Sitakhela Likusasa Impact Evaluation Evaluating the Effectiveness of Incentives to improve HIV Prevention Outcomes for Young Females in Eswatini Standard Operating Procedure - # 11 Household Listing Procedures for the Sitakhela Likusasa Impact Evaluation Document 11 in a series of 20 Standard Operating Procedures Version date 11 May 2019 Status Final i © International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank 1818 H Street NW, Washington DC 20433 Internet:; Telephone: 202 473 1000 This work is a product of the staff of The World Bank with external contributions. The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed in this work do not necessarily reflect the views of the Executive Directors of The World Bank or other partner institutions or the governments they represent. The World Bank does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this work. The boundaries, colors, denominations, and other information shown on any map in this work do not imply any judgment on the part of The World Bank concerning the legal status of any territory or the endorsement or acceptance of such boundaries. Nothing herein shall constitute or be considered to be a limitation upon or waiver of the privileges and immunities of The World Bank, all of which are specifically reserved. Rights and Permissions This work is available under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) unported license Under the Creative Commons Attribution license, you are free to copy, distribute and adapt this work, including for commercial purposes, under the following conditions: Attribution – Please cite the work as follows: Sitakhela Likusasa Impact Evaluation: Standard Operating Procedure ii – Household Listing Procedure. Washington DC: World Bank. License: Creative Commons Attribution CC BY 4.0 Translations – If you create a translation of this work, please add the following disclaimer along with the attribution: This translation was not created by The World Bank and should not be considered an official World Bank translation. The World Bank shall not be liable for any content or error in its translation. All queries on rights and licenses should be addressed to the Office of the Publisher, The World Bank, 1818 H Street NW, Washington DC, 20433, USA; fax: 202-522-2625; email: Page ii Standard Operating Procedure - # 11 Household Listing Procedures for the Sitakhela Likusasa Impact Evaluation NERCHA – National Emergency Research Council on HIV and AIDS authors: Khanyakwezwe Mabuza, Muziwethu Nkambule and Tengetile Dlamini World Bank authors: Marelize Görgens, Damien de Walque and Andrew Longosz IHM Southern Africa authors: Vimbai Tsododo, Independent authors: Futhi Dennis MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND MINISTRY OF HEALTH TRAINING National Reference Laboratory, and Swaziland National AIDS Programme (SNAP) KINGDOM OF ESWATINI KINGDOM OF ESWATINI Main study implementation partner SGBV counselling and follow up For baseline survey For baseline survey Page iii Table of Contents 1. Introduction to this Standard Operation Procedure (SOP) .................................................... 1 2. Definition of terms ................................................................................................................ 1 3. Household listing procedure ................................................................................................. 2 4. Materials needed for household listing procedure................................................................ 3 5. Responsibilities of the listing staff ......................................................................................... 3 6. Instructions for completing the form .................................................................................... 4 Annex A: Household Listing Form ................................................................................................. 6 i 1. Introduction to this Standard Operation Procedure (SOP) The introduction and critical background information relating to the Sitakela Likusasa Study is provided in SOP#0 (Introduction to the Sitakela Likusasa Study) The goal of this standard operating procedure (SOP) is to:  guide the enumerators to find the pre-selected households  allow field work supervisors to perform quality control during data collection. Prior to the second phase of data collection, all households located in the selected Enumeration Areas (EAs) will be listed. The listing of households for each EA will be used in selecting the final sample of households to be included in the Sitakhela Likusasa Impact Evaluation Study. The listing operation consists of visiting each EA, recording on listing forms a description of every structure together with the names of the heads of the households found in the structure, and all other household members. These materials will guide the enumerators to find the pre-selected households for interviewing and will allow field work supervisors to perform quality control during data collection. The following sections present the procedures to be followed for conducting a household listing 2. Definition of terms Following are brief definitions of the terms used in this document.  A census Enumeration Area (EA) is a geographical statistical unit created for a census and containing a certain number of households. An EA is usually a city block in urban areas and a village, a part of a village, or a group of small villages in the rural areas with its location and boundaries well defined and recorded on census maps.  A base map is a reference map that describes the geographical location and boundaries of an EA.  A structure is a free-standing building or other construction that can have one or more dwelling units for residential or commercial use. Residential structures can have one or more dwelling units (for example: single house, apartment structure).  A dwelling unit is a room or a group of rooms normally intended as a residence for one household (for example: a single house, an apartment, a group of rooms in a house); a dwelling unit can also have more than one household.  A household consists of a person or a group of related or unrelated persons, who live together in the same dwelling unit, who acknowledge one adult male or female 15 years old or older as the head of the household, who share the same housekeeping arrangements, and are considered as one unit. In some cases one may find a group of people living together in the same house, but each person has separate eating arrangements; they should be counted as separate one-person households. Collective living arrangements such as army camps, boarding schools, or prisons will not be considered as households. Page 1 Examples of households are:  a man with his wife or his wives with or without children  a man with his wife or his wives, his children and his parents  a man with his wife or his wives, his married children living together for some socio-economic reasons (the group recognize one person as household head)  a widowed or divorced man or woman with or without children The head of household is the person who is acknowledged as such by members of the household and who is usually responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of the household. 3. Household listing procedure Two enumerators from a team of 4 enumerators should work together at the same time in the same area. The process steps that each team of 2 persons should follow, is as follows: a) Locate the EA: The FM will provide the enumerators with a base map containing the EAs assigned to the 2-person team. Upon arrival in an EA, the team should first contact the local authorities (Rural Health Motivators (RHMTs), focal persons or Indvuna) for help in identifying the boundaries and get general information on the EA, for example, the rough number of residential households in the EA. In most cases, the EA boundaries follow easily recognizable natural features such as streams or rivers, and construction features such as roads or railroads. In some cases, the boundaries may not be marked with visible features (especially in rural areas; imaginary line or a mountain range), attention should be paid to locate the EA boundaries as precisely as possible according to the detailed description of the EA and its base map. Before doing the listing, the team should tour the cluster to determine an efficient route of travel for listing all of the structures. The EA should be divided into two parts if possible to prepare for a systematic listing of the households. b) Identify and assign numbers to households: Identify all households in the structure, assigning numbers to each households. The enumerators should be careful to locate hidden structures. In some areas, structures may have been built so haphazardly that they are easily missed. In rural areas, structures may be hidden by tall grasses and trees. If there is a pathway leading from the listed structure, check to see if the pathway goes to another structure. Talking with people living in the area may help in identifying the hidden structures. One person in the team of two enumerators will be assigning odd numbers on the households listed and the other person in the team will be assigning even numbers. This strategy is important to eliminate/avoid assigning the same household or structure numbers twice in one EA. c) Introduce yourself to household head: Once the household has been identified and assigned a number, introduce yourself to the head of the household (or another person in the household 18 or older). Explain that this listing is part of NER CHA’s Sitakhela Likusasa study, and that it may not provide specific services to any person in the household. d) Record information about Head of household and Young Women and Girls 15-22 who live in the household: Use the Household Listing Form in the CAPI system to record and assign numbers of all households found in the EA, and by asking the head of the household (or another adult) questions about the 15-22 year old girls who live in the household. All information about each of these girls should be recorded in the Household Listing Form. See Annex A for detailed instructions about how to complete the household listing form. Page 2 e) Once completed, thank the person whom you spoke to. f) Take the GPS coordinate of the household and go to the next household. g) Quality control: To ensure that the work done by each listing team is acceptable, quality checks should be performed. The FM/Supervisor should tour the regions during the household listing operation, and assess the quality of the finished EAs. The FM/supervisor should make a random selection of finished EA and do an independent listing of 10 percent of the EA. Data quality checks will be performed using Talend software. On a daily basis, extract data from CAPI system and perform routine profile analysis for data quality issues. Because Talend allows for root cause analysis, prepare data quality reports for immediate attention/action of the Project, Field and Data Managers. These reports should be filed. 4. Materials needed for household listing procedure The materials needed for the household listing procedure are:  Household Listing Study Operating Procedure  Base map of the area containing the EA  Household Listing Form (backup hardcopy)  Tablet loaded with listing form and kmz files for all selected EAs  Black pen  Introduction letter  Ethics letters (form WB and Local ethics committees)  Fact sheet 5. Responsibilities of the listing staff Persons recruited to participate in the household listing operation will work in teams consisting of four enumerators. The Field Manager (FM) will monitor the entire operation. The responsibilities of the FM are to:  Obtain base maps for all the EAs included in the study;  Arrange for the reproduction of all listing materials (listing manuals, mapping and listing forms). the household listing forms must be prepared in sufficient numbers to cover all of the EAs to be visited;  Train all enumerators how to list using the Household Listing Form (HLF) on CAPI;  Assign and deploy teams to EAs;  Monitor the reception of the completed listing forms at the central office;  Verify that the quality of work is acceptable; and  Train all enumerators to record GPS waypoints in the CAPI system using tablets. The responsibilities of the enumerators are to:  Identify the boundaries of the EA;  List all the households in the EA in a systematic manner;  Communicate to the FM through supervisors, problems encountered in the field and follow his instructions; and  Transfer the completed listing forms to the supervisors or to the central office. Page 3 6. Instructions for completing the form Column (1) [Serial Number of Structure]: For each structure identified, record the structure serial number (even or odd number) e.g. 01, 03, 05,... or 02, 04, 06,… Since there will be 2 enumerators working in the same EA at the same time, one would capture even numbers and the other, odd numbers to avoid duplication of the assigned structure numbers. This is because the enumerators will work separately within the EA. A serial numbering will then be assigned to the AGYWs listed once the EA is completed. Column (2) [Serial Number of Household in Structure]: This is a three digit serial number assigned to each household found in the structure; there can be more than one household in a structure. The first household in the structure will always be recorded as number “001”. If there is a second household in the structure, then this household should be recorded on the next line, a “002” is recorded in Column (2), and Column (1) repeat the structure number and or leave blank. Column (3) [Household members]: List the names and surnames of the household head and AGYW who usually reside in the household, beginning with the head of household. There can only be one head per household. Note that it is not the name of the landlord or owner of the structure that is needed, but the name of the head of the household that lives there. Column 4 and 5 [Surname and Name]: Write the surnames in column 4 and the names in column 5 for the head of household and AGYWs who usually reside in the household identified. Column (6) [Residence Y/N]: Indicate whether the AGYW is a usual residence in the household. Column 7 [HH head or AGYW]: Record 1 if the household member is the head of household. Record 2 if the household member is AGYW. Column (8) [Residing in the community for the next 2 years]: Record if the AGYW intends to stay in the community for the next 2 years. This information will help in determining whether the AGYW will be included in study. Column (9) [Sex]: Sex of household head or AGYW will be captured in this column. This demographic parameter will help in deducing a sampling frame that is inclusive of households with females, hence allowing the team to sample households with targeted study population. Column (10) [Age]: Age for all listed household members Columns 11-13 should only be done for females aged 15-22:  Column (11) [Ever attend school or pre-school (Y/N)]: Determines if a female individual aged 15-22 yeas has or has not ever attended school or pre-school.  Column (12) [Currently enrolled in school (Y/N)]: School enrolment of females aged 15-22 years. Page 4  Column (13) [Highest level of school attended]: Indicates what level of school each females aged 15-22 years has attended. Page 5 Annex A: Household Listing Form Identification Label Code Region ____________________________________________ Urban/Rural (Urban=1/Rural=2) ........................................... _______________ Intervention Arm: (Treatment Arm =1 /Control Arm=2): ................................... _______________ EA Number: ....................................................................... _______________ Major Area Name: ____________________________________ Minor Area Name: _____________________________________ Name of Enumerator:__________________________________ Summary Total AYGW (15-22 years): .................................................... _______________ Total in-school: .................................................................... _______________ Total out-of-school: .............................................................. _______________ Page 6 Household Roster Household head and AYGW 15-22 years Serial Serial HH Reside in number of Serial number Usual head community for Structure number of of HH Reside or the next 2 Sex Age Ever attended Highest Level of House Hold nce school or pre- Currently member AGY years? school attended: school enrolled in W (for AGYW) school 0 Preschool 1 1 Primary Head 2 Secondary 3 High 2 4 Tertiary AGY 98 Don’t know W (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) Surname Name Year D Y N Y N M F Y N Y N DK s K 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 98 1 2 98 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 98 1 2 98 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 98 1 2 98 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 98 1 2 98 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 98 1 2 98 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 98 1 2 98 Page 7 Observations: Road Access ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Other useful information _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Page 8