Doing Business 2020 Sierra Leone Economy Profile Sierra Leone Page 1 Doing Business 2020 Sierra Leone Economy Profile of Sierra Leone Doing Business 2020 Indicators (in order of appearance in the document) Starting a business Procedures, time, cost and paid-in minimum capital to start a limited liability company Dealing with construction permits Procedures, time and cost to complete all formalities to build a warehouse and the quality control and safety mechanisms in the construction permitting system Getting electricity Procedures, time and cost to get connected to the electrical grid, and the reliability of the electricity supply and the transparency of tariffs Registering property Procedures, time and cost to transfer a property and the quality of the land administration system Getting credit Movable collateral laws and credit information systems Protecting minority investors Minority shareholders’ rights in related-party transactions and in corporate governance Paying taxes Payments, time, total tax and contribution rate for a firm to comply with all tax regulations as well as postfiling processes Trading across borders Time and cost to export the product of comparative advantage and import auto parts Enforcing contracts Time and cost to resolve a commercial dispute and the quality of judicial processes Resolving insolvency Time, cost, outcome and recovery rate for a commercial insolvency and the strength of the legal framework for insolvency Employing workers Flexibility in employment regulation and redundancy cost Page 2 Doing Business 2020 Sierra Leone About Doing Business The Doing Business project provides objective measures of business regulations and their enforcement across 190 economies and selected cities at the subnational and regional level. The Doing Business project, launched in 2002, looks at domestic small and medium-size companies and measures the regulations applying to them through their life cycle. Doing Business captures several important dimensions of the regulatory environment as it applies to local firms. It provides quantitative indicators on regulation for starting a business, dealing with construction permits, getting electricity, registering property, getting credit, protecting minority investors, paying taxes, trading across borders, enforcing contracts and resolving insolvency. Doing Business also measures features of employing workers. Although Doing Business does not present rankings of economies on the employing workers indicators or include the topic in the aggregate ease of doing business score or ranking on the ease of doing business, it does present the data for these indicators. By gathering and analyzing comprehensive quantitative data to compare business regulation environments across economies and over time, Doing Business encourages economies to compete towards more efficient regulation; offers measurable benchmarks for reform; and serves as a resource for academics, journalists, private sector researchers and others interested in the business climate of each economy. In addition, Doing Business offers detailed subnational studies, which exhaustively cover business regulation and reform in different cities and regions within a nation. These studies provide data on the ease of doing business, rank each location, and recommend reforms to improve performance in each of the indicator areas. Selected cities can compare their business regulations with other cities in the economy or region and with the 190 economies that Doing Business has ranked. The first Doing Business study, published in 2003, covered 5 indicator sets and 133 economies. This year’s study covers 11 indicator sets and 190 economies. Most indicator sets refer to a case scenario in the largest business city of each economy, except for 11 economies that have a population of more than 100 million as of 2013 (Bangladesh, Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Mexico, Nigeria, Pakistan, the Russian Federation and the United States) where Doing Business also collected data for the second largest business city. The data for these 11 economies are a population-weighted average for the 2 largest business cities. The project has benefited from feedback from governments, academics, practitioners and reviewers. The initial goal remains: to provide an objective basis for understanding and improving the regulatory environment for business around the world. To learn more about Doing Business please visit Page 3 Doing Business 2020 Sierra Leone Ease of Doing Business in DB RANK DB SCORE Region Sub-Saharan Africa Sierra Leone Income Category Low income Population 7,650,154 47.5 163 City Covered Freetown Rankings on Doing Business topics - Sierra Leone 58 93 108 128 165 165 162 169 181 181 Starting Dealing Getting Registering Getting Protecting Paying Trading Enforcing Resolving a with Electricity Property Credit Minority Taxes across Contracts Insolvency Business Construction Investors Borders Permits Topic Scores 91.3 38.4 31.6 42.8 25.0 40.0 73.0 51.9 55.9 24.7 Starting a Business (rank) 58 Getting Credit (rank) 165 Trading across Borders (rank) 165 Score of starting a business (0-100) 91.3 Score of getting credit (0-100) 25.0 Score of trading across borders (0-100) 51.9 Procedures (number) 5 Strength of legal rights index (0-12) 5 Time to export Time (days) 8 Depth of credit information index (0-8) 0 Documentary compliance (hours) 72 Cost (number) 7.6 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 2.1 Border compliance (hours) 55 Paid-in min. capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Cost to export Documentary compliance (USD) 227 Dealing with Construction Permits (rank) 181 Protecting Minority Investors (rank) 128 Border compliance (USD) 552 Score of dealing with construction permits (0-100) 38.4 Score of protecting minority investors (0-100) 40.0 Time to export Procedures (number) 17 Extent of disclosure index (0-10) 6.0 Documentary compliance (hours) 82 Time (days) 182 Extent of director liability index (0-10) 8.0 Border compliance (hours) 120 Cost (% of warehouse value) 21.5 Ease of shareholder suits index (0-10) 6.0 Cost to export Building quality control index (0-15) 7.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (0-6) 0.0 Documentary compliance (USD) 387 Extent of ownership and control index (0-7) 0.0 Border compliance (USD) 821 Getting Electricity (rank) 181 Extent of corporate transparency index (0-7) 0.0 Score of getting electricity (0-100) 31.6 Enforcing Contracts (rank) 108 Procedures (number) 8 Paying Taxes (rank) 93 Score of enforcing contracts (0-100) 55.9 Time (days) 82 Score of paying taxes (0-100) 73.0 Time (days) 515 Cost (% of income per capita) 5,057.2 Payments (number per year) 34 Cost (% of claim value) 39.5 Reliability of supply and transparency of tariff index (0-8) 0 Time (hours per year) 343 Quality of judicial processes index (0-18) 8.0 Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 30.7 Registering Property (rank) 169 Postfiling index (0-100) 95.4 Resolving Insolvency (rank) 162 Score of registering property (0-100) 42.8 Score of resolving insolvency (0-100) 24.7 Procedures (number) 7 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 11.1 Time (days) 56 Time (years) 2.3 Cost (% of property value) 10.6 Cost (% of estate) 42.0 Quality of the land administration index (0-30) 5.5 Outcome (0 as piecemeal sale and 1 as going 0 concern) Strength of insolvency framework index (0-16) 6.0 Page 4 Doing Business 2020 Sierra Leone Starting a Business This topic measures the number of procedures, time, cost and paid-in minimum capital requirement for a small- to medium-sized limited liability company to start up and formally operate in each economy’s largest business city. To make the data comparable across 190 economies, Doing Business uses a standardized business that is 100% domestically owned, has start-up capital equivalent to 10 times the income per capita, engages in general industrial or commercial activities and employs between 10 and 50 people one month after the commencement of operations, all of whom are domestic nationals. Starting a Business considers two types of local limited liability companies that are identical in all aspects, except that one company is owned by 5 married women and the other by 5 married men. The ranking of economies on the ease of starting a business is determined by sorting their scores for starting a business. These scores are the simple average of the scores for each of the component indicators. The most recent round of data collection for the project was completed in May 2019. See the methodology for more information. What the indicators measure Case study assumptions Procedures to legally start and formally operate a company To make the data comparable across economies, several assumptions about the business and the (number) procedures are used. It is assumed that any required information is readily available and that the entrepreneur will pay no bribes. • Preregistration (for example, name verification or reservation, notarization) The business: • Registration in the economy’s largest business city -Is a limited liability company (or its legal equivalent). If there is more than one type of limited • Postregistration (for example, social security registration, liability company in the economy, the limited liability form most common among domestic firms is company seal) chosen. Information on the most common form is obtained from incorporation lawyers or the statistical office. • Obtaining approval from spouse to start a business or to leave -Operates in the economy’s largest business city. For 11 economies the data are also collected for the home to register the company the second largest business city. • Obtaining any gender specific document for company -Performs general industrial or commercial activities such as the production or sale to the public of registration and operation or national identification card goods or services. The business does not perform foreign trade activities and does not handle products subject to a special tax regime, for example, liquor or tobacco. It is not using heavily Time required to complete each procedure (calendar days) polluting production processes. • Does not include time spent gathering information -Does not qualify for investment incentives or any special benefits. -Is 100% domestically owned. • Each procedure starts on a separate day (2 procedures cannot -Has five business owners, none of whom is a legal entity. One business owner holds 30% of the start on the same day) company shares, two owners have 20% of shares each, and two owners have 15% of shares • Procedures fully completed online are recorded as ½ day each. -Is managed by one local director. • Procedure is considered completed once final document is -Has between 10 and 50 employees one month after the commencement of operations, all of them received domestic nationals. • No prior contact with officials -Has start-up capital of 10 times income per capita. -Has an estimated turnover of at least 100 times income per capita. Cost required to complete each procedure (% of income per -Leases the commercial plant or offices and is not a proprietor of real estate. capita) -Has an annual lease for the office space equivalent to one income per capita. • Official costs only, no bribes -Is in an office space of approximately 929 square meters (10,000 square feet). -Has a company deed that is 10 pages long. • No professional fees unless services required by law or commonly used in practice The owners: Paid-in minimum capital (% of income per capita) -Have reached the legal age of majority and are capable of making decisions as an adult. If there • Funds deposited in a bank or with third party before registration is no legal age of majority, they are assumed to be 30 years old. or up to 3 months after incorporation -Are in good health and have no criminal record. -Are married, the marriage is monogamous and registered with the authorities. -Where the answer differs according to the legal system applicable to the woman or man in question (as may be the case in economies where there is legal plurality), the answer used will be the one that applies to the majority of the population. Page 5 Doing Business 2020 Sierra Leone Starting a Business - Sierra Leone Standardized Company Legal form Limited Liability Company Paid-in minimum capital requirement No minimum City Covered Freetown Indicator Sierra Leone Sub-Saharan OECD high Best Regulatory Africa income Performance Procedure – Men (number) 5 7.4 4.9 1 (2 Economies) Time – Men (days) 8 21.5 9.2 0.5 (New Zealand) Cost – Men (% of income per capita) 7.6 36.3 3.0 0.0 (2 Economies) Procedure – Women (number) 5 7.5 4.9 1 (2 Economies) Time – Women (days) 8 21.6 9.2 0.5 (New Zealand) Cost – Women (% of income per capita) 7.6 36.3 3.0 0.0 (2 Economies) Paid-in min. capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 9.3 7.6 0.0 (120 Economies) Figure – Starting a Business in Sierra Leone – Score 76.5 92.5 96.2 100.0 Procedures Time Cost Paid-in min. capital Figure – Starting a Business in Sierra Leone and comparator economies – Ranking and Score DB 2020 Starting a Business Score 0 100 91.3: Sierra Leone (Rank: 58) 85.0: Ghana (Rank: 116) 84.5: Guinea (Rank: 122) 82.7: Kenya (Rank: 129) 80.1: Regional Average (Sub-Saharan Africa) 75.5: Guinea-Bissau (Rank: 161) Note: The ranking of economies on the ease of starting a business is determined by sorting their scores for starting a business. These scores are the simple average of the scores for each of the component indicators. Page 6 Doing Business 2020 Sierra Leone Figure – Starting a Business in Sierra Leone – Procedure, Time and Cost Time (days) Cost (% of income per capita) 8 7 7 6 Cost (% of income per capita) 6 5 Time (days) 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 Procedures (number) * This symbol is shown beside procedure numbers that take place simultaneously with the previous procedure. Note: Online procedures account for 0.5 days in the total time calculation. For economies that have a different procedure list for men and women, the graph shows the time for women. For more information on methodology, see the Doing Business website ( For details on the procedures reflected here, see the summary below. Page 7 Doing Business 2020 Sierra Leone Details – Starting a Business in Sierra Leone – Procedure, Time and Cost No. Procedures Time to Complete Associated Costs 1 Check the uniqueness of the company name and pick up a company registration form 1 day no charge Agency : Corporate Affairs Commission The company name search is usually done at the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) office. It can also be conducted electronically. If done at the office, Form 28 is completed by the applicant providing 3 name options. Then a search is done by a staff member and the desired name availability is confirmed. The company must have a Memorandum and Articles of Association. Standard articles are available at the CAC. If the standard documents are considered insufficient, a solicitor can be consulted to prepare one. 2 Register the company with the Corporate Affairs Commission 3 days SLL 250,000 Agency : Corporate Affairs Commission Submission of the company's documents to the CAC officer starts the incorporation process. The officer examines the documents and issues a payment slip to settle incorporation fees. Registering an LLC costs SLL 250,000 (one time fee). After submission of the completed application, supporting documents and payment of fees, the company will be incorporated and registered. It will be issued the certificate of registration, a Tax Identification Number (TIN), a National and Social Security Insurance Trust Number (NASSIT number) and a Municipal business license. This license is provided at no cost and it is valid for six months; after this period, it must be renewed and paid for at the Municipality. 3 Pay the registration fees 1 day no charge Agency : Bank or Mobile Application The registration fees can be paid through a wire transfer or by mobile money. Once the CAC receives the payment, it will issue the certificate of incorporation. 4 Register employees with Social Security 1 day no charge Agency : National and Social Security Insurance Trust (NASSIT) The employer must register the company's employees with the National Social Security Insurance Trust (NASSIT), per art. 30 of the National Social Security Insurance Trust Act of 2001. Employee registration is made by completing an application form at NASSIT's office, following the employer’s prior registration through CAC. 5 Make a company seal 2 days SLL 50,000 Agency : Sealmaker In practice, a company would typically make a formal seal and a common seal. Under Section 17 of the Companies (Amendment) Act of 2014 this is no longer legally required, however it is still frequently done in practice. For documents used outside Sierra Leone, the formal seal is used for sealing company documents. This seal is usually embossed on documents with a metal device on which the company’s name, crest, and the like are engraved. For documents to be used in Sierra Leone, an impression is made with a common seal, which is usually made in ink with a wooden (or rubber) block. Takes place simultaneously with previous procedure. Page 8 Doing Business 2020 Sierra Leone Dealing with Construction Permits This topic tracks the procedures, time and cost to build a warehouse—including obtaining necessary the licenses and permits, submitting all required notifications, requesting and receiving all necessary inspections and obtaining utility connections. In addition, the Dealing with Construction Permits indicator measures the building quality control index, evaluating the quality of building regulations, the strength of quality control and safety mechanisms, liability and insurance regimes, and professional certification requirements. The most recent round of data collection was completed in May 2019. See the methodology for more information What the indicators measure Case study assumptions Procedures to legally build a warehouse (number) To make the data comparable across economies, several assumptions about the construction company, the warehouse project and the utility connections are used. • Submitting all relevant documents and obtaining all necessary clearances, licenses, permits and certificates The construction company (BuildCo): • Submitting all required notifications and receiving all necessary - Is a limited liability company (or its legal equivalent) and operates in the economy’s largest inspections business city. For 11 economies the data are also collected for the second largest business city. • Obtaining utility connections for water and sewerage - Is 100% domestically and privately owned; has five owners, none of whom is a legal entity. Has a licensed architect and a licensed engineer, both registered with the local association of architects • Registering and selling the warehouse after its completion or engineers. BuildCo is not assumed to have any other employees who are technical or licensed Time required to complete each procedure (calendar days) experts, such as geological or topographical experts. - Owns the land on which the warehouse will be built and will sell the warehouse upon its • Does not include time spent gathering information completion. • Each procedure starts on a separate day—though procedures that can be fully completed online are an exception to this rule The warehouse: - Will be used for general storage activities, such as storage of books or stationery. • Procedure is considered completed once final document is received - Will have two stories, both above ground, with a total constructed area of approximately 1,300.6 square meters (14,000 square feet). Each floor will be 3 meters (9 feet, 10 inches) high and will be • No prior contact with officials located on a land plot of approximately 929 square meters (10,000 square feet) that is 100% owned by BuildCo, and the warehouse is valued at 50 times income per capita. Cost required to complete each procedure (% of income per - Will have complete architectural and technical plans prepared by a licensed architect. If capita) preparation of the plans requires such steps as obtaining further documentation or getting prior • Official costs only, no bribes approvals from external agencies, these are counted as procedures. - Will take 30 weeks to construct (excluding all delays due to administrative and regulatory Building quality control index (0-15) requirements). • Quality of building regulations (0-2) The water and sewerage connections: • Quality control before construction (0-1) - Will be 150 meters (492 feet) from the existing water source and sewer tap. If there is no water • Quality control during construction (0-3) delivery infrastructure in the economy, a borehole will be dug. If there is no sewerage infrastructure, a septic tank in the smallest size available will be installed or built. • Quality control after construction (0-3) - Will have an average water use of 662 liters (175 gallons) a day and an average wastewater flow • Liability and insurance regimes (0-2) of 568 liters (150 gallons) a day. Will have a peak water use of 1,325 liters (350 gallons) a day and • Professional certifications (0-4) a peak wastewater flow of 1,136 liters (300 gallons) a day. - Will have a constant level of water demand and wastewater flow throughout the year; will be 1 inch in diameter for the water connection and 4 inches in diameter for the sewerage connection. Page 9 Doing Business 2020 Sierra Leone Dealing with Construction Permits - Sierra Leone Standardized Warehouse Estimated value of warehouse SLL 198,253,186.90 City Covered Freetown Indicator Sierra Leone Sub-Saharan OECD high Best Regulatory Africa income Performance Procedures (number) 17 15.1 12.7 None in 2018/19 Time (days) 182 145.4 152.3 None in 2018/19 Cost (% of warehouse value) 21.5 8.9 1.5 None in 2018/19 Building quality control index (0-15) 7.0 8.9 11.6 15.0 (6 Economies) Figure – Dealing with Construction Permits in Sierra Leone – Score 52.0 55.0 0.0 46.7 Procedures Time Cost Building quality control index Figure – Dealing with Construction Permits in Sierra Leone and comparator economies – Ranking and Score DB 2020 Dealing with Construction Permits Score 0 100 67.6: Ghana (Rank: 104) 67.6: Kenya (Rank: 105) 65.9: Guinea (Rank: 116) 58.5: Regional Average (Sub-Saharan Africa) 45.2: Guinea-Bissau (Rank: 177) 38.4: Sierra Leone (Rank: 181) Note: The ranking of economies on the ease of dealing with construction permits is determined by sorting their scores for dealing with construction permits. These scores are the simple average of the scores for each of the component indicators. Page 10 Doing Business 2020 Sierra Leone Figure – Dealing with Construction Permits in Sierra Leone – Procedure, Time and Cost Time (days) Cost (% of warehouse value) 180 20 160 Cost (% of warehouse value) 140 15 120 Time (days) 100 10 80 60 5 40 20 0 0 1 2 3 *4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 * 15 16 17 Procedures (number) * This symbol is shown beside procedure numbers that take place simultaneously with the previous procedure. Note: Online procedures account for 0.5 days in the total time calculation. For economies that have a different procedure list for men and women, the graph shows the time for women. For more information on methodology, see the Doing Business website ( For details on the procedures reflected here, see the summary below. Page 11 Doing Business 2020 Sierra Leone Figure – Dealing with Construction Permits in Sierra Leone and comparator economies – Measure of Quality 14 12.0 12 11.0 10.0 10 Index score 8.9 8 7.0 7.0 6 4 2 0 Sierra Ghana Guinea Guinea-Bissau Kenya Sub-Saharan Leone Africa Details – Dealing with Construction Permits in Sierra Leone – Procedure, Time and Cost No. Procedures Time to Complete Associated Costs 1 Hire a licensed surveyor to visit the property and prepare the survey plan 20 days SLL 1,000,000 Agency : Private Surveyor For a private property, BuildCo must hire a private licensed surveyor who will visit the property in order to prepare the survey plan. On average, it costs around SLL 1 million for the services of a private surveyor, which includes the cost of submitting the survey plan to the Director of Surveys and Lands. 2 Licensed surveyor submits the survey plan to the Ministry of Lands, Housing and the 1 day no charge Environment Agency : Ministry of Lands, Housing and the Environment In accordance with Section 15 of the Surveys Act Cap 256 of the Laws of Sierra Leone (as amended by section 2 of Act No 14 of the Laws of Sierra Leone 1060 ), the licensed surveyor must submit the survey plan to the Ministry of Lands on behalf of the client. 3 Obtain results of soil test report 30 days USD 4,750 Agency : Private Firm Based on Article 22 section 2 of the Freetown Improvement Law of January 1, 1960, a soil test is required so that all walls of a building rest on solid rock. 4 Receive countersignature of the Director of Surveys and Lands on the survey plan of the 14 days no charge property Agency : Ministry of Lands, Housing and the Environment Section 2 of the Survey (Amendment) Act, 1950, mandates that each survey plan must be countersigned by the Director of Surveys and Lands. 5 Register the survey plan with the Land Registry 1 day SLL 10,000 Agency : Land Registry One copy of the survey plan is registered with the Land Registry. The Registry will verify the records to ensure that there is not multiple claims to the land. 6 Submit the building permit application to the Office of the Chief Building Inspector (OBI) 1 day no charge Agency : Ministry of Works & Public Assets The issuance of the building permits and building inspection functions have been transferred from the Ministry of Lands, Country Planning and the Environment to the Ministry of Works, Housing and Infrastructure. The supervisors at the Ministry Works, Housing and Infrastructure will check all the documents and the plans and will assess the building fees. A final review is conducted by the Chief Building Inspector. The law provides the Ministry one month to issue the building permit. The Ministry will conduct its own search on whether the owner of the land is accurate. Two sets of the following documents should be submitted at this stage: • Land survey plan signed by the Director of Surveys and Lands • Plan of the building 1/8 scale • Floor plan • Section plan • Elevation The following documents are also submitted for a building permit: • Design plans for the structure (in this case, the warehouse) • Land tax payment 7 Receive inspection from the Ward Building Inspector to verify the land survey 1 day no charge Agency : Ministry of Works & Public Assets The Ward Building Inspector conducts an inspection of the topography of the land and accessibility of the land via a road. They check that the land is free of multiple claims and that it complies with the survey plan. The Inspector does not check for water and electricity connections. Page 12 Doing Business 2020 Sierra Leone 8 Receive signed certificate and pay fees at the NRA desk 4 days SLL 2,970,000 Agency : Ministry of Works & Public Assets The Ministry of Works assesses and calculates the fees that have to be paid by BuildCo. BuildCo pays the fees at the National Revenue Authority (NRA). Upon payment, a receipt is obtained as proof of payment. 9 Obtain building permit 14 days no charge Agency : Ministry of Works & Public Assets 10 File a notice of commencement of construction 1 day no charge Agency : Ministry of Works, & Public Assets BuildCo must file a notice of commencement of construction to inform the Chief Inspection Officer and his inspectors. The notice must be stamped and must include a tentative schedule of the different stages of construction. 11 Receive inspection of completion of structure 1 day no charge Agency : Ministry of Works & Public Assets Previously construction companies would be subject to an inspection from the municipal ward at least once or twice per week. Although the regulations provided for phased inspections after each stage of construction, they were never enforced. Starting in 2007 the Ministry of Lands, Country Planning and Environment began an active campaign to streamline its work and provide better services. It recruited a new cadre of professional inspectors and began enforcing the applicable rules and regulations. Now inspections are done only at certain stages of construction, most importantly: structure works and roof works. The schedule of inspections is now issued together with the building permit. There is no need to request inspections and once the inspectors visit the side, they do not interrupt the works. BuildCo must post the inspections schedule on the construction site, which is then signed by the inspectors after every inspection. 12 Receive inspection when roof has been covered 1 day no charge Agency : Ministry of Works & Public Assets 13 File a notice of completion with the Ministry of Works and request final inspection 14 days no charge Agency : Ministry of Works & Public Assets BuildCo must notify the Ministry of Works at least one week prior to completion of the works. It then takes the Ministry between 1 -- 2 weeks to visit the site and conduct a final inspection. 14 Receive final inspection from Ministry of Works 1 day no charge Agency : Ministry of Works & Public Assets Purchase and submit application form for water connection to Guma Valley 1 day SLL 10,000 15 Agency : Guma Valley Water Company (GVWC) BuildCo purchases and completes the application form and submits it to Guma Valley Water Company (GVWC). 16 Receive inspection from water authorities 1 day no charge Agency : Guma Valley Water Company (GVWC) GVWC will conduct a survey to assess the feasibility of a connection and prepares a cost estimate of materials and work. It takes about a month before the inspection takes place. 17 Pay and connect to water 90 days SLL 900,000 Agency : Guma Valley Water Company (GVWC) Takes place simultaneously with previous procedure. Page 13 Doing Business 2020 Sierra Leone Details – Dealing with Construction Permits in Sierra Leone – Measure of Quality Answer Score Building quality control index (0-15) 7.0 Quality of building regulations index (0-2) 1.0 How accessible are building laws and regulations in your economy? (0-1) They must be 0.0 purchased; Not easily accessible. Which requirements for obtaining a building permit are clearly specified in the building regulations or on any List of required 1.0 accessible website, brochure or pamphlet? (0-1) documents; Fees to be paid; Required preapprovals. Quality control before construction index (0-1) 1.0 Which third-party entities are required by law to verify that the building plans are in compliance with existing Licensed architect. 1.0 building regulations? (0-1) Quality control during construction index (0-3) 2.0 What types of inspections (if any) are required by law to be carried out during construction? (0-2) Inspections at various 1.0 phases. Do legally mandated inspections occur in practice during construction? (0-1) Mandatory 1.0 inspections are always done in practice. Quality control after construction index (0-3) 3.0 Is there a final inspection required by law to verify that the building was built in accordance with the approved Yes, final inspection 2.0 plans and regulations? (0-2) is done by government agency. Do legally mandated final inspections occur in practice? (0-1) Final inspection 1.0 always occurs in practice. Liability and insurance regimes index (0-2) 0.0 Which parties (if any) are held liable by law for structural flaws or problems in the building once it is in use No party is held liable 0.0 (Latent Defect Liability or Decennial Liability)? (0-1) under the law. Which parties (if any) are required by law to obtain an insurance policy to cover possible structural flaws or No party is required 0.0 problems in the building once it is in use (Latent Defect Liability Insurance or Decennial Insurance)? (0-1) by law to obtain insurance . Professional certifications index (0-4) 0.0 What are the qualification requirements for the professional responsible for verifying that the architectural plans University degree in 0.0 or drawings are in compliance with existing building regulations? (0-2) architecture or engineering. What are the qualification requirements for the professional who supervises the construction on the ground? (0- University degree in 0.0 2) engineering, construction or construction management. Page 14 Doing Business 2020 Sierra Leone Getting Electricity This topic measures the procedures, time and cost required for a business to obtain a permanent electricity connection for a newly constructed warehouse. Additionally, the reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index measures reliability of supply, transparency of tariffs and the price of electricity. The most recent round of data collection for the project was completed in May 2019. See the methodology for more information. What the indicators measure Case study assumptions Procedures to obtain an electricity connection (number) To make the data comparable across economies, several assumptions about the warehouse, the electricity connection and the monthly consumption are used. • Submitting all relevant documents and obtaining all necessary clearances and permits The warehouse: • Completing all required notifications and receiving all necessary - Is owned by a local entrepreneur and is used for storage of goods. inspections - Is located in the economy’s largest business city. For 11 economies the data are also collected for • Obtaining external installation works and possibly purchasing the second largest business city. material for these works - Is located in an area where similar warehouses are typically located and is in an area with no physical constraints. For example, the property is not near a railway. • Concluding any necessary supply contract and obtaining final - Is a new construction and is being connected to electricity for the first time. supply - Has two stories with a total surface area of approximately 1,300.6 square meters (14,000 square Time required to complete each procedure (calendar days) feet). The plot of land on which it is built is 929 square meters (10,000 square feet). • Is at least 1 calendar day The electricity connection: • Each procedure starts on a separate day - Is a permanent one with a three-phase, four-wire Y connection with a subscribed capacity of 140- kilo-volt-ampere (kVA) with a power factor of 1, when 1 kVA = 1 kilowatt (kW). • Does not include time spent gathering information - Has a length of 150 meters. The connection is to either the low- or medium-voltage distribution • Reflects the time spent in practice, with little follow-up and no network and is either overhead or underground, whichever is more common in the area where the prior contact with officials warehouse is located and requires works that involve the crossing of a 10-meter road (such as by excavation or overhead lines) but are all carried out on public land. There is no crossing of other Cost required to complete each procedure (% of income per owners’ private property because the warehouse has access to a road. capita) - Does not require work to install the internal wiring of the warehouse. This has already been • Official costs only, no bribes completed up to and including the customer’s service panel or switchboard and the meter base. • Value added tax excluded The monthly consumption: The reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (0-8) - It is assumed that the warehouse operates 30 days a month from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (8 hours • Duration and frequency of power outages (0–3) a day), with equipment utilized at 80% of capacity on average and that there are no electricity cuts (assumed for simplicity reasons) and the monthly energy consumption is 26,880 kilowatt-hours • Tools to monitor power outages (0–1) (kWh); hourly consumption is 112 kWh. • Tools to restore power supply (0–1) - If multiple electricity suppliers exist, the warehouse is served by the cheapest supplier. - Tariffs effective in January of the current year are used for calculation of the price of electricity for • Regulatory monitoring of utilities’ performance (0–1) the warehouse. Although January has 31 days, for calculation purposes only 30 days are used. • Financial deterrents limiting outages (0–1) • Transparency and accessibility of tariffs (0–1) Price of electricity (cents per kilowatt-hour)* • Price based on monthly bill for commercial warehouse in case study *Note: Doing Business measures the price of electricity, but it is not included in the ease of doing business score nor in the ranking on the ease of getting electricity. Page 15 Doing Business 2020 Sierra Leone Getting Electricity - Sierra Leone Standardized Connection Name of utility Electricity Distribution and Supply Authority (EDSA) Price of electricity (US cents per kWh) 18.0 City Covered Freetown Indicator Sierra Leone Sub-Saharan OECD high Best Regulatory Africa income Performance Procedures (number) 8 5.2 4.4 3 (28 Economies) Time (days) 82 109.6 74.8 18 (3 Economies) Cost (% of income per capita) 5057.2 3,187.5 61.0 0.0 (3 Economies) Reliability of supply and transparency of tariff index (0-8) 0 1.6 7.4 8 (26 Economies) Figure – Getting Electricity in Sierra Leone – Score 16.7 72.2 37.6 0.0 Reliability of supply and transparency of Procedures Time Cost tariff index Figure – Getting Electricity in Sierra Leone and comparator economies – Ranking and Score DB 2020 Getting Electricity Score 0 100 80.1: Kenya (Rank: 70) 77.4: Ghana (Rank: 79) 55.3: Guinea (Rank: 150) 50.4: Regional Average (Sub-Saharan Africa) 31.6: Sierra Leone (Rank: 181) 29.7: Guinea-Bissau (Rank: 182) Note: The ranking of economies on the ease of getting electricity is determined by sorting their scores for getting electricity. These scores are the simple average of the scores for all the component indicators except the price of electricity. Figure – Getting Electricity in Sierra Leone – Procedure, Time and Cost Time (days) Cost (% of income per capita) 6000 80 70 Cost (% of income per capita) 5000 60 4000 Time (days) 50 40 3000 30 2000 20 1000 10 0 0 1 *2 3 4 5 6 *7 8 Procedures (number) * This symbol is shown beside procedure numbers that take place simultaneously with the previous procedure. Note: Online procedures account for 0.5 days in the total time calculation. For economies that have a different procedure list for men and women, the graph shows the time for women. For more information on methodology, see the Doing Business website ( For details on the procedures Page 16 Doing Business 2020 Sierra Leone reflected here, see the summary below. Figure – Getting Electricity in Sierra Leone and comparator economies – Measure of Quality 6 5 5 4 Index score 4 3 2 1.6 1 0 0 0 0 Sierra Ghana Guinea Guinea-Bissau Kenya Sub-Saharan Leone Africa Page 17 Doing Business 2020 Sierra Leone Details – Getting Electricity in Sierra Leone – Procedure, Time and Cost No. Procedures Time to Complete Associated Costs 1 Submit application to EDSA and await estimate 14 calendar days SLL 863,000 Agency : Electricity Distribution and Supply Authority (EDSA) Customer submits application form including supporting documents (proof of ownership, photo ID), and the application is stamped by the licensed electrical contractor. The form is then sent by the Commercial Department to the Transmission and Distribution Section in EDSA, who draw up the estimate. The estimate will depend on the type of supply needed. The quotation then goes to the Audit Department for verification who ensure that costs are standard. They then sent it back to the T&D Section who will prepare the final estimate letter and send it to the customer. 2 Receive site inspection by EDSA 2 calendar days SLL 0 Agency : Electricity Distribution and Supply Authority (EDSA) The inspector will go to the site to inspect if information provided by the applicant is correct and to determine the type of supply that will be needed. He will also determine the right tariff that will apply. 3 Purchase materials and request inspection by EDSA 14 calendar days SLL 196,887,804.45 Agency : Electricity Distribution and Supply Authority (EDSA) When the customer receives the estimate, he also receives a list of materials that he needs to purchase in order to start the work. EDSA is not able to provide the materials, for that reason applicant needs to purchase them on his own in any specialized store. (note: there is not a particular store) . 4 Receive inspection of materials by EDSA 7 calendar days SLL 0 Agency : Electricity Distribution and Supply Authority (EDSA) EDSA conducts an inspection of the material to confirm that they of standard quality. The materials bought by the customer are then used by EDSA for external connection works. 5 Receive job number, open customer account and pay supply connection fee 1 calendar day SLL 1,355,000 Agency : Electricity Distribution and Supply Authority (EDSA) The Job Number is presented in the Customer Service section, where EDSA prepares a New Customer Account. The applicant pays customer accounts deposit. 6 Await completion of external works by EDSA 28 calendar days SLL 1,414,000 Agency : Electricity Distribution and Supply Authority (EDSA) The utility conducts external connection works 7 Receive internal wiring inspection by EDSA 1 calendar day SLL 0 Agency : Electricity Distribution and Supply Authority (EDSA) The utility will conduct the internal wiring inspection. After this inspection, EDSA will start the work in order to bring electricity to the warehouse. 8 Receive external inspection, meter installation and electricity flow from EDSA 18 calendar days SLL 0 Agency : Electricity Distribution and Supply Authority (EDSA) Regarding the internal wiring of the warehouse, it is the responsibility of the applicant to set up the internal wiring of the warehouse. The applicant should hire a certified electrician (see survey) in order to set up the internal wiring and certify that the internal wiring is in compliance with EDSA standards. (Applicant’s form is again sent back to Meter and Test section where based on the report of inspectors, a suitable meter is selected and tested. Meter is taken to site and installed. Transmission line bought by applicant is connected to the power line, electricity starts flowing. It takes EDSA Meter section days to select a suitable meter and have it thoroughly tested before installation is done. Actual installation work at the site lasts for only a few hours. Takes place simultaneously with previous procedure. Page 18 Doing Business 2020 Sierra Leone Details – Getting Electricity in Sierra Leone – Measure of Quality Answer Reliability of supply and transparency of tariff index (0-8) 0 Total duration and frequency of outages per customer a year (0-3) 0 System average interruption duration index (SAIDI) 62.1 System average interruption frequency index (SAIFI) 24.8 What is the minimum outage time (in minutes) that the utility considers for the calculation of SAIDI/SAIFI 5.0 Mechanisms for monitoring outages (0-1) 0 Does the distribution utility use automated tools to monitor outages? No Mechanisms for restoring service (0-1) 0 Does the distribution utility use automated tools to restore service? No Regulatory monitoring (0-1) 0 Does a regulator—that is, an entity separate from the utility—monitor the utility’s performance on reliability of supply? No Financial deterrents aimed at limiting outages (0-1) 0 Does the utility either pay compensation to customers or face fines by the regulator (or both) if outages exceed a certain cap? No Communication of tariffs and tariff changes (0-1) 0 Are effective tariffs available online? No Link to the website, if available online Are customers notified of a change in tariff ahead of the billing cycle? Yes Note: If the duration and frequency of outages is 100 or less, the economy is eligible to score on the Reliability of supply and transparency of tariff index. If the duration and frequency of outages is not available, or is over 100, the economy is not eligible to score on the index. If the minimum outage time considered for SAIDI/SAIFI is over 5 minutes, the economy is not eligible to score on the index. Page 19 Doing Business 2020 Sierra Leone Registering Property This topic examines the steps, time and cost involved in registering property, assuming a standardized case of an entrepreneur who wants to purchase land and a building that is already registered and free of title dispute. In addition, the topic also measures the quality of the land administration system in each economy. The quality of land administration index has five dimensions: reliability of infrastructure, transparency of information, geographic coverage, land dispute resolution, and equal access to property rights. The most recent round of data collection for the project was completed in May 2019. See the methodology for more information. What the indicators measure Case study assumptions Procedures to legally transfer title on immovable property To make the data comparable across economies, several assumptions about the parties to the (number) transaction, the property and the procedures are used. • Preregistration procedures (for example, checking for liens, The parties (buyer and seller): notarizing sales agreement, paying property transfer taxes) - Are limited liability companies (or the legal equivalent). • Registration procedures in the economy's largest business city. - Are located in the periurban (that is, on the outskirts of the city but still within its official limits) • Postregistration procedures (for example, filling title with area of the economy’s largest business city. For 11 economies the data are also collected for the municipality) second largest business city. - Are 100% domestically and privately owned. Time required to complete each procedure (calendar days) - Perform general commercial activities. • Does not include time spent gathering information The property (fully owned by the seller): • Each procedure starts on a separate day - though procedures - Has a value of 50 times income per capita, which equals the sale price. that can be fully completed online are an exception to this rule - Is fully owned by the seller. • Procedure is considered completed once final document is - Has no mortgages attached and has been under the same ownership for the past 10 years. received - Is registered in the land registry or cadastre, or both, and is free of title disputes. - Is located in a periurban commercial zone (that is, on the outskirts of the city but still within its • No prior contact with officials official limits), and no rezoning is required. Cost required to complete each procedure (% of property - Consists of land and a building. The land area is 557.4 square meters (6,000 square feet). A two- value) story warehouse of 929 square meters (10,000 square feet) is located on the land. The warehouse is 10 years old, is in good condition, has no heating system and complies with all safety standards, • Official costs only (such as administrative fees, duties and building codes and legal requirements. The property, consisting of land and building, will be taxes). transferred in its entirety. • Value Added Tax, Capital Gains Tax and illicit payments are - Will not be subject to renovations or additional construction following the purchase. excluded - Has no trees, natural water sources, natural reserves or historical monuments of any kind. - Will not be used for special purposes, and no special permits, such as for residential use, Quality of land administration index (0-30) industrial plants, waste storage or certain types of agricultural activities, are required. - Has no occupants, and no other party holds a legal interest in it. • Reliability of infrastructure index (0-8) • Transparency of information index (0–6) • Geographic coverage index (0–8) • Land dispute resolution index (0–8) • Equal access to property rights index (-2–0) Page 20 Doing Business 2020 Sierra Leone Registering Property - Sierra Leone Indicator Sierra Leone Sub-Saharan OECD high Best Regulatory Africa income Performance Procedures (number) 7 6.1 4.7 1 (5 Economies) Time (days) 56 51.6 23.6 1 (2 Economies) Cost (% of property value) 10.6 7.3 4.2 0.0 (Saudi Arabia) Quality of the land administration index (0-30) 5.5 9.0 23.2 None in 2018/19 Figure – Registering Property in Sierra Leone – Score 50.0 73.7 29.1 18.3 Procedures Time Cost Quality of the land administration index Figure – Registering Property in Sierra Leone and comparator economies – Ranking and Score DB 2020 Registering Property Score 0 100 59.4: Ghana (Rank: 111) 56.9: Guinea (Rank: 122) 54.5: Guinea-Bissau (Rank: 132) 53.8: Kenya (Rank: 134) 53.6: Regional Average (Sub-Saharan Africa) 42.8: Sierra Leone (Rank: 169) Note: The ranking of economies on the ease of registering property is determined by sorting their scores for registering property. These scores are the simple average of the scores for each of the component indicators. Page 21 Doing Business 2020 Sierra Leone Figure – Registering Property in Sierra Leone – Procedure, Time and Cost Time (days) Cost (% of property value) 12 50 10 Cost (% of property value) 40 8 Time (days) 30 6 20 4 10 2 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Procedures (number) * This symbol is shown beside procedure numbers that take place simultaneously with the previous procedure. Note: Online procedures account for 0.5 days in the total time calculation. For economies that have a different procedure list for men and women, the graph shows the time for women. For more information on methodology, see the Doing Business website ( For details on the procedures reflected here, see the summary below. Page 22 Doing Business 2020 Sierra Leone Figure – Registering Property in Sierra Leone and comparator economies – Measure of Quality 16 15.0 14 12 Index score 10 9.0 8.0 8 6.5 6 5.5 4 3.0 2 0 Sierra Ghana Guinea Guinea-Bissau Kenya Sub-Saharan Leone Africa Details – Registering Property in Sierra Leone – Procedure, Time and Cost No. Procedures Time to Complete Associated Costs 1 The buyer verifies the seller’s title to the property at the Property Registry 5 days SLL 20,000 Agency : Land Registry, Office of the Administrator and Registrar General With a copy of the abstract of title the buyer then conducts a search in the property register to verify the seller’s title to the property as well as information regarding the encumbrances on the property. 2 A licensed surveyor visits the property and prepares the survey plan 20 days SLL 1,000,000 Agency : Licensed surveyor A private, licensed surveyor visits the property in order to prepare the survey plan. On average, it is expected to pay around SLL 1.5 million for the services of a private surveyor, which includes as well the cost of submitting the survey plan to the Director of Surveys and Lands • 1,000/00 for one town lot, • 10,000/00 for 1 acre • 500/00 for change of name in a survey plan 3 A licensed surveyor submit the survey plan to the Ministry of Lands and Housing 1 day no charge Agency : Ministry of Lands, Country Planning and the Environment The buyer should obtain a survey plan of the property duly signed by the Director of Surveys and Lands. 4 Countersignature of the Director of Surveys and Lands on the survey plan of the property 14 days no charge Agency : Ministry of Lands, Country Planning and the Environment In accordance to Section 15 of the Survey Act, CAP 128 of the Laws of Sierra Leone provides for the submission of every site plan to be inserted in a document to be registered. Section 2 of the Survey (Amendment) Act, 1950, mandates that each such plan should be countersigned by the Director of Surveys and Lands. In accordance to Section 15 of the Surveys Act Cap 256 of the Laws of Sierra Leone (as amended by section 2 of Act No 14 of the Laws of Sierra Leone 1960 ), the licensed surveyor will submit the survey plan to the lands ministry on behalf of the buyer. The countersigned survey will be returned to the surveyor who submitted the survey plan to the Director of Surveys and Lands. 5 Preparation and execution of the sale purchase agreement by a hired lawyer 7 days SLL 19,825,318.69; (10% Agency : Lawyer's office of purchase price) Registration of Instruments Act, Cap 256 of the Laws of Sierra Leone and the Stamp Duty Act, Cap 274 stipulate that all registrable instruments have to be prepared and deposited by a legal practitioner. 6 Obtain a tax clearance certificate from the National Revenue Authority 2 days SLL 5,000; (SLL 5,000 + Agency : National Revenue Authority 30% capital gains tax (not The tax clearance is applied for after the deed document is prepared . It is submitted to the NRA included in the on application for tax clearance, and payment of the assessed tax, the deed is stamped on the calculation)) margin of the front page, and a receipt issued, which is attached to the document. The seller of the property pays 30% of the profit derived from the sale as capital gains tax, and the above certificate is issued. Please note that Capital gains tax is not included in the calculation. 7 Registration of the transfer of instrument by the Registrar General 7 days SLL 248,253.19; (0.1% for Agency : Land Registry, Office of the Administrator and Registrar General the stamp duty + SLL The transfer of title is registered by the Registrar General. Companies are registered at the Stamp 50,000 for the fast track duty, registration fee, Property fee and local taxes (estimates based on acreage) are paid at this procedure) time. The registration fee is a fixed fee. Takes place simultaneously with previous procedure. Page 23 Doing Business 2020 Sierra Leone Details – Registering Property in Sierra Leone – Measure of Quality Answer Score Quality of the land administration index (0-30) 5.5 Reliability of infrastructure index (0-8) 0.0 Type of land registration system in the economy: Deed Registration System What is the institution in charge of immovable property registration? Office of the Administrator and Registrar General In what format are past and newly issued land records kept at the immovable property registry of the largest Paper 0.0 business city of the economy —in a paper format or in a computerized format (scanned or fully digital)? Is there a comprehensive and functional electronic database for checking for encumbrances (liens, mortgages, No 0.0 restrictions and the like)? Institution in charge of the plans showing legal boundaries in the largest business city: The Surveys and Lands Department at the Ministry of Lands, Country Planning, and the Environment. In what format are past and newly issued cadastral plans kept at the mapping agency of the largest business Paper 0.0 city of the economy—in a paper format or in a computerized format (scanned or fully digital)? Is there an electronic database for recording boundaries, checking plans and providing cadastral information No 0.0 (geographic information system)? Is the information recorded by the immovable property registration agency and the cadastral or mapping agency Separate databases 0.0 kept in a single database, in different but linked databases or in separate databases? Do the immovable property registration agency and cadastral or mapping agency use the same identification No 0.0 number for properties? Transparency of information index (0–6) 2.0 Who is able to obtain information on land ownership at the agency in charge of immovable property registration Anyone who pays the 1.0 in the largest business city? official fee Is the list of documents that are required to complete any type of property transaction made publicly available– Yes, in person 0.0 and if so, how? Link for online access: Is the applicable fee schedule for any type of property transaction at the agency in charge of immovable Yes, online 0.5 property registration in the largest business city made publicly available–and if so, how? Link for online access: / ml Does the agency in charge of immovable property registration agency formally commit to deliver a legally Yes, in person 0.0 binding document that proves property ownership within a specific timeframe –and if so, how does it communicate the service standard? Link for online access: Is there a specific and independent mechanism for filing complaints about a problem that occurred at the agency No 0.0 in charge of immovable property registration? Contact information: Are there publicly available official statistics tracking the number of transactions at the immovable property No 0.0 registration agency? Number of property transfers in the largest business city in 2018: Who is able to consult maps of land plots in the largest business city? Anyone who pays the 0.5 official fee Is the applicable fee schedule for accessing maps of land plots made publicly available—and if so, how? Yes, in person 0.0 Link for online access: Page 24 Doing Business 2020 Sierra Leone Does the cadastral/mapping agency formally specifies the timeframe to deliver an updated cadastral plan—and No 0.0 if so, how does it communicate the service standard? Link for online access: Is there a specific and independent mechanism for filing complaints about a problem that occurred at the No 0.0 cadastral or mapping agency? Contact information: Geographic coverage index (0–8) 0.0 Are all privately held land plots in the largest business city formally registered at the immovable property No 0.0 registry? Are all privately held land plots in the economy formally registered at the immovable property registry? No 0.0 Are all privately held land plots in the largest business city mapped? No 0.0 Are all privately held land plots in the economy mapped? No 0.0 Land dispute resolution index (0–8) 3.5 Does the law require that all property sale transactions be registered at the immovable property registry to make Yes 1.5 them opposable to third parties? Legal basis: Registration of Instruments Act, Cap 255, Cap 256 Is the system of immovable property registration subject to a state or private guarantee? No 0.0 Type of guarantee: Legal basis: Is there a is a specific, out-of-court compensation mechanism to cover for losses incurred by parties who No 0.0 engaged in good faith in a property transaction based on erroneous information certified by the immovable property registry? Legal basis: Does the legal system require a control of legality of the documents necessary for a property transaction (e.g., Yes 0.5 checking the compliance of contracts with requirements of the law)? If yes, who is responsible for checking the legality of the documents? Lawyer; Does the legal system require verification of the identity of the parties to a property transaction? Yes 0.5 If yes, who is responsible for verifying the identity of the parties? Registrar; Lawyer; Is there a national database to verify the accuracy of government issued identity documents? Yes 1.0 What is the Court of first instance in charge of a case involving a standard land dispute between two local The High Court of businesses over tenure rights for a property worth 50 times gross national income (GNI) per capita and located Sierra Leone in the largest business city? How long does it take on average to obtain a decision from the first-instance court for such a case (without More than 3 years 0.0 appeal)? Are there publicly available statistics on the number of land disputes at the economy level in the first instance No 0.0 court? Number of land disputes in the economy in 2018: Equal access to property rights index (-2–0) 0.0 Do unmarried men and unmarried women have equal ownership rights to property? Yes Do married men and married women have equal ownership rights to property? Yes 0.0 Page 25 Doing Business 2020 Sierra Leone Getting Credit This topic explores two sets of issues—the strength of credit reporting systems and the effectiveness of collateral and bankruptcy laws in facilitating lending. The most recent round of data collection for the project was completed in May 2019. See the methodology for more information. What the indicators measure Case study assumptions Strength of legal rights index (0–12) Doing Business assesses the sharing of credit information and the legal rights of borrowers and lenders with respect to secured transactions through 2 sets of indicators. The depth of credit • Rights of borrowers and lenders through collateral laws (0-10) information index measures rules and practices affecting the coverage, scope and accessibility of • Protection of secured creditors’ rights through bankruptcy laws credit information available through a credit registry or a credit bureau. The strength of legal rights (0-2) index measures the degree to which collateral and bankruptcy laws protect the rights of borrowers and lenders and thus facilitate lending. For each economy it is first determined whether a unitary Depth of credit information index (0–8) secured transactions system exists. Then two case scenarios, case A and case B, are used to • Scope and accessibility of credit information distributed by determine how a nonpossessory security interest is created, publicized and enforced according to credit bureaus and credit registries (0-8) the law. Special emphasis is given to how the collateral registry operates (if registration of security interests is possible). The case scenarios involve a secured borrower, company ABC, and a Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) secured lender, BizBank. • Number of individuals and firms listed in largest credit bureau In some economies the legal framework for secured transactions will allow only case A or case B as a percentage of adult population (not both) to apply. Both cases examine the same set of legal provisions relating to the use of movable collateral. Credit registry coverage (% of adults) • Number of individuals and firms listed in credit registry as a Several assumptions about the secured borrower (ABC) and lender (BizBank) are used: percentage of adult population - ABC is a domestic limited liability company (or its legal equivalent). - ABC has up to 50 employees. - ABC has its headquarters and only base of operations in the economy’s largest business city. For 11 economies the data are also collected for the second largest business city. - Both ABC and BizBank are 100% domestically owned. The case scenarios also involve assumptions. In case A, as collateral for the loan, ABC grants BizBank a nonpossessory security interest in one category of movable assets, for example, its machinery or its inventory. ABC wants to keep both possession and ownership of the collateral. In economies where the law does not allow nonpossessory security interests in movable property, ABC and BizBank use a fiduciary transfer-of-title arrangement (or a similar substitute for nonpossessory security interests). In case B, ABC grants BizBank a business charge, enterprise charge, floating charge or any charge that gives BizBank a security interest over ABC’s combined movable assets (or as much of ABC’s movable assets as possible). ABC keeps ownership and possession of the assets. Page 26 Doing Business 2020 Sierra Leone Getting Credit - Sierra Leone Indicator Sierra Leone Sub-Saharan OECD high Best Regulatory Africa income Performance Strength of legal rights index (0-12) 5 5.1 6.1 12 (5 Economies) Depth of credit information index (0-8) 0 3.9 6.8 8 (53 Economies) Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 2.1 8.3 24.4 100.0 (2 Economies) Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 0.0 11.0 66.7 100.0 (14 Economies) Figure – Getting Credit in Sierra Leone – Score 25.0 Score - Getting Credit Figure – Getting Credit in Sierra Leone and comparator economies – Ranking and Score DB 2020 Getting Credit Score 0 100 95.0: Kenya (Rank: 4) 60.0: Ghana (Rank: 80) 45.2: Regional Average (Sub-Saharan Africa) 30.0: Guinea (Rank: 152) 30.0: Guinea-Bissau (Rank: 152) 25.0: Sierra Leone (Rank: 165) Note: The ranking of economies on the ease of getting credit is determined by sorting their scores for getting credit. These scores are the sum of the scores for the strength of legal rights index and the depth of credit information index. Page 27 Doing Business 2020 Sierra Leone Figure – Legal Rights in Sierra Leone and comparator economies 12 11 10 Index Score 8 6 6 6 6 5 5.1 4 2 0 Sierra Ghana Guinea Guinea-Bissau Kenya Sub-Saharan Leone Africa Page 28 Doing Business 2020 Sierra Leone Details – Legal Rights in Sierra Leone Strength of legal rights index (0-12) 5 Does an integrated or unified legal framework for secured transactions that extends to the creation, publicity and enforcement of functional equivalents No to security interests in movable assets exist in the economy? Does the law allow businesses to grant a non possessory security right in a single category of movable assets, without requiring a specific description Yes of collateral? Does the law allow businesses to grant a non possessory security right in substantially all of its assets, without requiring a specific description of Yes collateral? May a security right extend to future or after-acquired assets, and does it extend automatically to the products, proceeds and replacements of the Yes original assets? Is a general description of debts and obligations permitted in collateral agreements; can all types of debts and obligations be secured between parties; Yes and can the collateral agreement include a maximum amount for which the assets are encumbered? Is a collateral registry in operation for both incorporated and non-incorporated entities, that is unified geographically and by asset type, with an No electronic database indexed by debtor's name? Does a notice-based collateral registry exist in which all functional equivalents can be registered? No Does a modern collateral registry exist in which registrations, amendments, cancellations and searches can be performed online by any interested third No party? Are secured creditors paid first (i.e. before tax claims and employee claims) when a debtor defaults outside an insolvency procedure? No Are secured creditors paid first (i.e. before tax claims and employee claims) when a business is liquidated? No Are secured creditors subject to an automatic stay on enforcement when a debtor enters a court-supervised reorganization procedure? Does the law No protect secured creditors’ rights by providing clear grounds for relief from the stay and sets a time limit for it? Does the law allow parties to agree on out of court enforcement at the time a security interest is created? Does the law allow the secured creditor to sell Yes the collateral through public auction or private tender, as well as, for the secured creditor to keep the asset in satisfaction of the debt? Figure – Credit Information in Sierra Leone and comparator economies 9 8 8 7 6 Index Score 6 5 3.9 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 Sierra Ghana Guinea Guinea-Bissau Kenya Sub-Saharan Leone Africa Page 29 Doing Business 2020 Sierra Leone Details – Credit Information in Sierra Leone Depth of credit information index (0-8) Credit bureau Credit registry Score Are data on both firms and individuals distributed? No No 0 Are both positive and negative credit data distributed? No No 0 Are data from retailers or utility companies - in addition to data from banks and No No 0 financial institutions - distributed? Are at least 2 years of historical data distributed? (Credit bureaus and registries No No 0 that distribute more than 10 years of negative data or erase data on defaults as soon as they are repaid obtain a score of 0 for this component.) Are data on loan amounts below 1% of income per capita distributed? No No 0 By law, do borrowers have the right to access their data in the credit bureau or No No 0 credit registry? Can banks and financial institutions access borrowers’ credit information online No No 0 (for example, through an online platform, a system-to-system connection or both)? Are bureau or registry credit scores offered as a value-added service to help No No 0 banks and financial institutions assess the creditworthiness of borrowers? Note: An economy receives a score of 1 if there is a "yes" to either bureau or registry. If the credit bureau or registry is not operational or covers less than 5% of the adult population, the total score on the depth of credit information index is 0. Coverage Credit bureau Credit registry Number of individuals 0 63,165 Number of firms 0 26,952 Total 0 90,117 Percentage of adult population 0.0 2.1 Page 30 Doing Business 2020 Sierra Leone Protecting Minority Investors This topic measures the strength of minority shareholder protections against misuse of corporate assets by directors for their personal gain as well as shareholder rights, governance safeguards and corporate transparency requirements that reduce the risk of abuse. The most recent round of data collection for the project was completed in May 2019. See the methodology for more information. What the indicators measure Case study assumptions • Extent of disclosure index (0–10): Disclosure, review, and To make the data comparable across economies, a case study uses several assumptions about approval requirements for related-party transactions the business and the transaction. • Extent of director liability index (0–10): Ability of minority shareholders to sue and hold interested directors liable for The business (Buyer): prejudicial related-party transactions; Available legal - Is a publicly traded corporation listed on the economy’s most important stock exchange. remedies (damages, disgorgement of profits, disqualification - Has a board of directors and a chief executive officer (CEO) who may legally act on behalf of from managerial position(s) for one year or more, rescission of Buyer where permitted, even if this is not specifically required by law. the transaction) - Has a supervisory board in economies with a two-tier board system on which Mr. James appointed 60% of the shareholder-elected members. • Ease of shareholder suits index (0–10): Access to internal - Has not adopted bylaws or articles of association that go beyond the minimum requirements. corporate documents; Evidence obtainable during trial and allocation of legal expenses Does not follow codes, principles, recommendations or guidelines that are not mandatory. - Is a manufacturing company with its own distribution network. • Extent of conflict of interest regulation index (0-30): Sum of the extent of disclosure, extent of director liability and ease of The transaction involves the following details: shareholder suits indices - Mr. James owns 60% of Buyer, sits on Buyer’s board of directors and elected two directors to • Extent of shareholder rights index (0-6): Shareholders’ rights Buyer’s five-member board. and role in major corporate decisions - Mr. James also owns 90% of Seller, a company that operates a chain of retail hardware stores. Seller recently closed a large number of its stores. • Extent of ownership and control index (0-7): Governance - Mr. James proposes that Buyer purchase Seller’s unused fleet of trucks to expand Buyer’s safeguards protecting shareholders from undue board control distribution of its food products, a proposal to which Buyer agrees. The price is equal to 10% of and entrenchment Buyer’s assets and is higher than the market value. • Extent of corporate transparency index (0-7): Corporate - The proposed transaction is part of the company’s principal activity and is not outside the transparency on ownership stakes, compensation, audits and authority of the company. financial prospects - Buyer enters into the transaction. All required approvals are obtained, and all required disclosures made—that is, the transaction was not entered into fraudulently. • Extent of shareholder governance index (0–20): Sum of the - The transaction causes damages to Buyer. Shareholders sue Mr. James and the executives and extent of shareholders rights, extent of ownership and control directors that approved the transaction. and extent of corporate transparency indices • Strength of minority investor protection index (0–50): Sum of the extent of conflict of interest regulation and extent of shareholder governance indices Page 31 Doing Business 2020 Sierra Leone Protecting Minority Investors - Sierra Leone Stock exchange information Stock exchange Stock exchange URL Listed firms with equity securities 0 City Covered Freetown Indicator Sierra Leone Sub-Saharan OECD high Best Regulatory Africa income Performance Extent of disclosure index (0-10) 6.0 5.5 6.5 10 (13 Economies) Extent of director liability index (0-10) 8.0 3.5 5.3 10 (3 Economies) Ease of shareholder suits index (0-10) 6.0 5.5 7.3 10 (Djibouti) Extent of shareholder rights index (0-6) 0.0 1.8 4.7 6 (19 Economies) Extent of ownership and control index (0-7) 0.0 1.4 4.5 7 (9 Economies) Extent of corporate transparency index (0-7) 0.0 1.5 5.7 7 (13 Economies) Figure – Protecting Minority in Sierra Leone – Score 40.0 Score - Protecting Minority Investors Figure – Protecting Minority Investors in Sierra Leone and comparator economies – Ranking and Score DB 2020 Protecting Minority Investors Score 0 100 92.0: Kenya (Rank: 1) 60.0: Ghana (Rank: 72) 44.0: Guinea-Bissau (Rank: 114) 40.0: Sierra Leone (Rank: 128) 38.5: Regional Average (Sub-Saharan Africa) 26.0: Guinea (Rank: 162) Note: The ranking of economies on the strength of minority investor protections is determined by sorting their scores for protecting minority investors. These scores are the simple average of the scores for the extent of conflict of interest regulation index and the extent of shareholder governance index. Page 32 Doing Business 2020 Sierra Leone Figure – Protecting Minority Investors in Sierra Leone and comparator economies – Measure of Quality Sierra Leone 0 8 6 0 6 Ghana 3 5 7 3 5 7 Guinea 0 1 7 0 5 Guinea-Bissau 2 1 7 2 4 6 Kenya 5 10 10 6 6 9 OECD high income 5.6 5.6 6.6 4.3 4.5 7.4 Sub-Saharan Africa 1.7 3.6 5.6 1.5 1.9 5.6 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Sub-Indicator Score Extent of corporate transparency index (0-7) Extent of director liability index (0-10) Extent of disclosure index (0-10) Extent of ownership and control index (0-7) Extent of shareholder rights index (0-6) Ease of shareholder suits index (0-10) Page 33 Doing Business 2020 Sierra Leone Details – Protecting Minority Investors in Sierra Leone – Measure of Quality Answer Score Extent of conflict of interest regulation index (0-30) Extent of disclosure index (0-10) 6.0 Whose decision is sufficient to approve the Buyer-Seller transaction? (0-3) Shareholders 3.0 excluding interested parties Must an external body review the terms of the transaction before it takes place? (0-1) No 0.0 Must Mr. James disclose his conflict of interest to the board of directors? (0-2) Full disclosure of all 2.0 material facts Must Buyer disclose the transaction in periodic filings (e.g. annual reports)? (0-2) Disclosure on the 1.0 transaction only Must Buyer immediately disclose the transaction to the public? (0-2) No disclosure 0.0 obligation Extent of director liability index (0-10) 8.0 Can shareholders representing 10% of Buyer's share capital sue for the damage the transaction caused to Yes 1.0 Buyer? (0-1) Can shareholders hold Mr. James liable for the damage the transaction caused to Buyer? (0-2) Liable if negligent 1.0 Can shareholders hold the other directors liable for the damage the transaction caused to Buyer? (0-2) Liable if unfair or 2.0 prejudicial Must Mr. James pay damages for the harm caused to Buyer upon a successful claim by shareholders? (0-1) Yes 1.0 Must Mr. James repay profits made from the transaction upon a successful claim by shareholders? (0-1) Yes 1.0 Is Mr. James disqualified upon a successful claim by shareholders? (0-1) No 0.0 Can a court void the transaction upon a successful claim by shareholders? (0-2) Voidable if unfair or 2.0 prejudicial Ease of shareholder suits index (0-10) 6.0 Before suing, can shareholders representing 10% of Buyer's share capital inspect the transaction documents? No 0.0 (0-1) Can the plaintiff obtain any documents from the defendant and witnesses at trial? (0-3) Any relevant 3.0 document Can the plaintiff request categories of documents from the defendant without identifying specific ones? (0-1) No 0.0 Can the plaintiff directly question the defendant and witnesses at trial? (0-2) Yes 2.0 Is the level of proof required for civil suits lower than that of criminal cases? (0-1) Yes 1.0 Can shareholder plaintiffs recover their legal expenses from the company? (0-2) At the discretion of 0.0 the court Extent of shareholder governance index (0-20) Extent of shareholder rights index (0-6) 0.0 Does the sale of 51% of Buyer's assets require shareholder approval? No 0.0 Can shareholders representing 10% of Buyer's share capital call for a meeting of shareholders? Yes 1.0 Must Buyer obtain its shareholders’ approval every time it issues new shares? Yes 1.0 Do shareholders automatically receive preemption rights every time Buyer issues new shares? No 0.0 Do shareholders elect and dismiss the external auditor? Yes 1.0 Are changes to the rights of a class of shares only possible if the holders of the affected shares approve? No 0.0 Extent of ownership and control index (0-7) 0.0 Is it forbidden to appoint the same individual as CEO and chairperson of the board of directors? No 0.0 Page 34 Doing Business 2020 Sierra Leone Must the board of directors include independent and nonexecutive board members? No 0.0 Can shareholders remove members of the board of directors without cause before the end of their term? Yes 1.0 Must the board of directors include a separate audit committee exclusively comprising board members? No 0.0 Must a potential acquirer make a tender offer to all shareholders upon acquiring 50% of Buyer? No 0.0 Must Buyer pay declared dividends within a maximum period set by law? No 0.0 Is a subsidiary prohibited from acquiring shares issued by its parent company? Yes 1.0 Extent of corporate transparency index (0-7) 0.0 Must Buyer disclose direct and indirect beneficial ownership stakes representing 5%? Yes 1.0 Must Buyer disclose information about board members’ primary employment and directorships in other Yes 1.0 companies? Must Buyer disclose the compensation of individual managers? No 0.0 Must a detailed notice of general meeting be sent 21 days before the meeting? Yes 1.0 Can shareholders representing 5% of Buyer’s share capital put items on the general meeting agenda? No 0.0 Must Buyer's annual financial statements be audited by an external auditor? Yes 1.0 Must Buyer disclose its audit reports to the public? Yes 1.0 Page 35 Doing Business 2020 Sierra Leone Paying Taxes This topic records the taxes and mandatory contributions that a medium-size company must pay or withhold in a given year, as well as the administrative burden of paying taxes and contributions and complying with postfiling procedures (VAT refund and tax audit). The most recent round of data collection for the project was completed in May 2019 covering for the Paying Taxes indicator calendar year 2018 (January 1, 2018 – December 31, 2018). See the methodology for more information. What the indicators measure Case study assumptions Tax payments for a manufacturing company in 2018 (number Using a case scenario, Doing Business records taxes and mandatory contributions a medium size per year adjusted for electronic and joint filing and payment) company must pay in a year, and measures the administrative burden of paying taxes, contributions and dealing with postfiling processes. Information is also compiled on frequency of • Total number of taxes and contributions paid or withheld, filing and payments, time taken to comply with tax laws, time taken to comply with the including consumption taxes (value added tax, sales tax or requirements of postfiling processes and time waiting. goods and service tax) • Method and frequency of filing and payment To make data comparable across economies, several assumptions are used: - TaxpayerCo is a medium-size business that started operations on January 1, 2017. It produces Time required to comply with 3 major taxes (hours per year) ceramic flowerpots and sells them at retail. All taxes and contributions recorded are paid in the second year of operation (calendar year 2018). Taxes and mandatory contributions are measured • Collecting information, computing tax payable at all levels of government. • Preparing separate tax accounting books, if required • Completing tax return, filing with agencies The VAT refund process: - In June 2018, TaxpayerCo. makes a large capital purchase: the value of the machine is 65 times • Arranging payment or withholding income per capita of the economy. Sales are equally spread per month (1,050 times income per capita divided by 12) and cost of goods sold are equally expensed per month (875 times income Total tax and contribution rate (% of commercial profits) per capita divided by 12). The machinery seller is registered for VAT and excess input VAT incurred • Profit or corporate income tax in June will be fully recovered after four consecutive months if the VAT rate is the same for inputs, sales and the machine and the tax reporting period is every month. Input VAT will exceed Output • Social contributions, labor taxes paid by employer VAT in June 2018. • Property and property transfer taxes The corporate income tax audit process: • Dividend, capital gains, financial transactions taxes - An error in calculation of income tax liability (for example, use of incorrect tax depreciation rates, • Waste collection, vehicle, road and other taxes or incorrectly treating an expense as tax deductible) leads to an incorrect income tax return and a corporate income tax underpayment. TaxpayerCo. discovered the error and voluntarily notified the Postfiling Index tax authority. The value of the underpaid income tax liability is 5% of the corporate income tax • Time to comply with VAT refund (hours) liability due. TaxpayerCo. submits corrected information after the deadline for submitting the annual tax return, but within the tax assessment period. • Time to obtain VAT refund (weeks) • Time to comply with a corporate income tax correction (hours) • Time to complete a corporate income tax correction (weeks) Page 36 Doing Business 2020 Sierra Leone Paying Taxes - Sierra Leone Indicator Sierra Leone Sub-Saharan OECD high Best Regulatory Africa income Performance Payments (number per year) 34 36.6 10.3 3 (2 Economies) Time (hours per year) 343 280.6 158.8 49 (3 Economies) Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 30.7 47.3 39.9 26.1 (33 Economies) Postfiling index (0-100) 95.4 54.7 86.7 None in 2018/19 Figure – Paying Taxes in Sierra Leone – Score 48.3 54.6 93.6 95.4 Payments Time Total tax and contribution rate Postfiling index Figure – Paying Taxes in Sierra Leone and comparator economies – Ranking and Score DB 2020 Paying Taxes Score 0 100 73.0: Sierra Leone (Rank: 93) 72.8: Kenya (Rank: 94) 57.8: Regional Average (Sub-Saharan Africa) 56.0: Ghana (Rank: 152) 55.2: Guinea-Bissau (Rank: 155) 35.5: Guinea (Rank: 183) Note: The ranking of economies on the ease of paying taxes is determined by sorting their scores for paying taxes. These scores are the simple average of the scores for each of the component indicators, with a threshold and a nonlinear transformation applied to one of the component indicators, the total tax and contribution rate. The threshold is defined as the total tax and contribution rate at the 15th percentile of the overall distribution for all years included in the analysis up to and including Doing Business 2015, which is 26.1%. All economies with a total tax and contribution rate below this threshold receive the same score as the economy at the threshold. Page 37 Doing Business 2020 Sierra Leone Figure – Paying Taxes in Sierra Leone and comparator economies – Measure of Quality 120 100 95.4 Index score 80 62.0 60 54.7 49.5 46.3 40 20 12.8 0 Sierra Ghana Guinea Guinea-Bissau Kenya Sub-Saharan Leone Africa Page 38 Doing Business 2020 Sierra Leone Details – Paying Taxes in Sierra Leone Tax or Payments Notes on Time (hours) Statutory tax Tax base Total tax and Notes on TTCR mandatory (number) Payments rate contribution contribution rate (% of profit) Corporate 5.0 16.0 30% taxable profit 17.28 income tax Social Security 12.0 157.0 10% gross income 11.28 Contributions Capital gains tax 1.0 30% Capital gains 1.19 arising from disposal of a chargeable asset Municipal 1.0 fixed fee 0.46 License fee depending on type of business Tax on interest 1.0 15% interest income 0.38 Vehicle tax 1.0 various rates cubic capacity 0.12 Social security 0.0 jointly 5% gross salary 0.00 withheld contributions on employees Fuel tax 1.0 SLL 307.38 per number of liters 0.00 small amount liter Goods and 12.0 170.0 15% cost of materials 0.00 not included Services Tax / VAT Totals 34 343 30.7 Page 39 Doing Business 2020 Sierra Leone Details – Paying Taxes in Sierra Leone – Tax by Type Taxes by type Answer Profit tax (% of profit) 18.5 Labor tax and contributions (% of profit) 11.3 Other taxes (% of profit) 1.0 Page 40 Doing Business 2020 Sierra Leone Details – Paying Taxes in Sierra Leone – Measure of Quality Answer Score Postfiling index (0-100) 95.4 VAT refunds Does VAT exist? Yes Does a VAT refund process exist per the case study? No, industrial machine is exempted from VAT Restrictions on VAT refund process none Percentage of cases exposed to a VAT audit (%) Not applicable Is there a mandatory carry forward period? No Time to comply with VAT refund (hours) No VAT No VAT Time to obtain VAT refund (weeks) No VAT No VAT Corporate income tax audits Does corporate income tax exist? Yes Percentage of cases exposed to a corporate income tax audit (%) 0% - 24% Time to comply with a corporate income tax correction (hours) 6.5 90.8 Time to complete a corporate income tax correction (weeks) No tax audit per case 100 study scenario Notes: Names of taxes have been standardized. For instance income tax, profit tax, tax on company's income are all named corporate income tax in this table. The hours for VAT include all the VAT and sales taxes applicable. The hours for Social Security include all the hours for labor taxes and mandatory contributions in general. The postfiling index is the average of the scores on time to comply with VAT refund, time to obtain a VAT refund, time to comply with a corporate income tax correction and time to complete a corporate income tax correction. N/A = Not applicable. Page 41 Doing Business 2020 Sierra Leone Trading across Borders Doing Business records the time and cost associated with the logistical process of exporting and importing goods. Doing Business measures the time and cost (excluding tariffs) associated with three sets of procedures—documentary compliance, border compliance and domestic transport—within the overall process of exporting or importing a shipment of goods. The most recent round of data collection for the project was completed in May 2019. See the methodology for more information. What the indicators measure Case study assumptions Documentary compliance To make the data comparable across economies, a few assumptions are made about the traded goods and the transactions: • Obtaining, preparing and submitting documents during transport, clearance, inspections and port or border handling in Time: Time is measured in hours, and 1 day is 24 hours (for example, 22 days are recorded as origin economy 22×24=528 hours). If customs clearance takes 7.5 hours, the data are recorded as is. Alternatively, • Obtaining, preparing and submitting documents required by suppose documents are submitted to a customs agency at 8:00a.m., are processed overnight and destination economy and any transit economies can be picked up at 8:00a.m. the next day. The time for customs clearance would be recorded as 24 hours because the actual procedure took 24 hours. • Covers all documents required by law and in practice, including electronic submissions of information Cost: Insurance cost and informal payments for which no receipt is issued are excluded from the Border compliance costs recorded. Costs are reported in U.S. dollars. Contributors are asked to convert local currency into U.S. dollars based on the exchange rate prevailing on the day they answer the questionnaire. • Customs clearance and inspections Contributors are private sector experts in international trade logistics and are informed about exchange rates. • Inspections by other agencies (if applied to more than 20% of shipments) Assumptions of the case study: • Handling and inspections that take place at the economy’s port - For all 190 economies covered by Doing Business, it is assumed a shipment is in a warehouse in or border the largest business city of the exporting economy and travels to a warehouse in the largest business city of the importing economy. Domestic transport - It is assumed each economy imports 15 metric tons of containerized auto parts (HS 8708) from • Loading or unloading of the shipment at the warehouse or its natural import partner—the economy from which it imports the largest value (price times port/border quantity) of auto parts. It is assumed each economy exports the product of its comparative advantage (defined by the largest export value) to its natural export partner—the economy that is • Transport between warehouse and port/border the largest purchaser of this product. Shipment value is assumed to be $50,000. • Traffic delays and road police checks while shipment is en - The mode of transport is the one most widely used for the chosen export or import product and route the trading partner, as is the seaport or land border crossing. - All electronic information submissions requested by any government agency in connection with the shipment are considered to be documents obtained, prepared and submitted during the export or import process. - A port or border is a place (seaport or land border crossing) where merchandise can enter or leave an economy. - Relevant government agencies include customs, port authorities, road police, border guards, standardization agencies, ministries or departments of agriculture or industry, national security agencies and any other government authorities. Page 42 Doing Business 2020 Sierra Leone Trading across Borders - Sierra Leone Indicator Sierra Leone Sub-Saharan OECD high Best Regulatory Africa income Performance Time to export: Border compliance (hours) 55 97.1 12.7 1 (19 Economies) Cost to export: Border compliance (USD) 552 603.1 136.8 0 (19 Economies) Time to export: Documentary compliance (hours) 72 71.9 2.3 1 (26 Economies) Cost to export: Documentary compliance (USD) 227 172.5 33.4 0 (20 Economies) Time to import: Border compliance (hours) 120 126.2 8.5 1 (25 Economies) Cost to import: Border compliance (USD) 821 690.6 98.1 0 (28 Economies) Time to import: Documentary compliance (hours) 82 96.1 3.4 1 (30 Economies) Cost to import: Documentary compliance (USD) 387 287.2 23.5 0 (30 Economies) Figure – Trading across Borders in Sierra Leone – Score 66.1 47.9 58.0 43.2 57.3 31.6 66.1 44.7 Time Cost Time Cost Time Cost Time Cost to to to to to to to to export: export: export: export: import: import: import: import: Border Border Documentary Documentary Border Border Documentary Documentary compliance compliance compliance compliance compliance compliance compliance compliance Figure – Trading across Borders in Sierra Leone and comparator economies – Ranking and Score DB 2020 Trading Across Borders Score 0 100 67.4: Kenya (Rank: 117) 59.6: Guinea-Bissau (Rank: 146) 54.8: Ghana (Rank: 158) 53.6: Regional Average (Sub-Saharan Africa) 51.9: Sierra Leone (Rank: 165) 47.8: Guinea (Rank: 167) Note: The ranking of economies on the ease of trading across borders is determined by sorting their scores for trading across borders. These scores are the simple average of the scores for the time and cost for documentary compliance and border compliance to export and import. Page 43 Doing Business 2020 Sierra Leone Figure – Trading across Borders in Sierra Leone – Time and Cost Time (hours) Cost (USD) 140 821 900 120 800 120 700 Time (hours) 100 Cost (USD) 552 82 600 80 72 500 55 387 60 400 227 300 40 200 20 100 0 0 Export Export Import Import - - - - Border Documentary Border Documentary Compliance Compliance Compliance Compliance Page 44 Doing Business 2020 Sierra Leone Details – Trading across Borders in Sierra Leone Characteristics Export Import Product HS 18 : Cocoa and cocoa preparations HS 8708: Parts and accessories of motor vehicles Trade partner China China Border Freetown port Freetown port Distance (km) 8 8 Domestic transport time (hours) 5 2 Domestic transport cost (USD) 250 199 Details – Trading across Borders in Sierra Leone – Components of Border Compliance Time to Complete (hours) Associated Costs (USD) Export: Clearance and inspections required by 40.3 354.3 customs authorities Export: Clearance and inspections required by 11.1 31.4 agencies other than customs Export: Port or border handling 54.9 166.1 Import: Clearance and inspections required by 40.3 175.0 customs authorities Import: Clearance and inspections required by 72.0 500.0 agencies other than customs Import: Port or border handling 48.0 146.0 Page 45 Doing Business 2020 Sierra Leone Details – Trading across Borders in Sierra Leone – Trade Documents Export Import Bill of lading Commercial Invoice Commercial Invoice Packing List Container Allocation Document Bill of lading Single Customs Declaration (EX 1) Delivery Order Packing List Single Customs Declaration (IM 4) Phytosanitary certificate Customs Release Order/ Exit Note Proof of Payment of Customs Fees Proof of payment of customs fees and duties SOLAS certificate TPMS/ENS Payment Classification and Valuation Certificate SOLAS certificate Page 46 Doing Business 2020 Sierra Leone Enforcing Contracts The enforcing contracts indicator measures the time and cost for resolving a commercial dispute through a local first-instance court, and the quality of judicial processes index, evaluating whether each economy has adopted a series of good practices that promote quality and efficiency in the court system. The most recent round of data collection was completed in May 2019. See the methodology for more information. What the indicators measure Case study assumptions Time required to enforce a contract through the courts The dispute in the case study involves the breach of a sales contract between two domestic (calendar days) businesses. The case study assumes that the court hears an expert on the quality of the goods in dispute. This distinguishes the case from simple debt enforcement. • Time to file and serve the case • Time for trial and to obtain the judgment To make the data on the time and comparable across economies, several assumptions about the case are used: • Time to enforce the judgment - The dispute concerns a lawful transaction between two businesses (Seller and Buyer), both Cost required to enforce a contract through the courts (% of located in the economy’s largest business city. For 11 economies the data are also collected for the claim value) second largest business city. - The Buyer orders custom-made furniture, then fails to pay alleging that the goods are not of • Average attorney fees adequate quality. - The value of the dispute is 200% of the income per capita or the equivalent in local currency of • Court costs USD 5,000, whichever is greater. • Enforcement costs - The Seller sues the Buyer before the court with jurisdiction over commercial cases worth 200% of income per capita or $5,000 whichever is greater. Quality of judicial processes index (0-18) - The Seller requests the pretrial attachment of the defendant’s movable assets to secure the • Court structure and proceedings (-1-5) claim. - The claim is disputed on the merits because of Buyer’s allegation that the quality of the goods • Case management (0-6) was not adequate. • Court automation (0-4) - The judge decides in favor of the seller; there is no appeal. - The Seller enforces the judgment through a public sale of the Buyer’s movable assets. • Alternative dispute resolution (0-3) Page 47 Doing Business 2020 Sierra Leone Enforcing Contracts - Sierra Leone Standardized Case Claim value SLL 35,008,938 Court name Freetown High Court - Commercial Section City Covered Freetown Indicator Sierra Leone Sub-Saharan OECD high Best Regulatory Africa income Performance Time (days) 515 654.9 589.6 120 (Singapore) Cost (% of claim value) 39.5 41.6 21.5 0.1 (Bhutan) Quality of judicial processes index (0-18) 8.0 6.9 11.7 None in 2018/19 Figure – Enforcing Contracts in Sierra Leone – Score 67.6 55.7 44.4 Time Cost Quality of judicial processes index Figure – Enforcing Contracts in Sierra Leone and comparator economies – Ranking and Score DB 2020 Enforcing Contracts Score 0 100 58.3: Kenya (Rank: 89) 55.9: Sierra Leone (Rank: 108) 54.0: Ghana (Rank: 117) 53.9: Guinea (Rank: 118) 49.6: Regional Average (Sub-Saharan Africa) 38.6: Guinea-Bissau (Rank: 171) Note: The ranking of economies on the ease of enforcing contracts is determined by sorting their scores for enforcing contracts. These scores are the simple average of the scores for each of the component indicators. Page 48 Doing Business 2020 Sierra Leone Figure – Enforcing Contracts in Sierra Leone – Time and Cost Time (days) Cost (% of claim value) 2000 50 45.0 1785 Cost (% of claim value) 41.8 41.6 39.5 40 1500 Time (days) 28.0 30 1000 23.0 21.5 710 654.9 20 589.6 465 515 500 311 10 0 0 Ghana Guinea Guinea-Bissau Kenya OECD Sierra Sub-Saharan high Leone Africa income Page 49 Doing Business 2020 Sierra Leone Figure – Enforcing Contracts in Sierra Leone and comparator economies – Measure of Quality Sierra Leone 1.5 2 0 4.5 Ghana 2.5 1 0 3 Guinea 2.5 0 2.5 Guinea-Bissau 2.5 1.5 0 4.5 Kenya 2 2 0.5 4.5 OECD high income 2.5 3.2 2.4 3.6 Sub-Saharan Africa 2.2 1.3 0.3 3.2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Sub-Indicator Score Alternative dispute resolution (0-3) Case management (0-6) Court automation (0-4) Court structure and proceedings (-1-5) Details – Enforcing Contracts in Sierra Leone Indicator Time (days) 515 Filing and service 30 Trial and judgment 395 Enforcement of judgment 90 Cost (% of claim value) 39.5 Attorney fees 15 Court fees 4.5 Enforcement fees 20 Quality of judicial processes index (0-18) 8.0 Court structure and proceedings (-1-5) 4.5 Case management (0-6) 2.0 Court automation (0-4) 0.0 Alternative dispute resolution (0-3) 1.5 Page 50 Doing Business 2020 Sierra Leone Details – Enforcing Contracts in Sierra Leone – Measure of Quality Answer Score Quality of judicial processes index (0-18) 8.0 Court structure and proceedings (-1-5) 4.5 1. Is there a court or division of a court dedicated solely to hearing commercial cases? Yes 1.5 2. Small claims court 1.5 2.a. Is there a small claims court or a fast-track procedure for small claims? Yes 2.b. If yes, is self-representation allowed? Yes 3. Is pretrial attachment available? Yes 1.0 4. Are new cases assigned randomly to judges? Yes, but manual 0.5 5. Does a woman's testimony carry the same evidentiary weight in court as a man's? Yes 0.0 Case management (0-6) 2.0 1. Time standards 1.0 1.a. Are there laws setting overall time standards for key court events in a civil case? Yes 1.b. If yes, are the time standards set for at least three court events? Yes 1.c. Are these time standards respected in more than 50% of cases? Yes 2. Adjournments 0.0 2.a. Does the law regulate the maximum number of adjournments that can be granted? No 2.b. Are adjournments limited to unforeseen and exceptional circumstances? No 2.c. If rules on adjournments exist, are they respected in more than 50% of cases? n.a. 3. Can two of the following four reports be generated about the competent court: (i) time to disposition report; (ii) No 0.0 clearance rate report; (iii) age of pending cases report; and (iv) single case progress report? 4. Is a pretrial conference among the case management techniques used before the competent court? Yes 1.0 5. Are there any electronic case management tools in place within the competent court for use by judges? No 0.0 6. Are there any electronic case management tools in place within the competent court for use by lawyers? No 0.0 Court automation (0-4) 0.0 1. Can the initial complaint be filed electronically through a dedicated platform within the competent court? No 0.0 2. Is it possible to carry out service of process electronically for claims filed before the competent court? No 0.0 3. Can court fees be paid electronically within the competent court? No 0.0 4. Publication of judgments 0.0 4.a Are judgments rendered in commercial cases at all levels made available to the general public No through publication in official gazettes, in newspapers or on the internet or court website? 4.b. Are judgments rendered in commercial cases at the appellate and supreme court level made No available to the general public through publication in official gazettes, in newspapers or on the internet or court website? Alternative dispute resolution (0-3) 1.5 1. Arbitration 1.5 1.a. Is domestic commercial arbitration governed by a consolidated law or consolidated chapter or Yes section of the applicable code of civil procedure encompassing substantially all its aspects? 1.b. Are there any commercial disputes—aside from those that deal with public order or public policy— No that cannot be submitted to arbitration? 1.c. Are valid arbitration clauses or agreements usually enforced by the courts? Yes Page 51 Doing Business 2020 Sierra Leone 2. Mediation/Conciliation 0.0 2.a. Is voluntary mediation or conciliation available? No 2.b. Are mediation, conciliation or both governed by a consolidated law or consolidated chapter or n.a. section of the applicable code of civil procedure encompassing substantially all their aspects (for example, definition, aim and scope of application, desig 2.c. Are there financial incentives for parties to attempt mediation or conciliation (i.e., if mediation or n.a. conciliation is successful, a refund of court filing fees, income tax credits or the like)? Page 52 Doing Business 2020 Sierra Leone Resolving Insolvency Doing Business studies the time, cost and outcome of insolvency proceedings involving domestic legal entities. These variables are used to calculate the recovery rate, which is recorded as cents on the dollar recovered by secured creditors through reorganization, liquidation or debt enforcement (foreclosure or receivership) proceedings. To determine the present value of the amount recovered by creditors, Doing Business uses the lending rates from the International Monetary Fund, supplemented with data from central banks and the Economist Intelligence Unit. The most recent round of data collection was completed in May 2019. See the methodology for more information. What the indicators measure Case study assumptions Time required to recover debt (years) To make the data on the time, cost and outcome comparable across economies, several assumptions about the business and the case are used: • Measured in calendar years • Appeals and requests for extension are included - A hotel located in the largest city (or cities) has 201 employees and 50 suppliers. The hotel experiences financial difficulties. Cost required to recover debt (% of debtor’s estate) - The value of the hotel is 100% of the income per capita or the equivalent in local currency of USD 200,000, whichever is greater. • Measured as percentage of estate value - The hotel has a loan from a domestic bank, secured by a mortgage over the hotel’s real estate. • Court fees The hotel cannot pay back the loan, but makes enough money to operate otherwise. • Fees of insolvency administrators In addition, Doing Business evaluates the quality of legal framework applicable to judicial • Lawyers’ fees liquidation and reorganization proceedings and the extent to which best insolvency practices have been implemented in each economy covered. • Assessors’ and auctioneers’ fees • Other related fees Outcome • Whether business continues operating as a going concern or business assets are sold piecemeal Recovery rate for creditors • Measures the cents on the dollar recovered by secured creditors • Outcome for the business (survival or not) determines the maximum value that can be recovered • Official costs of the insolvency proceedings are deducted • Depreciation of furniture is taken into account • Present value of debt recovered Strength of insolvency framework index (0- 16) • Sum of the scores of four component indices: • Commencement of proceedings index (0-3) • Management of debtor’s assets index (0-6) • Reorganization proceedings index (0-3) • Creditor participation index (0-4) Page 53 Doing Business 2020 Sierra Leone Resolving Insolvency - Sierra Leone Indicator Sierra Leone Sub-Saharan OECD high Best Regulatory Africa income Performance Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 11.1 20.5 70.2 92.9 (Norway) Time (years) 2.3 2.9 1.7 0.4 (Ireland) Cost (% of estate) 42.0 22.8 9.3 1.0 (Norway) Outcome (0 as piecemeal sale and 1 as going concern) 0 .. .. .. Strength of insolvency framework index (0-16) 6.0 6.5 11.9 None in 2018/19 Figure – Resolving Insolvency in Sierra Leone – Score 12.0 37.5 Recovery rate Strength of insolvency framework index Figure – Resolving Insolvency in Sierra Leone and comparator economies – Ranking and Score DB 2020 Resolving Insolvency Score 0 100 62.4: Kenya (Rank: 50) 38.6: Guinea (Rank: 118) 31.3: Regional Average (Sub-Saharan Africa) 25.4: Ghana (Rank: 161) 24.7: Sierra Leone (Rank: 162) 0.0: Guinea-Bissau (Rank: 168) Note: The ranking of economies on the ease of resolving insolvency is determined by sorting their scores for resolving insolvency. These scores are the simple average of the scores for the recovery rate and the strength of insolvency framework index. Page 54 Doing Business 2020 Sierra Leone Figure – Resolving Insolvency in Sierra Leone – Time and Cost Time (years) Cost (% of estate) 5 42.0 45 4.5 40 Cost (% of estate) 4 3.8 35 Time (years) 2.9 30 3 22.8 22.0 22.0 25 2.3 1.9 20 2 1.7 15 10.0 9.3 1 10 5 0 0 Ghana Guinea No Kenya OECD Sierra Sub-Saharan Practice high Leone Africa Guinea-Bissau income Page 55 Doing Business 2020 Sierra Leone Figure – Resolving Insolvency in Sierra Leone and comparator economies – Measure of Quality Sierra Leone 3 2 1 0 Ghana 2 2 0 Guinea 5.5 2 1 0.5 Guinea-Bissau 5.5 2 1 0.5 Kenya 5.5 3 3 3 OECD high income 5.3 2.8 2.1 1.9 Sub-Saharan Africa 4.1 2.3 1 0.5 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 Sub-Indicator Score Management of debtor's assets index (0-6) Commencement of proceedings index (0-3) Creditor participation index (0-4) Reorganization proceedings index (0-3) Note: Even if the economy’s legal framework includes provisions related to insolvency proceedings (liquidation or reorganization), the economy receives 0 points for the strength of insolvency framework index, if time, cost and outcome indicators are recorded as “no practice.” Figure – Resolving Insolvency in Sierra Leone and comparator economies – Recovery Rate Recovery rate(cents on the dollar) 35 31.8 30 25 24.0 19.4 20.5 20 15 11.1 10 5 0 No Practice Sierra Leone Ghana Guinea Guinea-Bissau Kenya Sub-Saharan Africa Page 56 Doing Business 2020 Sierra Leone Details – Resolving Insolvency in Sierra Leone Indicator Answer Score Proceeding liquidation After Mirage's default on payment, BizBank would initiate liquidation by filing a petition to the court. The case will be assigned to the Fast Track Commercial Court (Division of the High Court of Sierra Leone). The court will then review the case, hold a hearing and appoint a liquidator to proceed with liquidation process. Outcome piecemeal sale The hotel will stop operating and Mirage assets will be sold piecemeal after the liquidation procedure as the assets will be sold in a public or private auction by the liquidator. After the distribution of the money owed to the secured and unsecured creditors the company will no longer be a going concern. Time (in years) 2.3 The insolvency process will start with pre-trial wherein a pre-trial settlement conference will be held and the parties will be given the opportunity to settle the matter through mediation or arbitration supervised by the court. If the parties could not reach an agreement the matter will be committed to a trial hearing. During this phase, a judge will sit on the matter with two assessors, the court will appoint a liquidator. She/he will be given powers to sell the companies property and pay of the debt. Cost (% of estate) 42.0 The costs associated with the case would amount to approximately 42% of the value of the debtor's estate. The cost incurred during the entire insolvency process mainly includes court fees (2%), attorney fees (15%), insolvency representative fees (5%), auctioneer's fees (10%), fees of accountants, assessors, inspectors and other professionals (7%), and other fees (3%). Recovery rate 11.1 (cents on the dollar) Page 57 Doing Business 2020 Sierra Leone Details – Resolving Insolvency in Sierra Leone – Measure of Quality Answer Score Strength of insolvency framework index (0-16) 6.0 Commencement of proceedings index (0-3) 2.0 What procedures are available to a DEBTOR when commencing insolvency proceedings? (b) Debtor may file for 0.5 liquidation only Does the insolvency framework allow a CREDITOR to file for insolvency of the debtor? (b) Yes, but a creditor 0.5 may file for liquidation only What basis for commencement of the insolvency proceedings is allowed under the insolvency framework? (a) (a) Debtor is 1.0 Debtor is generally unable to pay its debts as they mature (b) The value of debtor's liabilities exceeds the value generally unable to of its assets pay its debts as they mature Management of debtor's assets index (0-6) 3.0 Does the insolvency framework allow the continuation of contracts supplying essential goods and services to the No 0.0 debtor? Does the insolvency framework allow the rejection by the debtor of overly burdensome contracts? Yes 1.0 Does the insolvency framework allow avoidance of preferential transactions? Yes 1.0 Does the insolvency framework allow avoidance of undervalued transactions? Yes 1.0 Does the insolvency framework provide for the possibility of the debtor obtaining credit after commencement of No 0.0 insolvency proceedings? Does the insolvency framework assign priority to post-commencement credit? (c) No priority is 0.0 assigned to post- commencement creditors Reorganization proceedings index (0-3) 0.0 Which creditors vote on the proposed reorganization plan? N/A 0.0 Does the insolvency framework require that dissenting creditors in reorganization receive at least as much as No 0.0 what they would obtain in a liquidation? Are the creditors divided into classes for the purposes of voting on the reorganization plan, does each class vote No 0.0 separately and are creditors in the same class treated equally? Creditor participation index (0-4) 1.0 Does the insolvency framework require approval by the creditors for selection or appointment of the insolvency No 0.0 representative? Does the insolvency framework require approval by the creditors for sale of substantial assets of the debtor? No 0.0 Does the insolvency framework provide that a creditor has the right to request information from the insolvency No 0.0 representative? Does the insolvency framework provide that a creditor has the right to object to decisions accepting or rejecting Yes 1.0 creditors' claims? Note: Even if the economy’s legal framework includes provisions related to insolvency proceedings (liquidation or reorganization), the economy receives 0 points for the strength of insolvency framework index, if time, cost and outcome indicators are recorded as “no practice.” Page 58 Doing Business 2020 Sierra Leone Employing Workers Doing Business presents detailed data for the employing workers indicators on the Doing Business website ( The study does not present rankings of economies on these indicators or include the topic in the aggregate ease of doing business score or ranking on the ease of doing business. The most recent round of data collection was completed in May 2019. See the methodology for more information. What the indicators measure Case study assumptions Hiring To make the data comparable across economies, several assumptions about the worker and the (i) whether fixed-term contracts are prohibited for permanent business are used. tasks; (ii) maximum cumulative duration of fixed-term contracts; (iii) length of the maximum probationary period; (iv) minimum The worker: wage;(v) ratio of minimum wage to the average value added per - Is a cashier in a supermarket or grocery store, age 19, with one year of work experience. worker. - Is a full-time employee. - Is not a member of the labor union, unless membership is mandatory. Working hours (i) maximum number of working days allowed per week; (ii) The business: premiums for work: at night, on a weekly rest day and overtime; - Is a limited liability company (or the equivalent in the economy). (iii) whether there are restrictions on work at night, work on a - Operates a supermarket or grocery store in the economy’s largest business city. For 11 weekly rest day and for overtime work; (iv) length of paid annual economies the data are also collected for the second largest business city. leave. - Has 60 employees. - Is subject to collective bargaining agreements if such agreements cover more than 50% of the Redundancy rules food retail sector and they apply even to firms that are not party to them. (i) whether redundancy can be basis for terminating workers; (ii) - Abides by every law and regulation but does not grant workers more benefits than those whether employer needs to notify and/or get approval from third mandated by law, regulation or (if applicable) collective bargaining agreements. party to terminate 1 redundant worker and a group of 9 redundant workers; (iii) whether the law requires employer to reassign or retrain a worker before making worker redundant; (iv) whether priority rules apply for redundancies and reemployment. Redundancy cost (i) notice period for redundancy dismissal; (ii) severance payments, and (iii) penalties due when terminating a redundant worker. Data on the availability of unemployment protection for a worker with one year of employment is also collected. Page 59 Doing Business 2020 Sierra Leone Employing Workers - Sierra Leone Details – Employing Workers in Sierra Leone Answer Hiring Fixed-term contracts prohibited for permanent tasks? Yes Maximum length of a single fixed-term contract (months) 12.0 Maximum length of fixed-term contracts, including renewals (months) No limit Minimum wage applicable to the worker assumed in the case study (US$/month) 63.1 Ratio of minimum wage to value added per worker 0.8 Maximum length of probationary period (months) 6.0 Working hours Standard workday 8.0 Maximum number of working days per week 5.5 Premium for night work (% of hourly pay) 0.0 Premium for work on weekly rest day (% of hourly pay) 100.0 Premium for overtime work (% of hourly pay) 50.0 Restrictions on night work? No Restrictions on weekly holiday? No Restrictions on overtime work? No Paid annual leave for a worker with 1 year of tenure (working days) 19.0 Paid annual leave for a worker with 5 years of tenure (working days) 22.0 Paid annual leave for a worker with 10 years of tenure (working days) 28.0 Paid annual leave (average for workers with 1, 5 and 10 years of tenure, in working days) 23.0 Redundancy rules Dismissal due to redundancy allowed by law? Yes Third-party notification if one worker is dismissed? Yes Third-party approval if one worker is dismissed? No Third-party notification if nine workers are dismissed? Yes Third-party approval if nine workers are dismissed? No Retraining or reassignment obligation before redundancy? Yes Priority rules for redundancies? Yes Priority rules for reemployment? Yes Redundancy cost Notice period for redundancy dismissal for a worker with 1 year of tenure (weeks of salary) 13.0 Notice period for redundancy dismissal for a worker with 5 years of tenure (weeks of salary) 13.0 Notice period for redundancy dismissal for a worker with 10 years of tenure (weeks of salary) 13.0 Notice period for redundancy dismissal (average for workers with 1, 5 and 10 years of tenure, in weeks of salary) 13.0 Severance pay for redundancy dismissal for a worker with 1 year of tenure (weeks of salary) 8.4 Severance pay for redundancy dismissal for a worker with 5 years of tenure (weeks of salary) 47.0 Page 60 Doing Business 2020 Sierra Leone Severance pay for redundancy dismissal for a worker with 10 years of tenure (weeks of salary) 132.0 Severance pay for redundancy dismissal (average for workers with 1, 5 and 10 years of tenure, in weeks of salary) 62.5 Unemployment protection after one year of employment? No Page 61 Doing Business 2020 Sierra Leone Business Reforms in Sierra Leone From May 2, 2018 to May 1, 2019, 115 economies implemented 294 business regulatory reforms across the 10 areas measured by Doing Business. Reforms inspired by Doing Business have been implemented by economies in all regions. The following are reforms implemented since Doing Business 2008. =Doing Business reform making it easier to do business. = Change making it more difficult to do business. DB2020 Trading across Borders: Sierra Leone made trading across borders faster by upgrading its customs electronic data interchange system, thereby reducing the time for import documentary compliance. DB2018 Starting a Business: Sierra Leone made starting a business easier by combining multiple registration procedures. Trading across Borders: Sierra Leone made trading across borders easier through a series of initiatives, including the elimination of export permits and the implementation of pre-arrival processing. DB2017 Starting a Business: Sierra Leone made starting a business easier by reducing registration fees. DB2015 Getting Electricity: Sierra Leone made getting electricity easier by eliminating the need for customers to submit an application letter inquiring about a new connection before submitting an application—and made the process faster by improving staffing at the utility. Registering Property: Sierra Leone made registering property easier by introducing a fast-track procedure. Getting Credit: Sierra Leone improved its credit information system by beginning to distribute both positive and negative data and by increasing the system’s coverage rate. Paying Taxes: Sierra Leone made paying taxes more complicated for companies by introducing a capital gains tax. DB2013 Registering Property: Sierra Leone made registering property easier by computerizing the Ministry of Lands, Country Planning and the Environment. Getting Credit: Sierra Leone improved access to credit information by establishing a public credit registry at its central bank and guaranteeing borrowers’ right to inspect their personal data. DB2012 Getting Credit: Sierra Leone improved its credit information system by enacting a new law providing for the creation of a public credit registry. Trading across Borders: Sierra Leone made trading across borders faster by implementing the Automated System for Customs Data (ASYCUDA). Enforcing Contracts: Sierra Leone made enforcing contracts easier by launching a fast-track commercial court. Resolving Insolvency: Sierra Leone established a fast-track commercial court in an effort to expedite commercial cases, including insolvency proceedings. DB2011 Dealing with Construction Permits: Sierra Leone made dealing with construction permits easier by streamlining the issuance of location clearances and building permits. Registering Property: Sierra Leone lifted a moratorium on sales of privately owned properties. Paying Taxes: Sierra Leone replaced sales and service taxes with a goods and service tax. Page 62 Doing Business 2020 Sierra Leone DB2010 Starting a Business: Sierra Leone made starting a business easier by establishing a one-stop shop for company registration. Registering Property: Sierra Leone made transferring property more difficult by reinstating a moratorium on the authorization of property transfers by the director of surveys and lands. Getting Credit: Sierra Leone strengthened its secured transactions system through a new company act that allows the use of fixed and floating charges and automatically extends a security interest to the products, proceeds and replacements of the collateral. Protecting Minority Investors: Sierra Leone strengthened investor protections through a new company act enhancing director liability and improving disclosure requirements. Paying Taxes: Sierra Leone made paying taxes easier for companies by improving training and equipment at the tax authority, publishing a consolidated income tax act and introducing a value added tax system that replaces 4 different sales taxes. Trading across Borders: Sierra Leone made trading across borders more costly through an increase in some fees, though it also reduced the time required for trade. Resolving Insolvency: Sierra Leone improved its insolvency process through a new company act that encourages financially distressed companies to first try to reorganize rather than going straight into liquidation. DB2009 Starting a Business: Sierra Leone reduced the time, cost and number of procedures to start a business by making the use of a lawyer optional and abolishing other registration formalities, including paying taxes up front and obtaining exchange control permission from the central bank. Dealing with Construction Permits: Sierra Leone made dealing with construction permits easier by better enforcing the rules and regulations on risk-based inspections during construction and by issuing a schedule of inspections together with the building permit. Registering Property: Sierra Leone reduced the time needed to transfer property by lifting a ban on obtaining the director of survey’s signature on the cadastral map— a ban that had been imposed to prevent a common scam in which the same property would be sold several times over to different people. Trading across Borders: Sierra Leone made trading across borders easier by eliminating the requirement for an export license for coffee. DB2008 Paying Taxes: Sierra Leone made paying taxes less costly for companies by reducing the sales tax rate. Page 63 Doing Business 2020 Sierra Leone Page 64