YEAR 1 PROGRESS REPORT Copyright © 2019 International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / THE WORLD BANK Washington DC 20433 Telephone: +1-202-473-1000 CONTENTS Internet: This work is a product of the staff of The World Bank with 3 Vision external contributions. The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed in this work do not necessarily 4 The HCP Gains Momentum reflect the views of The World Bank, its Board of Executive Directors, or the governments they represent. 5 Making a Mark: The World Bank does not guarantee the accuracy of HCP Impact at a Glance the data included in this work. The boundaries, colors, denominations, and other information shown on any map 8 Nurturing Human Capital: in this work do not imply any judgment on the part of The World Bank concerning the legal status of any territory or Country Action the endorsement or acceptance of such boundaries. 15 Linking Experience and Knowledge: Rights and Permissions The material in this work is subject to copyright. The HCP Country Network Because The World Bank encourages dissemination of its knowledge, this work may be reproduced, in whole 21 Building Momentum or in part, for non-commercial purposes as long as full attribution to this work is given. 26 Scaling Up Our Support: Any queries on rights and licenses, including subsidiary The Africa Human Capital Plan rights, should be addressed to World Bank Publications, The World Bank Group, 1818 H Street NW, Washington, 27 Looking Forward: DC 20433, USA; fax: 202-522-2625; e-mail: The HCP in Year 2 29 Resources Cover and design by Chavez Design Studio. 1 THE HCP GAINS MOMENTUM: ANNETTE DIXON According to the Human Capital Index (HCI), nearly 60 percent of children born today will, at best, be only half as productive as they could be if they had complete education and full health. VISION This has profound implications not only for their future income and wellbeing, but also for national economic growth and competitiveness and overall poverty reduction. The Human Human capital is central to the World Capital Project (HCP) is a global response to this. Bank Group’s efforts to end extreme poverty by 2030 and raise the incomes Our plan for the future is driven by the political will in several countries to accelerate more and of the bottom 40 percent of people in better investments in people for greater equity and each country. economic growth. Well over 60 countries have now joined the HCP. The vision of the Human Capital Project This report captures some of what these countries are doing, as well as our efforts, together with other is a world in which all children reach their partners, to support them. Crucially, we have been full potential growing up well-nourished able to elevate the global and national dialogue and ready to learn, attain real learning in on human capital and are facilitating the sharing of experience, ideas, and good practices between the classroom, and enter the job market countries. Many have adopted a more holistic as healthy, skilled, and productive adults. approach to developing human capital, identifying key bottlenecks, and working on high-level strategies to overcome them. In the year ahead, the HCP will help countries make policy changes, strengthen institutions and governance, and improve implementation of programs. It will also redouble efforts in regions worst affected by human capital gaps. A robust research agenda also lies ahead, including an updated HCI in 2020. Annette Dixon Vice President for Human Development World Bank Group July 2019 3 1/3 MAKING A MARK: Country Engagement HCP IMPACT AT At the end of June 2019, A GLANCE 63 countries had joined the HCP—nearly a third of the World Bank Group’s member countries 5 NURTURING HUMAN CAPITAL: The Human While all regions have a significant distance to the frontier, HCI values in COUNTRY ACTION Capital IDA and IBRD-eligible countries are weakest in Sub-Saharan Africa, the The launch of the HCI in 2018 drew global attention to the links between human capital and productivity. The HCI measures Index 2018 Middle East and North Africa (MENA), losses of income that the 157 countries covered will suffer and South Asia. because of gaps in health and education achievements. At a global level, the HCI finds that nearly 60 percent of children born today will, at best, be half as productive as they could be if they had complete education and full health. This has serious implications for productivity, inclusive economic growth, and poverty reduction. Many HCP countries have made progress in various areas: high-level policy making, awareness raising and coordination across government, innovating, and improving data and analysis. .63 .49 A Whole of .46 .53 Government Approach .55 .40 Working across government, many HCP countries are striving to holistically tackle the many barriers that stand in the way of human capital development. Core features include: (i) sustaining efforts across political cycles; (ii) coordinating across government; and (iii) designing policies and programs that use and expand the evidence base. The approach has led to lasting social and economic benefits for several countries, including Singapore, the Republic of Korea, QUARTILES Japan, Ireland, and Finland. It is explained in more detail on the HCP website: Top Second Third Bottom No Data 7 Prioritizing and Planning Launching Reforms and Across Government Leveraging Innovation A core objective of the HCP is to elevate the human Improved human capital outcomes will not come capital agenda and achieve greater prioritization and about through business as usual. HCP countries are coordination at the national level. A few examples of creating bold new programs and using technology what HCP countries are doing: to better serve their people. • At the request of late President human capital plan endorsed by state • In 2018, King Mohammed VI of budget allocation to health. Partners, Essebsi, Tunisia was the first country governors and key ministries. Partners Morocco launched the third phase including the World Bank Group, are to join the HCP. The country has have agreed to align their programs of the National Initiative for Human aligning to support this initiative. developed a vision to accelerate to the government’s new vision. Development with an investment of • The Gambia is prioritizing a new progress on human capital outcomes. US$ 1.8 billion over five years. While • In Peru, the government’s National national cash transfer program, Nafa, Toward this end, the government the first two phases supported basic Competitiveness Plan includes to enable the poorest households to adopted a national early childhood infrastructure, the third phase marks human capital as one of its objectives cover their basic needs while investing development strategy and the “Amen” a shift toward investing in early and adopts a whole of government in the human capital acquisition of law to improve coverage of the social childhood and adopting a life approach in this effort. The government their children. assistance system. cycle approach. is prioritizing investment in education • Cabo Verde aims to become a hub for • The Sierra Leone National quality and early childhood development. • In April 2019, Prime Minister Khan of Information Technology (IT) services Development Plan, Human Capital Pakistan launched a flagship program, • In Indonesia, human capital is a key and recently launched innovative for Development , was launched in Ehsaas, focused on investing in people, priority area of President Widodo’s pilots to equip all students with digital February 2019. The government reducing inequality, and lifting lagging vision for his second term and has skills, including “weblabs” powered by intends to fully align its annual districts. It uses modern data and become a core pillar of the new solar energy to teach children about budgets with this plan. Objectives technology to focus on the central Medium-term Development Plan robotics and coding in secondary include promoting human capital role of human capital formation for 2020-2024, as well as a main cross- schools across the archipelago. and protecting vulnerable persons, poverty eradication, economic growth, cutting topic of the 2020 Fiscal including women, children, and and sustainable development. • The United Arab Emirates is working Framework. Indonesia’s ambitious persons with disabilities. on a case study for policymakers national stunting reduction program is • Mali has announced major health interested in volunteer-sourced • Nigeria is building ownership for led by the President and Vice President reforms effective 2022 that will make translation of high-quality digital human capital from the federal level to and commits 23 ministries to work health services free for under-5s and learning materials. state and provincial levels with its new together to deliver better results. pregnant women and increase the 9 Building Strengthening Data National Awareness Measuring human capital requires good data. HCP countries are working to improve national The HCP countries have and subnational measurements. been working to raise • Uzbekistan announced it would join • Vietnam is strengthening data to awareness of the broad, the Programme for International understand subnational divergences long-lasting benefits of Student Assessment (PISA), enabling it in outcomes, developing a to generate data on student learning methodology to estimate the quality human capital development. and be included in the HCI. adjusted expected years of schooling by ethnicity. The World Bank Group • Finance Ministers from across the • Several countries (e.g. Central African is supporting this agenda, working on Pacific region gathered in Fiji for the Republic, Cote d’Ivoire, Guinea, Niger, a paper titled “Persistent Malnutrition first Pacific Human Capital Summit Nigeria) are implementing early in Ethnic Minority Communities of in May 2019 to galvanize support grade assessments of reading Vietnam: Issues and Options for Policy for increased investments in human and mathematics. and Interventions.” capital. Ministers committed to Finance Ministers from across the region accelerating progress on human capital • Efforts are underway to support participated in the Pacific Human Capital • The Government of Peru launched and the World Bank Group pledged to Summit, held May 2019 in Fiji. the first ever PISA for Mongolia. a new module as part of the annual increase support. Demographic and Health Survey Photo: Patrick Rose / World Bank. • Morocco aims to use the HCI to • At the Pakistan Human Capital Summit measure progress under its National (DHS) that will measure early in Islamabad in March 2019 held in • A joint Bhutan-Nepal Forum was held Initiative for Human Development childhood development outcomes conjunction with the launch of the in Kathmandu in June 2019 to elevate and will work to improve measurability nationwide, complementing Pakistan@100 Report, human capital the human capital agenda with political by gathering data on the quality of other regular measures such as messages were broadcast nationwide leaders and government officials across early childhood development services stunting rates. by the media and country leaders. different ministries, media and civil and their impact on socio-emotional society. The Forum sought to craft a • In 2019, the Philippines participated • The Investing in People for a Better development of children. vision for human capital development in the Trends in International Future in the Middle East and North of the two countries. • Indonesia is introducing annual Mathematics and Science Study Africa event in Tunis focused on (TIMSS) for the first time since 2003. measurement of stunting in its how countries in the region can • A Preparing for the Future: Youth, Education, Jobs and Technology in national survey starting in 2019 to meet that challenge by preparing Mashreq event was organized in Beirut measure progress in tackling their workforces for the future and unlocking the potential of the large in November 2018. child nutrition. youth population as a driver of growth. • In addition, human capital was the • A Human Capital Forum was held key theme at several cabinet retreats in Azerbaijan in December 2018 or high-level government events in and brought together senior officials, Angola, Armenia, Botswana, eSwatini, development experts, and civil society Georgia, Kenya, Lesotho, Papua New partners to discuss ways to accelerate Guinea, Tajikistan, Tanzania, and investment in human capital and Turkey between November 2018 present their ideas to Parliament. and June 2019. 11 WHAT HCP COUNTRIES ARE DOING Urdaneta Tunisia: Adopted Ukraine: High level a national early childhood Human Capital Board development strategy and to coordinate efforts. laws to improve social assistance system. Uzbekistan: Joining PISA 2021. Morocco: Investing $1.8 billion over 5 years through National Initiative for Human Nepal: Announced Development, including for 22% increase for social early childhood development. sectors next year. Mali: Health care reforms effective 2022, including free Philippines: Participated health care for mothers and in TIMSS in 2019 for the under-5 children. first time since 2003. The Gambia: New Indonesia: Measuring stunting Peru: Prioritizing national cash transfer as part of its national survey investment in education program for poorest starting 2019. quality and early childhood development in its National households to cover Competitiveness Plan. basic needs and invest in their children. LEGEND Pakistan: Flagship program Ehsaas will focus on investing HCP countries in people, reducing inequality, and lifting lagging districts. Sierra Leone: Committed to HD-centered Public Countries exploring a “whole of government” approach Expenditure Review. Countries building momentum with human capital events Nigeria: State governors Countries mainstreaming human capital and key ministers endorse into national planning “whole of government” human capital plan. LINKING EXPERIENCE AND KNOWLEDGE: THE HCP COUNTRY NETWORK The HCP Country Network provides a platform through which HCP countries can share experiences and discuss reforms toward their common vision to improve human capital outcomes. Focal Points Meet and Engage • Each HCP country nominated a focal from Argentina, Chile, Ethiopia, point to spearhead action under Peru, Poland, Senegal, Singapore, and this initiative. At the 2019 Spring Vietnam. Themes included stunting, Meetings, focal persons representing economic performance, early 41 countries, alongside an additional childhood development, learning 25 partners from diverse organizations, outcomes, whole-of-government gathered for a 1.5-day Focal Point Forum. leadership, universal health coverage, community health workers, safety Dr. Ta Ngoc Tri, Deputy Director General, • The Forum relied on country cases Primary Education Department, Ministry of nets, and conditional cash transfers. Education and Training, Vietnam. studies to drive discussions, including Mahra Al-Ali, Lead Researcher, the Federal Competitiveness and Statistics Authority, United Arab Emirates. Coming Together Online During the Forum, an online Focal The Platform is in an active Beta phase Point Platform was launched as with plans to convene knowledge- an invitation-only space to allow sharing sessions, promote relevant government focal points to connect, learning events among partners, and review upcoming special events, and gather feedback over time. access a knowledge library. An artist-rapporteur captured the main take-aways from the Forum. 15 Creating Case Studies HCP Country Newsletter Countries around the world have seen steady In January 2019, HCP focal points and their colleagues received the first HCP Country Network newsletter, Human Capital Project Country Connections. improvements in stunting, learning outcomes, and equity of outcomes, among others. Unpacking how countries have realized these results provides useful evidence for governments that are working to identify reforms to make similar progress in their own countries. To respond to HCP Country Network demands, in the first half of 2019, researchers delved into the experiences of Singapore, Morocco, Ghana, and the Philippines to focus on whole of government approaches, schooling and adult survival, stunting, and human capital as an export, respectively. Later in 2019, a case study on Ireland will focus on how the country’s focus on human HUMAN CAPITAL PROJECT capital helped to transform its economy and weather the 2008 financial crisis. COUNTRY CONNECTIONS If you would like to sign up for the HCP Newsletter please visit: 17 Analyzing Dissemination Human Capital Since the HCP launch, several country • Regional and country economic Public Disclosure Authorized A World Bank Group Flagship Report publications from the World Bank monitors and updates have stressed WORLD DEVELOPMENT REPORT Group have focused on human capital the critical nature of human capital Public Disclosure Authorized or carried strong human capital messages. for sustainable and long-term growth T H E and identified policy priorities for WORLD DEVELOPMENT REPORT 2019 CHANGING NATURE OF WORK Public Disclosure Authorized • Pakistan@100: Shaping the Future improving outcomes. OVER 1.3 MILLION DOWNLOADS (March 2019) argues that Pakistan’s Public Disclosure Authorized young and growing population of Public Disclosure Authorized MYANMAR ECONOMIC MONITOR | December 2018 MYANMAR 208 million is its greatest asset. ECONOMIC MONITOR Capitalizing on a demographic December 2018 Public Disclosure Authorized dividend will be essential to double the country’s productivity. Public Disclosure Authorized MALAYSIA Navigating Risks GLOBAL AND COUNTRY-SPECIFIC October 2018 ECONOMIC Costa Rica MONITOR Human Capital Index Rank 57 out of 157 THE HUMAN CAPITAL INDEX (HCI) AND ITS COMPO- DECEMBER 2018 Public Disclosure Authorized NENTS HCI DATASETS Figure 1. HCI and Components The HCI measures the amount of human capital that a child born Human Capital Index today can expect to attain by age 18. It conveys the productivity of the next generation of workers compared to a benchmark of com- .2 .4 .6 .8 1 Realizing Human Potential plete education and full health. It is constructed for 157 countries. It is made up of five indicators: the probability of survival to age five, a child’s expected years of schooling, harmonized test scores Probability of Survival to Age 5 as a measure of quality of learning, adult survival rate (fraction of 15-year olds that will survive to age 60), and the proportion of .85 .9 .95 1 children who are not stunted. Globally, 56 percent of all children born today will grow up to be, OVER 31,000 DOWNLOADS at best, half as productive as they could be; and 92 percent will Expected Years of School grow up to be, at best, 75 percent as productive as they could be. 4 6 8 10 12 14 WHAT IS THE STATE OF HUMAN CAPITAL IN COSTA RICA? Harmonized Test Scores • Human Capital Index. A child born in Costa Rica today will be 62 percent as productive when she grows up as she could 300 400 500 625 be if she enjoyed complete education and full health. • Probability of Survival to Age 5. 99 out of 100 children Learning-adjusted Years of School Myanmar born in Costa Rica survive to age 5. Malaysia • Expected Years of School. In Costa Rica, a child who starts 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 school at age 4 can expect to complete 12.5 years of school by her 18th birthday. Adult Survival Rate • Harmonized Test Scores. Students in Costa Rica score 430 on a scale where 625 represents advanced attainment and 300 represents minimum attainment. .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 1 (December 2018) • Learning-adjusted Years of School. Factoring in what chil- (December 2018) dren actually learn, expected years of school is only 8.6 Fraction of Children Under 5 Not Stunted years. • Adult Survival Rate. Across Costa Rica, 92 percent of 15- .4 .6 .8 1 HCI COUNTRY BRIEFS year olds will survive until age 60. This statistic is a proxy for the range of fatal and non-fatal health outcomes that a Note: child born today would experience as an adult under current - Large circle represents Costa Rica conditions. - Small circles represent other countries - Thick, vertical lines and color of circles reflect • Healthy Growth (Not Stunted Rate). 94 out of 100 children quartiles of the distribution are not stunted. 6 out of 100 children are stunted, and so at risk of cognitive and physical limitations that can last a lifetime. Table 1. HCI by Gender ARE THERE GENDER DIFFERENCES IN HCI? Component Boys Girls Overall FOR 157 COUNTRIES HCI 0.6 0.62 0.62 In Costa Rica, the HCI for girls is higher than for boys. Table 1 Survival to Age 5 0.99 0.99 0.99 shows gender disaggregation for each of the HCI components. Expected Years of School 12.3 12.6 12.5 Harmonized Test Scores 433 426 430 Learning-adjusted Years of School 8.5 8.6 8.6 Adult Survival Rate 0.89 0.94 0.92 Not Stunted Rate - - 0.94 Public Disclosure Authorized Note: - When shown, hyphen denotes data are unavailable CAMBODIA ECONOMIC UPDATE - All values are rounded OVER 28,000 DOWNLOADS Public Disclosure Authorized - The gender-disaggregated HCI is calculated using only adult sur- vival rates if gender-disaggregated stunting data is not available #INVESTinPeople THE POWER OF INVESTING IN GIRLS: Public Disclosure Authorized ISSUE 11 Public Disclosure Authorized Educating Girls and Ending Child Marriage in Tanzania JANUARY 2019 Public Disclosure Authorized AFRICA REGION MACROECONOMICS, TRADE AND INVESTMENT GLOBAL PRACTICE Public Disclosure Authorized • Future Drivers of Growth in Rwanda SALT Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized (November 2018) argues that the hard The Public Disclosure Authorized RECENT ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENTS work to realize economic growth will Public Disclosure Authorized Human AND OUTLOOK Public Disclosure Authorized THE WORLD BANK GROUP Public Disclosure Authorized SELECTED ISSUE begin in Rwanda’s classrooms. The Investing in Cambodia’s Future: Capital Early Childhood Health and Nutrition country needs a massive effort to build MAY 2019 HCP BOOKLET PROJECT human capital—its own education- OVER 41,000 DOWNLOADS Laos Tanzania focused ‘Marshall Plan’—and realize ( January 2019) ( January 2019) its ambitious targets. SKU 33252 #INVESTinPeople THAILAND ECONOMIC MONITOR Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized A World Bank Group Publication for the Gulf Cooperation Council Economies CONFERENCE EDITION INEQUALITY, OPPORTUNITY AND HUMAN CAPITAL luding a three-and-a- January 2019 Future Drivers Gulf Economic Monitor among the world’s de are gradually fading, Future Drivers of Growth in he rise, powered by of Growth in Public Disclosure Authorized ernment. RwanDa Public Disclosure Authorized ure, prosperous, and art of these ambitions. ving upper-middle- omeration, and Building the foundations for HCI EXPLAINER VIDEO Public Disclosure Authorized World Bank Group, e report identifies four Innovation, Integration, economic sustainability Human capital and growth in the GCC and competition—and Agglomeration, and FEATURING ANNA Public Disclosure Authorized namism and regional prises, agricultural Competition Public Disclosure Authorized 450,000 VIEWS IN 7 LANGUAGES RwanDa Public Disclosure Authorized Government of Rwanda Thailand Gulf Cooperation ( January 2019) Council (April 2019) SKU 33257 19 BUILDING MOMENTUM Global Engagement World Bank Group Annual Meetings 2018, Indonesia countries more than doubling since the HCP launch, space to welcome many new members. The HCI launch had unprecedented In the last 12 months, there on the front page of the Financial Times global media coverage that positioned • Building Human Capital in Africa: supplement, contributed op-eds and has been a strong focus blogs, spoke at media interviews, took the index as a valuable and innovative The Future of a Generation engaged inspirational youth leaders, H.M. King on disseminating headline part in a range of public advocacy public good designed to elevate Letsie III of Lesotho, policy makers from understanding and accelerate action. messages from the HCI, events, provided video statements Rwanda, Malawi, Niger, and Kenya, and about more and better investment in bringing countries and human capital, and actively carried • The third annual Human Capital civil society on challenges, aspirations, Summit opened with a high-level and actions to build the human capital stakeholders on board, these messages across social media conversation between Prime Minister of the next generation. channels to reach an estimated 17.5 and placing human capital million people. Lee Hsien Loong of Singapore and at the center of the global Jim Yong Kim, then President of the World Bank Group, on the changing development agenda. nature of work and the resulting need to prioritize investments in people, the Media importance of shifting the focus away The HCI launch had unprecedented from supply toward outcomes and global media coverage that positioned demand, and why every country in the index as a valuable and innovative the index has work to do on human public good designed to elevate capital development. understanding and accelerate action. Global Citizen Mandela 100, • The HCP Ministerial Roundtable, • Financial Times: The Financial Times opened by World Bank Group CEO Johannesburg published a special supplement on Kristalina Georgieva engaged more At the event in December 2018, Global human capital on the day of the than 20 finance or planning ministers Citizen CEO and Human Capital HCI launch. on opportunities to strengthen their Champion Hugh Evans introduced then human capital. World Bank Group President Jim Yong Stakeholder and Kim who called on citizens to demand Influencer Engagement • Disruptive technology featured better from their leaders, introduced prominently at an Innovation Fair to the Presidents from Sierra Leone and A wide range of global leaders showed showcase the work of private-sector Rwanda, highlighting their human support for the human capital agenda. innovators contributing to human capital commitments, and announced capital formation. that the World Bank Group would • Human Capital Champions Coalition: A diverse selection of global leaders finance $1 billion more across health World Bank Group Spring and education in Africa. across philanthropy, civil society, private sector, multilateral institutions, Global Events Meetings 2019, Washington, D.C. and government were invited to • World Bank Group President David During the 2018 Annual Meetings in join an informal coalition of human Malpass met with global Human Bali and the 2019 Spring Meetings in capital champions to advise on the Capital Champions and Ministers of Washington, DC, several events and HCP, advocate for more and better Finance from HCP countries to discuss discussions with representatives across investments in people, and engage on progress and ideas for the way forward. government, philanthropy, civil society, the issues. These champions used their the private sector, and bilateral and influence across a range of platforms: • The HCP Ministers’ Conclave afforded multilateral institutions centered around champions signed an Open Letter to time for updates on progress from impediments and solutions to better the World on why the world should Bali and, with the number of HCP investments in people. care about human capital that featured 23 SCALING UP OUR SUPPORT: THE AFRICA HUMAN CAPITAL PLAN The World Bank Group The Plan identifies game changers launched an Africa Human for World Bank support. Capital Plan in April 2019 to • Increasing World Bank financing for underscore its commitment to human capital in Africa, to reach US$ 15 billion for human development respond to the tremendous in 2021-23. human capital challenges • Supporting policy reforms to tackle and opportunities for human systemic obstacles to human capital. capital development in • Accelerating the demographic Sub-Saharan Africa. transition via a new series of projects The Plan sets ambitious targets in the empowering women across the region. region for 2023. These include a drastic • Preventing and reversing damage to reduction in child mortality to save human capital in fragility, conflict, 4 million lives, averting stunting among and violence affected settings. 11 million children, and increasing learning outcomes for girls and boys in • Leveraging technology and school by 20 percent. These outcomes innovations in World Bank Group could raise Africa’s HCI score and projects to further human capital. increase the productivity of future • Advancing research and advocacy to workers by an estimated 13 percent. strengthen the knowledge base and the demand side of human capital. • Rallying World Bank Group country teams and partners around the human capital agenda to enable comprehensive cross-sectoral solutions at scale. Photo: Vincent Tremean / World Bank 25 LOOKING FORWARD: AN EXCITING THE HCP IN YEAR 2 RESEARCH AGENDA Building on Momentum Updating the HCI In its second year, the HCP will continue The World Bank Group will support the Work is now underway on an HCI Romania, Sierra Leone, Sri Lanka, efforts to accelerate human capital HCP countries through analytical and update to be published in April 2020, and Turkey. Disaggregation by outcomes globally. HCP countries are programmatic work. The Africa Human which will include more countries. It socioeconomic status is ongoing focused on realizing national plans that Capital Plan includes innovative human will also include updated data, most for a large group of countries. have prioritized human capital, acting capital development policy operations significantly on student learning. 2. A “history” of curated data on the on agreements reached at national and to foster policy change, new women’s However, this update is not expected index and its components over the international fora, and implementing empowerment and demographic to change the picture significantly for past two decades will shed light on programs newly introduced. change projects, and the mobilization most countries, as progress is generally past trends to inform scenarios for of a network of Africa Human Capital reflected over a longer period. The HCP Country Network will step the future. Champions. Development of similar up efforts to link countries and provide visions for MENA and South Asia 3. Service Delivery Indicator surveys a space in which to share knowledge. Specific activities will include the HCP regions is underway. Further Data to Inform (across health and education) have been completed or are currently website and platform, newsletter, and Human Capital Diagnostic reports are Policy Action ongoing in 19 countries in Africa virtual learning. In-person events envisioned to help countries analyze and in 3 countries outside of will help strengthen ties among these the opportunities for and constraints While the HCI has, as intended, been Africa (Bhutan, Guatemala, and countries and the World Bank Group to better human capital outcomes. a powerful headline tool, future policy Indonesia). Iraq is planning to is ready to provide in-depth technical action needs to be informed by more launch the survey in 2020. These assistance to specific countries on topics A Progress Tracking Tool aims to help than a single aggregate measure. nationally representative surveys of common interest across the network. countries with indicators to measure provide governments with valuable intermediate progress toward the 1. Disaggregation will allow insights information about the quality of long-term outcomes measures in into where human capital deficits services being delivered, particularly the HCI. are the greatest and where returns on the knowledge and motivation to policy interventions are likely to of teachers and frontline health be highest. Subnational geographic workers. The data can be useful in disaggregation of the HCI has been designing more locally appropriate done for several countries, including service delivery models. Angola, Chad, Indonesia, Mali, Niger, Pakistan, Peru, the Philippines, 27 RESOURCES Human Capital Project: Spring Meetings 2019 Events: 360 Photos/Virtual Reality Experience: Human Capital News & Feature Stories: Human Capital Blogs: Video Playlist on Youtube: Building Human Capital 29