Rl[,~B[,,[C OF[ KE NYA FFICE OF THE AUDITOR-GENERAL REPORT OF THE AUDITOR-GENERAL ON THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OF NATIONAL URBAN TRANSPORT IMPROVEMENT PROJECT- IDA CREDIT NO.5140 (MOT COMPONENT) FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2017 STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT 一一----一一~細一一-馴,獰~→ 參 顱黠_f淡、必,叮 擊r各j,&‘矗靈搬邊遼f方 ,語訕一 亂嚥衫斤‘“絨中為吁 、一、;、T蘆入奮PR6:匹、汙PROJ至(_&T 糼獸A二不亡夜‘方歹:&\ 、f_·面訕_攤疇衢ANT、緬_攻F乃I一馴、才·?邢R一丰一萬,亂 ,一彎聲一,~雙一一,一-,-―一,一~二-一--- --二亡爍豐變墾豐墾 九NN權----一潤)r疊X勾州p、,、、騷f,、抑:-一 F覓-一l’一髡L丫LA翼LN墾r髒 、;肛)、1雜17 糧 i 〕一__ }一訕一-,豐,甲豐整,,豐納,,竺,,,,~-~r一______ ir。、,一一―一-&’里鉀甩豐聖,~介啞竺,,.闔•驢■“.一_ !·L·黠絀〕麩不。r了g`二、!,,一一~他,b,暨,網-•團 11`亡丰'‘了豐f;’〔〝邊咸L州馱A了。去 }&&k:'。,「、·!、一以以‘& !r,訕、州r‘「一,&&,戶',、、淤 � , � � _ - . �ir " _ „ , �. !� _ _ _ __ _ _. __ __ _ � . __' - . . . • , . . � 1 ..?�. . � . п к , , _ ... . . � , � ' . . - ..�.. t . . � .. . ,. . ... � . . i.._, ~ .......... .................... ........................... ............L+ � �. � . � � ., . � � к ; , . . ._. х � - Э� . . „ � -� . � >��г , �� - . . � ��. . ..tAl.... �� r. .._ ... х �, �, . -_ .. н ..i ii .м.I .,4 _ ." . . _�� . . . � '. v ........................ ................. .............�1.',.. �.., г . _. .. �. *. 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Compýirab1 e RA: 1i3,011 - )0,000 Pecý,ipts fFými loin from Ex--rri.ý1 Miscýýlbneous rt,c.liptý LiO tlie ba ln )19 .36,545, Co rrl p c, i i cý f ->f ý;ýDOds al id Tra i i f Lý is 'o 0'h e i h i- G.ý n t social curity A,-qui5ition -,f Gý-)vernfriýýfit l)th ýr payll"ents Be li f., t Non-f-InArici-ý1 Asýpt.s amt and ensur. n ha thise cotiu tob effetive roghut the reprting eid;(ii anam rper accou~nm rec wen dsclose wth reasonable accuracyv ats a nim the n iapstonath Prot; < dsgng implementing and min taitning m ternal controls jrm maera misaemsents, whe ueto error or fraus x safeguardinge the asse'softh 5mates.Ii that e z reasnable mi the crc uanes. ne snn pa Secretry 'a l' e Mmtr on ransnort and! Infstructure and~ the Pret Canelxr TR]I'.P prjc accept responsibilit fo -the Project's fiana staternents. whibch have been pr-enared ori NiTIlP projec are of the5 p inio tha he Proect's financt' stat'emens give a true and fair iewo the stte of Projecs tras aton duting th atnicat rperiod endeed June 30, 2017, an of the lxii siana pso as ittadt h Principal Scretayi Transpot and hirastructure and he Pro ec Coordi'ator fo NURIP prjc furher confirm; the icpetness of the accouisntirue recoards ti: M'rth' ro ac,inc ha' e be relid upon in teprarato of the Project finatnial >tateens aswe s auqacu tesytmso sitral finaial. cntro nse Princispa Secretarys' fo th Mnistri of Tra nsrt and Infra' structuesn the Project Coordi nar 'for NUTRIP' project conItm~ that the Protie,sa ae oonlIed !Oi1' s i crrnem eutauons and the terms' of externsa! ktisacing co enants, and that Project funs ' received diurinse the finsancial year/per iod under audt were: u.sd for' the eligible purpaoses for wichx1 they wiere intettd ed antd wsere ptroperly accoue fo Appsro is u tne 1i rtject financial stateents The1 Pojet'fiantial '.saement~ ss ppoed by the Pris na Secretaryv for the inistr of tie isu ry ranprt &lnrast"ruture asd thse P3roject Coo(rdnator far NUTRIP projeet on - ' 2017 and sgned by. thetm. ~rnsctra cetary Pr eet kloo.rdinator Project Accoiuntant: Name Name ' Namse i-''-'- '- ICPAK Mo`nt S ta i 11,ý, Ni). oll thL NIýiiii-,cizlrlt C.,! t i c cor.Innellt,; I å kl (i i - --- ------ ------- ------- ---- - - d州團••開•.闔••••淤.馴一 憂黝 :一黑此汰一’_二_方·_!谿_:上_、話濺兀么 霎`以 ~一一一~一一一一一一心一一一 -一一一一一--一---一_- ! 一、:、一__-一一他丰__一 :·l 一_―一 、、一-一兀-一一---一-一----一一一---」!!1洲 一么一-一一神一一一、―一么--一 上上上:二二---一_一’么生-一二斗認么=鄙→J轟一 口一汗二于他_上上上三 N離t。︰ 糅盒;c。-一t !、‘-- !蠱 - - ------- - ....... 0 p 2 n i nur Co ",Z t i-, N C11)",ýný_ý Coýt (K-S il kS 2ý) 16/ 17 -2 o 16 l 7 0 t f)"" 17 (d i n", 2,224,350 2, 2 2 4,3 -5 0