Document of The World Bank FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Report No. 5591b-IN INDIA NATIONAL SOCIAL FORESTRY PROJECT RAJASTHAN PROJECT FILES - C3 May 30, 1985 South Asia Projects Office Department General Agricultural Division 1 This document has a restricted distribution and may be used by recipients only in the perforrnance of their official duties. Its contents may not otherwise be disclosed without World Bank authorization. L INDIA NATIONAL SOCIAL FORESTRY PROJECT RAJASTHAN PROJECT FILES .C3 Table of Contents No . of Pages I . ITEM 1 Description of the Project .............................. . Organization and Trainlng . ............................... I11 . ITEM 3 Research ................................................ IV . ITEM 4 Cost Tables Table 301 .Organization & Management ................ Table 302 - Physical Targets ......................... Table 303 - Seed and Research ........................ Table 304 - Extension Table 305 - Training ................................ ................................ Table 306 - Monitoring & ~valuation/Planning ......... Summary Accounts by Year - Base Costs Breakdown of Summary Accounts ................ ........................ Summary Accounts by Year - Totals Including Contingencies ...................................... Breakdown of Summary Accounts - Base Costs. Physical Contingencies. Price contingencies ........ Project Components by Year - Base Costs .............. Project Components by Year - Totals Including Contingencies ...................................... ................. Summary Account by Project Component Project Cost Summary ................................. Summary Accounts Cost Summary ........................ Financing Plan by Disbursement Category .............. Financing Plan by Summary Accounts ................... Financing Plan by Project Components ................. Financing Plan by Foreign ~xchange/Local/~axes ....... Disbursement by Lender by Semester ................... Program Listing for Cost Tables Analysis oE Model Costs ...................... .............................. - Table of Contents (continuation) No. of Pages V. ITEH 5 Product Distribution, Rates of Return and Cost Recovery to Forest Department for Plantation Models............... VI. ITEH 6 a Staff Cost Tl be .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .* . VII. ITEH 7 Yields: Phasing by model^.............^.^.^^.......... p r o j e c t F i l e C-3 Item 1 Page 1 INDIA NATIONAL SOCIAL FORESTRY PROJECT RA JASTHAN PROJECT DESCRIPTION 1.01 P a r a g r a p h 3.25 of t h e S t a f f A p p r a i s a l Report g i v e s t h e g e n e r a l o u t - l i n e of t h e R a j a s t h a n S o c i a l F o r e s t r y P r o j e c t . Item 2 of P r o j e c t F i l e C3 g i v e s d e t a i l s on t h e o r g a n i z a t i o n and t r a i n i n g . A. P l a n t a t i o n Program 1.02 The p l a n t a t i o n program would have t h e f o l l o w i n g p h a s i n g , w i t h farm f o r e s t r y e q u i v a l e n t h e c t a r e s d e r i v e d by d i v i d i n g t h e number of s e e d l i n g s d i s t r i b u t e d by 1500 ( e x c e p t f o r improved b e r o r c h a r d s which u s e s 100 seed- l i n g s per h e c t a r e ) . Table 1.01: PHASING OF THE PLANTATION PROGRAM Plantation 85186- 86187- 87188- 88189- 89190- Category Year1 Year2 Year3 Year4 Year5 Total A.-Agroforestry-Farm Forestry (seedling distribution) 1,667 16,667 20,000 20,000 21,666 80,000 -Improved ( Ber ) 800 900 1,000 1,300 - 4,000 Orchards B.-Tree Tenure Household Farm F o r e s t r y 500 1,500 2,500 3,000 - 7,500 C . Couununity Woodlots 1,000 1,000 1,500 1,500 - 5,000 D. Departmental -Rehabilitation/ Reforestat ion -Roads i d e -Canal s i d e -Railside P r o j e c t F i l e C-3 Item 1 - Page 2 -Flood c o n t r o l 100 100 100 100 - 500 100-year 0 TOTALS 400-year 0 8,727 25,937 31,080 32,990 21,666 120,800 The above r e p r e s e n t s t h e b e s t e s t i m a t e of a balanced program based on pre- v i o u s e x p e r i e n c e w i t h s o c i a l f o r e s t r y . T a r g e t s may be r e a l l o c a t e d i n l i g h t of e x p e r i e n c e d u r i n g implementation, a f t e r d i s c u s s i o n between GOR and t h e donors. I n any c a s e , p l a n t a t i o n t a r g e t s would be r e a s s e s s e d d u r i n g t h e midterm review t o be conducted a f t e r completion of t h e t h i r d year's p l a n t i n g . 1.03 Assurances were given a t n e g o t i a t i o n s t h a t GOR would inform IDA about any major developments concerning s o c i a l f o r e s t r y programs c a r r i e d o u t by t h e f o r e s t department, i n o r d e r t o e n a b l e I D A t o e v a l u a t e t h e impact, i f any, such developments might have on p r o j e c t - f i n a n c e d a c t i v i t i e s . IDA and USAID would wish t o be s a t i s f i e d t h a t s t a f f and o t h e r r e s o u r c e s t o c a r r y o u t addi- t i o n a l programs would be s u f f i c i e n t , t a k i n g i n t o account t h e o r g a n i z a t i o n a l norms e s t a b l i s h e d a t a p p r a i s a l . 1.04 Farm F o r e s t r y (80,000 h a ) . Farm f o r e s t r y would account f o r two t h i r d s of p r o j e c t p l a n t a t i o n i n t h e s t a t e . The o n l y d i r e c t c o s t t o t h e F o r e s t Department i s p r o d u c t i o n of s e e d l i n g s , a s noted i n p a r a 1.12 under "Nurseries"). I n p l a n t i n g on farm boundaries and bunds, around homesteads and on w a s t e l a n d s , farmers would g e n e r a l l y s e l e c t t r e e s y i e l d i n g fuelwood, s m a l l timber, fodder and f r u i t s . Extension would be s t r e n g t h e n e d (para 1.14) i n o r d e r t o broaden farm f o r e s t r y b e n e f i t s , and t o provide t i m e l y and improved advice. 1.05 The F o r e s t Department has been supplying s e e d l i n g s f r e e of c o s t f o r farm f o r e s t r y , a l t h o u g h i t now proposes l i m i t i n g t h e number of f r e e s e e d l i n g s t o 1000 p e r f a m i l y by y e a r 3, and 500 by y e a r 5. For s e e d l i n g s above t h e f r e e l i m i t , it would charge 5 p a i s e p e r s e e d l i n g i n y e a r 3, 10 i n y e a r 4 and 15 i n y e a r 5. The e f f e c t s of p r i c i n g on s e e d l i n g uptake would be s t u d i e d by t h e midterm review, and t h e r e s u l t s a p p l i e d w i t h a view t o f u l l c o s t r e c o v e r y i n a l l farm f o r e s t r y programs. Seedling p r i c i n g and d i s t r i b u t i o n p o l i c i e s would be e v a l u a t e d a g a i n d u r i n g t h e P r o j e c t ' s midterm review. GOR has given a s s u r a n c e s t h a t i t would a p p l y t h e s e e d l i n g d i s t r i b u t i o n and p r i c i n g p o l i c i e s agreed f o r t h e p r o j e c t a t t h a t time t o a l l s e e d l i n g d i s t r i b u t i o n schemes, i r r e s p e c t i v e of source of funding. 1.06 Improved Orchards (4000 ha, USS0.2 M). F o r e s t Department would g r a f t t h e f r u i t ( b e r ) y i e l d i n g s p e c i e s of Zizyphus m a u r i t a n i a w i t h o t h e r v a r i e t i e s , and would t h e n d i s t r i b u t e t h e p l a n t s t o farmers. Farmers could begin s e l l i n g P r o j e c t F i l e C-3 Item 1 Page 3 t h e f r u i t a f t e r t h e t h i r d y e a r of p l a n t a t i o n , and could a l s o d e r i v e income from l e a f f o d d e r and l o p s f o r f u e l . F o r e s t Department e s t i m a t e s p r o d u c t i o n of some 8,000 t o n s of f r u i t p e r y e a r . Tree Ownership f o r Poor and L a n d l e s s (uSS2.6 M) 1.07 Household Farm F o r e s t r x (7,500 h a ) would g i v e poor and l a n d l e s s p o w u n s u i t a b l e f o r a g r i c u l t u r e and l o c a t e d n e a r v i l l a g e . This would be done u n d e r t h e R a j a s t h a n Land Revenue R u l e s , 1983, where land a l l o t m e n t s a r e made f o r 25 y e a r s and may b e extended. I n d i v i d u a l s would p l a n t around 0.5 ha a y e a r , i . e . , up t o 2.5 ha o v e r t h e f i v e y e a r p r o j e c t p e r i o d . They would r e c e i v e a c a s h i n c e n t i v e o f R s . 600 p e r y e a r f o r e a c h 0.5 ha p l a n t e d , t o compensate f o r l a b o r foregone. I d e a l l y , i n d i v i d u a l s i n t h e same a r e a would be grouped t o g e t h e r , t o f a c i l i t a t e c o l l e c t i v e p a r t i c i p a t i o n and p r o t e c t i o n . I n s t i t u t i o n s m i e h t a l s o a p p l y f o r t r e e t e n u r e r i g h t s . A copy of t h e l e a s e - a l l o t m e n t r u l e s a l r e a d y governing t h e above arrangements i s i n P r o j e c t F i l e B5. 9 P l a n t a t i o n s on Community Land ( ~ ~ $ 1 .M) 1.08 C o m u n i t v Woodlots ( 5 , 0001, e s t a b l i s h e d on panchayat l a n d , would emphasize p r o d u c t i o n of f u e l , f o d d e r , and s m a l l t i m b e r , w i t h i n t e r c r o p p i n g of f o d d e r g r a s s e s . The F o r e s t Department i s a l r e a d y u s i n g munga g r a s s and r u t a n j o t and would experiment w i t h c a s t o r o r fodder-producing s p e c i e s a s w e l l . F o r e s t Department would g u i d e p l a n t a t i o n e s t a b l i s h m e n t by t h e p a n c h a y a t s , i n t e r v e n i n g i f n e c e s s a r y t o e n s u r e p r o p e r t e c h n i c a l work. Over t h e c o u r s e of t h e p r o j e c t , panchayats would t a k e o v e r p l a n t a t i o n management. On c o n d i t i o n t h a t t h e panchayat would u s e some of t h e money t o r e p l a n t t r e e s f e l l e d , 100% of t h e revenues from t h o s e t r e e s would a c c r u e t o t h e panchayat. IT Departmental P l a n t a t i o n s 1.09 R e h a b i l i t a t i o n of Degraded F o r e s t s (20,000 ha, USS2.7 M ) would aim a t p r o d u c t i o n of cheap fuelwood f o r t h e community; 70% would be d i s t r i b u t e d , and t h e remainder s o l d . F o r e s t Department would s e l e c t s i t e s a s c l o s e t o v i l l a g e s a s p o s s i b l e , t o f o s t e r l o c a l involvement and f a c i l i t a t e t h e d i s - t r i b u t i o n of b e n e f i t s . Fast-growing s p e c i e s such a s P r o s o p i s i u l i f l o r a would be r a i s e d . F a l l e n wood, f r u i t s , s e e d s and o t h e r by p r o d u c t s would be c o l - l e c t e d by v i l l a g e r s f r e e of c h a r g e s . 1.10 S t r i p P l a n t a t i o n s (4300 h a , USS4.3 M) would be e s t a b l i s h e d a l o n g r o a d s , c a n a l s and r a i l w a y t r a c k s , and on f l o o d c o n t r o l and t a n k embankments. F o r e s t Department would s e l e c t s t r i p s wide enough t h a t t h e most v i s i b l e row could be k e p t f o r a e s t h e t i c p u r p o s e s w h i l e t h e o t h e r rows could i n c o r p o r a t e f a s t r o t a t i o n t r e e s t o be f e l l e d p e r i o d i c a l l y . P r o t e c t i o n would be n e c e s s a r y Project File C-3 Item 1 - Page 4 in many places, but the use of barbed wire is being discouraged in favor of other means such as live fencing (surrounding bunds sown with thorny species a year in advance), trenches, or stone walls (Udaipur area). Trenches would be dug for protection purposes along railway strips. As for benefits, all fuelwood would be distributed to adjacent villagers, equally to all households; lop and top would be collected free; and Forest Department would sell small timber poles. Although this plantation model is more expensive than the others, i t is justified because of its environment benefits and promotional effects. 1.11 Fuelwood-Saving Devices would be promoted, based on the experience in Gujarat where improved crematoria have been used successfully to cut the requirement for fuelwood. Non-governmental and voluntary organizations which could help in their dissemination would be identified. B. Nurseries (USS5.0 M) 1.12 The state originally proposed to establish 50 nurseries, each produc- ing around 600,000 seedlings, or about one nursery per block, counting both existing (territorial) and new (social forestry) nurseries. Since these nurseries are aimed largely at farm forestry, it was decided during appraisal to increase the number of nurseries, perhaps to as many as 1,000, depending on overall finance available, cutting down their size so as to produce about 40,000 seedlings per nursery. This network of small more widely dispersed nurseries would provide better access to farmers and would proliferate focal points for extension by Forest Department. The cost of seedling production would also be reduced in some cases, through basketting of fingerlings and provision of seed mini-kits to farmers. C. Institutional Support 1.13 Organization and Management (USS5.9 M) support would include addition of incremental staff, including 900 field staff. Project File C3, Item 2 describes organizational arrangements. About 850 motorcycles and bicycles, plus other vehicles, would provide field staff with requisite mobility; GOR will decide whether to furnish these vehicles directly or provide loans for their purchase. Travel allowances, especially those relating to rangers and foresters have recently been revised. The housing provided for 170 field staff located in remote areas should enhance contact at the local level. One - important feature of the new organization would be the improved capacity for plantation management planning, including preparing detailed plans for the disposition of benefits, to be developed by the Planning, Evaluation and Monitoring (PEM) office. 1.14 Extension (USS0.8 M) would rely heavily on linkages with agricultural extension for transmitting social forestry recommendations to farmers. COR Pro i e c t F i l e C-3 Item 1 Page 5 h a s a l r e a d y i s s u e d a Government Order t o t h a t e f f e c t , f o r m a l l y e s t a b l i s h i n g t h e l i n k a g e between a g r i c u l t u r a l e x t e n s i o n and f o r e s t r y e x t e n s i o n . As n o t e d i n P r o j e c t F i l e , C3 I t e m 2, however, t h e F o r e s t Department would s t i l l have primary r e s p o n s i b i l i t y f o r s o c i a l f o r e s t r y e x t e n s i o n . Besides f i e l d con- t a c t s , i t would make u s e of media, p u b l i c a t i o n s and m e e t i n g s . A l s o , 16 Van Chetna Kendras ("Awareness C e n t e r s " ) would be e s t a b l i s h e d , o r n e a r l y one p e r d i s t r i c t i n the project area. 1.15 T r a i n i n q (USS0.6 M) a r r a n g e m e n t s a r e d e t a i l e d i n P r o j e c t F i l e , C3 I t e m 2. Two new s o c i a l f o r e s t r y t r a i n i n g f a c i l i t i e s and t h e i r accompanying r e s i d e n c e s would be c o n s t r u c t e d u n d e r t h e p r o j e c t . 1.16 Monitoring and E v a l u a t i o n (uSS0.8 M ) i s a l s o discussed i n P r o j e c t F i l e C3, Item 2. The P l a n n i n g , E v a l u a t i o n and Monitoring (PEM) s t a f f would work o u t of e x i s t i n g r e g i o n a l o f f i c e s , t h u s s a v i n g on c i v i l works and o t h e r o f f i c e expenses. A microcomputer would be provided f o r d a t a a n a l y s i s , w i t h t r a i n i n g i n i t s u s e a l s o s u p p l i e d under t h e p r o j e c t . 1.17 Research (USS0.2 M I The r e s e a r c h program would i n c l u d e seed improve- ment, o p t h u m p o l y p o t s i z e , t i s s u e c u l t u r e , s p e c i e s h p r o v e m e n t , p e s t con- t r o l , and i n t e r c r o p p i n g . Methods f o r r e d u c i n g f e n c i n g c o s t s and improving f o d d e r p r o d u c t i o n would be e x p l o r e d . The F o r e s t Department would a l s o expand i t s r e s e a r c h on a g r o f o r e s t r y and r e l a t e d recommendations f o r f a r m e r s . Fur- t h e r d e t a i l s on r e s e a r c h a r e g i v e n i n P r o j e c t F i l e C3, Item 3. PROJECT FILE C3 ITEM 2 Page 1 INDIA NATIONAL SOCIAL FORESTRY PROJECT Organization and T r a i n i n g S t a t e Organization 1. The s t a t e i s divided i n t o 27 d i s t r i c t s , each having an e l e c t e d l o c a l body c a l l e d " z i l a parishad" which c o o r d i n a t e s development a c t i v i t i e s and s e t s p r i o r i t i e s f o r t h e d i s t r i c t . These 27 d i s t r i c t s a r e f u r t h e r divided i n t o 236 b l o c k s , c a l l e d "Panchayat samitis"; t h e s e a r e , i n t u r n , d i v i d e d i n t o 7292 gram panchayats. * P r e s e n t Organization i n F o r e s t r y 2. The s t a t e i s d i v i d e d i n t o 7 t e r r i t o r i a l f o r e s t r y c i r c l e s , each under t h e charge of a Conservator of F o r e s t s . There a r e about f i v e d i v i - s i o n s under each c i r c l e , w i t h a t o t a l of 34 t e r r i t o r i a l f o r e s t r y d i v i - s i o n s . The f o r e s t r y d i v i s i o n s g e n e r a l l y follow s t a t e d i s t r i c t l i n e s except f o r one d i v i s i o n which i n c l u d e s two d i s t r i c t s (Bharatpur and Dholpur), and f i v e d i s t r i c t s w i t h s o much f o r e s t r y a c t i v i t y t h a t they i n c l u d e two o r more f o r e s t r y d i v i s i o n s (Kota-2, Jaipur-2, Udaipur-2, Bikaner- 3, Gan- ganagar-4). 3. As s o c i a l f o r e s t r y has been introduced over t h e p a s t few y e a r s , t h e t e r r i t o r i a l s t a f f has taken on t h a t work i n a d d i t i o n t o o t h e r d u t i e s . I n some a r e a s where s t a t e f o r e s t land i s s c a r c e , f o r e s t r y s t a f f has tended t o devote a l a r g e r p r o p o r t i o n of i t s time t o s o c i a l f o r e s t r y . The F o r e s t Department has a Chief Conservator of F o r e s t s a t i t s head, a s s i s t e d by two A d d i t i o n a l Chief Conservators of F o r e s t , one i n charge of t h e Western r e g i o n which i s l a r g e l y d e s e r t , and t h e o t h e r , t h e E a s t e r n Region, which i n c l u d e s p l a i n s a r e a s i n t h e East down t o t r i b a l h i l l y a r e a s i n t h e South. S o c i a l f o r e s t r y has been introduced p r i m a r i l y i n t h e E a s t e r n Region. 4. I n t h e f i e l d , a Deputy Conservator of F o r e s t s heads each d i v i s i o n , and i s a s s i s t e d by an A s s i s t a n t Conservator of F o r e s t s . For E a s t e r n Region f i e l d s t a f f , t h e r e a r e c u r r e n t l y 135 Rangers, 549 F o r e s t e r s and 2,132 F o r e s t Guards f o r 1 9 d i v i s i o n s . O n average f o r t h e s t a t e , a f o r e s t d i v i s i o n has about 4-6 Rangers, 15-20 F o r e s t e r s , and 60-70 F o r e s t Guards, depending on t h e f o r e s t a r e a and work load. PROJECT FILE C3 ITEM 2 - Page 2 5. Under c e n t r a l l y sponsored schemes, t h e S t a t e has p l a n t e d about 173,000 h e c t a r e s under s o c i a l f o r e s t r y d u r i n g t h e S i x t h F i v e Year P l a n p e r i o d . An a d d i t i o n a l 50,000 h e c t a r e s came under S t a t e schemes d u r i n g t h a t time. O v e r a l l e x p e n d i t u r e s f o r s o c i a l f o r e s t r y d u r i n g t h e S i x t h P l a n amounted t o about R s . 250 m i l l i o n . The F o r e s t Department h a s implemented most of t h e c e n t r a l l y - s p o n s o r e d and a l l of t h e state-sponsored schemes. Proposed O r n a n i z a t i o n 6. The P r o j e c t P r e p a r a t i o n Report submitted by R a j a s t h a n c a l l s f o r supplementing t h e e x i s t i n g F o r e s t Department s t a f f by c r e a t i n g a new l i n e of Rangers, F o r e s t e r s and Guards s p e c i f i c a l l y f o r s o c i a l f o r e s t r y work; t h e s e Guards would be c a l l e d "Village F o r e s t r y Workers" (VFW). The o t h e r f i e l d s t a f f , d e s i g n a t e d a s " t e r r i t o r i a l " , would f o c u s p r i m a r i l y on t r a d i - t i o n a l p r o d u c t i o n and p r o t e c t i o n f o r r e s e r v e d / c l a s s i f i e d f o r e s t s , b u t a l s o might d e v o t e about one t h i r d of i t s time t o s o c i a l f o r e s t r y . According t o t h e p r o p o s a l , t h e d e s i g n a t i o n of s t a f f would be decided by t h e mix of t e r r i t o r i a l and s o c i a l f o r e s t r y i n a g i v e n a r e a . S t a f f would be a s s i g n e d along block l i n e s , w i t h some a r e a s d e s i g n a t e d f o r s o c i a l f o r e s t r y and o t h e r s f o r t e r r i t o r i a l work. The e x i s t i n g D FO and h i s ACF would s u p e r v i s e s t a f f working i n t h e t e r r i t o r i a l a r e a s , and a new " P r o j e c t O f f i c e r / S o c i a l F o r e s t r y " w i t h t h e rank of a s t a t e c a d r e DCF would d i r e c t l y s u p e r v i s e t h e -. new s t a f f working i n s o c i a l f o r e s t r y . The " P r o j e c t O f f i c e r " would answer t o the D FO of t h e d i v i s i o n . 7. The p r o j e c t would be i n t h e E a s t e r n Region, which encompasses 16 d i s t r i c t s and 155 blocks. The r e g i o n would be d i v i d e d i n t o f o u r c i r c l e s , each administered by a Conservator of F o r e s t . Each c i r c l e would cover about 4 d i s t r i c t s which correspond t o about 5 F o r e s t D i v i s i o n s . A t f u l l s t a f f i n g , t h e o r g a n i z a t i o n a t t h e block l e v e l would be approximately one Ranger f o r every two b l o c k s , f o u r F o r e s t e r s p e r Ranger, and 5 Guards/VFW p e r F o r e s t e r . O r g a n i z a t i o n Chart 27194 shows c u r r e n t and proposed o r g a n i z a t i o n a l norms f o r f i e l d s t a f f . The a p p r a i s a l mission and t h e s t a t e o f f i c i a l s considered whether it would be d e s i r a b l e t o e s t a b l i s h a com- p l e t e l y s e p a r a t e s o c i a l f o r e s t r y wing, a s has been done i n some o t h e r s t a t e s , o r t o keep w i t h a s i n g l e l i n e of command from t h e D FO (division) through t h e Conservator ( c i r c l e ) . The l a t t e r was p r e f e r r e d s i n c e e s t a b - l i s h i n g a s e p a r a t e s o c i a l f o r e s t r y wing would c r e a t e redundancies i n s t a f f i n g ; f u r t h e r m o r e , t h e d i v i s i o n between t e r r i t o r i a l p l a n t a t i o n s and s o c i a l f o r e s t r y p l a n t a t i o n s i s n o t t h a t c l e a r , s i n c e c l a s s i f i e d and u n c l a s s i f i e d f o r e s t s i n t e r r i t o r i a l f o r e s t r y provide f o r many of t h e same s o c i a l b e n e f i t s and community r e l a t i o n s h i p s a s s o c i a l f o r e s t r y ' s d e p a r t - mental p l a n t a t i o n s . The a d d i t i o n of f i e l d s t a f f under t h e p r o j e c t would o n l y account f o r a 29% i n c r e a s e over e x i s t i n g f i e l d s t a f f l e v e l s . The P r e p a r a t i o n Report d i d n o t r e q u e s t funding f o r any of t h e e x i s t i n g s t a f f . PROJECT FILE C3 ITEM 2 Page 3 8. I n h e a d q u a r t e r s , a S o c i a l F o r e s t r y Wing would be e s t a b l i s h e d , t o be headed by a " ~ i r e c t o r / S o c i a lF o r e s t r y " w i t h t h e rank of A d d i t i o n a l Chief Conservator of F o r e s t s . The proposed F o r e s t Department o r g a n i z a t i o n i s shown i n Organization Chart 21792. For f u n c t i o n a l support, t h e r e would be t h r e e o f f i c e s : f o r Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation; Extension and Communications; and Woodlots Planning. A Conservator would head t h e Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation O f f i c e and would a l s o s u p e r v i s e f o u r DCFIPCEM, one a t each c i r c l e l e v e l . The DCFIPCEM would be r e s p o n s i b l e f o r advance s i t e planning and i d e n t i f i c a t i o n , c o l l e c t i o n of M&E d a t a , and a s s i s t a n c e i n s p e c i a l s t u d i e s . The Extension and Communications O f f i c e would g e n e r a l l y s u p e r v i s e c o o r d i n a t i o n w i t h the a g r i c u l t u r a l e x t e n s i o n system and o p e r a t i o n of t h e Van Chetna Kendra (VCK, "awareness c e n t e r s " ) i n each d i s t r i c t ; however, d i r e c t s u p e r v i s i o n of VCK would be by t h e DFO. Where t h e r e i s more than one F o r e s t D i v i s i o n per d i s t r i c t , t h e n e a r e s t D FO would s u p e r v i s e t h e VCK. The ranger i n charge of a given VCK would a l s o be r e s p o n s i b l e f o r a c t i n g a s a F o r e s t r y Subject Matter S p e c i a l i s t i n c o n j u c t i o n w i t h t h e Training and V i s i t System of a g r i c u l t u r a l extension. The Woodlots Planning O f f i c e would come i n t o being during t h e t h i r d year of t h e p r o j e c t and would h e l p develop p l a n s f o r d i s t r i b u t i o n of b e n e f i t s a t the local level. 9. The a p p r a i s a l mission encouraged a c l o s e c o o r d i n a t i o n of s o c i a l f o r e s t r y e x t e n s i o n w i t h t h e Training and V i s i t System of a g r i c u l t u r a l e x t e n s i o n , and noted t h a t a n IDA-financed p r o j e c t was supporting t h e second five-year development program f o r a g r i c u l t u r a l e x t e n s i o n i n Rajas- than. During a meeting of F o r e s t Department, A g r i c u l t u r e Department and a p p r a i s a l mission r e p r e s e n t a t i v e s , t h e a g r i c u l t u r a l e x t e n s i o n o f f i c i a l s voiced support f o r c o o r d i n a t i n g w i t h s o c i a l f o r e s t r y a c t i v i t i e s . F o r e s t r y o f f i c i a l s w i l l appoint t h e Rangers i n charge of t h e VCK t o s e r v e a s F o r e s t r y Subject Matter S p e c i a l i s t s (SMS). They would a t t e n d the a g r i c u l - t u r a l e x t e n s i o n monthly planning meetings a t which recommendations a r e formulated and a s s i s t i n t r a i n i n g V i l l a g e Extension Workers (who would disseminate t h e recommendations and provide feedback) during r e g u l a r f o r t n i g h t l y meetings. A Government Order endorsing c o o r d i n a t i o n between f o r e s t r y and a g r i c u l t u r a l e x t e n s i o n has been i s s u e d . The mission s t r e s s e d t h a t t h e r e v i s i o n of lending and t r a v e l allowance r e g u l a t i o n s f o r v e h i c l e s was e s s e n t i a l i n o r d e r t o f a c i l i t a t e adequate f i e l d s t a f f m o b i l i t y . GOR has sanctioned t r a v e l allowances which permit u n r e s t r i c t e d t r a v e l , consis- t e n t w i t h o t h e r Government s t a f f . Vehicles would be provided a t a l l l e v e l s . GOR i s p r e s e n t l y deciding t h e method by which i t would provide b i c y c l e s f o r F o r e s t e r s and V FW , whether by c r e d i t f i n a n c i n g o r d i r e c t provision. PROJECT FILE C3 ITEM 2 - -- Page 4 Training 10. There a r e two f o r e s t t r a i n i n g schools i n Rajasthan f o r b a s i c i n s t r u c t i o n of F o r e s t e r s and F o r e s t Guards. The one i n Jodhpur c a t e r s mainly t o t h e needs of Western Rajasthan, t h e one a t Alwar, t h e E a s t e r n p a r t of t h e s t a t e . A t Alwar, t h e F o r e s t Department had proposed t h a t a s o c i a l f o r e s t r y annex be added; however, during a p p r a i s a l , it was decided t h a t t h e r e should be a n o t h e r school a t J a i p u r because of g r e a t e r i n s e r v i c e t r a i n i n g needs. Locating t h e school a t J a i p u r would p r o f i t from t h e c i t y ' s proximity t o government agencies whose s t a f f could be used t o a s s i s t in lecturing. 11. The F o r e s t Department has r e v i s e d i t s c u r r i c u l a g e n e r a l l y t o include more s u b j e c t m a t t e r r e l e v a n t t o s o c i a l f o r e s t r y . The former c u r r i c u l a contained l i t t l e on n u r s e r i e s , seed c o l l e c t i o n and s t o r a g e o r e x t e n s i o n methodology. The r e v i s e d c u r r i c u l a include t h e s e , p l u s l e c t u r e s on preparing v i l l a g e l e v e l f o r e s t management plans. The mission suggested t h a t t h e F o r e s t Department begin providing s o l i d o r i e n t a t i o n on s o c i a l f o r e s t r y t o e x i s t i n g s t a f f , through i n s e r v i c e c o u r s e s , and i n i t i a l b a s i c t r a i n i n g t o new r e c r u i t s , through whatever e x i s t i n g i n s t i t u t i o n s could handle t h e t r a i n i n g r a t h e r than w a i t i n g f o r a s o c i a l f o r e s t r y school t o be built. 12. The Department would develop o t h e r i n s e r v i c e t r a i n i n g t o b u i l d s t a f f s k i l l s f o r s o c i a l f o r e s t r y . Courses would i n c l u d e : ( a ) I n s e r v i c e t r a i n i n g t o supplement t h e b a s i c t r a i n i n g of f i e l d s t a f f . This would include s o c i a l f o r e s t r y c o u r s e s which a l l s o c i a l f o r e s t r y s t a f f would a t t e n d , p l u s i n d u c t i o n s e s s i o n s on b a s i c f o r e s t r y technology f o r new r e c r u i t s . For V FW , i t would include a one month s o c i a l f o r e s t r y course and a 15-day induction s e c t i o n ; f o r F o r e s t e r s , a two-month s o c i a l f o r e s t r y course and a one-month i n d u c t i o n s e s s i o n ; and f o r Rangers, b a s i c i n - s t a t e s o c i a l f o r e s t r y t r a i n i n g , supplemented i n some c a s e s w i t h t r a i n i n g a t i n s t i t u t e s i n other states. ( b ) Extension and Communications courses f o r Rangers, F o r e s t e r s and V i l l a g e F o r e s t r y Workers. F a c u l t y members would be drawn from t h e F o r e s t Department a s w e l l a s t h e Gram Sewak Training Centers and o t h e r i n s t i t u t i o n s such a s t h e Extension Education I n s t i t u t e , Nilokheri, Haryana, which has a l r e a d y t r a i n e d scaf f f o r t h e Haryana S o c i a l F o r e s t r y P r o j e c t . PROJECT FILE C3 ITEM 2 Page 5 ( c ) T r a i n i n g of T r a i n e r s . T h i s would be conducted a t i n s t i t u t e s such a s t h e E x t e n s i o n E d u c a t i o n I n s t i t u t e ( N i l o k h e r i ) a n d / o r Anand ( G u j a r a t ) . C u r r i c u l a would i n c l u d e e x t e n s i o n methodology, t e a c h - i n g methods and most r e c e n t developments i n s o c i a l f o r e s t r y . ( d ) T r a i n i n g of Rangers t o a c t a s F o r e s t r y S u b j e c t M a t t e r S p e c i a l i s t s i n f o r e s t r y extension. ( e l O r i e n t a t i o n c o u r s e s of s e n i o r s t a f f , and f o r DCF/ACF f i e l d l e v e l s u p e r v i s o r s . T r a i n i n g would c o v e r t e c h n i c a l models f o r s o c i a l f o r e s t r y , s p e c i e s s e l e c t i o n , f o r m u l a t i o n of agreements w i t h p a n c h a y a t s / v i l l a g e s , d i s t r i b u t i o n of b e n e f i t s , e t c . These would be 3-5 day i n t e n s i v e s e s s i o n s and might draw on p r a c t i c i o n e r s o r instructors outside the state. ( f ) Study t o u r s , d o m e s t i c and i n t e r n a t i o n a l . V i s i t s t o o t h e r s t a t e s w i t h s o c i a l f o r e s t r y programs would be s t e p p e d u p , i n p a r t i c u l a r , t o s t a t e s with s i m i l a r agro-climatic conditions o r programs (e.g., West Bengal f o r group farm f o r e s t r y ) . ACFs and DCFs would be s e n t t o d o m e s t i c u n i v e r s i t y c o u r s e s , such a s t h e new s i x l n o n t h diploma c o u r s e i n s o c i a l f o r e s t r y a t Dehra Dun. Other c o u r s e s c o u l d be i d e n t i f i e d f o r s t a f f , such a s t h e upcoming ICRAF c o u r s e on a g r o f o r e s t r y , t o be provided t h r o u g h ICAR. The p r o j e c t would a l s o p r o v i d e f o r v i s i t s t o o t h e r c o u n t r i e s w i t h r e l e v a n t s o c i a l f o r e s t r y programs. I n t e r n a t i o n a l study o p p o r t u n i t i e s could i n c l u d e c o u r s e s such a s t h e s o c i a l f o r e s t r y summer c o u r s e a t Oxford, which i n c l u d e s p r o j e c t p r e p a r a t i o n , management and a c c o u n t i n g , s o c i a l f o r e s t r y a p p r o a c h e s , and r e s e a r c h ; t h e p r o j e c t p l a n n i n g c o u r s e s a t B r a d f o r d , and t h e U n i v e r s i t y of E a s t A n g l i a ; and t h e f o u r - m o n t h r e s e a r c h c o u r s e a t Oxford. ( g ) Monitoring and e v a l u a t i o n c o u r s e s on b o t h methodology and u s e of micro-computers. Any new d i r e c t o r of M6E f o r s o c i a l f o r e s t r y should r e c e i v e s u c h t r a i n i n g . ( h ) Courses f o r f i e l d l e v e l s t a f f engaged i n c o l l e c t i o n of d a t a f o r M&E and i n c o n d u c t i n g of s p e c i a l s t u d i e s . ( i ) Training f o r nursery s t a f f , including malis, i n extension t e c h n i q u e s and recommendations f o r f a r m e r s . 13. Besides t h e above i n s e r v i c e c o u r s e s f o r s t a f f , t h e Department would p r o v i d e t r a i n i n g camps f o r f a r m e r s , v o l u n t a r y groups and o t h e r s , of an a v e r a g e of t h r e e days d u r a t i o n . P r o j e c t File C-3 Item 2 chart 1 Proiect File C-3 > Item 3 Page 1 INDIA NATIONAL SOCIAL FORESTRY PROJECT RAJASTHAN SOCIAL FORESTRY PROJECT Research The need for research in the Project is focussed on tree growing on farmlands, seed source identification, seed collection and handling, nursery practice, optimizing productivity and reducing costs. The program is essentially directed towards adaptive field research, much of it on farms. The Project will also use research results from the National Agricultural Research (ICAR Institues and Agricultural Universities), from FRI Dehra Dun, and from the Forestry Research Education Training Project (FRET) now under preparation. The research responsibilities of each of relevance to the Project may be summarized as follows. Universities ICAR/NARP/AE~~C On farm and on station research on agroforestry, competition effects, physiological and nutritional studies. Physiology of coppicing, pollarding and coppicing, some breeding work, farm budget analyses. FRET/FRI/State Silviculturists Comprehensive species introduction trials, selection and progeny testing, breeding of trees for use in farm, village and departmental forestry. Detailed yield studies of different species under different management systems including trees in free growth, partial harvesting by coppicing, pollarding, etc., and non-wood products. Research within the Project - Adaptive Trials for Management Seed and nursery research. Observational trials on agroforestry. Yields of different models, including irrigated areas. Diagnosis and design for agroforestry (see below). The basic division outlined above will allow the staff proposed for the Project to concentrate on areas of interest which have a direct and immediate application on project implementation. A more detailed outline of the work proposed is given below. Project File C-3 Item 3 Page 2 Diagnosis and Design This system, developed by ICRAF, Nairobi, for identifying interventions using agroforestry technology for meeting the perceived needs of farmers, is particularly well suited to extension and research planning. A team of officers should be introduced to the system to be adapted to the farm forestry model. The output of such surveys is as follows: Project F i l e C-3 Item 3 Page 3 Identified L perceived List of expected interventions problers. classified ---) Ranked ----) using trees to meet the problersl by farr typelsize problers potentials Is the technology horn ? YES NO e.g. far8 woodlots, - investigate which boundary planting organisation can do research I - plan field t r i a l s - prepare individual experirents e.g. treel~rop ccrpeti tion, spacing studies, 1opping. I anal ysed, di sserinated. ~xtension Service Evaluate effectiveness against perceived pr~blers One/two o f f i c e r s should attend a course run by ICRkF c o v e r i n y t h i s methodology e i t h e r at the Nairobi, Kenya, headquarters or one of the courses t o be run i n India o r elsewhere. Project File C-3 Item 3 Page 4 Recommended T o ~ i c sfor Investieation The following are based on identified problems to date, on points where substantial improvements in efficiency can be expected, or on items in the silvicultural models which appear to be particularly costly. 1. Seed collection, storage, treatment and germination. Seed collection, storage and supply is currently dealt with effi- ciently in the state, and no further facilities are required. Trials on treatments and germination tests would be carried out in the central nursery in Jaipur. The existing register of seed stands in the state -certified seed collection areas -would be expanded to take account of species widely used in social forestry. Records would be kept of the source of all seed used. 2. Genetic improvement of germplasm. Identification and registration of superior seed trees and stands in the state. Creation of seed and stands in the state. Creation of seed stands of important species/provenances for social forestry. 3. Observations in farmer's fields of competition effects between trees and crops. Layout of simple on-farm trials to demonstrate and evaluate such effects (advice available from ICRAF). 4. Production studies in all plantation models. These would mainly confirm the yields predicted in the project, but would also cover trees in free growth (as in strip plantations and agroforestry) and some specially designed on-farm spacing trials (advice from ICRAF). Mean and current annual increment studies would be included. 5. Simple studies and demonstrations on coppicing, pollarding and lopping of fodder and fuel producing trees (advice from ICRAF). 6. Where farmers choose to grow fast-growing woodlots on high produc- tivity sites, observations on optimal treatments (irrigation, fertilizers) would be carried out. 7. Fencing is the major item of expenditure in most strip models and would be studied: (a) to improve efficiency of operations. (b) to develop efficient methodologies for of live fencing. (c) to evaluate the actual reduction in survival and yield an unfenced plantations. Project File C-3 Item 3 Page 5 8. Pitting is another major expense. Studies would be made on the effects of pit size on growth and survival of important species. 9. Nursery trials would be conducted on different sizes of polythene tubes/bags, and attempts made to improve survival through genuine root pruning of plants in tubes, not bags. Further trials would be made cn the 'ba;ketl system for supplying cheap seedlings for farmers to raise themselves and on direct sowing. Simple trials of vegeta- tive propagation for widespread application in small nurseries would also be made. 10. Simple trials of new provenances of species already widely used e.g. Prosopis species from America. 11. Collection of cost and price data for specific farm forestry models for economic analysis. 12. Diagnosis and Design (see above). Subjects which would be subcontracted to the Agricultural Univer- sities include: Nutrient balances under different tree crops Complex intercropping studies Evaluation of insecticides on termite control Economics of stall feeding of livestock using fodder from social forestry plantations Farm budget analyses Subjects which would be studied by F R ~ ~ / F R 1 / s t a t e Silviculturist of relevance to the Project include: Genetic improvement Progeny trials Introduction of new species Detailed studies on tree/forest growth and yield Fertilizer response of trees on different sites. The personnel for the activities in the Project would be increased as follows. Project File C-3 Item 3 - - Page 6 One Liaison Officer for facilitating information transfer between the State Level Forest Research Committee, the Agricultural University, the Project research staff, and the farmers and other non-departmental tree planters. Two Research Officers to concentrate on production studies and seed work. These could be recruited direct, on deputation from the Department of Agriculture, or from within the Forest Department as appropriate. INOI A NAllorlAI SOCIAL "JIlf~lIlY PIW.lfCI lable 301. ORGnNI1AIION AtlU MANAI;IHINI RAJAS I linN Ofttalled eosl Iahl~ 1I111f'~ 1 5 • 0001 Quantity Base Custs U", , 0 lolal Unit f.ost 0 10t.1 I. INVESI"lNl COSIS - - - -- - ., - - -- A. CIVIL ~ORK ----- - - . - -- 1. NON - RESIOfNIlM IllJII01NliS --- - - - - - .. - - 010 OffiCE CUH RISIOENCf NO 1 J 12.291 ] 12. 3 312 IN5PECIION ilill S NO I? 16 62. 459 249.8 749. 999. Sub'lotal NON - RESIIJrNIIAl RlrtlOINGS 562. I 7~9. 1.111 I. 2. RESIDENIIAt Billi DINGS RnNGI RS NO 12 10 12 42 72. 868 874. 4 n8. 874. 4 2q I. 291 3.060 10RES IER~ NO 20 20 10 50 62. 4~9 1.249. 2 I. 2~9. lj'~. lj 3.127. GUARD/VfH NO 20 20 20 20 20 100 41. 6]9 832.8 832. 832. B 812. 8 832. 4. 163. Sub-Iotal RfSIOfNIIAI BUilDINGS 2.956 4 2.810.6 2. 311 8 I. 124. 3 I. 124. 10. H7 .1 Sub-lotal CIVil HORK ].518.5 3.560. I 2.331. 8 1. 12~ . .1 1. 124.3 II. 6~8 ~ 8. VEHICIFS UEAUQUARI f RS CAR NO 82. 703 82. 81. fOIJN WIIHI DRIV[ DO NO 82. 703 82 82. 101iR HIIEH DRI VE OU (IIQ) NO 82. 703 82 82 FOUR HflErt DRIVf OU IHI ru NO 82. 70.1 82 7 82 Sub- 10101 UEADQllnRlf RS 248. I 8? 7 330. 2 DISIRICI fOIlR HHrEl ORI VE 1'0 NO 19 19 82. 703 1.571.4 I. 571. 4 IRUCK NO 17 20 227.431 3. 866. 4 45~.9 227 4.548. 7 Sub-Iolal OISlRICI 5. 437. 454.9 227.4 6. 120.0 3. RANGERS AND RflOW "OIORCYCIES NO 30 2 16 8 16 72 10.33B 310 I 20. 7 165 82 ../ 165. 744. 3 BICYCLES I. NO 284 59 160 138 127 768 O. 517 146.8 30.5 A2.7 7 I. 3 65. 39'/ 0 TRAGIOR TRAil FR NO 26 26 52 103.179 2.687.8 2.687.8 ~. 37', 7 SuL 101.1 RANGlRS AND BElOH 3. 144. 2. 73~. 0 248. 1~14 0 231 I 5. ~ 17 0 Sub-Tolal VEHICLES 8. 830. 6 3. 19.1.9 ~~)R. I~~ 0 231. I 12.967 C EQIIIPM[NT PHOTOCOPIER lID 1 I 83. 095 83 I R.l I lYPEHRIIER Ib 110 30 10 3.532 105.9 105 !J OllPllr.AIING MACllINl NO 7 2 5. fll7 II. h I I. 6 CAL r.UlA lOR NO 27 27 3.532 95 9~ 1 IElEl'HflNE NO 6 5 193 31. ) I INlfRCO" NO 2 15.58 31. 20 8 JI 20 ~ H\CJ "Vol DRAFISMAN fQlJlPHLNI NO I 20.774 ftl SURVEYOR EQUIPHfNI NO 70 20 2.077 41. 5 41 ~ S Sub-IoI.1 fQIIIP"[NT O. FURN II UME 420 7 420. 7 "'" OSF O[IIU S[I 33.777 JJ. 8 33. CF OFFICE SU 4 0.563 2 3 2 OCI OfFlCf SH I I lB. 14 18. I I~ ACI or FI Cf SEI 19 19 7. 881 149 1 149. 7 RAI4GI OF [ I CE srr 10 17 8 16 ~l 2 2~1 ~2. ~ 2 18 1 IR 0 36 0 117 I OY RO S[l 20 2() I. 126 22.5 22,5 fORESfER SEI 63 4 23 20 19 129 0.563 35.5 2.3 12. 9 II. 3 10.7 17.6 fG/VEH SU 221 55 137 118 1011 639 0.563 124.4 31.0 171 66.4 60.8 35'1. 7 Sub-Iota I fURliI TIIRE 408.8 35. ~ In. 4 9'J.7 101.5 71!l.9 Total IHVESTllfNT COSTS 13, 178 6 6, '189. 5 ].018.4 I. 314. 0 1. 467. 8 25, an 3 II. RECURRENT COSTS A. SlftFf SAlARIES /e I. ItfADOIJAR1£ RS CCF SOCial fORESTRY IIY 0. S 1 I 1 4. S 60.267 30 I 60. ] 60.3 60.3 60.3 271. 2 DCf/ASSISTANT IIY 0.5 1 I I 4. S 39.99 20.0 40.0 40.0 40.0 40. () IRO.O OCf lHIPO IIY I I 1 3 39.99 40.0 40. () 40.0 120. () ASST. DIR. ISIAT IIY 1 I I 3 28. S44 28. ~ 28.5 28.5 85 6 SHNOGkAPllER IIY 1 I I 3 18.629 18.6 18.6 18. 6 55. 9 ORI VlR NY 1 I I 3 13.678 13. 1 13. 7 13. 7 41.0 PEON ItY 1 I I 3 7.829 1.8 '1.8 1.8 13.5 ACCOUN TS Off I C[ R MY 0.5 I I 1 4.5 28. S44 14. J 28.5 28.5 28. ; 28.5 12R.4 Off I CE SUPl R III ItY 0.5 I 1 I 4.5 23 519 11. 8 23.5 23.5 23.5 23.5 105.8 ACCOUNT ANl ItY 0.5 I I I 4.5 19.541 9.8 19.5 19.5 19 5 19.5 88.0 JR. ACCOUNT ANI STENOGRAPHf 1/ II) In IIY 0.5 0.5 I I 1 I 1 I 4.5 4.5 18.004 18.679 9.° 9. 3 18.0 18.6 18.0 18.6 18.0 18.6 18 0 18.6 810 83.8 UppeR DIVISION ClFRK IIY 1.5 J 3 3 13.5 14.428 21. 6 43.3 U3 4.1. 3 43.3 194.8 lOH~R DTVISION ClfRK IIY 4 8 8 8 36 13.678 54. 1 109.4 109 4 109.4 109.4 492.4 DRI Yf.R IIY 1 1 7 2 9 13.618 13. 1 21.4 27.4 274 27.4 123. I WATCHMAN/PEON IIY 2.5 5 5 5 12.5 1.829 19.6 39 1 39. I 39. I 39. 1 116.2 Sub-Iotal HlAOQUAHIfHS 213 9 421. 536.4 536.4 536.4 2.250.1 2. REGIONAl Offlr.[S UPPER DIYISION CLERK IIY 4 18 14.428 28.9 51. 7 51. 57. 7 57. 7 259. Sub-Iota I REGIONAl orr I r.[S 28.9 57. 7 57. 51 57.7 259. 3. DISTRICT OffiCe ---- ------- ocr IIY 0.5 1 I 1 1 4.5 39.99 '0.0 40.0 40.0 40.0 40.0 180.0 ACI III 0.5 I 1 I I 4.5 24.488 12.2 24.5 74.5 24.5 24.5 110.2 ACCOUNTANT IIY () 5 I I 1 I 4.5 19.547 9.8 19.5 t!l.5 19.5 19 5 88.0 Off I Cf A~S T. IIY 0.5 I 1 I I 4.5 18.004 9.0 18.0 18 0 18 0 IB.O 81 0 dR. ACCOUNTANI IIY 0.5 1 I I 1 4.5 lB. 004 9.0 III. 0 18.0 18.0 18.0 81. 0 UPPER DIVISION ClERK IIY I 2 2 2 2 ') 14.42B 14.4 28.9 28 \1 28.9 28.9 129 9 lOWER DIVISION ClERK MY 2.5 5 5 5 5 71.5 13.678 34.2 68.4 68.4 68.4 68.4 307. 7 ST[NOGRAPIIER 1111 IIY 0.5 I I I I 4.5 18.004 9.0 18.0 18.0 IB.O 18.0 81. 0 SURVEYOR IIY o5 I 1 I I 4 5 13.618 6.8 13. 7 13. 7 13. 7 13. 7 61. 5 IRAC~R ItY o5 1 I I I 4.5 13. 618 6.8 13. 1 13.7 13. 7 13. 7 61. 5 DIIIVER IIY 0.5 I I I 1 4.5 13. 678 6 8 13. 1 11. 7 13 7 13. 7 61. 5 WA TCIiIlAN/PEON ItY - 2.5 5 5 5 5 22.5 1.829 19.6 39. I 39. I 39. 1 39.1 176. 2 TRUCK DRIV[R IIY 0.5 I I 1 1 4.5 13.618 6.8 13. 7 13. 7 13 7 13. 7 61.5 PO (Sf! ItY 9.5 19 19 19 19 85.5 39.99 379. 9 759.8 1~9. 8 75~ 8 759.8 3.419.2 .IR. ACCOUNT ~N I MY - 9.5 19 19 19 19 85.5 18.004 111. 0 342. I 342 1 342. I 342. 1 1,539.3 UPPER DIVISION CllRK MY 9.5 19 19 1':1 19 85.5 14.428 137. I 2741 274. I 274. I 214. I 1,23.1.6 toWER DIVISION CUIIK IIY 9.5 19 19 19 19 85.5 IJ 678 129.9 259.9 259. 9 259.9 259 9 I. 11;9.4 SURVEYOR IIY 9.5 19 19 19 19 85.5 13.678 129.9 259.9 259.9 259.9 259.9 I. lIi9.4 ORIYER IIY 9.5 19 19 19 19 85.5 13.618 129.9 259 9 259 9 259.9 259.9 I. 169 4 PEON ItY 9.5 19 19 19 19 85.5 7. 829 74.4 148.8 148.8 146.8 148.8 669.4 Sub'lolal DISIRICt OffICE 1.316.8 2,633.5 2,633. 5 2.633. 5 2, 6J3. 5 11,850.9 4. RANGE Off I CE ~~-------- -- RANGE fOREST Olf leER MY 5 II 28 36 52 132 111.629 93. I 204.9 521. 6 610. 7 968. 7 2.459. I DEP. RANGEk ItY 10 20 20 20 20 90 13.8'/6 138.8 277.5 2'17 5 277.5 2n 1,248.8 GUARDS/VfW ItY IIY ·110 5 5 276 11 413 531 36 6391.969.5 132 7.579 1l.678 837.5 68.4 2.091. 8 3, 130. I 4,024. 4 4924 4,843.0 14,926.8 711. 2 1,805.4 HIe") rtw LOWER DIVISION ClERK 28 52 150.5 383.0 I'D WArCHMAN fORESTER MY MY 5 31.5 11 67 28 90 36 110 52 132 129 421. 5 7.829 9.831 39. I 309.1 86. I 658.1 219.2 8R4.8 281.9 I. 081. 4 401 I I, ()33. 5 1.268 2 4,202. 7 e -I:'- Sub-Total RANGE OffICE I. 486.6 3,469.5 5,416 2 6,828. , 8.475.7 25,676.7 Sub-lotal ~. ~AIARIfS Ie ,046. 1 6.588. 4 8,643 8 10. 0~15. 9 11,103.4 40.031 6 B. sIAn I. UOWftNCE eCI MY 0_ 5 1 4.5 2.919 1.5 2 q 2.9 2.9 2.9 13. I Dtf MY 0.5 1 4. !i I. 949 10 1.9 1.'1 1.9 1.9 n.R Dl:f lIUPU ItY ! I 3 I. 949 1.9 1.9 1.9 5. is PO MY 9.5 19 19 !9 19 8~. 5 I. 199 11.4 21.8 17.8 27.8 2::>.8 102 RANG~R MY 5 II 28 36 52 132 0.901 4.5 10.0 25 ~ 32. 1 41. ? 119. DY. RANGER MY 10 20 ?O 20 20 90 0.678 6.6 13 6 13 6 13.6 13 6 6!. fORfSIER MY 31. 5 67 90 110 129 4n 5 0.48 15 1 32. 1 43.2 57.8 £01. 9 20~ fGIVEW MY - 110 5 216 413 53! 6391.969.5 0.365 40.3 100.1 150 1 193.1 233 2 '118 h DRIVER MY 10.5 21 11 21 21 94.5 0.661 1 0 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 63. I SURVfYOR MY 9.5 19 I!I 19 19 85.5 0.667 6 J 12 1 12. 1 12 7 12. 'I 51 0 DRIVER IHLPU MY I 1 1 3 O. fj61 o1 O. 1 o7 2 ') Sub-Iotal SIMf TRAVEl ALLOWANCE 91.9 210. 1 ?R9 8 349.1 412.1 1.~~6.1 C. BUilDING MAINT[NANCE oro OffiCE CIlM RESIDENCE NO I I 2 6 245 ri. 2 6.2 12.5 RANG[RS RI SIDENCf NO 12 22 34 I. 451 11 5 32 I 49. 5 fOR[SlfNS RESIDENCE NO 20 40 SO 1. 249 75 0 50 0 14 9 fG/VEW R( S IIH.ffCl NO 20 40 60 0.833 16.1 33. 3 50 0 INSPECIION HUIS NO 16 16 36 L 249 ~ 0 20.0 200 4~ 0 Sub-Tot a I SUllDI NG MINIfIlANC[ 5.0 85.3 141. 5 231. 9 D. VElIlCtE OP[RAIION AND ItAJNlfNANr.E CAR NO 0.5 1 1 1 I 4.5 10.395 5.2 10.4 10.4 10.4 10.4 46 8 fOUR WIIEEt ORI VE NO 10.5 21 21 21 21 94.5 10.395 109.1 218.3 1 HI, 3 '18 3 216. J 982.3 lOUR WHEn DRIVE C14IPU NO 1 1 I 3 10.3!l5 10.4 10 4 10 4 31. :;> IRUCKS NO 3.5 8 9 5 10 10 41 10.395 36.4 83.2 98.1 103.9 103.9 426. 2 HOTORCYCLES NO 15 31 40 52 64 ~02 5.191 18.0 161. 1 201.9 210.3 332.6 1. 049.8 8TCYCl[S NO 142 313 423 572 704 2. 154 0.021 3.0 6.5 8.11 119 14.6 44 11 Sub-Tolal VEHIr.n OPERAIIOII AND MAINTfliAIiCE 231. 6 419.5 554.5 625. 2 ~90. 3 2.581. 0 E. Off ICE OPERA! 1011 AND I!AINJlIIANCE HEADQUAR I EHS NO I I 1 1 I 5 31. 275 3 I. 3 31. 3 31.3 31. 3 31. 3 156. ~ OISIRICIOIFICE 110 I I I t I 5 20.85 20 9 20.9 "9 20.9 20.9 104 J RANGE Of f I CE 110 10 II 28 36 52 Il1 2.085 20.9 22.9 58. 4 1,. 1 108.4 285 b ACI NO 19 19 19 19 19 95 5.213 99.0 Q90 99 0 99 0 99.0 495.7 Sub'Tolal OHICf. OI'IRAIIOII ANO MAINIENANCf 112. 0 114. I 20~5 226.2 259.6 I. ()41.~) Total RECURRfNI COSIS 3.543.6 7.452 1 9.102 n 11. 342. 3 13.201.5 45.248.1 Totat IL122.2 1~'42.2 12.1210 1~11~ 3 14.&1Q3 11.011.9 la III/M8ER Of BleYCI lS ACCORDING TO IIIE NUMBER OF fORESI GUARDS PlIIS fOJIESTERS. Ib ONE ElECIRlt lYPf.WRIJ(R lOR IlSf OIFICE. Ie SALARIES INCLUDIIIG "EOICAl CHARGES 10111(;11 ARE DISBURSEO AS NECESSARY; FOR 6 MOS. ONLY III lifE flRSI YEAR; ACIUAL !lU"BER Of PERSONNEl IS OOUBLE mAN SH01411 IN YEAR 1; HISIING SIAff fNGAG~D III IERIHIORIIII fORfSfRY May 16. 1985 11: 12 1-1 rt In w III 51 .p. Para.meters Iota's Includt"g Contingenc1es Phy. ConI. fer. GrOS$ Sumnary o 5 lolal Rale ben lax Rale Account 337.9 357.9 O. 0.05 0 CII 286.3 931. I 1,217.4 0 0.05 0 til 644.2 931. I 1,575.3 1,002.1 905.3 1. 17B. 3 426. 1 462 2 3. 973 9 O. 0.05 0 eM 1.431.5 1,551. g 841.7 3,825.1 O. 0.05 0 eM 954.3 1.034.6 1. 122.2 1,217.3 1,320.5 5,649.0 O. 0.05 0 eM 3,387.9 3,491. 8 3, 141.2 1,643.4 1,782.7 13,448.0 4,032. , 4.422.9 3. 14~. 2 1,643.4 1.782. 15. on 4 90.2 90.2 0.05 O. 2 O. J YEll 90.2 90.2 0.05 0.2 0.3 VEil 90.2 90.2 0.05 0.2 0.3 VEH 105.5 105.5 0.05 0.2 0.3 VEH 270.5 105.5 376.0 I. 713.4 1,713.4 0.05 0.2 0.3 VEil 4.215.7 535.6 290.0 5,041. 3 0.05 0.2 0.3 VfH 5.929 1 535.6 290.0 6.754. 7 338.2 24.3 210.9 114.3 247.7 935.4 0.05 0.2 0.3 VEH 160. I 35.9 105.5 98 6 98. 3 498.3 0.05 0.2 0.3 V£l1 2,930.1 3,164.6 6.095.4 0.05 0.1 0.3 VfH 3,419.0 J. 224. 9 316.4 212.9 346.0 1.529. I 9,628.6 3.760.5 711. 9 212.9 346.0 14.659. 8 90.8 90.8 0.05 O. 0.2 EQP 115.8 115.8 0.05 O. 0.2 EliI' 12.7 12. 7 0.05 O. 0.2 EOI' 104.2 104.2 0.05 O. 0.2 [QP 34. I 34, I 0.05 O. 0, 2 EOI' 34, 1 34. 1 0.05 O. 0,2 fQP 22.7 22. 7 o 05 0 0,2 EQP 45.4 45.4 0.05 0 o2 EOI' Hln rtw 459.7 459.7 (\) a .I::"- 31,0 31.0 0.05 0 0,1 fUR 2,5 2,5 0,05 0 O. I FUR 19,9 19.9 0.05 0 0.1 fUR 163.9 163.9 0.05 0 O. I fUR 24.6 J1 7 49 3 2~ 2 54, 156,5 0.05 0 o1 fUR 24.6 24.6 0.05 0 0.1 fUR 38.8 2. 7 16. 15.7 16.2 90. I 0.05 0 O. I fUR 136.2 36.8 99. 91 9 92.2 457. 4 0.05 0 O. I fUR 447.5 42. I 165.4 133.8 163. 951.9 - 14.567.9 8.275.5 4.019.5 1. 9~O I 2.291. 31. 0~4. II 31.4 68.1 74. 0 80.2 87. 1 340.9 0 0 0 Sif 20.8 45. 2 49. I 53.3 51.8 226 2 0 0 0 SIf 49.1 53.3 57.8 160.1 0 0 0 Sif 35.0 38.0 41. 2 114.3 0 0 0 SH 22.9 24.8 26.9 14. Ii 0 0 0 SIF 16.8 18.2 19.8 54.8 0 0 0 Sif 9.6 10.4 11. 3 31. 3 0 0 0 STf 14.9 32.3 35.0 38.0 41. 2 161. 4 0 0 0 SH 12.3 26.6 28 9 3t. 3 34.0 IJJ.O 0 0 0 STf 10.2 22.1 24.0 26.0 28.2 110.6 0 0 0 SI f 9.4 20.4 22.1 24.0 26.0 lOt. 8 0 0 0 Slf 9. 7 21. 1 22 9 24.8 26.9 105.4 0 0 0 SIF 22.6 49.0 53 1 57.6 62.5 244.8 0 0 0 SH 57.0 In 8 134.3 145. 7 158.1 618.9 0 0 0 Slf 14.3 30.9 33.6 36.4 39.5 154. 7 0 0 0 Slf 10.4 44.3 48.0 52. 1 56.6 22 L 4 0 0 0 SH 222.9 463.8 658.3 714.2 774.9 2. 854 2 30. 1 65.3 70.8 76 8 83.4 326.4 0 0 0 STf 30. 6S. 3 '/0.8 76.8 83.4 326.4 20.8 45.2 4~. 1 53. J 57.8 226.2 0 0 0 SlF 12.8 27.7 30. 1 32.6 35.4 1311. 5 0 0 0 STf 10.2 22. 1 24 0 26.0 28.2 110.6 0 0 0 Slf 9.4 20.4 22.1 24.0 26 0 101. 8 0 0 0 SIf 9.4 20.4 22.1 24.0 26.0 101. 8 0 0 0 SIF 15.0 32.6 35.4 38.4 4 I. 7 163.2 0 0 0 SlF 35.6 77.4 83.9 91. 1 98.8 386.8 0 0 0 SIF 9.4 20.4 22.1 24.0 26.0 101. 8 0 0 0 STf 1. 1 15.5 16.8 18.2 19.8 17.4 0 0 0 Sif 1. 1 1S.5 16.8 18.2 19 8 77.4 0 0 () Sif 7. 1 15.5 Hi 8 18.2 19.8 77.4 0 0 0 SI F 20. ~ 4~. 3 48.0 52. 1 56.6 221 ~ 0 0 0 Slf 16.8 0 0 STF 1. 1 396. 1 118.3 15.5 859.4 386.9 932.5 ~19.8 18.2 '. Oil. 8 455.5 19.8 714 1. 097.7 .4.291.5 494.2 1. 934. 8 0 0 ° 0 0 0 0 STF Sif 142.9 310. 1 3l6.4 355.0 396. I 1.550.5 0 0 0 SIf 135.5 293.9 J18.9 346.0 375.5 1.469.8 0 0 0 SlF 135.5 293.9 318.9 346.0 315.5 1.469.8 0 0 0 SIF 135.5 293.9 318.9 346.0 375.5 1,469. 8 0 0 0 Slf 71.5 168. ~ 182. 6 198. 1 214.9 841. 3 0 0 0 SIr 1.372.1 2.918.8 J. 232. 0 3.506.8 3. 804. 8 14. 89S. 2 97. 1 1440 7 2318 313.9 640 2 340.6 893.0 369.5 1,399.6 3.26 I. 7 400.9 1.569.6 0 0 0 () 0 0 STF SIF HJn " \.oj 873.1 2.3r.o. I 3.84 I. 5 5. 358. 8 6.996. 9 19.436.3 0 0 0 SIF 7L 3 170.2 470.0 b55. 7 1.027.6 2.394. 7 0 0 0 Slf m 40.8 97.4 2690 375 3 588.2 1. 370. 1 0 () 0 STF ~ 745.0 1. Ofl5. 8 1. 439. 9 1.832.2 5.425 8 0 STF 322 8 1.549.8 3.924. 6.647. I 9.092. 3 12.245. 4 33.458 9 0 ° 3. 115. 5 7.452 10.608.2 11. 390.1 16.908.5 51.534.7 1,5 ),3 3,6 3,9 4, 2 16 5 0 0 0 STA 1.0 2,2 2,4 1.,6 2,8 11. 0 0 0 0 STA 2,4 2,6 2,8 7,8 0 0 0 SIA 11. 9 25,8 28,0 30,3 32.9 128,8 0 0 0 STA 4,7 II. 3 31,2 43,5 68,1 1~8, 8 0 0 0 SIA 7, I 15,3 16,6 18,0 19,6 76. 1 0 0 0 SIA 15,7 36, J 530 10.2 89 4 264 1 0 0 0 SlA 42.0 113.9 184.9 ~~8, 0 3169 935. 1 0 0 0 SIA 7.3 15,8 11,2 18,7 20,2 19,2 0 0 0 SIA 6,6 14,3 15,6 16,9 18,3 11. 7 0 0 0 Sf A 0,8 0,9 1.0 2, 7 0 0 0 SIA 97,9 238,3 355,6 465,6 596,2 I. 753, 6 8,7 9 4 18.2 O. O~ 0,05 0, I "Ie 24,4 48,5 72.9 0,05 0.05 o 1 "Ie 34,8 75.6 110,4 0,05 0,05 0, 1 ",e 23,2 50,4 73,6 0,05 G,05 0,1 IIle 6,4 27,9 30,2 64,5 0,05 0,05 0,1 lilt: 6,4 119, I 214,2 339, 1 5, 1 12,3 13,3 14,5 15,7 61. 5 0,05 0, 0 voe 119, J 258,5 280,3 304,0 329, 7 1.291. 1 0,05 0, 0 vor. 13,3 14,5 15,7 43. 5 0,05 O. 0 voe 39,8 98.5 126,8 144.7 157,0 566,7 0.05 0 0 voe 85,2 190.8 266,9 376, J 502, 3 1.421. 6 0,05 O. 0 voe 3,2 7. 7 11,3 16,6 22,1 60.9 0,05 0, 0 voe 253,2 567. 712.0 810,5 1,042,5 3.445,9 34,2 37. 1 40.3 4),1 41, 4 202.9 0,05 0 0 OfH 22,8 24,8 26,9 29,2 31. 6 135,2 0.05 0 0 0111 22,8 27. 2 15,2 104.9 164,5 394, 7 0,05 0 0 OIH 108.4 117.6 121,6 138.5 150.2 M2.4 0,05 0 0 orH 188,3 206,8 270,0 316, 3 393,8 1.375,2 ---- ------ 3,714,9 8,465, 1 11.952,2 15. 161. 6 19. ISS, 2 58,449,0 18,282.8 16,690.6 15.911. 7 17. lSI. 721,441,089,54],8 HIO rtw CD S ~ , ' INDIA NAIIONM SOCIAL rORCSINY PRO.lfel I"ble 302 PIIYSICftl IARr.ETS RA.1AS IIIAN Deta.lod Cost lable IR1II'LE S • 0001 Quant ity Ri\sQ C05t S Un it 0 lotal Ur" t tos I 0 101. I I- INVESTPlEIIl COSTS A. fAR" FORESIRY AND NIJRSfRY OEV, I NURSERY ESIAIlII~IIP1(NT NO 25 25 ~O 208. ~J9 5.21 I. 0 5.211. 10.427. 0 2, ftGRO fOR[SHY ftND fARI'I HOODLOTS YfAR' 0 "II L PLANIS 2.5 25 30 30 32,5 120 208, 43q 521, 1 5.211 6. 253. 2 h, 253, 2 6.174. 3 25.012. YEAR I I'Illl PLANIS 2,5 25 30 30 32,5 120 208 43q 521. 5.211 0 ", 2~ 1 2 6,253,2 6. 174, 25.012 Sub-Iotal AuRO fORESTRY AND fARI'I WOODLOTS 521 5.732, 1 L 464, 1".50B 3 13,02"1,4 6.774, 50.025, 4 3, IMPROVED I (jRArI I ORr.IIARDS 000 PLANTS 90 100 130 400 I. 303 104, 117 110 3 16Q, 4 r,21 1 80 Sub'lolal fARK fORESTRY AND NURSfRY DEV, ~2L II. 041, 16, 792 1~. 6.16 6 13, IQ6, 8 6. 774 !,O,968, 8. IREE IlNURE lOR POOR ANIl lANDLESS L IIOUSElIOI 0 fAnll fORESIRY ¥FAR 0 IIA 500 1.500 2.500 3.000 1,500 0,427 213, 640 9 1,068.2 1.281 9 3. 20~ YEAR 1 la IIA 500 1.500 2,500 3.000 1.500 L 021 510.1 1, 512. 0 2, 5~3. 3,Ofi4 7, 1i1i0 YUR 2 IIA 500 1,500 2.500 4.500 4.481 2.240,1 6,722 11. ?03 10. lfo6, Sub-Iolal 1l00Sf[lOI.0 fftR" FORESTRY 213,6 1. 151. ~. M1. 0 10.551, 14.267 fi J 1. 03 Sub-lola I lilT E HNUUl fOR POOR AND LANDI ESS 213,6 1. 151. 6 ,I. M L 0 10,551, 14.267, r, 31. 03 C COMKUNI IV fORESTS t COI1I1UN II Y woom 0 IS YUR 0 IIA 1.000 1.000 1,500 1.500 5.000 o 961; qr,fo. I 966. I 1,449.2 1.449,2 4,8:10 ij 5. 000 3,091 3.09 I. 7 1.09 L 2 4, 63[', 7 4,6'lS. I~, 455, 8 YUR I IlA 1,000 I. 000 1.500 1.500 YEAR 2 IIA 1.000 1.000 I. 500 3. ~OO 0.431 43 I. 5 431. 5 641 L 510 I YfAR 3 IIA 1.000 1.000 2.000 o ?08 208,4 208 410 9 YEAR 4 I1A l. 000 1, 000 0.156 156 156,3 Sub Tolal CO"HIINIIY WOODlOTS 9611. 4,051 3 4,971 8 6,1758 ~.1i48 7 n, Jf,,1 Sub-Iolal CO/!HUNITY fORf.SIS !'~6 1 4,057,3 4.91L 6.125,8 5, b4~ 22 • .16Q, 0 W~SI[! AND PLANT FOR CO/!truNln NEHlS ._--------- I. REIIAIIIIIIAIION Of DEGRADED fORfST LftNOS - - - - - - - -- ~ HAR 0 114 ~,OOO 5.000 5.000 6.000 20.000 c.ns 1. 113. 1. 391. 3 I. 391. 3 1. 6b9. 6 5, '16'1 YEAR I Hl 4,000 5,000 5.000 6,000 20,000 L 133 4.53 L 5 5.664, J 5.664,3 6.797.2 n.651, YEAR 2 IlA 4,000 5,000 5.000 14,Ooo 0,327 I. 309 0 1. 636. 2 1,636.2 4.581. 5 Sub-Iota I REIIABI Lli AIIOH Of DEGRftDED fOREST lANDS I. 113, 1 5.922 8 8. 3£,4. 8.910,2 8,431.4 n S04. 2. ROADSIDE SIRI!' PLANT. DUL • "ANAGlll I YUR 0 IIA 300 400 500 600 100 2,500 6,21 I. 8b3. 1 2.484 3. 105 2 3.726, 3 4, 347 1 15,526 I HAR I IIA 300 400 500 600 100 2.500 ~.878 1,76.1 2, 351 2 7,9390 ',526.8 4. 114 6 14,694 9 nA~ 2 IIA 300 400 500 600 1.800 2 on 606 6 808,1 1,010 9 1. 213 1 3,639, 3 YEAR 3 IIA 300 400 500 1.200 I 615 484. fi 646 2 R07 7 1. 938. 5 YEAR 4 III 300 400 100 L 10, 111. 4 441 q 773,3 YEAR 5 tlA 300 300 O. 411 ,,~, 1 125. 36. r,g,! 2 Sub-Total ROADSIOE STRIP PIANL I DEPt. - I'IANAGr 0 I 3, CIIHAISIOE STfllP PIIINL I OrPL - "AMAGED I I. 863, 1 4.247 fi.063 0 1, ~58 9. 862, b 6.702 Hln nw (\) YUR 0 IIA 60 10 30 90 300 5 195 347, 40~. 463 6 521.5 1. 138. 4 B YUR 1 1111 60 10 80 90 300 5,818 352, 41 L 5 ~70. 2 ~29 0 1.763,4 141 5 161 7 424,6 ,I::- YEAR 2 114 fiO 70 50 210 2.0n 121. 3 YEAR 3 IIA 60 10 1]0 1. 615 96, 9 113 1 210,0 "ay 16. 1985 It: 13 HIO rtc...J ~ ~ \ • , , Paramoters Jotals Inchlding Contingeocjes Phy. Cont for. Gross $tmnary o lotal ~a\e [xcll. lax Rate Account 5,703. 6, 187. 1 1 t, 8~IO. 3 0.05 0.01 0 IIt/R 547.2 5.703. 3 7,424.5 8,055. 1 9,467. 6 31, 197. 6 0.05 0.01 0 HUR 570.3 6, 187. 1 8,055.1 8. 739. 4 10, 271. 9 33, an. 7 0.05 0.01 0 Nt/R 547.2 6,213613.611.516.110.118.207010,711. 65,021 3 14. I 139.2 167.8 236. 7 657 .. 8 0.05 0.01 0 HI! 541.2 12.091. 0 19,931. a 16.171. 9 18.443.1 10,271. 9 77.569.5 233, 8 761. 0 I. 376. 1 I. 791. 6 4. 162.5 o 05 0.01 0 TIP 606. J I. 9'l3. 5 3.568. 6 4.646. I 10, 794.5 O. 05 0.01 0 TIP 2.886.4 9. 394. 8 16. 988. 2 29.269.4 0.05 0.01 0 TIP 233.8 I. 361. 3 6.236.0 14.754.9 21. 6J4. 3 44.226.4 233.8 1.361.3 6.216.0 14.154.9 21. 634.3 44.226.4 1.057.4 I. 147. I I. 866. 8 2.025.3 6.016.6 0.05 0.01 0 elH 3.610.2 1, 981. 9 6.480.2 7.030. 8 21. 163.0 0.05 0.01 0 Cllf 5!j5,8 603 0 981. 4 2. 140.2 O. O~ o 01 0 Cllf 291. 3 316. I 607.4 0.05 0.01 0 Cllf 237.0 137.0 0.05 0.01 0 ellf 1.051.4 4.817.2 6.404.4 9,399 9 8,565. 2 30.244.2 f. 057. 4 4,817.2 6.404. 4 9.399.9 8,565.2 10. 244. 2 1.218.2 f. 651. 9 1,792.2 2. 3Jl. 4 6.995.8 0.05 0.01 0 IIPC 5.380. 3 7.296.5 7,916410.306.7 30.899 9 0.05 0.01 0 IIpe 1,686.2 2,286.8 2, 481. 1 6. 4~4. 1 0.05 0.01 0 IIPC 1.218.2 '1,03'.2 10.775.0 12, ~36. 6 12.787.8 44. 349.8 1.956.3 2.118.9 3, 686. 9 4.800.0 6.075. 7 19,237.8 0.05 0.01 0 IIpe I. 930.0 2,79 I. 6 l, 185. 9 4.929.0 6.2]9.0 19.675.5 0.05 0.01 0 MPC 720.2 t.OH8 1.412 9 1,839.5 5.014.3 0.05 0.01 0 IIPC fi24.3 90l. I 1.224.7 2. 752. I 0.05 0.01 0 IIrc T w 463.2 610.0 I, 133. 2 0.05 0.01 0 NPC rt IIpe ~ 169.6 189.6 O. O~ 0.01 0 1.956.3 4,648.9 1,198.6 10.251. 13.783.9 10.162.9 48.002.5 "'" 380. 'i 481. 6 597 1 128.9 2. 188. I o 05 0.01 0 IIvC 418 7 530 0 657.2 802.2 2.408. 1 0.05 0.01 0 NPC 156.3 197.8 245. 1 599. 3 0.05 0.01 0 IIPC 135.5 171. 5 306.9 o. O~ 0.01 0 lire 100.5 100.5 0.05 0.01 0 wpe ,180,5 900. J 1,283.4 1.719. J l. 319. 4 ".603. 0 356. I 386.3 628.7 682. I 2.053.2 0,05 0.01 0 wile 1,344. I 1.4'>8.2 2.373. 2 2.514.8 1.150.3 0.05 0.01 0 WIlC 600,9 652.0 1. 061, 0 2.313.9 0.05 0.01 0 WIlC 538,9 584. 1 l. 123.6 0.05 0.01 0 wpe 442 ... 442.5 o. 05 0.01 0 WPC 356. I 1.130.4 2.681. /I 4.246,2 4.663.0 13. 6R3. '; lO. I 31.4 34.0 36.9 40, I 172. 5 0.05 0.01 0 WIlC 134.4 145.8 158. I 171. 6 186.2 796.0 0.05 001 0 IIlle 61.9 67. I 12.8 79.0 280. II 0.05 0.01 0 WIlC 40.3 4l.1 47.4 131. 4 0.05 0.01 0 WPC 4l. 1 47.4 91. I 0.05 0.01 0 IIP& 30.1 165.1 241 1 302.5 371.9 360 0 1.411. 8 1.986.4 6, 769, 5 17. 10l. 2 25.300.7 32,657. /I 29.293. I 113, 110.6 57. I 123.8 268.7 291. 5 395.4 I. 136.4 0.05 0 0 fSI) 57. 1 123.8 268,7 291. 5 395.4 I. 136.4 2.533.5 20.208.1 43.349.4 54.487.7 75.547. 9 70. 159.9 266.287. I =-:- :::::=::::::;;;;; ':;~:.:::=:::::: !:'::;:;'Z':'.::::::::: ;;:=='*=;;-:.-: 2.533.5 20.208, 7 43.349.4 54.481.7 75.547 9 70. 159.9 266.287. I :::-=- -: -::. ~;;: !:.:.:::: =:::=:: HjC'J rtw ~ .j:-. INDIII NAIIONAl SOCIAL fORESTRY I'ROMeT Table 303. SEED liND RlS[IIRCIi RAJAS WIIN Dol. i lod Cosl Table IRUP(lS '0001 Base tos\ s Iotals InchJding Contlngencio~ O"an\ i Iy Un it 0 To\al Uni\ Cost 0 rol.1 0 lotal I. IIiVESTIIEIiT COSTS -~ --~-----.---- A. CIVIL WORKS ------ ----~ OffiCE CUll RESfARCII LAS NO 93.686 - 93. 7 93. 1 107.4 101 NO 15.615 15.6 15.6 17 9 11 GARAGE Sub- Tota I CIVIL WORKS 109.3 109 3 125.3 125 1 8. VElIl CI ES f OIlR WIlEEl OR I Vf NO 82.703 82. 7 82. 90.2 90 ? Sub-Total VEIIICLES - 82.7 82. 90.2 90.2 C. f QIII PIIENT I 3.532 3.5 3.5 3.9 .1 q ElECTRIC TYPEWRITER NO TEl EPHONE NO I 5. 193 5.2 5. 2 5 1 5. 1 CALCULATOR NO 2 J.532 1. I 7. I 1.1 1. 7 SEED GERIIINAJOR NO I 15.58 15.6 15.6 11.0 11.0 REfRIGERAIOR NO I 10.381 10.4 10.4 11.4 II 4 PII IIEfIR NO 2 10.381 20.8 20.8 22 7 n 1 lAOOER NO 2 5. (9) 10.4 10.4 IL4 II 4 IIENSIII/IlIiON [QIlI PMENT LS 2 20. 174 20.8 20.8 41. 5 22 7 26 6 49.3 COPlPIJTER SOfiHARE LS 2 25 961 26.0 26.0 51.9 1B 4 33 3 6 f. 1 BOOKS AND PERIODICALS LS 5 5. 193 5.2 5.2 5. 2 5. ~ 5.2 ~6. 0 5. 7 6. I 6. 7 12 7 8 33.5 flHD TOOlS IS 5 ~. 077 2.1 2.1 2. I 2.1 2. I 10.4 2.3 2.5 2. 7 2.9 3. I 13. 4 IIICROSCOPE LS 2 I~. 58 31.2 3 I. 2 34. 1 34. 1 lAB. EQP •• CIlEII .• IIATFRIIILS. ETC. LS 5 5. 193 5.2 5.2 5.2 5. 5.2 26.0 5. 7 6. 1 6. 1 7. 7.8 33.~ Sub- ToU I EQUTPIIEHI 163. 3 12.5 59.2 12. 12.5 259.9 17R.4 14. 1 75.9 17. 18.8 305.3 D. fURNllURE RESEARCH COORD. (OCfl SET 1 1 5.63 5.6 5.6 6.2 6.2 RESEARCtI Off I CE SET 2 2 2.815 5.6 5.6 6.2 6 2 RESEARCH ASSISTANI SEI 2 2 I. 043 2.1 2. I 2.3 2. 3 LAB SLT I I 5.63 5.6 5. 6 6.2 6. 2 Sub-Total fURNITURE 19.0 19.0 20.8 20.8 L R£SeIIRCH OPERATlOtlS AIiO GRANTS 10 SAUS ~.. -.. ------ RES[ARCH FIElD HORK/GRANTS 10 SAUS LS 104.25 104.3 104.3 104.3 104. 3 104 3 521. 3 114. 1 123.8 134.3 145.8 158. I fi7fi '} Sub'lotal REStARCH OPfRAIIOIIS AND GRIIN!S TO SAtJS 104.3 104. 3 104.3 104.3 104. 3 521. 114. I 123.8 134 3 145.8 158. I 676. ? Total INVESTHENI COSTS 4'18.5 116.7 163.5 I IIi. 7 116.7 992. I 528.71.18.6210.3163.1116.9 1.217.6 TI. RECURRENT COSTS A. STAFf SAlARI ES I. RESEARCIt COORDINlltOR wcn III 0.5 I 1 1 4.5 39.99 20.0 40.0 40.0 40 0 40.0 180.0 20.8 45. 49 I 53 3 57. 8 4l. 2 226.2 161 4 RESEARCII Off I CER I /lY 0.5 I I I 4 5 28.544 14. 3 28.5 28.5 28.5 28.5 128. 4 14.9 32 35.0 38.0 RESEARCH OffiCER II MY 0.5 I I I 4.5 28.544 14.3 28.5 28.5 211.5 18.5 126. ~ 14.9 32. 3 1~. 0 38.0 41 2 lfil 4 R(SEARCII ASSISTANT IIY I 2 2 2 9 14.428 14 4 28.9 28.9 28 9 '8.9 129.9 15.0 32.6 35. 4 311.4 41 7 163. 2 nO n8 10 I. 3 R(SEARf.1t ATTENDANT .UNIOW ACCOUIHANT MY /lY 0.5 I 2 I 2 I 2 I 9 4.5 8.955 18.004 9.0 9. (I 17.9 18.0 17.9 18.0 17.9 18.0 14.4 17.9 18.0 14.4 80. 6 81.0 64.9 9 J 9. 4 7.5 20.3 20.4 16.3 n.1 17. 7 24.0 19.2 2">.9 26.0 20.8 10 I. 8 81 Hln rtw UPPER DIVISION CLERK IIY 0.5 I I I 4.5 14.428 7 2 14 4 14.4 III LOIIER DIVISION ClERK MY o5 1 I I 4.5 13. 678 6.8 13. 7 13. 7 13. 7 13. 7 61.5 7. I 15. ~ 16.8 18.2 19.8 17.4 S SIt.NO IT MY 0.5 I I I 4. 5 18.004 9.0 18.0 18.0 18.0 18.0 81. 0 9.4 20 4 21.1 24.0 26.0 101.8 I I 4.5 13.678 6 8 13 7 13.7 13.7 13. 7 61. 5 1 I 15.5 16 8 18.2 19 8 17 4 P DRIVER IIY 0.5 1 PEON IIY - I. 5 J 3 3 13 5 7.829 II. 7 23,5 n5 23.5 23.5 10~. 7 12.2 26. C 28 II 31. 3 33.9 13' 8 "ay 16. 19S!) II: 13 HIC"l rt w ~ ~ Parameters Phy. Cont. for. Gross SUlflnary Rate bell. lu Ra te Account 0 0.05 0 ell o. 0.05 0 ell 0.05 0.2 0.3 VElt 0.05 O. 0.2 [OP 0.05 0 0.2 COP 0.05 O. o2 ~ OP 0.05 O. 0.2 lOP o 05 O. 0.2 lOP 0.05 O. 0.2 EQP 0.05 O. O. 2 [01' 0.05 0 o2 EOI' 0.05 O. 0.2 LOP 0.05 O. 0.2 EQI' 0.05 O. 0.2 fQP o 05 O. 0.2 [QP 0.05 O. 0.2 FQP 0.05 0 O. I fUR 0.05 0 O. I tllR 0.05 0 0.1 IUR 0.05 0 O. I fUR 0.05 0 H[ S 0 0 0 Slf 0 0 0 0 0 0 Slf SIf HIO rt w I'D 0 0 0 511 S 0 0 0 Slf 0 0 () Sff .I::- 0 0 0 srr 0 0 0 SIf 0 0 0 Sif 0 0 0 Slf 0 0 0 Slf C3 Item 4 !!::=:!!:~ ~ t.r. Vi V't VI: VI: u 0 > :: '" 5 '" 000000 <> <> <> 000000 <> <:> "" <> <:> 00.00.00 ." <> "" <> '" <> <> <> <> INOI A NAIIONM S(l~IAL rOR£SIRY PkOJ£CI labia 304. HlfNSION RAJASlilAH Oel~ll"d C",t lable 'RUPEE S • 0001 Quant it y ftaso Cos t s IInlt 0 lotal Un,t Cost 0 5 lotal I. INV£SIMENI COSIS A. CI VIl HORKS . ---~~----- VAN CHEINA KlNORA NO 8 8 16 52.049 416.4 41&.4 8.32 Sub-Iota! CIVIL HORKS 4 lfi. 4 416. 832.8 B. VEHIClES ItOIORCYCI £S NO II 16 10.338 82.7 82. 165.4 PUBII CII Y VAN NO 2 124.054 248, I 248. I Sub-Iota I VEIIICIfS 330.8 A2,7 413.5 C, EQUIPMENT I. AUDIO VISUAL EQUIPMENT NO 2 2 ~I, 934 10],9 lOJ. CASElIE PLAYfR/SIIDE PRO.IECIOR NO 2 2 11. 161 62,3 62. 3 GENERAtoR NO 2 2 25.967 51.9 51.9 CAMERA ANIl ACCESS. NO 2 2 25.961 51.9 51.9 VCR AND MONIIOR NO 1 1 11. 68 11.7 31 1 VIO[O CAIIERA NO I 1 31. 68 3L 7 Jt1 PUBliC AIlORfSS SYSrEM NO 2 2 10.595 2l.2 21.2 fILMS AND PU8LICAlION5 LS I I 5 124.643 124,6 124,6 114.6 124.6 124 623.2 VAil CUETNA EQUIPHENI SET 8 8 16 51.934 4 15.5 415.5 83 L 0 Sub-Iotal EQUIPI1ENI /a 894 540. I 124. 124,6 124 iJ I. B08. 8 fl. FURNI1URE PUBlICItV UNIT VAN CIIEINA SIAIF Sf! S£l 2 2 2 2 4 4. !lO4 4.504 9.0 9 0 9.0 9. 18. ° ° VAN CHHNA CHI! ER NO 8 /I 16 2.606 '0 9 20. q 41. 1 Sub- lotal fURNITURE 38.9 29- 68 f. IRAINING rARMERS/SIW NO lOO 300 300 300 300 1. 500 0.209 62. 6 62,6 62.6 62.6 62. r. :I 12. H SHlOY 10IiRS-VlllAGe IEAOERS NO II 16 16 16 16 72 6.776 54. 2 108 4 108 4 108.4 lOR. ~ 487,9 YIlLAGE HHIINGS NO 80 16O 160 160 160 no 0.521 41. 7 83 4 83.4 83. 4 81.4 31~. J Sub-Iotal JRA(NING 15115 254. 4 ",4.4 2~4. 4 254 I. 175.9 f. IECIINICAL ASSISrANCE PUBlI tHV CONSUl TANI LS 10.425 10.4 10 10 10.4 10. 52. I Sub·lolal IECHNICAL ASSISIANCE 10.4 10.4 10. 10.4 10 52. 1 Total INVESIHENI COSIS 1.819. 7 I.33J (1) S ..c::- INDIA NAIIONA[ SOtlAI fORfSTUY PRn,H.CT Table 305, TRAINING RA.IAS lllAN I. O.. tailedCo.' Tabla mUPHS • 0001 Quant i I Y Ra-so Cost s- Telals In~ludtng r;ool ingenc1e$ 0 4 Total Uni I Co.1 0 2 ~ lotal 0 1 Iota Un.' 5 :::::: ==. .:: '; ':: ~;! INV~SI"[NT COSTS »~-»» -»» » »» A. CIVIL WORKS L DfffCf,S SOCTAl IORfSIRY ,[III1O! NO 208, 195 416,4 416, ~ 471 2 417.2 HOSHI lOR IUAINffS NO 520. 488 I,OHO 1,041 0 I, 197, 9 I, 192. 9 S'Jb'lotal OfFICES 1. 457, 4 1,45'/, 1. 670, 1, fj70 2, IIUIOENliAl BUIlDTNGS ACI IAOH/TN511 Nfl 156, 146 312, 3 J 12, ] 357,9 351 9 INSIRUCTORs IRfO) NO 12. 868 ~91, 5 29 t. 5 334,0 J3~.0 Sub-Iotal n~SIOrNIIM BUilDINGS 603.8 601,8 691,9 6'11 9 Sub'lotal CIVIL HflRKS 2,061 I 2,061. I 2,362,0 2. 362, 0 8. VLHICIES BtlS NO 2 258. H6 516,9 516.9 561,6 563,6 Sub·Total VOUCllS 516.9 516.9 563.6 563, n C, lQIIIP"ENI PfiOroCOPI fR Nil 2 2 83.095 166 2 16G. 181. 6 181, IYP~HRI [ER NO 4 4 3,532 14, I 14, I 15. 4 IS, DUPliCATING HAf.1IlNf NO 2 2 5,811 11. 6 IL6 12, 1 12 CMCUlA10R NO 2 2 3,532 1, I 1, I 1 1 7. rEllPHONE NO 4 4 5, 193 20 8 20,8 22.1 22. INTERCOH NO 2 2 15.58 31. 2 31. 2 34 I 34. I PHOJfCIOR/f II HS SO 2 2 2 10 20,114 4LS 41.5 41,5 H~ 41. 5 207. 1 45.4 ~9, 53, ~1. 8 62. 268. 3 SllDE PROJECIOII 5£1 2 51. 934 103, 9 103,9 IIJ, ~ 113.5 VCR AND HONII OR/CAS~U [ES NO 2 2 31,68 63,4 6J,4 69, ? 69,2 lEn !lOOKS SET 2 2 2 10 5,193 10.4 10,4 10,4 10 4 10 4 51. 9 II. 4 12,3 13,3 14 4 I~, 61 1 IfACH[NG HA[ERIAl sEI 2 2 2 10 5, 193 10.4 10,4 10,4. 10 4 10,4 51. 9 II. ~ 12.3 13.3 14 4 15. 67, I liBRARY IRU, HOOKS sf.l 2 ? 2 10 10,381 20, 8 20.8 20,8 20,8 20,8 103,9 22,7 14.6 26,6 28.9 31. 134 2 VIOlO (AHERA HI 2 2 31,68 bJ,4 63.4 6q,2 69,2 fANS/ElECIR[C ARIlClfS so 2 2 15,58 31 2 31. 2 34 I 34, I KIICIIEII lQIIIPH[NI SEf 2 2 9, 14 18. J 18,3 20 0 20.0 Sub'lolal fQIJII'HfN[ 614, 83, I 83. I 83, I 83. I 946,5 671 qR 106. 115. 125, 3 I, 1 Hi. 9 O. fURIi [ niRE OfflCE5 scr 2 2 10, 321 20,6 20,6 27.6 726 CLASSROOMS ANU IIUS" I S Sf[ 40 40 I, 126 45,0 ~5, 0 49 3 49, 1 HESS Sf! 40 40 0.229 9.2 9.2 10.0 10,0 Sub-Iolal r\l~NIIIIR[ 14 9 74,9 81. ~ 81,9 F. 1RA I II ItIG lOCAL IRAINING IN-COUN[RY NO 10 10 10 10 10 50 10.425 104,3 104. J 104.3 104. 104, 321. 114 1 Ina 134, 14'> 8 15R 6Hi,2 Sub lotal lOCAl IR~INING 10~, J 104. J 104,3 104. !o~, ,)2L 114 I In,8 1;14 145 R 1~18_ 1 ij16 2, OVERSEAS IRAINING OVEHS[AS NO 10 101. 50~ 2030 ?Q3, 0 203.0 201,0 703,0 1,015 I 219 734 2~2 213.3 795. I. ?1~). Hln W I"'t Sub'lotal OV!R5[AS IRAINING 2QJ,0 '010203.0203,0 20J 0 1.015, I 219. 2]4 252 213. )9~ I,n~. m Sub-lotal TRAINING 301,3301, J 301 3 307,J 301 3 1,53~ 3 333 :!58 ,!81 ~ I~. IF, 3 1.951. +:-- Tolal INVESTMENT 1;0515 3.514.2 390. 4 390,4 390. 4 390. 4 5, 135. 6 ~,012. 1 4~6. 5 ~93, 8 534. r, 578.8 6.015.9 II. RlCURRENT COSTS A. SIAH SAlARI ES Ib ocr IAOMII HS II MY 0.5 I 1 I 1 4.5 39.99 20. 0 40.0 4(U) 40, Q 40.0 160.0 20.8 45,2 49. 1 53.3 51 1\ 226,2 ACr IAOM/INSII MY 0,5 I 1 I 1 4,5 24.488 12,2 24.5 24, ~ 24.5 2~ 5 110,2 12.8 27. 7 30 I 32 6 3'},4 138.5 RANGER BNSTI MY 2 4 4 4 4 18 18.629 37.3 14.5 14.5 14.5 14.5 335 3 38,8 84,3 91. 5 q9 2 101. 7 421. 5 UPPER DIVISION ClfRK MY 2 4 4 4 4 18 14,428 28.9 51.1 51. 1 51.7 57 7 259.7 30. I 65.3 10 8 16.6 83 4 326.4 toilER DIVISION ClERK MY I 2 2 2 2 9 13. 618 137 21.4 21.4 21.4 21 4 123. I 14.3 30.9 33 6 36.4 39.S 154 7 DRIVER MY I 2 2 2 2 9 13,618 13,1 ?7.4 21,4 214 21.4 123. I 14 3 30,9 33.6 36 4 39,5 154 7 BUS CLEANER MY I 2 2 2 2 9 1.829 1.8 15.1 15 1 15.1 15.1 70.5 8.2 17. 1 19 2 20 9 226 811.6 SIIHPER/PEON MY 4 8 8 8 8 36 1.829 31. 3 62. G 62. 6 6~.6 62.6 281. 9 32.6 10.8 76 9 83 4 qO 5 354 3 --_. --- - - - -- Sub-Tolal STAfF SAIARHS Ib 164. 9 329.1 .129, 1 329.1 329, 7 I, 483 1 1719 372. 9 404.6 H9.0 476.4 I. 864.8 II. SIAfF TRAVEl AllOWANCE Ie ACr (ADMIIHSTI MY o5 1 I 1 4.5 I. 949 1.0 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.'1 8.8 1.0 2 2 2.4 2 6 7 8 II. 0 DCf IADMIINSII MY 0.5 1 I I I 4.5 I. 199 0.6 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 5.4 0.6 1.4 1.5 1.6 I. 1 6. 8 RANGER HIlS II MY 2 4 4 4 4 18 0.907 1.8 3.6 3. 6 3.6 3.6 16.3 t.9 4. I 4.5 ~ II 5.2 20. 5 UPPER DIVISION CtERM MY 2 4 4 4 4 18 0.698 1.4 2.8 2 8 2.8 2.8 12.6 1.5 3.2 3 4 3 7 4.0 15.6 DRIVER MY 1 2 2 2 2 9 0.667 0.7 1.3 1,3 1. 3 1.3 6.0 o7 1.5 1.6 1.8 1.9 J.5 BUS CI [AHER MY 1 2 2 2 2 9 0.386 0,4 0,8 0.8 0.8 O. II 3 5 0.4 0.9 O. 9 1.0 L I 4.4 PEDII .IV 2 4 4 4 4 18 0.386 0.8 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 6.9 0.8 1. 1 1\1 2 I 2 2 8. 1 IORESIER IRAINUS IIY 60 120 120 120 120 540 0.48 28.8 57.5 51.5 51.5 57.5 259.0 30.0 65. I 10.6 76 6 63.1 325.5 fElI/lRAINEES MY 80 160 160 160 160 120 0.365 29.2 58.4 58.4 58.4 58.4 262 7 30.4 66.0 11.6 17. 7 M3 330.2 Sub-Tolal SIAff IRAVEI AllOWANCE Ie 64.6 129. I 129. I 129. I 129. I 581. 2 61.3 146 1 158.5 In 0 186.6 730.4 C. BUllIliNG OPERATION AND "'INrENANCE SI", lRAINING C[NlfR NO 2 2 6 4. 163 8. 3 8,3 8,3 25,0 10,1 116 12 6 34 9 SfW HOSTEl NO 2 2 6 10.408 20 8 20. 8 20.8 62.4 26.8 29.0 31. 5 87.3 ACf RESIDENCf NO 2 2 6 3. 122 6.2 G. 2 6,2 18.1 8.0 6. 1 9. 4 26.2 RO HE SI DENCE NO 4 4 12 I. 457 5 8 5. II 5.8 11.5 1 5 8. I 8.8 74 4 Sub· Total BUILDING OPERATION AND MAINlENANCE 41. 2 H2 41. 7 123.6 53.0 51.5 62 4 172. D OFfiCE AND lRAINING HPr.NS£S NO 10 15.638 JI. 3 31. 3 31.3 31.3 31 3 156,4 34.2 31, I 40.3 43. 7 41 4 202. L VEHIClE OPERATlotl AND IIAINlfNANCE ~ - - -- - --- ~ - --- BUS NO 2 9 25.986 26 0 52.0 52.0 52. 0 S2.0 233. 9 28. ~ 61. 5 66. 1 724 18.5 l01 5 Sub-Iotal VEIIICIE OPERAlION AND MAINl(HANCE 26.0 52.0 52.0 52. 0 ~2.0 233.9 28. 4 61. !.l 6Q.7 12 4 18.5 301. !l Tola I RECURRENT COSTS 286.7 542. I 583. 3 58.1. 3 ~83. 3 2.578.8 301. 8 617. 7 723. 784.6 851.23.278.5 ::::::::: ,,:::; :'" ~ ::: ::;. :::::::.;-.,. -::::.:::::: 10lal 3,860.9 932.5 913.1 973 7 913.7 7.714.4 4.314.0 1.074.3 1.217.0 I. 319. 2 1. 430. 09.354.4 ':: ::; ::; ::; :;,- ::; ~ :;::"';'.!. :: -::::: .:. :: -- - -- -- - - -- - - -_ .. -- - ~ -_. -- --- ~ ~ I. INClUDES TWO TRAINING SCHOOLS AI ALWAR AND JAIPtJR; All COSTS. EXCEPT rElIOIISIIIPS. ARE ASSUMED EXACIlY TII£ SAME LEVEl. Ib EXISTING STAFf OF lOCI. ACf, 4RO, TUOC. 2IDC. IORIVER, 1SWHPER/PEON. IDRO. IACCOUNIANT, lJR. ACCOUNTANT ARE LOCATED AT rOREST SCIIOOL AT AIWAR WIIICH IMPARTS lRAINING 10 TERRIIORIAL rORESIERS Bur NOI TO HIE SOCIAL rORESTRY STArr; fiRST YEAR STAff COSTS rOR 6 MONTHS ONLY; ACTUAL PERSONS ARE DOUBLE TIlE NUMBER. Ie FIRST YEAR STAFf COSTS lOR 6 MONIiIS ONI' ACTUAl PIRSONS ARE DOUBlE 111£ NUMBER. ----- ----- -- -- - - -- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - _.- May 16. 1985 11: 14 Hln rtw (I) S .s;,.. P4raIMlers Phy. Cant. For. Gross S........ ry R.I. ben. lax Rate Account O. 0.05 o cw o. 0.05 o eli 0.1 0.05 o Cli 0.1 0.05 o CH 0.05 0.2 O. J VUI 0.05 0.1 0.2 [QP 0.05 0.1 0.2 fQP 0.05 O. I o. 2 fQP 0.05 0.1 o2 (QP 0.05 o. I O. ~ [or 0.05 0.1 o. 2 fOP 0.05 O. I 0.2 fOP 0.05 O. I 0.2 (OP 0.05 oI o2 [QP 0.05 O. I 0.2 fQP 0.05 o. I 0.2 (QP 0.05 0.1 0.2 fQP 0.05 o. I 0.2 [QP 0.05 0.1 0.2 fQP 0.05 O. I 0.2 fQP 0.05 0 o. I fUR 0.05 0 o. 1 fUR 0.05 0 0.1 FUR Hill rt\..o.J ~ 0.05 0 0 IRO ~ 0.05 0.9 0 1"1 C3 Item 4 ----_ ... _ ---;.----- ...... V"JV"JV"JV')~V')V')V') ::::::::::::::!:~ V"JV'\V')V')V'lV')V')V')V\ U(.,);:"..)(..l EEZE :::: Q u 0 > 00000000 000000000 0 0 0000 00000000 000000000 ;J)~'HrHn 0 0000 0000 <> 00000000 000000000 IJ"Ht'Ht'Ht'l ..., on 0000 0 0 0000 <:> <> IHDIA HAlIONAI SOCIAL fORfSIRY PRUJ~Cl hble l06, KONITORING ANO EVALuATION I PLANNING flAJAS IIlAN Detailed Cost l.bTfl tRUPEr S • 0001 Quan" t y Base Costs Unit 0 2 5 Tolal Unit Cosl 0 Total I. IMVESIPIENI COS1S A, VEHICLES CAR NO I 1 82, 103 82, 1 82,7 FOUR WHUL ORI VE NO 4 4 82, 103 330,8 330,8 I'IOTOROCl FS NO 2 2 4 10. JJ8 20, 1 20,1 41.4 BICYClES NO 16 [6 J2 0,5[7 8.3 8, 3 16,5 Sub, loU I Vflil CL[S 442. 5 28, 9 41 I. 4 B. [QUIPPI[NT \yPUIRITER NO 12 12 J,532 42.4 42. 4 DUPLI CA IT NG KACIII NE NO 5 5 5.811 29, I 29. [ CALCULArOR NO [0 10 3,532 35,3 35,3 IflEPHONfS NO 10 10 5,193 51. 9 51. 9 TNI ERCO"S NO 5 5 15,58 11.9 11.9 ORAflS"AN EQIIIPIUNI NO 2 2 10, 38.7 20,8 20, 8 SURVERYOR EQUIPKINI NO 4 4 2,077 8,3 8,3 "I CROCO/IPU IE R NO [ 259,612 259,1 25'), 1 Sub-Iorlll EOIlII'KFNT 52~, 4 525,4 C. FURNITURE PCEK SEI 22,518 22.5 22,5 Sfl 16,889 67.6 61,6 - ------ -. Sub-Iotal FURNIlliRt 90, I 90, I O. SP[ClAL SIUDTES ANU EVAl1lAllOH SPECIAL SIUOI£S I. NO 52. 125 52. 1 52, 1 52 I 52. 1 208.5 PROJEC r COMPI £ITON REPORI NO 52, 125 52. 1 52. 1 Sub lotal SPECIAL SIUDI£S AND EVAIUAIION 52. I 52. 52. I 52. 1 52. 1 260.6 lotal INVtSIKlNI COS1S 1. 110 0 81. I 52. I 52. I 'J2. 1 I. 341, 5 II. RECURRENT COSIS A. SIAff SALARIES Ib I. HEADQUARIfRS ( PCf" I Cf lieF "¥ "Y 0,5 0.5 1 1 I I 4.5 4.5 43.517 24. 4811 21.8 12.2 43 6 24,5 43,6 24 5 43,6 24.5 U6 24,5 Iqu. I 110.2 ACF CO"PUTI NG KY 0.5 I I I I 4.5 24.488 12.2 24,5 24.5 24.5 24.5 110.2 ASS!. DIR, ts IA I. MY 0.5 I I I I 4.5 28 544 14,3 28.5 28.5 28.5 28.5 128.4 ACCOUNIANI MY 0.5 I I I 1 4,5 19,547 9.8 19.5 19.5 19.5 19.5 88.0 5 IENUGRAPllf R SIAL AS5IST. /lY flY - 0.5 - I. 5 I J I 3 I 3 I 3 4,5 13,5 18.629 18.629 9. J 21,9 111,6 55, !I 28,9 18,6 55,9 18.6 55.9 18.6 559 113.8 2~1. 5 129.9 Hln rt W UPPER DIVISION CLER~ KY 1 2 2 2 2 9 14.428 14.4 28.9 211.9 28 9 (I) LONER DIVISION CLERK KY I 2 2 2 2 9 13 618 13.1 21,4 27.4 27. 4 27,4 123.1 S ORIVER KY 0.5 1 I I 1 4,5 13.618 6,8 13.7 13. 1 13,1 13 1 61.5 PfON flY 2 4 4 4 4 18 7.82') 15.7 JL 3 31.3 31. 3 31. 3 140. 9 ""'" Sub-Iotal II[AOQUARrERS 1 PCOI 1 158,2 316,4 316. ~ 316.4 316.4 I. 423- 2, tlRel ES I PCEI! I - -- --- - ---- D1. tf KY 2 4 IS n9g 80.0 160.0 160.0 160,0 160.0 119.8 Aef I'IY 2 4 16 24.488 49.0 98.0 98.0 98,0 98,0 440. 8 JR, ACCUIIN IAN I "Y 2 4 18 18,004 36.0 12 0 no no no 324. I OfflC[ ASSISIAHI I1Y 2 4 18 18.004 36.0 no no 120 no 324 1 SIAL ASSISIANI MY 2 4 4 4 4 18 18.629 37.3 74.5 74.5 74.5 74.5 335.3 UPPER DIVISON CURl( HY 2 4 4 4 4 18 14.428 28.9 51.1 57. 7 57. 7 51.7 259 7 LOH£R DIVISION CI.ERK IIY 6 12 12 12 12 54 13.618 82. I 164. I 164.1 !64.1 164. 1 738.6 STfNO GRADE II IIY 2 4 4 4 4 18 18.004 36.0 72.0 12.0 72.0 no 324. 1 SURVEYOR/AOIIIH IIY 2 4 4 4 4 18 13.678 21.4 54.7 54. 7 54. 1 54.7 246.2 RANGER IIY 2 4 4 4 4 18 18.629 31.3 74.5 74.5 74.5 74 5 335 3 rORESIER MY 4 8 8 8 8 36 9.831 39.3 78.6 78.6 18.6 78 6 353.9 fORES[ HI WORKER MY 8 16 16 16 16 72 7.579 60.6 121. J 121. J 121. 3 121. 3 545.7 DRI VlR MY 2 4 4 4 4 18 13. 678 27.4 1)4.1 54.7 54.1 54.7 246.2 WAI CHMAM IIY 2 4 4 4 4 18 1.829 15.1 31. J 31.3 31.3 31.3 140.9 PEON MY 4 8 8 8 8 36 7.829 31. 3 62.6 62.6 • 67.6 62.6 281.9 S\Jb-Iot.1 CIRClES ( PCEM I 624. I I. 248. I 1,248. I 1.248. I 1,248 I 5,616.6 S\Jb-lot.1 SIAFt SAlARIES Ib 782. 2 1.564." I. S64. 5 I. 564. 5 1.564.5 7.040.2 B. SIAfF IRAVEl UlOWAN~E 1. tttlOQUARIERS ( pe(M 1 CF MY - 0." 4.5 2. 127 I. 1 2. I 2. 1 2 1 2. 1 9.6 DY r.r IWLPLI MY 3 1.949 1.9 1. 9 1. q 5.8 Acr MY o. ., 4.5 I. 199 0.6 1.2 I. 2 1.2 1.2 5. 4 Acr CQKPU" NG MY 0.5 4.5 I. 199 O. 6 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 5.4 ASST. DIR. lSI AI. MY O. ., 1.5 I. 387 0.1 1.4 ? 6 2.8 2.8 10.4 DRIVER MY 0.5 1.5 0.667 0.3 O. 7 I. 3 I. 3 I 3 5.0 Sub-Jolal II[ADOI/ANHRS I peE" I 3. 3 6.6 10.6 10.6 '0. fi 41.6 2. CIRCLES ( PCE." I ------~. -.- DY CF MY 2 4 4 4 4 18 1. 949 3.9 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 35. 1 ACF MY 2 4 4 4 4 18 I. 199 2.4 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 21. 6 SURVEYOR/AD"'N RANGER MY MY 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 18 18 0.661 0.901 1.3 1.8 2.1 3.6 2. 7 3.6 2 7 3.6 2 1 3. 6 12. 16.3 ° rORES1 ER MY 4 8 8 8 8 36 0.469 1.9 3.8 3.8 3.8 3. II 16.9 fORfSI EXIENSION HORKER MY 8 16 16 16 16 12 0.361) 2.9 5.8 5.8 ~.8 5.8 26.3 DRIVER KY 2 4 4 4 4 18 0.661 1.3 2.1 2 7 2.1 2 1 12. ° 5ul,-Io131 CIRCl£S I PCEM , 15.6 31. I 31. I 31. I 31. 1 140.2 Sub-Iolal STAFF IRAVEl AllOIiANCE 18.9 37.1 41. 7 41 41. 181. 8 C. VEIlICLE OPERAIION AND "AINI£MAMCf Ie --------- ------ --- CAR NO 0.5 1 1 1 1 4.5 10.395 5.2 10.4 10.4 10.4 10.4 46.8 rOUR HIIHL DRIVE NO I 4 5 5 5 20 10.395 10.4 41. 6 52.0 52.0 52.0 201.9 MOIORCYClE NO I 3 4 4 4 16 5. 197 I) 2 15.6 20.8 20.8 20.8 83 2 S\Jb-Jolal VEHIClE OPERAllON ANO "AINIEMANCE Ie 20.8 61.6 83.2 83 2 83.2 337 8 D. OiliER OffiCE EXPfNllilURE ----------- ~-- ------ -_. -- cr OFFICE NO 1 1 5 20.85 20.9 20.9 20.9 70 9 20.9 104.3 oY Cf OFFICE COMPUlfR SOFlIIARElSUPPlIES NO NO 4 I 4 I 20 5 20.85 10.425 83.4 10.4 83.4 10.4 83.4 10.4 83.4 10.4 83_ 4 10.4 411. 52. I ° S\Jb-Iota I OIliER OflIC[ UPlNOI HIRE 114.7 114.7 114.7 114. 7 t 14.1 51.1.4 lotal RECIJRRENI COSIS 936.6 1.784.5 1.804. I 1.804. 1 1,804 1 8, 133.2 lotal 2.046. 6 1,865.5 1. 856. 2 1. 856. 2 1. 856. 2 9.480. - - -- --- +-- la INCIUOES 'MPROV[O SIOVE ACIION/RE.S[ARCH SIUOY. Ib SAlARIES INCLUDE MEDICAL CIIARGES WHICH ARE DISBURSED WH£N NECESSARY, flRSI YlAR SfArF COST fOR 6 MONII15 OIl! Y; ACIUAI PERSONNEl ARE DOUBlE 1Ill. NUMRER SIIOWM IN HAR 1. Ie VEIlICll OPERAIION AND MAINfNANCE COSIS FOR 6 MONIHS ONLY IN HAR L ------------------------- ------------- . -. -~. -- ---_.---------------- -. ~~ --- ----- - -~--.~----- ~ Hay 16, 1985 I I: 15 Hln rt W· II) S +'- Parameters Totals Including '~ontingcnc'os for Gross Stmnary o 2 10tal Rate Exch. lax Rato Account 90.2 90.2 0.05 0.2 o 3 VUI 360.7 360.7 0.05 o 2 0.3 Vflt 22.5 24.3 46.9 0.05 0.2 0.3 VfH 9.0 9 7 18.8 o OS 0.2 0.3 V[II 4112.4 34. I 516.5 46. J 46. 3 0.05 o 1 0.2 lQP 31,8 31. 8 0.05 O. I 0.2 [QP 38.6 38.6 0.05 O. I 0.2 [01' 56.8 56.8 0.05 O. I 0.2 [QP 8!i.l 85. I 0.05 o1 o 2 fQP 227 22. 7 0.05 O. O. , [QP 9.1 9 I 0.05 O. 0.2 fOP 283.8 283.8 0.05 O. O. ? [Qr 574. 574. I 24.6 24.6 0.05 O. filA 73.9 73.9 0.05 O. fUR 98.6 98.6 57. 61. 9 67. 2 72.9 259.0 O. OS 0 SIll 79 1 7!1. I 0.05 0 ~rD S7. 1 61. 9 61.2 72. q 79 338. 1.212.2 96.0 67. 2 72 Ij 19.1 I. 527. 22.7 49. 3 53.5 58.0 63.0 246.5 0 0 0 Sir 12.8 177 30. 1 32.6 35. 4 138 5 0 0 0 STf 12.8 27 7 30. I 32.6 35 4 138.5 0 0 0 Sif 14.9 32 3 35.0 38.0 H2 161. 4 0 0 0 Slf 10.2 22.1 24 0 26.0 28.2 110. 6 0 0 0 SJf 9.7 21. I 22.9 24.8 26.9 105.4 0 0 0 STf 29. I 63.2 68.6 74.4 80.7 316. I 0 0 0 Slf 15.0 32.6 35.4 38.4 41. 7 163.2 0 0 0 S1F 14.3 7. 1 30.9 IS.5 33.6 16.8 36.4 18.2 39.5 19.8 154. 7 77.4 0 0 0 0 0 0 Slf srr 1-11° rtW ro 35. 4 38.4 45. ? 177. 1 16.3 41. 7 0 0 0 SIf a 1"4.9 357.8 38R.3 421. 3 457. I 1.789.4 ~ 83.4 180.9 196 3 213. 0 231. I 904.7 0 0 0 Slf SI. I 110.8 120.2 130.4 141. 5 554.0 0 0 0 SIr 37.5 815 88.4 9~ 9 104 0 401.3 0 0 0 SII 37.5 81. 5 SR.4 9~. 9 104 0 407 3 0 0 SH 38,8 M 3 91, 5 99,2 107,7 421, 5 0 0 0 Sff 30, 1 65,3 10,6 76,8 6J,4 326.4 0 0 0 Sir 85 6 165, 7 201 4 218 6 237. 1 928, J 0 0 0 STf ,J7,5 81.5 88, 4 95,9 104.0 407,3 0 0 0 STf 28,5 61. 9 67. 1 12.9 79.0 309,4 0 0 0 SIf 38,8 64, .1 91. 5 99,2 101. 7 421. 5 0 0 0 STf 41.0 89,0 96 5 101.1 , 13. 6 444. 8 0 0 0 Sir 63.2 131,2 148.8 161.5 115,2 uS5,9 0 0 0 Slf 28,5 61.9 67. I 72,9 79,0 309.4 <> 0 0 Sir 16,3 35,4 36,4 41. 7 45.2 177, 1 0 0 0 SIf 32.6 70,8 76,9 8.1,4 90.5 354, .1 0 0 0 Slf 650,61.411.81.53181.662.01.803,2 7. 05!), 3 815,5 1.769,6 I. 920, 0 2.083.2 2.260,.1 8.848,7 1.1 2 4 2.6 2.6 3, 1 12,0 0 0 0 SIA 2,4 2, 6 2.8 7, 8 0 0 0 SIA 0,6 1 4 1.5 I. 6 I. 7 6,8 0 0 0 SIA 0, Ii I. 4 1.5 1.6 6 8 0 0 0 srA 0,7 3, 7 " 7 SfA 1 6 3. 4 4.0 13. 4 0 0 0 0,3 0,8 1.6 I. 8 1.9 6,4 0 0 0 SIA 3,4 7,4 13.0 14. 1 15.3 53, 4, I 6,8 9.6 10,4 11.3 44. 0 0 0 STA 2.5 5.4 5.9 6.4 6.9 27, 0 0 0 SIA 1.4 3.0 3,3 3,6 3,9 15,1 0 0 0 sa 1.9 4, t 4,5 4.8 5.2 20,5 0 0 0 sa 2.0 4.2 4,6 5.0 5.4 21. 2 0 0 0 SIA 3.0 6.6 7,2 7,8 8 4 330 0 0 0 SIA 1.4 3.0 3.3 3.6 3,9 15,1 0 0 0 SIA 16,2 35 2 38.2 41.5 45,0 116.2 19, 7 42, 51. 2 55.6 60.3 229,4 5.7 12 3 13.3 14,5 15 7 61. 5 O.O!\ oI 0 VOC 11.4 49,2 66.7 72.4 78,5 278,2 0,05 0, I 0 VOC 5, 7 18.5 26.7 28,9 31. 4 III. 2 0.05 0, 1 0 VOC 22.7 60.0 106 8 115,8 12~ Ii 450.9 22.8 24.8 26 9 29.2 31. 6 135,2 0,05 0 0 0111 99. I 107.5 116.6 126,5 540,9 0,05 0 OIH 91. 3 11. 4 12.4 13,4 14.6 I~, 8 67,6 0,05 ° 0 0 oru 125. S 136,2 147.8 160.3 174 0 743.8 983.4 2.028,5 2.225.8 2.414.9 2.620, I 10.272. 8 -.:~'::==:::: ':=~:::;::::;:: ::::::::;:::;-;. 2.195,6 2.124,5 2.293,0 2.481,8 2.699,2 11.800, I ... ;;;;;;! :::::::!:!::::= ::===.:::=;: :;c;:::: HIC"l rrw III a ,p. INDIA NAllOHAI SOCIAL FORESTRY PllOdHI Base CoslS fOI e igo [l(chango o 4 ~ lolal 'X Amount I. INVESHI£NT COSIS A. CIVIL HOR~S 6, lOS. 3 3. 976 , 2. JJ r 8 1, 1?4. J I. 124,3 14.662. 1 4. !I 712 7 8, VEHICLES 10,203 5 3. 30,. 5 5~8, 2 154,0 231. I 14,452, 3 19 6 2,829 G C, EQUIPMENJ 2,618. I 635,7 266,9 220 2 :120.2 3,961. 1 9. 7 38~.9 D. fURN I lURE 631. 6 65, 3 128,4 95, 7 107,5 1.028.5 0,0 o. 0 L TRAINING I. 51AO IRAINING DOM[SIIC 262,7 J~8, 6 358 6 358 6 358,6 1,697 2 0,0 o 0 2, SIAfF IRAINING INHRNAlJONAL 'OJ. 0 203. ° 203 0 203, ° 203.0 1,015, I 89, 7 910.8 Sub-Total IRAINING 465.7 561. 6 561. 6 561. 6 561. 6 2, 712,2 33, 6 910.8 r. I EeHN I CAl ASS I S lANCE G. SPECIAL SIIJUIES AND [VAl UAr/ON 10.4 52, I 10.4 52 I 10.4 52 r 10.4 52. 1 10.4 52. I 52, I 260.6 0. O. () ° o 0 0.0 H. RESEARCH OPERAlJON AND GRANI S 10 SALIS 104.3 104.3 104.3 104.3 104.3 52 r 3 0.0 0.0 J. PIANIAIION I. NURSERT DHHOPMENI 52'- I 10, 943. 0 16, 675. 12.506,3 13,027.4 6.774.3 60,441.3 1.0 587.0 2. fAR!! FOREST RT 104.2 111, 130.3 169.4 521. 1 1.0 5. 1 3. TRfE HNURE P1ANfiNG 213.6 I. 151. 4,641.010,551.4 14.267.6 31. 031. 4 1.0 301. 3 4. COII"UNIIY fOIlESI 966. T ~,057 3 4.9n8 6. 72~. 8 5.648.7 2'.369. 7 1.0 217. ~ 5. HA51HAHIl PlANlAlJON I, 89L 8 6. 185. I 14, 405. 0 19, 641. 0 23.367. 3 19.318.5 84,808.7 1.0 823 5 Sub·Tolal PIANJAIION 2.412.918.412.136.406.342.090.453,841.3 46,009.2199.178.2 1.0 1.934. I d. FUEl HOOD SAV ING Drvi CES 52 1 104.3 208,5 208,5 260.6 834.0 0.0 0.0 Total INVEST"ENI COSlS 2.412.9 38.655.3 45. 22~. 0 46.312.7 56.3711.4 48.68 r. 2 237.662.5 2.8 6,773. I II. RlCURRENI COSIS -------,"~ .. -- ,- A. SIAFr SAtAllIES 4.423.8 9,676.11 11,732. J 13. 144. J 14.791. 8 53.769.0 o 0 0.0 8. S1Aff JRAVfl AHOMANCE 193.2 4?2-4 505 5 565.4 628.4 2.314.9 0.0 G.O C, BUILDING RENT AND MAINILNANcr 56.4 145. 1 2il I. 3 402.8 4.9 19.6 D. VEHICLE OPfRAIiON AND MAINlENANCE 320.0 692.5 804.0 874 6 939.7 3,630.9 'I. 7 353.5 L Off I CE AND 01111 R EXP[ND JlURf 345. I 3ul.8 482.7 582.8 616.1 2.390.5 o 0 G.O 10141 RECURNENI COSIS 5.282. I 11.155 6 13.580.8 15.312. I 17.177,3 62.508,0 0.6 373. I Tolal BASELINE COSIS 2,412.9 n 937. 4 56.377.6 59.893.5 71.690.6 65,858. 6 300. 170.5 2. ~ 7, 146. I Phys ie. I Cont i ngene lOS 120 6 2,271. 3 2.512. 7 2. 499, 4 2.955.3 2.578, I 12.937.4 3.0 392.9 Pr ice Contingent lOS 1.904.9 7.654.9 14. 132,4 24.696,9 30.376.4 78. 765. 3 '- 3 1,018 6 -- - - - - - -- Tolal PROd[CI COSlS 2.533.5 48. 113,5 66,545.3 76. ~25. 2 99.342.7 98.813. I 391.873.3 2.2 8,557.7 Taxes 3.979. G 1.325.8 .105. 9 158.7 217,0 5,986 3 0.0 G0 foreign hchang.. 24.6 3. 190.5 I, 743. 3 1.148.9 1,214.2 1.236.2 8.557.7 o 0 0.0 --------_. lIay 16, 1985 11: 15 !-lIn r1' W I'D a -"" INDIA NAllONAl SOCIAl fOR£SIRY PROJECI BREAKDOWN Of SUMMARY Ar,COUNI S /USS '0001 Phys ;cal Lonl ;ngencies Prlce Contingencios Base Costs lolal Inc!. Cont. local local For. local Ibc 1. Outie. 8 lor. (he!. Out ies A for. IE.c I. Out ies & for local thcl Out ios bch. I.Kos) laxe$ lotal hcl> I .. osl I .... s lotal hch. Taxes) Taxes lotal (Kch. I •• osl Taxes rolal I. INYESTHEN( COSIS A. CIYIl WORKS 59.4 1.162.5 l.nL8 5.9 116.2 122.2 1.6 IQO 4 198.1 130 1.469. 1. 542 1 8. VEHICLES 235.8 607.3 361. 3 1.204.4 11.8 30.4 18. I 60.2 14. 3 50. 6 27.8 92.8 261. 9 688. 407. 2 I. J57 3 C. EQUIP/UNT 32.2 231. 9 66.0 330. I 1.6 II. 6 3.3 11\ 5 2.8 26.2 7.2 36.2 36. 6 269. 76 6 382 8 O. ruRNIlURE 77. I 8.6 85.7 3.9 0.4 4.3 II. 4 1.3 12.6 92 10.3 102.6 E. (RAINING I. SHIH IRAINING OOHESIIC 141. 4 141. 4 7. I 7. I 36 6 36.6 18!l .• 11l~ 2. STAn IRIIININr. INIERNAIIONAl 15.9 8. 7 84 6 3.8 0.4 4.2 15.3 2. I 11.5 95.0 113 106 Sub-Tolal IRAINING 75.9 150. I 226.0 3.8 7.5 II. 3 15.3 38 7 54.0 9!l.0 196.4 '91 f. TECHNICAl ASSISIANCf. 4.3 4.3 0.2 0.2 1 I I. I ~.6 5.6 G. SPECIAl SI1IDJ[~ AND EVAUIAIION 21. 7 21. 7 1.1 1.1 5 4 5.4 28 2 28.2 H. RESEARCU OP£RAIION AND GRANI S ro SAUS 43.4 43.4 2.2 2.2 10.7 10.7 ',6 3 ~6.3 I. PIANIATlON - - ---- ---- I. NURSERY OEYflOPHlNI 48.9 4.988.4 5,031.3 2.4 249.4 25!. 9 8.8 1.111. 4 1. 120.2 60. I 6. 349.2 6,409. 3 2. f ARII fORES I RY 0.4 43.0 4.1.4' 0.0 2.2 2.2 0.1 9.1 9.2 0.5 54. 3 5~ 8 3. 1 R(E (ENURE PlANT I NG 25 I 2.560.8 2.585.9 1.3 128.0 129.3 7.9 962. 4 910.3 34.3 3. 651 3 3.685 5 4. COHKUN!lY rORf.SI 18.1 1.846.0 I. 864. , 0.9 92.3 93.2 4.5 558.5 563.0 23.5 2.496. II ? ~20 3 5. WASIELIINO PI ANIAIION 68.6 6,998.8 7.067.4 3.4 349.9 353 4 16. I I. 989 I 2.005. I 88. 1 9. 137. II 9. 425 9 Sub-Iolal PLANIAIION 161. 2 16.437.0 16.598.2 8. 1 821.9 829.9 37.3 4.630 5 4.667. 8 206.6 11.1189 3 :no Og~ 9 J. FUElWOOD SAVING DEVICES 69.5 69.5 3.5 3.5 :> I. 7 21. 7 94.7 '14 1 ---------- Tolal INVESI"!NI COSIS 564.4 18.804.9 435.9 19.805.2 31.2 998.4 21.8 1,0514 71. 4 4. '186. 36.3 5. 100. 4 613.0 ?4. 790 0 494. 0 25. 957. 0 11. RECURRENI COSIS ------------_ .. - A. SUfi SALARIES 4,480. 7 4,480.7 1.255.0 I. 255.0 5, 735 II 5.735.8 B. SllIfF TRAVEl AllOWANCE 192.9 192.9 ')3.8 53_ 8 246 7 :>~6 1 C. BUilDING RENT AND KIIIN1ENANCE 1.6 28.6 3.4 33.6 0.1 1.4 0.2 1.7 0.5 11.2 1.3 13. 1 2.3 41 2 8 48 3 O. YEHICLE OPERAIION AND HAINIENANCE 29.5 273. 1 302.6 1.5 13. 7 15. I 7.0 78.6 85.6 37.9 365.4 ~Ol 1 E. Off ICE AND OiliER HPlNDITURE 199.2 199.2 10.0 10 0 55 9 5~. 9 265. 7b5 I lolal RECURRENI £OSIS 31. 1 5. 174.6 3.4 5.209.0 1.6 25.0 0.2 26 . .6 1 1.454.5 I. 3 I. 463. 3 40.2 6.654. 1 4.8 6.699. Tolal 595.5 23.979.4 439.3 25.014.2 32.7 1.023. 4 22.0 1.078. 1 84 6.441. 3 37.6 6.563.8 713. I 31. 444. I 4Q8.9 32.6~6 ~~~-~-~~- ~~-~ ----. ---- ,. _. --- - .. --- /lay 16. 1985 ": 15 1-11("') I"tW ro 9 .t:-- Phys lea I ConI Plus Base Costs .. Pr ice ConI. Price Cont. on Physica I on Base ConI. Cosls ;::======:::::::::.::: 140.2 1. 401. 9 64.6 1.292. 7 18.2 364 6 4. 9 97. 7 II. 8 176. 3 '5.1 10 L 2 ~~--~~~~--- 13.9 n7.5 O. J 5.4 L J 26.8 2.7 53.7 30'5.2 6.104 I 2.6 52 2 17'5. !i 3.510.0 120.0 '.400.3 448. 9 8.971.0 ~~--~~-- .. - .. 1.052.2 21,043 ../ 4. !i 90.2 1,302.8 24.654. 2 5. 735. 8 240. 7 2.3 46. (I 19.2 384. 1 12.6 252.5 -----~--.--~ 34. I 6.665.0 1.336.9 J I. Jig. 2 HIO M' W ~ .t:-- INOlA NAI10NAI SOCIAL rORf5lRY rRO,I£CI S33.7 183.3 713. R 2.5'0.3 5. WASTELAND PIANTAIION 1. 986. 4 6.169.5 11. 103.2 '5.300.7 32.657.8 29.293. I 113. 110.6 165.5 564.1 1.425.32.108.4 2.721.5 2,441. 1 9.425.9 Sub-Total PUNIATION 2. 533. !> 20,151.743.225.654.219.0 1!>, 256. 4 69.764.5 265.150.7 211. I 1,619.3 3.602. I 4.518.2 6,271. 4 'l, 813.1 n. 095 9 d. FUElWOOD SAYING DEYICF.S 51. I 123.8 268.7 291. 5 395.4 I. 136.4 4.8 10.3 22.4 24.3 32. 'I 94.7 Total INVEST"ENT COSTS 2,533.542,572.7 53.869.159.119.S 78.852.113,816.2 311,483.9 211.13,541.74.489.14.981.6 6.511.0 6.156.~ 1~.9~7 0 II. RUURHENT COSTS A. STAFF SAtARI£S 4.611. 8 10.945.6 14.398.5 17.502. Ii 21,310.5 68.829. 1 384.3 912.1 1. 199.9 1.458. S 1. 180. 9 5.135.8 8. STAff THAVn AllOHANCE 20 I. 4 477. 8 620.4 752 8 907.9 2. 960. 3 16.8 39.8 51. 7 62 7 75. 7 246.1 C. 8UIIDING RENT AND IIAINTENANCE 72.5 202 4 304.6 519.5 6. 0 16.9 15. 4 ~8 3 D. VEHIClE OPERAIION AND IIAINIENANCE 349.8 820.0 1, 03? 3 1.217.9 1.419.2 4,839.2 29. I ij8. ] 86.0 10 I. 5 118.3 403. 3 E. Off ICE AND OiliER EXPENOIIURE 377. 7 432. 1 6L? 0 814.8 934.6 3, 181. 3 31. ~ 36. 0 51. 8 67.9 71 q ?65 I --- -- - - - - - - - -- ~ Total RECURRENT COSIS 5.540.8 12.675.6 16.745.7 20.490.5 24.936.9 80.389. 4 461. 7 1.056.3 I. 395.5 1.701.5 2.018.1 6.699. I :;0 ::;:-;;:-:;: ~ ;:c -; :-:::-:;:::::::- ~ Total PROJUT COSTS 2.533.5 48.113.5 66.545.3 76,525.2 99.342.1 98.813.1 391.873. 3 211. I 4.009.5 5,545.4 6.371. I 8.218.6 8.234.4 .12.656. I ===::.::=== :;===;::.:..= ==:::,::;z:! =:::;=::::::::. -: .:: ==::: :::::: IIav 16. 198!> II: 15 t-II1. 3 57 L 3 26. 1 26. 1 1~8. 9 1:>8 9 1. PI ANIAIION ~ ~- - - -- - -- J. NURSERY DEVllOP"fNi 581.0 59. 8M 4 60. 447. 19.3 2.993.0 3,022 4 105.5 13. 336. ~ 13.442.0 2. FAR" fDRESfllY 5.1 516 0 521. 0.3 25. fl '6. I 0.9 109.8 110.6 3. IRE{ fENURE PIANTlHG 3013 30.130 0 31.031 15. 1.536.5 1. 5'i I 6 94.9 II. 54B. 5 11.643.5 4. COH~UNIIY rORf.Sf 211.2 22. 152. 5 22. 369. 10. I. 101.6 1. 1111 5 54.2 6.701.8 6. 156. 0 5 HASIHANO PIANIJlIlON 823. 'i 83. 985. 2 84.808. 41. 4. 199.3 4. 140. 4 192. 23. 8fJa. q 24.061.5 Sub-Iolal PlANIAIION 1,934. I 191,244 I 199. 118.2 96. 1 9,862. 2 9, 9~8. 9 448. 55.565.5 56. Oil. 6 J. FUllWOOD SAVING DFVICfS 834.0 834. 0 41. 1 41. 1 260. 7 260 1 lolal INV[SIHEHI COSIS 6.713. I 225, 6~8 5.230 8 231,662.5 374 3 11.980.4 261.512,611i.? 918. 59. MO. 6 436 1 61,20~.1 II. RECllRRlN I COS IS ---- --- -. - - _.. - A. STAff SAIARlfS 53. 169 0 53,769.0 15,060. 1 15.060.1 B. S I Aff I RAVEl All OWIINCF 2, J 14.9 2.314.9 64'i.4 645.4 C, BUIiOING RENI AND HAIHfENANCE 1'1.6 342.9 40. 3 4078 1.0 17. I 2. 0 70. 1 6 5 134.5 15 156.6 O. VEHIClE OPERAllOM AND "AIIH[IlAHCf 353.5 J. 277. 4 3.630.9 11. 7 163.9 161. 5 63.1 9~3 1 1.026 II E. OffiCE AIID OIlIfR UPENDIIUR[ 2.390.5 2,390.5 119.5 119.5 1i11. 3 671 J lotal RECURRENI COSIS 373. 62.094.7 4() 3 61.508.0 18.1 300.5 2 0 321 2 '10.2 17.454 4 15 1 17. ~}60. 2 lolal 1. 146. 287, 153. 3 5, 211. I 300. 170. 5 392.9 12. 2S0. 9 263. 6 11.931.4 1.01S 6 17.295 0 4~1 1 7B. 16~. 3 - ~ --- -- - - - - - - -- Kay 16, 1985 II: 15 HIys ica I Cont il'l90nc ie. 120.6 2.271. 3 2.512.7 2.499.4 2, 9~". J 2.578. 1 12,937. 4 1.078. I Price Cont ingoncio$ 1.904 9 7.654.9 14. 132. 4 24.696 9 30.376.4 78,765. J 6.563.1\ Iota I PROJECT COSTS 2.533.5 48.113.!i 66.545.3 76.525.2 99.34'.7 98.813. 1 391. 873. 3 31.656. I I ...". - 3.979. 0 1.315.8 305.9 158.1 217.0 5.986.3 498 9 For"ign hct>ange 14. 6 3. 190.5 1,743.3 I. 148.9 1,214.2 1.136.2 8.551 7 713. 1 lIay 16. 198~ II: I~ HIO rtw ~ .l:"- INDIA NAllONAI SOCIAl rOREStRY PROJECI Project Co"~nent. I·y Year lot~ls Including Cont ingorw::ies rOla Is Jne h.lding Cont ing~nc ie,> IRUI'f£S • 0001 IUS$ • 000) o 5 101a1 o ~ lot.1 A. RAJAS I IIAN L ORGANIZATION AND IIAllAGfHfNI - 18.2828 16.690.6 15.911. 7 17.151. 7 21.447.0 Sq. 543. 8 I, 5?3. 6 1.3909 I. 331 0 1.4'9. J 1,781.3 7, 462 0 2. PHYSICAL IARGUS 2.533.5 20,208.7 43,349.4 54.487.1 15.547.9 70. 159,9 266.287. I 211. I 1.684.1 3.612 4 4.540. 6 6.1~~1 7 ~" R46. 7 n. I.. INDIA NAIIDNAL SOCIAL fORESIRY PROJECT Financing Plan by Stmlnary Accounts (US$ '0001 INTERNATIONAL US AGENCY fOR DEVEL OPHEN I INIERNATlONAL GOVERNHENI Of ASSOCIAIION DE VELOPHEN I INDIA lotal ------------- .------------ - - - - - - - - -- - -_.- For. Local IExc I Out ies Amount X Amount X Amount X Amount I Exch. Taxesl Taxes .:::::::::=: : =:= '::: ::::::::: ::.::=::: ==-== :::::::::: .: :::;:;:::: I. INVESTMENT COSTS ---------------- A. C[V[ L HORKS 771. 0 50.0 771. 0 50.0 1. 542. I 4.7 73.0 1.469. B. VEHICLES 261. 9 19.3 1.095.5 80.7 1. 357. 3 4. 2 261. 9 688. 407.2 C. EQU I PMENT 36.6 9.5 346.3 90.5 382.8 1.2 36.6 269. 76. 6 D. fURN[ JURE 102.6 100.0 102.6 0.3 92. 10.3 E. IRAINING 1. STAff TRAINING DOHESTIC 92.5 50.0 92.5 50.0 0.0 0.0 185.1 0.6 185. I 2. STAff TRAINING INTERNATIONAl 53. 1 50. 0 53. 1 50.0 0.0 0.0 106.3 0.3 95.0 11. 3 -------- ---- - -- --. -- - --- --- _.- --- - -- Sub-Tota I TRAINING 145.7 50.0 145. 7 50.0 0.0 0.0 291. 4 0.9 95.0 196.4 f. TECHNTCAL ASSISTANCE 2.8 50.0 2.8 50.0 0.0 0.0 5. 6 0.0 5.6 G. SPECIAL STUDIES AND EVALUAIION 14. 1 50.0 14.1 50.0 28.2 0.1 28. 2 H. RESEARCH OPERATION AND GRANTS 10 SAUS 28.2 50.0 28.2 50.0 0.0 0.0 56.3 0.2 56. 3 I. PLANTATION ----- -- --- I. NURSERY DEVELOPMENT 3,845 6 60.0 1.922. 8 30.0 640.9 10.0 6.409. 3 19.6 60. I 6.349. 2 2. fARM fORESIRY 32.9 60.0 16.4 30.0 5.5 10.0 54.8 0.2 0.5 54.3 3. TREE TENURE PLANTING 2.211. 3 60.0 1. 105.7 30.0 368.6 10.0 3.685.5 11. 3 34.3 3.651. 3 4. COMMUNITY fOREST 1.512.2 60.0 756. I 30.0 252.0 10.0 2.520. 3 7. 7 23.5 2,496.8 5. WASTELAND PLANTATION 5. 655. 5 60.0 2.827.8 30.0 942.6 10.0 9.425.9 28.9 88. I 9,337.8 ---------.-- Sub-Tota I PLANTATION 13.257.5 60.0 6. 628. 8 30. 0 2.209. 6 10.0 22.095.9 67. 7 206.6 21.889.3 J. fUELHOOD SAVING DEVICES 56.8 60.0 28.4 30.0 9.5 10.0 94. 7 O. 3 94. 7 ------------ Total [NVESTMENT COSTS 14.574.6 56. I 6.847.9 26.4 4. 534. 4 17.5 25.957.0 79.5 673. 0 24, 790.0 494.0 [I. RECURRENT COSTS ---------- ----- A. STAff SALARIES 1.691.3 29.5 1.691. 3 29.5 2, 353. 1 41.0 5.735.8 17.6 5. 735. 8 8. STAff TRAVEL ALLONANCE 154. 2 62.5 92.5 37.5 246. 7 0.8 246.7 C. BU IL 01 NG REN! AND HAl NTENANCE 48.3 100.0 48.3 0.1 2.3 41. 2 4.8 O. VETUCLE OPERATION AND HAINIENANCE 157.3 39.0 246.0 61. 0 403.3 1.2 37.9 365 ~ E. OffiCE AND OTHER EXPENDITURE 265. 1 100.0 265. 1 0.8 265. 1 ------------ fota 1 RECURREN T COS TS 2.002.8 29.9 1.691.325.2 3.005. 1 44.9 6,699. 1 20.5 40.2 6.654. 1 4.8 Tota I Disbursement 16.577. 4 50.8 8.539.2 26. I 7.539.5 23. 1 32.656. 1 100.0 713. 1 31. 4~4. 1 498.9 :::::::::: :::::::::::::::::: -- ------- -- - - --- - - - --- -- -- ---- -- -- - --- -- ---- ------- -- - -- -- - --- ----- - -- -- - -- - - - - - - - - - - ---- May 20. 1985 20: 38 ") HI('w rt (I) S ~ , INDIA NATIONAL SOCIAL fOREStRY PROJECT financing Plar by Project C~onents IUS$ • 000) IN!ERNATIONAL US AGENCY FOR OEVHOPPIENT INTERNATIONAL GOVERNIIENI Ot ASSOCIATION DEVElOPPlENI INDIA Tota' for. local !hcl. Dut ies R amount 1'. amount 1'. amounl 1'. amount 'I hch. I •• esl Tues A. RAdAS!HAN I. ORGAIIiZAIION AND IIANAGEIIEN! 2.31 L I 31. 0 t. 241. 0 16, 1 3.903. 9 52. 3 1.462,0 22,9 326,1 6.150,4 384.9 2. PHYSICAL !ARGUS 13.314.4 60.0 6.651.2 30.0 2.219. 1 10.0 22. 190,6 68,0 206,6 21.984.0 3. RESEARCH 78.4 33.7 64,0 21,5 90.4 38.8 232,9 0,7 4,9 220,3 1,6 4. EXTENSION 293,8 29.2 198.1 19. 7 515.3 51. 1 1.007.8 3, I 33,0 926,6 48.2 5, !RAlNING 296,9 38.1 129,5 16.6 353. 1 45.3 779,5 2,4 125.5 619,2 34.8 6, PlONIfORING AND EVALIlATlON 282. 8 28.8 242,8 24. 7 451.8 46.6 983,3 3,0 16,5 943,6 23.3 -~~~-.~- ---- ----~--- ---~ .. ~.-~.-~ --~- Sub-Iotal RAJAS!HAN 16.517. 4 50.8 8. 539. 2 26. I 7.539.5 23. t 32. 656. I 100,0 113. I 31.444, I 498. 9 - - ---. - -- -- ~ Tot.1 Dlsburs_nt 16.577. 4 50.8 8.539, 2 26, 1 7.539,5 23, I 32. 656, 1 100. 0 713, 31.444, I 498.9 :; ::::===-=::::::::::::. l18y 20. 1985 20; 38 Hj(') I"t VJ ~ .I::- \ ,. INDIA NATIONAL SOCIAL fORESTRY PROJECT financing Plan by foreign / local/Taxes IUSS • 000' INTERNATIONAL US AGENCY fOR DEVElOPHfNT INIERNATlONAl GOV£.RNH[NI Of ASSOCIATION DEYElOPII[NI INDIA lotal Amount Amount Amount Amount I. foreign 583.5 116.4 13.3 113.1 II. local Ihcl. Taxes' 15.993.9 8.422.9 1.027. 4 31.444. I Ill. 'axes 498.9 498.9 Tota I Project 16.577. 4 8. !i39. 2 1. 539. 5 32. 6!i6. I Hay :'>0. 1985 20: 38 , H\("} rt ID v.> a .t:'- INDIA NATIONAL SUCIAL fORESTRY PROJECT Disbursement By Lender By Semester tun' 0001 INTERNATIONAL us AGENCY fOR OEVHOPIIENT INTERNAT 10NAL GOYERHIIENT Of ASSOCIATION DEVHOPPIENT INDIA Tote I Amount Amount Amount Amount .. ------- 5_5tllr 1 63.3 31. 1 10.6 105.6 2 63.3 31.1 10.6 105.6 3 885.1 363.1 156 0 2.004.7 4 885.7 363. I 756.0 2.004.7 5 1.469.8 746.1 556.2 2. 712. 7 6 I. 469. 8 746. 7 556.2 2. 112. 7 7 1. 680. 9 886.5 6212 3.188.5 II 1,680.9 886.5 621.2 3,188.5 9 2,168.9 I. 155.0 815.4 4. 139.3 10 2.168.9 1. 155.0 815.4 4,139.3 11 2,020.0 1.086.7 1. 010. 4 4.117.2 12 2,020,0 I. 081t 7 1.010.4 4.117,2 ------------- .. ------------ Total 16.517.4 8.539.2 7.539.5 32.656. 1 :::::::::::.::::::::::::'::;= ::::::::::::::::::::;::::::::::= ::::::::::::::::::::::: "'Y 20, 1985 20: 38 ~11 lng. COSlA8 Vers ion 040385.845 <> <> Re.ding from UPRHEAD SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS di v i$ ion c~i ted. BASIC INfORMATION division c~ited. LENDERS division c~i led. flNAHCING division (:~iled, COIIPONENTS divis ion (:~i led. PRICE CONTINGENCY division c~iled. SUPlPlARY ACCOUNTS division c~i led. o 0 Read i ng from UPRDAGEN OATA GENERATIOH division c~i led. <> 0 Reading from UPROII DETAILED COST TABLE 401 COMPILED. <> 0 Reading from UPRPf DETAILED COST TABLE 402 COMPilED. <> <> Readi ng from UPRRSCH OfTAILEO COST TABLE 403 COIIPIlED, <> <> R&ading from UPREXl OUAIlED COST tABLE 404 COIIPILED. () <> Reading from UPRTRG DETAILED COST TABLE 405 COIIPIlED. () <> Re.ding from UPRPLN DETAILED COST TABLE 406 COIIPIlED, <> <> Reading from UPRIIE DETAILED COST TABLE 407 COIIPILEO . • 'AEOUIRED "EIIORY BLOCK = 3017 HORDS. PRICE CONTINGENCIES: All LOCAL INflATION RATES = 0.0000. 0.0850. 0.0850. 0.0850. 0.0850. 0.0850 FOREIGN INflATION RATES 0.0000. 0.0560. 0.0760. 0.0800. 0.0800. 0.0800 LOCAL INFlATION NEIGHTS 0.0425. r1'W fOREIGN I Nfl All ON HEIGHTS = 0.0000. 0.0000. 0.0280. O. 1311. 0.0961. 0.2273. 0.1817. 0,3316. 0,2762. 0,4448 0.3783 HI" ~ ~ CONSTANT PURCHASING PARITY EXCH. RATES 12.0000, 12.1693, 12.3830. 12, 46~6. 12.5203. 12.5782 DETAILED COST TABLE 40 I processed. DEtAILED COST TABLE 402 processed. DETAILED COST T/lIILE 403 processed, DEIAIlED COST Hi' 14 processed. } Subf 11. RA~EXT ===J:i:;:=:::::::::::::::::: 300 COST TABLE 304: EXTENSTON-RAJASTHAN; COMP=REXT 400 INVESTltEHT COST: 500 CATEGORV: CIVIL HORKS; UNIT =' NO'; SA=CW; OA'CWI 600 'VAil CHEIMA IIENORA'; UC=50.0; q=O. 8,8.0, O. 0 100 CATEGORV: VEHIClES; UHII='MO'; SA=VEH; DA=VEHI 800 'HOTORCVCI ES'; UC= 10.0; Q'O. 8. 8. O. O. 0 900 'PUBLICITY VAN'; UC=120.0; 0=0,2.0, O. O. 0 1000 CATEGORY: EQUIPMENT NOTE=-IIOTE28; UNII=' NO': SA=EQP; DA'EQPX 1100 'AUDIO VISUAL EQUIPMENT'; UC=50.0; 0=0.2,0.0,0.0 1200 'CASETTE PLAYER/SLIDE PRO~ECIOR'; UC=30.0; 0=0,2.0,0,0,0 1300 'GENERATOR'; UC=25.0; Q'O, 2. O. O. 0, 0 1400 'CAKERA AND ACCESS.'; UC=25. 0; Q=O. 2. O. 0, O. 0 1500 'VCR AHO MONITOR'; UC=30.5; Q=O, 1.0, O. 0, 0 1600 'VIDEO CAltERA'; UC=30.5; 0=0. 1. O. O. O. 0 1700 'PU8l1C AODRESS SYSTEM'; UC= 10.2; <1=0.2,0, O. O. 0 1800 'fILMS AND PUBLICATIONS'; UIIIT='LS'; UC=120.0; 0=0.1, I. 1. 1.1 1900 'VAN CHEINA EQUIPIIENT'; UNI T=' SET'; UC=50.0: 0=0.8.8. O. 0.0 2000 CATEGORY: fURNITURE; UNIT=' SET'; SA=FUR; OA=fURl 2100 'PUBLICITY 1111 IT' ; UC=4.32; 0=0,2. O. O. 0.0 2200 'VAN CHEINA STAff': UC=4.32: 0' 2300 'VAil CHElMA CENTER'; UNIT =' NO' UC=2.50; 0=0.8.8. O. O. 0 2400 CATEGORY: TRAINING; UHIT='NO'; SA:JRD; DA=TROI 2500 'fAR"fRS/SfW'; UC=.2; 0=0.300.300. 300,300.300 2600 'STUDY TOURS-VIllAGE LEADERS'; UC=6.5; Q=0.8. 16, 16. 16. 16 2100 'VILLAGE "EETINGS'; UC=.5; Q-0.80. 160.160.160. 160 2800 CATEGORY: TECHNICAL ASSTSTANCE; UNIT='IS'; SA="; OA=TAl 2900 ' PUBLICITY CDNSULTANT'; UC= 10.0; Q=O. 1. I, I, I. I 3000 RECURRENT COST: 3100 CATEGORV; STAff SALARIES NOTE=-NOTE29; UNIT=' MY'; SA=STF; llA=STFX 3200 SUBCATEGORY: IIEADQUARTERS ICOMIIUNI CA liONS ANll EllENS I ONI 3300 'ASSIST. DTR. IPUB.REU': UC=27.38; 0=0•. 3400 SUBCATEGORY: PUBLICITY ANO EXTENSION I"OBIlEI 3500 'PUB. REI.. OffiCER'; UC=22.27; Q=O. 1. 2, 2. 2. 2 3600 ' PHOTOGRAPHER'; UC= 11.87; 0=0. 3700 'DRAftSMAN'; UC= 13.84; 0'0.,2 3800 'ARll ST'; UC= 13. 84; Q=O. I. 2. 2. 2. 2 3900 'OV. RANGER'; UC=13.31; <1=0.1. 2. 2. 2, 2 4000 'PRO~ECTOR OPERATOR'; UC= 13. 12; Q=O. 4100 'fOREST ElT. WORKER'; UC=7.27; 0=0. 1.2,2.2.2 4200 'DRIVER'; UC= 13. 12; 0=0. 4300 'PEON'; UC=1.51; 0=0. 1. 2. 2. 2. 2 4400 SUBCATEGORY: VAN CHETMA KENDRA 4500 'RANGER'; UC=17.81; Q=0.4. 4600 'VILlAGE fORESTRY WORKER'; UC=1.27; 0= 4100 'HATCHltAII'; UC=1. 5 I; <1=0,4. 16. 16. 16, 16 4800 CATEr.ORY; STAff TRAVEl ALLOWANCE; UNII='"Y'; SA=STA; OA=SIAI 4900 SUBCATEGORY: HEADQUARTERS (PCEM' 5000 'ASST. DIR. IPUB. REL."; UC=1.27; q=0 •. 5100 SUBCATEGORY: PUBliCITY AIID EXTENSION (1I0BllEl 5200 'PUB. REl. OffICER'; UC=1. II: <1=0. 5300 'PHOTOGRAPHER'; UC=.81; <1=0. 1. 2. 2. 2.2 5400 'DY. RANGER'; UC=.65; 0'0, 5500 'PROJECTOR OPERATOR': UC=. 65; 0=0. I. 2. 2. 2.2 5600 'FORlST EXT. WORKERS'; UC=.35: 0=0. 5100 'DRI YER'; UC=.65; 0=0. 1.2.2,2.2 5800 SUBCATEGORY: YAN CHElNA KENDRA 5900 'RANGER'; UC=.87; 0=0.4. 16. 16. 16. 16 6000 'fOREST ElT. WORKEII'; UC'.35; 0= 6100 CATEGORYl VEHICLE OPERATION AND MA["TENANCE NOTE'.NOTE30; UNit =' NO'; SA'VOC; DA=VOCI 6200 6300 'ltOTORCYClE'; UC'5.0; 0= 'PUBlI CI TV VAN'; UC' 10. 0; <1'0. 1, 2. 2. 2.2 HI() rtw 6400 CATEGORY: Of fleE EXPENDITURE: UN IT=' NO'; SA=OTH: DA'OTHI It> 6500 'VAN CHEINA KENDRA'; UC=2.0: 0= a 6600 'OPERATION VAN cnDNA KENDRA'; UC= 10.0; 0=0. O. O. 8. 16. 16 ~ 6700 CATEGORV: BUILDING IIATNHRANCE AND OPERATION; UNIT=' NO'; SA="TC; DA'"TCI 61100 'VAN CIIEINA KEIIDRA'; UC=1.0; 0=,16 Subf lie RAJHEAO :::. =;::; == ===: ==:::;; .... 100 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: 200 DETAILED TABLES; 300 OMIT STOTALS, BREAKDOWN. FINANCING; PRINT ALL 400 SUMMARY TABLES: 500 PRINT All 600 fiNANCING TABLES: 100 PRINT All 800 BASIC INfORMATION: 900 COUNTRY = 'INDIA' 1000 PROJECT = NATIONAL SOCIAL fORESTRY PROJECI 1100 BEGIN YEAR = 0 1200 NUMBER OF YEARS = 6 1300 LOCAL CURRENCY "RUPEES· 1400 EXCHANGE RATE 12 1500 ! 1600 ! 1100 ! PRODUCE ECONOMI C VALUES 1800 ! SCf=. 80 1900 ! 2000 ! 2100 fiNANCIERS; 2200 IDA: INTERNATIONAL DEYELOPMENT ASSOCIAIION 2300 USAID: US AGENCY fOR INTERNATIONAL DEYELOPMENT 2400 GOVT: GOVERNMENT Of INDIA 2500 ! 2600 IIiSBURSEMENT ACCOUNTS; OloO 2700 CATEGORY CIIX: CIVIL WORKS; F1N=IOA I. 51 2800 CATEGORY VEHX: VEHICLES; fIN=IDA (FE} 2900 CATEGORY [OPX: EOUIPMENT; FlN:JOAlfE) 3000 CATEGORY FURX: fURNITURE; fIN=IOAIFEI 3100 CATEGORY: TRAINING 3200 SUBCATEGORY TRDX: STAff TRAINING DOMESTIC; fIN=IDA I. 501. USAID I. SOl 3300 SUBCATEGORY TRIX: STAff TRAINING INTERNATIONAL; flNolDA UOI. USAIO 1.501 3400 SUBCATEGORY TRCX; CENTRAllY-SPONSORED WORKSHOPS; FIN=IDA I. 501. USAID t 501 3500 SUBCATEGORY TAFX; fARMER TRAINING AND EXTENSION; FIN~IDA 1.501. USAID I. 501 3600 CATEGORY TAX: TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE; fIN=IDAI. 501. USIID I. 501 3700 CATEGORY STOX: 'SPECIAL STUDIES AND EVALUATION'; FlN=IDA 1.501. USAIO I. SO) 3800 CATEGORY RESX: RESEARCH OPERATION AND GRANTS TO SAUS; FIN=IDA C. 501. USAID I. 501 3900 CATEGORY: PLANTATION 3910 SUBCAtEGORY NURX: NURSERY DEVElOPMENT: fIH=IDA I. 601. USllD 1.30) 4000 SUBCATEGORY ffNX: fARM fORESTRY; fIN=IDA I. 60). USAtD 1.30) 4100 SUBCATEGORY TTPX; TREE TENURE PLANTING; FIN=IDA 1.60). USAID 1.30) 4200 SUBCATEGORY CMfX: COMMUNITY f()UST; flN;IDA I. 60). USAID I. 30) 4300 SUBCATEGORY IIPCX: NASTElAND PLANTING; FIN=IDA I. 601. USAID 1.301 4400 CATEGORY FSDX: FUEL WOOD SAVING DEVICES: F1M=IDA 1.60). USAID I. 301 4500 CATEGORY STFX: STAFF SALARIES; flN:IDA 1<0•. 5,.41 •. 31. 26 •. 21>1. USAIO 1<0,.5,.41 .. 31 .. 26 •. 21» 4600 CATEGORY STU: STAff TRAVEL AllONANCE; FIN=IOA 1<0. I. 0•• 85 •. 75. :55,.40») 4700 CATEGORY MTtl: BUILDING RENT AND MAINTENANCE: FIN;IDA (0) 4800 CATEGORY YOCX: VEHICLE OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE; FINzlDA 1<0. I. 0•• 8•• 5•. 3.0>1 4900 CATEGORY OTHX: OFFICE AND OIHER EXPENDITURE; FIN=IDA 101. USAID (0) 5000! 5100 ! 5200 COMPONEIITS: lOCAL C!JRRENCY SCALE = T; USS SCALE ; 5300 CATEGORY: RAdASTHAN 5400 SUBCATEGORY ROM: ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT 5500 SUBCATEGORY APT: PHYSICAL TARGETS 5600 SUBCATEGORY RRSCH: RESEARCH 5700 SUBCATEGORY REXT: EXTENSTON 5800 SUBCATEGORY RTRG: TRAINING 5900 SUBCATEGORY RPLN; PLANNING 6000 SUBCATEGORY RME: MONITORING AND EVALUATION 6100 ! 6200 ! 6300 ! 6400 ! HI(") rtw 6500 PRICE CONTINGENCIES: 6600 All; LOCAL =0. 085 •. 085 •. 085 •. 085. 085; fORElGN=O •. 056 .. 076.. 08 fOR 3 6700 ! m 6800 ! Po 6900 SUMMARY ACCOUNTS: PR CON=All; TAX RATE=O; UCS=T; YS=T; LCA=.0425; FCA=.012 1000 ! 7100 ! 7200 INVESTMENT r 7300 ! 7400 CATEGORY CN: CIVIL MORKS; TR~O; FE=.05; PHY CON=. 10; Cf=.66 7500 CATEGORY VEH: VEHICLES; IR=.30; FE=.20; PHY CON'. 05; CF'.66 7600 CATEGORY EqP: EQUIP"ENI; IR'.20; FE=.IO; PHY CON'. 05: CP.74 7700 CAIEGORY fUR: FURNI lURE; IR'. 10; f£'O; PHY CON'. 05; Cf=.80 7800 CATEGORY: IRAINING; IR'O; H=O; PHY CON'. 05 7900 SUBCAIEGORY TRD: SIAff TRAINING DOIIESIIC: CF=.97 BOOO SUBCATEGORY IRI: STAff TRAINING INTERNATIONAL; fE=.90; Cf=.98 8100 SUBCATEGORY TRC: CENTRAllY-SPONSORED MORKSHOPS; Cf'.91 8200 SUBCATEGORY IRF: fAR"ER IRAINING AND EXTENSION: Cf=.88 8300 CATEGORY TA: TECHNICAL ASSISfANCE; TR=O; fE=O; PHY CON~. 05; CF= I. 0 8400 CATEGORY STD: 'SPECIAL STUDIES AND EVAlUATION'; TR=O; F[=O; PHY CON=.05;Cf=.91 8500 CATEGORY RES: RESURCII OPERATION AND GRANTS TO SAUS; TR=O; f[=O; PHY CON=.05; Cf=.78 8600 CATEGORY: PLANTATION; TR=O: fE'.OI; PHY CON=.05; CF=.70 8610 SUBCATEGORY NUR: NURSERY DEVElOPIIENT 8700 SUBCATEGORY fFN: FAR" fORESTRY 8800 SUBCATEGORY TIP: TREE IENURE PLANTING a900 SUBCATEGORY C"F: COIIIIUNITY fORESI 9000 SUBCATEGORY MPC: MASTEIAND PI ANTATION 9100 CATEGORY FSD: fUEl HOOD SAVING DEVICES: TR=O: FE=O; PHY CON=.05; CF=.74 9200 ! 9300 RECURRENT COSTS 9400 ! 9500 CATEGORY STf: SUrf SALARIES; TR=O; FE=O: PHY CON=O: CF=1. 0 9600 CATEGORY SIA: SIAfF IRAVH AllOHANCE: TR=O; FE=O; PHY CON=O; Cf=.82 9700 CATEGORY IITC: BUILDING RENI AND IIAINTENANCE; TR=. 10: fE'.05; PHY CON=.05; CF=.84 9800 CATEGORY VOC: VEHICLE OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE; TR'O; FE=. 10; PHY CON'. 05; Cf'.8 9900 CAIEGORY OTH: OffiCE AND OTHER EXPENDIIURE; TR=O; FE=O; PHY CON=.05; Cf=.84 HIe') rtw (l) a .,::,. Subf lie RAJ"E =Z::';;:::J::::===:t:::== 300 COST TABLE 306: "ONITORING AND EYALUATION/PLANNING-RAJASTHAN; CO"P=R"E 400 INVEST"ENT COST: 500 CATEGORY: YEHICLES; UNlT"NO'; SA:YEH; OA'VElIl 600 'CAR'; UC'80. 0; Q=O, 1.0, O. 0, 0 700 'fOUR WHEel DRIYE'; UC=80.0; Q=O, 4, 0, O. 0.0 800 'NOTORCYCL ES'; UC' 10. 0; 0=0, 2. 2. 0, O. 0 900 '81 CYCLES'; UC:.5: Q=O, 16, 16,0, O. 0 1000 CATEGORY: EQUIPIlENT; UN IT=' NO'; SA=EOP; DA=EOPX 1100 'TYPEIIRI TER'; UC'3.4; 0'0, 12,0,0,0,0 1200 'OUPLI CATING "ACHillE'; UC=S.6: 0'0.5.0, O. 0, 0 1300 'CALCUUIDR'; UC=3.4; 0=0, 10,0,0,0,0 1400 'TELEPHONES': UC:5.0: 0=0, 10,0,0,0,0 1500 'INTERCOMS'; UC: 15.0; Q=O, 5, 0, 0, O. 0 1600 'ORAFTS"AN EOUI P"ENT'; UC=10.0: 0=0,2,0,0, O. 0 1700 'SURVERYOR £OUI P"ENT'; UC=2.0; 0=0,4.0, O. O. 0 1800 '"ICROCOMPUTER'; UC=250.0; 0'0, 1,0, O. 0,0 1900 CATEGORY: fURNITURE; UNIT =' SET'; SA-rUR: OA'fUAX 2000 'HO PCE"'; UC=21. 60; 0'0, 1,0, 0, O. 0 2100 'DCf'; UC=16.20; 0=0,4,0,0,0.0 2200 CATEGORY: 'SPECIAL STUDIES AND EYALUATION': UNIT"NO'; SA=STD: DA-STDl 2300 'SPECIAL STUDIES' NOTE'-NOTE35 ; UC=50.0; 0'0, I, 1. I, 1,0 2400 'PROdECT COMPlET ION REPORT': UC=50.0; 0=0.0,0,0,0, I 2500 RECURRENT COST: 2600 CAnGORY: STAff SALARIES NOTE·.NOTE36; UNIT""Y'; SA=STf; DA=STfX 2700 SUBCATEGORY: HEADOUARTERS epCE"1 2800 'Cf'; UC'4 I. 80; 0=0.. 5, I, I, I, I 2900 'ACr': UC=23.49; 0>0. 5, I, I, I, I 3000 'Acr CO"PUT 1NG': UC·23. 49; Q=O,. 5, I. 1. I, I 3100 'ASST. DIR. ISTAT.I'; Ue=27.38; 0-0,.5, I, I, I, I 3200 'ACCOUNTANT'; UC= 18.75; 0=0,.5. I, I, I, I 3300 'STENOGRAPHER': UC-17.87; 0-0,.5,1. I, I. I 3400 'STAT. ASSIS1.'; UC=17.87; 0=0,1.5,3,3,3,3 3500 'UPPER DIVISION CLERK'; UC=13.84; 0=0,1,2,2.2,2 3600 'LONER DIYISTOII CLERK'; UC·13.12; 0>0,1,2,2.2.2 3700 'DRIVER'; UC=I3.12: 0=0,.5, I, 1,1, I 3800 'PEOM'; UC=7. 5 I: 0=0,2,4,4,4,4 3900 SUBCATEGORY: CI RCLES IPCE"' 4000 'DY. CF': UC-38.36; 0=0,2,4.4,4.4 4100 'ACro; UC=23.49; 0=0.2. 4, 4, 4, 4 4200 'dR. ACCOUNTANT': Ue=17. 27; 0=0. 2, 4, 4, 4, 4 4300 'Off I CE ASSt STAN"; UC=17. 21; 0=0.2. 4. 4, 'I, " 4400 'STAT. ASSIST All" ; UC=17.87; 0=0,2.4.4,4,4 4500 'UPPER DIVISON CLERK'; Ue=13.84; 0=0,2.4,4,4,4 4600 'LDIIER DIVISION CLERK'; UC=Il. 12; 0=0.6, 12, 12, 12. 12 4700 'STENO GRADE II'; ue· 17. 27; 0=0, 2, 4, 4, 4, 4 4800 'SURYEYORIAD"IN'; UC= 13. 12; 0=0,2,4,4,4." 4900 'RANGER'; ue=\7. 87; 0=0.2,4,4. 4, 4 5000 'fORESTER'; UC=9.43; 0=0,4.8.8,8,8 5100 'rOREST EXT. IIORKER'; UC=7.27; 0=0,8,16,16,16,16 5200 'DRI VER'; UC=13. 12; 0=0,2.4,4.4,4 5300 'IIATCH"AN'; UC=7.51; 0'0,2,4,4.4,4 5400 'PEON'; UC=7. 51; 0=0, 4, 8, 8. 8, 8 5500 CATEGORY: STAff TRAYEl ALlOMANCE; UNIT='"Y'; SA=STA: DA=STAI 5600 SUBCATEGORY: HEADOUARTERS IPCE'" 5700 'cr'; UC=2.04; 0=0,.5. I, 1,.1, I 5800 'DY Cf IIiLPlI'; UC=1. 87; 0'0, 0, 0, I, I. 1 5900 'ACf'; UC=I. 15; 0'0,.5, I, I, I, I 6000 'ACf CO"PUTING'; UC'1. 15; 0=0,.5, I. I, I. I 6100 'ASST. DIR. ISTAT.I'; UC=I.33; 0=0.. 5,1.2,2,2 6200 'DRIVER'; UC·.64; 0=0,.5, 1.2,2,2 6400 SUBCATEGORY: CIRCLES epCE"' 6500 'DY CF'; UC·I.87: 0=0,2,4,4.4,4 6600 ' ACF'; UC' I. 15; 0'0.2,4, 'I, 4, 4 6700 'SURVEJORIAD"IN'; ue·. 64; 0-0,2,4,4,4. 4 6800 ' RANGER': UC-.87; 0=0.2. 4, 4. 4, 4 6900 'FORESTER': UC=. 45; 0=0. 4,8, 8, ~, 8 7000 ' FOREST EXTENSION IIORKER': UC·.35; 0=0.8, 16, 16. 16, 16 7100 7200 'DRIVER'; UC=. 64; 0=0,2,4, 4, 4, 4 CATEGORY: VEHICLE OPERATION AND "AINTENANCE NOTE'-NOTE37; UIIIT='IIO'; SA=VOC; OA=YOCl HI("') f'tW (J) 1300 • CAR'; UC= 10.0; 0'0,.5, I, I, I. I S 7400 'FOUR WHEEl DRIVE'; HC: 10.0; 0=0. 1,4.5,5,5 .f;:- 7500 'MOTORCYCLE'; lJe=s.o; 0'0, I, J, 4, 4, 4 7600 CATEGORY: 0 1 'fFICE EXPENDITURE; UNIT" NO'; SA'OTH; DA=OTHX 7700 'CF OffiCE'; UC=20.0; 0=0,1,1, I, I, I 7800 'Of CF Off ICE'; UC=20. 0; 0=0, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4 7900 'CO"PUTER SOFTNARE/SUPPL I ES'; UC= 10.0; 0=0, I. I, I, I, I HI(") rtw (I) S .c- Sib' i Ie RAJOM ========:::;=:.:: 300 COST TABLE 301: ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEPIENT-RAJASTHAN; COPlp.ROM 400 INVESTMENT COST: 500 CATEGORY: CIVIL WORK; UNIT.' NO'; SA'CW; DA·CW~ 600 SUBCATEGORY: NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS 100 'lifO OffiCE CUM RESIDENCE'; UC=300.0; 0'0. I. O. O. 0, 0 800 'INSPECTION HUTS'; UC=60.0; 0=0.4. 12.0,0,0 900 SUBCATEGORY: RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS 1000 'RANGERS'; UC=10.0; 0'0. 12, 10, 12,4,4 1100 'fORESTERS'; UC=60.0; 0=0.20,20, 10.0,0 1300 'GUARD/VFII'; UC=40.0; Q=O. 20, 20, 20, 20, 20 1400 CATEGORV: VEHICLES; UNIf='NO'; SA-VEH; DA=VEH~ 1500 SUBCATEGORY: HEADQUARtERS 1600 'CAR'; UC=80.0; 0=0, 1.0, O. 0, 0 1800 'fOUR IIHEEl DRIVE DCf'; UC=80; Q=O. 1,0,0,0,0 1900 'FOUR WllEEL DRIVE DCF (HQI'; UC=80.0; Q=O, 1,0,0,0,0 2000 'FOUR WHEEl DRIVE DCF (IILPlI'; UC=80.0; Q=O, 0, 0, 1,0,0 2100 SUBCATEGORY: DISTRICT 2200 'fOUR WIIEEl DRIVE PO'; UC=80.0; 0=0, 19, O. 0,0,0 2300 'TRUCK'; UC=220.0; 0=0, 17,2, 1.0,0 2400 SUBCATEGORY: RANGERS AND BEl 011 2500 'I1OTORCYCLES'; UC=IO.O; Q=O,30,2.16,8,16 2600 'BICYCLES' NOTE,*NOTE22 : UC=.5; 0=0. ~84. 59.160. 138. 127 2100 'TRACTOR TRAILER'; UC= 100.0; 0=0,26,26,0,0,0 2800 CATEGORY: EQUIPMENT; UNIT='HO'; SA=EOP; DA=EQP~ 2900 'PHOTOCOPIER'; UC=80.0; 0=0,1.0,0,0,0 3000 'TYPEHRI TER' NOIE=-IIOTE23 ; UC=3.4; 0=0,30. O. 0,0,0 3100 'OOPlICATING MACHINE'; UC=5.6; 0=0,2.0,0, O. 0 3200 'CALCULATOR'; UC=3.4; 0=0.21.0,0, O. 0 3300 'TElEPHONE'; UC=5.0; 0=0.6,0, O. 0,0 3400 'INTERCO"'; UC= 15.0; 0=0,2,0,0, O. 0 3500 'DRAFTSHAN EOUIP"ENT'; UC=10.0; 0=0. I. O. O. 0, 0 3600 'SURVEYOR E- 51Jbfll. RDATGEN ==1I::S':::::::::: =:::: == 100 OATA GENERATION: 200 NOTE22:'NUIIBER OF BICYCLES ACCORDING TO THE NUMBER Of fOREST GUARDS PLUS fORESTERS.' 300 NOTE23='ONE ELECTRIC TYPEWRITER fOR OSF OffiCE.' 400 NOTE24.' SALARIES INCLUOING IIEDICAL CHARGES WHICH ARE OISBURSED AS NECESSARY:'.' 500 'fOR 6 MOS. ONLY IN THE FIRST YEAR: ACTUAL NUMBER Of PERSONNEl IS DOUBLE THAN SHOWN' •• 600 'IN YEAR I; EXISTING STAFF ENGAGEO IN TERRITORIAL FORESTRY.' 700 NOTE2S='INCLUDING SUBSIDY OF RS. 1200 TO BENEFICIARY.' 800 NOTE26=' FINANCIAL SAVINGS REALIZED FROM DEVISING LESS COSHY CONSTRUCTION METHOOS.'.I 900 'SHOULD BE USED TO SUPPORT PURCHASE AND DISTRIBUTION Of IPIPROVED STOVES ON THE BASIS'.' 1000 'Of ACTION/RESEARCH STUDY.' 1100 1101£21" STAff SALARIES INCLUDE PlLOICAl CHARGES WHICH ARE DISBURSED AS NECESSARY;'. 1 1200 'SalARY AND TRAVEL ALLOWANCES CHARGED FOR 6 liDS. IN TEAR 1. STAff STRENGTH IS DOUBLE'.' 1300 'THAN SHOWN IN YEAR 1.' 1400 NOTE28" fOR 2 Pl06IlE PUBLICITY UNITS.' 1500 NOTE29"SALARIES INCLUDE "EDICAL CHARGES IIHICH ARE DISBURSED IIHEN NECESSARY; FIRS YEAR',' 1600 'STAff COST FOR 6 IIONTHS ONLY: ACTUALLY PERSONNEl ARE OOUBLE THE NU"BER THAN SHOIIN IN YEAR 1.' 1100 MOTE30"VEHICLE OPUATION AND MAINTENANCE COSTS FOR 6 PlONTHS ONLY IN TEAR I.' 1800 NOTE31"INCLUDES TIIO TRAINING SCHOOLS AT AlIiAR AND JAIPUR; ALL COSTS, EXCEPT FELLOWSHiPS.' •• 1900 'ARE ASSUPIED UACH Y THE SA"E LEVEL.' 2000 NOTE32" STAFF SALARIES INCLUDE PlEOICAl CHARGES WHICH ARE DISBURSED AS NECESSARY.' 2100 NOTE33" EXISTING STAff OF IDCF, ACF. 4RO. IUOC, 2lDC, 10RIVER. 7SIIEEPER/PEON. lORD. IACCOUNTANT. ' ,. 2200 'ldR. ACCOUNTANT ARE LOCATEO AT FOREST SCHOOL AT ALWAR WHICH IMPARTS TRAINING TO TERRITORIAL'. & 2400 ' FORESTERS BUT NOT TO THE SOCIAL fORESTRY STAFF: FIRST YEAR STAFF COSTS FOR 6 MONTHS ONLY;',' 2500 • ACTUAL PERSONS ARE DOUBLE THE NUMBER.' 2600 NOTE34=' FIRST YEAR STAff COSTS FOR 6 MONTHS ONLY. ACTUAL PERSONS ARE IIOUBLE THE IIUPIBER.' 2700 1I0TElS"INClUDES IMPROVED STOVE ACTlOII/RESEARCH STUDY.' 2800 HOTE36" SALARIES INCLUDE "EOICAI CHARGES WHICH ARE DISBURSED WHEN NECESSARY.' 2900 NOTEl6"SALARIES INCLUDE MEDICAL CHARGES IIHICH ARE DISBURSED WHEN NECESSARY; FIRST YEAR STAff',' 3000 'COST fOR 6 PlONTHS OHL Y; ACTUAL PERSONNEl ARE DOUBLE THE NUMBER SHOWN IN YEAR 1.' 3100 HOTEn"VEHICLE OPERATION AND NAINENANCE COSTS FOR 6 MONTHS ONLY IN YEAR I.' H\C"l rtVJ m I UIU ~ '1"~I""'/I>.,verl yl>/I HlJHA'r:;Ul:/raJnur I )-j-II) ,' Pase I HODEL Nurauy I: Nursery for Fuelwood Spp and Other SlIall Plante (100,000 plante)/Farm roreetry I!. STATI; RAJASTHAN PER HECTARE ANALYSIS OF HODEL COSTS, (Ra) Month ITE" of 1I0rk UNIT I I_ _ UNIT COSTS (Rs) I TOTAL COSTS (Ra) I I When Expenditure Ha, m, I 110. of I Labour I "atedala Vebiclesl Total Labour "ate!'iale I Vehidea Total 1'.1,. I Phy T .R. 1 1101'1. Kg, Ht,l Unita I HI) ICost I Qty I Cost Coat I HI) ICost Qty I Cost I lla. I' Cont % 1 Done etc. I I I I I I I I 1 I % 1 JEARO INVESTMENT COSTS I~ Tooh, plant ea 1000 1000 1,000 1,000 Diesel pump ea 6000 6000 6,000 6,000 Subtotal 1.000 7.0QO Coat per year 1,400 1,400 (amortized, ~ yrs) I DIRECT SEEDLIIiG fRODUCTIOIi COSTS Prep. nuraery beda ea 12 9 9 72 648 648 Prep. IIOtber bed. (4 _a. lab" FYH) "d 10 9 9 10 90 90 Insect icide motbea- beda Litre 0.1 100 100 0.1 10 10 SovinS motber beda Hd 9 9 9 9 Coat of polypou Kg 180 22 22 180 3,960 3,960 Farmyard manure 900 900 Digging and tran8portation of Boil nuuery 540 40 )60 180 ~40 ,FillinS/8etting polypots Hd 445 9 9 44~ 4,000 4,000 Coat of Geeda - Kg Eucalyptu8 Kg 1 ~5 55 1 5~ ~~ Others Kg 15 1 J 15 45 45 Sowing in bag8 Hd 56 9 9 56 500 ~OO Pricking out in baga Hd 83 9 9 8) no no lIaterins of bag a Hd 91 9 9 91 820 820 Fert it izu urea Ht 290 290 lnaecticide Litre 2 100 100 2 200 200 Protection Md 55 9 9 55 49) 493 Running of pUIIP Hrs 100 8 8 100 800 800 Pay of Mali No 1/2 4380 4.380 1/2 2,190 2,190 Land" lIater Changee L.S. 1,000 11000 1,000 Labor alieni t ies 700 8 ' 70 6)0 100 ----- Subtotal 862 2.930 7,890 180 18,000 Total - Year 0 861 2.930 9.290_--.l80 ..11.400 t-i1C"l M' W I!- For far-. fore8try coat, the nur8ery coat plua tranaport at R8 0.05 per plant allould be uaed. m IJ!. lnven_ent c08ts are divided by 5 yeara production (500.000 planta) and apportioned annually (per 100.000 plant8). .J::- Page 2 HODEL Nur.ery I: Nursery for Fuelwood Spp and Other Small Plauts (100,000 plauta)/Parm Forestry STATE: RAJASTIIAN PER HECTARE ANALYSIS OF MODEL COSTS, (Rs) Month ITEH of Work I UNIT I I UNIT COSTS (Rs) I I TOTAL COSTS (Rs) I T When Expenditure I Ha, H. I No. of I Labour I Hateriah Vehicles I Total I Labour Materials I Vehicles Total F. E. I I'hy T. R. 1 Work I Kg. Mt.1 Units I HD ICost I Qty I Cost Cost I I HD ICost Qty I Cost I Is. I Coot % I Done I etc. I I I I· I I t I I I L~_ 1 YEAR 1 DIRECT SEEDLING PRODUCTION COSTS Watering Hd 539 I 9 9 539 4,850 4,850 Shifting of polypots and root pruning Hd 333 I 9 9 333 3,000 3,000 Protection Hd 111 1 9 9 III 1.000 1.000 Running of pumps Urs 200 8 8 200 1,600 1,600 Pay of Mali No 1/2 4.380 4.380 2.190 2,190 Land and water charges L.S. 1.000 1,000 1,000 Labour amenities L.S. 1.300 14 130 1.110 1,300 Misc expenaea 60 2 20 40 60 Total Year 1 for Nursery 999 11.190 1.810 15.000 • O.ISR~'p]ant ADDITIONAL EXPENSE FOR FARM FORESTRY Transportation including exten.ion '000 Nos 100 5,000 5.000 5.000 5,000 Total Year for Fana Porestry 999 11.190 3.810 5.000' 20.000 Labor Materiah Traus20rt Total SUB8IIary year HD Cost 0 862 9.930 9,290 180 19,400 I 999, 11.190 3.810 5.000 20~000 HjCl !"tv.> ~ ..,.. I-asd 2/aspab!beverl y,b/NATSOCFOR/rajnur2 5-3-85 " Page I HODEL Nursery 11: Nursery for Ornamental and Tall Plants (100,000 Plants) STAT~: Il i\JASTIIAN PER IIECTARE ANALYSIS 0.' MODEL COSTS, ANNUAl. (Rs) Montbl ITEM of Wo~k I UNIT I UNIT COSTS (Rs) I I TOTAL COSTS (as) J I T Wben I Expenditure I Ha, M, I No. of l.abour I Materials Vebic1esl Total I Labour Haterials I Vebicles I Total I F.E:. i'hy I T .R. I Work I I Kg, Mt,l Units HD ICoat I Qty I Coat Coat I I HD ICoat I Qty I Cost I I IRs. I COllt I % I Done I -' ~tc. 1 ILL I_~ J __ I~ J I I LX I 1 YEAa 0 INVESTMENT COSTS IJ! Cbannels, brick No. I 500 50 450 50 500 lining and inspection patb Toola, plants etc. No. 1 1,250 1,250 1,250 Diesel pumps No. 6,000 6.000 6.000 Subtotal (50) (450) (7,300) (7,750) - 0.02 per plant Coats per year 90 1,460 1,550 (amorti~ed 5 yrs) DIRECT SEEDI.lNG PRODUCTION COSTS Site Clearance md 22 1 9 9 22 200 200 Polytbene bags '000 100 180 180 18,000 18,000 Cost of Seeds kg 67 67 3 3 67 200 200 Preparation No. 200 9 9 200 1,800 . 1,800 of nursery bed Farmyard manure 900 900 Digging and 540 40 360 180 540 transport of soil in nursery Filling poly- md 529 1 9 9 529 4,760 11,760 ttiene bago Soving of seeda md 66 9 9 66 595 595 in bags Fertilizer mt 300 joo (urea) I~ Investment coata are divided by 5 years production (500,000 plants) and apportioned annually per plant. H/C"J rt !..J (I) a """ Page 2 HODEL Nursery 1[: Nursery for OrRllJllentai and Tall Plants 000,000 Plants) STATE: RAJASTHAN PER HECTARE ANALYSIS OF MODEL COSTS, ANNUAL (Rs) Month! ITEM of Work UNIT I UNIT COSTS ~Rs} I I 1__ - TOTAL COSTS ~Rsl I I T When I Expend i ture Ha, M, I No. of Labour I Materials I Vehiclesl Total I Labour I Materials I Vehicles Total I F". E. I Pby T .R. I Work I Kg, Mt,l Units MD ICost I Qty I Cost I Cost I I HD ICost I Qty I Cost I IRs. I Cont % I Done I etc. I I I L L~ ..~ ... ~_L J I I _J ..-l % 1 Insecticide lit 2 1 100 100 2 200 200 Running diesel hra 300 I 8 8 300 2,400 2,400 pump Pay of Mali No. 1/2 4,380 4,380 2,190 2,190 Land and water Ls 1,000 I!! 1,000 charges Ceneral labor atd 58 9 9 58 520 520 expenses Watering and weeding IIId 405 I 9 9 405 3.6!t5 3645 Subtotal (14,070) (23,000) 180 37.250 Total Yr. 0 14,160 24,460 180 38,800 YEAR 1 INVESTMENT COSTS nil DIRECT COSTS Fill ing pol y- IIId 360 9 9 360 3,240 3,240 thene bags Sowing seeds .d 45 9 9 45 405 405 in bags Watering and md 1236 9 9 1,236 11.125 11,125 weeding Pricking out atd 250 9 9 250 2,250 2,250 Running diesel hrs 600 8 8 600 4,800 4,800 pUDIpS Pay of Mali No. 4380 4,380 4,380 4,380 Labor llJllenit ies Ls 2,000 22 200 1,800 2,000 Land and water LOs 1,000 1,000 I!! 1,000 charges Ceneral Labor ad 89 I 9 9 89 800 800 expenses Subtotal 22,400 7,600 30,000 Total Yr. 1 !-lIn rt w Is Eqllivsl('nl to s rental pOY1llent. III EI ,ll ""'" '"U~I~/aspaP/Deverlyo/N~ltiu~rUK/raJmodaj )-)-6) x Page I HODEL A.3: Improved Ber (Ziziphus mauretiana) Orchards STATE :RAJAS'niAN PER IIECTAKE ANALYSIS OF HODEL COSTS. ANNUAL (Per Plant) x Month I ITEM of Work I UNIT I UNIT COSTS (Rs) I TOTAL COSTS {Is} T When I Expenditure Ilia, H. I No. of Labour I Haterials Vehiclesl Total Labour Hater iala I Vehicles I Total F.E. Phy T .R. I Work I I Kg. Ht.1 Units HD ICoat I Qty I Coat Cost I HD ICost Qty I Cost I I Rs. Cunt % I Done I I etc, I I I I I I I L L 1 YEAR 1 Budding in No. .09 .085 0.85 0.85 0.8) the field Materials No. 1 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 Total Costl 0.85 0.40 1.25 Plant in Year 1 Coats per ha 8.5 85 40 125 (of 100 plants) 1-11(") r1' W m .jl-. IUlfr I2Iaapub/bever lyb/JHDSOCFOll/rajUlodb2 5-3-85 Page I 1 HODEL 82: . Houaehold Farlll Foreatry STATE: IlAJASTIIAN 1 PER HECTARE ANALYSIS OF HODEL COSTS, ANNUAL (Rs) 'Honth ITEM of Work UNIT I I UNIT COSTS (RII) I I TOTAL COSTS (88) I -- T When Expenditure Ha, m, I No. of I Labour I Materials, V,hiclesl Total I Labour Materials I Vehicles Total I F.E. I Phy T .R. I Work Kg, Mt,l Units I HD ICost I Qty I Cost Coat I I HD ICost Qty I Coat I I Ra. I Cont 'l I Done etc. I I L I L I I I I I I I % _______ 1 YEAR 0 Raising arafted ber ea 20 0.04 0.40 0.40 0.80 8 8 16 Hursery - fuelwood spp ea 1,820 0.01 0.10 0.10 0.20 18 182 182 364 Cost of seeds Ka 10 3 3 30 30 Subtotal Year 0 1'"",'< 220 410 YEAR 1 Fencing I!! Pitting 0.5m ,!! • m3 280 209 0.2 0.56 1.90 5.0 1.90 5,00 59 116 532 1,045 532 1.045 Raising grafted ber ea 20 0.07 0.60 0.40 1.00 12 8 20 Nursery - fuelwood spp ea 1,820 0.017 0.10 0.05 0.15 30 182 91 273 beating up ea 170 0.01 0.09 0.16 0.25 2 15 27 42 Transport ea 1,840 0.003 0.03 0.10 0.13 6 55 184 239 Planting I!! ea 1,840 0.03 0.30 0.30 61 552 552 Sowing seeds I!! Hd 2 1 9 9 2 18 16 Weeding I!! ea 1,670 0.02 0.20 0.20 37 334 334 Unforeseen labour HD 5 9 9 5 45 45 Subsidy by F.D. 1,200 to Benef ic iary Subtotal Yesr I 312 2.l90 126 184 ~.300 !MU. Nursery ea 170 0.017 0.10 0.05 0.15 2 17 8 25 Replacing ea 170 0.003 0.03 0.10 0.13 1/2 5 17 22 ea 170 0.03 0.30 0.30 '6 51 51 Subtotal Year 2 9 73 8 17 98 Coat Summary Cost Su_ary I. Sub8idy to I Year C08t to FD Coat to Beneficisry Total Yesr Md Cost Haterial Tran820rt Beneficiariy Total I I o 501 501 0 19 190 220 410 I I 1819 2481 4300 1 319 2790 126 184 1,200 4300 I 2 ..-!il -.ll _21 ______1.___ 9 _n I} 17 98 t HIC"l r1'W 2367 2532 4899 CD S I ~ I!! Cost to Ben, ~ry NOTE: ~2£ at Is 9/day. luarI2/aapab/beverlyb/~TSOCfO./~aj.odel 5-1-8~ Pale I HODEL C.I: Co. .unity lIoodlota ('"nehayat Landa, .anchoyot Hanased) 'ER HECTAI! ANALYSIS OF HODEL COSTS, AIIHIIAI. (Ra) 8TATE: RAJASTHAII I JTEII of lIorlt I !ml! I UIIIT COSTS -(IIoL-1 I _____ ~_._ TOTAl, COSTS O'aL I T Honl" \/hen lIork I l.penditure I I lie, . , I 110. of I 1&, Ht ,I Unlu Labour HI! ICoit I Hot .. riala I Qly I Coat I I ' .... ieleal Total I Labour L!!!.ll~1 'ehieleo Coat I I HI! ICoal I Qty I Coat I Total I r.E. I Phy I T .1. I I ... I Cont I t: I Done I I etc. I I I I I I I L.J 1 I l I t - - L__ l YEAI! 0 U - ) Trelu:h oJ 1111 ins I - ) for feneins • 61 If. 0.2 1.9 I.t o.ns 14 121 121 lS2 Pitt ins 0.5 • ea ~61I!. 0.07 0.'25 )9 352 lluraery - 9 - ) tall plante fu.,lvood .pp Raialas Irdhd ... .. a 290 1558 0.011 O.ts 0.01 0.10 0.2S 0.10 0.40 0.20 Il S 4) U, 11 15' 116 )12 10 be< eo 12 0.04 0.40 0.40 0.80 1/2 S 5 Seedo - tree and Ir ... ICS 2 3 ) ) 10 10 12 (8) 244 911 YEAI I 4 - S Treoeh dillinl Sovinl on trench • III II!. 0.2 1.9 1.9 18 2Sl nl tranaport he I 10 10 10 10 aovinl 4 - 6 Pitt inl 0.5 • ... • 200 1121 II!. 0.005 O.OS 0.07 O.f>2S o.ns I 18 10 104 10 104 Hura.,r, - tall planta fuelvood app ... ... 290 15S1 0.0) 0.11 0.20 0.10 0.10 O.OS 0.)0 O.IS 6 11 S8 IS5 29 71 81 21) lahinl ,rafted ber IInraer, for ... 12 0.01 0.'0 0.40 1.00 S 12 rephdn, hall plaota) ea )6 0.011 O.U 0.25 0.40 1/2 5 9 14 h •• 11 phnta) ea ISO 0.01 0.10 0.10 0.20 I 1/2 15 IS )0 Traneportat ion of planta ea 1690 0.003 &.0) 0.10 Is.. O.ll 6 51 169 220 .'Jantin, - !naectidd .. .. a 1690 0.10 0.10 169 169 Labour 1690 0.02 0.20 0.20 )8 ))8 ))8 Sovinl of .., .. 01. HoI 2 I 9 9 2 18 18 lIeedin, .. a 1690 0.02 0.20 0.20 38 138 ))8 Caaualty replace- .ent. L.bour ea 169 0.06 0.S1 0.51 II 96 96 Tunaportat iOIl ea 169 0.00) 0.03 0.10 - 0.1l 1/2 5 11 22 Inaeeticid .. ea 169 0.10 0.10 11 11 ~!!!- !l!!!I!!ll !.Y!. -1!!! ~!! t!ale[i·Ja Tranel!!![t .1!!!!l I 0 12 68] 244 921 I I 261 2.318 342 246 2.966 I 1 36 ]18 29 67 414 I 1 22 100 200 I 4 11 no I~O I ~ 11 I~O I~j HIC') rtW It aep IJ! Represents balance work. m 1£ For ten months in Year 1 and thereafter for filII year. ~ Page 2 HODEL D.l: Rebabilitation of Degraded Areas STATE: RAJASTHAN PER HECTAIE ANALYSIS OF MODEL COSTS. ANNUAL (Rs) Month ITEM of Work I UNIT I UNIT COSTS lits) TOTAL COSTS (Ia) I T When Expenditure I Ha. M, I No. of Labour I Materials Vehiclesl Total Labour Materials I Vebicles Total r.t:. I Phy I T .R. I Work I Kg, Ht,l Units MD ICost I Qty I Cost Cost I MD ICost Qty I Cost I Rs. I Cont % I Done I et c • I I 1 I 1 'I I 1 _J % 1 YEAR 2 Nursery 'for replacementL ea 40 0.17 0.10 0.05 0.15 1 4 2 6 Weeding (2 ) ea 800 0.02 0.20 0.20 18 160 160 Casualty replace- .ent ea 40 0.03 0.30 0.20 0.50 1 12 8 20 Pay of Hali ea 1/50 3000 3000 60 60 Vebiclea L.S. SO 50 50 Fencing msint. Hd 2 9 9 2 18 18 Subtotal Year 2 22 254 2 58 314 YEAR 3 Protection and Fencing Maintenance 50 1-11(") rfW ~ , . .1:'0 lusr12/aspab/beverlyb/NATSOCFOR/rajmodd2a.c !)-6-8~ Page 1 HODEL D.2a and D.2c: Road and Canal Side Strip Plantation STATE; RAJASTlIA,. PEl HECTAR! ANALYSIS OF HODEL COSTS, ANNUAL (Rs) Month ITEM of Work I UNIT I I UNIT COSTS {Rs} I TOTAL COSTS (Is} I T When Expenditure I Ha, _, I No. of I Labour I Haterials Vehiclesl Tot,al Labour Haterials I Vehicles Total I F.E. Pby T .R. I Work I Kg, Mt,l Unita I MD ICost I Qty I Cost Cost I MD ICost Qty I Cost I I Re. Cont % I Done I etc. I I I I I I I I I ~- 1 YEAR 0 11 - 3 Fencing • purchase mxlOOO 2.04 2200 ll!) 2.04 4529 683 5212 SOIL WORkS 2 - 3 Site Clearing ha I 5 45 45 5 45 45 2 - 3 Aligfllllent ha I 0.3 1 3 0.1 1 1 2 - 3 Pitting 50 cill ea 240 .50 .50 13 120 120 2 - 1 Pitting 60 cml ea 60 .60 .60 4 16 16 HUI SEll. 9 - 3 Plants, large ea 110 .n .25 .40 4 17 28 4!) 9 - 1 Plants, slIa11 ea 990 .10 .10 .20 10 99 99 198 2 - 1 Mali Hut ea 1/4 61 600 17 1!)0 no Transport, Mille 1!)0 150 no 49 410 46!)6 811 !)9!)9 llM...! 3 - 5 Fencing erection mxlOOO 2.04 127 1145 1145 260 2336 2116 AligDlllent ha 0.6 6 6 0.6 6 6 4 - 6 Pitting !)O cml ea 560 .60 .!)O .50 31 280 280 4 - 6 Pitting 60 cill ea 140 .01 .60 .60 9 84 84 8 lepitting ea 100 .06 .5 .50 6 50 !)O 2 !) Trenching ]xl m 1000 .06 .5 60 !)OO 500 NURSERY 4 - 6 Plants. large ea 110 .20 .10 .10 2 22 11 11 4 - 6 Plants, small ea 990 .10 .05 .15 11 99 50 149 Plants, replacements ea 110 .10 .10 1 11 11 22 HIC"l rtW m ~ Page 2 MODEL D.2a and D.2c: load and Canal Side Strip Plantaion STATE: RAJASTIIAN PEl HECTARE ANALYSIS OF MODEL COSTS. ANNUAL (Is) Month ITEM of Work I UNIT I UNIT CO'STS (Is) I TOTAL COSTS (Rs) T When Expenditure I Ha. _. I No. of Labour I Materials Vehiclesl Total Labour Materials I Vehicles Total F. E. I "hy IT. R. I Work I Kg. Mt.1 Units MD ICoat I Qty I Cost Cost I HD ICoat Qty I Cost I as. I Cont I % I Done I etc. I L_ ~_ I I I --11_ _ _-L-_--1 L __~---.l _ _ 1 PUNTING' Transport & handling ea 1000 .03 .10 .Il 3 30 100 130 Planting Labour ea 1000 .2 .20 22 200 200 Insecticides Kg 1 100 100 100 100 Seed Sowing Km 1 2 18 18 2 18 18 Seed Kg 4 5 20 20 20 20 Vatering 6xyr ea 200 .02 .2 .2 27 240 240 Vatering 2xyr ea 800 .02 .2 .2 36 320 320 Weeding 6xyr ea 200 .01 .1 .1 13 120 120 Weeding ea 1800 .01 .1 .1 40 360 360 REPUCEHENT Transport ea 100 .03 .10 .Il .3 3 10 13 ,lant ing J.abour ea 100 .02 .20 .20 2 20 20 Inaect icides Kg .1 Litre 100 100 0.1 10 10 Mal i -10 months ea 0.25 3000 3000 70 625 625 Vehicles 100 100 100 Fence Maintenance 100 100 100 595 5324 202 110 5636 HIC"l "w (1) a .j:>- Page 3 HODEL D.2a and D.2c: Road and Canal Side Strip Plantation STATE: IlAJASTIIAN PER HECTARE ANALYSIS OF HODEL COSTS, ANNUAL (Rs) --,._-- Month ITEM of Work I UNIT I UNIT COSTS (Rs} I TOTAL COSTS {Rs} T When Expenditure I Ha, m, I No. of Labour I Materials T .R. I , Veh iclesl Total Labour Materials I Vehicles I Total F.E. Phy Work I Kg. Mt,l Units HD ICost I Qty I Cost Cost I HD ICost Qty I Cost I I Rs. COlil % I Done I etc. I I I I I I I .I % 1 YEAR 2 NURSERY Plants ea 110 .10 .05 .15 I 11 6 17 Watering 5xyr ea 200 .02 .2 .20 22 200 200 Watering 2xyr ea 800 .02 .2 .20 36 320 320 Weeding 5xyr ea 200 .01 .1 .10 11 100 100 Weeding 2xyr ea 1800 .01 .1 .10 40 360 360 REPLACEMENTS Transport I bandling ea 100 .03 .10 .13 .3 3 10 13 Plants labour ea 100 .2 .02 2 20 20 Insecticides Kg 0.1 Litre 100 100 10 10 Mali ea 0.25 333 3000 3000 83 750 750 Vehicles 100 100 100 Fence repair 6 50 6 50 50 195 1814 16 110 1940 YEAR 3 Watering 5xyr ea 200 .02 .2 .20 22 200 200 Weeding 5xyr ea 200 .02 .2 .20 11 100 100 Weeding 2xyr ea 1800 .01 .1 .10 40 360 360 Mali ea 0.25 333 3000 3000 8l 750 750 Vehicles & Haint 4 40 100 140 4 40 100 140 160 1450 100 !550 -~ -- - Hln n Vol m ~ Page 4 MODEL D.2a and D.2c; load snd Canal Side Strip Plantation STATE: RAJASTHAN PEl HECTARE ANALYSIS OF MODEL COSTS, ANNUAL (Bs) Montb ITEM of Work I UNIT I I UNIT COSTS (Is) I Labour I Materials I TOTAL COSTS (Bs) Materials I Vehicles I T When Expenditure I Ba, _, I No. of Vehiclesl Total l.sbour Total r. E. Phy I 'T .1. I Work I Ig, Mt,l Units I MD ICost I Qty I Cost Coat I MD ICost Qty I Cost I KII. Cont I z I Done I etc. I I I I I I I I I -,--_1 YEAI4 Watering 5xyr ea 200 .02 .2 .20 22 200 200 Weeding 5xyr ea 200 .02 .2 .20 11 100 100 Weeding 2xyr ea 1800 .01 .1 .10 40 160 160 Mali ea 0.1 1000 1000 11 100 100 Vehicles 100 100 100 100 106 260 100 1060 YlAB 5 Mali No 0.1 1000 1000 11 100 100 Vehicles 100 100 100 11 100 100 400 Cost Summar! of Models I and II Labour Msterials Vehicles .I!rul Sl1lIImary Year MD Cost 0 451 470 4656 811 5959 1 595 5124 202 110 5616 2 195 1814 16 110 1940 1 160 1450 100 1550 4 106 960 100 1060 5 --.ll 100 100 ~ 1141 10400 4851 1151 16808 Cuiarat Econ Cost Summary - Roads 1 & 2 *0.7 *0.8 *0.8 Econ I Finan CF Lab Mat. Veh. 116 4191 4707 - .79 1727 1270 250 101 177 1171 ... 7 Hln 1'1'(...) - .7 1015 80 1095 '"' .7 m 672 80 752 ... 7 P- 210 80 290 •• 7 --..I •••.. - - ......... Page I Hj)DEL D.2b: Railside Strip Plantation STATE: RAJASTIIAN PER HECTARE ANALYSIS OF HODEL COSTS, ANNUAL (Rs) Honth ITEM of Wort( I UNIT I UNIT COSTS (Ra} I TOTAL COSTS (Ra} I - T When Expenditure I 11;:-;, I No. of Labour I Hateriah Vehicles I Total Labour Haterials I Vehicles f Total F.E. I l'hy T .R. I Work I Kg, Ht.1 Unita HD ICost I Qty I Coat Cost I HD ICoat Qty I Coat I I Rs. I CHllt % I Done I etc. I I I I I I I I I J_%~ 1 YEAR 0 11 - 1 Fence Constr. IIxIOOO 300 211 1900 510 63 510 510 (Trench & Sow) 2 - 3 Site Clear ha 1 S 4S 45 5 45 45 Alignment ha I I 9 9 1 9 9 Pitting 50 cm3 ea 400 0.06 0.50 0.50 22 200 200 NURSERY Ornamental Plants ea 440 0.05 0.15 0.25 0.40 7 66 110 176 Fuelwood Plants ea 880 0.03 0.10 0.10 0.20 10 88 88 176 Hali ea 1/4 61 600 600 17 150 150 Hisc. Transport 150 ISO 150 150 Maintenance 9 85 85 9 85 85 ~4 1213 198 150 IS61 YEAR I 3 - 5 Fence Constr. ..x1000 700 211 1900 1900 148 1330 1330 (Trench & Sow) Pitting 50 cm3 ea 800 0.06 0.50 41 420 420 Repitting (10%) ea 120 0.06 0.50 7 60 60 NURSERY Ornamental ea 440 0.02 0.20 0.10 10 88 44 132 Fuelvood ea 880 0.01 0.10 0.05 10 44 132 Replacements ea 100 0.01 0.17 0.08 2 8 25 Hln r1'W m .p.. Page 2 HODEL D.2b: Railside Strip Plantation STATE: RAJASTIIAN PER HECTAIE ANALYSIS OF HODEL COSTS, ANNUAL (Is) Month ITEM of Work I UNIT I UNIT COSTS {Be) TOTAL COSTS {IS) T When Expend iture I Ha, m, I No. of Labour I Materials Vehicleal Total Labour Materials I Vehiclea Total F.E. !'hy T ~I. I Work I 19, Mt.1 Units MD ICost I Qty I Cost Cost I MD ICost Qty I Cost I Is. I Coot % I Done I etc. I I I I I I I I 1 Trenching .3 x .3 m m 1000 0.06 O.~ o.~ ~6 ~OO SOO Transport & lIandling ea 1200 0.03 0.10 4 36 120 IS6 Planting Labor ea 1200 0.20 27 240 240 Insecticide Litre 1.2 litre 100 120 1.2 120 120 SOWiNG 1m 1 2.00 18.0 ~ 1 ~ I'!! 2 18 IS 33 Watering 6xyr Plants 400 0.02 0.2 ~] 480 480 Watering 2xyr " 800 0.02 0.2 36 320 320 Weeding 6xyr It 400 0.01 0.1 27 240 240 Weeding 2xyr If I. 1800 0.01 0.1 40 360 360 REPLACEMENTS Transport If 100 0.0] 0.3 3 10 13 Planting It 100 0.02 0.20 0.20 2 20 20 Insecticide Litre 0.1 Litre 100 0.1 10 10 Mali 10 months ea 1/4 3JJ 3000 3000 70 625 625 Vehicles 100 100 100 Maintenance 115 13 115 II~ 554 4960 241 230 5431 HIC') rtW ~ .c:-- Page 3 HODEL D.2b: Railside Strip Plantation STATE: RA.JASTIIAN PER IIECTAR! ANALYSIS OF. HODEL COSTS, ANNUAL eRa) Honth ITEM of Work J IDrr! I UNIT COSTS (Rs) I TOTAL COSTS (Ra) I .T When Expenditure I Ha, m, I No. of Labour I Haterials Vehiclesl Total Labour Haterials I Vehicles Total F.E., I Phy T .R. I Work I Kg, Ht,l Units HD ICost I Qty I Cost Cost I HD ICost Qty I Cost I Is. I Cont % I Done I etc. I I I I I I I I .L 1 YEAR 2 Fuelwood Plants ea 100 0.01 0.10 0.05 O.tS 1 10 5 15 Watering 5xyr Plants 400 0.02 0.2 0.2 44 400 400 Watering 2xyr II 800 0.02 0.2 0.2 36 320 Weeding 5xyr II 400 0.01 0.1 0.1 22 200 Weeding 2xyr II 1800 0.01 0.1 0.1 40 360 REPLACEHENTS Transport II 100 0.03 0.10 0.3 3 10 13 Planting It 100 0.02 0.20 Litre 100 ·0.20 2 20 0.1 10 30 Hali ea 1/4 333 3000 3000 83 150 150 Vehicle/Haint 6 50 100 6 50 100 150 234 21 t:l 15 lIO 2238 /A Including plants direct sown in trenches. /~ Seed - Actual labour cost - Price 5 per Kg. HI" "1..0.:1 ~ J:'- Page 4 ~DEL D.2b: Railside Strip Plantation STATE: RAJAS111AN ,ER HECTARE ANALYSIS OF HODEL COSTS, ANNUAL (Rs) I ~onth ITEM of Work 'I UNIT UNIT COSTS (Rs) I TOTAL COSTS (as) T 'hen Expenditure I Ha, M, No. of I Labour I Materials Vehicles I Total Labour I Materials Vehicles I Total F.E. Phy T .R. I I Kg, Mt,l Units I KD ICost I Qty I Cost Cost I KD ICost I Qty I Cost Rs. Gout % I 1 YEAR 3 Water ing ~xyr Plants 400 0.02 0.20 0.2 44 400 400 Weeding 5xyr II 400 0.02 0.1 0.1 22 200 200 Weeding 2xyr II 1800 0.01 0.1 0.1 40 360 360 Mali ea 1/4 83 750 750 Vehicle/Maint 4 40 100 4 40 100 140 193 1750 100 1850 YEAR 4 Watering 5xyr 400 0.2 0.2 44 400 400 Weeding 5xyr 400 0.1 0.1 22 200 200 Weeding 2xyr 1800 0.1 0.,1 40 360 360 Mali ea 0.1 3000 3000 33 300 300 Vehicle/Maint 4 40 100 4 140 140 143 1300 100 1400 YEAR 5 Mali ea 0.1 3000 3000 33 300 300 33 300 300 I.abour Materials Trans~ort .'JQ.W u_arv l!tlu: KD Cost 0 134 1213 198 ISO 1561 1 554 4960 241 230 5431 2 234 2113 IS 110 2238 3 193 1750 100 1850 4 143 1300 100 1400 5 -11 ~ ~ 1291 JI636 454 690 12780 ~8 ) , ~ lusrI2/sspab/beveryb/NATSOCFOR/rajmodd2d 5-6-85 Page 1 HODEL D.2d: Flood Control and Tank Embankments Strip Plantation STATE: RA.JASTIIAN PER HECTARE ANALYSIS OF MODEL COSTS. ANNUAL (Rs) Month ITEM of Work I UNIT I I UNIT COSTS (Rs) I TOTAL COSTS (Rs) T When Expenditure I Ha. _. I No. of I Labour ! Materials Vehicles! Total Labour Materials I Vehicles Total F.~:. Ploy T .i. I Work I Kg. Ht.1 Units I HD ICost I Qty I Cost Cost I KD ICost Qty I Cost! Rs. % I Done I etc. I I I I I I I I! _-,-_ _ 1 YEAR 0 11 - 3 Trenching 2x3 2 ea 250 0.3 0.90 0.90 25 225 225 1-3 Seed Kg 4 20 20 20 20 1 - 3 Maintenance 3 30 3 30 30 28 255 20 215 YEAR 1 Fencing 100 4 - 5 Trenching ea 500 0.3 0.9 0.90 50 450 450 6 - 7 Soving Kg 4 2 18 lit i ~~ 18 7 - 12 Weeding,x2 Trench 750 0.01 0.1 o , 17 150 150 6 Mali Hut ea 1 150 150 150 6 - 4 Hali 10 month" ea 0.1 3000 3000 28 250 250 7 60 60 121 1018 • 1118 .!]ML1. 8 - 9 ie-Soving kg 1 5 45 5 5 5 45 5 50 1 - 12 Weeding x2 Trench 150 0.01 0.1 0.1 17 150 150 6 - 6 Mali Hut ea 0.1 3000 33 300 300 55 495 5 500 YEAR 3 6 - 6 Mali lIut ea 0.1 3000 33 300 300 33 300 300 YEAR 4 6 - 6 Hali lIut ea 0.1 3000 33 300 300 33 300 Labotlr Materials Transpor!. Total I I ~8 SUllllllarI Year ND Cost o 28 255 20 275 I 1 121 1118· 1118 I 2 55 495 5 500 I 3 33 300 300 I 4 33 300 300 I __ ~l~-,-- __ 251!L__ 25 _________ - ____ 2553 I ftalutban Suclil fo, .. lrr P,oject P,oduct dl,t"bution. Rato .1 r.t.,., .nd £ost UtUY"y to fornt Depart.e.. t 1IIlDEl 110. AI FAM fORESIRV 31 IIp,oyed i~trl Otc~ard. iper hi! 101 lolal held. , Prudu" Dlslrlbullon PRODOCI DIS~05AI ONII fOClOk 0 10 II 11 U It 15 16 11 18 19 20 21 21 23 24 25 26 21 28 29 10/. I.hl HUllS !DIal .1 0 o Il o 2 1 2 2 2 2 54 faraer un 0.1 \I o 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 ~2 ~2 L2 L2 ~2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 ~.4 h ... , ule 0.9 o u 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 I.B 1.8 I.B 1.8 1.8 t.B t.8 1.8 I.B 1.8 1.8 I.a 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 I.B 1.0 1.0 1.8 1.8 1.8 49.6 IREE fODDfR 101 III .t o o o 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 v.2 5.4 F.ult."f U5I!' o o o 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 6.2 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 11.2 0.2 iJ.2 (1.2 6.2 ~.4 fAlUN HOOD IIIIAl .t o o o L2 ~2 L2 L2 L2 L2 L2 L2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 5.4 F"'Ier us,t! o o o 0.2 0.2 0.2 U ~2 ~2 L2 ~2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 IJ.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 5.4 fbi Iotal (Dot itnd in Ill. fal ..clul and up.hd prousl ~~ IOiAl PEN£flIS PIIbOOCI DISPOSAL UNit fAtlOR 0 o ___6 __8 _9 _ 12 _ JO _ II _ 11 _ It _ 16 _ 15 _ 17 _18 _19 _20 _21 _22 _2l _24 _25 _n_21 _28 _29 _30 10101 fRICE fRom 1II1Al o II f.fler .'. IlIbl) 0.1 !~~MM~~~~~~M~MMM~M~MMM~~~MM~~ faller ule 1000 0.9 o o o ~ I~ I~ I~ ~ ~ ~~ I~ I~ ~ ~ ~ I~ ~ I~ I~ I~ 1_ I~ ~ ~ ~ 1_ I~ 1_ t~U~ IREf FODIl£R IDIAl o o o o 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 w w w w w w " w " w w w w w W " 40 I~O far •• , .se 2bO 0 Q o W W " W " W W W • W W W " W W W W I~O o " " " " " " " W " W fAlLEN NooD I DIAl t) o o " W " " W W " " W " " " " W " W W W " W 40 40 40 40 40 411 40 1080 h, • ., use 200 o o o OW" " W " " " • " W 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 1080 1.liIl to IMe, o 2090 2080 2080 2080 2080 209t) 2090 2080 2080 21)80 2090 2086 2080 2080 2~O 2080 2080 2080 208u 2080 2080 2080 2080 2uOO 2080 20BO 2uDO 56160 TOIAt COSIS Of HHlf.H/b 325 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 M 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 2M 200 200 200 200 2M 200 200 200 200 200 6125 Cosl to fO 125 0 0 0 000 o 0 0 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 0 o 0 () u I) o (I o o 125 [ust to Fua.,-n.trr ,al Co~1 o 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 51) 50 50 50 lI! 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 5(' 50 50 50 50 50 50 1500 Cost to Firle,-I.puled laho, Co,1 150 150 150 150 150 150 I~O 150 150 150 Ill! 150 150 151) 150 150 Ill! 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 I~O 4500 lei Ritl! 01 hlo"l .nd Co.t ,ecoy.,y to fo, •• t Dep.,I lIot lleneli Is ., IIndel ·325 -200 -200 t080 IBBO 1880 18BO 1880 1880 1880 1880 1890 1880 1880 1890 18aO 1880 180(' 1080 IB80 1980 10Bu 1880 18BO 18BO 1880 1080 1880 1080 1080 I~k 01 hod.1 0.9940 llet llehrlit! to fornl DOf"t. o -125 o o o o o o o o (/ o It o o o o o o IkR 01 fD lkR Nl'V III afnell Is to fD, disc ...,,1 ,.Ie' 0.12 ·112 Met Return. 10 fD in 1~8~ ptl •• , -125 11'&"'85 HIC"l rtW CD S VI ., , . r p, j',' lundlll"lUliedl 1101 ~en.flt to ~" ... -5\) -50 -50 2010 2030 2030 20lu 2010 2030 2010 2030 2010 2010 2010 2Ol0 2010 2010 2010 2010 20lu 2010 21110 1010 21110 2030 1010 MO 1010 10.10 2010 IRR HR Rotu.n. t. far.!!' 's I.bour IIIP"! o -150 -150 -150 1930 1910 1910 1910 19lil 1910 1910 "30 1930 1930 1910 1930 1930 1930 1910 1910 1910 1930 19lu '910 1910 1930 I9ll1 1910 IHI) 1930 1910. IRR fRR Ii I~es•• du•• aclUdIl~ Q(C.f i. yea, II Ih I.clud., ,"puted co,1 01 ul"llls and I....' '. l.bOllf II-Apr -8~ Hln M' W CD S I..n C3 Item 5 -:.. ::;; - ,~ . --. .::- =-. " - -<>. - .~ .; =- ..: l'~ ;. ;::. . ;.. .:. '::.. .:- -.r:~~ :. => -::: ---:~~ = => .:.;::; .0 '" .= . c o .. :. '" '" .. . .. ;2 j ~~a,~ IMAl I~ 15 I~ 15 ,~ 15 I~ 15 I~ 15 15 15 15 I~ 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 I~ 15 15 4~Q r ar." .,f :,tl 15 15 I~ 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 I~ I~ 15 ISo fAttlM MOO~ IIlIH!. .J 4':1 (1) 4f. MM. W M 4.) 4i. 4v 40 4il 4(1 4i1 ..., 4il 40 41) 41) 40 4'1 4.1 4,. 4" 4.. !(IN ~ araet IISf' :UH 4" 4." 4(1 M M W W M 4·) 4(' 411 4(. 4'; 4') 41! 41, 4') 4') 411 4" 4•.' 40J (1) 411 4ff ".' I04i! Ollt(k: lops 11l11il ,_, iJ u .) V 021) \1 u .) iJ 62(' u Ii 62" 180ti " o 1021) (I IRbO f.uHr sale l{.II:' it " 102') Q ') I) I) '.1 II !! I! bli! 101.1 15 15 lb5 665 855 855 "55 855 855 855 nI5 105 105 1115 855 855 855 855 855 855 9275 705 105 105 855 855 655 855 m 9Zl5 44050 IOIi\L tOSIS HI) 4ll") '8 5ti ~I 51) 50 50 50 51) 394 2548 98 5u 5(1 5t) ~o ~) 5f) 5t) )94 ~5:4B 96 50 s·' SJJ 5u 51) 5i,1 ~t) 5i. Ill89 10 fO Ib 410 18IY 47 iJ 0 0 0 V U o ~ I) iJ ./ (. " nl6 10 benelicur) - "ale"al co.t o m 302 25 i) u Q o ') 211 ,1)1 i:l 1018 Benefl'ldry I.puled labour co,1 iJ ~·\81 51 5.) 51.' 50 50 ij iJ 51) ~H ~IJ 181 2246 Il 5') St) ~J 50 ~o U S(I )(} 182 ~746 )J .) S,I 5<) " 54.1 '1 5(1 ~(. 5H 511 ~II 96]4 I[} ~al. 01 ~elu'n and Cost recovery to fure5t Denarhent let b.n.lils of "ode I 1II1 -HaS -B3 ~15 615 805 81,5 8i,S 80S a05 4bI 612) b07 b55 655 81)5 81lS 805 H05 81)5 4bl 07i1 b')) b55 b5~ 8i .S 8')5 8/15 8115 ~Il·, ~;2~ I~k 01 nod,1 0,1698 ••1 D.o.IIIs to Oeo.,hool -H') -IQu4 -~i ~bS ~b5 855 855 855 855 855 855 9215 105 7()5 105 855 855 855 855 855 65~, 'ins 71)5 M )05 &55 8~5 855 &55 855 Yi)5 IRk 0'ID IIIV 01 benehls 10 10, d,,,.uot rale [kk O.IL 1>199. Mel R.I.,,,, 10 n In 1~85 orl", 15271 lundhcouotedl (oajt •• 5.llon 10 beneflClarv b~ 1'0 II .~('Ij I) .) iJ I) ') o o ') ... ') I} 10' Ia~OO( I.pot Ik!l lII!nelll to beoel " .."., I, \I 1~15 15 2b5 665 855 855 855 855 855 643 8913 081} 705 105 855 855 855 855 855 64> 8913 681.. /115 M 8~5 a~.5 855 855 85~ ~:75 INR nR ~.t.r.5 10 k••• h"dr(i I.Ooor "-i466 ')6 il5 61~ 8('5 8('5 8"5 60~ 0(15 4bl 6721 bt)7 655 655 81)5 81J5 805 805 8115 Ibl tn! hill b~.5 b55 8'!5 805 91)5 8'J5 8/'J 9:;'5 input ld I"~" ,. Ihese valuei actual" o'u" In yur II Ib FO COils 01 Rs. IBI~ In vea, I Includes Rs l~itO p.. d 10 benelltu,y ai f!rhal cOlpens.IH,n lor labou, Input. Dept supplies seedlings !lilly and bentlJ(ury does all the (ioclud'n~ jnV .. te,,,1 0' b,ushwood I•• unq costs " re~uHedl Ic talcul.ted a, IQt~1 ~.nfIi15 less 'Hal.,ull C..h (o5ts, plus [oope.sallon to benell".q for I ~bour Inout. ! ~s. 121)1) pe, heclar. In ~'dI ld t.I(l,ht,d as 101.1 ~enel"s If" l"ale'(61)[05Is, less lIenefl,ury IIpuled labo.r c0515, plus coapenuhoo to be.efl ",~, ..:- ¢ .:::: -• -.., =- ,.;; ':..;:) ~ ... " .." '" ~ .. .. .. ~ ~ ~ ~.:.: .. f.?'ih: "' • GRAS:' 11<1111 15 I', I ~, 15 15 15 15 I~ I~ 15 15 15 15 15 I) 15 15 15 15 I~ 15 15 15 15 I~ 15 15 15 15 15 45v 'ar.~( lIt,E ~'I,I 15 15 Il 15 15 15 I~ 15 15 15 15 15 I~ 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 I~ 1.5 15 15 I~ 15 l5 4~O fhlHN NOOD Itlhll .. .) 40 4•.' 4(. 41) 41) 4'1 40 40 41! 40 4" 41) 4i) 4.) 4f! 40 41) 40 4v 4.. 411 41) 4U .\1.1 4', 4" IV~I) farler use :1111 4" 41! 4(, 41) '" 40 4(' 41! 4" 40 4(1 41. 4... '" ,,, 411 4., 41, 4t, 4(1 4,1 4v 4u 41,+ 4') 4') 11)4i) " 11lIIH: lups lOlAl u 621) IJ 611) 6;1) 18bO f arler sale 2!}u Ii 'J i) IJ II ij (. v I. " i) 62t) o (I " .) t) I! 62') I) ') l! \I fI bif} lebO 101.1 15 15 265 6&5 855 855 8S5 85~ 955 855 9215 165 165 105 855 855 855 955 855 055 ~m M 105 1,\5 855 955 955 U5:l 8~5 9~IS 44b~I) IDIAl [0515 41(1 ~jStJi) ~tj 50 ~) ~ ~) ~u l4J ~I) 394 2548 98 5t't ~ 51) ~I) ~) ~II 56 394 2548 'f8 51) St) ~i) ~t) 5(, ~(I ~(J ~IJ I H88 I. fD Ib 4F' 1819 41 Ii (I II iJ I) I) Ii I) i. 1216 " I) " 10 hpell(la.v ",11., .. 1 cost o ij 11 I) ;lilo2 25 o iJ Q n 212 it): 2~ 111/9 8epellcu" l.p"le~ labuur (ust " lbUI 51 l'J ~I 51) 5" 51) 5(1 5(1 182 2246 n 51) 5(' 50 50'1 5(- 5... ~.) 192 2246 n 51) 51) 511 ~t.l 51.' ~I.I 5a 5.. ~9J4 Ic I ~.I. of blur. and (osl reco,.,) Iii fo'~H O.porlunt Nel I s 01 "odel ,41') -~,465 'OJ 215 615 8~5 01)5 91)S 81/5 8jl~ 461 61i.7 601 655. 655 905 8i15 8\15 8')5 90S 4bl bill 601 655 b~5 8Q5 8115 01)5 911~ 0,,5 n?S IRR 01 hodel 1).1444 Mel ~e •• hls I. r~resl ".p"I •• nl -411.1 'IBi)~ ,31 :.5 665 855 955 85' 855 &55 955 'iU5 /(15 M 11)5 855 855 8~5 8~5 !i55 855 ~215 IV) 105 105 9~5 855 955 &55 855 9215 IRR of FD Hk NPY of 80llellls to fD, d, s{ou"1 (dte 0.12 bl~9 • • el to FD I. I'iB5 pr H~5 45214 I •• dis{ountedl [Olfensalloo to beroelioarv by f~ 1.1 .12(10 I) I, ') u u u 'J " 'J " '0'hbour Inpul llel &••• 111 to 8".0Ilcuflo. ic I, UI5 15 2b~ bb5 855 855 &55 855 B5'; 64) em 68'J 105 105 855 855 855 855 955 bU 8.1} 48'·' 105 h'5 855 855 8~5 m 055 9115 IRR Uk kflu,,,. to geneflciarv'. Iabou, " -;466 -lb 215 615 805 805 81)5 805 81)5 461 6nl 6111 655 655 805 8&5 9a5 90~ 9it.; 4bl bm 607 655 655 8(15 9'/5 8')5 805 81)5 9225 inpul Id IRR O.2b41 10 lhest vaJuf, .cloalt, occur 'n yoar JI Ib FO costs oj Ro. 1819 IA yeO( I ,n •• ft •• I.t a£luol •• d i.puled p"ttd lOlAl HUH liS f>ljOllUCI DISPOSAL UNII fACTOR " B 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 lohl PRICE FU£lIlOOO IOIAl o 0) o o o o o o o o o o o o 1100 3100 3100 1100 1100 0) o 1100 .14100 h •• e, U.. 200 0.3 o o u o o I) o (j o o 3100 3100 1100 3100 1100 '10 930 930 930 910 o o o o o 910 930 930 910 910 ° o (I o 9JI) W2l0 hn.r .. I. 200 0.7 o o 0) o o o ° o o o 2110 2170 2110 2110 21 to o o o 2170 2176 2170 2170 2170 o o o 2170 13870 SlW.l ""UlH IOIAl I) o o o Ii 0) o o 1600 890 880 BBO BBO o o o 1600 880 890 88.) 880 o o 1600 11840 hr •• r u... 400 0.1 (I o o o o o o 0) o o o 160 600 800 800 800 o o o o 169 600 800 800 800 o \I IbO 6980 f.r .er .. I. 40il 0.9 o o o o o o o o o II 1441. 80 Bil 80 80 o o o 1441i 90 90 80 80 Ii u 1441) 4960 fRUIIS lOIAl o o o II 200 400 600 900 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1Il00 1000 0 IIJOO 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 241)<)() f ....r Use tOOl) 0.1 o o o 20 40 60 80 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 lOt) 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 10i) 100 10.) 100 2500 faroe, "Ie IUQ<) 0.9 o Q 190 lbll 540 72iJ 900 900 900 YOU YOO '00 900 900 900 '00 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 '00 'Ou YOU 900 moo SEU pOOS IOIAI. o o 125 2S1l 4S1l 650 858 925 1000 1000 800 600 525 bO 450 650 850 925 1001. 1000 800 600 525 450 658 850 925 101)<) 1000 800 201110 FaraH s.aJe 75u u o 125 250 4S1l b50 850 925 100il 1000 8~O 1.00 525 4S1l 4S1l 6S1l 8!i1l '25 1000 1000 800 600 525 450 650 850 925 ".1)0 1000 800 20100 HIO rtW m OI·JoI,,·90 VI ., ~09" 1 IlIIASS lOIAl 11.:; l7.5 31.5 31.5 11.5 31.5 31.5 11.5 11.5 31.5 31.S 31.S 31.5 11.5 11.5 11.5 31.5 n.s 3U 31.5 31.5 31.5 31.5 31.5 37.5 11.5 31.5 11,S 31.5 31.5 1125 fo,.e, U.. 5<1 n.s 31.5 )/.5 31.S 31.5 31.5 37.5 n.5 31.5 11.5 31.5 37.5 11.S lU 11.S 31.S 31.5 31.5 H.5 31.S 31.S 31.5 31.S n.s 31.5 '1.5 31.5 31.5 31.5 ;7.5 1125 fALLEN Il000 IDlIll u o o U 20 40 60 00 lOll 100 100 100 100 lOll 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 I!)o 100 100 100 100 100 101) 100 2400 FMler llie 200 o 20 40 1.0 00 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 lUll 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 1110 2400 DIllER: I lip' TOIIll o o il o o o (\ (I II lOU 300 300 300 300 o o o o o 100 300 300 lOU JOO o o o lui) 3300 f.u ler §j Ie 201) o U o I) o o II o o o 100 lOu 1110 300 300 I) o o Il 300 lOO 300 300 30(1 o o 300 HOG lot.1 o 311 30 161 488 '00 1328 1148 2043 2138 2118 6910 11018 5943 5860 5868 180 1988 2063 m8 2138 6'38 6010 S941 5H60 6068 1989 1ti61 2130 1Il0 691B 9116S IDIAL CUSIS 205 2154 3003 3020 3051 2m 149 125 125 125 m 1546 ISlI 1511 1511 Il" ISil 125 125 125 291 1544 1511 1511 1511 1399 150 m 125 m 125 ~1525 To fD Ib 20S 1114 1130 1Il0 1138 933 24 u il 00000 I) 1/ o IJ U o 0 000 1/ o I) o o 5690 108enefocury H.te,ul colit 000 0 0 0 o iI o (I 104 251 210 210 210 Ib4 Il o j) 0 IvII 251 210 2/0 210 \64 Il o (I I) Q 2100 Heneflcu,! loputed liboor ,o,t Ii 1040 1065 1990 I9IS 1940 125 m 12~ 1,5 191 1209 1301 1301 1301 t2lS Il7 125 125 125 191 12M 13411 IlOI nOI 1235 m 125 12S m m 24m let ~dte 01 A.I.,n and Cosl ,eco.ery to Fo,ed De~.'I.enl llet lienelll, of Hodel ·2lJ5 -2311 -2966 -,864 -2566 -1166 1119 1623 1918 2liIl 1841 5392 4441 un 4291 H4Y bl8 1861 1'30 201l 1041 l192 4441 4312 4291 4669 IH38 ma 2(1( 3 1\>Ij 6911 IAI! 01 li0ii01 0.1502 Met llenelil. 10 fore!t Oep.,h.nt -105 '1114 -1118 -1Il8 -1138 -933 -24 o o o o 41 II o o o U o II I) IRR of fO (AI! Nl'V of benefit. I. fore.t lleparl. duc.,ate 0.11 -4181 llet ftet.,,,. 10 FO 1ft 1991 "Ice. -5690 tu.di s,ou"led I Coop,us.IIOft 10 80".11< 10' Iabou, Input It U" o 600 600 6ilO 600 400 41 o o 1/ o o o o U II o 1/ (I o o o Not llenelt I tu Benellnan •• /c o 638 410 16~ lilB8 1568 1328 1140 Ml me 2012 66BI 5148 561l 5598 5104 m 1900 Ml 2130 2ull 66BI mB 5613 5599 5904 1915 2f!6l mB 2IlB 6938 IRR £kit It.tu, •• to 8.nell" .. (, labour il -1M -1228 -ma -828 -432 1203 1m 1910 2O1l IH41 5192 4441 4312 4291 4469 638 1863 I9lB 201l 104t 5m 4441 4112 4291 4669 1030 1918 2011 201l 681l in,ul Id IH~ 0.2450 la 110 ••• v.h .. O[(U' In ~ . ., 11. Ii fD Costs uf fi" ,Ia.lallon include. R •• 600 paid 10 be.efiuaq a. putial ,napen •• lIon lor labou, lnpuh, Ie (al,.late ••• htal 1",,"fHs le55 (ft.t"i.1J [ ••h , •• Is, pl., [oljlu•• lioft to b.... h ...'y for laboor input, f R" 40') per hall bectare In ,u" I to 5 Id"hled as 10101 Benelils Ie.. Ift.te,i.lI,o,ts, I.u benehClary IIp.led laboor co.ts, pl •• COIjItIIUtiOll to b...elin_q lor libou, Input, f Rs. 460 pe, ball bectare in year. I to 5 It l.nd .1I.t ••nt 01 2.5 h. IS oIItalOed hlltl yeo' I, hence gr ... yield is de,ived fro. lh. ,",,01. 2.5 b. lut HIO rtW ~ 01- Jan 90 VI C3 Item 5 - "" - ,:,~ -- "" '" ....::- .-:, .: .'" Q ... c . '" N .:. .:- ,.";.:;; -- '" ~ = " " " .;. c " ~ -' .. - z:. " ... ~. ::~::! - -=-- '" • -0 i /"4 e :. SHO Pbll5 (OIPl I~ I~ I~ I~ I~ I~ ~u o t) I~j) I~O 151) I~II 1511 t5(r I~II 01 i~·{j l~,i) J~il .~{I I~II I~II ~(JlJii free (oll.~tjon ~'5') I~ I~ I~ I~ I~ I~ I~ '1 " I, 15u l~(i l5(1 151', 15" 151) 15') 01 (. 15',' i~fl 15il t5ft l:'Jo 15(, ~H(IH 6I!AS5 mhll Iii l.1 HI Ii', 10 I" 10} 1'1 1'.. 10 I') II) I') Ii' 1\. II) III I" /(. I.' 1(1 1(, 1'1 I', I.) 11:1 10) IIi II' I" :.Itl) fre. [Oller!!on 5~ •• III If, 11.' h' 1(, I" I') 10 Ii} Ii' I" Ii' II, HI /I.. Ii. "! 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TOTAL (Om U; i9bb 1I4 ~l)) 15.) 150) 51) 5(1 5(. 5(~ b74 :491) ~5J HII) 51) 51' ~t} 5<) 50 ~u 674 i49(t is} I()I:' 5(. 511 ~f) Su 511 ~u 5u L:f.1I1 fo fD W 19M U4 il)l.' 15':, t51:. Ii (. IJ .) (t ... (. i) II .. " lOll/ lu ",nch'I,t II Ii • 51) 51) 5') 5<) 614 ~W, ~51 1(":' ~(t 50 5(1 51) 51} ~,II bl4 :49(' ", .J> 1(.. 1 5(t 5'.' ~II ~.I:' ~I'I 51'1 51.1 ;&84 ILl R.t. 01 Return and t.,t I e(o ••ry to Foresl Oeparhe,,1 IItI ~'Aell h of ""del -9::1 ~19')b -41)4 Iftu ~14ti 'J(j I~il t5il I~H iSI) -2]4 H't) -3 lSi, 2tl l,I n'.J JSt) }:1f) i51) ~5" -2'4 419(1 .J t51) 20(1 ;:-'IJ j~(. 1St, )~ft ;5(1!) IkR 01 "odel v.II)4 ,..,1P~Aellts 10 fo.e,1 Dfp,rt.e.,t ·~~'l -iqb6 -414 -:iJII -151) -15fl 0) ... (. Ii () II ... () I~R 01 FG [f;~ Nf'V 01 DEneflts 10 fD, dlHounl rat. ').Ii -41;[, Nel ~flur •• In F& In 190:, PfI(e; -49i11 lundl.,ounledl ><, ~.t beaellls 10 1'loth'lal (I -~(. -5v -5~j -5') -614 WI\) -153 -1(>(. -51) 2J5d .~ -~.} -5'" -5(1 -614 3ft,t) '",.JJ -1111. -:'1) . 51) -51.1 -511 . Sf) -~1.1 I{)~(j IRG 01 Pan(h'Yoit ',',~J~ /01 Ib.~•• alue~ oI<1ualll o«(ur IA ~." 31 In 1-1 rtw m U1 I1-Apr -D~ .. t09" I R'J151h.n SoCIal Fore.Iry Projod Produd d.. tribuU •• , hte 01 ret.rn, and Coil r"ove" to Fore.t Oep .. tlenl nollEl NO. D: WASlElAN& flANIAIlOIfS FOR COIIIIUNiIY NEEDS I. Reb.bilrlited De...ded Fore.t L•• d. W.p..-he.t,n •••• odl I,.r h) 101 lotal Yield. , Produrt D,.t"hull •• PRODUCI DISPOSAt IIII! t FAC10~ 6 10 II 12 U 14 15 16 11 18 19 20 21 22 2l 24 2S 26 27 28 29 Jill. lolal FUElNooD lOlA! .1 l) o o o o o l7 o o o o l1 o o o t) l7 III FD 5.10 O.l o o o o o Q tt.l o o ~ 11.1 o o (. o o 11.1 B.3 Ibll ... ket pflce, Fr ee ,"I loti 0.7 o o \) o II o 2S.9 o o o o o o o 25.9 6 25.9 n.1 SEED PODS J6IAl .1 o u 2 2 hee (0110(1 o o 2 2 2 2 2 56 GliASS 100Al at o 0.2 0.2 o.~ 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 Q.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 u 0.2 0.2 i).2 6 II e. collod o 0.2 1i.2 0.2 V.2 0.2 O.~ 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 \l.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 11.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 U 0.2 0.2 FALLeN WOOD IOIAl .t o 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 1).2 0.2 0.2 5.6 Iree .2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 (1.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 v.2 U.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 5.6 DINER. lops JOUl .1 12 free collect o o o o o o o o o o o o o o (} o o 12 Ibl 10t.1 to.t .ad b••• lits 'n R•• lill "t •• 1 .nd l.p.t~d ,rite,1 IOIAl &fNEflIS fHODOCI &ISPOSAL l1li11 fAClIlR 0 10 II 12 Il 14 15 16 J1 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 21 28 29 Ju lolal PRICE FU~lWOOb 10lAl o o o o u o o (I o o 1400 o o o o Ii o 7400 o o o o o 740u 222110 FD Sole 200 O.l o v o o o \I o o o o 22~li o II o () o 2220 o (j o n~o 6660 16/1 .arke! price) FrfO roll"t 200 0.1 o o o (I o ~180 o o o (I o ;190 ;) u I) 5180 15540 SEED P!lilS JOIAl o o o 500 500 500 500 SOO 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 50i) 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 14000 I ••• collect 250 Q o 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 ~0<1 500 500 500 500 500 SOil 500 500 500 SOO 500 500 SOO 500 500 500 t4V.)U 6RASS 101Al o 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Iii 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 100 Ir •• (0110(1 50 o 10 10 II) 10 10 10 Iv 10 10 10 to 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 16 10 10 10 10 10 10 lu 10 100 fAll EM NOIIO IOIAl o w w w w w w u u u u u w u u U WOW W 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 4v 40 1120 Ir •• toll.d 200 • w w w w w w w w w u u u w o U W W U W 40 40 40 10 40 40 40 40 40 1120 DIllER: lop5 I6IAl o o o o o 01 o 600 o o o Ii o 800 o ;) o o 800 2400 lree tollett 100 o o o o o o o o II o 000 o o o o o 800 o o o o 800 2400 lot.1 o 10 10 550 550 550 550 550 550 5:i!.1 5:i!.1 550 81:i!.1 S:i!.I 550 550 550 550 550 550 5~0 8150 550 550 550 550 SSO 550 5~0 550 8150 40020 fO .. 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R.te 01 htur •••d c.,! fO,uverr t. fur •• t Deport ••• t ---~~ ~-~-- ~ _._-- ~------ Net itA_ills 01 lIndel -21>1 -1011 -104 5O~ 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 8100 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 8100 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 8100 IRA 01 nodel o.m, liel Be._III!> to fored O.p.rltenl -261 -lil81 -314 -50 -St) -50 -50 'SO -50 -50 -so -so 2110 ·50 -so -56 -5U -so -50 -50 -so 2110 -50 -50 ~!iO -50 -50 -so -50 -511 2110 lillt 01 fD 0.0590 IIPV of Benefits to H, d'~[IHI"t rat. ~ 0.12 ·9~1 liet Relurn!> to 10 i. 1985 pI He. l592 (un~"luunhdl ----------~-- 10 fh.if .. Iue ••ctuoll t O(lU' in yu, 11 H\O I'1"W m ApI il 12, 1995 VI .' /up t \ R.Id,tha. 50, .. 1 fO'05tr, ho,.d hodoct 11l5tflbutlllfl, R.t. 01 return, .nd Cost r.cov.ry to fo,.st Oep.d ••• t HU~lI NO. D: WASIHANO PlANIAlION5 f Ok COltIft)NIII MtEDS La: ~o.dsid. Strip fl •• tallon. HaAaqedl (per hoi! Iii lotd li.ld~ , !'rodu,t Dislr Ibulloo PkOlltlC1 DISrO~Al UNIf fAI:Illk /. 10 II 12 n 14 15 II. 17 IB 19 liI II ,2 2J 24 is ?b 27 :0 lV 1Mb 101.1 fil(lliflOb /01 IOIAl .t o o o I.v JU Q IJ O.B '} 14.5 o 'J.b o (J i( (I 14.5 105.9 Panch.'I.t ~ o Ii 1 QH.S IJ II o 0.8 t} (J 34.5 Q 0.6 /I 14.5 105.9 DIstrtbulIOn I'IH /. 1014l .1 o o o i41) o Ii Ii 2')0 I) Ii o ~ 160 o b~" 10 SIt. sale ".5 o o 120 o I) (/ 100 Ii o /I 81) ;1)(1 141.', lit pr ice' fb Vepot ~.S v o o 120 (J (} 1')0 I) II tI Oil I) o lOI) (5":t .It price! SHAt L flHoER !DIAl Cli • o fJ ~ Ii I) Ii I) 22.2 o Ii Ii Ii 2",4 I,) o 12. Z 1.6.6 fD e •• ot o Ii I) I) 22.2 I) il o V 22~'l o o o I) 22.1 b6.6 1611 .U .rlfel SHO PODS IOIAl .t o o i).8~ iJ.8~ 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 Ii Ii 0.85 0.85 0.85 IJ.B5 0.05 i'.85 0.85 /I v 0,05 (~.BS 1).85 11.85 1I.8j '.1.85 II fr •• coll.ct U v.8~ u.8~ 1J.8~ (',85 '(.65 ('.85 ').85 6 fJ 0.85 0.85 0.05 '!.85 ('.85 0.05 ('.05 o f) ll.8~ 1,.85 l))l5 ~J.U~ (1.85 t).Q~ 11 GRASS IOIAl .t o ').2 ('.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 I).~ 0.2 v.2 0.2 v.l 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 ('.? 0.2 1).2 0.2 0.2 o.i iI.2 0.2 0.2 11.2 v. Z v.2 fr •• (olle,t 1).1 0.2 0.2 0.2 (},~ 0.2 O.~ ').2 11.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 ').2 0.2 i'. 2 0.1 0.2 . •• O, 1).2 O., " li.2 fALUN NOOO 1011\1. free (olle,t .t i. (; o o o ~z ~Z ~2 ~2 ~Z ~2 ~2 0.2 u.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 U U 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 ., I) ' • 1),1: 5.2 I) 0.2 0.2 0.2 U 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 i •• 2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 o~£ fl.2 Q~2 ').1 0,2 1),2 I}.,' 5.2 Otll£~: lops T01Al free colle(t .t o " o Ii o Ii o o Ii o u 3.4 I) Ii o (j I.J (j \) 3.4 ~ .. o o o o I) o 1.1 3.4 l.. 10.2 1".2 Ihl lolal ccst .nd benelits In Rs. (at attual and Ilputed pri(e;! IOiAl UNH I1S f'ROOUe I OI5PO!>Al IJHII fA[lQ~ o 10 II II Il 14 IS 16 11 18 19 ;'0 21 22 II ~4 1~ 21. n '/8 1~ 30 101.1 fiil[[ fbEtWOOD /a lOlA! I} u Ii o o Ii o v ,'Ui) 6'iJO Ii o o 160 69(10 ,I 120 ,) 691)0 21181• f'dildlavat 2\'11' o o Ii o 21)0 6900 o 1M o 1.900 (21) U b~I") 2(181) &l>lflbultoll tULE 101 III (( I) Ii 1360 o I,) o o o 281)1) o o 2240 II 84(1) fD Site ule 1\ 0.5 () () Ii 11.8.) o " o (} I4iJO o o o mO (I 42(1) WIt .It p'Hei H ~epnl 14 iI.5 o Ii o I} Ib80 o (} v o 1400 o o o il 1120 o o 42,)(, 15')l lit pflCf. HI<.l rtW ~ SHAll mOER lOlA! II IJ () Ii o 8080 II o ii o Ii 8800 o I) o o 8880 1b64u fD Hpnt 4(1i. I) o o Ii o Ii 8801.J o o o o o 8880 Ii o o 8880 7664') (611 III p",.' V> n'Apr-05 1'4,(' ~. SEED PODS I filA!. 'i v o 0212.5212.5112.5212.5212.5 Z12.5 212.5 I) II m.5 112.5 m.~ <12.5 2Il.~ 212.5 m.5 o U "'2.5 21Z.5 211.5 iI2.~ 21Z.5 112.5 41~11 (oiled l5iJ II 0212.5 212.5 m.~ 21~.5 211.5 212.5 112.5 ~ 0212.5 m.5 212.5 212.5 m.5 212.5 ~12.5 o o 0212.54.'12.5 212.5 ~12.5 ~12.~ ~'12.5 4Z5',i GRASS IOl4l tU 10 IV IV 10 I') IV 10 liJ 10 HI 10 10 10 141 10 10 10 10 Iii 10 10 10 10 10 HI 10 10 II) 10 ~(}l) free collecl 5(. Ii' II} Ii! I" I'; 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 If) 10 Iii II} II) H' II} 10 10 10 10 1(1 lu Iv iiI !(I 10 II) jlJv 1~IlEN ~OOD IOIAl " o w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w " w w w w • W M M I~" Fre(' (oIJf!ct 1(111 II 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 4') 40 40 40 4') 4') 41) 4(0 4/1 40 4() 41) 46 4() 40 40 4') 41, 1\.41.1 OIlH: lops 10If.1. (I o I) II I) I) I) 60i) o o o iJ f) I) 680 o II o b81) 1,,4(1 free (oll&t 2\'{~ o o II II o 680l /I I} o o 680 o o iI 6811 2')411 lotal (, II) 10 10 10 265 26l 261 nl 18n 2t.l16123 50 511 50 26.1 263 3m nl m 263 16725 5') 5(1 50 nn 26l 263 ~6) n J lun 6 ~8~() Free 10 .111 a~e,. I) II) 10 10 10 261 263 263 ~h3 ib 1 263 943 50 50 50 263 Z61 263 2~1 263 261 943 50 51) ~o 26J 263 2b1 ?6l t6~ 941 16lv I'an,hayal dlStnbutloo I) II i} o II o 2fJIJ II 69(00 o o 0) o 160 \l o 69(1{) 0) II /I 120 Ii o b91.0 WOO fD Sales II II 0) II mo iI 8800 0) 0) o o 2000 iI o o 888Q I) t) 2241) u II I} 8880 )~u4(J IOIAl COSTS OF IIIt1CH 5959 5656 1940 15~O 106/1 4~1) (0 II 1>66 2914 1640 1250 160 400 0) o b06 2914 1640 1150 1611 400 u ,H1S tosl to ED 59~9 ~.6;6 1940 1~~I) lObO 4')0) 0) 0) I) 666 2914 164') 1250 160 41)0 I) 0) p 66b 1914 1640 1250 lb') 4.}.) Ii .' ;l9,S 1£1 lilh 01 ieturft and Cost ,p(o'e,y to FOfest DOjIarllenl Hpi Defteh I s of IIod,1 -5959 -~6lb -19ii) -154') -11)50 -n8 26J 263 26J 3825 -41)4 nm -1590 -1201) -110 -BO 263 ,Z2l 263 Zt.3 -41)4 15149 -159v -12('1) -ItO ms m ~6J ~6J l6J t6m IRa 01 "od.1 6.UW ""I Den.hls 10 loreit Dopa,l.enl -59~9 -5616 -mo -1550 -luM -4(11) II 3160 -6b6 591)6 -164') -11511 -160 -tvll o 28,;0 I) -666 59ilb -IMu -1150 -760 194u Ii 8880 IIiR 01 fD O.OOBt. Ml'V ul Benellt> 10 ED, dl~(UURI 'ale' 0.12 -lilli. Het Returns 10 fD In 1985 l'rI(e~ JII5 lundlicoonled I I. rolP Ind fuel Yields fr.1 Eu(dI~pluS hav, bl!l!A ..du(ed by 2111 for stuAjI "'hilly al e.e'r Cllt. IIor. thaR 0 •• saleable pule pe, tree. )b Ihe5e Hlues aclually GCCU' In .ear 31. HI(' rtW ) m V1 15-~r-85 I I ~jl$l , kald,th •• ~olul for •• try ~roJ.d hod.ct dlslrlbut.on. j(~te 01 fetu, n, and •• ,,1 ,.covery to forest OepJrt.e"t ftOOfl NO. ~; W~SlHANO ~IANIAlION 10k LO""tlHlIY NHDS i.b: RailSIde Stnp I'hnt.toons Wepart ••nl ",nagedl Iper hal I~I lotal Yields l hodull DIStributIOn ~RODULI OI5f'(I~AI UN II r .(([,k 10 II 12 IJ 14 15 Ib 17 10 1'1 20 11 t2 2) ,'I ~~ 26 2! ,8 ,. ;'". 10t.1 IU[lNooD 1~11\l v o o o 9 6B I')B bnch.yal "' u o 1I 26 Ztl V o Ii 20 20 I) ~o 11,8 Dlstf'~ullo. 5"111 l ""~fH IDIIII. ,[U • iJ u t) o o o I~ I) iJ (, 10 .) I) ~ 'J ~I} FD heDnl iJ (I o i) 10 {j (0 II 10 (. Ii, jll Ibn all pr"e! SHD ~ODS 100Al .t II o U 1.5 1.5 1.5 L5 1.5 U (, u 1.5 1.5 1.5 L5 1.5 1.5 1.5 u 1.5 1.5 1.5 U l.~ 1.5 1'1 Fffe (oilect o I) (I L~ 1.5 1.5 L5 L5 1.5 1.5 o I) 1.5 1.5 1.5 U 1.5 1.5 1.5 (I U 1.5 1.5 1.5 J.~ 1.5 ~il GRASS IOIAL .t 'i 0.2 Q.i 1I.~ ').2 1),2 (1.2 0.2 ,),2 ",1 v.2 Q.2 1),2 0.2 (1.2 (J.2 0.2 0.1 &.2 'i.! 0.2 0,2 0.2 iJ.l 1).2 0.2 ".2 li.2 u,2 0.: ".2 6 free rollert (I (1.1 ".2 0.2 1I.2 0.2 0.2 (1.2 {I.? 0,2 (1.2 0.2 0.2 u,2 (1.1 iJ.? (1.2 0.2 0.2 0,2 0.2 Uti IJ.2 0.2 (J.2 i'.~· 0.2 (I.? (t.l (1.2 lI.t I. fAltEN NooD WIAL .t (l O. 2 O~2 I).I 0.2 U 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 11.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 1).2 0.2 0.1 u 1),2 o. ~ ').2 0.2 0.2 v.2 0.2 'r •• (ollett U 0.2 O.~ O.i ('.2 0.2 0.2 11.2 0.2 0.2 /1.2 0.2 0.1: 0.2 (t,2 0.2 0.2 v.2 v.2 0.2 0.2 ~). :' o.;? 0.1 0.2 i/.2 0.2 5.2 olin: lops IOIAt .t \l /I II i} I) o II o I) /, 6 Fr •• collect ') II o I) I) II h (hI lolal rosl .Ad beneilis 10 Rs. tal .d •• 1 and IIpuled pores' IOIAI [:EHEfIlS f'ROOOC I 0 IS"OSAI IJNIl fAC1U~ 10 II 12 B 14 15 16 11 18 19 10 11 2J 24 ,5 2b 27 2H ,9 30 Totd PRI([ fUllllOOD IOIAL (; /I I} o II 4000 o II II 40')0 o o o 11611V 11601} ranch.)al ,60 (. Il I) 4001} I) I) o 401).) I) o o I lbi'l' 1161,111 0151"001100 SMll IIHDlk WIAL ,} ,) o o () 4~1.t& I} II I) V 40')0 I) o I) 40110 12"011 f D Depot .'1') I) I} I} 4(111) 9 o 6 o 40.,0 I) I} 401.1(1 12(11)() 1611 .It 0"''' ~E[O tODS IOIAI Il m ll5 115 lIS m 315 115 I} m ll5 m m m 175 ~15 o ~ m m m .115 m m 1500 free (olletl i~u o o l~ n5 3~ U5 l~ J~ l~ o m m m m m m m o I) ~75 m m .175 H5 115 751)11 GRASS IMAt It) IQ 10 HJ 10 10 1/1 III Ii} 10 10 10 10 II} 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Iii Iv 10 10 10 10 10 1·)1) fr.e (all erl ~j. I') 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 IU If, 10 10 IIJ 10 lu IIi 10 Iv Ii) Ii, 10 10 10 IV 10 10 II) 10 }(;c) IALLEN NOOD 10lAL I) • • • • • • • • • M • • • • W M W 40 40 4" 4(1 40 41i 41) 40 40 "14/) free (ollecl ~"u {) 40 41> 40 40 40 40 40 46 41i 40 .0 40 40 .0 4() 4u 4~ 40 41) 4(. 4(/ 411 41) 40 40 40 Ii'." H\C"l rtW ~ 15 Apr -85 VI .. I·.J~' : : OIlU: l"!l' IDIIil. I; 0 II I) !l 4iJO iI 0 I) /) \I ~ 4ilt; I) 4t/l} IZOu free [oliect 101,1 I) £) I) 0 () 4i)!) 0 I) \l II Ii 4(10 0 II 0 411(; 11OC:i • w __ __________ ~~~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,. ." lola! free 10 villdgers hfithivol 01 ,tnbult Oil I) II) III to 10 10 iii Iv iii ."' 'J 425 (. m 4]~ 4'< "' US 0 42~ 4~S (I m p< .J 415 8825 m 1m 0 40£)0 50 50 0 50 50 0 511 50 () 425 m II 425 4'< .J I) 425 m 0 4" .,< ,J 425 m II 415 4'< • J 8-".. 082~ ij 41,,)0 50 50 (I 5i, SO I) SO 50 m 42~ m 425 I) 425 4~5 ') m ,J 4~5 t84~5 4,~ 8Z5 IJ 'lbiJU 4>64(' 1fI.,4.) i Ib{ti~ f~ Sol •• () II 0 (J 0 I)4f,,)0 I) 0 /) 0 .) 0 4·It)1/ 0 0 0 4n(lI) 121.1I.~' IOIAI cu~rs Of WIIICH )~ld 5el me 1050 14(1(> J(1{t /) 0 615 IIIl 1m 1150 8<.11, ~,)t) /) I) bl5 lll1 16J8 t zso 8')0 311(1 /) I' ;;'B~i(1 Cost to IS I~.I S411 ';:21H 1&:;1) 14110 300 0 /) 0 m HI1 16J8 I,~' 81)0 10{) II /) Ii bl5 Hll 16,8 Il51) OilO ?.t)o I) I) l8~21.' lei ~.Ie 01 ~.tur. ond Cost r.,o,el V to for.,t Oeputunt llet (•••• f! t S 01 lIDdel -1561 -54ZI -n:8 -IB40 -1l9\1 m m us 4" " 11') Iql! 5/.)8 -1588 ~12i1O -/50 115 425 m m us -1911 5108 -1588 -li"11 -150 1:5 42~ 4" 15 881 -lbl8 mo -8(111 -J.);i 0 I) -m 88; -1618 -125') -800 ·3111) b ') 4(1,") IRk 01 fD -'.'."B2 IIf'V 01 B e" •• h to n, di stoont rote 11.11 -11581 Wet hlurol to fD in 1985 PrICes -1622'1 lund'5(ounledl "------ ",' _.. Ii Ih.s. ,dues .ctuilly .cc.r In year II HIC') "\..oJ 15-Apr-85 m VI ) IHe I R., •• II,.n Sonal for •• lrv ProJect hod,,£! dl.lobullon, Rat. 01 r.turfl, and (o,t reco,.ry to For •• t o.p.,t noon NO. 0: MASIfLAND fLANIAIION rOR [O"11UN1IY MHOS 2.<; Call.lslde Slnp fli"t.t IOu tOep.rI ••nt "aniqed. Ipor ha' t.1 lotal liol4s , /'roduct OlSt'lbutlon f'MUDOCI DI5fOSAt 111111 fA[!O~ ') 8 Iii II 12 Il 14 IS Ib 11 18 l~ ,oj 21 22 21 ,4 .J 16 21 ::0 ,9 "lib 101.1 ftl£ltlOOD I. TOlill .t t) (I I') I) 12.5 (I (I '.1 {. (; 12.5 1'1 Ib.~ b~.5 hnlh ••• t .) II IJ Iv .) IZ.5 (I II 8 Ii " 12.5 il Ii 10.5 65.5 DistobultoR I) I) " rOlE Ii IOIAl .t (t 960 (I 8110 II 641) Ii U ~4')O fO Silt sile 1).5 I' I) 'I U 40'1 II I) t:- .j 1/ 41)0 " 11 '.1 I) I} fJ j2fl (t II I:'IHt 14111 III pont fD Depot 0.5 il II l' .) (I U 4011 II .) I) ,) 4'll} .. I) J2(. II 'I I ,ill) 1501111 prlre' S"AlL WIliER IUIAL Cll I ',I 6.Z II !.j.~ (I II I) b.l II 4J.b fD Depot " Q (\ <) <) (\ 6.2 I) b.2 I) ~I.l 4l. b 1671 IU pr i ,.1 I) " I) 5E[0 PIJIIS IDIAl .t (I ') (, O.8~ (l.8~ 0.85 u.8~ i).B5 u.8~ (\.85 o I) (\ 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 tl.ft5 Q I) 11.85 0.05 I).O~ 0.85 O.O~ 0.05 JI fr •• collect II " (j.8~ 0.8S (1.85 0.85 0.85 •. 85 0.85 I) 0.85 0.85 0.05 l,i.2 ("'1. 1).2 Ii. ;> 0.2 5. Z OlHf.R, lop. rOlAL .t II u 'I u 11 (I I} 1.2 I) (. (I I) 1.1 ,) t) 1.2 3.b ft •• rollort 1.2 fl I) " 1.2 v i.2 J. b Ibl lolil co.1 ind b.nehh In k•• I" "tuil .nd Ilputed poc •• , lOl4L BfNffflS fROIlOC I DI5f'0,41 UNII fAtlllR 5 9 10 II 12 11 14 15 U 11 18 19 ,I) 21 n 23 24 i5 n 21 Z8 lil 30 fol,.1 "RICL fUfLNOOO IOlill 'l (I '1 I) I) (l (I (\ 2')1){' o 2~11') ,) ') 'I o (I 16111) (I i5(;(t u o U 1201.1 1.1 JltIf) I1luO hncll.v.1 Zov II lOOt' " 2501) .) I) iJ I) 1bI~) 250(1 IJ .2\)11 1100' 01 slrlb.llon I) " IlI'lli f'on lOlill o Ii i} IJ illH411 IJ I) 11201' I) (I 8966 " Jlb(,Q fD Sit . . . Ie 14 O.~ (l (\ (l (\ bn(1 I} I) .1 o (\ () 5600 i) I, I) II (I II Hel! t) Ib8'iO !4ulllt pr"el " ro llepol 14.U (l .J I) II (l I) (\ Ii b/'l.; u .) Ii /) I) 5600 t) .:. (I 11 448') ') I; IJ IbO"/) (S(II l i t pr Icel SHALL ""BER IOIAL ro Depot 400 'I .) Q 1/ if 14111) IJ .) II .:. (\ II <400 I) I) Ii I) . o I ~40i' 11440 ') 'i (I II (1 (\ 24811 (l I} I) I) 2481) Ii IZ4BI.1 11440 1-11("') /611 lit prllel rtW ~ 15-Apr -85 VI "JIjl! ~ SUP fU6S !IliA/. i) :12,~ m.5 m.5 212.5 m.5 m.5 m.5 ') .) m.5 212.5 212.5 m.l ~Ii.~ m.; ~IZ.5 ') IIZ.S ;11.5 212.5 212.5 1il.5 :11.5 4,5(, Fr €f CU~ I e{ t :~,{I v m.5 m.s ~12.5 212.5 11Z.~ 111.5 m.5 I! v (. m.5 212.5 211.5 212.5 112.S W.5 m.s ,1.1 i"' 112.5 21~.5 21Z.5 ~li.5 11::.~ ~'12.5 425:(1 fiilASS 1D[I.l I) I.) II.' I") I'} II) II} 1'/ 1(1 1(1 IV II) I') 10 .') Iii I') to) I') Ii, II, I', Ii} 10 Ii' I', 1(1 It) III II) II} lOu Ireeroliect ~il U 1(1 11,1 HI III 1(1 10 10 Iii II) liJ I') IQ II' 1<' I,) If. 10 Ii} It) I'} 10 Iti I'! II.' If! It) 11.1 Ii, II) )1)1) fAll EN WDOD IOlAl frte ~olied lOIJ I) " " " " " 4') 41J 4•.1 4') 40 4(1 4t) 4(' 40 40 41) 40 4.) 40 411 4t', ..) 4t) 41! 4" 40 41} 40 40 41' 4i, 411 411 4(' 4(1 4i, 4Q 4v 41, 4', 4ft 411 4•.' 41) 41i '" 4" 104.) III~U " " W " " 61tH: lOllS IOI~I .) t) v I) 14 •.' I, ,., 244) I) 1411 12', free collect ,(II, (I (l t) t) ') o 140 {. 24(' I) II 2411 !~I} lolil I') I') III I'} 261 ill} 16\ 26\ 151~1 21>1 5481 51) ~I} 5l} 263 1bl B('61 2.1 1bl ill) 541H 50 5(1 50 lil~2j 26l ZitS 2b J 16; Ib:'I!, '''451) free to vlll"9.r5 10 I'} Ii' II' m 26} 26J ;t.1 ~b 1 ~t:. 3 5~i,} 51) 51) 51) lb} 263 2bl 1bl ibl 263 56} 5/' Si, ~~l ~b 3 263 261 1b} !b ~ )O.~ 6511) f'ill,hiyat 0.. 11, b.t 1on t) i} o (. (I !' ~ 1"i)l, (~ 250(1 IJ ., I) o i) 160', 251"" Ii 120,) t) t) ~ ~lIf~ IlI!)Q FD Sal •• o I) n441l II 2481' \I I) I) \I 11201) II I) 2481' o 8~M' " I) II 124~1'1 ~t1J40 10lAl COSTS Of IllItH 5959 5636 1~4(' 1,5') 11••0 4\)1) I) bbl> 2974 I04Q 125') 161) 4i)l) () 666 2974 104(. 1251' Ibll 4(11' I, ~19;~ " tod to fO 5"~Y ~b~·b Itt4'1 15:", 4(1(, b66 2974 1M» mil 4~1) iJ bbb :974 IM9 IiSil lOll 4',,\ 1(11.>1) tI 76'l II " u H9~5 I{I ~.te 01 k.Iur •• nd Cost ,.to,er, 10 foro.t O.p.rtl•• t Nel ~.n.1i 15 01 "o4~1 -~q~y -~.;b -I~W -154" "'5,. -IlS 261 ~61 2bJ 15",; -4\.4 251)9 -159" -I]V') -110 -PO 2bl BObl ibl ;b1 -41)4 251)9 -1591) -120(' -III) 11~!2~ 2bl 261 ;b~ n; Ib,a, I~ 01 "oJ.t Ii. 0182 Nol Bueflls to tor051 ~~'I5Y ~t·!'b -Jq411 15~I-J -lflt,H ·4()1) Ii 1344(' -6bb -4t4 -IMi) -I!~IJ -160 -4('1) II 1I111l1 I) ., -bbb -494 -lb4t' -12~li -)6(1 B5~'" O.O.. ~ " " 124&11 Ik~ 01 FO 1If'~ 01 ~.n.fJt; Lo rD, d.stounl rale I},I2 OBiB '~I hlurns 10 fD to I~a~ Pfl{~S 19115 (undI5{Colilodl I. "010 and 'uel )telds Iro. luc"l,ptus be.n reduced b. ::'II~ lor .tUlP I.rtalil) al .. ell cut. He·,e Ih •• OlIe •• Ie.blo pole per tree. I~ Tllest .. hie •• tlualh occur Ifl V'" II. HIC'l I"t W III a VI 15-Ap'-B~ ,I ., .. Ii',. I. R.I 21 20 19 J(I Jotal rm£ fIlHIIOOD lOlA\. II o Ii o I) o Ii 5fJil.j V o Ii Ii 5(1)0 o SUllO 15000 f'andl~yit 21)0 o I) o iI 5000 o II Ii Ii Q 50')0 u 51}(1(.; 15001; Olslnbul!oll SHAll ""hER IOIAl II II 50')1) I) I) I} I} (/ 51)1;(1 tl o 5(1)0 ISQOI) r 0 Depot 41,0 II o 5Q(1O o .) I} \I 5(0,0 o o 50(lv I SI){f(1 11>'1 oH prlerl 5££0 fODS lOIAI. .) o Ii m m m 415 475 m m Ii ,1 415 475 475 lI5 415 415 415 o 415 415 475 415 475 475 V50') fr., (Ollfll l~.) o (/ 415 475 415 475 475 475 415 .) o 415 41~ 475 475 4i'~ 475 415 \I 415 415 475 475 475 475 V50U GBASS IUIA\. Ii 10 If! IU 10 10 10 III I') 10 II) 10 10 10 Iv Iii IU 10 iii HI 10 II) Iii 10 10 10 10 10 I'} Iii 10 30v fre .. coiled 50 II) 10 10 10 lu 10 10 10 10 Iii 10 10 IfJ Iii 10 10 10 I') III It) 10 HI Iv 10 10 10 lu 1\1 1(1 Iu 10.) fAllEIl NOOD IOIAI ') 40 40 40 4.) 4;) 40 40 40 4.) 40 41i u u u u u u u 4(/ 40 40 4') 4'l u " W IMu Hill rtW fft'f collect 1'(1\) 41) 40 40 40 40 4~ ~O 4(0 41} 41' 40 u u u u u u u 4'1 41) 4i1 411 46 IM~ " " " ~ Vt 15-Apr-05 .. ..." " 0110: lops IUI.I <) 0 {I (I 5viJ u <) 5(u) (I iI u I) (\ ~.I)I) i!itJ(j free colletl 21)..., II iI 0 !l .) ~UO U ~ 0 S·)O 0 !} (; 511(1 J~I'U . - ---~."~. - '-- --~----.-~---- lot.I Fr.e to \lllagers 'I Ii! 10 10 10 1(, II) 10 HI 5'lC' ,J 525 n< ",J 52~ 525 5~~ ~~~ 525 515 5'c .J 525 11025 515 1625 50 5'1 5(; 511 ~ 5u 5~5 525 515 525 S25 525 515 5~5 5" .J ~i5 ~l5 ~~~ 11025 IQ]5 5u 5(; 50 50 5i! 50 5:5 :;]5 ~;5 SiS 525 ~25 Jd .:;')(; .J .. .J 5i5 5lS Ilu~5 lOiS .,W' 121(1) fancha),1 O.sI"b .. l1 Oil (> 0 {I (I ii II IJ fI 51)!){> I) (I {I Ii !) I) t' 50••0 f) 0 II II U SOl"! l~fiOil rD Sales " U \I 0 I) 51\1)0 (. II !j 0 .) o 50"0 " Ii <) SOUl! I ~jltl)'-' lohl Cosl 01 lUuch ;IS 1118 5(») lOO jl)1) CI 215 1118 51)0 :liI.) ~OO l) LI J 1118 5(l(1 j611 3',11) (I Ib59 (osls 10 FO irS lIIiI 51}0 ll)v 3~)(; iI m IIIB 51'~ .:.1)(1 Jt.'M) V (l 1..'1'".; lITO !,iJ{j .}tlV juO U 6 1659 III ~.Ie oi kolllrn ••d Cosl reco,ery 10 loresl Oeportlllllt 11ft Beneh I; 01 IIod., -V~ -,loP -491\ -?~~ -~90 525 525 m 525 m 150 9841 -450 -25(0 -1)(J 5:5 525 525 525 52!J l~ 9841 -45~ -250 -,51) <1< J,J 5" ,J m SiS ~,25 11l):~ IAIl 01 !Iodel 0,211 1101 fieoeflts 10 Iltp.rt.eol -215 -11111 ,Sui) -Jtm -lOu 0 (> -l/5 len -500 - JiI() -3(iC) 0 fI V Q -21) 3m -5<)0 - ]'.IU -"JO !1 51")1) IRR 01 ft 0,(115 NrV 01 8eneh Is 10 f&, dlicount r .t. ' (1.ll -9b9 N.I Iiolurns t. fD In IVas ,rites /HI tundiscolllltedl Iii Ihese viltue. dctually occur In )e.r :11 Hln rTW ~ U1 IS-AW8S , i~:\ll.(J~L·iL SUCIAL h.H0 ~~) -'- liub 3) / . QJ!,O 11' 1u'l 490 ~ ~40 7980 It !tIO 400 ::01 1~8uI 'JW,U2 I ,I "'t.' '.\ .• i ,) ~90 81,0 7980 140 I,BU 20 12KOI nO,02 13,12l) i ': i~ 1 490 - 840 7980 ldt.v 490 ,'UI 1H')1 EO.U'? J J, 120 ("II).') 350 ,\')i) !,680 2208 240 73~~ I~.'.n l •) t: i ,~;nw r 350 - ':"]0 4680 2203 240 Ie') I WI,:!2 ". 'dll P','Ull }')O I,]() 4630 ~:2Ue 240 :I(]j j"~~ J 8 ,22 I . ',j () Di: .. clur SLlli:;f 1000 - IHhO 1716() B2t;O 840 N, 66:.72 I, JHO \ ~ ". ,I. >:.; :; ;;:-;~i,; l'lill 6:'0 1[(10 IUnfl 5S~O no ,~ Jl 4] 32 17~~5/P ti l! , rLctnr (ill{) lonl) 1860 171W 8280 81,0 I ,.'J," (,;(h Gu: 72 ,JHO J I·,'} i .! I ',~) II:; (i c\!r tl20 - (5)\' i42W 69l)1! 840 ;;,!', 5) ,08 2~ ,tno Ill), : It'l b40 Ileo (1920 51LU 710 :?7') j\ 3d:,1 82 I,ll/I.! .\: ! j,,:" )::0 925 866':' 411,0 1,80 1 ~)(ih J1! ,65 1) ,AI-+O P l~. i ,',' l U.'t:1' ttoi' )(lll ~(IO 7980 !.,l40 1,80 :~{l I1bd I :1~(j 02 J .1::') u:: ;,Ct!l (~;o11s) IUOO laGO 17160 1>280 840 ~L::'j .:1,7tJ'j (,6 i . 72 1. i • JSI) . ,,) i~",,;,':':H-', L i il. ... ~' (Bvf..) lOOO J 860 lilW 8280 8tl \) :. 2 ~J ()(I/'./2 ~i .Jiht I i).I. . ~,';'~ 625 1120 8(16.', 1,.1) i,llll ~:L! lJi ,6'> J ,8 1,0 'j. iU :\'1\';,\'I\ 'ISO - ille )460 2L,84 ~40 8JBS 209.62 H.5'JO Fl,; ::;l'.Jfl l·;,\:t.:pt >.rl l.2,.} :ilat fl..::;niJllf.'>!.:J Ue, ~<~ . ..;ary ~lld h.'w.::e HIO rtl..) ': .'\: t ~, ~ 0\ C3 Item 7 -9- RAJASTHAN SOCIAL FORESTRY PROJECT Yields: Phasing by Models MODEL: A.1: Farm Forestry Stems/ba - 1500 Wood Wood Category Stems Survival Yield Timing Yield Timing Eucalyptus 1.1 1100 770 110 m3 9,17 ,25 Acacia nilotica 11 200 140 4.2 m3 11,21,31 0.5 mt 5-11,17-22 pods 20 D. sissoo 1/ 150 105 17.8 m3 31 Ber grafted 25 25 0.5 mt 4-31 Bamboos 25 25 100 nos 8,12,16 20,24,28 Fallen wood !:il 0.3 m3 5+ 11 Eucalyptus yields 350 poles (6 m), 350 poles (3m), 15 mt fuel. 11 One m3 small timber, 2 mt fuel. 11 Thirteen m3 small timber, 3 mt fuel. !:il 0.2 mt. C3 Item 7 -8- RAJASTHAN SOCIAL FORESTRY PROJECT Yields: Phasing by Models MODEL: A.3: Improved Grafted (Ber) Orchards Stems/ha - 100 Wood Wood Category Stems Survival Yield Timing Yield Timing Zizyphus, grafted 100 0.2 4+ 2 mt 4+ fruits 100 0.2 mt 4+ fodder NOTE: Agroforestry situation with some intercropping. /usr12/aspab/beverlyb/NATSOCFOR/raj.yields 4-17-85 C3 Item 7 RAJASTHAN SOCIAL FORESTRY PROJECT Yields: Phasing by Models MODEL: B.2: Household Farm Forestry Stems/ha • 1670 Wood Other Products Category Stems Survival Yield Timing/Year Yield Timing P. chiles is 825 577 1/ 36.5 m3 11 11 ,21 ,31 1 mt Pods 3,4, 12-14,22-24 A. nilotica 825 577 11 17m3 !±/ 11 ,21, (31) 1.6 mt Pods 5-11, 15-21,25-31 Ber grafted 20 20 0.4 mt Fruits 4+ Grasses 1.1 0.3 mt Fallen wood 1.1 0.3 m3 Yr 5+ Lops 3.1 mt 11 ,21 ,31 11 Lower survival of 70%. 11 See models D.2a and D.2c. Includes 0.1 mt of Ber leaf. 11 Prosopis yield 23 mt fuelwood. !±I Acacia yield 8 mt fuel 4 m3 small timber. NOTE: (M3 x 0.63 • Mt) C3 Item 7 -2- - RAJASTHAN SOCIAL FORESTRY PROJECT Yields: Phasing by Hodels MODEL: C.l: Community Woodlots, Rainfed Stems/ha - 1600 Wood Other Products Category Stems Survival Yield Timing Yield Timing (Year) A. Nilotica 1/ 830 580 16.5 m3 11 ,21, (31) 0.6 mt Pods 5-11, 15-21,25-31 A. Tortilis 500 350 25.5 m3 11 ,21, (31) Dalbergia sissoo ~/ 250 175 8m3 15 Dalbergia sissoo 16 m3 31 Fruit Trees 6m3 not felled 0.2 mt Fruits 10+ Grasses 0.2 mt Fodder 1+ Fallen Wood 1/ 0.3 m3 5+ Lops ) 2.4 mt 11 ,21 ) 0.2 mt 15 ) 2.8 mt 31 !l A nilotica yields 8 mt fuel, 4.03 m3 small timber. 11 A tortilis yields 16 mt fuel. 3/ See models D.2a and D.2c. ~ Thinned at year 15, (5 m3 timber, 2 mt fuel); felled at year 31 (10 m3 timber 4 mt fuel). NOTE: (H 3 x 0.63 - Mt) C3 Item 7 -3- RAJASTHAN SOCIAL FORESTRY PROJECT Yields: Phasing by Models MODEL: D.l: Rehabilitation of Degraded Areas Stems/ha • 1320 Wood Wood Category Stems Survival Yield Timing Yield Timing P. chiles is 1320 924 59 m3 11 11,21,31 2 mt 5+ (pods) Grasses 1/ 0.2 mt annual fodder Fallen wood II 0.3 m3 Yr 3 1/ See models D.2a and D.2c. 11 37 mt fuel. NOTE: (M 3 x 0.63 • Mt) C3 Item 7 -4- RAJASTHAN SOCIAL FORESTRY PROJECT Yields: Phasing by Models MODEL: D.2a: Roadside Strip Plantations (Dept. Managed) Stems/ha • 2000 Wood Other Products CategorI Stems Survival Yield Timing Yield Timi!!l ~Year l Shade 100 80 24 m3 not felled Eucalyptus 1) 100 80 20.4, 9,17.25 17,13.5 A. Tortilis 1/ 800 640 51 m3 11 ,21, (3l) A. Nilotica 1/ 1000 800 26 m3 11 ,21 ,(31) 0.85 mt Pods 5-11. 15-21, 25-31 Grasses 0.2 mt Annual Fallen wood !I 0.3 m3 5 yr+ Lops 3.4 mt 11,21.31 1/ 0.2 mt of fallen fuelwood produced for year S. Volume of Year 9 Year 17 Year 25 Each PSlle m3 1/ Eucalyptus yields: No. of Poles 6 m x 20 cm 96 SO 64 0.133 (coppiced) No. of Poles 4.5 m x 15 cm 96 80 64 0.056 No. of Poles 3 m x 10 cm 48 40 32 0.014 Fuelwood mt 1.0 O.S 0.6 1/ Acacia yields: tortilis: 22 ms fuel (replanted/sown) 16 m small timber nilotica: 12.5!t fuel 6.2 m small timber NOTE: M3 x .63 = Mt Form factor for poles • 0.7 C3 Item 7 -5- RAJASTHAN SOCIAL FORESTRY PROJECT Yields: Phasing by Models MODEL: D.2c: Canalside Strips (Dept. Manag~d) Stems/ha == 2000 Wood Other Products Category Stems Survival Yield Timing Yield Timing Dalbergia sissoo 200 160 28 m3 31 Eucalyptus 1/ 800 640 87,72,57 m3 9,17,25 A. Nilotica 1.1 1000 800 26 m3 11 ,21, (31) 0.85 mt Pods 5-11, 15-21, 25-31 Grasses 0.2 mt Annual Fallen Wood 11 0.3 m3 5+ Lops 1.2 mt 11 ,21,31 1/ 0.2 mt of fallen fue1wood per year from year 5. Volume of Year 9 Year 17 Year 25 Each Pole m3 1/ Eucalyptus yields: No. of Poles 6 m x 20 cm 360 300 240 0.133 No. of Poles 4.5 m x 15 cm 360 300 240 0.056 No. of Poles 3 m x 10 cm 240 200 160 0.014 Fuelwood mt 10 8 6 (Form factor for poles .. 0.7) 1/ Acacia yields (see Model D.2a). NOTE: (M 3 x .63 ~ Mt) Dalbergi Sissoo: Year 31; 4 mt fuel; 25 M3 Small Timber C3 Item 7 -6- RAJASTHAN SOCIAL FORESTRY PROJECT Yields: Phasing by Models MODEL: D.2b: Railside Strips (Dept. Managed) Stems/ha - 2200 Wood Other Products Category Stems Survival Yield Timing Yield Timing (Year) Shade 400 320 48 m3 not felled Acacia milotica 11 1800 1440 42 m3 11 ,21, (31) 1.5 mt Pods 5-11, 15-21, 25-31 Fallen Wood Y 0.3 m3 5+ Grasses 0.2 mt Annual Lops 2 mt 11,21,31 11 Acacia yields: 20 ms fuel (replanted) 10 m small timber Y See models D.2a and D.2c. NOTE: (M 3 x 0.63 = Me) r C3 Item 7 -7- RAJASTHAN SOCIAL FORESTRY PROJECT Yields: Phasing by Models MODEL: D.2d: Flood Control and Tank Embankments (Dept. Managed) Stems/ha .. 2250 Wood Other Products Category Stems Survival Yield Timing yield Timing (Year) Acacia milotica 11 2250 1800 52 m3 11,21,(31) 1.9 mt Pods 5-11, 15-21, 25-31 Fallen Wood 0.3 m3 5+ Grasses 11 0.2 mt Fodder 1+ Lops 2.5 mt 11 ,21 ,31 11 Acacia yields: 25 mt fuel 12.5 m3 small timber. 11 See models D.2a and D.2c. NOTE: (M 3 x 0.63 • Mt)