33546 REPUBLIC OF CONGO CHAIRMAN'S SUMMING UP Preliminary Documenton the Initiativefor Enhanced Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) Informal Meetingof Board of Executive Directorsof IDA August 25,2005 TheExecutiveDirectorsconsidered the preliminarydocumentoftheInitiativefor HeavilyIndebtedPoorCountries(HIPC) for theRepublicofCongopreparedbystaffsofthe WorldBankandthe IMF. Directors were supportive of the overall assessment and acknowledged the Republic of Congo'sprogressinimplementingfinancialandstructuralreforms.They also notedtherecent conclusion of the first reviewofthePRGFbythe IMF ExecutiveBoard.Directorsnoted, however, that the Republic of Congo faces major challenges in reducing widespread and deep poverty.Directorsagreedthat the Government'sinitial efforts to enhancereportingand accountability, and to developamedium-termagenda of reforms through a broad consultative process were encouraging, particularlyasregards the oil sector,but they also suggested that these efforts should be sustained and deepened to other natural resource sectors. Directors urged the Republic of Congo to completethePRSPasquicklyaspossibleduring 2006, andinthe meantime, to fully implement the interim PRSP. The specific conclusionsof the discussion canbe summarized as follows: 0 Eligibility. Directorsagreedthataccording to preliminaryestimates,theRepublicof Congo's NPV of external debt is likelyto be above the HIPC threshold of 250 percent of revenuesatend-2004,aftertakingintoaccountthefulluseoftraditionaldebtrelief mechanisms.Onthisbasis,DirectorsagreedthattheRepublicofCongo is likely to qualify for Enhanced HIPC assistance, givenits track record of performance under IDA and IMF-supported reform programs, and its current status as an IDA-only and PRGF- eligible country. 0 Timing of Decision Point. Directors generally agreed that the Republicof Congocould reach its Decision Point by end-2005 on a stand alone basis, provided that (i) the country remains on track with its macroeconomic program, supported by an arrangement under the PRGF, (ii) understandings are reached on appropriatecompletion Point triggers,and (iii) further progressis made toward debt reconciliation. ProposedFloatingCompletionPoint Triggers. Directorswereingeneralagreement with the proposed triggers for reaching the floating completion point but requested that the Decision Point document elaborate on the rationale for the final choice of triggers. They also asked that the triggers be streamlined and focused. In this context, Directors stressed the importance strengthening of governancepublic and expenditure management,includingtheneed to ensurethatexpendituresarefocusedonpoverty reducing activities and thedevelopmentoftheprivatesectorandagricultureactivity. Several of them however, thought that triggers pertaining to privatization would not be appropriate. The Executive Directors emphasized the need to putin place permanent mechanisms for expenditure tracking in generalandpovertyrelatedexpenditureinparticular,includingthat financedbyHIPC savings, aswellasmonitoringandevaluation of publicservices so as to provide their quality and accessibility, especiallyto the poor. They expect that the Decision Point document will address these issues. Directors agreed that staff should continue discussions with the Republicof Congo's non- Paris Club bilateral and commercial creditors and proceed with the preparationof the Decision PointDocument.