL AN D SU B UR BAN DODOM A 20 16/20 [ 7 14,600.000.00 TANZAN IANS ON REA IN ITIAT IVE DODOMA SING ID & SING IDA AND GE!T A - MlH AN GAS CO MP NY GE!TA LTD 40 CONSULTANCY SERVICES TO SU PE RV1S E MOROGORO& 20 16/20 17 248.904,97 1.1 6 IMP LE MENTATION OF LOW COST DES IGN IN MBEYA K.! LOMB ERO Ai'i D MBOZI DIST RJCT BY NRECA INTE R.NATIONAL LT D-ADD IT IONAL 41 INSTALLAT ION OF SOLAR PV SYSTEMS IN LIN DI 2016/2017 296,930.298 PUBLIC SCHOOLS & HEALTH INSTITUT IONS IN R.UAGW A DISTRJCT 42 INSTALLATION OF SO LAR PV SYSTEMS IN RUVUMA 20 16/2017 547.854.630 PUBLIC SCHOOLS & HEALTH INSTITUTIONS IN SONGE A DISTRICT CO UNC IL 43 PREFEASIBILITY STUDY FOR NYO M FALLS NJOMBE 20 16/20 17 34,992.000 SMALL HYD ROPOWER. PROJECT. LAKE NY ASA BASIN - MI CHELE R.EOLON 44 SUPPLY OF DISTRJ BUTION PRE-P AI D MET ER FOR MB EYA 20 16/20 17 18.250. 19 [ LOW COST ELECTRJFI CATION IN MBOZI AREA (MBEY A REG ION LOT 5 ITRON MEASUR EMENT & SYSTE M (PTY) LTD 45 CO NSULT ANCY SERVICES FOR SSM P2 PROJ ECT- 20 16/20 17 267.746.9 [ [ AR USHA TEC HN ICAL COLLEGE 46 CO NSULT ANCY SE RVICES FOR ENG INEER.ING 20 16/20 17 45.52 5.956 ASSES SM ENT STUDIES FO R S PPS : JO HAl'lNES G. LOTTERING GRAND TOTAL OF ALL GRANTS ISSlJl:D AS AT 30TH JUNE 2017 14,531.98',546 2016/17 FY 2015/16 FY 9 OP ERA TlO NAL AND PROJECT COSTS TSHS TSHS Consultancy Services 2. 527.-1-00. 94 7.88 l.l 72.54 7.2 13.56 Trust Agency Fee 885.047.-1-18. 99 Trajning & Capacity Building 173.387.842.50 819. 782. 790.00 Projects Monitoring and Supervision Costs 1.273. 958.-1- 92. 42 2.017.817.207. 13 Preparation of REA Business Plan and Budget 3 l.950.000.00 Advertisi ng and Publicity 479. 129.3 13.56 31 4.075.764. 93 Motor Vehicle Expenses 21 l.l 15.979.39 216.742 .50 1.65 TO TAL 5,550,039,99.i. 7-' -',6-'9,212,723.6-t 2016/1 7 FY 2015/16 FY 10 RURAL ENERGY BOARD COSTS TSHS TSHS Ordinary and fa.traordinary meetings 70.659.000.00 Di rectors Annual Fees 20.000.000 .00 15 .562.500 .00 Board Committees Expenses 12,200.000 .00 TOTAL 102,859,000.00 90,912,500.00 2016/17 FY 2015/16 FY 11 EMPLOYMENT COSTS TSHS TSHS Salaries 2.636,355,543.20 2.589, 748.390.25 Acti ng Allowances 87.029.776 .32 45,103.6 16 .24 Gratuity 274,022.532 .00 28-L 113 ,384. 15 Employer's Contribution to Social Security 36 1,893,3 11 .39 345,480,088.20 Funds E:-..m Duty Allowances 29,8 LO 000.00 28,755,000.00 Annual Leave 210,7 18.687.84 230.508,318.00 Telephone. Water. Electricity and Furniture 836.660.026.00 Allowances Hous ing Al lowances 501.829.754.04 527. 332.699.71 Transport Allowances 373.680.000.00 395.621.0 16.13 Entertainm ent Allowances 4.420.000.00 6.678,000.00 TOTAL 4,609,985,604.79 5,290,000,538.68 2016/17 FY 2015/16 FY 12 FINANCE COSTS TSHS TSHS Bank Charges 10. 123.997.00 10.308, 73 1.44 Letters of Credit Charges 3 15. 183 .864.0 1 142.248.389. 75 TOTAL 325,307,861.01 152,930 ,121.19 2016/17 FY 2015/16 FY 13 ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS TSHS TSHS Recruitment 23 .7 17,500.00 122.3 26,88 1. 80 Printing and Stationery 19.206,94 1.69 65 ,237.965 .00 Postage & Stamps 809,000.00 1.065,200.00 Office Rent 37 1,26 1,008.78 353 ,64 1,453 . 19 Newspapers 14. 189.-1-73 .73 11.971.576.27 Office Supplies 320,069.88 1. 80 257,869.-1-86 .22 Office Electricity and Water Expenses 2 1.637.837.5 1 42.0 11.054.16 Medjcal Insurance (NHIF) and Expenses 62.959.663 .00 80.534.208.40 Funerals and Mourning 7.769.000.00 Tender Boa rd Evaluation & Negotiation Team 87.400.000 .00 Allowances Remu nera tion to Specific Task Contract 23 .1-1-0.000.00 18.720.000 .00 Workers Donations and Contributions 18.000.000 .00 3.J..3 99.000.00 Telephone Fa.x and lntemet 86.503. 533 .20 7-1-.-1-32.389 .09 Property Plant and Equipment Ma intenance 3.253.800.00 17.500.566.00 Fumigation Services 2. 103. 7 11 .91 Office Cleaning 36.222. 920 .00 27.789.000 .00 Property Ta.x and Office Building Maintenance 8.152.596.-1-.J. 3.7 1 l.3 52.00 Honorarium 7-1-.600.000.00 Outfit Allowances l .800.000.00 Professio nal Subscriptions and Contributions 7.709. 125 .00 5.58-1-.000.00 Security Services 21.687.966. LO 7.836.101.70 Depreciation Computer Facilities 118.576.007.00 2-1- 2.636.3 -1-6.00 Depreciation Furniture. Tools & Fittings 7-1-.9 12.572 .00 75.893. 1-1-6.00 Depreciation Motor vehicles 37-1-.732. 11.J..OO .J.2 1.80-1-.311.00 Provision for Unpaid Pena lties 7.-1-33.599.965.96 SUBTOTAL 1,787 ,0-'5,652.16 9,-' 70,133,002.79 2016/17 FY 2015/16 FY U AUDIT COSTS TSHS TSHS Audit fa.-penses 75.2-1-0,000.00 SUBTOTAL 75,2-'0,000.00 25,080,000.00 15 LIST OF AWARDED GRANTS SlNCE ESTABLISHMENT OF REF 111 A total of 275 projects have received grants from REF as at 30 June 2017 worth Tshs 1, l 98,629,298,075.34 as per Annexure I 16 GOVERNMENT GRANTS AND SUBSIDIES The Government Grants and Subsides as recognized in the Statements of Financial Performance and Budget Comparison with a total of Tshs 400,595,403,397 were received as follows :- SOURCE OF REVENUE AMOUNT - TSHS Development Funds from 361,472,081 ,063 Government Electricity Levy 39,123,322,3 34 TOTAL GOVERNMENT 400,595,403,397 SUBVENTION 17 RURAL ENERGY FUNDS COMMITMENTS AS AT 30TH JUNE 2017 Apart from reported REF payab les as at 30th June 2017 as per note 7 above, the Fund has a total commitment of Tshs 108,855,118,384.18 as per table below of which services was not delivered or invoice issued as at 30th June 2016. Once service delivered the Fund will have a responsibility to settle them in the near future . SIN COMMITMENT AMOUNT - TSHS I T ANESCO - TURNKEY PHASE I - 16 LOTS 14.495.306.968. 78 2 T ANESCO - TURNKEY PHASE I - 6 LOTS 1.202.545.425.76 .., .) T ANESCO - TURNKEY PHASE II 76.997.001.196.55 -+ T ANESCO - ABB - MAFIA 59 l.8-+5. 227. 17 5 T ANESCO - ABB - KlLOSA - T AZAMA 588.526. 192. -+2 6 TANESCO - SENGEREMA- NANYUMB U 1.1 38.66 2.870.00 7 ST.AGNES CHIPOLE l-+7. l 95A20.00 8 REX [NVE STMENT LTD 2. 159. 56 1.796.-+2 9 MBEY A UNlVERSITY l 8.23 8.800.00 10 AUDAX K. NSHALLA 5-+A00.000.00 11 SlNOTEC SSMP2 PROJECTS 2.836. 8-+ 7. -+00.-+9 12 CENTRE FOR AGRICULTURE ME CHANlZATION & 2-+7.3 5.+. 153.75 RURAL TECHNOLOGY 13 ARUSHA TECHNICAL COLLEGE 2.+0.972.2 19.77 l-+ UNlVERSITY CONSULT ANCY BURE AU -+3.515.330. 13 15 MIS INTERCITY BUILDERS- MBOZI LOW COST l 18.793.020.68 16 MIS NAMIS CORPORATE LTD- KlLOMBERO LOW COST l.7 l-+.2 l 9A00.80 17 MIS RESCO TANZANIA LTD -+6.-+J.+.000 .00 18 MIS GREENLEAF TECHNOLOGY -+6.-+3-+.000.00 19 MIS ARUSHA TECHNICAL COLLEGE l 16.09-+. 750.00 20 MIS REX ENERGY -+ 21 MISTEMDO 25. 345,679 .80 22 MIS MK CENTRE TRAINING & CENTRE AN RESEARCH 138. 350.00 INSTITUTE 23 MIS DOBEA GROUP LTD 11 6.069.950.00 2-+ MIS LUCAS-EMS CO. LTD -+6,439. 120.00 25 M/SREAP l 16.858,900.00 26 MIS L'S SOLUTION LTS -+6,43.+.000.00 27 MIS NISHA TI AS SOCIATES LTD 46.413,600 .00 28 MIS T &A BUSINESS CENTRE LTD 46.435.920.00 29 MIS THE MASTER PLAN LTD -+6,434.000.00 JO MIS POWERGEN RENEW ABLE ENERGY 38,637.092 .50 31 MIS SHAM ENGENEERING LTD l 15, 700.000 .00 32 MIS WANANCHI POWER PROVIDER LIMITED 47,950,000 .00 ,., ,., .).) MIS TANDEM 46,434.000.00 34 MIS ARTI ENERGY LIMITED 46,390. 150.00 35 MIS OK ELECTRICAL - LINDI -ADDITIONAL WORKS 965.103 . 724.43 36 MIS NAMIS CORPORATE - MTWARA- ADDITIONAL 1.495,828.150.56 WORKS 37 MIS IRINGA DISTRICT COUNCIL 197.928,500.00 38 TEMESA 406,146,715 .51 39 SONGEA DISTRICT COUNCIL 547.854.630.00 40 SMEC 823 ,951.812.70 41 MICHELE REOLON 8 1,648.000.00 42 SHEDRACK WELLIN WILLILO 67,237.200.00 43 DA YID E.P. NGULA 4-+ JOHANNES G. LOTTERING 106,227.2-+ 5.96 45 MIS SENGEREMA ENG GROUP 11 KM KlGOMA 386,287.470.00 TOTAL 108,855,118,38- U8 18 GOVERNMENT OF NORWAY COMMITMENTS AS AT 30THJUNE 2017 The Government of Norway provided a grant to finance the Densification Project implanted in Six Regions of Main land Tanzania which are Pwani, Mbeya, Iringa, Arusha, Mara and Tanga. It also provided grants to finance the the Consultancy services to SIDO, Mult Consult ASA and HIF AB . As at 30th June 2017 the Government of orway had a total commitment ofTshs 51,875,366,224.54 which neither services was delivered nor invoice issued. Once service delivered the Donor will have a responsibility to settle them in the near future. SIN COMMITMENT AMOUNT- TSHS MIS STEG INTERNATIO AL SE RVICES - LOT I MBEYA - 18.531.3 19.893.00 l DENSIF1CA TION MIS NAMIS CORPORA TE LTD - LOT 2 [Rl GA- 2 D ENSIFICATION MIS NA.MIS CORPORATE LTD - LOT 3 TANGA- 2. 705.-l38.629. 56 3 DENSIFICATION MIS STEG INTERN ATIONAL SERVICES - LOT-l PW ANI- 5.093.80 l.5-lO. H -l DENSIFICATION MIS ANGELIQUE I TERNATIONAL LIMITED - LOT 5 8.290.893. 579.58 5 ARUSHA- DENS[FICATION MIS ANGELIQUE INTERNATIONAL LIMITED - LOT 6 7.9-l5.767.962. 15 6 MARA- DENSIFICATION 7 MIS SIDO - CONSULT ANCY SERVICE S 80.6 11.968.20 8 MIS MUL TCONSULT ASA- CONSULT ANCY SERVICES l. 8-l5.000.000.00 9 MIS HIFAB- CONSULTANCY SERVICE S 4. l 16. 524.6-l2.29 TOTAL 51,875,366,22~.54 19 GOVERNMENT OF NORWAY AND GOVERNMENT OF SWEDEN COMMITMENTS AS AT 30TH JUNE 2017 The Government of Norway and Government of Sweden provided grant ofto finance the Backbone Transmission Initiative Programme (BTIP) implanted in Five Regions of Mainland Tanzania which are Iringa, Dododma, Singida, Tabora and Shinyanga. As at 30th June 2017 the BTIP Project had a total commitment of Tshs 103,783 ,410,257 .32 which neither services was delivered nor invoice issued. once service deli vered the Donors will have a responsibility to settle them in the near future . SIN COMMITMENT AMOUNT - TSHS l MIS IRAN POWER & WATER - LOT l - MTERA 7.083.309.440.70 HYDROPOWERT 2 MIS NAKUROI INVESTMENT LIMITED- LOT 2 - 8.563.420.738.96 IRINGA ~ .) MIS OK ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONIC- LOT 3 - 15.027.7~0.046.46 DODOMA 4 MIS NAKUROI INVESTMENT LIMITED- LOT 4 - l l . 18-l.3-ll.267.30 SINGIDA 5 M/S OK ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONIC LOT 5 - l O.O-l9.232.539 .36 TABORA & SHINY ANGA TOTAL 103,783,410,257.32 20 WORLD BANK COMMITMENTS AS AT 30TH JUNE 2017 The World Bank set aside funds to settle Matching Grants, Performance Grants and Consultancy Serv ices for preparation of SREP project. As 30th June 2017, the World Bank had total commitments of Tshs 2,345 ,9 73,366.67 as per li st below. SIN COMMITMENT AMOUNT- TSHS 1 TEXPOL DEVELOPEME T CO. LTD-rFUPA 62,754,720.00 2 KAST AN INDUSTRIES LTD I 06,3 78 ,641.20 ,., J TURIAN HYDRO POWER CO. LTD 110, 147,981.04 4 KARIT AS ELECTRIC POWER-IBULA 62, 166,394.50 5 IKONDO-MATEMBWE VILLAGE 238,692,060.00 6 NDO-MADOBE COMMUNITY HYDROPWER 87, 172,043 .65 CO. LTD 7 LUMAMA- MA WE GI -ENERGIE BUREAU 134,474,400.00 8 MUFINDI HYDRO PLANTS/NY ALA WA 67,666,442.28 9 LUNG'ALI ATURAL 672,3 72,000.00 RESORCES/KILOLO/MADEGE 10 ST BENEDICT NJOMBE-IMILIW AHA-LUP ALI 326,996,9 16.00 11 ISIGULA-KISANGANI BLACKSMITH AND 264,914,568.00 RENEWABLE TECHNOLOGY CO. LTD 12 SHEDRACK WELLIN WILLILO 67,237,200.00 13 DAVID E .P . NGULA 145,000,000.00 TOTAL 2,345,973,366.67 21. INVENTORY In ventory as presented in the Statement of Financial Position consists consumable items (Stationeries and printers' cartridges to be consumed in 2017/2018 Financial year. A N EX II REI LI ST OF R EF A WA RDED G RANT S SI NCE ESTA BLI SIIE D IN FINANC IAL YEA R 2007/2008 TO 30m .JU NE 2017 S/N PROJECT NAM E REGION FI NANCIAL G RANT(T Z S) WO RK ( 'o nuutl nt s STAT II S Y EA R C'O 1PL ETIO ' C E RT I FIC ATE 1 WAY LEAVE COM PENS T ION PWANI 2007/2008 236. 168.992.50 YES Project Completion Ccniticatc cm.IPI .ETED issu~I 2 ELECTRI FICATION OF KI LOLO DI STRI CT HQ IRI NGA 2007/2008 1.7 16.400,000.00 YES Project Compldion Cc11i licatc C01\ IPI.ETE D issuoo :i ELECTRI FICATION OF C HI EF OSWALD MANG'OMAE SECON D ARY MARA 2007/2008 194.040,000.00 YES Project Completion Ccrtili.:ak C01\IPLETED SC IIOOL issuoo 4 ELECTRI FICATION OF MK INGA DI STRICT HQ TANGA 2007/2008 88,800,000.00 YES Proj ect Completi o n Cc11 i lii:atc COM l'I .ET ED issued - ELECTR IFICAT ION OF MERE RAN I WATER PUMP ING STAT ION ARlJSH A 2007/2008 47,552.304 .00 YES Project Completion Ce1 1i licatc C01\IPI.ETED issued 6 ELECT RI FICATION OF PANGAN ! WATER PUMPING STAT IONS TANGA 2007/2008 39.370.000.00 YES Project Completion Ce11ilirnk C01\IPLETED issu~I 7 ELECTRI FICATION OF MATEMA BEACH MBEYA 2007/2008 703.200,000.00 YES Project Compldio n Cc11ilieatc C01\IPI.ETED issu~I 8 ELECTR I FICAT ION OF UYUI DI STRI CT HQ TABO RA 2007/2008 1,528.800.000.00 YES Project Compldio n c..,nilicatc C01\ll' I .ETED issu~I 9 ELECTRI FICATION OF VILLAGES AROUN D MTO WA MBlJ AR USH A 2007/2008 342.000,000.00 YES Project Completion Certificate COMPLETED BUS INE SS CENTRE issued 10 ELECT RI FICATION OF KILIN DI D ISTRICT HQ TANGA 2007/2008 1,567,200.000.00 Y ES Project Completion C\:11 ilicatc C01\IP I .ETED issu~I 11 ELECT RI FICAT ION OF BAH i DI ST RI CT HQ DODOM A 2007/2008 1. 736.400.000.00 YES Project Completion C\:rtilicat.: C01\ IPLETED issuoo 12 COMPENSAT ION OF PROPE RT IES A FFECTED BY DI STRIAl lT ION TABOR A 2008/2009 32, 194.8 10.00 YES Project Completion Ccrtilicatc C01\ll'I .ET l-:I) LINE IN KALI A issuoo n INSTALLAT ION OF SOLAR PV C HARG I G CENTERS FO R TWO KIGOM A 2008/2009 39.870,000.00 NO Worl- Completio n Cc1 1i lii:ates C01\ IP I .t·:TED SECON DA RY SC HOOLS ,va s prepared and suhmitt"d to th o:, dcwlopcr . The Trust Agent is loll owing up. 14 TRAlN ING AN D CONSTR UCT ION OF 10 UN ITS OF BIO-G AS PLANTS RlJVlJ MA 2008/2009 28.885.000.00 NO Work Co mpletion Cer1ilicatcs COI\ IPLETED IN SONG EA RURAL DISTR ICT ,u1 s prepared and suh111itte d to th .: dcvd o per. T he Trust Agent is l"oll owin g up. 15 COMPENSAT ION OF PROPERT IES A FFECTED BY DISTR IHlJT ION MAR A 2008/2009 135,820.993 .00 YES COI\ IPLET ED LI E l B DA DISTR ICT 16 COMPENSATION OF PRO PERT IES AFFECTED BY DISTRI HlJT ION MAl{A 2008/2009 42. 776. 126.00 YES Project Co111pletion C.\ :rtilicatc, COl\ 11' 1,ETEI) LIN E I SE RENGETI DISTR ICT issu,xl 17 COMPENSATION OF PROPERTIES A FFECTED BY DI STRIB l JTIO MW ZA 2008/2009 280.083.0 15 .00 YES Project Compldion Certilicatc CO I\ IPLET ED LINE IN KER EWE DIST RI CT issu,xl 18 ELECTR IFIC AT ION OF G AGE B VILLAGE KILI MANJ ARO 2008/2009 424, 101.948.00 YES Project Co111pktion Certilicatc CO I\ IPLETED issuoo 19 INSTALLATION OF IOKW W IND POWER TURB INE AT W AMA PWAN I 2009/20 10 45 ,500,000.00 NO T he second PCC is under COI\ IPUT ED NA KAY AMA G IR LS SECON DARY SC HOOL preparati on by the T nrst Agent 20 EN rnN EE RING DES IGN , PROC UREM ENT, CONSTRUCT IO N (EPC), MOROGORO 2009/2010 63.072.500.00 NO FLOODS DEST RO YE D I\ IOST TEST ING AN D COMM ISS ION ING OF PI LOT Ml 1-IIYD RO POW ER OFTII E PROJECT PL T IN M ATOMBO I FR,\STRl ICTl IRE. PLANS TO REDEVELOP ARE llN DERW .\Y 21 ELECTRIFIC T ION OF MBWAWA VILLAGE PW AN I 2009/20 10 45.400.000.00 YES Projcct Completi on C.:r1ilicate CO I\ IPL ET ED issu,xl 22 ELECTRI FIC AT ION OF MIS WE VILLAGE PW AN I 2009/20 10 29.866.000.00 YES Project Completi on Cer1ilicatc CO l\ ll'LETED issu,xl 21 PRE - FEASIB ILITY STUDY OF TW ELV E SMALL I-I Y DROPOWER TANGA 2009/20 IO 4 1. 730.000.00 NO Work Completion Ccr1ilicates COI\ IPI ,ETED SITES IN MUI-I EZA AN D LUS I-IOTO DI ST RICTS wa s prepared and submi tted to th e devd o per. The Trust Age nt is fo li o \\ ing up. 24 T RAlN ING OF LOCAL ART ISAN S ON CONSTRUCT ION OF ROCKET TABOR A 2009/20 10 12.970.000.00 NO Work Completion C.:r1ilicates COI\ IPLETED TOBACCO BANS INT ABO RA REGION was prepared and submitted to th e devel o per. The T rust .- \ gent is folio\\ ing up. 25 INSTALLAT ION OF 5.25KW SOLAR PV BAC KUP SYSTEM AT WAM A PWAN I 2009/20 10 46,035. 159.00 NO Th.: second PCC is under COI\ IPl ,ETED NAKANY AMA G IR LS SECO DA RY SCHOOL AT NY AM IS T I W RD preparation by the Trust ~\ gent 26 ELECTRIFICAT ION OF MOTH ER KEV IN PRIMARY SCHOOL KILIM AN JARO 2009/2010 24.120.262 .00 YES Proj ect Co111pkti on Ce11ili catc COI\IPl ,ETED issued 27 ELECTRIFIC AT ION OF KONGA VILLAGE MOROGORO 2009/20 10 48.754,45 1.00 YES Projed Compkti on Cert ifi ..:,Hc cm, IPLETED issu ~'CI 28 PROCUR EMENT OF A 500 KVA 33/0 .4/0.23 KV DISTRIB lJT ION MW ANZA 2009/20 10 29,920,000.00 YES Projed Compktion Certifi ..:atc COl-. f PLETED TR ANSFO RM ER FOR PUMP ING W ATER TO TI-IE RURAL issu ed COMMUN IT Y OF SENGE REMA 29 ELECTRIFIC AT ION OF RORY A DI STR ICT HQ MAR 2009/20 10 47.430,422 .03 YES Projcd Co111pkti o11 Cert ifi cat e COI\ IP LETED issu.'CI :io TRAlN ING ON COMPACT BIOG AS AN D CHARCOAL RR IQlJETT ING MO ROGORO 2009/20 10 14,520.000.00 YES Project Compl et ion Certifica te C <>t-. IP LETED AT ILONGA YOUT H CE TRE issu.'CI :11 ELECTRIFI CAT ION OF MTA KUJ A VILLAGE IRR IG AT ION SC HEM E KILIM ANJA RO 2009/20 10 48.2 I 4. !05.6 1 YES Project Completi on Cet1 ilicak COI-.IPL ETED issuo.ld :12 ELECTRIFICAT ION OF AMAN ! DISP ENSA RY IN MVOMERO MOROGORO 2009/20 10 29.900.000 .00 YES Projed Compktio n Ce rtificat e COI\ IP LETE D DISTRICT issu~'CI :i:i ELECT RIFIC ATION OF BUG ANGUZI - BUG AN D A VILLAGE IN KAGERA 2009/20 10 96,586.206.00 YES Projcd Compl etion Certifi ca te COI\ IP LET ED Ml JLEBA DISTRICT issued :1 4 WI N D RESO U RC E AS SESS ME NT FOR MA1°IA IS LAN D PW AN I 2009/20 10 :1 I .794.500.00 YES 1i li catc Projed Completi on Cc1 COI\ IPI J ·:· 1·ED iSSUL'Cf 35 ELECTRIFIC ATION OF 9 VILLAGES IN SENGER EMA DI STR ICT MWAN ZA 2010/20 1 I 608.378. 194.00 Y ES Project Completi on Ce11ificatc COI\ IP LETED issuo.ld :1 6 PI LOTING OF 300/500W PI CO 1-IYDROPOWER PLANT IN TANGA 20 10/20 11 8. 15 1.333 .00 NO Project Co mpletio n Certificate COI\ IP LETED KW EMSIMB A VILL GE issu~xl :17 ELECTR IFIC AT ION OF SEELA VILLAGE AAlJS I-I A 20 10/20 11 178.340.000.00 YES Project Compkti on Ce11ifi catc COi\ 1PI ,ET ED issu,'CI :1 8 ELECT RIFIC AT ION OF KI S I-I APU DISTRICT SI-I INYANGA 20 10/2011 342, 775 .624.00 YES Proje..:t Completion Ce1 1ilicate COI\ IPLETED issu~'CI :19 ELECTRIFICAT ION OF LONGIDO DI ST RI CT I-IQ AA lJ SI-I A 2010/20 11 1,447,747,767.00 YES Proj ect Compl eti on Ce11ilicate CO I-. IP LETED issu,xl 40 ELECTRIFIC ATION OF ILIKISONGO AN D ILIKIDI NG'A VILLAGES IN AlUJSI-I A 20 10/201 I 92.900,000.00 YES Project Co mpl etion Certificate COI\ IP LETED ARlJ MER U DI ST RI CT issuLxl 41 ELECTRIFIC AT ION OF SONGW A V ILLAGE SI-IINY AN Ci A 20 10/20 1 I 19 4.662.248.00 YES Project Compk tion Ce1 1ilicatc C0 1' 1P LETED issu cxl 42 ELECT RIFIC AT ION OF MLANGAli IN I- MANY IR F. VILLAGE AA lJ S HA 20 10/20 11 163.400.000 .00 YES Project Compl ction Cc11ilicatc C <>t-.lPLETED issu ,'Cl 4:1 ELECT RI FICATION OF KIZU MB I VILLAGE S I-II NYANGA 20 10/20 11 83,46 1.909.00 YES Project Co111plcti o11 Certificate COI-. IPl ,ETE D issu ed 44 ELECTRIFI C ATI ON OF SA M BAS HA AND T IM BOLO VILLAG ES AR lJ SH A 2010/20 11 197,700.000 .00 Y ES Proj ect Co111pktion C.\:rt il icat.: CO I\ IP I .ET ED xl issu~ 45 ELECTRI FICAT ION OF BUS IY A AN D KIS ll3 A VILLAGES IN Rl JNGWE MBEY A 20 10/20 11 16,440.696 .26 YES Project Co111p lctio n C.:rtili..:a tc COMPLETED DISTRI CT issu~'1' IPLETED DO DOMA ON TURNKEY BAS IS · LOT 7 issucxl 64 CONSTRUCTION OF DISTR IBUTION AND SERV ICE ON TURN KEY SINGIDA 20 10/201 1 I 0. 769, 102.275 .00 YES Project Compktion Certi licate C01\ IPLETED RAS IS • LOT8 issued 65 CONSTR UCT ION OF DI STR IBUTION AND SERV ICE LINE ON MREYA 20 10/20 11 11.690,952 ,361.38 NO Lot 10 Ruhwa Region in lerlini · C01\ll'LET ED TURNKEY BASIS -LOT9& 10 Final wrilkati on and PCC 66 CONSTRUCTION OF DISTRIBUT ION AND SERV ICE LINE IN TABORA 20 10/201 I 12.0 16.454,082.00 NO Proje..:t Completed: Tr\ NESCO C(l1\ IPLETED TABORA ON TURNKEY BAS IS • LOT I I has to issue Comp letion Report 67 CONSTRUCTION OF DI ST RIBUT ION AN D SER VICE LINE ON KIGOMA 20 10/20 1 I 12,744,506,860.00 NO COMPLETED TU RN KEY BAS IS . LOT 12 69 CONSTRUCT ION OF DI STRII3UT ION AND SE RVICE LINE ON MWAN Z A 20 10/201 I 5,248,278.350.00 NO TAN ESCO ha s to Follow up C01\ ll'Ll: TED TURNKEY BAS IS · LOT 14 with R1\I mwanza 70 CONSTRUCTION OF DI STRil3UTI0N AND SE RVICE LINE IN MARA MARA 20 10/20 11 5,8 I 5,458,275.00 NO TAN ESCO has to Foll ow up COMPLET ED ON TURN KEY BAS IS · LOT 15 with R1\ I 1\lara. Nami s 71 CONSTRUCT ION OF DISTRIBUTION AND SE RVICE LINE ON SHI NYANGA 20 10/20 11 13,62 I ,408.647.00 YES Proje.:t Compktion Certilkate C(l1\ IPl, ETED TURNKEY BAS IS • LOT 16 issued 72 ELECT RI FICAT ION OF DR. ASHA ROSE MIGIRO SEC SC HOOL KI LIMANJ ARO 20 10/20 11 10.602.444.00 YES Project Completion Cert ilicatc COMPLE'f'ED issued 7'.l ELECTRIFICATION OF Z UZ U VILLAGE DO DOMA 20 10/20 11 199,760,561.00 YES Project Compldion Cert ifica le COJ\,JJ'LETED issu.xl 74 ELECT RI FICATION OF MAGOLE VILLAGE IN MVOMERO DI STR ICT MOROGORO 20 10/20 11 77,276,94 1.00 YES l'rojccl Compldion Ce11ilica1c CO!\ Jl'LETED issued 75 SIJRVEY OF 33 KV TO TUNGAMALENGA VILLAGE IR INGA 20 10/20 11 44,057.000.00 YES Project Completion Ccnificak COMl' l ,ETED issued 76 INSTALLAT ION OF 1200 SOLAR LIG HT ING IN MUSOMA MARA 20 10/20 11 26.480,000.00 YES l'roje..:l Compldion Ce1 1ili..:ak C01\ ll'LETED issued 77 ELECTRIFICAT ION OF IFWAG I VILLAGE IN MUF IN DI DI ST RI CT IRI NGA 20!0/20 11 385,734.1 83.00 YES Project Complet ion Cc11itica1c COMPLETED issued 78 ELECTR IFICAT ION OF KW ALE VILLAGE IN MK INGA DISTR ICT TANGA 20 10/20 11 485,376,76 1.00 YES l'roje..:l Completion Ce11ilka1c COMPLETED issued 79 SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF GENERATOR FO R SONGEA RUVUMA 20 10/20 11 7,680,000,000.00 YES Project C ompletion Cenilica lc COMPLETED DI STRICT issued 80 ELECTR IFICAT ION OF B USIY A AND KI SIBA VILLAGES IN RIJNGWE MREYA 20 10/20 11 388,293,615.58 YES Projcd Completion Ccrtilicale C<>Ml'LETEf) DISTR ICT issued 81 MSAGINY A FOLK DEVELOPMENT COLLEGE RU KWA 20 11 /20 12 35,467,200.00 NO Trust Agcnl to Vcril;,, for COMPLETED issucncc of PCC 92 INSTALLATION OF SOLAR PV SYSTEM IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS RIJKWA 20 11 /2012 200,000.000.00 NO Trust Agent lo \I cril;,, for COMPLETED. AN D HEALTH FAC ILIT IES IN MPANDA DISTR ICT issucncc of PCC 96 ELECTR IFICATION OF M ISWE VI LLAGE PWAN I 20 11 /2012 32,376,000.00 Y ES Proje.:l Comp letion Cerlilicak C01\ll'LETED issued 97 ELECTR IFICATION OF KIND i MBA V ILLAGE RUVIJMA 20 11 /20 12 199.9 11 ,585 .60 YES PCC submitlcd to Project COMPLETED Developer - Trust Agent lo fo ll ow up 98 DEVELO PMENT OF SOLAR ENERGY DR I VEN IRRI GAT ION SYSTEM MO ROGORO 20 11 /20 12 29,670,500.00 YES Project Completion Certifica te COMPLETED FOR RURAL COMMUN ITY IN KI LOMBERO DI STRICT issued 99 INSTALLATION O F SOLA R SYSTEMS IN 8 SECO N DARY SC IIOO LS ARllS HA 20 11 /20 12 120.000,000.00 NO Projecl \l as -:0 111 ple1ed in 20 1-1 COt-. l PI.ETED AN D 6 DISP E SAR IE S AT MB LU DI ST RICT bul wa s don.: not as per lh c scope. The Trusl Ag.:nl re-:0 111111 cnded o REA to writ e a k ll er to Proj ect Dew lo per a bout violati on o i'th c s-:opc ol' works a nd make rclhnd o f' TZS 16.1 -1 5. 1:l7 .28 being unutili zed ba lancM PI.ET ED. S ECO NDA RY SC HOOLS AN D TWO BOA RDING PR IMARY SC II OOLS issu~xl IN MON DULI DIST RI CT 106 TR AJN ING AN D INSTALLAT ION O F W IN D T UR RI NE AT MAJ: INGA IRI NGA 20 11 /20 12 YES Proje-:1 Compldion Cerlili ca te COt-. l PLETED LUT HERAN CH RC H issu~xl 107 INSTALLAT ION O F SOLAR PV SYSTEM IN S ECON DARY SCH OO LS , RUKW A 20 11 /20 12 789.663.7 16.00 NO Work Com plelion Ce1 1ifical es COt-. lPL ET ED II EA LTJ-1 FAC ILI T IES AN D STAFF Q UARTERS I ' MP DA DI STRI CT ,u1 s prepared and sub mill ed lo lh e devel o per. T he Trusl . \ genl is l'o ll o \\ in g up. 108 El .ECT R! FICAT ION OF Kll3AONI VILLAG E RUKWA 20 11 /20 12 65,336,495.00 YES Proj ccl Compl elion Cerlilica le COt-. l PLET ED issut-. JPLETED SCIIOOL th.: Trust . \ gent for issuence or PCC 2 18 TRAINING BY CDT! AN D FDC COLLEGES ON ENERG Y ISSUES IN TANZ AN IA 2014120 15 47,924.000.00 NO O N PROGRESS O N PROGRESS MAINLAND 2 19 FINANC IAL SUP PORT TO COMPLETE 0.5 MW MBANGAMAO SMALL RUVUMA 20 14120 15 NO Project Compktion Certi licak COt\ lP LETED II YDRO POW ER PROJ ECT BY DOYA issu~ 220 CATHOLIC DIOCESE OF KIGOM A - FINANC IAL SUPPORT TO KIGOM A 2014120 15 330.000.000.00 NO O N PROGRESS O N PR 238 WI ND-SOLAJ< HYBRID MICRO GRID ELECTRIFIC ATION- MANY ARA 2014120 15 232 , 170.000.00 NO O N PROG RESS O N PIWG R ESS SOLL T ION FOR RURAL VILLAG E DEV ELOPMENT I BAB AT ! DISTRICT - LRTC 2014 - LUCAS- EMS 219 MINI-GR ID INSTALLAT IO N IN RUFIJI RURAL AJt-. ll'L ET ED FAC ILIT IES IN BA Hi MBOZ I & KA S I-LOT A-R ESCO MB EY A & the Trust . \ ge n! for is sue nee of Rl JKW A PCC 269 co STR UCT IO OF 11 KM OF 150 SQ. M 1 - KIGOM A -S ENGER EM A KIGOM A 20 16/20 17 429.208.300.00 NO T .\N ESC O pl .,ase provide proj ect O N PRO G RESS ENGi EE R.I GGRO P LTD progr-,ss for T ru st . \ gen! li na l w ri licati on l'or issu-,ncc o l' PCC 270 INSTALLAT IO N OF SOLAR PV SYSTEMS TO HEALTH FAC ILITIES, SONG EA 20 16/20 17 1,095,709 .260.00 NO O N PROG RES S O N PROGR ESS S ECO D A RY SC HOOLS, STAF F HO U SES AN D W ARD O FFICE S IN so G EA DISTRICT CO UNC IL 27 1 PRO VIS ION OF LPG TO RU RAL AN D S U B URB AN T ANZ AN IAN S O N S AM E, S INGID A 20 16/20 17 7.62 6,000 .00 NO Fina l Vcrili catio n to he done b y C O M 1'1 .1·: TE D REA i IT IAT IVE I S A M E. S INGIDA & M PW A PW A -O RYX G AS & MPW AJ>W A the T rust . \ g-, nt for issucncc ol' T z IA LTD l'CC 272 PRO VIS IO N O F LPG T O RU RAL AN D SU B URB AN T ANZ AN IAN S O N DODOM A, 20 16/20 17 I 4.600.000 .00 NO Fina l Vcrili cation to he d one by COt\ 11'1,ETE D REA i IT IATIVE I DODO MA. SI GIDA AN D G E IT A - M ill G AS SI NGID A & th e T rust . \ gent for issucncc or CO 1PA Y LTD G EITA PCC 27:l PR E FEA SIB ILITY ST UD Y FOR NY OM A FALLS S MALL UJ D EW A- 20 16/20 17 11 6.640,000 .00 NO Fina I V-,ri Ii cat io n to he done by C O t\ 11'1.ET ED I IY D ROPOWER PROJ ECT , LA KE NY AS A BAS IN - M IC I IE LE REOLO N NJOM BE th "' Trust .\ gc nl lo r issue nc" of PCC 274 CO NS ULTANC Y SE R VICE S FOR SSM P2 PRO J ECT - AR U S H A 20 16/20 17 26 7. 746 .9 10 .85 NO O N PIWGR ESS O N PIHXiRES S T EC H IC A L CO LL EG E 275 CONS ULTANC Y S E R VIC ES FO R EN G INEERI NG ASS ESSM ENT 20 16/20 17 15 1. 753.202 .20 N O O N l'RO( iRESS O N PR