SuStainable Development unit n latin ameRiCa anD tHe CaRibbean 70108 Disaster Risk Management in Latin America and the Caribbean Region: GFDRR Country Notes Bolivia BOLIVIA COUNTRIES AT HIGH ECONOMIC RISK FROM MULTIPLE HAZARDS (Top 33 based on GDP with 3 or more hazards)a 1. Taiwan, China 2. Dominican Republic 3. Jamaica 4. El Salvador 5. Guatemala 8. Costa Rica 10.Colombia 12.Chile 15.Barbados 18.Ecuador 20.Peru 24.Honduras 27.Mexico 32. BolIVIA 33.United States a Dilley et al. (2005). Table 7.2. Bolivia is exposed to a particular set of climatological characteristics that include specific rain, hail, frost, humidity, wind, and pressure patterns. Belize Belize BOLIVIA Natural Disasters from 1980 - 2008b 600,000 Affected People Economic Damages 500,000 Disaster Date 1%Affected (Number of People) Disaster 400,000 Date Cost (US$ x 1,000) Drought 1983 1,583,049 Drought 1983 500,000 Drought 1983 1,500,000 300,000 Flood 2007 500,000 99% Flood 2007 485,000 Drought 1983 417,200 200,000 Flood 2001 357,250 Flood 1982 400,000 Flood 2007 339,495 100,000 mov. wet 1992 Mass 400,000 Flood 1986 310,000 Flood 2001 121,000 0 Drought 1990 283,160 Flood 1992 100,000 Storm Flood 1997 Storm 190,000 Flood Flood 1992 100,000 Mass mov. wet 1994 165,000 Flood 2002 100,000 Flood 2006 126,096 Flood 2007 90,000 Statistics by Disaster Typeb Bolivia Population Affected by Disaster Type Economic Damages / Disaster Type (1000s US$) 2,000,000 1,500,000 3% 61% 1,000,000 36% 500,000 0 Drought Flood Mass mov. wet Drought Flood Mass mov. wet Bolivia Relative Vulnerability and Risk Indicatorsc Dominica Major Disaster Impact (2000) 100 250,000 Lack of Resilience (2007) 50 200,000 Local Events (2006-8) 150,000 100% 0 100,000 50,000 Socio-economic Fragility (2007) Risk Management Index (2008) 0 Storm Storm LCR 17 Average Exposure & Physical Susceptibility Bolivia Dominican Republic (2007) b UN (2009). Source data from EM-DAT. Data displayed does not imply 3,000,000 national endorsement. c Relative Vulnerability and risk Indicators are adapted from IADB-IDEA-ERN (2009). Values are normalized on scale of 0 – 100 and presented against the 2,500,000 average for 17 LCR countries. Major disaster Impact taken from disaster deficit Index: the ratio of economic losses which a country could suffer during 55% 2,000,000 a Maximum Considered event and its economic resilience. Local events taken from Local disaster Index: the propensity of a country to experience recur- rent, small-scale disasters and their cumulative impact on local development. risk Management Index is presented as the negative (i.e. 0 = optimal, 100 1,500,000 = incipient) of IADB’s risk Management Index: measures a country’s risk management capability in (i) risk identification, (ii) risk reduction, (iii) disaster management, and (iv) financial protection. resilience, Fragility and exposure are taken from the component indices of Prevalent Vulnerability Index. Date 1,000,000 45% for local event data depends on information available for each country. Data, and the respective LCR 17 average, from 2000 is used for Dominican Re- Dominica 500,000 public, El Salvador, Guatemala, Jamaica and Nicaragua. Data, and the respective LCR 17 average, from 2006-08 is used for Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Panama and Peru. All LCR 17 averages are calculated based on available data. 0 Flood Storm 103 Flood Storm Disaster Risk Management in Latin America and the Caribbean Region: GFDRR Country Notes DISASTeR RISk pRoFIle while other regions of the country experience scarcity of rain that causes prolonged drought. Bolivia has the 32nd highest economic risk Due to the mountainous nature of these high areas exposure to three or more hazards, according in Bolivia, intense rains are associated with mass to the Natural Disaster Hotspot study2 by the movements, including landslides and river floods. World Bank. Bolivia is exposed to significant hazards During the dry season, controlled burning is done; due to its geographic and hydrometeorological however, due to the lack of appropriate measures characteristics combined with the vulnerability of and protocols and because of climatic conditions, its population and infrastructure. During the past controlled burning often creates forest fires that reach three years, the country has experienced a series of large areas and pose a risk to local populations. emergencies caused by floods, frosts, hail storms, Regional events like El Niño and La Niña also droughts, landslides, and mudslides. contribute to such floods and droughts in Bolivia. In recent years, the intensified frequency and impact of these events have shown signs of climate change and longer-term repercussions. geological Hazards The geographic configuration of the Bolivia is geographically diverse, with high plateau territory shows a long history of seismic (altiplano) zones of altitudes reaching more than 3,000 movements associated with major faults meters above sea level, middle-elevation valleys, and and the consequences of important events in tropical plains. These geological conditions offer a other countries, such as Chile and Peru. The diversity of temperatures and microclimates throughout the geomorphologic configuration of certain areas country’s 1,158,742 square kilometers. This geographic increases the risk conditions for liquefactions3 due mix has given rise to the formation of basins that cover to possible seismic movements. most of Bolivia’s territory, with some of the basins shaping and feeding into important regional basins. exposure and Vulnerability Major Natural Hazards The levels of vulnerability in Bolivia have substantially increased as a result of Bolivia is exposed to a particular set of deepening poverty factors combined with the climatological characteristics that include repeated succession of adverse natural events specific rain, hail, frost, humidity, wind, and in the same regions. Estimated losses in these pressure patterns. This is because Bolivia is located lower-income regions range between 4-6% of in the inter-tropical zone, influenced by warm and cold the country’s gross domestic product. Due to the winds coming from the west and the cold masses from level of poverty, the associated vulnerability of the the altiplano and the Andes range. population, and inadequate basic infrastructure, Bolivia is highly vulnerable to potential hazards. extreme rainfall in certain parts of Bolivia According to an Inter-American Development causes the consistent overflow of river basins Bank (IADB) study, “Bolivia presents a high risk, 2 Dilley et al. (2005). Table 7.2. 3 Liquefaction: “The behavior of soils that, when loaded, suddenly go from a solid state to a liquefied state, or having the consistency of a heavy liquid. Liquefaction is more likely to occur in loose to moderate saturated granular soils with poor drainage.� (Wikipedia 2010). 104 boLiviA particularly in cases of events of low probability and and the duration of the rainy or dry seasons, are high consequences.�4 not being included in planning processes in Bolivia, resulting in increased limitations of the population’s Industries and the general population are deeply food security, health conditions, and access to affected by adverse natural events, with 40% of basic services. the population working in agriculture, 12% in industry, and 49% in the service sector.5 The estimated population of Bolivia in 2009 was 10,227,299, of which 66% lived in urban areas and 34% lived in Recent Disasters and Tendencies rural areas. 62% of the indigenous population lives in urban areas and 38% lives in rural areas. In 2006, In the past few years, Bolivia has suffered the the extreme poverty rate was 23% in urban areas and consequences of adverse natural events such 62% in rural areas.6 as el Niño and la Niña and has consequently experienced significant losses. As calculated by The rural sector remains the most vulnerable, the Economic Commission for Latin America and especially in its productive activities the Caribbean (ECLAC), the losses amounted to (agriculture and livestock) and transportation. US$379.9 million in 2006–2007 (3.28% of GDP for Subsistence agricultural activities are most 2006) and US$757.5 million for the events registered exposed to risk, endangering food security and in 2007–08 (5.72% of GDP for 2007). ECLAC nutritional levels of most of the rural population also maintains that the La Niña event of 2007–08 (ECLAC 20087). Due to the high rates of extreme deepened residential vulnerability, especially in poverty in rural areas, the capacity of resilience families with income sources dependent on natural among the rural population is minimal, increasing conditions (such as agriculture).7 the possibility that each emergency will deepen poverty levels and migration to urban areas will The events of 2005, 2006, and 2007 affected continue to increase. It is important to note that an average of 45 municipalities, approximately urban areas also lack regulations related to the 14% of the country, and a total of 34 quality of construction and formal mechanisms to municipalities were affected repeatedly during enforce building codes, especially in housing and the same three consecutive years. The average infrastructure for basic services. number of people affected repeatedly by adverse natural events was close to 500,000. Because of the The consequences of climate variability and magnitude of these events, the national government climate change are evident in events such as sought international assistance that mobilized rainfall and droughts, which have significantly around US$40 million in cash, in addition to in- increased in frequency and intensity. Combined kind support and humanitarian aid. From October with high levels of vulnerability, these occurrences 2009 to July 2010, the government had to declare a cause costly damage and losses. These new national emergency due to floods, drought and river parameters, such as the amount of precipitation contaminations five times. 4 Cardona (2008:34). 5 Ibid. 6 Ibid. 7 ECLAC (2008). 105 Disaster Risk Management in Latin America and the Caribbean Region: GFDRR Country Notes DISASTeR RISk MANAgeMeNT between the Ministries of Development Planning and FRAMeWoRk of Defense. The Ministry of Planning is responsible for prevention, mitigation, and reconstruction, while the progress in the implementation of the Ministry of Defense is responsible for response and Hyogo Framework for Action in Bolivia is rehabilitation. This situation has limited the possibility generally limited, with scant coordination and of comprehensive action at the national level. action toward comprehensive disaster risk management.8 As indicated in the conclusions The entry into effect of the new National political of a regional study by the IADB that calculated the Constitution presents an opportunity to improve evolution of the Risk Management Indicators in upon the legal framework and mainstream different countries in the region between 1980 and DRM into the development planning process by 2000, “Bolivia shows very little progress on the topic clarifying requirements and enforcing additional of risk management, which is illustrated in the IGR rules. By incorporating DRM into the sectoral and [Risk Management Index]�. Bolivia was described territorial planning processes, Bolivia can greatly as the lowest among the 12 countries of Central and advance DRM efforts and long-term development South America; in 2008, there was a small shift to the impact. Although there has been some progress at 11th position. the departmental and municipal levels, this progress was achieved through technical assistance projects The government structures at the national and supported by non-governmental organizations in subnational levels do not have risk reduction response to recent emergencies. Efforts need to be policies, strategies, or the institutional capacity made to overcome the coordination and communication to implement them. While there is a participatory and issues among the national government’s agencies concurrent system of planning, the lack of guidelines, responsible for DRM and the central government methodologies, and supervision for the inclusion of and its subnational counterparts. The Autonomies items associated with disaster risk limits the possibility Law (No. 031, July 2010) defines risk management for prevention and mitigation actions. The levels of responsibilities at the Departmental and Municipal exposure to risk are deepened by factors such as level (including the Native Indigenous Autonomies). It the lack of territorial planning and urban settlement policies, manifested through inappropriate land use and assigns responsibilities to authorities and the allocation overexploitation of environmental resources. of resources. This framework will contribute to reducing the vulnerability and impact of disasters. The specific legal framework provided by the law for Risk Reduction and Response to Climate change has not been considered in Disasters or emergencies enacted in 2000 the current planning models in Bolivia, although (law No. 2140, 2000) has implementation some climate change initiatives and relevant funding and coordination problems among the different mechanisms could be applied to maximize synergies executive branch agencies responsible for DRM with DRM activities. Climatic factors and subsequent activities (that is, the presidency and ministries), consequences must be considered in the context of creating conflicts of responsibility and function DRM and Bolivia’s sustainable development. 8 National Report about the Progress in the Implementation of the Hyogo Framework for Action, Bolivia, 2008. 106 boLiviA International donor organizations and other The current rules state that the Ministry of non-governmental organizations continue Development planning is responsible for the to play a critical role in DRM and emergency tasks of risk reduction (prevention, mitigation, response in Bolivia. This set of experts and and reconstruction), and the Ministry of Defense resources has been instrumental in reducing the loss is responsible for the response (response and of human life due to natural catastrophes and man- recovery). The different rules for these executive made disasters; however, it is a fundamental role of powers and the definition of the functions and the government to provide strong leadership within responsibilities among the two ministries have created its legal and institutional framework and to commit confusion and contradictions that have substantially the necessary human and financial resources to complicated compliance with the rules and have remove the causes of risk, minimize exposure of the thereby hindered DRM activities. population as a whole, and protect vulnerable groups. Since October 2009, the donors and international The new regulatory framework strengthens cooperation started organizing the DRM Subgroup the disaster risk management at the national under the group of Environment, depending on the level. The organization of the Executive Power Group of Partners for Development of Bolivia (GruS or (Decreto Supremo 29894, February 2009) defines Grupo de Socios para el Desarrollo de Bolivia). risk management responsibilities for five ministries: Development Planning, Environment and Water, Rural Development and Land, Health, and Public Services, besides the Ministry of Defense in coordination with ACTIVITIeS UNDeR THe Hyogo the Vice-Ministry of Civil Defense (VIDECI). This new FRAMeWoRk FoR ACTIoN regulation will support institutional development with a sectoral vision. To date, the country has lacked policy and Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA) specific risk management strategies at the Priority #1: policy, institutional capacity national, subnational, and sectoral levels. and consensus building for disaster risk In specific circumstances and in response to the management possibility of the impact of El Niño and La Niña, the government approved contingency plans with specific The National System of Risk Reduction and protocols for each emergency. Although the current Disaster Response (SISRADe) was created based government presented the National Development Plan on the law for Risk Reduction and Response in 2006, “To Live Well 2006–2010,� which included to Disasters or emergencies enacted in 2000 specific guidelines for risk reduction and emergency (law No. 2140, 2000). The SISRADE is composed response, much work remains to be done to effectively of the National Council of Risk Reduction and Disaster implement DRM activities in Bolivia. Because of Response (CONARADE), headed by the President of the need to update the legal framework, several the Republic. Over the years, different sectoral ministries initiatives were carried out within the executive and have joined the system and, at present, 11 ministries are legislative powers in 2008. The Defense Committee represented.9 The Technical Secretariat of CONARADE of the Congress conducted a study of municipalities is run by the Vice-Ministry of Civil Defense (VIDECI), and prefectures affected by disasters to identify the under the Ministry of Defense. strengths and weaknesses of the current rules. This 9 Ministries of Agriculture and Rural Development; Finance; Interior (Ministerio de Gobierno); Development Planning; National Defense; Water; Education and Culture; the Presidency; Ministry of Works, Services and Housing; Health and Sports; and Production and Micro-Enterprise. 107 Disaster Risk Management in Latin America and the Caribbean Region: GFDRR Country Notes Titicaca Lake, Bolivia committee then presented a proposal for consideration A Fund for Risk Reduction and Disaster and to the executive authorities that needs to be acted upon. emergency Services was created to complement the rules established by law No. 2140, but the At the subnational (departmental and municipal) Fund has not yet been implemented. This has levels, the responsibility for risk reduction limited risk reduction efforts and disaster response at and response are the responsibility of the the national, departmental, and municipal levels. The gubernators (formerly prefectos) and mayors, lack of capitalization has forced the government to respectively. At these levels, the implementation of assign special, and generally limited, amounts to the some actions and strengthening of programs have financing of disaster response, while creating ad hoc been possible; however, the coordination among recovery funds that have had limited implementation. these three levels continues to be very limited and inadequate resources minimize the possibility of In the Andean region, the implementation effectively managing DRM activities. International of an initiative called ‘Disaster prevention cooperation has strengthened programs by providing in the Andean Community’, referred to as equipment and building capacity at various national-, pReDeCAN10, has made important strides in the departmental-, and municipal-level institutions. The development of coordination mechanisms and intended impact has not yet been achieved due to platforms of agreement on the definition of national high staff turnover in public institutions and a lack of risk management policies and strategies. This initiative compliance to organizational responsibilities for risk also includes the creation of the virtual disaster library management activities. (BiVa-Pad) that compiles the institutional memory of 10 108 boLiviA documents on specific topics and the implementation Amazon Navigation Improvement Service (SEMENA) of DesInventar as a historical registry of minor and in Santa Cruz de la Sierra and Beni, respectively. medium disasters. These systems provide information about the water levels of major rivers and issue relevant warnings. The Municipality of la paz is currently HFA priority #2: Disaster risk assessment implementing an early warning system for floods and monitoring and landslides for three river basins. Using state-of- the-art technology (telemetry), the municipality is trying The monitoring and tracking of seismic, to establish a monitoring system of the major rivers meteorological, and hydrometeorological in the city and any changes in the conditions of the hazards have been strengthened in the past landslide-prone areas. The project is still in its infancy. year, as has the implementation of the early warning systems for local and regional floods. Important efforts have been made in the implementation of the National Information System for Risk Management (SINAGER). HFA Priority #3: Use of knowledge, These initial efforts resulted in the creation of a virtual innovation, and education to build a library and event database, DesInventar.11 culture of safety and resilience at all levels The identification and monitoring of the The initiatives to create risk management different hazards in Bolivia is carried out by information systems in Bolivia have been national agencies. The National Meteorology and promoted by programs and projects since the Hydrology Service (SENAMHI)12 is responsible for enactment of law No. 2140. Currently, PREDECAN monitoring meteorological and hydrological conditions is strengthening the National Information System for Risk throughout the country. SENAMHI, with its network Management (SINAGER) through VIDECI. The most of monitoring stations, is the agency responsible for important initiative and information source is the Andean collecting and analyzing information, forecasting, and virtual library for disaster prevention and response14 that issuing warnings. Starting in 2008, SENAMHI has forms a nationwide network of information centers and received funding to expand its network and improve libraries in each of the five Andean countries. Also, the its technical capacity for analysis and dissemination San Calixto Observatory monitors and disseminates of hydrometeorological information. SENAMHI is part reports on seismic activity in Bolivia. of a network of agencies that provide information to the International Center for Research on the El Niño The inclusion of risk management topics in Phenomenon (CIIFEN)13 in Ecuador. school curricula at the national level is in its infancy. However, at the local level, and in light Based on departmental initiatives, systems have of the different hazards, some education systems been formed to monitor watersheds and rivers, have included topics such as contingency plans primarily in the country’s eastern region. Examples of and preventive measures. These initiatives are partly services that stand out include the Piraí River Water projects and programs implemented by NGOs or Channeling and Regulation Service (SEARPI) and the programs with international financing. At the post- 11 12 13 14 109 Disaster Risk Management in Latin America and the Caribbean Region: GFDRR Country Notes secondary level, disaster risk management topics have and by managing water resources, while improving not been included as part of graduate-level training. At agricultural and livestock production. the post-graduate level, the Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar has been implementing an academic program given the continuous emergencies occurring in Management for Risk Reduction and Disaster in the eastern region, early warning systems Response since 2002. and contingency plans have been strengthened and improved. These systems are located around the basins of the main tributaries of the Amazon. The development of contingency plans has an institutional HFA Priority #4: Reduction of the perspective, loosely integrated among the different underlying risk factors (reduction of sectors and even less so among the national, exposure and vulnerability and increase of departmental, and municipal levels. resilience) Although the legislation mandates the inclusion little progress has been noted in the structural, of budget line items for risk reduction and comprehensive, and sustainable reduction of emergency response activities, the Bolivian the existing vulnerabilities. Most of the actions government has no policy in place for the were developed in response to actual emergencies, management of financial resources designated and in some cases for the recovery or reconstruction for risk management. Compliance is not monitored of damaged infrastructure. In the absence of a by the responsible agency even though directives national policy and strategy for risk management, established that national resources shall be used to in some instances, key sectors have taken isolated, support departmental, local, and sectoral initiatives. unsustainable actions to reduce existing vulnerability. Diversification strategies or the transfer of contingent liabilities have not yet been considered. public investment related to risk and disasters is oriented toward mitigation of events like floods In Bolivia, municipalities lack the capacity or droughts. Resources are directed to containment to enforce urban development regulations, or diversion of river elevations and the drilling or hindering effective and sound land use rehabilitation of wells in case of droughts. In relation to management. The norms concerning planning and protection and retrofitting of civil works, the investment land use management have been in place for several has been minimal and insufficient to confront the level of vulnerability and exposure. years, but only few departments and municipalities have completed their zoning plans. As a result, in rural Following from emergency response, some areas, settlements and productive activities are being projects have been implemented to compile developed near river banks; meanwhile, in the cities, cultural knowledge of risk reduction. In this unplanned settlements become legalized over time way, a number of ancient practices were recovered, when municipalities start providing utility services. such as those of the Suka-Kollus around Lake With regard to specific norms for risk reduction, Titicaca, and the combination of community practices the country does not have building codes aimed with technical knowledge on hydrological risk to increase resistance to earthquakes or any other management at the headwaters of the Río Grande hazards. Such efforts have proven very effective in basin in northern Potosí. These initiatives have DRM and need to be applied and adequately enforced helped reduce vulnerability by protecting watersheds in Bolivia. 110 boLiviA HFA Priority #5: Disaster preparedness, emergency response is repeatedly faced recovery and reconstruction at national, with the lack of protocols and standards regional, and local levels for sectoral actions and for territorial coordination (at the national, departmental, The VIDeCI is the agency responsible for and municipal levels). This results in problems national-level preparedness and response of information management and slow identification actions. As a result of the controversy created of effective and efficient humanitarian response between the Ministries of Defense and Planning actions. The mere establishment of Emergency over the distribution of respective responsibilities for Operation Centers does not effectively contribute recovery and reconstruction activities, there are still to the development of information exchange and a number of programs and allocated resources that circulation mechanisms, nor does this ensure the need to be activated in response to emergencies that coordination of actions. However, the coordination occurred more than two years ago. mechanisms for international cooperation have been strengthened through the United Nations System According to the principle of subsidiarity in recent years, in particular through the expanded established in the legal framework, mayors United Nations Emergency Team. At the national and gubernators are responsible for the level, there have been efforts to implement sectoral initial response actions, to the extent of their coordination with the establishment of coordination capabilities. Given the prevalence of limited local commissions and information management to capacity, intervention by the national level is frequently provide humanitarian assistance. required, resulting in the slow coordination process for the distribution of humanitarian assistance and duplicated coordination mechanisms. Bolivia’s “existing capabilities, in terms of equipment and supplies needed for response to a disaster, are highly inadequate and in urgent need of being strengthened,� as indicated by the United Nations Disaster Assessment and Coordination/ Office of Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNDAC/ Although the legislation mandates OCHA)15 team, which conducted an evaluation of the the inclusion of budget line items country’s capacity for disaster response in March 2007. The limited availability of resources allocated by the for risk reduction and emergency government to disaster response leads to dependency response activities, the Bolivian on international cooperation agencies for resources Government has no policy in place and technical support. That being said, Law No. 2140 stipulates the implementation of financial mechanisms for the management of financial (FORADE) that will allow for reversing this situation, and resources designated for risk that must be activated as soon as possible.16 management. 15 Coordination and Evaluation Team of the Office of Coordination of Humanitarian Matters. 16 Report of the UNDAC Mission to Bolivia, p. 6. 111 Disaster Risk Management in Latin America and the Caribbean Region: GFDRR Country Notes key DoNoR eNgAgeMeNTS Allocated existing projects with Donors and Funding Agency / Budget and period HFA Activity International Financial Institutions International partners (US$) Area(s) Emergency Recovery and Disaster World Bank 16.9 million 1, 4 Management Project (including 2008-2012 additional financing of US$4.4 million that is yet to become effective) Technical assistance to strengthen World Bank 360,000 1, 3, 4, 5 Bolivia’s Disaster Risk Reduction 2007-2011 Framework Mainstreaming Adaptive River Defense World Bank 427,000 1, 2, 4 for Huayhuasi & El Palomar Settlements 2007-2010 Hazard Risk Management CAF 75 million 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Technical assistance to the Ministry UNDP (Crisis Prevention 1,388,923 1, 2, 3, 4 of Development Planning for the Recovery Disaster 2007-2011 formulation of policies and strategies for Reduction Unit) risk reduction and post-disaster recovery Spanish Agency for International Cooperation Assistance to the food security Italian Cooperation 2.6 million 5 2009-2010 Program of Risk Reduction (PRRD) - COSUDE 5 million 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Phase III 2010-2014 Program of Agriculture Development GTZ 3.3 million 4 Sustainable (PROAGR) 2008-2010 Food Assistance WFP 12 million 5 2009-2011 Disaster Preparedness Program European Commission not available 5 (DIPECHO), Version #6 – Support to prepare disaster response The Bolivia emergency Recovery and Disaster to future disasters. As of May 2010, 110 subprojects Management project (eRDM) includes a have been completed with the estimated number of rehabilitation, reconstruction, and small beneficiaries at 121,008. mitigation works component. In support of the implementation of the National Plan for Sustainable given Bolivia’s disaster risk profile and Rehabilitation and Reconstruction (PRRES), the A its existing framework for disaster risk Credit (P106449, 4377BO) for the Bolivia Emergency management, the key priority in Bolivia is to Recovery and Disaster Management Project (ERDM) institutionalize disaster risk management at project will contribute to restoring access to basic the sectoral and territorial levels. Strategic infrastructure for a portion of the affected population actions are needed in the following areas to enhance in five target regions, and to strengthening the disaster risk management in Bolivia: (i) strengthen Government’s ability at the national, sectoral, and institutional capacity for strategic planning and municipal levels throughout the country to respond coordination at sectoral and territorial levels, (ii) 112 boLiviA reduce vulnerability to adverse natural events at the Damage and loss Assessment of el Niño the local level, and (iii) develop a comprehensive 2009/2010 and the Reconstruction and Recovery risk assessment and monitoring capacity. The program. The assistance included training of around GFDRR is strengthening the SISRADE according 40 people in the ECLAC’s methodology and validated to the current norm and supports them to fulfill their the national version for future use. roles and responsibilities, supporting the country Strategic Agenda and institutional coordination. The opportunity to develop a Risk Assessment The support is provided to SENAMHI, OSC and platform will be revisited with the Bolivian the Ministries of Rural Development and Land, authorities. This approach will be similar to Health and Sports, Environment and Water, and the ongoing effort in Central America under the Civil Defense in order to improve their knowledge of Probabilistic Risk Assessment initiative referred to as natural hazards and prepare the National Program of CAPRA.17 This initiative to help countries identify and DRM for the next ten years. assess risk in a comprehensive manner would raise disaster risk awareness and contribute to increased Under the leadership of VIDeCI, the gFDRR resilience in Bolivia. and eClAC have provided support to prepare 17 113 Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery 1818 H Street, NW Washington, DC 20433, USA Telephone: 202-458-0268 E-mail: Facsimile: 202-522-3227 AUSTRALIA BAngLAdeSh BeLgIUM BRAZIL CAnAdA COLOMBIA denMARK FInLAnd FRAnCe geRMAnY hAITI IndIA IReLAnd ITALY JAPAn LUXeMBOURg MALAWI MeXICO The neTheRLAndS neW ZeALAnd nORWAY SAUdI ARABIA SenegAL SOUTh AFRICA SOUTh KOReA SPAIn SWeden SWITZeRLAnd TURKeY UnITed KIngdOM UnITed STATeS VIeTnAM YeMen Special thanks and appreciation are extended to the partners who support GFDRR’s work to protect livelihood and improve lives: ACP Secretariat, Australia, Bangladesh, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Denmark, European Commission, Finland, France, Germany, Haiti, India, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Malawi, Mexico, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom, United Nations Development Programme, United States, UN International Strategy for Disaster Reduction, Vietnam, the World Bank, and Yemen.