-;v 2 ' ¢'4- C.'~> THE WORLD BANK'S PARTNERSHIP WITH NONGOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS ~~~/ a 'articipation and NGO Group 'overty and Social Policy Department The World Bank's Partnership with Nongovernmental Organizations --~~A The World Bank May 1996 3 1996 The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / THE WORLD BANK 1818 H Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20433, U.S.A. All rights reserved. Manufactured in the United States of America First printing May 1996 The material in this publication is copyrighted. Requests for permission to reproduce portions of it should be sent to the Office of the Publisher at the address shown in the copyright notice above. The World Bank encourages dissemina- tion of its work and will normally give permission promptly and, when the reproduction is for noncommercial purposes, without asking a fee. Permission to copy portions for classroom use is granted through the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc., Suite 910, 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, Massachusetts 01923, U.S.A. The complete backlist of publications from the World Bank is shown in the annual Index of Publications, which contains an alphabetical title list (with full ordering information) and indexes of subjects, authors, and countries and regions. The latest edition is available free of charge from the Distribution Unit, Office of the Publisher, The World Bank, 1818 H Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20433, U.S.A., or from Publications, The World Bank, 66, avenue d'lena, 75116 Paris, France. ISBN 0-8213-3603-7 Acknowledgments This publication was prepared by the Participation and NGO Group of the World Bank, in particular by Claudia Fumo under the guidance of John Clark. Special thanks are due to Helen Eduards of the Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs who began the project during her three-month secondment to the group. Thanks are also due to the many Bank staff who provided input during the preparation of this document, in particular Myma Alexander, Toshiko Hino, Ishrat Husain, Carmen Malena, Kris Martin, Jennifer Rietbergen McCracken, Caroline Robb and Aubrey Williams. The comments of Frances Seymour of the World Wildlife Fund are also gratefully acknowl- edged. Tomoko Hirata provided her expertise in layout and graphic design, and Patricia Rogers's skillful editing was invaluable. Many thanks are due to Stephanie Gerard, Hugh Nees, and Carol Rosen for managing the printing process. Photographs: World Bank (Curt Carnemark) THE WORLD BANK'S PARTNERSHIP WITH NONGOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS CONTENTS Foreword v Introduction 1 The World Bank: Organization and Objectives 2 Nongovernmental Organizations 4 The NGO-World Bank Committee 5 Working Together in Bank-Financed Projects 6 Issues in Bank-NGO Operational Collaboration 10 Cooperation in Research and Analysis 14 Policy Dialogue 16 Looking Ahead 20 BOXES 1. The Participation and NGO Group 3 2. The World Bank Project Cycle 7 3. Social Funds (SFs) a 4. EDI Programs with NGOs 12 5. Environmental and Social Concerns in India 17 6. The Caribbean Public Information Center (CPIC) 19 ANNEXES A. Useful Addresses for NGOs 21 B. World Bank Public Information Centers (PICs): Addresses and How to Order 24 C. Selected Bibliography 25 D. Acronyms 27 E. World Bank Field Offices 28 Participation and NGO Group Poverty and Social Policy Department (PSP) The World Bank may 1996 ,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i The World Bank's Partnership with Nongovernmental Organizations FOREWORD This booklet outlines the ways in which the World Bank and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) can work together in partnership. It is meant to be a resource guide for NGOs and was conceived as a way for the Bank to explain what it does and how it is seeking to further its cooperation with NGOs. The first section outlines the World Bank's objectives and goals, how it is organized, and how it operates and is followed by a section describing the NGO community as seen by the Bank. The role of the NGO-World Bank Committee-one of the oldest fora for interaction between the Bank and NGOs-is described in the third section. The fourth section outlines concrete ways in which the Bank and NGOs can work together and suggests steps NGOs might take to initiate or strengthen collaboration. The next section highlights some of the principal challenges that arise in operational collaboration between the Bank and NGOs as well as ways in which the Bank is seeking to address these issues. NGO involvement in the Bank's research and analytical work is discussed in section six, and the final section describes the dialogue and interaction between the Bank and NGOs on development policy issues. Building relationships is a long and complex process. It is hoped that this booklet will serve as a useful resource in this endeavor. v I The World Bank's Partnership with Nongovernmental Organizations INTRODUCTION The overarching objective of the World Bank is to work development. NGOs and community-based organizations with member countries to fight poverty and to contribute (CBOs) often have closest contact with the poor, are best to their long-term economic and social development. In able to help them directly, and are well suited to helping the last two decades, the lives of people in the developing them identify their most pressing concerns and needs. world have improved significantly: average per capita Their local knowledge and expertise and their ability to income has doubled, child mortality has been reduced, foster and promote people's participation thus give them and life expectancy and literacy rates have risen. strong comparative advantages and can make them Nonetheless, more than 1 billion people continue to live valuable and experienced allies. Working with NGOs in in absolute poverty. Bank-financed operations can increase project reach and sustainability, provide the Bank with alternative The complexities of development have become more perspectives, and facilitate consultation with local people. apparent as experience is gained in this process. The NGO involvement in Bank-financed projects goes back 20 increased recognition of the limitations of the public sector years, but it has now become a major element of the and a greater reliance on the private sector to effectively Bank's work. Since the end of the 1 980s this relationship address the problems facing developing countries have led has expanded greatly in both quantity and quality. At the to a greater awareness of what different actors in civil same time, NGOs have grown significantly worldwide, and society can contribute to national development. This shifting their capacity to affect the development process has development context has led to a move away from strictly expanded accordingly. By 1993, for example, international bilateral donor-government relationships and toward a NGOs' programs represented 14 percent of all greater focus on partnerships between governments, development assistance, or $8.5 billion per annum. More donors, and civil society. Including the poor in the decisions recently, advances in information technology have enabled that concern them and ensuring broad stakeholder NGOs to increase the sophistication of their networks and participation at all levels is a fundamental aspect of this to adopt a more assertive, independent voice. partnership, and many key development issues-such as gender and the environment-require action at the Recognizing these strengths and the potential for grassroots level and a focus on the views of the most complementarity, the Bank is rapidly enhancing its vulnerable groups in society. In recognition of the capacity to work with NGOs. Though the Bank and NGOs importance of participation, the Bank has begun a process do not always agree on specific policy issues or methods of mainstreaming participatory approaches in its lending to achieve specific goals, with cooperation both parties operations and its research and analytical work. can better achieve their antipoverty objectives. The World Bank welcomes the opportunity to work with NGOs and In this context, the World Bank recognizes the important to share and learn from each other's experiences in role that nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), both improving living conditions and in protecting the local and international, play in meeting the challenges of environment. -~~~~~. THE WORLD BANK: ORGANIZATION AND OBJECTIVES The World Bank is a multilateral institution whose purpose IDA works with the poorest countries which are not able to is to assist its developing country members to reduce poverty borrow at the IBRD terms. To these countries, it lends "IDA and improve living standards through sustainable credits,"ormoneyatconcessionalterms.Thesehavea10- development and investment in people. The Bank extends year grace period and a 35- or 40-year repayment period, loans to its members in developing countries to finance and carry no interest rate. IDA lending is supported by the investments that contribute to economic growth and the wealthier member countries, which make contributions alleviation of poverty. It also provides specialized advice to known as "replenishments" out of their aid budgets every help improve development programs and policies. The three years. In FY95, IDA approved credits totaling $5.669 Bank's operations vary enormously in sectoral focus and billion for development projects and programs. scale: Bank-financed projects may modernize telecommunications, build schools and day care centers, The IFC works directly with the private sector in member improve road and rail systems, and provide agricultural countries. It seeks to promote growth in the private sector extension services; they may aim at increasing the of developing countries by mobilizing foreign and domestic enrollment of girls in primary education, reducing capital to invest alongside its own funds in commercial malnutrition, training midwives, improving natural resource enterprises. MIGA was established in 1988 to encourage management, or supporting small enterprises; and, they direct foreign investment in developing countries by may seek to enhance national economic efficiency, reduce protecting investors from non-commercial risk, especially excessive military expenditure, reorient incentives toward risk of war or repatriation, and the ICSID encourages the the poor, or phase out environmentally damaging electric flow of foreign investment to developing countries through subsidies. The World Bank's traditional project portfolio arbitration and conciliation facilities. tended to focus on infrastructure and agriculture projects, however, today the Bank is the single largest international The World Bank provides funds and advice mainly for source of finance for health and education. governments of borrowing countries. Bank-financed projects are designed and implemented by government The World Bank Group comprises the International Bank for agencies or private entities, with the Bank closely involved Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), the International at each stage. While private organizations are often Development Association (IDA), the International Finance involved, World Bank loans are made to member Corporation, (IFC), the Multilateral Investment Guarantee governments, which then pass funds on to the relevant Agency, (MIGA) and the International Center for Settlement private or public agencies. Loans can also be made to the of Investment Disputes (ICSID). Each agency is a legally and private sector with government guarantee, and the World financially distinct entity. The IBRD and the IDA share the Bank can further guarantee private sector financing. The same staff and facilities, and the term "the World Bank" Bank continuously seeks out alliances with other normally refers to both institutions. Most importantly, IBRD participants-multilateral, bilateral, commercial, and IDA have three related functions: to lend funds, to governmental and nongovernmental, and private sector provide economic advice and technical assistance, and to entities-in order to increase coordination and the serve as a catalyst to investment by others. effectiveness of its efforts. IBRD works primarily with middle-income countries. It The World Bank operates under the authority of the Board receives initial capital contributions from its member of Governors. Each of the institution's member countries is governments, but it finances its lending operations primarily represented by one governor, generally the Finance Minister. by borrowing in the international capital markets. This The Board of Governors meets once a year. It delegates its enables the Bank to lend to developing countries on market- authority to a smaller group of representatives, the Board based, but more favorable, terms than most could otherwise of Executive Directors, based at Bank headquarters in obtain if they were able to borrow directly from the capital Washington, DC. In weekly meetings chaired by the Bank's markets at all. IBRD loans generally have a 5-year grace President, the Executive Board decides on Bank policy and period, and are repayable over 15 to 20 years. In fiscal year approves Bank loan and credit proposals. Member 1995 (FY95), IBRD approved loans totaling $16.853 billion governments are the Bank's shareholders, and their votes for development projects and programs. in the Executive Board are weighted in proportion to their 2 The World Bank's Partnership with Nongovernmental Organizations contribution to the Bank's capital. Seven of the Board's 24 members represent single countries and are appointed by Box 1: THE PARTICIPATION AND NGO GROUP the largest shareholders, while each of the remaining 17 represents a group of member countries. The Bank's Participation and NGO Group is a central source of NGO-related information, expertise, and The Bank is organized into seven operational regions, each outreach within the Bank. headed by a vice president, with the exception of the Africa Regional Office which is headed by two vice presidents. Major functions pertaining to NGOs include (i) Within each region are country departments that are facilitating operational collaboration, particularly the responsible for the Bank's operations in a group of countries " upstream " involvement of NGOs in project design and (or sometimes a single country), and a supporting technical consultation with stakeholders; (ii) making Bank-NGO department. The operational work is supported by 6 policy dialogue as constructive as possible, including regional missions and 66 field offices throughout the world. advising on consultations with NGOs and supporting The World Bank's regular staff number about 6,000 and the NGO-World Bank Committee; (iii) providing represent over 100 nationalities. information to Bank staff and others about NGOs, and to NGOs about the Bank, acting as a first point of call; Most of the Bank's policy and research work is undertaken iv) monitoring Bank-NGO collaboration and In what is known as the central vice presidencies, which documenting lessons learned; and (v) helping include Development Economics (DEC), Environmentally operational staff foster a more positive policy Sustainable Development (ESD), Finance and Private Sector environment for NGOs in developing countries. Development (FPD), and Human Capital Development (HCD). HCD is also home to the Participation and NGO Group, a The Group also manages an NGO Profile Database, central resource within the Bank for coordination with NGOs, which contains information on over 8000 NGOs. and often a first point of call for NGOs (Box 1). NGOs also Information from the NGO Profile Database is available interact directly with the Bank's regional and sectoral vice to Bank staff, NGOs, and other interested parties upon presidencies at headquarters and-particularly southern request (see Annex A for addresses). NGOs-with the Bank's field offices in borrower countries. ,,,,,,,,;,,,l" sysinftS Rt z m~~~~~-et 3 NONGOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS Theterm "nongovernmentalorganization" embraces many (ANGOs). However, it does not view these distinctions as different types of agencies whose diversity strains any simple rigid and recognizes that the majority of NGOs operate definition. However, the World Bank usually refers to along a continuum in which a great deal of overlap exists. nongovernmental organizations as any group or institution For instance, many operational NGOs are active players in that is independent from government, and that has national and international policy fora and can also humanitarian or cooperative, rather than commercial, undertake an advocacy role with partners such as borrower objectives. Specifically, the Bank focuses on NGOs that work governments and the Bank in the context of program in the areas of development, relief or environmental implementation. protection, or that represent poor or vulnerable people. The World Bank works with both operational and advocacy The Bank also distinguishes between two main groups of nongovernmental organizations in field operations, research NGOs: operational NGOs (ONGOs) and advocacy NGOs and analytical work, and policy dialogue. 4 I ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~4 _ g~~~~~~~~~~~~ The World Bank's Partnership with Nongovernmental Organizations THE NGO-WORLD BANK COMMITTEE One of the oldest fora for Bank-NGO interaction Is the NGO- were presented at committee meetings in 1993. Discussions World Bank Committee. The Committee was established on participation have covered such areas as the links in 1982 to address ways in which the Bank could increase between participation and improving portfolio quality, a the involvement of NGOs in Bank-financed projects. In the case study commissioned by Oxfam-Bangladesh on mid-1980s, the Committee shifted its focus toward more "People's Participation, NGOs and the Flood Action Plan", policy-related areas. The Committee's meetings provide a and ways to make the Bank's Country Assistance Strategies formal, international arena for policy discussions among (see Box 2) more participatory. At the end of 1994, the senior Bank managers and 26 NGO leaders from around Committee decided to place more emphasis on regional- the world. NGO members of the Committee collectively level discussion and, beginning in 1995, the annual spring form the NGO Working Group on the World Bank (NGOWG) meeting has given way to three regional meetings which and represent all geographic regions. five members each are coordinated by regional members of the Committee from Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean, and (see "Policy Dialogue" below for more details on the Europe, and four from North America/Pacific, two members meetings). are international. The NGOs determine the membership through a staggered election process that allows for annual As the Bank's interaction with NGOs has increased rotation and diversity of NGO representation. The NGOWG significantly over the past decade, other fora for this has a Secretariat which is located in committee member relationship have emerged to complement the organizations and which is also elected on a rotating basis. Comrmittee's work However, the Committee remains The Secretariat is currently located at the Costa Rica unique because of its geographical representativeness and headquarters of the Latin American Association of its continuity, and it continues to be an important forum Development Organizations (ALOPi at the address listed in for Bank-NGO interaction. NGOs wishing to know more Annex A. about Committee membership may contact the NGOWG Secretariat directly. The Participation and NGO Group is In recent years, the committee has focused upon structural also always available to respond to queries about the adjustment and participation. NGO rrembers commissioned Committee. three country-level studies of structural adjustment which 5 WORKING TOGETHER IN BANK-FINANCED PROJECTS Operational collaboration between the World Bank and NGOs has greatly intensified over the last decade. While only six percent of all Bank-financed projects in the period 1973- 1988 included provisions for some form of involvement by NGOs, NGOs were to be involved in about 30 percent of all Bank- financed projects in FY93, and between 40 and 50 percent of projects approved in FY94 and 95. Although it must be noted that NGO involvement varies and often can be quite limited in any one project, these figures mark t' a positive trend toward increased operational collaboration. The Bank is striving to increase both the quantity and quality of NGO involvement in Bank-financed projects. The Bank and NGOs have most often worked together in information about local conditions and community agriculture and rural development projects, and have also priorities. They can also inform local populations about the frequently collaborated in infrastructure and urban planned project, organize consultations with people development and population, health, and nutrition. Africa affected by it, and work with them to make their voices and South Asia remain the regions with the largest numbers heard. For example, in an education project in Chad, of NGO-associated projects. The geographical distribution national NGOs worked together with the Bank, government of NGO participation in Bank-financed projects has officials, and community groups to identify local primary broadened in recent years to include regions such as East education problems and ways to address them. In some Asia and Latin America. cases, NGOs have provided project ideas, or existing NGO projects have served as a model for Bank-financed activities. Since FY88, the Bank has made a special effort to engage Oxfam's program of "water harvesting" in Burkina Faso, local, as opposed to international, NGOs in its operations, for example, served as a model for Bank operations in soil given their on-ground presence and first-hand knowledge and water conservation throughout the Sahel. of the needs and interests of local communities. In FY95, CBOs and national NGOs were prominent in NGO- Although numbers have risen in recent years, still only associated projects, while international NGO presence about 50 percent of the projects approved in FY95 diminished significantly. More detailed information is given involving NGOs included NGO input during project design. in the annual Progress Report on Bank-NGO Cooperation, The Bank is aware that if NGOs are expected to participate which is available directly from the Participation and NGO in Bank-financed projects in a meaningful way, it is Group (see Annexes A and C for addresses and important that they have a say in the design of the project, bibliography). including defining the terms of their own involvement. This is particularly important in areas where NGOs are Experience has shown that collaboration is most successful judged to possess clear comparative advantages as, for when NGOs are involved from the beginning of the project instance, in projects emphasizing beneficiary participation, cycle. The World Bank project cycle is complex and it is community mobilization and poverty reduction. During suggested that NGOs familiarize themselves with it before the design of an earthquake reconstruction project in entering into partnership. Box 2 describes the stages of Guatemala, for example, it was determined that the the cycle. nationai housing bank lacked the capacity to handle the micro component of the project. Instead, a federation NGOs can play specific roles at various stages throughout of NGOs was given the responsibility for the component, the project cycle. During project identification, NGOs that informing beneficiaries, identifying cooperatives eligible are familiar with the area and enjoy links with local groups for funds, assisting them in preparing proposals for micro can provide both Bank and government with valuable projects, and disbursing funds. 6 The World Bank's Partnership with Nongovernmental Organizations Box 2: THE WOtu BAm PROKECT CYcE The Bank's project cycle covers the life of a typical project from identification of needs and priorities until the final completion of work and evaluation of results. Though not rigid, the cycle can be seen as a six-step process which typically takes about 10 years and throughout which World Bank staff work dosely with borrowers in government. At any stage of the project cycle, there may be opportunities for NGOs to work in partnership with the Bank and, as mentioned above, involvement eaily on in the course of the cycle e.g. in identification and preparation-is key. The Bank's involvement in a project is managed by a team of Bank operational staff headed by a task manager (TM). The TM is assisted by sectoral specialists and members from the region's technical departments or the central vice presidencies. The TM works in close partnership with the borrower and other parties involved, induding NGOs. The overall framework for the Bank's involvement in a country is the Counry Assistanee Strategy (CAS). The CAS describes the Bank's strategy, including the level and composition of assistance to be provided on the basis of priorities in the country and the country's portfolio performance. The CAS is generally prepared in dialogue with the government and is then considered by the Bank's Board; however, the CAS is the Bank's strategy. Any differences between the country's own agenda and the strategy advocated by the Bank are highlighted in the CAS document. The Bank has recently begun consulting NGOs and other parties outside of government in the CAS preparation process; this has been the case especially in Africa. The first phase of the project cycle, dentification, is carried out by the borrower with the Bank's assistance, as needed. During this initial stage, planners answer questions such as Who will benefit from the project? Will the project contribute to economic developrnent or poverty alleviation? How will it affect local populations? Will project benefits be greater than costs? Are there other options for achieving the same objective? While only governments can submit projects for Bank financing, proposals may come from several sources, such as UN agencies, private sponsors, or NGOs. Project identification is based on different sources of information such as the borrower's development budget and feasibility studies, and the Bank's own country-level research and analysis known as Country Econoiic and Sector Work (CESW). NGO involvement in ESW has been increasing, and is important for NGOs' contribution of local knowledge and alternative perspectives (see "Cooperation in Research and Analysis" below). At this stage of the cycle, a Project Information Document (PID) which describes the project is prepared by the World Bank and is made publicly available through the Bank's Public Information Centers (see 'Policy Dialogue' below) and field offices in the country concerned. Once the priorty for the project is agreed upon, the next stage, projt preparation, begins. Peparato-primanly the responsibility of the borrower, at times with heavy input from the Bank-transforms the project idea into a detailed proposal that takes into account technical, economnic, social, institutional, financial, and environmental factors. Factual and technical reports prepared at this stage may be made available to outside parties upon request. NGOs are encouraged to be involved in project preparation. The Bank then conducts an apprakal, or detailed review, of the proposal. During on-site visits, a team of Bank staff and consultants undertake an independent assessmnent of the project, including the capacity of implementing agencies. The team summarizes its fiRndings and recommendations in a Staff Appraisal Report (SAR), which, after being reviewed within the Bank, forms the basis for negotiations with the borrower. During the fourth stage, negotiations, the Bank and the borrower reach agreement on the measures necessary for a successful project. The SAR is then submitted to the Bank's Board of Executive Directors for approval. Once the loan or credit is approved, implementation of the project begins and the SAR is also made publicly available. The borrower is responsible for implementation, but the Bank plays an important role in supervision and, when needed, provision of technical assistance. The sixth and final stage of the project cycle is evaluation, during which the project's outcome is measured against its original objectives. An Implementation Compheion Report (ICR) is prepared by the country department (CD) prior to the anticipated dosing date and distributed to the Bank's Board not later than six months after that date. An independent department within the Bank, the Operations Evaluation Department (OED), is responsible for rating the development impact and performance of all completed projects. OED reports its findings directly to the Bank's Board and President. Results and recommendations feed back into the design and implementation of policies and lending operations. OED recently began an assessment of the contribution of NGOs to the development effectiveness of Bank-financed projects. 7 In the case of projects that are likely to have adverse NGOs are most frequently involved in Bank-financed environmental impacts, the Bank requires an appropriate projects as consultants or implementing agencies. The environmental assessment (EA) as described in Operational borrower can use Bank funds to engage NGOs for specific Directive' 4.01, Environmental Assessment. For those that tasks and roles. These have included project management, involve the most significant impacts (known as Category A service delivery, training, and community development. To projects), OD 4.01 requires that the borrower consult with date, NGOs' most substantial involvement in project affected groups and NGOs during at least two stages of implementation has been in the context of the numerous the EA process: i) during the preparation of terms of social funds (SFs) supported by the Bank (Box 3). In FY95, reference for the assessment; and, ii) once a draft NGOs played an implementing role in 78 percent of projects assessment report has been prepared. Consultation approved that involved NGOs. As contractors/service throughout the course of the EA is also encouraged and is deliverers, NGOs have been particularly valuable in situations happening in an increasing number of projects. This where government or private sector capacity is weak. For represents an opportunity for NGOs to contribute their local example, in an agricultural development project in Sierra knowledge and to ensure that the voice of disadvantaged Leone, CARE was contracted to implement a road groups is heard. construction component when it was recognized that Box 3: SOCIAL FUNDS Bank-financed social funds (SFs) offer one way for the Bank and NGOs to work together toward reducing poverty and mitigating the negative social impact of adjustment. A SF channels resources to demand-driven subprojects that are proposed and implemented by public, private, or voluntary (formal or informal) organizations. These subprojects are aimed at improving poor people's access to social services, employment opportunities, and income-generating assets. To date, the Bank has financed some 30 major social funds, mainly in Latin America and Africa, amounting to more than US$1.0 billion. A considerable part of that amount has been channeled to operational NGOs, both national and international, and CBOs. The first Bank project of this kind was the Bolivian Emergency Social Fund, created in 1986 to provide temporary assistance and income-earning opportunities to those hardest hit by the country's economic crisis. Since then, there has been a shift in emphasis from the relief that characterized the earlier funds to long-term development activities and poverty reduction. Concomitantly, the nature of NGO involvement in the SFs has deepened, moving beyond implementing subprojects and cofinancing to participating in the design of funds and serving on the committees that select, monitor, and evaluate sub-projects. Experience has shown the importance of ensuring NGO participation in the design as well as the administration of SFs-particularly to help guard against the funds being distorted toward political objectives. Furthermore, involvement of beneficiaries in the subproject cycle is vital to long-term sustainability, and often NGOs experienced in working with beneficiaries are well positioned to support local participation in community development. Where local communities are poor and lack the skills to develop project proposals, intermediary NGOs can provide them with technical assistance in project preparation, supervision and maintenance. NGOs operating in countries where SFs have been established can submit requests for financing of their projects to the national agency in charge of administering the fund. Each fund has its own predetermined selection criteria, and different types of activities are supported under different funds. NGOs should therefore ensure that their project proposals are in line with the criteria established by a specific fund before they submit proposals. Operational Directives (ODs), issued between 1989 and 1992, are documents which set forth how the Bank does its work and are pr marily intended to guide staff. The Bank is in the process of rep ac ng ODs with Operational Pol cies (OPs), wh ch are short statements of policy, and Bank Procedures (BPs), which spell out the required documentation and common set of procedures needed to ensure operational consistency and quality. In add t on, to further assist Bank staff in carrying out policies and procedures, the Bank produces Good Practices (GPs), documents which outline spec al considerations and best practice examples. OPs, BPs, ODs that have not been rep aced, and GPs are available to the public upon request from the Bank's Public Information Centers (PICs) (Annex B). 8 The World Bank's Partnership with Nongovernmental Organizations government lacked the capacity to do so while CARE had access to the educational programs funded through a basic considerable experience in building feeder roads and already education project. possessed some of the necessary equipment. In some projects, NGOs contribute their own time, resources, or NGO involvement in the monitoring and evaluation of facilities and are considered as project cofinanciers. In a Bank-financed projects has become increasingly common few cases, large international NGOs or foundations have in recent years. In a rural development project in made cash contributions toward Bank-financed projects. Paraguay, for example, local NGOs were contracted to In 1 989, Rotary International transferred $15 million to the monitor the impact of the project on indigenous people. Bank-the largest grant ever received from an NGO-to In a recently approved project in Ecuador, the EA was assist in the construction of a state-of-the-art polio vaccine carried out in close collaboration with local production facility in China. Construction of the plant, which environmental NGOs and recommended that specific is expected to begin operations by 1996, is supervised jointly protective measures be incorporated into project design. by the Ministry of Health, the Bank, and Rotary. NGOs have To ensure that these measures are adhered to and that also independently financed activities that complement or governmental commitment remains constant, local NGOs enhance the impact of Bank-financed projects. In Brazil, have been invited to participate in a consultative group for example, NGOs purchased television sets for a number that will monitor the implementation of the EA of preschools in order to ensure that children would have recommendations. NGOS THAT ARE INTERESTED IN WORKING WITH THE BANK MAY WISH TO TAKE THE FOLLOWING STEPS: 4 For NGOs located in developing countries, the best starting point is to meet staff in the Bank's field offices who can point out possible areas of involvement for locally active NGOs. To strengthen outreach and communication with NGOs at the country level, the Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) and Africa Regional Offices have recently established NGO liaison positions in their field offices (These are listed in Annex A while World Bank field offices are listed by country in Annex E). 4 NGO representatives who can visit Bank headquarters in Washington should arrange to meet country officers in the country departments (CDs) and sectoral experts working in the CDs, as well as technical department specialists most relevant to their interests (e.g., population and human resources, or environment). The Participation and NGO Group can assist in facilitating such interaction. 4 At the same time, it is suggested that NGOs also get to know staff in the government agencies that implement the project. A constructive Bank-government-NGO "trialogue" is essential for successful partnership. In this regard, since government-NGO relations are not always easy, the Bank frequently plays a role in bringing governments and NGOs together to discuss issues of common concern, and encourages governments to provide a more enabling environment for civil society. v Finally, NGOs may also want to take advantage of information resources available in the Bank's Public Information Centers (see "Policy Dialogue" below, Annex B, and Box 6) and in its field offices such as country reports or economic and sector reports. 4 It may also be quite helpful for NGOs to have a copy of the World Bank Directory, which is updated every three to four months and is sold at the World Bank bookstore (for the address, see Annex A). 9 ISSUES IN BANK-NGO OPERATIONAL COLLABORATION Many challenges face both NGOs and Bank staff who are sometimes designed to include mechanisms for channeling interested in initiating or expanding their relationship. funds to NGOs-the most significant are the social funds (Box 3)-and the Bank's own resources can also be used to To address these issues-some of which are highlighted in collaborate with NGOs directly on the Bank's activities. For the section below-in early 1994 the Bank established a example, task managers can applytothe Fundforlnnovative Task Force on Operational Collaboration to bring together Approaches in Human and Social Development (FIAHS)2 and senior operational managers and a number of operational the Institutional Development Fund (IDF)3 with proposals NGOs with experience in working with the Bank to review for activities supporting NGO involvement. A very limited existing Bank policies, procedures and common practices, number of grant programs-also internal-are the and to identify ways to enhance operational collaboration. exception to these general rules and are outlined below. The Bank has also organized a number of workshops for The Bank's Special Grants Program (SGP), for instance, may exchanginginformationwithNGOsonoperationalprocedures be an occasional source of support to NGOs. The SGP and priorities. The first such workshop was held in July 1994 finances regional and global programs and activities that at World Bank headquarters. Following this successful are important to the development process and experience, it was decided to concentrate on workshops within complementary to the Bank's operational work. Applications developing countries. The first of these was held in Tanzania for grants to the program are prepared and submitted by in January 1995 and was attended by more than 60 Bank task managers who have identified an activity for participants, including a large number of community-based support. SGP contributions generally do not exceed 1 5 local NGOs, international NGOs, government officials, and percent of a proposed program's total funding, and grants donor and UN agency representatives. The workshop was an typically fall in the range of $200,000 to $2 million. Some opportunity to provide an overview of the Bank's activities in provide one year of funding only, while others are multiyear Tanzania and to give an understanding of its country lending but have a clear exit strategy. Most of the grants are made strategy. In April 1995, a similar workshop was held in to research institutions, UN agencies for specific initiatives, Colombia with participants from across Latin America. This and regional initiatives. However, some of the grant meeting focused on ways in which NGOs, governments, and recipients are NGOs. In recent years, for example, the SGP the World Bank could better work together to achieve their has been used to provide support to developing-country development goals. In May 1995, the World Bank office in NGOs participating in the International Conference on Argentina organized a workshop to discuss operational Population and Development in Cairo, in the World Summit collaboration with NGOs and government officials in the on Social Development in Copenhagen, and in some province of Cordoba; it will follow up with similar meetings in activities of the NGO Forum of the Fourth World Conference otherprovincesoverthecomingyear.TheWorldBankexpects on Women in Beijing. The SGP has also funded some to continue sponsoring such workshops at the rate of at least initiatives in the population and health sectors: the Safe two countries per year. Motherhood Initiative grant provides funding to NGOs for advocacy, research and activities; and the grant for CHANNELING FINANCIAL RESOURCES TO NGOs Population NGOs seeks to identify and strengthen the capacities of small, grassroots indigenous NGOs, and funds Funding is one of the principal issues in Bank-NGO initiatives that exemplify new, integrative approaches to operational collaboration. The World Bank does not fund demand creation and service delivery. NGOs wishing to NGOs directly; the most common way for an NGO to receive propose activities for SGP funding might therefore seek to project funds is by working as a paid consultant or identify appropriate Bank task managers in relevant contractor to the borrower. Bank-financed projects are departments for sponsorship. It is important to keep in mind FIAHS is a three-year fund established in July 1994 to support the promotion of participation and the undertaking of social assessments in the context of the Bank's activit es. FIAHS is an internal fund and FIAHS grants are made to requesting departments on a matching basis. Past FIAHS-supported activities have included a social assessment of girls schooling opportunities in Pakistan and strengtnening indigenous participation in oil development decisions in Western Siberia IDF grants are used in low income countries to finance technical assistance (TA) activities that (a) are part of the Bank's CAS, (b) support institutional development in areas of special operationai emphasis such as poverty reduction or gender issues, or (c) are directed toward policy reform or capacity building for country management of TA. Though normally used to develop the capacity of official bodies, the IDF can be a source of support for NGO capacity building. In Bolivia, for example, an IDF grant was used to develop the management skills and institutional capacity of indigenous peoples' organizations The grant was based on the recognition that special efforts were needed to overcome the structural obstacles that have traditionally impeded the flow of development benefits to indigenous peoples and prevented their direct participation in Bolivia's development process. Like FIAHS, IDF is an Internal fund which awards grants to requesting departments. 10 The World Bank's Partnership with Nongovernmental Organizations that the program receives numerous applications and that that demonstrate innovative approaches to environmental the selection process is highly competitive. For general issues. (The facility is jointly implemented by the World Bank, information on the SGP, NGOs may contact the SGP UNDP and the UN Environment Program). The NGO Small Secretariat at the address listed in Annex A. Grants Program places heavy emphasis on decentralized decision-making, leading to more community-level Within the SGP, there is also a Small Grants Program which responsibility and increased NGO involvement. National was established in 1983 to promote dialogue and selection committees that include local NGOs are set up to dissemination of information about international develop national strategies and criteria for funding, as well development among diverse audiences, such as NGOs, as to solicit proposals from local NGOs, administer funds governments, the private sector, and international aid and evaluate performance. The address of the GEF NGO agencies. The Small Grants Program supports conferences Small Grants Program is listed in Annex A. and seminars, special publications, networking activities, and other development education and information-related Under the Consultant Trust Funds (CTFs) program, grant activities for which small organizations frequently lack funds provided by donors to support both their consultant adequate funding. The program does not provide support community and the Bank's programs have been used in for NGO development projects. Past activities have included the past to support special studies or activities related to . 1 . ,,- . jawE SF Mw ,,, . NGOs. In addition, the Japanese Government '4 ib,- t: * finances a Policy and Human Resources A t .. Development (PHRD) Fund which provides grants for project preparation activities, training and scholarship programs of the EDI, and special studies. PHRD grants for project _WMM - , spreparation aim to promote the active participation of ali stakeholders, particularly that of the ultimate beneficiaries. (An E* L-informational pamphlet on cofinancing is i I 1 |@. s,\ _ . -e.-$2.HX"N;Zavailable at the World Bank bookstore, see | | . ; .* ;< . . S ~~~~~~~~Annexes A and C for listings). As a follow-up to the 1993 Hunger Conference sponsored by the Bank (see "Policy Dialogue"), the Bank's Board of Executive Directors approved the women's leadership seminars in India, a microenterpse establishment of a Consultative Group to Assist the Poorest workshop in the Philippines, and an international conference (CGAP) in June 1995. CGAP is a multidonor effort to reduce for NGOs on Black Sea environmental problems. Grants are poverty by systematically focusing resources in the field of typically in the range of $1 0,000 to $1 5,000, and normally microenterprise. CGAP's specific objectives are to (i) support do not fund more than half of the activity's total budget. and expand sustainable microfinance and microenterprise The program disburses a yearly total of approximately initiatives; (ii) increase learning and dissemination of best $600,000. Like the SGP, this program receives large numbers practices for delivering financial services to the very poor; of applications and competition is keen. For information and (iii) strengthen donor coordination; and (iv) help create application guidelines, NGOs may contact the Small Grants an enabling environment for microlending institutions. The Program Secretariat at the address in Annex A. nine founding members of CGAP pledged approximately US$200 million to the program. Of this total, the World The NGO Small Grants Program of the Global Environment Bank's cash contribution of $30 million will be used to Facility' (GEF), administered by the UN Development establish a micro-finance facility which will provide grants Program (UNDP), supports community-based activities by and/or loans to institutions that provide financial services grassroots organizations and NGOs in developing countries to the poor, and will focus on enabling very poor men I The Global Environment Fac Jity (GEF) provides grants and concessional funding to deve ooing countries for pro)ect and prograrns that protect the global environment and promote sustainable development The GEF was launched as pilot prolect in 1991, and was reslructured and replen shed n 1994. Within the Worid Bank, the Global Env ronment Cooroination D vision is responsible for overseeing the Bank's GEF portfolio, ana organizes workshops for nterested parties in GEF-eligible countries to explain the activities of the GEF NGOs interested n World Bank-implemented GEF projects, may contact the Global Environment Coordination Division at the address listed n Annex A. and women to become more productive. A variety of institutions will be eligible for financing from the proposed Box 4: EDI PROGRAMS WITH NGOs fund, including NGOs, credit unions, cooperatives, and private business associations. Guidelines for requesting Inindia,theWomen'sEnterpriseManagementTraining agencies were approved in early 1996 and are available in Outreach Program (WEMTOP) works through some English, French and Spanish. For further information, NGOs 30 NGOs to design and deliver management training may contact the CGAP Secretariat at the address listed in to enhance the income-generating capability and self- Annex A. reliance of women microentrepreneurs. EDI's lead partner for this program, the NGO Udyogini, is CAPACITY BUILDING currently preparing to move from an initial pilot project in three states to an expansion phase. As cooperation with NGOs develops, the World Bank and other donors have become aware that in many countries In LAC, a multiyear program aims at strengthening the NGO community is still in nascent phases or faces NGOs working in urban poverty and at facilitating significant institutional, legal, financial, or political barriers. more NGO-government dialogue on urban sector Strengthening the capacity of NGOs to contribute to the issues. Assistance is mainly provided through FICONG, development process is an important issue for many a regional institution responsible for training and international NGOs and official aid agencies, including the strengthening NGOs in this sector. World Bank. In the context of operational collaboration, the Bank can Over the past three years, EDI has sponsored a major contribute to capacity-building of NGOs through training, initiative in building up the capacity of a number of NGOs promoting NGO partnerships, and supporting NGO in Benin, Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger, under the title networks and information-sharing. The Benin Community- "Strategic Planning and Management for African NGOs. " based Food Security Project provides a good example of The rationale for this program was brought forward in a NGO partnering: when a two year pilot phase revealed that 1992 meeting of Francophone African NGO leaders, who local NGOs faced several human and material constraints, identified strategic planning and management as NGOs, the government and donors decided that significant prerequisites to help NGOs work on developing international NGOs would work together with a local longer-term, more coherent programs and better linkages counterpart in project activities thus providing support and to government and donor activities. By early 1996, the facilitating technology transfer. program's pilot phase is nearing its end. Training manuals describing the training methodologies for NGO strategic Outside of project work, the Economic Development planning and management are being developed and field- Institute (EDI)-the World Bank's training and learning tested by participating NGOs and NGO umbrella structures. branch-includes NGO participants in many of its activities An evaluation of the program is planned for 1996, with (see Annex A for EDI's addresses and numbers). EDI is the purpose of extracting the main principles and lessons strongly committed to broadening the audience for its learned during the pilot phase and formulating learning activities beyond senior government officials. Thus, recommendations for the future. Main findings will be because NGOs have an increasingly important role in the presented in a workshop at World Bank headquarters in development process, EDI continues to invite their Washington, DC. As a final output of the program's pilot representatives along with journalists, parliamentarians, and phase, a summary of cutting-edge methods and strategies representatives of the public and private sectors. EDI most piloted by the program will be published and widely frequently asks NGOs to participate in programs concerning disseminated. girls' education, reproductive health, AIDS, poverty, resettlement, environment, natural resource management, Two new programs in Mali and Madagascar also have major and private sector development (including micro, small, and NGO involvement. In Mali, NGOs and other members of medium enterprises). NGO staff also act as resource persons civil society will be involved in a public sector reform for the design and delivery of many programs and, in some program that aims to make governments more responsive cases, NGOs are the principal partners in organizing activities and client-oriented. Elements of the reform program may (Box 4). Some of these activities seek to improve include public financial reform, civil service reform, legal government/NGO collaboration or, especially in countries reform, and a more enabling environment for private sector in transition, to help officials and citizens understand what development. In Madagascar, EDI is facilitating a program NGOs are and can do. of activities to develop dialogue and cooperation between 12 The World Bank's Partnership with Nongovernmental Organizations the public and private sectors. The program, which is fully demand-driven and client-owned, involves NGOs, parliamentarians, journalists, and private and public sector representatives in workshops whose , . - topics are decided by nationals. The Women's Management Training Outreach Program (WMTOP) in Africa consists of four pilots in Burkina Faso, Nigeria, and Senegal. These programs have provided rmanagement training to (mostly illiterate and semiliterate) women while strengthening the capacity of NGOs and national training organizations to provide such training. EDI j4 will continue to promote the programs as they move beyond the pilot stage. Building on the experiences of WEMTOP (Box 4) and other programs, EDI has recently formed an intercountry network of trainers who work with EDI in grassroots management training. Initial members are located in Sub-Saharan Africa, India, and Nepal. The program aims to (i) promote the economic and social empowerment of grassroots people (especially women) through enhancing their organizationis' capacity to train and support microentrepreneurs and (ii) work toward policy environments that are more conducive for microentrepreneurs Members in different countries +W exchange experience and training materials through electronic communications and study visits. PROCUREMENT NGOs and community organizations that wish to or national competitive bidding (NCB), according to local collaborate in Bank-financed projects have sometimes had procedures acceptable to the Bank. However, where NGOs difficulties with the Bank's procurement procedures. have qualities that make them distinct.ve from the Indeed, meetings of the Task Force on Operational commercial sector--e.g., the ability to enhance community Collaboration have frequently addressed this issue. In participation, or local knowledge and expertise- recent years, the Bank has modified its procurement alternative methods such as national shopping or direct requirements to facilitate NGO participation. The January contraction can be justified as more appropriate ways to 1995 Procurement Guidelines (available at both the contract NGOs. In addition, some projects have developed bookstore and the PICs) address this issue by allowing simplified NCB documents for use by NGOs and other the Bank and the borrower to tailor procurement local organizations. procedures for projects that ( ) involve community participation and/or NGOs, (ii) use labor-intensive On the basis of past experience, the Bank is making efforts techniques or local materials, or (iii) aim to increase the to inform both staff and NGOs about suitable practices in use of local know-how. This new feature is Intended to procurement In some projects, the Bank has also included bring flexibility to the mplementation of community- training programs for NGOs on procurement issues. NGO based projects. partners, however, should feel free to address their questions to Bank task managers and f eld office staff to Normally, the Bank encourages the use of international ensure that they are fully informed of World Bank competitive bidding (ICB), especially for large contracts, procurement procedures. 13 COOPERATION IN RESEARCH AND ANALYSIS The Bank carries out a broad range of research and analysis, borrower country and that analyze the economic prospects, known as economic and sector work (ESW), which is a key issues, and policies in the country. While primarily devoted element of its assistance to borrowers. The purpose of this to macroeconomic policy issues and analysis, CEMs also work is to provide a thorough understanding of borrowers' integrate the analyses and policy recommendations flowing development problems and opportunities, and to advise from other sector work. In Zimbabwe, a participating NGO on how to tackle them. Economic work focuses on the helped to organize field visits and ensured that the Bank overall economic prospects and development challenges had direct contact with the rural poor, thus contributing a of borrowing countries. Sector work studies the different perspective on poverty. development problems, policies, institutions and investment priorities of major sectors and subsectors. The Bank's ESW The World Bank also conducts poverty assessments. These provides the framework for the Bank's lending program assessments include a poverty profile, an analysis of and for policy advice. ESW feeds into the CAS which government policies and safety nets, and a suggested represents the overall framework for the Bank's activities in strategy for poverty alleviation. In some countries (primarily a given country (as detailed in Box 2 above), and into in Sub-Saharan Africa), participatory poverty assessments individual project design. (PPAs) are being carried out to elicit the views of poor people themselves and to build a dialogue between various The range and diversity of this body of research and stakeholders. NGOs and social scientists with grassroots analytical work has expanded considerably over the last experience and local language skills have proved valuable decade, and, concomitantly, so has the participation of partners in carrying out PPAs. For example, NGOs have different stakeholders. NGOs have in very recent years helped conduct PPAs in Ghana, Benin, Madagascar, become active contributors to much of the Bank's ESW, Cameroon and Rwanda. In the Ghana PPA, a small particularly in the environmental, social, and poverty-related indigenous NGO was in charge of managing the fieldwork spheres. NGOs are participating in ESW both as researchers/ for the assessment, organizing workshops with academics, analysts and as stakeholders. government officials, and NGOs, and providing training on the methodology used in the work. The result was not An example of this can be found in the preparation of the only a high quality product, but also a positive capacity- Zimbabwe Country Economic Memorandum (CEM). CEMs building experience for the NGO itself. are comprehensive reports that the Bank prepares for each 14 The World Bank's Partnership with Nongovernmental Organizations NGOs have also played an '-. ' important role in the preparation *._ and elaboration of a number of national environmental action plans (NEAPs). NEAPs describe a country's major environmental concerns, set out the principal causes of ' d problems, and formulate policies and concrete actions to deal with the problems. NGOs can be involved in NEAPs in a variety of ways. In Kyrgyz Republic, for instance, NGOs and the general public were involved in discussing environmental priorities, drafting the NEAP report, and disseminating information on the plan's objectives and expected outcomes. A public participation program was then launched by a local with governments and NGOs. These studies, guided by environmental NGO to serve as a vehicle for ongoing advisory groups drawn from government and NGO circles, consultations with local NGOs during the final stage of are designed to provide opportunities for various parties preparation and subsequent implementation of the NEAP. to come together to discuss common objectives and ways In Viet Nam, various working groups which included NGOs to achieve them carried out most of the analysis and established priorities. In Guinea, the NEAP was prepared entirely by a national Finally, ESW can be an invaluable source of information NGO judged by both the government and the Bank to be for NGOs themselves. Reports such as CEMs, private sector the organization best suited for the task. assessments, poverty assessments, and public expenditure documents provide important country-specific data and ESW can be used as a tool to enhance Bank and serve as an indicator of the issues that the Bank considers government understanding of the NGO sector. For important for future development. NGOs interested in instance, NGO involvement in the preparation of the India collaborating in Bank ESW or in a Bank-financed project Family Planning Strategy resulted in the drafting of specific may wish to consult this material through the Bank's PICs operational guidelines for government-NGO collaboration or, if they are in a borrowing country, through the Bank in family planning. The Bank has also undertaken NGO field offices (see Annexes B and D). assessments on a national basis, in specific sectors, and in connection with specific projects. In Uganda, Bank and government officials together with NGOs undertook a study of the role of NGOs and community-based groups .k ' ;'* (CBGs) in poverty alleviation. - The report recommended expanding the partnershipm-. between the government and r _ local groups and fosteringan- .. enabling environment for NGOs to better address the problems facing Uganda. In Indonesia and Bangladesh, the Bank has conducted studies of the policy - environment for NGOs jointly t (. t ,_,+ '1 75 POLICY DIALOGUE The rapidly expanding cooperation between the World Bank was also organized to discuss the Bank's draft paper on social and NGOs in operational work is paralleled by increased development prepared for the World Summit on Social dialogue on policy issues. The Bank has come to recognize Development held in Copenhagen in early 1995. the value of exchanges of information, opinion, and experience with NGOs on development issues. While much NGOs also played a prominent part in a Bank-hosted of this dialogue has been with advocacy NGOs, an increasing conference on global hunger that was held in late 1993 with number of operational NGOs are becoming involved in the participation by Bank officials, representatives of other process. This is particularly the case with specific sectoral lending institutions, and NGOs. The conference was an issues such as forestry. Bank-NGO dialogue has focused on opportunity to discuss the role of economic growth in social and environmental aspects of development, on strategies to reduce poverty and hunger, an issue of mutual participation, and on issues of disclosure. Advocacy NGOs concern but one on which the Bank and NGOs often hold have become increasingly organized in networks and different views. Several NGOs were discussants at the coalitions and, collectively, they have been able to gain conference and many gave reports on the thematic attention within the Bank, among the Bank's borrowers, workshops. To discuss and help plan follow-up activities based and by the media. on the recommendations that emerged from the conference, a steering committee of Bank staff and NGOs-including The NGO Working Group (NGOWG) has played an active NGOs from the United States and from a number of role in the policy dialogue. In 1995, for example, NGOWG developing countries-was established. A series of national- members organized regional meetings in Africa (Addis level hunger conferences began in 1995 (starting with one Ababa), Asia (New Delhi), and Latin America (Bogota) whose in Mali), gathering government, donors, NGOs and other focus was the eleventh replenishment of the IDA. During specialiststogether to consider strategies for reducing hunger the replenishment process, contributing governments and and extreme poverty in the country context. senior officials (IDA representatives) participate in a series of negotiations to reach agreement on the size of the Like poverty, environmentisan important theme in the Bank's replenishment, each government's contributions, and the interaction with NGOs. Bank-NGO dialogue has involved a priorities to be pursued in the coming three-year term. The variety of often controversial subjects, including the links spring meetings were an opportunity for debate on IDA between adjustment and the environment, the preparation policies and expression of NGO priorities from the region. of NEAPs, and resettlement. The Environmentally Sustainable They resulted in NGO statements on IDA-1 1 that were Development Vice Presidency holds regular meetings with shared with Bank staff and were distributed to IDA donor NGOs in Washington and elsewhere. In 1994, for example, representatives. The representatives also met with a group NGOs were invited (along with government, donor and of southern NGOs in April 1995 in Washington. (As noted private sector representatives) to participate in workshops in earlier, these regional meetings replaced the spring meeting Washington, Nairobi, and Abidjan to discuss the Bank's of the Committee). policies relating to forestry and their implementation. The Bank's Review of Resettlement was also highlighted in Bank- The section below highlights some of the principal areas of NGO dialogue. Local and international NGOs have helped dialogue between NGOs and the Bank namely, poverty, the direct the attention of the Bank and its member governments environment, participatory development, the management to the environmental and social costs of large-scale projects of the Bank, and information disclosure. (Box 5). Poverty issues have been a central point of discussion Participatorydevelopment has been a subject of increasing between NGOs and the Bank. In particular, many poverty- exchange in recent years. The Bank defines participatory focused NGOs are concerned about the impact of structural development as a process through which stakeholders adjustment programs on the poor. NGOs were active influence and share control over development initiatives participants in a series of conferences on poverty that were and over the decisions and resources that affect them. held in 13 European countries in 1994 to initiate a dialogue Stakeholders represent a variety of interests, notably those on the implementation of the Bank's poverty reduction who are expected to benefit from or may be adversely strategy. Consultations-two in Africa and two in Europe- affected by Bank-supported projects. Stakeholders also were also held with NGOs and other interested groups to include those with technical expertise and public interest discuss the recently completed study on structural adjustment in Bank-supported activities, such as NGOs, intermediary in Africa. In late 1994, an international NGO consultation organizations, private sector businesses, and technical and 16 The World Bank's Partnership with Nongovernmental Organizations professional bodies. There is significant evidence that participation improves the quality and sustainability of Bank Box 5: NGOs RAI5E ENVIRONMENTAL AND operations, strengthens ownership and commitment of SOGAL CONCERNS IN INDIA stakeholders, and contributes to capacity building and the empowerment of disadvantaged groups. Participation has The Sardar Sarovar Dam and Power Project in India, also been found to be important for helping to determine informally known as the Narmada Dam project, has the nature and extent of environmental and social costs probably been the most controversial Bank-financed that projects may entail. project to date. The World Bank has thus begun a process of NGO lobbying centered on the displacement of local mainstreaming participatory approaches in all of its tribal groups, the project's environmental impact, and development activities. The impulse for this process the overall development model that some felt this originates in December 1990 when the Bank established project symbolized. Local, national and international a Bankwide Learning Group on Participatory Development, NGOs as well as research institutes, universities, and which was charged with examining the issue of media representatives became involved. Some NGOs, participation and identifying the challenges to the Bank whichfelttheirconcernswerenotsufficientlyaddressed in stepping up its efforts to support participation in its in the decision-making process, began to agitate operations. The Group was formed at the urging of the through demonstrations, publicity campaigns, and NGO-World Bank Committee, and particularly its NGO pressureon the Banktosuspend funding. Amajorglobal members, and its work was influenced by many initiatives campaign against the project ensued involving media, inside and outside the Bank, notably the experience of mass letterwriting, and parliamentaryinquiries. In 1993, other development agencies and NGOs. Based on the theBankloanforthisprojectwascanceledattherequest group's findings and recommendations, in September of the Indian government, which intends to complete 1994, Bank management presented a report to the Board the project on its own. entitled The World Bank and Participation. The Board expressed its support for the report's recommendations NGO advocacy on this and similar projects, together and its proposed Bankwide Action Plan. The report with the concerns of executive directors and staff contains an addendum signed by a large group of NGOs, members, has contributed to the Bank's examining and which outlines their views on the Bank and participation, modifying its environmental and resettlement policies. and presents specific recommendations. The Bank now encourages NGO participation in resettlement plans and requires consultation with Each of the regional offices has now developed its own affected groups and local NGOs in all environmental Participation Action Plan which outlines specific assessments. recommendations and suggestions for increasing participatory approaches in its work. To help project task managers support participatory processes, a Sourcebook stakeholder identification and assessment; participatory on Participation was prepared and distributed in June 1995. assessment techniques; and options for stakeholder The Sourcebook builds on the work of the Learning Group, workshops. Increasingly, the regional offices are developing draws on the experience of more than 200 Bank staff, and tailored programs designed to meet the specific needs of describes the experiences of selected task managers who their activities. The recently appointed NGO liaison staff have used participatory approaches in Bank operations. The for the Latin America and Caribbean and Africa regions Sourcebook was published in February 1996 (see Annex C have all received training in participation. for bibliography). Other initiatives have included the establishment in The work of the Participation Learning Group, the September 1995 of an Interagency Group on Participation publication of the Sourcebook, the establishment of the (IGP), which includes NGO involvement. At IGP's first FIAHS, and the increasing use of social assessments have meeting, six thematic groups were set up, each generated momentum and created incentivesamong a wide coordinated by an agency representative, which will range of Bank staff to undertake more of this work. As a prepare a paper for presentation to the next meeting of result, the demand for training is high. Regional Technical the IGP which is scheduled for the spring of 1996. The Departments, with assistance from relevant central vice papers are intended to suggest priorities for interagency presidencies, are working to provide a full program of collaboration and for deepening research on the training. Training seminars and workshops are offered on relationship between participation and development 177 effectiveness. Recently, as one way of monitoring people. NGOs based in the country could thus take on this progress in mainstreaming participation, the World Bank representation role. In addition, during the investigation, any president has requested quarterly reports on Bank- individual or group may provide the Panel with supplemental supported operations which the regional offices consider information if they believe it is relevant to the request. Again, to be potential best-practice examples of participation. NGOs with a presence in the country concerned may take The regions have selected 19 such "flagships", most of such an opportunity to make a case on behalf of adversely which are lending operations. affected people or groups. Because of the Bank's increased focus on participation, The panel has three members who are appointed by the NGOs that have skills and experience in rural and urban executive directors on the basis of their knowledge and community development are especially sought after as experience of development and their ability to deal thoroughly potential partners. A recent study5 reviews experiences and fairly with complaints. After the executive directors have in which such NGOs have promoted ownership and built considered a request for inspection, the Bank and the Panel local capacity of grassroots groups in Bank-financed make publicly available the request for inspection, the Panel's projects and in those of other international aid agencies. recommendation on the request, and the executive directors' The most promising cases are in the field of common- decision on whether to proceed. Also made available are the property resource development such as water Panel's report on its investigation and the management's management or community forestry. NGOs continue in response to it. In addition to these materials, the Panel's annual their collaboration with the World Bank and challenge report on its activities will be published by the Bank and will to it to ensure that participatory approaches to be widely disseminated. Copies of the Inspection Panel's development do become part of the way in which the Operating Procedures are available at the Bank's Public institution does business. Information Centers (see below). In addition, people or entities seeking advice on how to prepare and submit a The governance and management of the Bank has been request may contact the Office of the Inspection Panel another topic of much discussion between NGOs and directly (see Annex A for address and numbers). the Bank. In February 1992, the Bank established a Task Force on Portfolio Management to examine how the Bank Increased openness by the Bank has also been a key concern could achieve better results on the ground. In October of both operational and advocacy NGOs. The World Bank 1992, the task force produced a report of its findings recognizes and supports the importance of accountability and outlined an action program on effective and transparency in the development process. Broader implementation and development impact (see dissemination of information helps to increase local bibliography in Annex C). Many NGOs, particularly those participation and strengthen the quality of projects. In in industrialized countries, have taken a keen interest in keeping with this premise, in August of 1993 the Bank's this process and in the report's identification of many Board approved a new disclosure policy designed to ways to improve the impact of the Bank's work: significantlyexpandpublicaccesstoinformationaboutBank participation, borrower ownership, partnership (including operations. As part of this policy, the Bank now makes NGO involvement) and improved monitoring indicators. available Project Information Documents (PIDs) on all The report has had a significant impact on the way the projects prior to their submission to the Bank's Board for Bank does business, and a number of initiatives have been approval as well as Staff Appraisal Reports (SARs) after Board undertaken to improve portfolio management. approval. Other documents include economic and sector reports, environmental data sheets, and sector policy papers. In September 1994, the Bank established an independent The new policy applies to documents issued after January Inspection Panel to ensure that grievances could be heard 1994 and is not retroactive. In addition, the disclosure policy where it is alleged that the institution did not follow its own applies to Operational Policies (OPs), Bank Procedures (BPs), operational policies and procedures. The Panel's mandate is and Operational Directives (ODs) (see footnote 1). Some of to receive and investigate complaints from people or entities these may be of interest to NGOs. In particular, OD 14.70, who believe that Bank-financed projects may materially harm Involving NGOs in Bank-SupportedActivities delineates the their rights and interests. Any group of people in the country Bank's policy on interaction with NGOs. All of these where the project is located may submit a request. Parties documents are now available at the Bank's Public may present their requests directly or through local Information Center which, under the new disclosure policy, representatives acting as the agent of adversely affected has been established at headquarters in Washington, and 5 Carroll, Tom, Mary Schmidt and Tony Bebbington, Participation through Intermediary NGOs, Environment Department Participation Series, World Bank, Washington, DC, 1996. The study was included in the Participation Sourcebook as part of a series of technical papers. 18 The World Bank's Partnership with Nongovernmental Organizations has offices in Paris, London, Tokyo, and, recently, in they are located and such reports are available at no charge Kingston, Jamaica (Box 6). All offices have public reading to residents in the country. (A booklet describing the rooms, with documents and workstations. The PIC in information disclosure policy in detail as well as a Washington is open to the public from 10:00 am to 4:00 companion booklet on the PIC are available at the World pm, Monday through Friday; the other offices may be Bank bookstore in Washington and at the Bank's PlCs; contacted directly for their opening hours. Bank field offices both are available in French and Spanish. See Annexes A also carry documentation relevant to the country where and B for PIC addresses). Box 6: THE CARIBEAN PUBLIC INFMRMAnON CENTER The World Bank Caribbean Public Information Center (CPIC) was officially opened in Kingston, Jamaica in September 1994. Initiated by the Jamaican Resident Mission and implemented in partnership with the University of West Indies Library, the CPIC is the first World Bank PIC located in a developing country. The new information disclosure policy identified World Bank field offices as an important link in ensuring that organizations and individuals in developing countries have priority access to relevant information. A principal objective of the CPIC is to "level the playing field" by ensuring that interested parties in the Caribbean region enjoy the same access to information about Bank activities as do their counterparts in Europe and the United States. The CPIC offers a comprehensive selection of formal and informal Bank documents under one roof and operates as a reference library and reading room. Most importantly, although the new disclosure policy applies only to projects approved since January 1994, the Government of Jamaica has set a precedent by permitting the release of documents related to all ongoing projects in the country. The CPIC provides materials on how to do business with the Bank; details on scholarships, grants, and recruitment programs; and videos, educational resources, and training kits. In addition to disseminating written materials, the CPIC serves as a venue for public outreach activities. Another important characteristic of the CPIC is its public location and its integration into an existing facility. The university, unlike the Bank's Resident Mission, is organized to receive the public, has professional staff trained in information management, and maintains public hours. The CPIC accepts inquiries over the phone, and resources are accessible to users in other parts of the Caribbean through a system of interlibrary loans. The center uses CD ROM technology and has an electronic mail connection that links it to the Resident Mission, Bank headquarters in Washington, and several ministries and project implementation units. The CPIC is a "one-stop information shop" for diverse users, including government, private sector firms, NGOs, journalists, students, academics, and the general public. Given the Bank's increasing emphasis on openness, stakeholder consultation, and public outreach, the CPIC offers a useful model for potential replication elsewhere. Caribbean Public Information Center, Main Library, University of the West Indies, Mona,.Kingston 7, Jamaica. Tel: (809)977-4366 Fax: (809)927-1926, and Email: manlibryQuwimona.edu.gm 19 LOOKING AHEAD The most successful examples ot Bank-NGO collaboration are those in which NGOs have Pt worked as partners in the development process. In looking ahiead to the future, the World Bank is working towarcd such partnerships with NGOs so that the goals of poverty ieduction and sustainable developrrient imay become niuoe fi -y realizedo NO2 - -'''1 ' _~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ _ .~~~~~~~~~~~~~''M (' _ - $ ~~~~~2 The World Bank's Partnership with Nongovernmental Organizations ANNEX A: USEFUL NAMES AND ADDRESSES FOR NGOs Country officers and other Washington-based staff can be reached by calling the Bank's main switchboard (202-477- 1234) or by writing them at: 1818 H Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20433. For calls originating outside the United States, phone (202-473-1000). The World Bank's internet address is: http://www.worldbank.org/ The names and addresses listed below may be helpful to NGOs wishing to become involved in Bank-financed projects or to gather information about Bank activities. Participation and NGO Group Tanzania: Tony Thompson Mr. John D. Clark Uganda: Harriet Nannyonjo Senior NGO Specialist Participation and NGO Group Central and Indian Ocean Department Poverty and Social Policy Department (PSP) Burundi: PamphileKantabaze/FrancoisNankobogo Telephone: (202) 473-1840 CAR: Leon Ngueretia Fax: (202) 522-3237 Cameroon: George Vishio Minang* Chad: Lucienne Miayo Mbaipor Mr. Aubrey Williams Congo: Angele Mountou Principal International Relations Officer Madagascar: Harisoa Rafaell / Christian Rey Participation and NGO Group Rwanda: Francois Munyantwali / Marie Chantal Poverty and Social Policy Department (PSP) Uwanyiligira Telephone: (202) 473-1768 Fax: (202) 522-3237 West Central Africa Department Benin: Rigobert Tossou* Mr. Arthur Thomas Burkina Faso: Korka Diallo / Pauline Hien* Systems Manager (NGO Database) C6te d'Ivoire: Aby Konate / Brigitte Imperial/Jean Michel Participation and NGO Group Pavy / Mesmin Meda / Sandia Mohamed Poverty and Social Policy Department (PSP) Ghana: Kafu Koft Tsikata Telephone: (202) 473.1155 Niger: Rita Koudogbo / Ibrahim Magagi Fax: (202) 522-3237 Nigeria: Foluso Okunmadewa Email: Athomasl@worldbank.org Togo: Eguida Kossi External Affairs Western Africa Department Ms. Kris Martin Department Participation Specialist: NGO Liaison, Issues Management Team (EXTIM) Ellery Stokes* External Affairs Vice Presidency Guinea: Ann E. Condy / Abdoulaye Balde Telephone: (202) 473-1767 Mali: Edmond Dembele Fax: (202) 522-2653 Mauritania: Salamata Bal Senegal: Demba Balde / Ellery Stokes / Tonia Marek Africa Regional Office * Full time NGO work NGO Field Office Liaison Staff (from February 2, 1996) Southern Africa Department Latin America and Caribbean Regional Office Angola: Olimpia da Graca Barreira NGO/Social Analysis Specialists in Field Offices (from Malawi: Agnes Kavinya February 2, 1996) Mozambique: Roberto Chavez Argentina: Sandra Cesilini South Africa: Fani Zulu Bolivia: Pilar Ramirez Zambia: Gedion Nkojo Brazil: John Garrison Zimbabwe: Arne Disch Colombia: Jairo Arboleda Costa Rica: Mario Marroquin Eastem Africa Department Ecuador: Edison Palomeque Ethiopia: Sena Gabianu / Hagos Araya Jamaica: Janet Cupidon Quallo Kenya: Nyambura Githagui* / Christine Cornelius Mexico: Salom6n Nahmad 21 Peru: Elizabeth Dasso Room U11-024 Venezuela: Jose Ram6n Llovera External Affairs Vice Presidency The World Bank Participation Focal Points in Regional Technical 1818 H Street, N.W. Departments Washington, DC 20433 Africa: Roger Sullivan, AFTCB Telephone: (202) 473-3501 East Asia: Tosca van Vijfeijken, ASTHR Fax: (202) 522-2654 Europe and Central Asia: Ayse Kudat, EMTEN Latin America and Caribbean: William Partridge, LATEN Economic Development Institute (EDI) Middle East and North Africa: Ayse Kudat, EMTEN Email: edireview@tome.worldbank.org South Asia: Claude Salem, ASTTP Internet: www.worldbank.org/html/edi/edihome.html * Human Resources and Poverty Sectoral Specialists: Fax: (202) 676-0961 * Agriculture: Hans Binswanger * New Products and Outreach * Education: David de Ferranti Fax: (202) 676-0965 * Energy: Dennis Anderson * Learning Resources Center * Environment: Joan Martin-Brown Fax: (202) 676-1184 * Forestry: Horst Wagner The Learning Resources Center can be contacted via fax to * Gender: Minh Chau Nguyen request the following publications: catalog of programs, * Health: Richard G. A. Feachem catalog of learning resources, schedule of activities, and * Nutrition: Judith McGuire newsletter. * Population: Tom Merrick * Poverty: Oey Astra Meesook Global Environment Coordination Division, * Private Sector: Magdi Iskander Environment Department (ENVGC) • Resettlement: Dan Aronson Room S 2-141 * Social Assessment: Gloria Davis The World Bank • Social Sectors: David de Ferranti 1818 H Street, N.W. * Transport: Kenneth Gwilliam Washington, DC 20433 * Urban Development: Patricia Annez Telephone: (202) 473-3447 * Water and Sanitation: John Briscoe Fax: (202) 522-3256 CGAP Secretariat GEF NGO Small Grants Program Finance and Private Sector Development Vice Presidency United Nations Development Program (UNDP) (FPD) One United Nations Plaza The World Bank Room 2050-2052 1818 H Street, N.W. New York, NY 10017 Washington, DC 20433 Tel: (212) 906-6076/5084 Telephone: (202) 473-9594 Fax: (212) 906-5313 Fax: (202) 522-3744 Email: Cproject@worldbank.org GEF Secretariat Internet: http://www.worldbank.org/html/cgap/cgap.html Room G 6106 The World Bank Special Grants Program (SGP) Secretariat 1818 H Street, N.W. Room E 10-093 Washington, DC 20433 The World Bank Telephone: (202) 473-8324 1818 H Street, N.W. Fax: (202) 522-3245 Washington, D.C. 20433 Internet: http://www.worldbank.org/html/gef/geffiles/ Telephone: (202) 458-0565 gef.html Fax: (202) 477-1245 World Bank Bookstore Small Grants Program Room J1-060 Mr. Peter G. Hemsch 701 18th Street, N.W. Coordinator Washington, DC 20433 22 The World Bank's Partnership with Nongovernmental Organizations Telephone: (202) 473-2941 (Information) NGO Working Group Secretariat Telephone: (202) 473-1155 (Customer Service) c/o Manuel Chiriboga, Executive Secretary Fax: (202) 522-2627 (Customer Service) Latin American Association of Development Organizations Email: books@worldbank.org (ALOP) Hours of operation: Monday-Friday, 9:30 am-4:30 pm. Ba. Escalante, de la Iglesia Sta. Teresita, 300 Norte y 275 Este, Casa #3144 Office of the Inspection Panel P.O. Box 265 (mailing address) 1818 H Street, N.W. 1350 San Jose, Costa Rica Washington, DC 20433 Tel: (506) 283-2122/253-3018 Telephone: (202) 458-5200 Fax: (506) 283-5898 Fax: (202) 522-0916 Email: alopse@sol.racsa.co.cr 23 ANNEX B: WORLD BANK PUBLIC INFORMATION CENTER-ADDRESSES AND HOW TO ORDER WASHINGTON, D.C. LONDON OFFICE Email: pic@worldbank.org Telephone: (71) 930-8511 Telephone: (202)458-5454 Fax: (71) 930-8515 Fax: (202)522-1 500 Mail Address: New Zealand House Mail Address: 1818 H Street, N.W. 15th Floor Room GB1-300 Haymarket, London Washington, DC 20433 SW1Y 4TE, England PARIS-EUROPEAN OFFICE TOKYO OFFICE Email: pparis@worldbank.org Email: ptokyo@worldbank.org Telephone: (33-1)40 69 30 26 Telephone: (81-3) 3201 4929 Fax: (33-1)40 69 30 69 Fax: (81-3) 3214 3657 Mail Address: 66 Avenue d'Iena Mail Address: Kokusai Building, Rm 916 75116 Paris, France 1-1, Marunouchi 3-chome Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo 100, Japan Mosaic users: http://www.worldbank.org// Gopher users: gopher.worldbank.org All offices have a public reading room, open daily Please call for hours and location. Project Information Documents, Environmental Data Sheets, Nationals requesting documents on their country may IFC Summary of Project Information Documents, IFC obtain copies free of cost from the Bank's field office in Environmental Review Summaries, and OED Precis are that country or from the Washington PIC. available free of charge. All other documents are available at a charge of US $15.00 equivalent per document, which To place an order for a document, please send in requests includes the cost of mailing within the United States, and using the address most convenient to you, or fax in your the lowest class air mail available to overseas destinations. order using your Visa or MasterCard. Please include the Courier service is charged US $1 5.00 equivalent extra for card name, credit card number, expiration date, and your the first document and US $5.00 equivalent for each signature. All checks must be made payable to the Public additional document. Visa and MasterCard, checks, or Information Center. Checks should be made in the currency money orders are accepted. Customers with Federal Express of, and drawn on a bank, in the country in which the PIC accounts may ask to have express shipments charged to office is located. their account. 24 The World Bank's Partnership with Nongovernmental Organizations ANNEX C: SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY (N.B.: Publications available at the World Bank Bookstore Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, The Hague, 1995. are marked " I,I " and publications available by directly [Forthcoming. For order information: Kluwer Law contacting departments are marked "Tr"). International, 1-800-577-81181. la Aronson,Dan,ParticipationinCountryEconomicand LI World Bank, Annual Report 7995, World Bank, Sector Work, Social Policy and Resettlement Division, Washington, D.C. Environment Department Participation Series, World Bank, Washington, D.C., June 1995. Xi , Cofinancing and Financial Advisory Services. A Guide to Activities. World Bank, Washington, X Bhatnagar, Bhuvan and Williams, Aubrey C., eds., D.C., October 1995. Participatory Development and the World Bank: Potential Directions for Change, World Bank Discussion Paper 183, ie , Cooperation Between the World Bank World Bank, Washington, D.C., October 1992. and NGOs. FY 1995 Progress Report, Operations Policy Group, Operations Policy Department, World Bank, if Carroll, Tom, Mary Schmidt and Tony Bebbington, Washington, D.C., (forthcoming). Participation through Intermediary NGO, Environment Department Participation Series, World Bank, Washington, a , Effective Implementation: Key to D.C., 1996. Development Impact, Portfolio Management Task Force, Operations Policy Group, Operations Policy Department, The if Carvalho, Soniya, Social Funds: Guidelines for Design World Bank, Washington, D.C., October 1992. and Implementation, ESP6 Discussion Paper Series No. 24, World Bank, Washington, D.C., March 1994. L ,Enhancing Women's Participation n Economic Development, World Bank Policy Paper, The World if Clark, John D. "The State, Popular Participation, and the Bank, Washington, D.C. July 1994. Voluntary Sector, " World Development, Vol. 23, No. 4,1995. LI , Guidelines: Procurement under IBRD if Global Environment Facility, Participation by Loans and IDA Credits, World Bank, Washington, DC, 1995. Nongovemmental Organizations in the Global Environment Facility, Document GEF/PA/93/2, GEF, Washington, D.C., 1 , Governance: The World Bank's May 1993. Experience, World Bank, Washington, D.C., May 1994. if Gopal, Gita, and Alexandre Marc, Study of Procurement X , Mainstreaming the Environment: The and Disbursement Issues in Projects with Community World Bank Group and the Environment Since the Rio Earth Participation, World Bank, Africa Technical Department, Summit, Fiscal 7995, World Bank, Washington, D.C., Human Resources Division, Note No. 17, April 15, 1994. September 1995. if Malena, Carmen, Working With NGOs: A Practical Li , Poverty Reduction and the World Guide to Operational Collaboration between the World Bank: Progress in Fiscal 1994, World Bank, Washington, Bank and Non-Governmental Organization, NGO Unit, D.C., March 1995. Policy Group, Operations Policy Department, World Bank, Washington, D.C., March 1995. e ,Resettlement and Development: The Bankwide Review of Projects Involving Involuntary Tr Schmidt, Mary and Alexandre Marc, Participation in Resettlement 1986-7993, Environment Department, World Social Funds, Environment Department Participation Series, Bank, Washington, D. C., April 1994. World Bank, Washington, D.C., July 1995. la , The Task Managers Handbook. The if Shihata, Ibrahim F. I., "The World Bank and Non- World Bank's Project Cycle: From Identification to Governmental Organizations," in The World Bank in a Completion, Operations Policy Group, Operations Policy Changing World. Selected Essays and Lectures, Volume 2, Department, World Bank, Washington, D.C., July 1995. Please note that on July 1, 1 995 the Education and Social Policv Department (ESP) changed mane to Poverty and Socia Pol cy Department (PSP). 25 LX , Toward Gender Equality: The Role of La ,The World Bank Policy on Disclosure Public Policy, Development in Practice Series, World Bank, of Information, World Bank, Washington, D.C., March Washington, D.C., July 1995. 1994. La , The World Bank and Participation, X , World Development Report 1994: Operations Policy Department, World Bank, Washington, Infrastructure, published for the World Bank by Oxford D.C., September 1994. University Press Inc., New York, June 1994. Lo , World Bank Participation Sourcebook, Social Policy and Resettlement Division, Environment Department, World Bank, Washington, D.C., February 1996. 26 The World Bank's Partnership with Nongovernmental Organizations ANNEX D: ACRONYMS ALOP Latin American Association of IGP Interagency Group on Participation Promotion Organisations LAC Latin American and Caribbean ANGOs Advocacy NGOs Regional Office BP Bank Procedures MENA Middle East and North Africa CAS Country Assistance Strategy Regional Office CBO CmuiyaeOrMIGA Multilateral Investment Guarantee C BO Community-Based Organization Aec CEM Country Economic Memorandum NCB National Competitive Bidding CGAP Consultative Group to Assist the Poorest NEAPs National Environmental Action Plan CPIC Caribbean Public Information Center NGO Nongovernmental Organization DEC Development Economics Vice Presidency NGO Ngorng Gropnith or ECA Europe and Central Asia Regional Office OD Operational Directive EDI Economic Development Institute OED Operations Evaluation Department ENV Environment Department OGs OeainlNO ESD Environmentally Sustainable Development OP Operational Policy ESW Economic and Sector Work PAP Participation Action Plan EXT External Affairs PHRD Policy and Human Resources Development Fund FIAHS Fund for Innovative Approaches in Human and Social Development PlC Public Information Center FY Fiscal Year PID Public Information Document GEF Global Environment Facility PPA Participatory Poverty Assessment HCD Human Capital Development PSP Poverty and Social Policy Department IBRD International Bank for Reconstruction SAR Staff Appraisal Report and Development SGP Special Grants Program ICB International Competitive Bidding TM Task Manager (especially for large contracts) UN United Nations ICR Implementation Completion Report UNDP United Nations Development Program ICSID International Center for Settlement of UNEP United Nations Environment Program Investment Disputes USAID United States Agency for International IDA International Development Association Development IDF Institutional Development Fund WEMTOP Women's Enterprise Management IFC International Finance Corporation Training Outreach Program WMTOP Women's Management Training Outreach Program 27 ANNEX E: WORLD BANK FIELD OFFICES ALBANIA Sydney, NSW 2001 Deshmoret e 4 Shkurtit, No. 34 . ................ Street Address Australia Tirana, Albania (61-2) 221-8544 ........... Office Phone (355-42) 28657, 42017 ...................... Office Phones (61-2) 221-7375 ... ........ Facsimile Number (355-42) 32332 ......... Facsimile Number FIAS Asia Pacific Regional Office Level IS, CML Building 14 Martin Place ANGOLA Sydney, NSW 2000 Rua Alfredo Troni (Edificio BPC) ................. Street Address Australia 14° Andar (61-2) 223-7155 .............. Office Phone CP 1331, Luanda, Angola (244-2) 394877, 394677, 394727 .............. Office Phones INTBAFRAD ........................ Cable Address BANGLADESH 2529 ........................ Telex Number World Bank ........... Street Address (244-2) 394784 .......... Facsimile Number 3A Paribagh Dhaka 1000, Bangladesh World Bank .......... Mailing Address ARGENTINA G.P.O. 97 Banco Mundial ......... Street Address Dhaka, Bangladesh Avenida Leandro N. Alem 628-30 (880-2) 86 10 56-68 .............. Office Phones Piso 12 INTBAFRAD .............. Cable Address Buenos Aires, Argentina 642302 .............. Telex Number (54-1) 313-6816, 313-6851, 313-4586 ...... Office Phones (880-2) 86 32 20 ............ Facsimile Number (54-1) 313-1233 ............................ Facsimile Number IFC Field Office International Finance Corporation .............. Street Address BELARUS Edificio Pirelli World Bank ....... Street Address MaipO 1300, Piso 12 6A Partizansky Avenue 1006 Buenos Aires, Argentina 5th Floor (54-1) 315-1666, 315-1707, 315-1353 ...... Office Phones Minsk, 220033 CORINTFIN ......... ................... Cable Address Republic of Belarus (54-1) 312-9435 .......... Facsimile Number (375-172) 26-06-44, 26-06-45, 26-06-47 ... Office Phones (375-172) 26-06-48 ............................. Facsimile Number ARMENIA World Bank ...... Street Address BELGIUM Republic Square (See Brussels) 2 Khorhertaranit Street Yerevan 10 Armenia BENIN (7-8852) 151-686 ........... Office Phone World Bank . ...................... Street Address (7-8852) 151-787 ........... Facsimile Number Zone Residentielle de la Radio Cotonou, Benin Boite Postale 03- 22 1 . .Mailing Address AUSTRALIA Cotonou, Benin South Pacific Project Facility Office (229)312124,315269,312308 .Office Phones 15 Castlereagh Street, Level 18 .................. Street Address INTBAFRAD . .............................. Cable Address Sydney, NSW 2000 5310-........... ..Telex Number Australia ................(229 312751, 315839. Facsimile Numbers GPO Box 1612 ..... ... Mailing Address for Packages 28 The World Bank's Partnership with Nongovernmental Organizations BOLIVIA BULGARIA Banco Mundial .Street Address World Bank .Mailing Address Edificio BISA, Piso 9 World Trade Center-Sofia 16 de Julio 1628 36 Dragan Tsankov Blvd. La Paz, Bolivia Sofia, Bulgaria Banco Mundial .......... Mailing Address (359-2) 73-65-57 ... Office Phone Casilla 8692 24830 .Telex Number La Paz, Bolivia (359-2) 80 1 5 95 .Facsimile Number (591-2) 356844, 356845, 356846, 356847 .. Office Phones (591-2) 391038 ............ Facsimile Number BURKINA FASO World Bank Street Address BRAZIL Immeuble BICIA Brasilia 3-eme etage Banco Mundial ......... Street Address Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso SCN Quadra 02-Lote A World Bank ......... ................. Mailing Address Ed. Corporate Financial Center, conjuntos 303/304 Boite Postale 622 71710-500 Brasilia - DF - Brazil Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso (55-61) 329-1000 ............................. Office Phone (226) 30-62-37, 30-62-38,30-72-57 ........... Office Phones (55-61) 329-1010 ............................. Facsimile Number INTBAFRAD ............ Cable Address Recife 5265 . Telex Number Banco Mundial, S/127 ........................... Street Address (226) 308649 ............ Facsimile Number Edificio SUDENE, Cidade Universitaria 50670-900 Recife, PE. Brazil (55-81) 271-2111 ........... Office Phone BURUNDI INTBAFRAD ........... Cable Address World Bank. .Street Address 812437 ........... Telex Number Avenue du 18 Septembre (55-81) 271-1594 ........... Facsimile Number Bujumbura, Burundi Cuiaba World Bank .Mailing Address Avenida Isaac Povoas, No. 1251 ................. Street Address B.PP 2637 Bujumbura, Burundi Edificio Nacional Palacios-Sala 603 INTBAFRAD ...... Cable Address Centro 5095 ........ Telex Number 78.045-640 Cuiaba, Mato Grosso (MT) (257-2) 22443, 23269 .Office Phones Brazil (257-2) 26005 .Facsimile Number (55-65) 321-1720 ........... Office Phone (55-65) 322-6484 .... ....... Facsimile Number IFC Field Office CAMEROON International Finance Corporation .............. Street Address World Bank ......... Mailing Address Rua Guararapes 2064 NEW BASTOS 10th Floor, Room 104 PO. Box 1128 Sao Paulo, Brazil CEP 04561-004 Yaounde, Cameroon (55-11) 505-1629, 505-4049 ...................... Office Phones INTBAFRAD ......... Cable Address CORINTFIN ........................... Cable Address 8307 ........... .............. Telex Number (55-11) 505-3073 ............. Facsimile Number (237) 21 07 22 ....................... .... Facsimile Number 237) 20 38 15, 20 31 57, 21 08 36 . Office Phones IFC Field Office BRUSSELS OFFICE (temporary address) International Finance Corporation . Street Address World Bank ...... Street Address Rue Flatters Regus Belgium P.O. Box 4616 Treves Center Douala, Cameroon 45 rue de Treves (237) 428-033 ......... Office Phone 1040 Brussels, Belgium CORINTFIN ......... Cable Address (32-2) 238-7829, 238-7830, 238-7831 ...... Office Phones (237) 428-014 ........ Facsimile Number (32-2) 238-7717 ... ....... Facsimile Number 29 Africa Project Development Facility IFC Field Office International Finance Corporation .............. Street Address International Finance Corporation .............. Street Address Rue Flatters Unit 3711, 37/ F Jing Guang Centre P.O. Box 4616 Hu Jia Lou Chaoyang District Douala, Cameroon Beijing 100020, China CORINTFIN ........ Cable Address CORINTFIN ................. Cable Address (237) 428-033 ........ Office Phone (86-10) 501-5171/72/73 ................. Office Phones (237) 428-014 ........ Facsimile Number (86-10) 501-5176 ................. Facsimile Number CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC COLOMBIA World Bank ...... Street Address Banco Mundial ......... Street Address Rue des Missions Diagonal 35, No. 5-98 Bangui, Central African Republic Bogota, D.E., Colombia World Bank ...... Mailing Address Banco Mundial ......... Mailing Address P.O. Box 819 Apartado Aereo 10229 Bangui, Central African Republic Bogota, D.E., Colombia INTBAFRAD ............... Cable Address INTBAFRAD ........... Cable Address 5347 ............... Telex Number (57-1) 320-3577 ........... Office Phone (236) 616138, 616577 ...............O ffice Phones (57-1) 245-5744 ........... Facsimile Number (236) 616087 ............... Facsimile Number CONGO CHAD World Bank ......... Street Address World Bank . ..... Mailing Address Immeuble ARC (5eme etage) PO. Box 146 Avenue Amilcar Cabral, Fifth Fl. N'Djamena, Chad Brazzaville, Congo INTBAFRAD .............. Cable Address World Bank ......... Mailing Address 5281 .............. Telex Number PO. Box 14536 (235-51) 3247, 3360 .............. Office Phones Brazzaville, Congo (235-51) 4484 .......... Facsimile Number (242) 83 55 01 ......... Office Phone (242) 83 55 02 ......... Facsimile Number CHINA The World Bank ......... Street Address COSTA RICA 9th Floor, Building A, Fuhua Mansion Regional Implementation Mission No. 8, Chaoyangmen Beidajie (Central America and Panama) Dongcheng District Boulevard Rohrmoser ..... ......... Street Address Beijing 100027 150 mts. oeste Residencia ex-Presidente World Bank ...... Mailing Address Oscar Arias P.O. Box 802 San Jose, Costa Rica Beijing 100830, China P.O. Box No. 11925-1000 ....................... Mailing Address INTBAFRAD ............ Cable Address San Jose, Costa Rica 210074 IBRD CN ............ Telex Number (506) 296-5923, 296-5924, 296-5932 ........ Office Phones (86-10) 6502-3361 ............ Office Phone (506) 232-8679 ........ Facsimile Number (86-10) 6502-1682 ............ Facsimile Number Regional Unit for Technical Assistance WATER & SANITATION PROGRAM: (506) 255-40-11 ............. Office Phone UNDP/World Bank ........... Office Address (506) 222-65-56 ......... Facsimile Number 1 Bei Sha Tan IFC-Business Advisory Service Deshengmen Wai Apartado Postal 98 .... ......... Street Address Beijing 100083, China Escazu (86-10) 201-0558 ............ ..... Facsimile Number San Jose, Costa Rica (86-10) 201-0558 Office Phone (506) 2286-963, 2284-124, 2898-327 .Office Phones (506) 2286-963, 2284-124, 2898-327.. Facsimile Number 30 The World Bank's Partnership with Nongovernmental Organizations COTE D'IVOIRE EGYPT Corner of Booker Washington ................... Street Address World Bank ....... Street Address and Jacques AKA Streets World Trade Center Cocody, Abidjan 01, C6te d'lvoire 1191 Corniche El-Nil World Bank ...... Mailing Address 1 5th Floor B.P. 1850 Cairo, Egypt Abidjan 01, Cote d'lvoire 20548 ........................ Telex Number INTBAFRAD .......................... Cable Address (20-2) 574-1662, 574-1670, 574-1671, (225) 44 22 27, 44 20 38 ................. Office Phones 574-1147, 574-1188 ..... .... Office Phones 28132 ................. Telex Number (20-2) 574-1676 ......... Facsimile Number (225) 441687 ........ Facsimile Number IFC Field Office REGIONAL WATER & SANITATION GROUP International Finance Corporation .............. Street Address (225) 44 22 27, 44 23 67 ................. Office Phones 5 El Falah Street IFC Field Office Mohandessin, International Finance Corporation .............. Street Address Guiza, Egypt Corner of Booker Washington and Jacques AKA Streets IFCAI ................... Cable Address Cocody, Abidjan-01, Cote d'Ivoire 93110 ................... Telex Address International Finance Corporation ........... Mailing Address (20-2) 347-3739, 347-8081 .......... Office Phones B.P 1850 (20-2) 347-3738 ... ........ Facsimile Number Abidjan-01, Cote d'lvoire CORINTFIN ................... Cable Address 28132 ................... Telex Address ESTONIA (225) 44 32 44 or 44 65 50 ................... Office Phones World Bank Office Street Address (225) 44 44 83 ......... Facsimile Number Kohtu 8 Africa Project Development Facility Office Tallinn EE0100, Estonia Immeuble C.C.I.A ........... Street Address (372-6) 311 396 (For internaional calls only) ...... .. Office Phone 17th Floor (372-2) 452 417 (For local calls only) . ........... Office Phone Abidjan-01, Cote d'lvoire (372-6) 311 292 ........... Facsimile Number 22264 .......................... Telex Address (225) 21 96 97, 21 23 03, 21 68 59 .......... Office Phones (225) 21 61 51 .......................... Facsimile Number .......... ETHIOPIA World Bank ..... Street Address Africa Avenue CZECH REPUBLIC Bole IFC Field Office Addis Ababa, Ethiopia International Finance Corporation .............. Street Address World Bank ....... Mailing Address Husova 5 P.O. Box 5515 Praha 1, 110 00 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Czech Republic INTBAFRAD ........... Cable Address CORINTFIN ...... ................ Cable Address 21154 ......................... Telex Number (42-2) 24 401 402, 24 401 403 .................. Office Phones (251-1) 514200 ......................... Office Phone (42-2) 24 401 410, 24 24 8506 ............ Facsimile Number (251-1) 511441 .......................... .... Facsimile Number ECUADOR FRANCE World Bank . ......... Street Address (See Paris) Calle Juan Leon Mera 130 y Ave. Patria Edificio Corporacion Financiera Nacional GERMANY 6to Piso Quito, Ecuador IFC Representative (593-2) 566-861 . ......... Office Phone International Finance Corporation ........... Mailing Address (593-2) 566-862 ... ....... Facsimile Number Messeturm, Box 23 60308 Frankfurt am Main Germany 31 CORINTFIN ............. Cable Address Budapest 1065 (49-69) 975-44613 ............. Office Phone Hungary (49-69) 975-44900 ............. Facsimile Number (36-1) 269-0389 through 93 ....................... Office Phones (36-1) 269-0396 ............................ Facsimile Number IFC Field Office GHANA International Finance Corporation ......... Street Address World Bank ....... Street Address Suba Trade Center, Suite 72, 7th Floor 69 Eighth Avenue Extension Nagymezo Utca 44 Northridge Residential Area H-1065 Budapest VI Accra, Ghana Hungary World Bank ....... Mailing Address 569-152 ................ Satellite Number P.O. Box M27 CORINTFIN ......... Cable Address Accra, Ghana (36-1) 269-0384/5/6/7 .............................. Office Phones INTBAFRAD ................... Cable Address (36-1) 269-0388 ........... Facsimile Number 2207 ..................................... Telex Number (233-21) 229681, 220837 ................... Office Phones (233-21) 227887 ................... Facsimile Number INDIA IFC Liaison Office World Bank ....... Mailing Address International Finance Corporation .............. Street Address P.O. Box 416 Patrice Lumumba Road New Delhi 110001, India Roman Ridge Packages for New Delhi must be addressed: Private Mail Bag (OMB) CCC21 World Bank Accra, Ghana 70 Lodi Estate CORINTFIN ............ Cable Address New Delhi 110003, India (233-21) 776-245 ............. ...... Office Phone INTBAFRAD ............ Cable Address (233-21) 774-961 ............ Facsimile Number 3161493 ............. ................................. Telex Number Africa Project Development Facility (91-11) 4617241-4, 4610210-24, Satellite Office 4619491-3 ............ Office Phones International Finance Corporation .............. Street Address (91-11) 4619393 ............ Facsimile Number Patrice Lumumba Road (91-11) 4628074 .Fax- Agriculture Unit Roman Ridge (91-11) 4628073 .Fax- PHN & Energy Private Mail Bag (OMB) CCC21 REGIONAL WATER & SANITATION GROUP: Accra, Ghana (91-11) 4690488/89 ............ Office Phones CORINTFIN ............................................... Cable Address (91-11) 4628250 ............. ...... Facsimile Number (233-21) 776-245 ............ Office Phone IFC Field Office (233-21) 774-961 ............ Facsimile Number New Delhi International Finance Corporation . Mailing Address No. 1 Panchsheel Marg GUINEA Chanakyapuri Banque Mondiale ........... Street Address New Delhi, 110021, India .............................. (continued) Immeuble de l'Archeveche CORINTFIN ... Cable Address Face Baie des Anges (91-11) 301-1306 ....................... ........... Office Phone Conakry, Guinea (91-11) 301-1 278, 301-1281 ................ Facsimile Number Banque Mondiale ............ Mailing Address Bombay B.P. 1420 International Finance Corporation ........... Mailing Address Conakry, Guinea No. 25 Maker Chambers VI (224) 41-27-70, 41-13-91, 41-50-61 .......... Office Phones Nariman Point (224) 41-50-94 ........................... Facsimile Number Bombay, India CORINTFIN ...... ................ Cable Address (91 -22) 285-5262, 285-5263 ...................... Office Phones HUNGARY ......... (91-22) 285-5272 ...................... Facsimile Number World Bank ....... Street Address Suba Trade Center, 4th Floor Nagymezo Utca 44 32 The World Bank's Partnership with Nongovernmental Organizations INDONESIA KENYA World Bank. Street Address World Bank .Street Address Lippolife Building, 3rd Floor Hill Park Building JI. H. R. Rasuna Said, Kav. B-10 Upper Hill Kuningan, Jakarta 12940, Indonesia Nairobi, Kenya INTBAFRAD .......... Cable Address World Bank ... Mailing Address World Bank .......... Mailing Address PO. Box 30577 PO. Box 324/JKT Nairobi, Kenya Jakarta, Indonesia INTBAFRAD .......... Cable Address 62141 IBRD IA ............... .............. Telex Number 22022 ........ . ... Telex Number (62-21) 252-0316 ............................. Office Phone (254-2) 714141 ............ RMEA General Phone (62-21) 252-2438 ........... Facsimile Number (254-2) 720612, 720615RMEA General Facsimile Numbers REGIONAL WATER & SANITATION GROUP: (254-2) 720652 .......... Front Office Facsimile Number (62-21) 252-0606, 252-2313, 252-3210 .... Office Phones (254-2) 720525 ...... Agriculture Section Facsimile Number (62-21) 252-0432 ............................. Facsimile Number (254-2) 720408 ........... RWSG Facsimile Number IFC Field Office IFC Field Office International Finance Corporation .............. Street Address International Finance Corporation .............. Street Address Lippolife Building, 8th Floor Hill Park Building JI. H. R. Rasuna Said, Kav. B-10 Upper Hill Kuningan, Jakarta 12940, Indonesia Nairobi, Kenya International Finance Corporation ........... Mailing Address International Finance Corporation.. ......... Mailing Address PO. Box 324/JKT P.O. Box 30577 Jakarta, Indonesia Nairobi, Kenya INTBAFRAD .................... Cable Address CORINTFIN ...... Cable Address 62141 IBRD IA .................... Telex Address 22022 ...... Telex Address (62-21) 252-6152 ........... Office Phone (254-2) 720525, 714140/41/42 IFC General Office Phone (62-21) 252-2438, 252-6089 ................ Facsimile Number (254-2) 720604 ............. Facsimile Number Africa Project Development Facility Office International House ............. Street Address JAMAICA PO. Box 46534 World Bank .......... Street Address Nairobi, Kenya Island Life Center 25303 ............ Telex Address 6 St. Lucia Avenue (254-2) 217368-0, 219147 ............ Office Phone Suite 8, South (254-2) 339121 ............ Facsimile Number Kingston 5, Jamaica INTBAFRAD .......... Cable Address (809) 960-0459 .......... Office Phone KYRGYZ REPUBLIC (809) 960-0463 .......... Facsimile Number World Bank ....... Mailing Address Toktogula St. 98, Apt. 8 Bishkek 720000 JAPAN Kyrgyz Republic (See Tokyo) (7-3312) 62 01 57,22 66 84, 22 23 31 ........... Office Phones (7-3312) 62 01 56 .... ....... Facsimile Number KAZAKHSTAN World Bank ...... Street Address LATVIA Almaty Resident Mission Regional Office, Baltic Countries ......... Street Address Samal-1, Bldg. No. 36, 3rd Floor Kalku Street 15 Almaty, Kazakhstan 480051 Riga, Latvia LV-1 162 7 (3272) 54-36-18, 54-36-94 ...................... O ffices (371-7) 820324 .......... Office Phone Phones (371-7) 828058 ........... Facsimile Number (7-327) 581-1581 .... ....... Facsimile Number 33 LITHUANIA MALI World Bank Office Street Address Banque Mondiale .Street Address Vilniaus Str. 28 Immeuble SOGEFIH 2600 Vilnius, Lithuania Centre Commercial Rue 321 (370-2) 22 60 92 ... .. ...... Direct Line Quartier du Fleuve (370-2) 22 68 29 ..... ...... Facsimile Number Bamako, Mali World Bank .............. ................ Mailing Address Boite Postale 1864 LONDON OFFICE Bamako, Mali World Bank ...... Street Address INTBAFRAD .............................. Cable Address New Zealand House 2402 .Telex Number 15th Floor (223) 222283, 223201, 228867, 228869 ... Office Phones Haymarket (223) 226682 .............................. Facsimile Number London, SWI Y4TE, England (44-171) 930-8511 ... Office Phone (44-171) 930-8515 . . .......... Facsimile Number MAURITANIA World Bank Street Address Villa No. 30, llot A IFC Quartier Socogim International Finance Corporation .............. Street Address Nouakchott, Mauritania 4 Millbank World Bank ....... Mailing Address London, SW1 P 3JA, England Boite Postale 667 CORINTFIN ............. Cable Address Nouakchott, Mauritania 919462 . ........... Telex Address INTBAFRAD ..................... Cable Address (44-171) 222-7711 . . .......... Office Phone (222-2) 51017, 51359, 57033 ................... Office Phones (44-171) 976-8323 ............ Facsimile Number (222-2) 51334 ..................... Facsimile Number MADAGASCAR MEXICO World Bank ...... Street Address Banco Mundial .Street Address 1 Rue Patrice Lumumba Plaza Nafin Antananarivo 101, Madagascar Insurgentes Sur 1971 Banque Mondiale ........... Mailing Address Nivel Paseo, Locales 71 y 72 Boite Postale 4140 Col. Guadalupe Inn Antananarivo 101, Madagascar 01020 Mexico D. F. INTBAFRAD ................. Cable Address INTBAFRAD ........................... Cable Address 22456 ................. Telex Number 177-2809 ........................... Telex Number (261-2) 289.17 or 287.77 ................. Office Phones (52-5) 661-6666,661-6237 ......................... Office Phones (261-2) 329.02 ................. Facsimile Number (52-5) 661-091 7 ........................... Facsimile Number IFC Field Office International Finance Corporation .............. Street Address MALAWI 45 Andres Bello World Bank ...... Street Address Colonia Palanco Development House 11560 Mexico, D.F Capital City CORINTFIN .................... Cable Address Lilongwe 3, Malawi (52-5) 281-1299/1549/1924 .................... Office Phones World Bank ........ ................ Mailing Address (52-5) 281 2061 .. ......... Facsimile Number P.O. Box 30557 Lilongwe, Malawi INTBAFRAD ........................ Cable Address MOLDOVA 44529 ........................ Telex Number Piata Marii Adunari Nationale 1 (265) 780-611, 780-349, 780-807 .............. Office Phones 277033 Chisinau, Moldova (265) 780-275, 780-473, 780-623 ..............O ffice Phones Government Building, Room 561 (265) 781-158 ........................ Facsimile Number 34 The World Bank's Partnership with Nongovernmental Organizations (373-2) 237-065 ........... Office Phone NIGER (373-2) 237-053 ... ........ Facsimile Number World World B ank Street Address Rue des Dallols Niamey, Niger MOROCCO Banque Mondiale ......... Mailing Address IFC Field Office B P. 12402 International Finance Corporation ............. Street Address Niamey, Niger 30 Avenue des FA.R. INTBAFRAD ........................... Cable Address Casablanca, Morocco 5355 ................ ........... Telex Number 22606 .................. Telex Address (227) 73 59 29, 73 49 66, 73 56 16 .......... Office Phones (212-2) 312888, 312278 .................. Office Phones (227) 73 55 06 ............. Facsimile Number (2 12-2) 315181 .................. . Facsimile Number NIGERIA MOZAMBIQUE World Bank .. ..... Street Address World Bank ....... Street Address I1st Floor Ave. Kenneth Kaunda, 1224 Plot PC-10 2-Andar Engineering Close, off Idowu Taylor Street Maputo, Mozambique Victoria Island World Bank ....... Mailing Address Lagos, Nigeria Caixa Postal 4053 World Bank ....... Mailing Address Maputo, Mozambique PO. Box 127 INTBAFRAD ........... Cable Address Lagos, Nigeria 6728 . Telex Number INTBAFRAD . . .................. Cable Address (258-1) 492-841, 492-851, 492-861, 28848 ......... Telex Number 492-871 ........... Office Phones (234-1) 2616044, 2613989, 2618956, (258-1) 492-893 .......... Facsimile Number 2616016, 2616196 . ................. Office Phones (234-1) 2611074 .......... .......... Facsimile Number Temporary Abuja Office: NEPAL ............. World Bank ....... Address World Bank ....... Street Address Nicon Noga Hilton Hotel Lal Durbar Suites 112 to 116 Yak and Yeti Hotel Complex P.O. Box 81 Durbar Marg Abuja, Nigeria Kathmandu, Nepal (234-9) 523-0568 ...... ...... Office Phone World Bank .................... ..... Mailing Address (234-9) 523-0569 ........... Office Phone/Facsimile Number Lal Durbar GPO Box 798 Kathmandu, Nepal PAKISTAN 2228 INDEVA NP ........... Telex Number World Bank . ........ Street Address (977-1) 226792, 226793, 226766, 223761 20 A Shahrah-e-Jamhuriat (977-1) 2332 1 5, 23321 6, 2332 1 7 ........... ... Office Phones Islamabad, Pakistan (977-1) 225112 ......................... Facsimile Number World Bank ......... Mailing Address P.O. Box 1025 Islamabad, Pakistan NEW YORK OFFICE INTBAFRAD ....... Cable Address The World Bank Office of the Special 5827 ....... Telex Number Representative to the United Nations (92-51) 210964 .................. ...... Facsimile Number 809 United Nations Plaza, Suite 900 ......... Street Address (92-51) 819781-6 ........................4.......... Office Phone New York, N.Y. 10017 (212) 963-6008 ...........................t ffice Phone (212) 697-7020 ....... .................... Facsimile Number 35 PARIS-EUROPEAN OFFICE Moscow 123242 World Bank .... .. ....... Street Address Russian Federation 66 Avenue d'Iena (7-095) 253-4810 ............ Office Phone 75116 Paris, France (7-095) 254-8368 ..... ...... Facsimile Number INTRAFRAD/INDEVAS. ............. Cable Address (7-501) 253-0612 .......... Satellite Facsimile Number 640651 ............. Telex Number (33-1) 40 69 30 00 ..... ........ Office Phone RWANDA World Bank .......... Street Address PERU Blvd. de la Revolution World Bank ............. Mailing Address SORAS Building Avenida Pardo y Aliaga 640 Kigali, Rwanda Piso 16 World Bank ........ ............ Mailing Address San Isidro P.O Box 609 Lima, Peru Kigali, Rwanda (51-1) 422-0282, 421-7239, 442-9804 ..... Office Phones INTBAFRAD. .......... . Cable Address (51-1) 421-7241 ...... ..... Facsimile Number 22571. ........... Telex Number (250) 72204, 74835 ...........O ffice Phones (250) 76385 ...... ..... Facsimile Number PHILIPPINES World Bank ..... .................. Street Address Central Bank of the Philippines SAUDI ARABIA Multi-Storey Building World Bank Resident Mission .................... Street Address Room 200, Roxas Boulevard UNDP Building King Faisal Street Manila, Philippines Riyadh. Saudi Arabia INTBAFRAD .............. ....... Cable Address World Bank ........... Mailing Address 27337 ....... ......... ........... Telex Number P.O Box 5900 (63-2) 521-2726, 521-2727, 521-1661 ...... Office Phones Riyadh, Saudi Arabia 11432 (63-2) 5211317 ......... Facsimile Number INTBAFRAD. ........... Cable Address (966-1) 465-9630 ... ........ Office Phone (966-1) 465-5842 .... ....... Facsimile Number POLAND Room H 9095, 473-2990 .Headquarters Office World Bank ............ Street Address INTRACO I Building 17th Floor, 2 Stawki Str. SENEGAL 00-193 Warsaw, Poland World Bank ..... .. Street Address 817504 ........ .. Telex Number Immeuble S.D.I.H. (48-2) 635-0553 .......... Office Phone 3 Place de l'Independance (48-2) 635-9857 .......... Facsimile Number Dakar, Senegal World Bank .......... Mailing Address B.R 3296 ROMANIA Dakar, Senegal World Bank ............... Mailing Address INTBAFRAD. ..... ...... Cable Address Boulevard Dacia 83 (221) 23-36-30 ......... Office Phone Sector 2 (221) 236277........ . Facsimile Number Bucharest. Romania (40-1) 210-1804 ...... ........ Office Phone (40-1) 210-2021 .............. Facsimile Number SIERRA LEONE World Bank Liaison Office 12 Wilberforce Street RUSSIA Freetown, Sierra Leone Regional Office, Russia .............. Mailing Address (232-22) 227555. 229994, 227488, 229991, Sadovo-Kudrinskaya No. 3 228377 ........... Office Phones (232-22) 228555 .... ....... Facsimile Number 36 The World Bank's Partnership with Nongovernmental Organizations SOUTH AFRICA TOGO Grosvenor Gate, First Floor .................. Street Address World Bank ....... Street Address Hyde Park Lane 169 Boulevard du 13 Janvier Hyde Park 2196 Immeuble BTCI Johannesburg, South Africa 8eme Etage World Bank ...... Mailing Address Lome, Togo P.O. Box 41283 Boite Postale 3915 ........... .......... Mailing Address Craig Hall 2024 Lome, Togo Johannesburg, South Africa INTBAFRAD .................. Cable Address (27-11) 325-0560 through 69 ..................... Office Phones 5009 ........... Telex Number (27-11) 325-0580 ............ ......... Facsimile Number (228) 21-55-69, 21-57-77 ..... ...... Office Phones (228) 217856 ........... Facsimile Number SRI LANKA World Bank . ..... Street Address TOKYO OFFICE Development Finance Corporation of Ceylon World Bank ....... Street Address (DFCC) Building Kokusai Building, Room 916 1st Floor 1-1, Marunouchi 3-Chome, 73/5 Galle Road Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo 100, Japan Colombo 3, Sri Lanka INTBAFRAD ..................... Cable Address World Bank .... ............. Mailing Address 26838 ............ Telex Number PO. Box 1761 (81-3) 3214-5001, 3214-1001 .................... Office Phones Colombo, Sri Lanka (81-3) 3214-3657 ............ ......... Facsimile Number INTBAFRAD ................. Cable Address 21410 ................. Telex Number (94-1) 421840, 448070-1 ................. Office Phones TURKEY (94-1) 440357 ................. Facsimile Number World Bank ..Mailing Address Ataturk Bulvari, No. 211 Gama-Guris Building Kat 6 TANZANIA 06683 Kavaklidere World Bank .......... Street Address Ankara, Turkey N.I.C. Building, 7th Floor, B INTBAFRAD ...... Cable Address Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania 46722................ Telex Number World Bank ...... Mailing Address (90-312) 468-4527/30 .Office Phones P.O. Box 2054 (90-312) 468-4526 .Facsimile Number Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania INTBAFRAD .......... Cable Address 41273 .......... Telex Number UGANDA (255-51) 46447 .......... Office Phone World Bank Mailing Address (255-51) 46450 ......... Facsimile Number P.O. Box 4463 Kampala, Uganda INTBAFRAD ........ .................. Cable Address THAILAND 61388 .......................... Telex Number World Bank ...... Street Address (256-41) 242139, 232533, 230094 ............ Office Phones 14th Floor, Tower A (256-41) 230092 .......... Facsimile Number Diethelm Towers 93/1 Wireless Road Bangkok 10330, Thailand UKRAINE 82817 INTBANK TH ................................... Telex Number World Bank ....... Street Address (66-2) 252-2305/07, 256-7792/4 ................ Office Phones 26 Shovkovychna St. (66-2) 256-7795 ....................... Facsimile Number Suites Two and Three Kiev, 252024 Ukraine 37 (380-44) 293-5902 ............ General Resident Staff ZAIRE (380-44) 293-4045 ............ Receptionist World Bank Liaison Office c/o UNDP Kinshasa (380-44) 293-4236 ............ Facsimile Number Kinshasa, Zaire 871-150-3261 ......... Facsimile Number 473-4374 ......... Headquarters Office UZBEKISTAN Regional Office, Uzbekistan ................... Mailing Address 43 Academician Suleimanova ZAMBIA Tashkent, Uzbekistan World Bank ....... Street Address (7-3712) 335002, 332185, 334168, Red Cross House 323877 . . .......... Office Phones 2nd Floor (7-3712) 891214 ..... ....... Satellite Number Long Acres (7-3712) 89-12-15 ............ Facsimile Number Lusaka, Zambia (7-3712) 33-05-51 . . .......... Facsimile Number World Bank ........................... Mailing Address PRO. Box 35410 Lusaka, Zambia VENEZUELA INTBAFRAD ......... Cable Address Banco Mundial ......... Street Address 44530 ......... Telex Number Edificio Parque Cristal (260-1) 252-811, 253-219, 253-223 ......... Office Phones Torre Oeste, Piso 15, Of icina 15-05 (260-1) 254-283 ........... Facsimile Number Avenida Francisco de Miranda Los Palos Grandes Caracas, Venezuela ZIMBABWE (58-2) 284-3437, 284-8585 . ..................O ffice Phones World Bank ....... Street Address (58-2) 285-0181 ..... ..... Facsimile Number Finsure House, 5th Floor 84-86 Union Avenue Harare, Zimbabwe VIET NAM World Bank...... .... Mailing Address World Bank .. . . .. Street Address RO. Box 2960 53 Tran Phu Street Harare, Zimbabwe Hanoi, Viet Nam INTBAFRAD, HARARE ......................... Cable Address (84-4) 843 2461 . . ................ Office Phone 22704 .............. Telex Number (84-4) 843 2471 ....... ........... Facsimile Number (263-4) 729611, 729612, 729613 ............ Office Phones (263-4) 708659 ............ Facsimile Number WEST BANK AND GAZA (972-50) 209767 ...... ............ Office Phone (972-2) 823249 .................. Facsimile Number YEMEN, REPUBLIC OF World Bank ..... ............. Mailing Address P.O. Box 18152 Sana'a, Republic of Yemen (967-1) 413526/240478 .................. Office Phones (967-1) 269247 .................. Facsimile Number 38 - l \l - l - - X | | | | - | * | * * - - l l l - l l l - S l | sS D , * S | S : - l - l |