CA. Arindom Baruah, FCA AuAMD & ASSOCIATES PARTNER I/C OF HEAD OFFICE CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS To, The Project Director, Assam Society for Comprehensive Financial Management System, Assam Sachivalaya, F- Block, Dispur, Guwahati-781006. Sub: Audit of Project Financial Statements of ASPIRe Project for the year 2016-17. Ref: Our Audit Report dated 11th January 2019. In addition to our Audit Report referred to above, we report that: a) With respect to IFRs, adequate supporting documents has been maintained to support claims to the World Bank for reimbursement of expenditures incurred, read together with our comments in Annexure A to the said Audit Report; b) Expenditures are eligible for financing under the Loan / Credit Agreement [Cr 8765-IN] and; c) The IFRs submitted and the procedure and internal controls involved in their preparation can be relied upon to support the withdrawals. For, M/S A M D & ASSOCIATES, Chartered Accountants, FRN: 318191 E Place: Guwahati r0 2(CA. A. Baruah, FCA) Partner, Mem. No. 053980 Head Ofe: Kft28 I SUGAM PATH I RK G ARUAH ROD I NEAR HDFC BA IGUWAHATI 78024 Brnch Oces" wmptw I DOukXarW I UanagW I A46wI CA. Arindom Baruah, FCA AMD & ASSOCIATES PARTNER I/C OF HEAD OFFICE CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS To, The Project Director, Assam Society for Comprehensive Financial Management System, Assam Sachivalaya, F- Block, Dispur, Guwahati-781006. Sub: Audit of Project Financial Statements of ASPIRe Project for the year 2017-18. Ref: Our Audit Report dated 11th January 2019. In addition to our Audit Report referred to above, we report that: a) With respect to IFRs, adequate supporting documents has been maintained to support claims to the World Bank for reimbursement of expenditures incurred, read together with our comments in Annexure A to the said Audit Report; b) Expenditures are eligible for financing under the Loan / Credit Agreement [Cr 8785-IN] and; c) The IFRs submitted and the procedure and internal controls involved in their preparation can be relied upon to support the withdrawals. For, M/S A M D & ASSOCIATES, Chartered Accountants, FRN: 318191E Place: Guwahati Date: 07.02. 2019 I > (C .A. Baruah, FCA) Partner, Mem. No. 053980 *%md~~ ~ ~ OM=,. "o2 I SWAM. PAH R-4 AU CDfNA ODOSWIQpAA a.2 Braw -fln WfWIDbgr I brA I-& CA. Arindom Baruah, FCA A M D & ASSOCIATES PARTNER I/C OF HEAD OFFICE CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS To, The Project Director, Assam Society for Comprehensive Financial Management System, Assam Sachivalaya, F- Block, Dispur, Guwahati-781006. Sub: Corrigendum to the Audit Report dated 11.01.2019 for the year 2017-18. Ref: Our Audit Report dated 11th January 2019. The Observation at Para No 6 in the Annexure A to the Audit Report referred to above as reproduced below: 'Rs. 17,148,96,9911- was paid for procurement of computers, softwares, network hardware, cabling and power supply works etc for IT systems of various offices under Commissioner of Taxes, Assam during the year, which was 80% of the Gross Bill as per terms of the supply order. However, as the installation was complete as on 31.03.2018, the same have been treated as advance." Should be read as follows: "Rs. 17,18,96,9911- was paid for procurement of computers, softwares, network hardware, cabling and power supply works etc for IT systems of various offices under Commissioner of Taxes, Assam during the year, which was 80% of the Gross Bill as per terms of the supply order. However, as the installation was not complete as on 31.03.2018, the same have been treated as advance." Due to typographical error in the highlighted figure and word. For, MIS A M D & ASSOCIATES, Chartered Accountants, FRN: 318191E Place: Guwahati . Date: 07.02. 2019 '(CA. A. Baruah, FCA) Partner, Mem. No. 053980 Head Offce : H/No.28 SUGAM PATH I R. G BARUAH ROAD I NEAR HOFC BANK I GUWAHATI 781024 Tel: (0.361) 2970190 1 +91--4351 13224 I +01-W8640 84200 i e-mail: I I www.amdansociates,in Branch Ofss: Imphal I Dibrugath I htanagar I AijaWl CA. Arindom Baruah, FCA AMD & ASSOCIATES PARTNER I/C OF HEAD OFFICE CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS INDEPENDENT AUDITOR'S REPORT To, The Project Director, Assam Society for Comprehensive Financial Management System (AS-CFMS), Assam Sachivalaya, F- Block, Dispur, Guwahati-781006. 1. Report on the Financial Statements: We have audited the accompanying financial statements of Assam Society for Comprehensive Financial Management System of Finance Department, Government of Assam, which comprise the Balance Sheets as at 31st March 2017 and the Income & Expenditure Account and the Receipts and Payments Account for the period then ended along with a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information. 2. Managements responsibility for the financial statements: Management is responsible for the preparation of these financial statements that give a true and fair view of the financial position and financial performance of the Society in accordance with the accounting principles generally accepted in India. This responsibility includes design, implementation and maintenance of internal control relevant to the preparation and presentation of the financial statements that give a true and fair view and are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. 3. Auditor's Responsibility: Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We have conducted our audit in accordance with the Standards on Auditing issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. Those standards require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor's judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the Society's preparation and fair presentation of the Hea OMw :FNo I MM PATH I R a RUAH RO I NEAR KDfC BAW I aNMATI 781024 Tei: (03M1) 2970190 +P94351 13224 +91-9864W 84200 s-maN: amidassociates@gmawLeom I amdcaeom I Branch Offime: 4mphadn DgbrugattI taar I AYjawA Financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Society's internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of the accounting estimates made by managements, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion. 4. Opinion: In our opinion and to the best of our information and according to the explanations given to us and subject to our observations in Annexure A, B & Management Letter, the accompanying financial statements give a true and fair view in conformity with the accounting principles generally accepted in India: A. In the case of Balance Sheet, of the Society as at 31st March 2017. B. In the case of Income & Expenditure Account, of the surplus or deficit of the Society for the period ended on 31st March 2017. C. In the case of Receipts & Payment Account, of the transactions of the Society during the period ended on 31st March 2017. 5. Report on the other legal and reciulatory requirements: A. We have obtained all the information and explanations which to the best of our knowledge and belief were necessary for the purpose of our audit. B. In our opinion, proper books of accounts as required by law have been kept by the Society so far as appears from our examination of those books. C. The Balance Sheet, Income & Expenditure Account and Receipts and Payments Account dealt with by this report are in agreement with the books of account. D. The transactions which have come to our notice have been along the accepted and prescribed lines. For, MIS A M D & ASSOCIATES, Chartered Accountants, FRN: 318191E Place: Guwahati Date: 11.01. 2019 (CA. A. Baruah, FCA) Partner, Mem. No. 053980 ANNEXURE - A OBSERVATIONS, ACCOUNTING POLICIES AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF AUDITORS FORMING PART OF THE AUDIT REPORT OF THE ASSAM SOCIETY FOR COMPREHENSIVE FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM, GUWAHATI FOR THE YEAR 2016-17. 1. OBSERVATIONS: 1. Expenditures during the period has been treated as pre-project expenditures to be reimbursed as per terms of Project Agreement of World Bank. 2. Proper vouchers and supporting bills file, vehicle movement log books etc. were not maintained during the initial period when the Society started. II. NOTES OF ACCOUNTS AND SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES: 1. Notes on Accounts and Significant Accounting Policies are state in Schedule 2 attached herewith. Ill. RECOMMENDATIONS BY THE AUDITOR: 1. The system of preparing Debit Vouchers for payments made/expenditure incurred with classification of head of account and also Component Numbers, approval by authorized person and affixing summery sheet of the various supporting vouchers should be maintained for all the transactions in master guard file to facilitate proper control and verification. 2. Fixed Asset Register showing all details with the location and identification marks of Fixed Assets acquired should be maintained in a systematic & scientific manner. 3. Vehicle log sheets and tour diaries are to be maintained for TA/DA cost incurred. For, MIS A M D & ASSOCIATES, Chartered Accountants, FRN: 318191E Place; Guwahati Date: 11.01. 2019 (CA. A. Baruah, FCA) Partner, Mem. No. 053980 ANNEXURE- B We have audited the attached Balance Sheet as at 31st March 2017, the Income and Expenditure Account and the Receipts and Payments Account for the year ended on that date of the Assam Society for Comprehensive Financial Management System of Finance Department, Government of Assam based on the audited statements of accounts of the State Project Management Unit, we submit herewith the Review note on Procurement Procedure. Review note on Procurement Procedure: This is to certify that we have test checked the procurement procedure for goods and services, under the Project and based on the audit of the records for the year 2016-17, we are satisfied that the procurement procedure prescribed under the guideline of the IBRD, World Bank has been followed excepts and otherwise if mentioned in the Auditors Report attached herewith. SI. No Details Deviations Nil For, M/S A M D & ASSOCIATES, Chartered Accountants, Place: Guwahati Date: 11.01. 2019 , (CA. A. Baruah, FCA) Partner, Mem. No. 053980 ASSAM SOCIETY FOR COMPREHENSIVE FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (AS-CFMS) Room No F-228, BLOCK F ASSAM SECRETARIAT. DISPUR. GIIWAHATI 781006. Balance Sheet as at 31.03.2017 Particulars Amt (Rs) Current Year Amt (Rs) Prev. Year SOURCES OF FUNDS: CAPITAL FUND ACCOUNT 1. RESERVE AND SURPLUS a) Unspent Grant: Grants in Aid received 25,700,000.00 Less: Pre Project Expenses as per Sch 1 (9,689,935.00) 16,010,065.00 2. Current Liabilities a) Statutory Dues payable 107,118.00 Total 16,117,183.00 APPLICATION OF FUNDS: CURRENT ASSETS Imprest Account 10,000.00 Bank Accounts 16,107,183.00 16,117,183.00 1 Total 16,117,183.001 Notes on Accounts and Significant Accounting Policies. Sch 2 For, ASSAM SOCIETY FOR COMPREHENSIVE FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (AS-CFMS) As per our report of even date annexed, For, M/S AM D & ASSOCIATES, Chartered Accountants, FRN: 31819 Place: GuwahatiJ FR:191 (Accounting Consultant) (Pr iretor) Date: A.rBaruah, FCA) Partner, Mem. No: 053980. GUWAPA;' AC ASSAM SOCIETY FOR COMPREHENSIVE FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (AS-CFMS) Room No F-228, BLOCK F ASSAM SECRETARIAT, DISPUR, GUWAHATI 781006. Income and Expenditure Account for the period from 20-06-2016 to 31-03-2017 INCOME Schedule Amt (Rs) Current Amt (Rs) Prev. Year Year Grants in Aid Received From Govt. of Assam to the 9,689,935.00 extent utilised Total 9,689,935.00 EXPENDITURE Schedule Amt (Rs) Current Amt (Rs) Prev. Year Year Pre Project Expenditures 1 9,689,935.00 Total 9,689,935.00 - Notes on Accounts and Significant Accounting Policies. Sch 2 For, ASSAM SOCIETY FOR COMPREHENSIVE FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (AS-CFMS) As per our report of even date annexed, For, M/S A M D & ASSOCIATES, Chartered Accountants, FRN: 11E Place: Guwahati (Accounting Consultant) (Project Director) Date: r S ' JAN 2019 (CA.A.Baruah, FCA) Partner, proll Drector Mem. No: 053980. rGUWAHA. ASCp am?L 4Govt. o S GAIAHO. ASSAM SOCIETY FOR COMPREHENSIVE FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (AS-CFMS) Room No F-228, BLOCK F ASSAM SECRETARIAT. DISPUR. GUWAHATI 7810,06. PRE-PROJECT EXPENDITURES DURING 20-06-2016 TO 31-03-2017 SCHEDULE 1 Particulars Amt (Rs.) Current Year Amt (Rs.) Previous Consultancy 6,948,244.00 - Meeting Expenses 298,778.00 - Misc Office Expenses 47,259.00 - Printing and Stationary 2,800.00 - Staff Salary 1,130,235.00 - Travelling Expenses 584,575.00 - Advertisement Expenses 270,928.00 - Hiring of Vehicles 103,890.00 - Meeting and Workshop Expenses 201,397.00 Reimbursement to Procurement Specialist 101,829.00 - TOTAL 9,689,935.00 0.00 Notes on Accounts and Significant Accounting Policies. Sch 2 For, ASSAM SOCIETY FOR COMPREHENSIVE FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (AS-CFMS- As per our report of even date annexed, For, M/S AM D & ASSOCIATES, Chartered Accountants, F N:318191E. Place: Guwahati (Accounting Consultant) (Proj rector) Date: 2 9 9 !M ( CA. A. Baruah, FCA) Partner, Mem. No: 053980. GUWAHATI <'OACO ASSAM SOCIETY FOR COMPREHENSIVE FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (AS-CFMS) Room No F-228, BLOCK F ASSAM SECRETARIAT, DISPUR, GUWAHATI 781006. Receipt & Payment Account for the period from 20-06-2016 to 31-03-2017 RECIEPTS Amt (Rs) Current Schedule YerAmt (Rs) Prey. Year Year Grants in Aid Received From Govt.of Assam 25,700,000.00 Statutory Dues Payable 107,118.00 Total 25,807,118.00 PAYMENTS Amt(Rs) Current Schedule YerAmt (Rs) Prev. Year Year Pre Project Expenditures SCH-1 9,689,935.00 Imprest Advance 10,000.00 Closing Bank Balance 16,107,183.00 - Total 25,807,118.00 - Notes on Accounts and Significant Accounting Policies. Sch 2 For, ASSAM SOCIETY FOR COMPREHENSIVE FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (AS-CFMS) As per our report of even date annexed, For, M/S A M D & ASSOCIATES, Chartered Accountants, 4L Place: Guwahati FN389E (Accounting Consultant) (Proj rector) Date Gu I__ (CA. A. Baruah, FCA) Partner, ProJet DiH Mem. No: 053980. AS-CFM:, GUWAHAT Govt. of Assam ACG CA. Arindom Baruah, FCA AMD & ASSOCIATES PARTNER I/C OF HEAD OFFICE CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS INDEPENDENT AUDITOR'S REPORT To, The Project Director, Assam Society for Comprehensive Financial Management System, Assam Sachivalaya, F- Block, Dispur, Guwahat-781006. 1. Report on the Financial Statements: We have audited the accompanying financial statements of Assam Society for Comprehensive Financial Management System of Finance Department, Government of Assam, which comprise the Balance Sheets as at 31st March 2018 and the Income & Expenditure Account and the Receipts and Payments Account for the period then ended along with a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information. 2. Managements responsibility for the financial statements: Management is responsible for the preparation of these financial statements that give a true and fair view of the financial position and financial performance of the Society in accordance with the accounting principles generally accepted in India. This responsibility includes design, implementation and maintenance of internal control relevant to the preparation and presentation of the financial statements that give a true and fair view and are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. 3. Auditor's Responsibility: Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We have conducted our audit in accordance with the Standards on Auditing issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. Those standards require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor's judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the Society's preparation and fair presentation of the Hood Ofe. HWo28 I SUGAM PATH I R G BARUAH ROAD I NEAR FDFC BAK I WftAMAT 781024 T9:(0361)2970190 1+9194351 13224 1 +91-864084200 I Ia Branh Offes: Impha I Dibugarh I ftanaert I AOMaw Financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Society's internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of the accounting estimates made by managements, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion. 4. Opinion: In our opinion and to the best of our information and according to the explanations given to us and subject to our observations in Annexure A, B & Management Letter, the accompanying financial statements give a true and fair view in conformity with the accounting principles generally accepted in India: A. In the case of Balance Sheet, of the Society as at 31st March 2018. B. In the case of Income & Expenditure Account, of the surplus or deficit of the Society for the period ended on 31st March 2018. C. In the case of Receipts & Payment Account, of the transactions of the Society during the period ended on 31st March 2018. 5. Report on the other legal and regulatory requirements: A. We have obtained all the information and explanations which to the best of our knowledge and belief were necessary for the purpose of our audit. B. In our opinion, proper books of accounts as required by law have been kept by the Society so far as appears from our examination of those books. C.The Balance Sheet, Income & Expenditure Account and Receipts and Payments Account dealt with by this report are in agreement with the books of account. D. The transactions which have come to our notice have been along the accepted and prescribed lines. For, MIS A M D & ASSOCIATES, Chartered Accountants, F :318191E Place: Guwahati Date: 11.01. 2019 (CA. A. Baruah, FCA) Partner, Mem. No. 053980 ANNEXURE - A OBSERVATIONS, ACCOUNTING POLICIES AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF AUDITORS FORMING PART OF THE AUDIT REPORT OF THE ASSAM SOCIETY FOR COMPREHENSIVE FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM, GUWAHATI FOR THE YEAR 2017-18 I. OBSERVATIONS: 1. Debit vouchers are not maintained for the transactions of expenditures. 2. TA/ DA bills of staff are to be properly verified for compliances of rules and regulations framed there under especially with regards to entitlement, period of travel and rates of DA/TA etc prior to adjustments of advances. 3. It has been observed that e-TDS Returns are not filed within the time limit prescribed under law due to which demand of Rs. 36,800/- as late payment fees was served on the Society. The demand has not been paid and accounted for. 4. The TDS payments were not made on time due to which demand of Rs. 8,568/- as interest on late payment was served on the Society. The demand has not been paid and accounted. 5. Expenditure during the Pre-Project period amounting to Rs. 3,33,225/- is not eligible for Reimbursement Claim. 6. Rs. 17,148,96,991/- was paid for procurement of computers, softwares, network hardware, cabling and power supply works etc for IT systems of various offices under Commissioner of Taxes, Assam during the year, which was 80% of the Gross Bill as per terms of the supply order. However, as the installation was complete as on 31.03.2018, the same have been treated as advance. 7. Rs. 42,16,020/- was paid to for refurbishment of data centers under Commissioner of Taxes offices, being 10% of the total contract value. Since the works were under installation as on 31.03.2018, the same has been treated as advance. 8. The following advances has been released during the year, which are not under the Project of ASPIRE being funded by World Bank: a) Advance to BSNL: Rs.5,16,42,896.00 b) Advance to Tablet PC: Rs. 50,70,000.00 (*j .~d II. NOTES OF ACCOUNTS AND SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES: 1. Notes on Accounts and Significant Accounting Policies are state in Schedule 7 attached herewith. 2. A reconciliation statement of expenditure as per IRFs and Audited Accounts is attached as Annexure "C" herewith. III. RECOMMENDATIONS BY THE AUDITOR: 1. The system of preparing Debit Vouchers for payments made/expenditure incurred with classification of head of account and also Component Numbers, approval by authorized person and affixing summery sheet of the various supporting vouchers should be maintained for all the transactions in master guard file to facilitate proper control and verification. 2. Fixed Asset Register showing all details with the location and identification marks of Fixed Assets acquired should be maintained in a systematic & scientific manner. 3. Vehicle log sheets and tour diaries to be maintained for TA/DA cost incurred. For, M/S A M D & ASSOCIATES, Chartered Accountants, FRN: 3 8191E Place: Guwahati Date: 11.01. 2019 (CA. A. Baruah, FCA) Partner, Mem. No. 053980 ANNEXURE- B We have audited the attached Balance Sheet as at 31st March 2018, the Income and Expenditure Account and the Receipts and Payments Account for the year ended on that date of the Assam Society for Comprehensive Financial Management System of Finance Department, Government of Assam based on the audited statements of accounts of the State Project Management Unit, we submit herewith the Review note on Procurement Procedure. Review note on Procurement Procedure: This is to certify that we have test checked the procurement procedure for goods and services, under the Project and based on the audit of the records for the year 2017-18, we are satisfied that the procurement procedure prescribed under the guideline of the IBRD, World Bank has been followed excepts and otherwise if mentioned in the Auditors Report attached herewith. SI. No Details Deviations Nil For, MIS A M D & ASSOCIATES, Chartered Accountants, F N: 318191E Place: Guwahati Date: 11.01. 2019 (CA. A. Baruah, FCA) Partner, Mem. No. 053980 ASSAM SOCIETY FOR COMPREHENSIVE FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (AS-CFMS) Room No F-228, BLOCK F ASSAM SECRETARIAT, DISPUR, GUWAHATI 781006. Annexure "C" of Reconciliation Statement between IFRe and Final Accounts during the period 01.04.2016 to 31.03.2018 A. EXPENDITURE/ADVANCE AS PER INCOME & EXPENDITURE ACCOUNTS/ BALANCE SHEET: 1 Total Expenditure on the PROJECT as per I & E A/C: a) FY: 2016-17 9,689,935.00 b) FY: 2017-18 26,231,932.75 35,921,867.75 2 Total Advance on the PROJECT as per Balance Sheet as on 31.03.2018: 176,113,011.00 TOTAL A 212,034,878.75 B. EXPENDITURES AS PER IFRS: IFR No Expenditure on Expenditure on Total Expenditure SL no Catagory I :TA Catagory II :EEP as per IFR 1 IFR 1 9,501,921.75 720,000.00 10,221,921.75 2 IFR 2 4,639,876.00 540,000.00 5,179,876.00 3 IFR 3 8,528,903.50 412,050.00 8,940,953.50 4 IFR 4 8,762,028.00 176,756,874.00 185,518,902.00 TOTAL B 31,432,729.25 178,428,924.00 209,861,653.25 DIFFERENCE = (A-B) 2,173,225.50 REASONS FOR DIFFERENCES: 1 Expenditures prior to 1st August, 2016 not to be claimed as per PIP 333,225.00 2 Expenditure on Laptops (Non Aspire Expenditure) not claimed 1,840,000.00 3 Mistake in IFR 0.50 2,173,225.50 As per our report of even date annexed, For, MIS A M D & ASSOCIATES, Chartered Accountants, FRN: 318191E. Place: Guwahati Date: (CA. A. Baruah, FCA) Partner, Mem. No: 053980. ASSAM SOCIETY FOR COMPREHENSIVE FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (AS-CFMS) Room No F-228, BLOCK F ASSAM SECRETARIAT. DISPUR. GUWAHATI 781006. Balance Sheet as at 31.03.2018 Sources of Funds: Amt(Rs) Current Year Amt(Rs) Previous Year CAPITAL ACCOUNT RESERVE AND SURPLUS Unspent Grant Opening Balance b/f (As per last Account) 16,010,065.00 Add: Grants in Aid received from Govt. of Assam 1,070,233,000.00 Add: Bank Interest received 6,381,273.00 Add: Fixed Assets acquired from Grant in aid. 1,913,000.00 Less: Pre Project Expenditures (I & E A/c) 865,211.75 Less: Post Project Expenditures (I & E A/c) 25,366,720.50 1,068,305,405.75 16,010,065.00 Current Liabilities and Provisions: Govt. Statutory Dues payable 14,276.00 Sundry Creditors to be paid 41,091.00 55,367.00 107,118.00 Total 1,068,360,772.75 16,117,183.00 Application of Funds: Amt(Rs) Current Year Amt(Rs) Previous Year FIXED ASSETS (SCH 2) 1,913,000.00 CURRENT ASSETS Imprest Account 80,000.00 10,000.00 Advance to BSNL (Non Aspire Project) 51,642,896.00 Advance for Tablet PC (Non Aspire Project) 5,070,000.00 Advance for Information Systems at Commissioner of Taxes (COT), ASSAM 176,113,011.00 232,905,907.00 Closing Balance in Bank Accounts 833,541,865.75 16,107,183.00 Total 1,068,360,772.75 16,117,183.00 For, ASSAM SOCIETY FOR COMPREHENSIVE FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (AS-CFMS) As per our report of even date annexed, For, M/S AM D & ASSOCIATES, Chartered Accountants, PRN: 31819 Place: Guwshati (Accunting Consultant) ( Proj eetor) Date:j -- y (CA. A. Baruah, FCA) 1 2019 Partner, P ject Dirctr Mem. No: 053980. 4.AS-CF0 SGLWAHATI Govt. of,% SACO ASSAM SOCIETY FOR COMPREHENSIVE FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (AS-CFMS) Room No F-228, BLOCK F ASSAM SECRETARIAT. DISPUR. GUWAHATI 781006. Income and Expenditure Account for the period from 1-Apr-2017 to 31-Mar-2018 INCOME Schedule Amt (Rs) Current Amt (Rs) Prey. Year Year Direct Incomes Grants in Aid Received From Govt. of Assam to the 26,231,932.25 9,689,935.00 extent utilised TOTAL 26,231,932.25 9,689,935.00 Amt (Rs) Current Amt (Rs) Previous EXPENDITURE ScheduleYerea Year Year A) Pre proiect Expenses: (Sub total A) 1 865,211.75 9,689,935.00 B) Post-Project Expenses: Fixed Asset purchased from Grant in Aid 2 1,913,000.00 Consultancy Charges etc. 3 12,381,759.00 Reimbursment to Employees 4 319,423.00 Remuneration to Staff and Employees 5 4,058,655.00 Other Administrative Expenses 6 6,693,883.50 Sub total B 25,366,720.50 TOTAL 26,231,932.25 9,689,935.00 For, ASSAM SOCIETY FOR COMPREHENSIVE FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (AS-CFMS) As per our report of even date annexed, For, M/S A M D & ASSOCIATES, Chartered Accountants, FRN: 318191E. Place: Guwahati (Accounting Consultant) (Pro or) Date : I i m 219 ( CA. A. Baruah, FCA) P Poj0ect Director Partner, 0OAS-Cf., Mem.No:053980. cGUWAHAT! Govt. oJ A -sam SAC t-i ASSAM SOCIETY FOR COMPREHENSIVE FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (AS-CFMS) Room No F-228, BLOCK F ASSAM SECRETARIAT, DISPUR, GUWAHATI 781006. PRE PROTECT EXPENDITURES FOR THE YEAR 2017-18, SCHEDULE-1 Amt (Rs.) Current Amt (Rs.) Previous Year Year Consultancy 6,948,244.00 Meeting Expenses 298,778.00 Misc Office Expenses 20,016.00 47,259.00 Printing and Stationary 1,575.00 2,800.00 Staff Salary 780,264.00 1,130,235.00 Travelling Expenses 584,575.00 Advertisement Expenses 270,928.00 Hiring of Vehicles 103,890.00 Meeting and Workshop Expenses 201,397.00 Reimbursement to Procurement Specialist 101,829.00 Project Director Travelling Expenses 63,029.00 Bank Charges 327.75 865,211.75 9,689,935.00 FIXED ASSETS ACQUIRED DURING 2017-18 SCHEDULE-2 Amt (Rs.J Current Amt (Rs.) Previous Particulasar Laptops 1,913,000.00 1,913,000.00 - CONSULTANCY CHARGES ETC IN POST PROJECT PERIOD DURING 2017-18 SCHEDULE-3 Particulars Amt (Rs.J Current Amt (Rs.) Previous YearParticu Consultancy Charges 2,011,146.00 Advisor, Procurement Rules and SBDs 1,193,548.00 Consultancy for Designing E Governance 3,009,000.00 Consultancy for Strengthening PPP Framework 2,161,346.00 Consultancy for Designing Integrated IFMS 2,467,823.00 Advisor, Cash and Debt Management 1,538,896.00 12,381,759.00 11 IAN2019 Reimbursment to Employees during 2017-18 SCHEDULE-4 Particulars Amt (Rs.) Current Amt (Rs.) Previous Reimbursement to APD 94,902.00 - Reimbursement to Domain Expert 14,825.00 - Reimbursement to KSS 9,521.00 - Reimbursement to PD 28,479.00 - Reimbursement to Procurement Specialist 50,509.00 - Reimbursement to PSS 3,691.00 - Mobile and Conveyance Reimbursment to Staff 117,496.00 319,423.00 - Remuneration to Staff and Employees during 2017-18 SCHEDULE-5 Particulars Amt (Rs.) Current Amt (Rs.) Previous Yea Year E-Procurement Staff 270,000.00 GeM Support Staff 57,096.00 Staff Salary 3,731,559.00 4,058,655.00 - Other Administrative Expenses during 2017-18 SCHEDULE-6 Particulars Ant (Rs.) Current Year Ant (Rs.) Previous Year Meeting Expenses 257,029.00 - Misc Office Expenses 536,436.00 - Travelling Expenses 9,762.00 - Advertisement Expenses 2,249,007.00 - Budget Promotion Expenses 26,143.00 - Hiring of Vehicles 54,142.00 - Meeting and Workshop Expenses 1,189,018.00 - Travelling Expenses of CoT Officers 160,681.00 - Bank Charges 973.50 - Printing and Stationery 30,283.00 - Project Director Travelling Expenses 29,192.00 - Training Expenses 498,640.00 - Travelling Expenses 1,652,577.00 - 6,693,883.50 - For, ASSAM SOCIETY FOR COMPREHENSIVE FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (AS-CFMS) As per our report of even date annexed, For, M/S A M D & ASSOCIATES, Chartered Accountants, FRN:318191E. Place: Guwahati (Accounting Consultant) (Project Director) Date: (CA. A. Baruah, FCA) 1 1JAN 2019 Partner, projct Drectr Mem. No: 053980. AS-CiAA 3 UAAT 1 2;A A ASSAM SOCIETY FOR COMPREHENSIVE FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (AS-CFMS) Room No F-228, BLOCK F ASSAM SECRETARIAT. DISPUR. GIlWAHATI 781006. RECEIPT & PAYMENT ACCOUNT FOR THE PERIOD FROM 1-04-2017 TO 31-03-2018 RECIEPT Schedule Amt (Rs) Current Year Amt (Rs) Prev. Year Opening Bank Balance b/f 16,107,183.00 Grants in Aid received from Govt. of Assam 1,070,233,000.00 25,700,000.00 Bank Interest received 6,381,273.00 Statutory Dues Payable 14,276.00 107,118.00 Payable to Creditors 41,091.00 TOTAL 1,092,776,823.00 25,807,118.00 PAYMENT Schedule Amt(Rs) Current Year Amt (Rs) Prev. Year Pre project Expenses 1 865,211.75 9,689,935.00 Post-Prolect Expenses Consultancy Charges 3 12,381,759.00 Reimbursment to Employee 4 319,423.00 Remuneration to Staff and Employees 5 4,058,655.00 Fixed Asset purchased fiom Grant 2 1,913,000.00 Other Administrative Expenses 6 6,693,883.50 O/S Statutory Dues Paid 107,118.00 Impreat Advance 70,000.00 10,000.00 Advance to BSNL (Non Aspire Project) 51,642,896.00 Advance for Information Systems at COT offices 176,113,011.00 Advance for Tablet PC (Non Aspire Project) 5,070,000.00 Closing Bank Balance 833,541,865.75 16,107,183.00 Total 1,092,776,823.00 25,807,118.00 For, ASSAM SOCIETY FOR COMPREHENSIVE FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (AS-CFMS) As per our report of even date annexed, For, M/S AM D & ASSOCIATES, Chartered Accountants FRN: 318191E u t Projet r) Place: Guwahati (Accounting Consultant) Prje r Date : j j I J iI~ CA. A. Baruab, FCA) Partner, Project Director 9 AS-CFIiS Gowt. of A,.,,,-n ASSAM SOCIETY FOR COMPREHENSIVE FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (AS-CFMS), ASSAM SACHIVALAYA F- BLOCK, DISPUR, GUWAHATI-781006. Schedule 2 NOTES OF ACCOUNTS AND SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES: 1. The accompanying financial statements are prepared in historical cost conventions under cash system of accounting as per the generally accepted accounting standards and principles. 2. Fixed assets are valued at cost plus proportionate expenses directly attributable to the acquisition. 3. Depreciation of fixed assets has not been provided for as per Govt. guidelines and assets acquired under the Project are still in implementation stage. 4. Grant in Aid received from Government are accounted for in receipt basis. 5. Grant in Aid to the extent utilized has been treated as income during the period and balance shown as unspent Grant in aid. 6. Interest received Banks are accounted for in receipt basis and accounted for as Programme Funds. 7. Foreign currency transactions, if any are recorded at the exchange rate prevailing on the day of transaction. Any income or expense due to difference in the exchange rate are recognized in the financial statement on the date of settlement or translation. 8. Inventories, if any are value at cost price under FIFO basis. For, ASSAM SOCIETY FOR COMPREHENSIVE For, A M D & ASSOCIATES, FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (AS-CFMS) CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS, FRN: 318191E. (Accounting Consultant) (Project irector) (CA. A. Baruah, FCA) AS-CEMS Partner. .pGot eof ASsamF Mem No.: 053980. GUWAHATI Z 0'