Cambodia Country Partnership Framework Chair Summary* Executive Directors discussed the joint IDA/IFC/MIGA Country Partnership Framework for Cambodia for the period FY19-23 and endorsed the focus areas and cross-cutting theme of strengthening institutions, governance and citizen's engagement as a critical area that should be integrated into all WBG activities and monitored. Directors supported the strong focus on human capital development and infrastructure and welcomed deeper policy dialogue and interventions in areas like digital economy, skills, climate and reinforcing resilience to natural disasters. They encouraged efforts to diversify the economy and the sources of FDIs and maintaining a continued focus on access to quality education and health and nutrition services. Directors noted Cambodia's track record of sustained pro-poor growth and encouraged the Bank to draw lessons and use the CPF to help position Cambodia towards a more diversified economy with an improved business environment and focus on poverty reduction. They encouraged investment on skills- based jobs with a special focus on women. Several Directors raised concerns about Cambodia's governance challenges, institutional capacity and constrained space for civil society. Directors underscored the need for reforms and the importance of integrating measures for government transparency and accountability, as well as citizens' participation, into all WBG operations. They also supported the strengthening of public sector management and enhanced domestic resource mobilization to meet fiscal challenges. They suggested to maintain flexibility on instrument use, such as DPLs and PforRs, throughout the CPF implementation. Finally, Directors encouraged IFC, MIGA and IDA to deepen the collaboration for capital market and private sector development, making use of PSW and other innovative financing options. *The Summary is not an approved record