EA ST ASIA AND PACI FIC REGIO N Sustainable Development 2 Guidance Note GENDE R AN D D I S AST E R RISK MA N AG E ME NT - G U I DA NCE NOT E S 65834 Integrating Gender Issues in Disaster Risk Management Policy Development and in Projects Integrating Gender issues in Disaster Risk Management Policy Development and in Projects is the second in a series of guidance notes on MAINSTREAMING GENDER INTO DISASTER RISK MANAGEMENT POLICIES Disaster risk management (DRM) projects are informed and draw heavily on existing government poli- gen- cies and strategies to determine how best to meet the clients’ development needs. Mainstreaming ge THE WORLD BANK GUIDANCE NOTES on GENDER and 2 Disaster Risk Management Table 1: Key issues and suggested actions for better gender mainstreaming into DRM policy Key Issues Suggested actions - - - making. - standing of gender and DRM understanding of gender issues in DRM. - - - - - - 3 Guidance Note 2 Case study: Gender mainstreaming in Climate Change and DRM policy in the Philippines - References: Philippine Climate Change Act 2009; Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Act 2010. MAINSTREAMING GENDER INTO DISASTER RISK MANAGEMENT OPERATIONS VIA THE WORLD BANK PROJECT CYCLE Effective integration of women’s and men’s Figure 1: The World Bank Project Cycle different needs, constraints and opportunities into 1. Country 5. Evalua on Assistance Strategy 4. Implemen- ta on, 2. Supervision & Iden ca on Comple on 3. Prepara on, Appraisal and Board Approval GUIDANCE NOTES on GENDER and 4 Disaster Risk Management PROJECT PREPARATION – ENSURING MAINSTREAMING OF GENDER ISSUES There are a number of key issues that task teams and Government policy-makers have to consider Guided by those questions, a comprehensive gender mainstreaming of DRM projects can include: - Many World Bank operations have successfully integrated gender issues into project development and PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION - GENDER ACTION PLANS At the program and project level, gender sensitive strategies and action plans are critical to providing an overall framework for project implementation. - - 5 2 Guidance Note Example: Infrastructure Reconstruction Financing Facility (IRFF) in Aceh, Indonesia - - http:// www-wds.worldbank.org/external/default/main?pagePK=64193027&piPK=64187937&theSitePK=523679&menuPK=64 187510&searchMenuPK=64187283&siteName=WDS&entityID=0000A8056_2011032905093026 GUIDANCE NOTES on GENDER and 6 Disaster Risk Management Table 2: Key Entry Points for Gender Mainstreaming in the World Bank Project Cycle Cycle part Entry Point Action - and DRM). - - design - - - - - - targeted funds to address gender - - Safeguards Frame- issues in DRM. - dress gender dimensions. - ing agencies - - 7 2 Guidance Note Cycle part Entry Point Action Document - - - - - - ences. - - resources. - - - tors. management. Sources: IASC 2006, WB 2011 GUIDANCE NOTES on GENDER and 8 Disaster Risk Management Table 3: Example of Gender Actions at the Project Level Introduction, objectives, approach Aspects to be included in this section and implementation framework - reduction. - - - staff. - 9 Guidance Note 2 - - - cation team. Monitoring and - ns Source: IRFF Framework for Mainstreaming Gender in Infrastructure (World Bank, 2005); and UPP Strategy to Ensure Gen- (World Bank, 2006) der Mainstreaming and Equality (W Resources Distance Learning: Gender Aspects of Disaster Recovery and Reconstruction - tions readings case studies ) Making Disaster Risk Reduction Gender-Sensitive: Policy and Practical Guidelines - Gender Sensitive Disaster Management: A Toolkit for Practitioners - International Recovery Platform, United Nations Development Program GUIDANCE NOTES on GENDER and Disaster Risk Management 2 CONTACTS: ( ) ( ) ( ) THE WORLD BANK ender equality as smart economics A World Bank Group Action Plan Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery