OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS AMENDMENT Structural To the Administration Agreement aU Reform z for Part II Europe 2020 Programmatic '. Support Single-Donor Trust Fund (No 072666) Service EC Contract No SRSS/S2016/015) t-Ge 1. The European Union, represented by the European Commission, (the "Donor"), represented for the purposes of signature of this amendment by Mary McCarthy, Director SRSS of the one part, and 2. The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, 17 Av. Marnix, 2nd Floor 1000 Bruxelles Belgium (the "Bank") represented for the purposes of signature of the Agreement by Arup Banerji, Regional Director European Union, on the other part, Having regard to the above-mentioned Administration Agreement signed on August 19, 2016. Whereas the Bank has requested the Donor to amend the above-mentioned Administrative Agreement for the following reason: the need to extend the project duration to allow the Greek authorities to continue to benefit from the technical assistance provided by the Bank while they are undergoing institutional reforms in the field of property registration and cadaster, in particular on issues related to the implementation of a Project Management Office by the National Cadastral and Mapping Agency to manage the remaining cadastral contracts. Moreover, the amendment takes the opportunity to update the deliverables to be provided based on developments during the implementation of the activities described in Annex 1 of the Administrative Agreement. Particularly, the preparation of quality assurance and acceptance procedures for the cadaster development contracts shows that deliverables A.3.1 and A.3.2 under Component A in Annex 1 to the Administration Agreement are not required. The review of the process and the supporting documentation for quality control/quality assurance_(QC/QA) found no elements in the QC/QA process that were deficient or superfluous and nothing was identified that would significantly reduce the identified skills gap in implementing QC/QA for the cadastral contracts. The review recommended that the QC/QA procedures not be substantially outsourced, but a range of steps could be undertaken to improve the implementations of the procedures. Moreover, the review concluded that it makes more sense to keep quality assurance of cadastre work under National Cadastral and Mapping Agency (NCMA). Justification of this conclusion was included in the Bank's report for deliverable A.3.1 under component A of Annex 1 to the Administration Agreement. The parties agreed that the report to be prepared under deliverable B. 1.1 was conducted as part of the initial reports on the roadmap and is therefore not a deliverable under Component B of the Annex 1 to the Administration Agreement. Also, the parties concluded that the report to be produced under deliverable B.1.2 under Component B of Annex 1 to the Administration Agreement is no longer required because of the fast pace of work on other key activities, including the Roadmap and the institutional structure of the new agency. Accordingly, deliverables A.3.1 and A.3.2 under Component A and deliverables B.1.1 and B.1.2 under Component B in Annex 1 to the Administration Agreement are hereby deleted and replaced by three new deliverables in relation to the Project Management Office (deliverable A.2.3 under Component A); a Corporate Strategy, Business Plan, and Human Resources Strategy for new land registry institution (deliverable B.1.4 under Component B) and a legal analysis and recommendations for simplification of relevant Greek legislation to faciliate compliance towards the European Union Directive INSPIRE (deliverable C.2.3 under Component C) as described in Annex 1 to the Administration Agreement. HAVE AGREED AS FOLLOWS: Article 1 Annex I "Description" to the Administration Agreement is replaced by the Annex 1 attached to this Administration Agreement Amendment. Article 2 Section 6.1 of the Annex 2 to the Administration Agreement is replaced by the following 6.1 It is expected that the funds deposited in the Trust Fund will be fully disbursed by the World Bank by July 31, 2018 (the "End Disbursement Date'). The Bank shall only disburse funds deposited in the Trust Fund for the purposes of this Administration Agreement (other than returns to Donor) after such date to the extent such date is changed in accordance with amendments made to the Administration Agreement(s) of the Donor. Following the End Disbursement Date, the Bank shall return any remaining balance of the Trust Fund to the Donor in the Holding Currency in the manner specifled in its respective Administration Agreement on a pro rata basis with regard to the total funds deposited in the Trust Fund by such Donor relative to the total funds deposited in the Trust Fund by the Donor, all calculated as Holding Currency amounts. Article 3 Annex 4 "Indicative Results Indicators for the updated Section 2 Activities" to the Administration Agreement is replaced by the Annex 4 attached to this Administration Agreement Amendment. Article 4 All the other provisions of the grant agreement shall remain unchanged. Article 5 The present amendment shall form an integral part of the grant agreement and it shall enter into force on the date on which it is signed by the last party. SIGNATURES For the Bank, For the Donor, Arup Banerji Mary McCarthy C Regional Director Director European Union O Structurai Indpict nneiorm S ji r eC ~Signature: Sevc Date: Date: 3 0 NOV. 2017 at-Ge In duplicate in English ANNEX 1 Part II Europe 2020 Programmatic Single-Donor Trust Fund Description This Annex shall be applicable to and form an integral part of the Administration Agreement for the Trust Fund between the Bank and the Donor. 1. Objectives The objectives of the Trust Fund are: The European Commission and the Bank share a common objective of building competitive and sustainable economies and reducing poverty and social exclusion - goals of the Europe 2020 Agenda which is built on three pillars of smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. The European Commission and the Bank concur that direct interaction is beneficial to both institutions and through them to the beneficiary countries. This applies particularly to the provision of analytical, advisory and knowledge services and technical assistance. The European Commission has expressed an interest in ensuring that the Bank continues to provide technical assistance in the framework of the Trust Fund in furtherance of the common objective set forth above. The European Commission has expressed an interest in ensuring that the Bank continues to provide technical assistance in the framework of the Trust Fund in furtherance of the common objective set forth above. 2. Activities The sub-objectives and description of activities are: The Structural Reform Support Service (SRSS) of the European Commission, within the framework 2020 Programmatic Single-Donor Trust Fund, has requested the Bank to provide technical assistance with the specific objective of assisting and supporting the Government of Greece (GoG) in its efforts to modernize and complete the Greek cadaster by 2020 and establish joint cadaster - property registry offices. With that purpose, the Bank will also give support to the Government of Greece by presenting feasible options for a functioning and effective National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI). The Activities (which may be described as "components" of activities) to be financed by the Trust Fund, in support of the objectives above, and of which the Bank has implementation responsibility, are described below. Land administration, broadly defined, affects economic growth, contributes to shared prosperity outcomes, and impacts governance and sustainable development. Secure and enforceable property rights encourage household and firm investment and easily transferrable property rights (through rentals and sales) allow for improved allocation of land and support the development of financial markets. Accordingly, the provision of efficient and transparent land administration services allows for the creation of well-functioning property markets thus moving properties to higher and best use. Also, the geographical information developed through the cadastral surveying processes creates additional social and environmental benefits, and enables the better conservation and management of, inter alia, landscapes, biodiversity, and cultural sites. As of the date of this Agreement, cadastral completion in Greece has reached a level of about 35 percent of the country's 132,000 square kilometers. The Government of Greece is set to complete the cadaster for all eligible properties by 2020, and plans to transfer property registration competencies to the Cadastral Offices. This has been already accomplished in areas where cadastre was complete and interim cadastre offices were established. The implementation of the completion of the Greek cadastre and the institutional changes to Greece's land administration system entail very significant reform processes: * Completing the Greek cadaster by 2020 will require continuous project and contract management support, quality assurance of deliverables, and identification of mitigation measures for potential implementation risks. * Substantial institutional changes are required for the establishment of the new Cadastral offices. These changes involve multiple stakeholders and necessitate a clear roadmap for their implementation. * Reforms towards an effective and whole-of-Government NSDI require high-level Government ownership and support. The Bank will contribute to the Government of Greece efforts on abovementioned aspects by delivering the following activities: Component A: Advancement of the Implementation of the Greek Cadaster A. 1. Requirements specification and development of a PMIS for the management of the completion of the Greek Cadastre. The Bank will prepare the requirements specifications of a customized Project Management Information System (PMIS) for the completion of the Greek Cadaster. The customized PMIS will enable the National Cadastral and Mapping Agency (NCMA) to operate an automated management system to effectively manage and monitor all the cadastre completion contracts and will allow relevant stakeholder to assess and monitor the progress of the advancement of the implementation of the Greek Cadaster. Moreover, the PMIS will support improving planning, budgeting and reporting by monitoring day-by-day the progress and the deliverable completion of the cadaster development contracts and avoiding effort duplication. This will be done by customizing an existing Web-based PM service and developing new software to collect specified monitoring data, and defining a set of customized indices and the corresponding data that needs to be collected to achieve continuous monitoring. A contract management module will also be included in the PMIS for monitoring the physical and financial progress for all signed contracts. Outputs/deliverables A.1.1 Requirements specification of a Project Management Information System (PMIS) for the remaining works of the Cadastral Development in Greece A.1.2 Set up of PMIS to support involved stakeholders to assess and monitor the progress of the ongoing and new contracts issued under the Cadastre Development projects A.2. Project Management expert advisory and skill gap analysis. The Bank will provide expert project management advisory services to assist in building up the capacity to effectively manage the process towards the completion of the Greek cadaster. This will be done on a continuous basis and in an embedded manner by monitoring and analyzing the business processes that take place in order to focus on specific elements of the workflow(s) that need to be re-designed. Based on the revised business processes and workflows, the Bank will prepare a skills gap analysis to identify the staffing/skills needs and training requirements for carrying out successfully the completion of the Greek cadaster within the time schedule set. In addition, the Bank will provide support to NCMA to move from contract management to project management that will ensure a more effective way to manage the cadaster completion program and to monitor its outcomes. Outputs/deliverables A.2.1 On-site services to assist in building up the capacity to effectively manage the project and re-design business processes and workflows where needed. A.2.2 Skills gap analysis: staffing/skills needs and training requirements for carrying out successfully the completion of the Greek cadastre. A.2.3 Provision of advice to facilitate the implementation of a Project Management Office (PMO) by NCMA for cadastral projects. Six pilot projects have been selected to pilot the implementation of the project management framework proposed in 2014. These pilots include: 2 cadastral projects that have recently started, 2 cadastral projects that are mid- term, and 2 complex cadastral projects. A.3. Quality assurance framework for outsourcing contract quality control. Recognizing that there are human resources and hiring limitations in the Greek public sector, part of the quality control of the works of the remaining cadaster development contracts will need to be outsourced, the Bank will review the existing contract specifications and the corresponding quality assurance framework used to control the quality of the cadaster development contracts deliverables. Consequently, the Bank will prepare revised quality assurance specifications, as needed, for the remaining cadaster development contracts. This will form the basis to effectively outsource the quality controls of all or some of the cadaster development contracts. Outputs/deliverables A.3.1 [deleted] A.3.2 [deleted] A.4. Development of a public engagement and awareness strategy. The Bank, in consultation with the Core Team provided it is established by the Government of Greece during the implementation of this Agreement, will develop a public engagement and awareness strategy for the completion of the Greek cadaster. The proposed strategy will rationalize the use of resources currently used to develop awareness on the property owners, in order to participate in the cadaster development process. The proposed strategy t will be customized to each of the targeted audiences and groups (private owners, corporate owners, authorities and legal entities of the broader public sector), considering also local characteristics (urban, semi-urban and rural population). The proposed strategy will identify the suitable means for dissemination per target group (TV, newspapers, magazines, social media, email). Outputs/deliverables A.4.1 Public engagement/awareness draft strategy and tactical plan for the completion of the Greek cadastre (report) Component B: Establishment of Joint Cadaster - Property Registry Offices B. 1. Consultation on the organizational framework of the Final Cadastral Offices and planning of migration. The Bank will review the operational experiences of the current Interim Cadastral Offices to identify lessons learned of how integrated land registration and cadastral services are provided. The Bank will also evaluate and validate the reports of previous technical assistance or other activities (such as land parcel identification systems) provided on the proposed organizational structure for NCMA headquarters and the proposed business and operational frameworks for the Final Cadastral Offices. Based on the output of these activities, the Bank will consult with key Greek Government and NCMA to identify a number of business model options for the new organization in order to support the Government of Greece's in making its final decision for the transition. These options will include the business plan and the activities needed (staffing, training, transition to an organization with fewer offices, digitizing archives, electronic services etc.) for the gradual migration from the system of Mortgage Offices to the system of the Final Cadastral Offices. Outputs/deliverables B.1.1 [deleted] B.1.2 [deleted] B. 1.3 Business model options for the Final Cadastral Offices, including structure and financial model, as well as migration activities B.1.4 Corporate Strategy, Business Plan, and Human Resources Strategy for new land registry institution, as well as support for their implementation' to inform the strategic planning of the new land registry institution in the country. B.2. Roadmap to a modern land administration system by 2020 and risk management framework. A Roadmap has been identified as a prerequisite for further European Commission funding of the remaining cadaster development projects, and is also included in the supplementary Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) dated June, 16, 2016. The Bank will provide expert advice and assistance in the preparation of a roadmap to support the Government of Greece in specifying all the necessary activities that will lead to the operationalization of a modem land administration system by 2020. In this process, the Bank will also organize consultation workshops with relevant stakeholders. The Roadmap to be prepared by the Government of Greece will include specific actions and activities in the following areas: financing of the cadaster; modifying the legal and regulatory framework; completing the cadaster; validating the existing forest maps and advising and counselling on the completion of the entire forest maps; regulating the coastal line for the country; defining the final organizational structure and operating framework of the cadaster; and migrating to a new sustainable system. The Bank will help develop the corresponding risk management framework for the roadmap which could be used to monitor and mitigate the risks during the implementation of the roadmap. The risk management framework will be based on the experience of previous phases of the Greek cadastral project and international best practice. Outputs/deliverables B.2.1 Technical advice and assistance to the Government of Greece for the preparation of its Roadmap towards the operation of a modem land administration system by 2020 in Greece, including strategic objectives, suggested policy and institutional reform, implementation activities, financing needs, and risk management framework Component C: Progress towards a functioning and effective National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) governance structure and capacities C. 1. Reporting on best practices for the development of the Greek NSDI. The Bank will prepare a report on best practices for the establishment of the Greek NSDI. The Bank will undertake a study to review four 'best practice' countries in NSDI, which are relevant to Greece. The actual situation and potential of the Greek NSDI will be 'mapped' against the selected best practice countries in order to form a set of recommendations that the GoG could consider adopting. The final report will also provide a three-to-five-year proposed business plan for the development of the Greek NSDI. Outputs/deliverables C.1.1 Study on global best practices for the establishment of the NSDI in Greece. C.2. Quality assurance and interoperability framework for the Greek NSDI. Apart from the cadastral data, forest maps and any other data collected in the development of the cadaster development, a great wealth of spatial data needs to be integrated in a database that would operate as a national reference database for all kinds of geo-referenced data. This database should be accessible by both the public and private sectors to support policy making and development decision making. Today no such database exists and all currently available datasets come in a pluralism of structural and semantic formats that cannot be integrated, are of questionable quality, and therefore discourage sharing and interoperability. The Bank will prepare the quality assurance specifications to support the sharing and interoperability of all the different datasets that will form the Greek NSDI. Based on the mapping against 'best practice' cases carried out under Component Cl, and in close collaboration with the Government of Greece, the Bank will outline quality standards, good practice guidelines and workflows which could be used throughout the public sector to ensure that all newly created geospatial data within the NSDI is interoperable with other data sets (including public spending data, statistical, demographical, business, and other datasets), and has a rigorous and repeatable quality standard. Outputs/deliverables C.2.1 Technical requirements specification for sharing and interoperability of the Greek NSDI C.2.2 Quality Assurance proposed plan for the Greek NSDI C.2.3 Legal analysis and recommendations for simplification of relevant Greek legislation considered to be complex bottlenecks towards compliance with Directive 2007/2/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 March 2007 establishing an Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community (Directive INSPIRE). The Bank will also provide recommendations for the transposition of the Directive into Greek legislation. Indicative Outputs, Milestones and Timeline Output Delivery 2016 2017 2018 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 A.1.1 Requirements specification of a X X X Project Management Information System (PMIS) for the remaining works of the Cadastral Development in Greece A. 1.2 Set up of PMIS to support involved X X X stakeholders to assess and monitor the progress of the ongoing and new contracts issued under the Cadastre Development projects A.2.1 On-site services to assist in building up X X X X X X X the capacity to effectively manage the project and re-design business processes and workflows where needed. A.2.2 Skills gap analysis: staffing/skills X X X X needs and training requirements for carrying out successfully the completion of the Greek cadastre A.2.3 Facilitate the implementation of a X X X Project Management Office (PMO) for cadastral projects A.3.1 Preparation of quality assurance and Dropped acceptance procedures for the cadaster development contracts A.3.2 Preparation of the technical Dropped specifications for implementing the QA framework and outsourcing quality control of the cadaster development contracts A.4.1 Public engagement/awareness draft X X X strategy and tactical plan for the completion of the Greek cadastre (report) B. 1.1 Review of the operational experiences Dropped and assessment of the current Interim Cadastral Offices B.1.2 Evaluation and Validation of existing Dropped reports of previous TA activities on the business plan and operational framework for the Final Cadastral Offices B. 1.3 Business model options for the Final X X X Cadastral Offices, including structure and financial model, as well as migration activities B. 1.4 Corporate Strategy, Business Plan, and X X X Human Resources Strategy for new land registry institution, as well as support for their implementation B.2.1 Technical advice and assistance to the X X X Government of Greece for the preparation of its Roadmap towards the operation of a modem land administration system by 2020 in Greece, including strategic objectives, suggested policy and institutional reform, implementation activities, financing needs, and risk management framework C.1.1 Study on global best practices for the X X X establishment of the NSDI in Greece C.2.1 Technical requirements specification X X X for sharing and interoperability of the Greek NSDI C.2.2 Quality Assurance proposed plan for X X X the Greek NSDI C.2.3 Legal analysis and recommendations X X X for simplification of Greek legislation towards INSPIRE compliance 3. Eligible Expenditures 3.1 For Bank-executed activities, the Trust Fund funds may be used to finance: (a) Staff and individual consultant services; (b) Cost of travel; (c) Cost of training and workshop; and (d) Other services including translation. 4. Taxes 4.1 The foregoing activities and categories of expenditures may include the financing of taxes in accordance with the Bank's applicable policies and procedures. 5. Prog-ram Criteria 5.1 Activities are to be financed in accordance with the following program criteria: The Trust Fund is established to enable the European Commission and the Bank to continue to collaborate and exchange experience and expertise on a number of themes under all three pillars of the Europe 2020 Agenda of smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. The express purpose of this Trust Fund is to allow the European Commission to avail itself of the Bank's technical assistance and analytical and policy capacity for the purpose of pursuing the goals of Europe 2020. The three pillars of Europe 2020 are broadly in line with the objectives and strategies adopted in the Europe and Central Asia Region of the World Bank Group. All activities that are in pursuance of these three pillars are eligible to be financed and implemented under this Trust Fund. ANNEX 4 - INDICATIVE RESULTS INDICATORS FOR THE UPDATED SECTION 2 ACTIVITIES Expected Results Indicator Baseline Result goals Assumptions (logic of intervention) Impact Supporting the GoG) in its efforts to towards the completion of the Greek cadastre by 2020 and establish joint cadastre - property registry offices. OUTCOME A No of contracts 0 contracts 80% of all issued Availability of Advancement of the signed and cadastre contracts funds, successful tendering, no legal obstacles in tendering process, and implementation of the implementation is signed, capacity availability Greek cadastre underway, and implementation using the PMIS underway and using System PMIS system COMPONENT A.1 Setup of a modem manaement system to effectively manage and monitor cadastre contracts Output A.1.1 Approval of the 0 Requirements Work jointly developed with a dedicated NCMA team, under the Requirements requirements specification supervision of the Core Team. specification for PMIS specification by the guarantee the for the remaining works authorities functioning of the of the Cadastral Project Management Development in Greece Information System (PMIS) and reflect the needs of the authorities Output A.1.2 Full functionality of 0 Project Management Work jointly developed with a dedicated NCMA team, under the supervision of Set up of PMIS to the PMIS according Information System the Core Team Availability of appropriate software and hardware at NCMA support involved to the requirements (PMIS) is stakeholders assess and specifications operational and used monitor progress on the by GoG ongoing and new contracts issued for the Cadastre Development 12 Expected Results Indicator Baseline Result goals Assumptions (logic of intervention) COMPONENT A.2 Project management expert advisory skills gap analysis Output A.2.1 On Time, under 0 Effective Project Effective collaboration with NCMA. . On site services to Budget, to Quality management is in build up capacity for project place effective project implementation management and support on expert redesign business advice processes and workflow Output A.2.2 Precise staffing 0 Staffing needs and Access to administrative and other NCMA data Skills gap analysis needs and training training requirements are requirements are Work jointly developed with a dedicated NCMA team, under the supervision of provided per sector identified by GoG the Core Team. Output A.2.3 Provision of advice to PMO implemented 0 Effective Project Effective collaboration with NCMA. facilitate the at NCMA management is set implementation of a through a PMO Project Management Office (PMO) by NCMA for cadastral projects COMPONENT A.3 quality assurance framework for outsourcing contract quality control Output A.3.1 Quality assurance 0 Quality assurance Effective collaboration with MEE and NCMA Preparation of quality and acceptance and acceptance assurance and procedures are procedures are in Work jointly developed with a dedicated NCMA team, under the supervision of acceptance procedures validated by place and taken into the Core Team for cadastre authorities account when development contracts outsourcing Based on analysis and recommendations, this output is dropped because existing quality assurance and acceptance have been deemed as appropriate. 13 Expected Results Indicator Baseline Result goals Assumptions (logic of intervention) Output A.3.2 % of outsourcing 0 Quality control of Effective collaboration with MEE and NCMA. Preparation of technical for quality control compliance with specifications for contracts contract Work jointly developed with a dedicated NCMA team, under the supervision of implementing QA specifications is the Core Team framework and outsourced outsourcing quality In the light of the recommendation for A. 3.1. there is now no requirement for control of cadastre Output A. 3.2. There is the possibility that part of the QC/QA staff will be development contracts sourced under the HR services contract contemplated under A.2.2. This output is dropped because of the conclusion that it makes more sense to keep Quality Assurance of Cadastre work under NCMA. Justification of this COMPONENT_A.4_conclusion was included in the Bank's report under A. 3.1 COMPONENT A.4 Development of a public engagement and awareness strategy Output A.4.1 All relevant target 0 Public awareness Work jointly developed with a dedicated NCMA team, under the supervision of Public engagement and groups and strategy is the Core Team. awareness strategy and stakeholders are implemented by tactical plan for covered GoG Approval of the Public Awareness strategy by the Greek authorities completion of Greek cadastre OUTCOME B No. of new Interim cadastral No. of cadastral Legal framework in place and full Government of Greece backing Establishment of joint Cadastre Offices offices offices operational Cadastre - Property established in line operational in line with the final Effective political support and (financial and administrative) resources are Registry offices with the established structure available to the GoG to implement _ legal framework COMPONENT B.I Consultation on the organizational framework for the Final Cadastral Offices and planning of migration Output B.1.1 Full coverage in the 0 Analysis is done and Effective collaboration with NCMA Review of the analysis of the strengths and operational experiences current weaknesses of the Effective Political support and (financial and administrative) resources are and assessment of the organizational current Interim available to the GoG to implement current Interim framework Cadastral Offices Cadastral Offices framework are This is dropped as it was completed as part of the initial reports on the identified roadmap under Component B. 14 Expected Results Indicator Baseline Result goals Assumptions (logic of intervention) Output B.1.2 Full coverage in 0 Lessons learnt from Effective collaboration with NCMA Evaluation and the analysis of all previous TA and validation of existing relevant TA and other activities are Effective Political support and (financial and administrative) resources are report of previous TA other activities taken into account available to the GoG to implement on business and (such as LPIS and for output B.1.3 operational frameworks NL cadastre This is dropped as it was completed as part of the initial reports on the for the final cadastral project) roadmap under Component B. offices. Output B.1.3 All relevant 0 Best fitted business Effective collaboration with NCMA Business Model options information (such model option for the for the final Cadastre - as strengths and joint Cadastre - Interinstitutional coordination between NCMA, MEE, Ministries of Justice and offices weaknesses Property Registry Economics, and other relevant stakeholders analysis, lessons offices is proposed learnt and consultation of key stakeholders) is considered in the proposal Output B.1.4 Corporate Strategy, Reports completed 0 Reports inform the Interinstitutional coordination between NCMA, MEE, Ministries of Justice, and Business Plan, and and strategic planning of other relevant stakeholders Human Resources recommendations the new institution Strategy for new land considered in the registry institution, as set up of the new well as support for their institution implementation COMPONENT B.2 Roadmap to a modern land administration system by 2020 and risk management framework 15 Expected Results Indicator Baseline Result goals Assumptions (logic of intervention) Output B.2.1 In depth coverage 0 Roadmap including Full collaboration of the Greek authorities with the proposal. Technical Advice and of all relevant areas, in-depth coverage is assistance to GoG to in particular the adopted by the prepare the roadmap strategic objectives, authorities towards a modern land suggested policy administration system and institutional by 2020 reform issues, implementation activities, financing needs and risk management framework in accordance with international best practices and lessons learnt OUTCOME C Proposal of a 0 Proposal delivered Strategic policy requirements provided by the authorities Progress towards a structural functioning and framework and effective National tools for cadastral Spatial Data data and the NSDI Infrastructure (NSDI) MEE / NCMA COMPONENT C.l Best practices benchmarking against existing cadastre systems Output C1.1 4 relevant best 0 One best practice Full collaboration of the Greek authorities supervising geo-dataproducing public Study on global best practices are taken model is proposed entities practices for the into account in the establishment of the analysis. Greek NSDI. COMPONENT C.2 Quality assurance Interoperability framework for NSDI 16 Expected Results Indicator Baseline Result goals Assumptions (logic of intervention) Output C2.I No further work to 0 Interoperability of Work jointly developed with a dedicated NCMA and MEE team, Technical develop Greek all newly created under the supervision of the Core Team Specifications national Standards geospatial data with requirements on takes place and is all other data takes sharing and replaced by the use place over the interoperability of the of International coming years NSDI Standard following the new guide Output C.2.2 Coverage of all 0 Rigorous and Work jointly developed with a dedicated NCMA and MEE team, Quality Assurance NSDI procedures repeatable quality under the supervision of the Core Team proposed guidelines for and elements by standards achieved the NSDI QA specifications for all shared and interoperable data Output C.2.3 Legal analysis and Analysis on pieces 0 Recommendations Work jointly developed with a dedicated group of all relevant stakeholders recommendations for of existing considered in under the supervision of the Core Team simplification of legislation and drafting Greek legislation INSPIRE policy/legislation. towards INSPIRE compliance legal compliance bottlenecks. 17