Nepal Country Partnership Framework Chair’s Summary* August 7, 2018 Executive Directors discussed the Joint IDA/IFC/MIGA Nepal Country Partnership Framework (CPF) (IDA/R2018-0260[IFC/R2018-0247, MIGA/R2018-0107]) for Nepal for the period FY2019-2023. Directors commended Nepal’s strong resolve in implementing federalism and noted the successful completion of the local, state, and federal elections in 2017. They supported the proposed focus of the CPF on strengthening public institutions, promoting private sector-led jobs and growth, and enhancing inclusion and resilience. Directors underscored the importance of supporting the federalism agenda in a comprehensive manner and stressed the need for sustained commitment of the government. Directors noted that the operating environment is complex and an adaptive and selective approach is vital. They highlighted the need for the WBG to support the government in promoting greater equity and inclusion, enhancing disaster management and raising awareness on gender related issues. Directors stressed the need to channel the scarce resources into the most needed areas and underscored a greater role for the private sector in future productivity-led growth and expanding jobs. They urged strengthened efforts to enhance Domestic Resource Management, regional integration, citizen engagement, and address challenges related to remittances. Directors remarked the need for due regard to transitional risks and drivers of fragility, including possible disruptions in public service delivery, an increase in rent-seeking behavior, and greater inequity. They stressed the importance of strengthening implementation capacity and called for continued efforts to bolster fiduciary, environmental and social safeguards capacity in the country. Directors commended the positive collaboration among the WBG institutions in preparing this CPF and called for greater and more focused intervention by the IFC and MIGA. They underscored the need for the WBG to continuously coordinate with other development partners and to keep the Board updated. ____________________________ *This summary is not an approved record.