VB. A6A WAL d ASSOCIA TES ZCHA2?CV ACCOCflfANZY Head Office: Ramadhin marg , Rajnandgaon (C.G.)-491441 Ph.No.- 07744-401608 2A Branch : 204 2nd Floor, National Corporate Park, G.E. Road, Raipur (C.G)- 492001 Ph. No. - 0771-4066608 Web Site : www.vbagrawaLcom Mail Id : vb99.associates@gmaiLcom_ AUDITOR'S REPORT To, The Chief Executive Officer, Chhattisgarh State Watershed Management Agency, Raipur (C.G.). We have examined the Consolidated Balance Sheet as at 31.03.2018, the Consolidated Income & Expenditure Account and the Consolidated Receipt & Payment A/c for the Year ended on that date, attached herewith, of Neeranchal National Watershed Management Programme implemented through The Chhattisgarh State Watershed Management Agency of The State Office, Kanker district and Jashpur district. These financial statements are the responsibilities of the entity's Management. Our opinion, in so far as it relates to the affairs of the Kanker district and Jashpur district, is based solely on the report of other auditors. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these Financial Statements, based on our Audit and the report of the other auditors provided to us. 1. We have conducted our audit in accordance with Auditing Standards generally accepted in India. Those Standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the Financial Statements are free of material misstatements. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the Financial Statements. An audit also includes assessing-the Accounting Principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall Financial Statement presentation. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion subject to the foLlowin: a)Our audit was limited to: (1) Audit of State Office; and (2) Consolidation of annual financial statements of districts audited by other auditors. Our observations are thus limited to the observations made by the district auditors in the case of districts and matters which came to our notice during the course of consolidation of financial statements with the state office. b) The Financial statement has been prepared on the basis of Cash book & Bank statement only as the agency is Jllowing Cash Sy,stem of accounting & Ledger accounts were not maintained by the agency. c)Physical verification of work done was not verifled by us. . 6ACttkrvO.i(l iIB. A GRA WAL d ASSOCIA TES CHAW7f?ffl ACCOV75flAVYY Head Office: Ramadhin warg , Rajuandgaon (C.G.)-491441 Ph.No.- 07744-401608 Branch 204 2nd Floor, National Corporate Park, G.E. Road, Raipur (C.G)- 492001 C Ph. No. - 0771-4066608 Web Site : www.vbagrawal.com Mail Id : vb99.associates@gmail.com //2\\ d) We have consolidated the financial statements of the districts as per the audited financial statements made available by the Nodal Agency. We are unable to comment on the end use offunds by the districts. 2. We certify that Balance sheet, Income & Expenditure A/c and Receipt & Payment A/c are in agreement with books of account maintained by the State Office and as reported by the district auditors. 3. Subject to above, we report thereon as under: a) We have obtained all the information and explanations, which, to the best of our knowledge and belief were necessary for the purposes of our audit. b) In our opinion and based on the report of other auditors, proper books of account have been kept by the agency so far as appears from our examination of the books and reported by district auditors. c) In our opinion and to the best of our information and based on the report of the district auditors & according to the explanation given to us, the said accounts read with notes thereon (Schedule- "A") , give a true and fair view in conformity with the accounting principles generally accepted in India: i. In the case -of the Consolidated Balance Sheet, of the-state of affairs of the organization as at 31St March 2018; ii. In the case of the Consolidated Income & Expenditure Account, of the surplus/deficiency of the organization for the year ended on that date; and iii. In the case of the Consolidated Receipt & Payment Account, the receipt and payment for the year ended on that date. For, V.B. AGRAWAL & ASSOCIATES CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS FRN: 012YIC Place: Raipur r) Da te: 03.11.18. - Partner M.No:401196 NEERANCHAL NATIONAL WATERSHED MANAGEMENT PROGRAMME CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET OF CHRfATTISGARH STATE AS AT 31ST MARCH 2018 LIABILITIES AMOUNT ASSETS AMOUNT GENERAL FUND CURRENT ASSETS Opening Balance 28,561,479.00 Add: Grant-In-Aid received during the year 26,249,000.00 Less: Excess of Expenditure over Income as per IfE A/c. 623,703.00 55,434,182.00 Cash & Bank Balance: Cash in Hand CURRENT LIABILITIES Ba* Balance 55,434,182.00 55,434,182.00 Fund to be transferred to Project Fund: Fund received from Directorate Agriculture (PMSKY- Other Intervention) Central Government State Goverment . . TOTAL 55,434,182.00 TOTAL 55,434,182.00 NOTES OF ACCOUNTS ATTACHED HEREWITH AS SCHEDULE "A" AS PER OUR REPORT OF EVEN DATE ATTACHED HEREWITH For, CHHATTISGARH STATE WATERSHED MANAGEMENT AGENCY For, V.B. AGRAWAL & ASSOCIATES, CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS FRN: 012111C CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER AC 4CER A.BIJAY AGRAWAL] PARTNER ^c M.NO. :401196 Date - 03/11/2018 Place - RAIPUR ( NEERANCHAL NATIONAL WATERSHED MANAGEMENT PROGRAMME I CONSOLIDATED INCOME & EXPENDITURE A/C OF CHHATTISGARH STATE FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR O17-18 EXPENDITURE _Amount INCOME Amount Expenditure Incurred Interest received from Bank dung the ear 1,837,895.00 i) Stationary Expenses I ii) Workshop Expenses 222,772.00 iii) Travelling Allowance Expenses 348,633.00 iv) Office Expenses 1,263.00 v) Salary to Staff 571,002.00 . vi) Tour & Visit Expenses 24,110.00 vii) Training Expenses 46,412.00 1,214,192.00 Excess of Income Over Expenditure Carried Over To Balance Sheet 623,703.00 TOTAL 1,837,895.00 TOTAL 1,837,895.00 NOTES OF ACCOUNTS ATTACHED HEREWITH AS SCHEDULE "A" AS PER OUR REPORT OF EVEN DATE ATTACHED HEREWITH For, CHHATTISGARH STATE WATERSHED MANAGEMENT AGENCY For, V.B. AGRAWAL & ASSOCIATES, CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS FRN: 012111C CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER AC OU " ACro rCA.BIJAY AGRAWALJ PARTNER M.NO. :401196 Date - 03/11/2018 . [Place - RALPUR n.I NEERANCIAL NATONAL WATERSHD MANAGEMENT PROGRAMME CONSOLIDATEDRECEPT & PAYMENT AIC OF CHHATTISGAIH STATE FQRTU FINANCIAL YEAR 2017-18 RECEIPTS Amount PAYMENTS Amount Opening Balance Expenditure urred Bank Accounts 95,227,479.00 1) Stationary Expnscs - Cash in Hand - 95,227,479.00 ii) Workshop Exonses 1 222,772,.00 iii) Travelling Allowance Expenses 348,633.00 Grant-In-Aid Received iv) Omc Fxpenses 1,263.001 Fund, rqcdi.Frpgnj)trectorate Agriculture v) Project Manement- Salary to Stai 511,002,00 Central Government 26,249,000.00 vi) Tour !t Visit Expenses 24, 11000 State Government - 26,249,000.00 vii) Other Servio)s- Tran inE flidB 46,412.00 1,214,192.00 Grant Received to be transferred to Project Fund Iun.tohLtuss.rLtoProlct.Emb. Fund reeived from Directorate Agriculture (PMSKY* Fund received from Directorate Agriculture ther Interti (PMSKY- Other Intervention) Central Government - Central Govemr6ent 40,000,000.00 State Government - State Government 26,666,000.00 66,666,000,00 Interest received from Bank Closing Balance Received during the year 1,837,895.00 1,837,895.00 Bank Accounts ,T5,434,192.00 Cash ip hand i 5 55,434,182.00 TOTAL 123,314,374.00 TOTAL | 123,314,374.00 NOTES OF ACCOUNT ATTACIED HEREWITH AS SCHEDULE "A" AS PER ouR oERT OF EVEW DATE ATTACHED HEREWITH For, CHHATTISGARH STATE WATERSHED MANAGEMENT AGENCY For, V.B. AGRAWAL & ASSOCIATES, CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS FRN: 012111C CHiEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER A OU O A.BIJAY AdRAWAL] a ,PARTNER M,NO. :401196 Date -03/11/2018 PlaeRAIPUR ANNEXURE OF EXPENDITURE INCURRED: Expenditure KANKER DISTRICT JASHPUR DISTRICT STATE OFFICE Salary to Staff 121,224.00 449,778.00 Tour & Visit Expenses 24,110.00 -- Training Expenses 3,900.00 42,512.00 Stationary Expenses - . Workshop Expenses - 222,772.00 Travelling Allowance Expenses - 348,633.00 Office Expenses - - 1,263.00 TOTAL 149,234.00 492,290.00 572,668.00 CHHATTISGARH STATE WATERSHED MANAGEMENT AGENCY WIEDULE "A": SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES AND NOTES ON ACCOUNTS FOR THE F.Y. ENDED ON 31.03.2018 A. SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES: (I) BASIS OF ACCOUNTING AND REVENUE RECOGNITION: a) Accounts of the Board have been prepared under historical c6st c6nvention on going concern basis - using Cash system of accounting. However where ascertainment of any amount is contingent upon one or more uncertain future events the recording of such transactions is postponed till the contingency is over. b) The Financial statements are prepared in accordance with the generally accepted accounting principles and provisions of the statue have been followed. (2)USE OF ESTIMATES: The presentation of financial statement requires estimates and assumptions to be made that affect the reported amount of asset and liabilities on the date of financial statement and reported amount of revenue and expenses during the reporting period. Difference between actual results and estimates are recognized in the period in which the results are known/ materialized. (3) FIXED ASSETS: Fixed assets are stated at historical cost less Depreciation. Cost includes expenditure incurred in their acquisition as well as construction/ installation. (4) DEPRECIATION: Depreciation on fixed assets has been charged on W.D.V. Method as per the rate prescribed in the Income Tax Rules,1962. (5) CONTINGENT LIABILITIES: Contingent liabilities are not provided in the books of accounts and are shown separately by way of "Notes of Accounts". (6)ACCOUNTING FOR GOVERNMENT GRANTS: Grants received from Central Government and State Government are credited to the General Fund and the Surplus/deficiency from the Income & Expenditure account has been adjusted against it. Contd..2.. CHHATTISGARH STATE WATERSHED MANAGEMENT AGENCY B) NOTES ON ACCOUNTS: (1)Balance in accounts are subject to confirmation from concerned parties. (2)Provision for current and deferred taxation has not been made. (3) Contingent liability: NIL (4) The Fund transferred to districts by the State Office during the year has been considered as part of revenue and thus credited to Income & Expenditure A/c by the District Auditors. For, C.G.STATE WATERSHED MANAGEMENT AGENCY For, V.B. AGRAWAL & ASSOCIATES CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS FRN: 012111C (Chief Executive Officer) (Acu er) ? Place: Raipur ay Agrawal) Date: 03.11.18. Partner M.No:401196.