PROCUREMENT PLAN Supporting Critical Infrastructure Resilience and Disaster-Risk Awareness in Turkey JAPAN-WORLD BANK PROGRAM-P168167 1. General 1. Project Information Country Turkey Borrower Republic of Turkey Supporting Critical Infrastructure Resilience and Disaster-Risk Awarenes Project Name TF No WB Administered GFDRR Trust Fund-P168167 Implementing Agency AFAD / Planning and Risk Reduction Department 2. Bank's Approval Date of the Procurement Plan; Original 1 November 2018 Revision: 08 February 2019 3- Date of General Procurement Notice February 2019 4. Period Covered with this procurement plan: 01 February 2019 - 30 June 2020 5. TF Closing Date: 6i30/2020 Preamble In accordance with paragraph 5.9 of the "World Bank Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers (July 2016, August 2018) ("Procurement Regulations ) the Banks Systematic Tracking and Exchanges in Procurement (STEP) system will be used to prepare, clear and update Procurement Plans and conduct all procurement transactions for the Project This textual part along with the Procurement Plan tables in STEP constitute the Procurement Plan for the Project. The following conditions apply to all procurement activities in the Procurement Plan. The other elements of the Procurement Plan as required under paragraph 4.4 of the Procurement Regulations are set forth in STEP. The Bank's Standard Procurement Documents shal be used for all contracts subject to international competitive procurement and those contracts as specified in the Procuremert Plan tales in STEP National Procurement Arrangements In accordarce with paragraph t 3 of ltne Prcouremert Regulations, when approaching the national market (as specified in the Procurement Plan tables in STEP). the co-ntr s own procuremen: procedures may be used. Mandatory Provisions for Procurement under Bank-Financed Contracts Subject to National Procurement Procedures The procedures to be followed for National Open Competitive Bidding shall be those set forth in the Public Procurement Law of the Borrower (Law No 4734), as amended from time to time, wth the latest amendment dated March 08, 2018 (the "PPL) notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the Borrower's Law on Public Procurement Contracts (Law No. 4735), as amended from time to time with the latest amendment dated April 23, 2015 and subject to the following provisions A. Eligibility The eligibility of bidders shall be as defined under Section IlII of the World Bank Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers accordingly, no bidder or potential bidder shall be declared ineligible for contracts financed by the Bank for reasons other than those provided in Section liI of the Procurement Regulations Bidding shall not be restricted to domestic bidders No restrctions in respect of eligibility to participate in bidding for contracts shall be placed on the basis of nationality of the bidder andor the origin of goods other than those set forth in paragraph 3.23 of the Procurement Regulations. No restriction of any kind shall be applied to foreign bidders who wish to submit a bid. Bidding shall not be restricted to pre-registered firms, and foreign bidders shall not be required to be registered with local authorities as a prerequisite for submitting bids Participation shall be allowed from joint ventures on the condition that such joint venture partners will be jointly and severally liable under the contract. Procuring entities shall use bidding documents agreed by the Bank, and included in the Project Operational Manual. B. Fraud and Corruption The request for bidsnrequest for proposals document shall require that Bidders/Proposes submitting Bids/Proposals present a signed acceptance at the time of bidding, to be incorporated in any resulting contracts. confirming application of and compliance with, the Bank's Anti Corruption Guidelines, including without limitation the Banks right to sanction and the Bank's inspection and audit rights. C. Debarment The Bank may recognize. if requested by the Borrower. exclusion from participation as a result of debarment under the national system provided that the debarment is for offenses involving fraud and corruption and further provided that the Bank confirms that the particular debarment procedure afforded due process and the debarment decision is inal. Procurement of Second Hand Goods. Not Applicable Domestic preference as specified under paragraph 5.51 of the Procurement Regulations (Goods). Not applicable. II. Goods and Non-ConsultingTechnical Services 1. Hands-on Support Threshold : Hands-on support will be received from the Bank for the Implementing Agency to familiarize with the Bank's Procurement Regulations with the below defined thresholds Procurement Procurement Method Threshold Hands-on Support I Prior Review Threshold Method ICB1 Open Default Method (No procurement Goods Contracts Valued $ 1,500,000 (prior International method threshold) review) NPP / Open Contracts valued < US$2,000,000 - First Contract (hands-on support) National Goods and Non-consulting Services Contracts valued < US$100,000 - RFQ Goods and Non-consulting First Contract (hands-on support) Services Direct Contracting No threshold First Contract (hands-on support) Ill. Selection of Consultants 1. Hands-on Support Threshold : Hands-on support will be received from the Bank for the Implementing Agency to familiarize with the Bank's Procurement Regulations with the below defined thresholds Selection Selection Method Threshold* Hands-on Support I Prior Review Threshold Method _______________ Quality and Cost Based Default Method (No selection method Selection threshold) (QCBS) Least Cost Selection No selection method threshold (LCS) Contracts valued -$ 500,000 (prior review) and Quality Based first contract of each selection method (hands-on Selection No selection method threshold support) (QBS) Selection Based on Consultants Contracts valued <$ 300,000 Qualification (CQS or CQ) Single Source Selection of No selection method threshold All contracts are subject to review Firms (SSS) Contracts valued v $ 200,000 (prior review) and, Individual the first individual consultant contract and all Consultants No selection method threshold single source individual contracts (hands-on (IC) support). ToRs for individual consultant contracts will be shared with the Bank for comments. The selection of any audit, procurement or legal consultants financed by the project shall be sent to the Bank for its comments. 2. Short list comprising entirely of national consultants: Short list of consultants for services estimated to cost less than US$ 500,000 equivalent per contract, may comprise entirely of national consultants. IV. Any Other Special Procurement Arrangements: None. V. Procurement Packages with Methods and Time Schedule - The estimated costs in the attached tables (sheets) include all the taxes (including VAT). PROCUREMENT 1Уцkеу : 3upporting Critical Ia&aвtructuro Reвilience аъд Diвaвter-Riвk Аwатеnевв in 'Лцkеу PLAN Gеаегвl Informatioa Сои¢4у: Turkey ВвоУв Approvel Date о£ tЪе Origmвl Procuremeat Р1вn: 2019-02-11 Reviввd Р1ап Date(в): (сотта delimated, lеаvв Ыапk il' non �maos-o9 Ptqject ID: Р1Gд167 GPN Dete: 1019-OG-11 Рг ject Name: Supporting Cricical InfraecrucLure Reslievice avd Diвaecer-Risk Awarevese in 1Ьгkеу Loan / Credit Na: /. TF / А8246 Екеьv4иg Aganey(iee) AFAD WORКB Bid Evalыation Activicy Rыfегвисв No. / Dгaft Biddivg Loav / Cгedit Maгket Рюсигетепt Peegualifiшti и АеШа1 Атомt Ргосввь Dгak Ргы-qualifi�ati Prequali6ггtion 9рысiбс Ргоыметыпt Biddiuy Dыситеигь Реорыьаl 9иЬтiвьiып / Report апд OescгipNun Сотрыиеиt Rыview Туры Меtбод Docmпeut / Бiутыд Goutгact Contгact Сотрlыбыи No. АрргоагЪ Ргогвьь (У/N) ([I9'в1 5tatыs Dпсшпепtв Evaluatiou Кeport Чогiсы / Invita[iou аь Iывиед Opening / Мiииtыь Rыwmmыndation Гог Juыiбcгtion Award Рlапиед e4tual Рlаппед AeWa1 Plavned Actwl Рlаппвд Actual Рlамыд Аееиаl Рlаипед lv:tual PWuned Aotual Plavned Aceual Рlапивд Actual сооnв Bid Evalwtiou Activity RвГегвиив No. / Dп1t Hiddiug ].оаи / Сгыдi[ Markыt Ргосигетыи[ Preyualifiuti п Actual Атомг Ргооеьь Dгыft Preyualifiшti Pгequaliliггtion Ьpыeific Ртаиттыиг Hiddiuy Dоситыиtь Ргороsаl SaFmiььion / Аырогг апд Dеьспр и Сотропеиг Review Туры Method Documevt / 9iутыд Covtгvct Сопtгасе Complыtiov No. АррrоыгЪ Ргогввь (У/N) ([I9$) 5tatus Documentв EvaluaHou Repoгt Noticы / lnvita[iou ыь Iьвиад Opыning / Мiиигаь Rыwmmьndation (ог Juвtifiution Аиаед Рlаппыд ALwua1 Рlаипед Ае[иа1 Рlыииед Аогыаl Рlапиед АгКиа1 Рlаииыд Actual Рlаипыд AcNa1 Рlаппыд Аа[иа1 Рlаииед e4tual Рlмиед Actual NON CONвULT1NG вEHVICEB Bid Еvаlыагiып Activity RвГегвиив No. / Dп1t Hiddiug Loau / Сгыдit Market Рюсигетепt Peeyualifi�ati п AeNa1 Amowt Рroсввь Dгa1i Preyualifi�ati Prequali6rvtion 9рысiбс Ргосметыпt Hiddiuy Dыситыигь Реорыьаl 9иЬтiвьiыи / Report апд Dеьспр и Сотропеиг Review Туры Method Documevt / 9iутыд Covtгvct Сопtгасе Complыtiov No. АррrоыгЪ Ргогввь (У/N) ([I9$) 5tatus Documentв EvaluaHou Repoгt Noticы / lnvita[iou ыь Iьвиад Opыning / Мiиигаь Rыwmmьndation (ог Juвtifiution Аиаед Рlаппыд ALwua1 Рlаипед Ае[иа1 Рlыииед Аогыаl Рlапиед АгКиа1 Рlаииыд Actual Рlаипыд AcNa1 Рlаппыд Аа[иа1 Рlаииед e4tual Рlмиед Actual сохвОгтlхс Fдгмs Activicy Rыfегвисв No. / Сотlдиыд EvaШation Loav / Cгedit Maгket Coutraet Туры Actual Amowt Еаргввьiоп о[ ]игыrыве SЬыгг Liы апд Dra[t Rеgиыве Юr Рюроьаlв Opeving о[ Techuiwl EvaШatiov оЕ Oescгiptiun Сотрыиеиt Аыиеw Туры Mыthod Ргоееsь 5txtuв Terms of АвСаreпые Rыpurt апд Dгak Stiyued Conhact Coutгact (bmpletiun No. АрргоагЪ 1UЬ£) Notiгы Аеуиыы fпг Ргороьаlь дs ]sьиед Ргороsаlь / Minutыs Tыchuiual Ртроьаl Neyotiatвd Conhact Рlмиед Actual Рlапиед АсЕиа1 Рlамыд AoNa1 Рlхпиед AcNx1 Рlаппыд Actual Рlаипед LиtuaL Рlаиивд АсЕиа1 Рlамед Autual Рlьпиед Actual v.cas.1 / г.ъг�ш n, .и , г ат�1г���ы .и.�ап,С а. °oi оlид.в /вдz. /ч.оь- [чаz. /ч.оo- дааs. vcas.e, вт�,,.,, ,ыi�� т. в п.к с ап+i;бтиыы � и,ьт.,1 а_ °i тв.lыа [в./z- 1ат. - [я.оz- ,з.о� ..о.оь� н-агаов - wыышг , „ г� ьыс,ьn,nтт� , лаzаь с a�+i;fim�~,•ы � и,ьт.,1 а_ ' тя.аь�о [я.аь- 1аоь. 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