______ -5 2923 POLICY RESEARCH WORKING PAPER 2423 Financial Structure and A country's level of financial development and the legal Economic Development environment in which financial intermediaries and . . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~markets operate critically Firm, Industry, and Country Evidence inflence cnic ! s~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~nfluence economic development. In countries Thorsten Beck whose financial sectors are Asli Demirgfic-Kunt more fully developed and Ross Levine whose legal systems protect Vojislav Maksimovic the rights of outside investors, economies grow faster, industries dependent on external finance expand more quickly, new firms are created more easily, firms have more access to external financing, and firms grow faster. The World Bank Development Research Group Finance August 2000 I POLICY RESEARCH WORKING PAPER 2423 Summary findings Beck, Demirgiu,-Kunt, Levine, and Maksimovic explore * Financial structure is not an analytically useful way the relationship between financial structure-the degree to distinguish financial systems. to which a financial system is market- or bank-based- * Financial structure does not help us understand and economic development. economic growth, industrial performance, or firm They use three methodologies: expansion. * The cross-country approach uses cross-country data * The results are inconsistent with both market-based to assess whether economies grow faster with market- or and bank-based views. bank-based systems. In other words, economies do not grow faster, * The industry approach uses a country-industry panel industries dependent on external financing do not to assess whether industries that depend heavily on expand faster, new firms are not created more easily, external financing grow faster in market- or bank-based firms' access to external finance is not greater, and firms financial systems and whether financial structure do not grow faster in either market- or bank-based influences the rate at which new firms are created. financial systems. *. The firm-level approach uses firm-level data across a The authors find overwhelming evidence that the broad selection of countries to test whether firms are overall level of financial development and the legal more likely to grow beyond the rate predicted by internal environment in which financial intermediaries and resources and short-term borrowings in market- or bank- markets operate critically influence economic based financial systems. development. The cross-country regressions, the industry panel estimations, and the firm-level analyses provide remarkably consistent conclusions: This paper is a product of Finance, Development Research Group. The study was funded by the Bank's Research Support Budget under the research project "Financial Structures and Economic Development" (RPO 682-41). Copies of this paper are available free from the World Bank, 1818 H Street NW, Washington, DC 20433. Please contact Kari Labrie, room MC3- 456, telephone 202-473-1001, fax 202-522-115S, email address klabrie@worldbank.org. Policy ResearchWorkingPapers are also posted on the Web at www.worldbank.org/research/workingpapers. The authors may be contacted at tbeck@worldbank.org, ademirguckunt@worldbank.org, or vmaksimovic@worldbank.org. August 2000. (60 pages) The Policy Research Working Paper Series disseminates the findings of work in progress to encourage the exchange of ideas about development issues. An objective of the series is to get the findings out quickly, even if the presentations are less than fully polished. The papers carry the names of the authors and should be cited accordingly. The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed in this paper are entirely those of the authors. They do not necessarily represent the view of the World Bank, its Executive Directors, or the countries they represent. Produced by the Policy Research Dissemination Center Financial Structure and Economic Development: Firm, Industry, and Country Evidence Thorsten Beck, Asli Demirguf-Kunt, Ross Levine and Vojislav Maksimovic* *Beck and Demirgu,-Kunt: World Bank; Levine: Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota, Maksimovic: University of Maryland. We would like to thank Daron Acemoglu, Franklin Allen, John Boyd, Maria Carkovic, Nicola Cetorelli, Naomi Lamoreaux, Norman Loayza, Raghuram Rajan, and Rene Stulz for helpful comments, without implicating them. 1. Introduction In Raymond W. Goldsmith's seminal book, "Financial Structure and Development," he defined "financial structure" as the mixture of financial instruments, markets, and institutions operating in an economy. He sought to (1) trace the evolution of national financial system's during the process of economic development, (2) assess whether the overall development of the financial system influences the rate of economic growth, and (3) evaluate the impact of financial structure on the pace of economic development. Goldsmith was largely successful in documenting the evolution of national financial systems, particularly the evolution of flnancial intermediaries. Goldsmith met with more limited success in assessing the links between the level of financial development and economic growth. He clearly documented a positive correlation between financial and economic development across a large number of countries. He just as clearly indicated that he was unwilling to draw causal interpretations from his graphical presentations.' More recent work, however, has provided additional information on the finance- growth nexus and has offered a much bolder appraisal: firm-level, industry-level, and cross- country studies all suggest that the level of financial development exerts a large, positive impact on economic growth.2 On the third question - the relationship between financial structure and economic development, Goldsmith was unable to provide much cross-country evidence due to 1 Moreover, Goldsmith lucidly described the multifaceted channels linking financial and economic development. 2 Specifically, firm-level studies [Demirguc-Kunt and Maksimovic 1998, 1999], industry-level studies [Rajan and Zingales 1998; Wurgier 2000], country-case studies [Cameron, Crisp, Patrick and Tily 1967; McKinnon 1973; Haber 1991, 19971, time-series studies [Neusser and Kugler 1998; Rousseau and Wachtel 19981, cross-country studies [King and Levine 1993a,b; Levine and Zervos 1998], cross-country instrumental variable studies [Levine 1998, 1999; Levine 2000b] and pooled cross-country, timer-series studies [Beck and Levine 2000b; Beck, Levine, and Loayza 2000; Levine, Loayza, and Beck 2000; Rousseau and Wachtel 2000] find that the level of financial development is positively related to growth and this relationship is not due only to simultaneity bias. Note, however, that these findings do not reject the hypothesis that economic activity influences financial development. The findings merely suggest that there is an exogenous component of financial development that positively influences economic activity, such that the strong positive relationship between the level of financial development and economic growth is not only due to economic activity's influence on financial development. 1 data limitations. Instead, Goldsmith - like many researchers before and after him - relied on careful comparisons of Germany and the United Kingdom. In examining financial structure and development, historians, economists, and policymakers have examined the relative merits of bank-based versus market-based financial systems. For over a century, this work primarily involved careful country studies of Germany and Japan as bank-based systems and the United States and the United Kingdom as market-based systems. As summarized by Allen and Gale (1999) and Stulz (2000), this research has produce enormously valuable information on these financial systems. The limited sample, however, limits the generality of the inferences that historians, economists, and policymakers can draw. The four countries have very similar long-run growth rates, so that it is difficult to correlate differences in financial structure with differences in long-run growth rates. In this paper, we return to Goldsmith's (1969) objective of examining the relationship between financial structure and economic growth using broad cross-country comparisons. This paper evaluates the impact of financial structure on economic growth using the large international dataset constructed by Beck, Demirgiiu-Kunt, and Levine (2000). We use (i) firm- level analyses on 33 countries, (ii) industry-level studies on 34 countries, and (iii) country level investigations of 48 countries. Thus, we use an assortment of different datasets and econometric methodologies to assess the relationship between financial structure and economic development. In this way, we contribute to a century long debate and start to tie together some long dangling loose ends from Goldsmith's (1969) influential work. From an economic theory perspective, the paper examines four alternative views on financial structure. The bank-based view highlights the positive role of bank in mobilizing resource, identifying good projects, monitoring managers, and managing risk [Levine 1997, 2 2000b]. The bank-based view also highlights the comparative shortcomings of market-based systems. Specifically, well-developed markets quickly reveal information in public markets, which reduces the incentives for individual investors to acquire information. Thus, greater market development may impede incentives for identifying innovative projects and thereby hinder efficient resource allocation [Stiglitz 1985; Boot, Greenbaum, and Thakor 19931. Proponents of the bank-based view also stress that liquid markets create a myopic investor climate [Bhide 1993]. In liquid markets, investors can inexpensively sell their shares, so that they have fewer incentives to monitor managers rigorously. Thus, greater market development may hinder corporate control and national productivity. Moreover, Gerschenkron (1962) and others have argued that banks have advantages over markets in most institutional environments. Specifically, even in countries with weak legal and accounting systems and frail institutions, powerful banks can still force firms to reveal information and pay their debts, thereby facilitating industrial expansion [Rajan and Zingales 19991. From these vantage points, market-based systems may be less effective than bank-based systems in allocating capital to new, innovative firms. The market-based view highlights the positive role of markets in promoting economic success [Beck and Levine 2000a]. In particular, markets facilitate diversification and the customization of risk management devices. Furthermore, proponents of the market-based view stress deficiencies in bank-based systems. First, by acquiring expensive information about enterprises, banks can extract large rents from firms. This reduces the incentives for firms to undertake high-risk, high-return projects because firms will lose an excessively large proportion of the potential profits to banks [Rajan 19921. Second, since banks make loans, they have an inherent bias toward low-risk, and therefore, low-return projects. Thus, bank-based systems may 3 retard innovation and growth [Morck and Nakamura 1999; Weinstein and Yafeh 19981. Furthermore, powerful banks may collude with firm managers against other investors, which stymies competition, effective corporate control, the emergence of new firms, and economic growth [Hellwig 19981. Thus, proponents of the market-based view stress that markets will reduce the inherent inefficiencies associated with banks and enhance economic development. The law and finance view is the third perspective on the relationship between financial structure and economic development. La Porta et al (2000, henceforth LLSV) recently rejected the entire bank-based versus market-based debate. They instead argue that the legal system is the primary determinant of the effectiveness of the financial system in facilitating innovation and growth. Thus, the law and finance view predicts that financial structure will be unrelated to new firm formation and economic growth. Instead, the law and finance view conjectures that the efficiency of the legal system will be positively related to innovation and growth. Finally, the financial services view stresses that financial systems provide key financial services. These financial services are crucial for firm creation, industrial expansion, and economic growth. The division between banks and markets in providing these services, however, is of secondary importance. Thus, the financial services view predicts that overall financial development is important for economic development, but financial structure, per se, will not add much to our understanding of the process of economic development. 4 This paper examines six specific questions. 1. Do countries with bank-based financial systems grow faster than countries with market- based systems, or is financial structure unrelated to the pace of economic development? 2. Does the legal system facilitate economic growth by exerting a major impact on the overall effectiveness of the financial system? 3. Do industries that depend heavily on external finance grow faster and/or is new firm formation more likely in bank-based or market-based financial systems? 4. Does the legal system importantly influence the availability of external finance and the rate of new firm creation? 5. Do firms in bank-based system have greater access to external financing and grow faster than firms in market-based financial systems? 6. Does the component of the financial system that is defined by the legal environment influence firm performance? To assess the first two questions, we use standard cross-country growth regressions. We average data over the period 1980-95 and assess whether financial structure, i.e., the degree to which the country is bank-based or market-based influences economic growth. An alternative hypothesis - the financial services view - suggests that the level of overall financial development influences growth, but not financial structure per se. Finally, the law and finance view stresses the role of the legal system in facilitating financial arrangements and growth. To explore the impact of financial development and structure on industry growth and new firm creation, we will use a country-industry panel. Building on work by Rajan and Zingales (1998), we will test whether industries that depend more heavily on external finance, grow faster in market- or bank-based financial systems, or whether the overall level of financial development and the component explained by the legal system explain cross-industry growth patterns. Decomposing industry growth into the growth in new firms and the average size of firms, we 5 will test the relevance of the bank-based, market-based, financial services, and legal and finance views for understanding the creation of new firms. To answer the last two questions, we will use firm-level data to compute the growth rates of firms as predicted by their internally available funds and short-term borrowings. We then examine whether the proportion of firms that grow faster than predicted is higher in market-or bank-based financial systems, or whether the overall level of financial development and the legal rights of outside investors and their enforcement explain firms' growth across countries and over time. Remarkably, country-level, industry-level, and firm-level investigations all tell the same story: the data provide no evidence for the bank-based or market based views. Distinguishing countries by financial structure does not help in explaining cross-country differences in long-run GDP growth, industrial performance, new firm formation, firm use of external funds, or firm growth. Moreover, the component of financial development explained by the legal rights of outside investors and the efficiency of the legal system in enforcing those legal rights is strongly and positively linked with GDP growth, industrial performance, new firm formation, and firm growth. The legal system importantly influences financial sector development and this in turn influences firm performance, the formation of new firms, and national growth rates. Our results are thus consistent with the financial-services and the law and finance views. While the overall level of financial development and the efficiency of the legal system in protecting outside investors' rights are associated with higher growth rates and access to long- term finance, the distinction between market- and bank-based systems does not offer any additional information. Our findings suggest a valuable policy message. Instead of focusing on 6 the composition of the financial system, policy makers should instead focus on strengthening the rights of outside investors and enhancing the efficiency of contract enforcement. This paper summarizes and extends three recent papers on financial structure. Levine (2000b) shows that financial structure is not a good predictor of real per capita GDP growth in a cross-country growth framework: neither bank-based nor market-based financial systems are closely associated with economic growth. He also finds that financial structure is not a good predictor of capital accumulation, productivity growth and savings rates. Levine (2000b) also finds strong support for the law and finance view of financial structure. Beck and Levine (2000a) show in a country-industry panel that financially dependent industries do not grow faster in bank- or market-based financial systems. The creation of new firms does also not vary systematically with financial structure. Demirguc,-Kunt and Maksimovic (2000) use firm-level data and show that financial structure is not a robust predictor of the proportion of firms that grow faster than predicted by their own internal resources and short-term borrowings. While each of these papers explores only one aspect of the potential relationship between financial structure and economic development, our paper explores these three different aggregation levels under a unified framework. Specifically, we use (i) a consistent sample of countries, (ii) a consistent array of financial structure and financial development indicators for the cross-country, industry-level and firm-level estimations, and (iii) and consistent instrumental variables across the different datasets and econometric specifications. Since we find results consistent with these papers, this serves as a robustness check and also provides a comprehensive presentation of the firms, industry, and cross-country results on financial structure in as unified a framework as possible.3 3There are, of course, some costs associated with developing this unified approach. The underlying papers perform more sensitivity analyses and robustness checks than we present in this synthesis. 7 The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 describes our indicators of financial development, financial structure and the legal system. Section 3 explores the impact of financial structure on cross-country growth. Section 4 examines our four hypotheses in a country-industry panel. Section 5 explores whether firms' access to external resources differs across financial systems with different structures. Section 6 concludes. 2. Indicators of Financial Development and Structure and the Legal System This section presents the indicators of financial development, financial structure and the legal system that we will use in the cross-country, industry-level and firm-level analysis. We will discuss data that are specific to one aggregation level in the respective section. Table 1 presents descriptive statistics and the correlation between the different indicators. Table Al presents the different indicators for all 48 countries in our sample, with data being averaged over the period 1980-95. 2.1 Indicators of Financial Development To assess the efficiency with which financial intermediaries and markets (i) assess new projects and firms, (ii) exert corporate control, (iii) ease risk management and (iv) mobilize savings, we need appropriate indicators. While the perfect measures certainly do not exist, the recent literature has developed indicators that proxy relatively well for financial intermediary and stock market development across countries. We use newly constructed data in Beck, Demirguc - Kunt, and Levine (2000) to measure overall financial development. While previous work has 8 focused on either financial intermediary or stock market development, the indicators used in this paper combine banks and stock markets into one indicator. While this does not control for the fact that banks and stock markets might impact economic growth through different channels, as found by Levine and Zervos (1998) and Demirgu,c-Kunt and Maksimovic (1998), it helps us distinguish more clearly between the effects of financial development as opposed to financial structure. Our preferred measure is Finance-Activity, a measure of the overall activity of the financial intermediaries and markets. It is defined as the log of the product of Private Credit, the value of credits by financial intermediaries to the private sector divided by GDP, and Value Traded, the value of total shares traded on the stock market exchange divided by GDP. Private Credit is the most comprehensive indicator of the activity of financial intermediaries by including both bank and nonbank intermediaries. Recent work shows that Private Credit exerts a large, positive, robust influence on economic growth [Levine, Loayza, and Beck 2000; and Beck, Levine, and Loayza 2000]. Value Traded measures the activity of the stock market trading volume as a share of national output and thus indicates the degree of liquidity that stock markets provide to economic agents.4 Levine and Zervos (1998) show that Value Traded is a robust predictor of long-run economic growth. To test the robustness of our results, we will use several alternative measures of financial development. Finance-Size is a measure of the overall size of the financial sector and is defined as the log of the sum of Private Credit and Market Capitalization. Market Capitalization is defined as the value of listed shares divided by GDP, and is a measure of the size of stock 4Levine and Zervos (1998) point out a potential pitfall of Value Traded. If forward-looking stock markets anticipate large corporate profits and therefore higher economic growth, this will boost stock prices and therefore boost Value Traded. However, when we use the turnover ratio, which equals value traded divided by market capitalization, we 9 markets relative to the economy. While we include this in our analysis, past work suggests that market capitalization is not a very good predictor of economic performance [Levine and Zervos 1998]. Finance-Efficiency measures the efficiency of financial intermediaries and markets and is defined as the log of ratio of Value Traded and Overhead Costs, which equals the overhead costs of the banking system relative to banking system assets. While subject to interpretational problems, large overhead costs may reflect inefficiencies in the banking system and therefore proxy as a negative indicator of banking sector inefficiency. Finance-Aggregate combines the previous three measures and is thus a conglomerate indicator of the size, activity and efficiency of the financial sector. Specifically, it is the first principal component of Finance-Activity, Finance-Size and Finance-Efficiency. Finance-Dummy isolates countries that have both underdeveloped financial intermediaries and markets. Specifically, it equals zero if both Private Credit and Value Traded are less than the sample mean and one otherwise. Our indicators of financial development exhibit a large variation across different countries, as can be seen from Table 1. Switzerland has the highest value for Finance-Activity, with Value Traded at 98% of GDP and Private Credit at 178% of GDP. Ghana, on the other hand, has the lowest value for Finance-Activity, with Value Traded being 0.4% of GDP and Private Credit 3% of GDP. All measures of financial development are correlated with each other at the 1% level. get similar results. Turnover does not suffer from this price effect because stock prices enter into the numerator and denomninator. 10 2.2. Indicators of Financial Structure We also construct measures of the degree to which each country has a market- or bank- based financial system. Since there is not a single accepted definition of financial structure, we use an assortment of different measures to test the robustness of our results. We present the results on five measures of financial structure. Each of these measures is constructed so that higher values indicate more market-based financial systems. Demirgii-Kunt and Levine (1999) examine the relationship between financial structure and a variety of economic, legal and regulatory variables. Along with many findings, they note that higher income countries tend to have more market-oriented financial systems. Our preferred indicator of financial structure is Structure-Activity, which indicates the activity of stock markets relative to the activity of banks and is defined as the log of the ratio of Value Traded and Bank Credit. Bank Credit equals the claims of the banking sector on the private sector as a share of GDP. Compared to Private Credit, we exclude claims of nonbank financial intermediaries to thus focus on the commercial banking sector. We construct several alternative measures of financial structure, along the same dimensions as the indicators of financial development, discussed in the previous section. Structure-Size indicates the size of stock markets relative to the size of the banking sector and is defined as the log of the ratio of Market Capitalization and Bank Credit. Structure-Efficiency is defined as the log of the product of Overhead Costs and Value Traded and indicates the efficiency of the stock market relative to the banking sector. Structure-Aggregate combines the previous three measures and is thus a conglomerate indicator of the size, activity and efficiency of stock markets relative to banks. Specifically, it is the first principal component of Structure- Activity, Structure-Size and Structure-Effliciency. Structure-Dummy is a simple bivariate 11 classification of market- versus bank-based financial systems. Specifically, it equals one if Structure-Aggregate is greater than the sample median and zero otherwise. Note, however, that an economy can be classified as market-based or bank-based only relative to the other countries in the sample, since there is no absolute measure of market- or bank-based financial systems. Our financial structure indicators vary significantly across countries. Table 2 presents the ranking of countries for the financial structure measures. While Taiwan (Value Traded: 150%, Bank Credit: 83%) is considered the most market-based financial system, according to Structure- Activity, Panama is considered the most bank-based system (Value Traded: 0.3%, Bank Credit: 49%). While the classification of some countries is intuitively attractive, such as the United States, Great Britain and Switzerland as market-based, Structure-Activity also classifies Turkey, Mexico and Brazil as market-based. This is however, due to a very low value of Bank Credit, rather than a high level of Value Traded. The other indicators of financial structure produce similar anomalies. Ghana is identified as the most market-based economy, since it has an extremely low level of Bank Credit (3% of GDP), not because of a high level of market capitalization (12%). Brazil is identified as having relatively efficient markets, which is due to very high overhead costs in the Brazilian banking sector. A financial system can therefore be identified as market-based either because markets are very well developed or banks are underdeveloped. The indicators of financial structure are highly and significantly correlated with each other, as indicated in Table 1. While Structure-Activity and Structure-Efficiency are also positively correlated with many of the financial development indicators - indicating that financially more developed economies have more market-based financial systems -, Structure- Size is not correlated with any of the financial development measures. 12 Although these financial structure measures do not directly measure all of the channels via which banks and markets influence economic activity, they are the most comprehensive set of indicators that have been constructed to date for a broad cross-section of countries. Taken together, these indicators provide a measure of the comparative role of banks and markets in the economy. Furthermore, the underlying measures of bank development and stock market liquidity exert a strong influence on economic growth. Thus, the basic measures of bank development and stock market liquidity have some analytical content. Furthermore, Demirguc,- Kunt and Levine (1999) show that countries with strong shareholder rights and high accounting standards tend to have more market-based financial systems. Thus, key legal and regulatory differences match-up with the measures of financial structure that we use to assess the relationship between industrial performance and degree to which countries are bank-based or market-based. 2.3. The Legal Environment We use three indicators of the rights of outside investors and the degree to which these rights are enforced. These data are from LLSV (1998). Creditor is an index of the degree to which the legal codes of the country protect the claims of secured creditors in the case of reorganization or liquidation of a company. It ranges from zero to four and is the sum of four dummy variables that indicate whether (i) the reorganization procedure does not impose an automatic stay on assets, thereby not preventing secured creditors from taking possession of loan collateral, (ii) secured creditors are ranked first in the case of liquidation, (iii) management does not stay in charge of the firm during reorganization, thereby enhancing creditors' power, and (iv) management needs creditors' 13 consent when filing for reorganization. In economies with higher values of Creditor, outside investors have more rights relative to the management and other stakeholders, and should therefore be more willing to provide the external resources that firms need. Among the countries in our sample Ecuador, Egypt, Great Britain, India, Israel, Kenya, Malaysia, Pakistan and Zimbabwe have very high levels of Creditor (four), whereas Colombia, France, Mexico, Peru and Philippines have very low levels of Creditor (zero). Anti-Director is an index of the degree to which the legal codes of the country protect minority shareholder rights. It ranges from zero to six and is the sum of six dummy variables that indicate whether (i) shareholders are allowed to mail their proxy vote to the firm, (ii) shareholders are not required to deposit their shares prior to the General Shareholders' Meeting, (iii) cumulative voting or proportional representation of minorities on the board of directors is allowed, (iv) an oppressed minority mechanism is in place, (v) the minimum percentage of share capital that entitles a shareholder to call for an Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting is less than or equal to 10 percent, and (vi) shareholders have preemptive rights that can only be waived by a shareholders' vote. In economies with higher values of Anti-Director, minority shareholders are better protected against expropriation by management and large shareholders and should therefore be more willing to provide external financing to firms. Canada, Chile, Great Britain, India, Pakistan, the U.S. and South Africa have all very extensive minority shareholder protection (five), whereas Belgium experiences an extremely low level (zero). Rule ofLaw is an assessment of the law and order tradition of a country that ranges from 10, strong law and order tradition, to 1, weak law and order tradition. This measure was constructed by ICRG and is an average over the period 1982-1995. In countries with a higher law and order tradition, outside investors can more easily enforce their claims and rights and 14 should therefore be more willing to provide external finance. Austria, Australia, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland and the U.S. are the countries in our sample with the highest level of Rule of Law (six), whereas there are five countries with values below two: Colombia, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, and Sri Lanka. While Creditor and Anti-Director are not significantly correlated with any of the financial development and structure indicators, the correlations in Table 1 indicate that countries with higher levels of Rule of Law experience higher levels of financial development and have more market-based financial systems. 2.4. The Legal Origin Legal systems with European origin can be classified into four major legal families [Reynolds and Flores 1996]: the English common law and the French, German, and Scandinavian civil law countries.5 As described by Glendon, Gordon, and Osakwe (1982), Roman law was compiled under the direction of Byzantine Emperor Justinian in the sixth century. Over subsequent centuries, the Glossators and Commentators interpreted, adapted, and amended the Law. In the 1 7th and 18th centuries the Scandinavian countries formalized their own legal codes that have remained relatively unaffected from the far reaching influences of the German and especially the French Civil Codes. Napoleon directed the writing of the French Civil Code in 1804 and made it a priority to secure the adoption of the Code in France and all conquered territories, including Italy, Poland, the Low Countries, and the Habsburg Empire. Also, France extended her legal influence to parts of the Near East, Northern and Sub-Saharan Africa, Indochina, Oceania, French Guyana, and the 5 This does not include legal systems with Islamic roots or Socialist systems. 15 French Caribbean islands during the colonial era. Furthermore, the French Civil Code was a major influence on the Portuguese and Spanish legal systems, which helped spread the French legal tradition to Central and South America. The German Civil Code (Burgerliches Gesetzbuch) was completed almost a century later in 1896. The German Code exerted a big influence on Austria and Switzerland, as well as China (and hence Taiwan), Czechoslovakia, Greece, Hungary, Italy, and Yugoslavia. Also, the German Civil Code heavily influenced the Japanese Civil Code, which helped spread the German legal tradition to Korea. Unlike these Civil Law countries, the English legal system is common law, where judges trying to resolve particular cases primarily formed the laws. The Common Law tradition was spread mainly through colonialism to North America, parts of Africa, the Caribbean and Asia. Since most countries have acquired their legal systems through occupation and colonialism, the legal origin can be regarded as exogenous. Furthermore, LLSV (1997, 1998) have shown that the legal origin of a country materially influences its legal treatment of creditors and shareholders, its accounting standards and the efficiency of contract enforcement. Levine (1998, 1999 and 2000a) and Levine, Loayza, and Beck (2000) show that the legal origin explains cross-country variations in the level of financial intermediary and stock market development. Given its exogenous character and its explanatory power for cross-country variation in financial development, we will be using the legal origin of countries as instruments for financial development and structure to thus address concerns of simultaneity bias and reverse causality. Specifically, we want to control for the possibility that faster growing countries or countries with a specific industrial structure develop a financial system or structure that fits their needs best. By extracting the exogenous components of financial development and structure we isolate the 16 impact of the financial system on economic growth, industry expansion, new firm creation and firms' access to long-term finance. 3. Cross-Country Growth Regressions This section explores the impact of financial structure on long-run economic growth in a sample of 48 countries, with data averaged over the period 1980-95. We (i) describe the methodology, (ii) present evidence of the impact of financial structure and financial development on economic growth, (iii) discuss evidence on the law and finance approach, (iv) describe different robustness tests, and (v) summarize our findings. 3.1. Econometric Methodology To test the validity of the (i) market-based, (ii) bank-based, (iii) financial services, and (iv) law and finance approach in a cross-country sample, we modify the standard growth regression as follows: Growthi = a' Xi + /3FDj + yFSj + ej (3.1) where Growth is the average annual growth rate of real per capita GDP, calculated as regression coefficient from an OLS regression, Xis a set of potential growth determinants, FD is an indicator of financial development, FS is a measure of financial structure and £ is the error tern. The four competing hypotheses predict different signs for J and y. The market-based view predicts that market-based financial systems grow faster, implying 3>0 and y>O. The bank- based view holds that bank-based systems are better for growth, implying f >0 and y<0. The financial-services view holds that financial structure does not matter for growth and that it is 17 overall financial development that enhances economic growth. This implies [3>0 and y=O. The law and finance view, finally, claims that only the part of financial development defined by the legal system is linked with economic growth. If we use the legal rights of outside investors, and the efficiency of contract enforcement as instrumental variables to extract the exogenous component of financial development, the law and finance view also predicts P>0 and =0. We use both Ordinary Least Square (OLS) estimations and Instrumental Variable (IV) estimations, using the legal origin of countries as instruments for countries, as in Levine, Loayza, and Beck (2000). IV regressions allow us to control for simultaneity bias and reverse causality from growth rates to financial development, by extracting the exogenous component of financial development and structure. To assess the law and finance view, we will be using Creditor, Anti- Director and Rule of Law as instrumental variables for financial development to thus extract the component of finance that is defined by the legal system. We will examine the appropriateness of the instruments with a test of over-identifying restrictions, developed in the context of GMM by Hansen (1982) and further explained in Newey and West (1987). The null-hypothesis is that the instrumental variables are not correlated with the error term. The instruments are appropriate if we cannot reject the null hypothesis. We can interpret this result as indicating that the instruments (legal origin or the legal system indicators) affect real per capita GDP growth only through the financial development or structure indicators and the variables in the conditioning information set (that is, the other determinants of growth). To assess the robustness of our findings, we control for other potential growth determinants in eq. (1). Specifically, we will use two different sets of conditioning information. The policy conditioning information set contains the log of real per capita GDP in 1980 to control for convergence and the average years of schooling to control for the effect of human 18 capital accumulation. Furthermore, we include (i) the logarithm of one plus the average rate of inflation, (ii) the logarithm of one plus the average black market premium, (iii) the logarithm of government size as a share of GDP, and (iv) the logarithm of exports plus imports as a share of GDP. We include the inflation rate and the government size to proxy for macroeconomic stability and government intrusion, and the trade share and the black market premium to capture the degree of openness of economies. The full conditioning information set contains the policy information set plus a measure of ethnical fractionalization, revolutions and coups and political assassinations.6 3.2. Financial Structure and Long-Run Growth The results in Table 3 indicate that financial structure is not significantly related to economic growth. For conciseness, the table only reports the results for the two variables of interest - Finance-Activity and the financial structure indicators. Here we present only results using the policy conditioning information set. All regressions are run with Ordinary Least Squares and using heteroskedasticity-consistent standard errors. None of the five structure indicators enters significantly in the regression. Finance-Activity, on the other hand, enters significantly positive in all but the first regression. These results, therefore, do not give support to either the market- or the bank-based view. The results in Table 4 confirm these findings, using the other indicators of financial development as control variables. The distinction between market- and bank-based financial system does not explain much of the variation in cross-country growth rates. 6 Levine, Loayza, and Beck (2000) and Beck, Levine, and Loayza (2000) have used similar conditioning information sets in their work on the impact of financial intermediary development on economic growth. We also tried a full conditioning information set that comprises the policy conditioning information set and indicators of civil 19 The results in Table 5 confirm that financial development is positively correlated with long-run economic growth and that simultaneity bias or reverse causality does not drive these results. We present results both using OLS and IV regressions. All indicators of financial development enter significantly at the 5% level, except for Finance-Size. This result is consistent with the findings of Levine and Zervos (1998). They find that market capitalization is not a robust predictor of economic growth. The liquidity of the stock market, not its pure size (market capitalization), matters for economic growth. The tests of over-identifying restrictions for the IV regressions indicate that we cannot reject the null hypothesis that the instruments are not correlated with the error terms. The results in Table 5 are not only statistically significant, but also economically important. Consider Argentina that had a value of Finance-Activity of -5.99 over the period 1980-95. If Argentina had enjoyed a level of financial development as Thailand (Finance- Activity=-1.98), a country with lower real per capita GDP in 1980, the regression results suggests, that Argentina would have grown two percentage points faster over this period.7 The results in Tables 3, 4 and 5 give support for the financial services view by underlining the importance that overall financial development has for economic growth. The results are not consistent with either the market- or the bank-based view. 3.3. The Law and finance View and Long-Run Growth The results in Table 6 are consistent with the law and finance view. Here we use as instruments specific elements of the legal system that are important for financial development. Specifically, we use Creditor, Anti-Director and Rule of Law as instruments for the indicator of liberties, revolutions and coups, political assassinations, bureaucratic efficiency and corruption. The results are similar. See also Levine (2000b). 20 financial development. The results are overwhelmingly in support of the law and finance view. All indicators of financial development enter significantly in the regression at the 5%-level. Furthermore, the regressions pass the test of the overidentifying restrictions. That is, the data do not reject the hypothesis that Creditor, Anti-director, and Rule of Law influence growth only through their effects on financial development or the other explanatory variables. The coefficients show similar sizes as when using the legal origin as instruments and are larger than in the OLS regressions. Thus, the data are consistent with the view that the component of overall financial development explained by legal codes and their enforcement is positively and significantly related to economic growth. 3.4. Sensitivity Analysis Our results are robust to several robustness checks.8 First, we re-run the regressions in Tables 3, 4 and 5 using the full conditioning information set. While the financial development indicators are significant most of the time, the financial structure indicators enter insignificantly. Second, we include a dummy for very undeveloped financial systems in the regressions with financial structure. This does not alter our results. None of the structure indicators enters significantly. Third, we use Creditor, Anti-director and Rule of Law as instruments for financial structure. Again, the indicators of financial structure do not enter significantly. Finally, we examine unbalanced financial systems. While financial structure might not matter, financial systems with a distorted structure might impede the efficient provision of financial services. We therefore create a dummy variable that takes the value one if Value Traded is above the sample mean and Bank Credit below the mean or vice versa. Using this indicator of unbalanced 7 We use the coefficient estimate for Finance-Activity from Table 5, top panel. 8 Results available on request. See also Levine (2000b) for further robustness tests. 21 financial systems does not change our results - classifying countries, as having unbalanced financial systems does not explain long-term economic growth. 3.5. Summary Our findings are consistent with the financial services and the law and finance views. Financial development and the component defined by the legal protection of outside investors explain long-term cross-country growth rates. Financial structure, i.e. the distinction between market- and bank-based financial systems does not offer any additional information. These results are robust to the use of different indicators of financial development and structure and different conditioning information sets. These results are also robust to the use of a large array of sensitivity tests, described by Levine (2000b). 4. Industry-Level Results This section explores our four competing hypotheses in a panel data set of 34 countries and 36 industries. Specifically, we explore (i) whether industries that depend heavily on external finance grow faster in market- or bank-based financial systems, and (ii) new firms are more likely to form in bank-based or a market-based financial systems. Thus, unlike in the previous cross-country section, we focus on a specific channel through which financial development and potentially financial structure affects economic activity and industrial structure. We will first discuss the econometric methodology and the additional data we will be using. We will then explore whether externally dependent industries grow faster in market- or bank-based financial systems or whether it is the overall level of financial development that determines industrial 22 growth patterns across countries. In a second step, we will decompose industry growth in its two components - growth in the number of firms and growth in the average size of firms - and will analyze whether financial structure and development determines the creation of new firms. Finally, we will test the importance of the legal system for industry growth and new firm creation. 4.1. Econometric Methodology and the Data We will use a panel of 34 countries and 36 industries to test our four hypotheses. We will build on work by Rajan and Zingales (1998) and explore the interaction of industry and country characteristics, i.e. the dependence of industries on external finance and the level and structure of financial development across countries. This subsection describes the methodology and data. 4.1.1. The Methodology Financial intermediaries and markets help overcome market frictions that drive a wedge between the price of external and internal finance. Lower costs of external finance facilitate firm growth and new firm formation. Therefore, industries that are naturally heavy users of external finance should benefit disproportionately more from greater financial development than industries that are not naturally heavy users of external finance. That should be especially true for new firms in these industries. Rajan and Zingales (1998) find evidence consistent with the hypothesis that industries that rely more heavily on external finance grow faster in countries with a better-developed financial system. Furthermore, Rajan and Zingales show that the effect of financial development on the industrial growth runs mostly through growth in the number of establishments rather than 23 through growth in the average size of establishments. So financial development improves disproportionately the prospects of young firms in industries that rely heavily on external finance. This section extends the work by Rajan and Zingales and explores whether industries with a high need of external finance grow faster in economies with bank- or market-based financial systems. We will use the following regression to assess the impact of financial development and financial structure on industry growth and the creation of new firms. Growthlk = cxaCountry, + /,3Industry, + yShare,k + S1 (Externalk * FD.) + J2 (External,, * FS1) + E£;k, where Growthsk is the average annual growth rate of value added or the growth in number of firms in industry kand country i. Countryand Industryare country and industry dummies, respectively, and Share,k is the share of industry k in manufacturing in country i in 1980. Externalk is the measure of dependence on external finance for industry k as measured for a sample of U.S. companies over the period 1980-89. FDi and FS, are indicators of financial development and financial structure for country i, respectively. We interact the external dependence of an industry (Externa) with both (a) a measure of overall financial development (FP and (b) an index of the degree of market-based versus bank-based, i.e., an index of financial structure (FS).9 The dummy variables for industries and countries correct for country and industry specific characteristics that might determine industry growth patterns. We thus isolate the effect that the interaction of external dependence and financial development/structure has on industry growth rates relative to country and industry means. By including the initial 9We do not include Financial Development or Financial Structure on their own, since we focus on within-country, across-industry growth rates. 24 share of an industry we control for a convergence effect; we expect industries with a large share to grow more slowly, and therefore a negative sign on lo The different hypotheses imply different predictions about the sign and significance of 81 and 82. The market-based view predicts that industries that are dependent on external finance grow faster in economies with market-oriented financial systems and higher levels of financial development, thus implying 81>0 and 82>0. The bank-based viewpredicts that industries that are dependent on external finance grow faster in economies with bank-oriented financial systems and higher levels of financial development, thus implying 51>0 and 82<0. The financial-services view predicts that industries dependent on external finance grow faster in economies with a higher level of overall financial development, whereas the financial structure should not matter, thus implying 51>0 and 82=0. The law and finance viewpredicts that industries dependent on external finance grow faster in economies that protect the rights of outside investors more efficiently, whereas financial structure should not matter. If we replace FD1 with indicators of these legal rights and contract enforcement, this implies 81>0 and 62=0. We run both Ordinary-Least-Squares (OLS) regressions and Instrumental Variables (IV) regressions. IV regressions allow us to address the issue of endogeneity of independent variables. Specifically, we want to control for the possible endogeneity of the level and the structure of financial development. Whereas the above equation suggests that an exogenously given level or structure of financial sector activity might interact with the external dependence of industries to determine industry growth rates, financial markets and institutions might have arisen due to a given industrial structure. As in the previous section, we will be using the legal origin of 10 This does not correspond exactly to the convergence concept known from cross-country growth regressions. We include the share in manufacturing rather than the level, since we focus on within-country, across-industry growth rates. As in Rajan and Zingales y enters significantly negative in most regressions. 25 countries to extract the exogenous component of financial development and structure. We will also use the religious composition of countries as additional instruments.'" LLSV (1999) show that the dominant religion of a country influences institutional development. 4.1.2. External Dependence We use industry-level data on external dependence from Rajan and Zingales (1998). The underlying assumption in Rajan and Zingales - and our work -- is that for technological reasons some industries depend more heavily on external finance than others. Unfortunately, we can only observe the actual use of external finance, but not the demand for it. For countries with very well developed financial systems, Rajan and Zingales note that external funds will be supplied very elastically, so that the actual use of external finance would primarily reflect the demand for external finance. Assuming that the variance of the need of external finance across industries persists across countries we can thus use the actual external dependence of industries as observed in a country with a very well developed financial system as a proxy for the "natural" dependence of industries on external finance. As discussed in Rajan and Zingales, we use the United States to compute the natural external dependence of industries. The data are from Standard and Poor's Compustat for U.S. firms in 36 industries. This database contains only publicly listed firms. A firm's dependence on external finance is defined as the share of investment that cannot be financed through internal cash flows; or as capital expenditures minus cash flow from operations divided by capital expenditures. Both numerator and denominator are averaged over the 1980s to smooth temporal fluctuations. The industry values are calculated as medians rather than means to thus prevent outliers from dominating the "' Unlike in the cross-sectional growth regressions we include financial structure and financial development indicators at the same time, since we can exploit more variance in these panel regressions. We therefore extend our 26 results. Table A2 lists the external dependence for all 36 industries. The drug industry is the industry most dependent on external finance, whereas the tobacco industry has no demand for external finance, i.e. our dependence measure is less than zero. 4.1.3. Industry Growth Rates Our dependent variable is the average annual growth rate of value added. We use the data obtained by Rajan and Zingales from the Industrial Statistics Yearbook database put together by the United Nations Statistical Division (1993). We also use a decomposition of the industry growth rate. Specifically, we consider the growth in the number of establishments, as opposed to the growth in the average size of establishments. 12 The creation of new firms is more likely to depend on external resources than existing firms. The decomposition of industry growth therefore provides both a robustness test of the previous results and a more detailed exploration of the mechanisms through which financial development and financial structure influence industrial growth patterns across countries. 4.2. Financial Structure and Industry Growth The results in Table 7 indicate that fimancial structure does not have an independent impact on industrial growth patterns across countries.13 Although the interaction terms of external dependence with Structure-Activity and Structure-Aggregate show coefficients that are significant at the 5%-level in the OLS regressions, these results are not confirmed by the instrumental variable regressions. None of the interaction terms with financial structure enters set of instrumental variables by religious composition. 12 There are no cross-country data available on firms. An establishment is defined as a "unit, which engages, under a single ownership or control, in one, or predominantly one, kind of activity at a single location." 27 significantly at the 5%-level. These results are not consistent with the market- or the bank-based view. The results in Table 8 strengthen the previous findings and give support to the financial services view. The interaction terms with financial development always enter significantly at the 5%-level level, whereas none of the interaction terms with financial structure enters significantly. These results indicate that externally dependent industries grow relatively faster in countries with better-developed financial systems, while the specific structure of the financial system does not have any impact on industrial growth patterns. 4.3. Financial Structure and the Creation of New Firms The results in Table 9 indicate that new firms are more easily created in countries with higher levels of financial development, whereas financial structure does not explain industry patterns in the growth in the number of firms across countries.14 While none of the interaction terms with financial structure enters significantly in the regressions, the interaction terms with the financial development indicators enter significantly at the 10%-level in the regressions with Structure-Size and Structure-Aggregate. They do not enter significantly in the regressions with Structure-Activity. We can explain this inconsistency with the fact that Structure-Activityis the structure measure that shows the highest correlation with the indicators of financial development. Overall, these results are again consistent with the financial-services view and are not consistent with the market- or bank-based view. 13 Since Structure- and Finance-Efficiency are available only for the years 1990-95, we do not use these measures in this section. 14 Beck and Levine (2000a) show that the growth in the average size of firms is related to neither financial development nor financial structure. 28 4.4. Industry Growth, New Firm Creation and the Law and finance View The results in Table 10 show that externally dependent industries grow faster and new firms are created more easily in countries with high level of creditor and shareholder rights and enforcement of these rights. While none of the interaction terms with financial structure enters significantly, the interaction terms with the three legal variables enter jointly significantly at the 10%-level in all six regressions. The p-values on the individual coefficients indicate that it is especially the enforcement of laws that is important for the growth of externally dependent industries and the creation of new firms in these industries. 4.5. Sensitivity Analysis Our findings are robust to a number of sensitivity checks [Beck and Levine 2000a]. First, we use a larger sample of 42 countries some of which are not in the 48-country sample of this paper. Our results do not change. While industries with higher need of external finance grow faster in economies with better-developed financial sectors and better protection of outside investors, financial structure cannot explain industry growth patterns across countries. Second, we use alternative measures of external dependence, provided by Rajan and Zingales. Specifically, we use external dependence measured for a sample of Canadian firms to thus test whether our results are due to peculiarities of the U.S. financial system. The results do not change. We also use a measure of external finance computed from a sample of firms that have gone public over the previous 10 years, since young firms are especially dependent on external finance. Again, our main findings hold. Finally, we use an indicator for unbalanced financial systems to explore whether the growth of industries that depend heavily on external finance is 29 impacted by distorted financial systems. As in the cross-country analysis we do not find any significant impact of the unbalanced indicator. 4.6. Summary Our findings from the country-industry panel confirm the results from the cross-country regressions and provide support for the financial services and law and finance view. Industries that depend relatively more on external finance grow faster in economies with higher levels of financial development and legal systems that better protect the rights of outside investors. Industries that are heavy users of extemal finance do not grow faster and new firms are not created more rapidly in either a market- or bank-based financial system. It is thus the overall level of financial development, but not a specific structure of the financial system that enables especially new firms to overcome barriers in obtaining extemal funding. 5. Firm-Level Results In this section we use firm-level data from a panel of 33 countries and 6 years between 1990 and 1995 to explore whether firms' access to extemal finance varies across financial systems with different structures, or whether the overall level of financial development and the legal system determine firms' access to external finance. In this section we (i) describe the methodology and data that we use, (ii) assess the market-based, bank-based and financial services view, and (iii) explore the importance of legal institutions for firms' access to extemal finance. 30 5.1. Econometric Methodology and Data We follow an approach developed by Demirgu-Kunt and Maksimovic (1998, 2000) to measure whether firms' growth in an economy is financially constrained. Exploring the relation between firms' growth and financial development and structure directly does not control for differences in the amount of external financing needed by firms in the same industry but in different countries. These differences may arise because firms in different countries may employ different technologies, because profit rates may differ across countries, or because investment opportunities and demand may differ. In our empirical tests we take into account the possibility that these factors may affect the demand for external capital. To control for these differences at the firm level, we calculate for each firm in an economy the rate at which it can grow, using (i) only its internal funds or (ii) using its internal funds and short-term borrowing. We then compute the percentage of firms that grow at rates that exceed each of these two estimated rates. These statistics yield estimates of the proportion of firms in an economy relying on external financing to grow. The firm-level data consist of accounting data for the largest publicly traded manufacturing firms in 33 countries, using data from the Worldscope database. We estimate a firm's potential growth rate using the standard "percentage of sales" financial planning model [Higgins 1974]. This approach relates a firm's growth rate of sales to its need for investment funds, based on three simplifying assumptions. First, the ratio of assets used in production to sales is constant. Second, the firm's profits per unit of sales are constant. Finally, the economic deprecation rate equals the accounting depreciation rate. Under these assumptions, the firm's financing need in period t of a firm growing at gt percent per year is given by EFN, = g, * Assets, - (1- g,) * Earnings, * b, (5.1) 31 where EFNt is the external financing need and bt is the fraction of the firm's earnings that are retained for reinvestment at time t. Earnings are calculated after interest and taxes. While the first term on the right-hand side of eq. (5.1) denotes the required investment for a firm growing at gt percent, the second term is the internally available funds for investment, assuming a constant retention rate bt. We use two different estimates of a firm's attainable growth rate. The internally financed growth rate IGt is the maximum growth rate that can be financed with internal resources only. Assuming that the firm retains all its earnings, i.e. bt=1, equating EFNt to zero and solving eq. (5.1) for gt, we obtain IG, = ROAt /(1 - ROA,) (5.2) where ROAt is the firm's return on assets (Earnings/Assets). The definition of IG thus assumes that firm does not rely on any external source to finance its growth. The short-term fmanced growth rate SGt is the maximum growth rate that can be obtained if the firm reinvests all its earnings and obtains enough short-term external resources to maintain the ratio of its short-term liabilities to assets. To compute SGt, we first replace total assets in eq. (5.1) by assets that are not financed by new short-term credit - long-term capital -, calculated as total assets times one minus the ratio of short-term liabilities to total assets. SGt is then given by SGt = ROLTC, /(1 - ROLTC,) (5.3) where ROLTCt is the ratio of earnings, after tax and interest, to long-term capital. The definition of SG thus assumes that the firm does not access any long-term borrowings or sales of equity to finance its growth. 32 The estimates of IG and SG are conservative for several reasons. First, we assume that a firm utilizes the unconstrained sources of finance- trade credit in the case IG and trade credit and short-term borrowing in the case of SG - no more intensively than it is currently doing. Second, firms with spare capacities do not need to invest and may grow at a faster rate than predicted without accessing external resources. Third, the financial planning model abstracts from technical advances that reduce the requirements for investment capital. Thus, it may overstate the costs of growth and underestimate the maximum growth rate attainable using unconstrained sources of financing. For each country we then calculate STCOUNTt and LTCOUNTt, the percentage of firms whose realized annual real growth rate of sales exceeds the predicted rates IGt and SGt, respectively. STCOUNTt is calculated as f d f / n,,, where nit is the number of firms in country i in period t and drt takes the value one if the firm's real growth rate of sales exceeds lGf,t, and zero otherwise. LTCOUNT1t is calculated in a similar way, using SGfit. STCOUNT is thus an estimate of the proportion of firms in a country that obtain external funding, and LTCOUNT is an estimate of firms in a country that obtain long-term external financing. Table 11 presents the average values for STCOUNT and LTCOUNT for all 33 countries in our sample. There is a large variation in the proportion of firms that obtain external resources. Only 26% of firms in New Zealand grow at rates requiring external financing, while 100% of firms in Austria do. Only 17% of firms in Chile grow beyond the rate predicted by the use of internal and short-term external funds, but 100% in Austria. These differences are likely to be affected by the availability of external finance both directly, and indirectly, as the composition of firms in each economy evolves through mergers and diversification to take advantage of the available sources of financing. 33 To analyze our different hypotheses in our sample of 33 countries and 6 years, we run the following regressions yjt = 8 FDit + A2FS1, + 83CVj, + elt (5.4) where y is either STCOUNT or LTCOUNT, FD is one of the five indicators of financial development, defined above, FS is one of the five indicators of financial structure, CVis a set of control variables, and e is the error term. We estimate eq. (5.4) using Instrumental Variables (IV) techniques to control for simultaneity bias and reverse causality. Specifically, as in the previous two sections, we will be using the legal origin of countries to extract the exogenous component of the level of financial development and structure. To assess the robustness of the link between the proportion of firms that receive external resources and the level of financial development and structure, we include several control variables. Specifically, we include the average size of firms, since firms that are larger relative to the economy might enjoy better access to external financing than smaller firms. We include the inflation rate to control for measurement errors in firms' financial statements in highly inflationary economies. We include the level and the growth rate of real per capita GDP. We include the level of real per capita GDP to control for determinants of firms' access to external financing that are related to the level of economic development, but are independent of the financial system. We include the growth rate hypothesizing that firms' desire to grow depends on the rate of growth of the economy. Finally, we include Rule of Law to control for effects of the legal system that are independent of the effect of the financial system. 34 5.2. Excess Growth of Firms and Financial Structure The results in Table 12 indicate that the share of firms growing at rates requiring external financing does not vary across countries with different financial structures. For conciseness, the table only reports the results for the variable of interest - financial structure. The top panel reports the results for STCOUNT, the bottom panel for LTCOUNT. Except for Structure-Size, none of the indicators of financial structure enters significantly at the 5% level in the regressions of either STCOUNT or LTCOUNT. These findings are not consistent with either the market- or the bank-based view. The Table 13 results provide evidence for the financial services view. We again report only the variable of interest - financial development. All four indicators of financial development enter significantly positive at the 5%-level in the regressions of STCOUNT. This indicates that firms are more likely to grow at rates that require external financing in economies with higher level of financial sector development. All four indicators of financial development enter significantly positive at the 10%-level in the regressions of LTCOUNT. We interpret this as evidence that the share of firms that grow at rates requiring long-term external financing is higher in countries with better-developed financial sector. 5.3. Excess Growth of Firms and the Law and finance View To explore the law and finance view, we first regress our indicators of financial development on our three legal indicators, Creditor, Anti-Director, and Rule of Law. The fitted values of these regressions indicate the level of financial development predicted by the legal environment of a country. We also use the residual from each regression - Excess-Finance - to indicate the component of financial development that is not predicted by the legal environment. 35 In the second stage, we then run eq. (5.4) including both the predicted value of financial development from the first stage and Excess-Finance. The law and finance view predicts a positive coefficient on the fitted value of Finance and an insignificant coefficient on Excess- Finance. A significantly positive coefficient on Excess-Finance would indicate an importance of other components of the financial sector not predicted by the legal systems for firms' growth. A significantly negative coefficient on Excess-Finance would indicate that a financial sector growing beyond the legal infrastructure is damaging for firms' growth. The results in Table 14 provide support for the law and finance view. We report only the coefficient on the fitted values of our indicators of financial development and on the respective Excess-Finance. The results in the top panel indicate that firms are more likely to grow at rates requiring external finance in economies in which the legal system is conducive to the development of large, active and efficient banks and stock markets. With the exception of Finance-Size all predicted indicators of financial development enter significantly positive. None of the Excess-Finance variables enters significantly in the regressions. The results in the bottom panel are even stronger. All indicators of predicted financial development enter significantly positive in the regressions, while none of the Excess-Finance indicators does. This indicates that the share of firms that grow at rates requiring external long-term financing is higher in economies with a contracting environment that favors financial development. 5.4. Sensitivity Analysis We confirm our main findings using a larger sample of 38 countries, some of which are not included in the 48-country sample of this paper.'5 While firms grow at rates requiring 15 Results available on request. 36 external financing in economies with higher level of financial development and economies with better protection of outside investors, financial structure and financial development beyond the component predicted by the legal system does not have any explanatory power for firms' growth. Demirguc-Kunt and Maksimovic (2000) take a different approach to test the law and finance view. Specifically they allow banking sector and stock market development to take different coefficients. In the first stage they regress an indicator of banking sector development on Rule of Law, the Common legal origin dummy, Creditor and the inflation rate, and an indicator of stock market development on Rule of Law, the Common legal origin dummy, Anti- Director and the inflation rate. They show that while the predicted level of banking sector and stock market development can explain the share of firms that grow at rates requiring external financing, the residuals from the first-stage regressions do not have any explanatory power. In the regressions of LTCOUNT only the predicted level of stock market development enters significantly, while the predicted level of banking sector development does not enter significantly. Again, the residuals from the first-stage regressions do not have any explanatory power. This indicates that any financial development beyond the level predicted by the macroeconomic environment and the legal system cannot explain firms' growth. 5.5. Summary Using firm-level data we confirm our previous findings. Financial structure does not explain the growth of firms beyond the rates predicted by the internal resources and short-term borrowings. This is inconsistent with both the market- and the bank-based view. The share of firms that grow at rates requiring external financing is higher in countries in countries with higher levels of financial sector development, which is consistent with the financial-services 37 view. Furthermore, we find that firms are more likely to grow at rates that require external finance in countries in which the contracting environment favors financial sector development. Financial sector development beyond the level that is predicted by the legal system does not have any explanatory power for firms' growth. This is consistent with the law and finance view. 6. Conclusions This paper explored the relationship between financial structure - the degree to which a financial system is market- or bank-based - and economic development. We use three methodologies. The cross-country approach uses cross-country data to assess whether economies grow faster with market- or bank-based financial systems. The industry approach uses a country-industry panel to assess whether industries that depend heavily on external financing grow faster in market- or bank-based financial systems, and whether financial structure influences the rate of new firm creation. Finally, the firm level approach uses firm-level data across a broad selection of countries to test whether firms are more likely to grow beyond the rate predicted by internal resources and short-term borrowings in market- or bank-based financial systems. The cross-country regressions, the industry panel estimations and the firm-level analyses provide remarkably consistent conclusions.: (i) financial structure is not an analytically useful way to distinguish financial systems; (ii) financial structure does not help in understanding economic growth, industrial performance, or firm expansion; and (iii) the results are inconsistent with both the market-based and bank-based views. More precisely, countries do not grow faster, financially dependent industries do not expand at higher rates, new firms are not created more 38 easily, firms' access to external finance is not higher, and firms do not grow faster in either market- or bank-based financial systems. We do find overwhelming evidence that the overall level of financial development and the legal environment in which financial intermediaries and markets critically influence economic development. 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Efficiency Aggregate Dummy Director Law Finance- 1 Activity Finance- 0.881 1 Size (0.001) Finance- 0.942 0.800 1 Efficiency (0.001) (0.001) Finance- 0.984 0.932 0.956 1 Aggregate (0.001) (0.001) (0.001) Finance- 0.690 0.802 0.654 0.746 1 Dummy (0.001) (0.001) (0.001) (0.001) Structure- 0.689 0.347 0.730 0.618 0.172 1 Activity (0.001) (0.016) (0.001) (0.001) (0.244) Structure- 0.078 0.037 0.163 0.097 -0.190 0.544 1 Size (0.599) (0.803) (0.269) (0.512) (0.196) (0.001) Structure- 0.796 0.513 0.675 0.693 0.306 0.862 0.298 1 Efficiency (0.001) (0.001) (0.001) (0.001) (0.034) (0.001) (0.040) Structure- 0.655 0.375 0.651 0.588 0.142 0.966 0.675 0.884 1 Aggregate (0.001) (0.009) (0.001) (0.001) 0.3357 (0.001) (0.001) (0.001) Structure- 0.518 0.331 0.568 0.495 0.167 0.776 0.607 0.630 0.791 1 Dummy (0.001) (0.022) (0.001) (0.001) (0.256) (0.001) (0.001) (0.001) (0.001) Creditor -0.070 0.026 0.010 -0.012 -0.067 -0.161 0.054 -0.193 -0.136 :0.136 1 (0.663) (0.874) (0.949) (0.942) (0.678) (0.316) (0.738) (0.227) (0.398) (0.398) Anti- 0.167 0.246 0.173 0.203 0.224 0.154 0.379 0.091 0.226 0.072 0.095 1 Director (0.297) (0.122) (0.279) (0.202) (0.160) (0.338) (0.015) (0.570) (0.156) (0.656) (0.557) Ruleof 0.704 0.692 0.649 0.712 0.564 0.330 -0.130 0.454 0.291 0.208 -0.116 -0.084 1 Law (0.001) (0.001) (0.001) (0.001) (0.001) (0.022) (0.377) (0.001) (0.045) (0.157) (0.470) (0.602) Table 2: Financial Structure Across Countries Structure-Activity Structure-Size Structure-Efficiency Structure-Aggregate Structure-Dummy Taiwan 0.59 Ghana 1.34 Switzerland -3.03 Taiwan 1.86 Australia I Malaysia -0.32 South Africa 0.94 Taiwan -3.62 Malaysia 1.59 Brazil 1 Switzerland -0.39 Malaysia 0.60 United States -4.38 Switzerland 1.58 Canada United States -0.64 Jamaica 0.08 United Kingdom -4.79 United States 1.34 Denmark 1 Ireland -0.64 Zimbabwe 0.03 Brazil -4.87 United Kingdom 1.24 Germany 1 Turkey -0.73 United Kingdom 0.02 Malaysia -4.97 Brazil 1.01 Ghana 1 United Kingdom -0.74 Mexico -0.02 Israel -5.10 Mexico 0.90 Ireland 1 Mexico -0.85 New Zealand -0.02 Japan -5.24 Japan 0.86 Israel Brazil -0.92 Ireland -0.03 Germany -5.26 South Africa 0.85 Jamaica 1 Thailand -0.92 Chile -0.03 Sweden -5.47 Canada 0.82 Japan Japan -1.00 Canada -0.06 Thailand -5.52 Sweden 0.80 Malaysia Canada -1.14 Peru -0.07 Turkey -5.54 Australia 0.80 Mexico 1 Israel -1.15 Australia -0.09 Australia -5.58 Israel 0.75 Netherlands I Sweden -1.18 Philippines -0.10 Canada -5.59 Turkey 0.71 New Zealand 1 Australia -1.18 United States -0.11 France -5.60 Thailand 0.68 Peru 1 Netherlands -1.36 Sweden -0.15 Mexico -5.75 Philippines 0.58 Philippines 1 Philippines -1.47 Brazil -0.31 South Africa -5.91 New Zealand 0.49 South Africa I Gemmany -1.52 Japan -0.35 Philippines -5.92 Peru 0.39 Sweden 1 Peru -1.54 Belgium -0.36 Denmark -6.08 Jamaica 0.38 Switzerland 1 India -1.61 Sri Lanka -0.39 New Zealand -6.12 Ireland 0.33 Taiwan 1 New Zealand -1.64 Ecuador -0.43 Jamaica -6.12 Netherlands 0.33 Thailand I Denmark -1.87 Kenya -0.48 Spain -6.14 Germany 0.17 Turkey I South Afrca -1.90 Taiwan -0.53 Netherlands -6.26 Denmark 0.17 United Kingdom I Jamaica -2.04 Israel -0.56 Argentina -6.28 Ghana 0.16 United States I Norway -2.06 Netherlands -0.60 Norway -6.49 India 0.14 Argentina 0 Argentina -2.15 India -0.60 Peru -6.53 Chile 0.00 Austria 0 Ghana -2.17 Denmark -0.62 Italy -6.54 Ecuador -0.04 Belgium 0 Ecuador -2.19 Thailand -0.66 India -6.58 Belgium -0.17 Chile 0 France -2.28 Switzerland -0.71 Ecuador -6.65 France -0.17 Colombia 0 Honduras -2.34 Turkey -0.74 Chile -6.74 Argentina -0.18 Cyprus 0 Spain -2.36 Colombia -0.78 Austria -6.92 Norway -0.23 Ecuador 0 Belgium -2.38 Pakistan -0.98 Belgium -6.94 Spain -0.31 Egypt 0 Chile -2.46 Trinidad and Tobago -1.00 Honduras -7.06 Zimbabwe -0.35 Finland 0 Pakistan -2.51 Greece -1.02 Finland -7.23 Sri Lanka -0.41 France 0 Italy -2.52 Argentina -1.09 Cyprus -7.31 Italy -0.55 Greece 0 Zimbabwe -2.58 Cyprus -1.11 Sri Lanka -7.37 Pakistan -0.62 Honduras 0 Greece -2.65 Norway -1.15 Greece -7.37 Honduras -0.63 India 0 Sri Lanka -2.66 Finland -1.29 Pakistan -7.47 Greece -0.66 Italy 0 Finland -2.72 Spain -1.29 Colombia -7.50 Colombia -0.75 Kenya 0 Austria -3.04 France -1.42 Portugal -7.52 Finland -0.76 Norway 0 Colombia -3.04 Italy -1.45 Trinidad and Tobago -7.72 Trinidad and Tobago -1.04- Pakistan 0 Portugal -3.40 Honduras -1.46 Zimbabwe -7.88 Cyprus -1.05 Panama 0 Trinidad and Tobago -3.41 Germany -1.53 Ireland -8.02 Austria -1.27 Portugal 0 Cyprus -3.62 Egypt -1.54 Ghana -8.52 Kenya -1.37 Spain 0 Kenya -3.93 Tunisia -1.91 Kenya -8.88 Portugal -1.43 Sri Lanka 0 Egypt -4.14 Panama -1.94 Tunisia -8.90 Egypt -2.09 Trinidad and Tobago 0 Tunisia -4.29 Portugal -2.10 Egypt -9.60 Tunisia -2.09 Tunisia 0 Panama -5.17 Austria -2.46 Panama -9.98 Panama -2.75 Zimbabwe 0 Table 3: Financial Structure, Financial Development and Economic Growth, OLS Regressions Dependent variable: Real per Capita GDP Groowth, 1980-95 (1) (2) (31 (4) (5) Structure-Activity 0.001 (0.999) Structure-Size -0.656 (0.174) Structure-Efficiency -0.324 (0.243) Structure-Aggregate -0.548 (0.220) Structure-Dummy -0.957 (0.129) Finance-Activity 0.517 0.665 0.751 0.818 0.745 (0.158) (0.005) (0.006) (0.014) (0.005) ; _ _ 0.388 0.428 0.399 0.407 0.420 The dependent variable is the average growth rate of real per capita GDP, calculated as regression coefficient. All regressions include the policy conditioning information set: logarithm of initial income, schooling, inflation, black market premium, govemment size and trade openness. All regressions are estimated using OLS. Structure-Activity = log(Total value traded divided by claims on private sector by commercials banks) Structure-Size = log(Market capitalization divided by claims on private sector by commercials bank) Structure-Efficiency = log(Total value traded as share of GDP ' Banks' overhead costs as share of total assets) Structure-Aggregate - First principal components of Structure-Activity, Structure-Size and Structure-Efficiency Structure-Dummy = Dummy variable that takes the value 1 if Structure-Aggregate is above the median, 0 otherwise Finance-Activity = log(Total value traded as share of GDP ' Claims on private sector by financial institutions as share of GDP) Table 4: Financial Structure and Economic Growth, Senitivity Analysis Dependent variable: Real per Capita GDP Growth, 1980-95 1. Controlling for Finance-Size Explanatory coefficient standard t-statistic P-value R- Variable error Squared Structure-Activity 0.539 0.305 1.770 0.085 0.353 Structure-Size -0.327 0.469 -0.697 0.490 0.290 Structure-Efficiency 0.377 0.281 1.343 0.187 0.319 Structure-Aggregate 0.436 0.332 1.312 0.197 0.310 Structure-Dummy 0.191 0.517 0.369 0.714 0.282 2. Controlling for Finance-Efficiency Explanatory coefficient standard t-statistic P-value R- Variable error Squared Structure-Activity -0.346 0.355 -0.973 0.337 0.433 Structure-Size -0.739 0.416 -1.775 0.084 0.474 Structure-Efficiency -0.032 0.202 -0.159 0.875 0.424 Structure-Aggregate -0.455 0.372 -1.222 0.229 0.442 Structure-Dummy -1.390 0.612 -2.270 0.029 0.486 3. Controlling for Finance-Aggregate Explanatory coefficient standard t-statistic P-value R- Variable error Squared Structure-Activity 0.134 0.383 0.350 0.729 0.384 Structure-Size -0.734 0.480 -1.529 0.134 0.429 Structure-Efficiency -0.033 0.244 -0.135 0.894 0.382 Structure-Aggregate -0.275 0.351 -0.783 0.439 0.388 Structure-Dummy -0.937 0.585 -1.600 0.118 0.412 4. Controlling for Finance-Dummy Explanatory coefficient standard t-statistic P-value R- Variable error Squared Structure-Activity 0.329 0.248 1.325 0.193 0.428 Structure-Size -0.174 0.459 -0.379 0.707 0.405 Structure-Efficiency 0.188 0.229 0.822 0.416 0.413 Structure-Aggregate 0.213 0.269 0.792 0.433 0.410 Structure-Dummy -0.054 0.465 -0.116 0.908 0.402 The dependent variable is the average growth rate of real per capita GDP, calculated as regression coefficient. All regressions include the policy conditioning information set: logarithm of initial income, schooling, inflation, black market premium, govemment size and trade openness. All regressions are estimated using OLS. Structure-Activity = log(Total value traded divided by claims on prvate sector by commercials banks) Structure-Size = log(Market capitalization divided by claims on private sector by commercials bank) Structure-Efficiency = log(Total value traded as share of GDP * banks' overhead costs as share of total assets) Structure-Aggregate = First principal components of Structure-Activity. Structure-Size and Structure-Efficiency Structure-Dummy = Dummy variable that takes the value 1 if Structure-Aggregate is above the median, 0 otherwise Table 5: Financial Development and Economic Growth Dependent variable: Real per Capita GDP Growth, 1980-95 1. OLS Regressions Explanatory coefficient standard t-statistic P-value R- Variable error Squared Finance-Activity 0.517 0.193 2.684 0.011 0.388 Finance-Size 0.885 0.796 1.113 0.273 0.280 Finance-Efficiency 0.582 0.186 3.127 0.003 0.424 Finance-Aggregate 1.070 0.427 2.507 0.016 0.382 Finance-Dummy 1.882 0.736 2.559 0.014 0.401 2. IV Regressions Explanatory coefficient standard t-statistic P-value N*J Variable error Statistic Finance-Activity 0.630 0.282 2.232 0.031 2.141 Finance-Size 1.725 1.206 1.430 0.160 3.286 Finance-Efficiency 0.752 0.291 2.586 0.014 1.652 Finance-Aggregate 1.336 0.616 2.169 0.036 2.272 The dependent variable is the average growth rate of real per capita GOP, calculated as regression coefficient. All regressions include the policy conditioning information set: logarithm of initial income, schooling, inflation, black market premium, govemment size and trade openness. Finance-Activity = log(Total value traded as share of GOP * Claims on private sector by financial institutions as share of GDP) Finance-Size = log(Market capitalization and claims on private sector by financial institutions as share of GDP) Finance-Efficiency = log(Total value traded as share of GDP divided by Banks' overhead costs as share ot total assets) Finance-Aggregate = First principal component of Finance-Activity, Finance-Size and Finance-Efficiency Finance-Dummy = takes value 0 if claims on private sector by banks as share of GDP and Value traded as share of GDP are less than sample mean. 1 otherwise Table 6: Financial Development and Economic Growth: The Legal-Based View Dependent variable: Real per Capita GDP Growth, 1980-95 1. Policy Conditioning Information Set Explanatory coefficient standard t-statistic P-value N*J Variable error Statistic Finance-Activity 0.747 0.348 2.144 0.040 0.814 Finance-Size 1.653 0.717 2.307 0.028 1.468 Finance-Efficiency 0.692 0.340 2.034 0.050 0.913 Finance-Aggregate 1.255 0.559 2.246 0.032 1.102 2. Full Conditioning Information Set Explanatory coefficient standard t-statistic P-value N*J Variable error Statistic Finance-Activity 0.970 0.277 3.498 0.002 0.329 Finance-Size 2.282 0.699 3.266 0.003 2.122 Finance-Efficiency 0.878 0.311 2.827 0.008 0.729 Finance-Aggregate 1.757 0.521 3.373 0.002 0.931 Note: N*J-Statistic is disinbuted Chi-Squared with two degrees of freedom. At the 10% level, the critical value is 4.61. At the 5% level, the critical value is 5.99. The dependent variable is the average growth rate of real per capita GDP, calculated as regression coefficient. Policy conditioning information set: simple set, plus inflation, black market premium, government size and trade openness. Full conditioning information set: policy set, plus a measure of ethnic fractionalization, revolutions and coups and political assassinations. We use Creditor, Anti-Director and Rule of Law as instruments for financial development. Finance-Activity = log(Total value traded as share of GDP * Claims on private sector by financial institutions as share of GDP) Finance-Size = log(Market capitalization and claims on private sector by financial institutions as share of GDP) Finance-Efficiency = log(Total value traded as share of GDP divided by Banks' overhead costs as share ot total assets) Finance-Aggregate = First principal component of Finance-Activity, Finance-Size and Finance-Efficiency Table 7: Financial Structure and Industry Growth Dependent variable: Industry Growth, 1980-89 OLS Regressions Structure-Activity Structure-Size Structure-Aggregate Structure-Dummy Interaction (extemal dependence 0.887 x Structure-Activity) (0.033) Interaction (extemal dependence 0.698 x Structure-Size) (0.144) Interaction (extemal dependence 0.914 x Structure-Aggregate ) (0.046) Interaction (extemal dependence 1.101 x Structure-Dummy) (0.233) R2 0.311 0.309 0.310 0.309 Number of observations 1016 1016 1016 1016 IV Regressions ___________________________Structure-Activity Structure-Size Structure-Aggregate Interaction (extemal dependence 1.407 x Structure-Activity) (0.064) Interaction (extemal dependence 1.119 x Structure-Size) (0.246) Interaction (extemal dependence 1.415 x Structure-Aggregate ) (0.121) Number of observations 1016 1016 1016 The dependent variable is the annual compounded growth rate in real value added for 1980-90 for each industry in each country. The p-values for heteroskedasticity robust standard errors are reported in parentheses. All regressions also include the industry's share of total value added in manufacturing in 1980. We use the British, French and German legal origin dummies as instruments for financial structure in the IV regressions. Structure-Activity = log(Total value traded divided by claims on private sector by commercials banks) Structure-Size = log(Market capitalization divided by claims on private sector by commercials bank) Structure-Aggregate = First principal components of Structure-Activity and Structure-Size Structure-Dummy = Dummy variable that takes the value I if Structure-Aggregate is above the median, 0 otherwise Table 8: Financial Development, Financial Structure, and Industry Growth Dependent variable: Industry Growth, 1980-89 Structure-Activity Structure-Size Structure-Aggregate Interaction (external dependence -1.314 x Structure-Activity) (0.308) Interaction (extemal dependence -0.103 x Structure-Size) (0.892) Interaction (extemal dependence -0.416 x Structure-Aggregate ) (0.640) Interaction (external dependence 1.350 0.719 0.842 x Finance-Activity) (0.033) (0.018) (0.022) Number of observations 1016 1016 1016 Structure-Activity Structure-Size Structure-Aggregate Interaction (extemal dependence -0.868 x Structure-Activity) (0.435) Interaction (external dependence -0.175 x Structure-Size) (0.825) Interaction (extemal dependence -0.441 x Structure-Aggregate ) (0.628) Interaction (external dependence 3.659 2.494 2.843 x Finance-Size) (0.029) (0.010) (0.014) Number of observations 1016 1016 1016 _Structure-Activity Structure-Size Structure-Aggregate Interaction (external dependence -1.137 x Structure-Activity) (0.346) Interaction (extemal dependence -0.151 x Structure-Size) (0.845) Interaction (external dependence -0.461 x Structure-Aggregate ) (0.609) Interaction (extemal dependence 2.742 1.629 1.899 x Finance-Aggregate) (0.029) (0.013) (0.016) Number of observations 1016 1016 1016 The dependent variable is the annual compounded growth rate in real value added for 1980-90 for each industry in each country. The p-values for heteroskedasticity robust standard errors are reported in parentheses. All regressions also include the industry's share of total value added in manufacturing in 1980. All regressions are IV. We use the British, French and German legal origin dummies and the share of Catholic, Muslim and Protestant population in total population as instruments for financial development and financial structure. Finance-Activity = log(Total value traded as share of GDP ' Claims on private sector by financial institutions as share of GDP) Finance-Size = log(Market capitalization and claims on private sector by financial institutions as share of GDP) Finance-Aggregate = First principal component of Finance-Activity and Finance-Size Structure-Activity = log(Total value traded divided by claims on private sector by commercials banks) Structure-Size = log(Market capitalization divided by claims on private sector by commercials bank) Structure-Aggregate = First principal components of Structure-Activity and Structure-Size Table 9: Financial Development, Financial Structure, and the Growth in Number of Firms Dependent variable: Growth in the Number of Firms, 1980-89 | Structure-Activity Structure-Size Structure-Aggregate Interaction (external dependence 0.127 x Structure-Activity) (0.905) Interaction (external dependence 0.729 x Structure-Size) (0.310) Interaction (external dependence 0.571 x Structure-Aggregate ) (0.474) Interaction (external dependence 0.659 0.572 0.521 x Finance-Activity) (0.227) (0.015) (0.092) Number of observations 903 903 903 Structure-Activity Structure-Size Structure-Aggregate Interaction (external dependence 0.275 x Structure-Activity) (0.748) Interaction (external dependence 0.786 x Structure-Size) (0.282) Interaction (external dependence 0.609 x Structure-Aggregate ) (0.427) Interaction (external dependence 1.969 1.914 1.746 x Finance-Size) (0.169) (0.014) (0.074) Number of observations 903 903 903 Structure-Activity Structure-Size Structure-Aggregate Interaction (external dependence 0.179 x Structure-Activity) (0.852) Interaction (external dependence 0.747 x Structure-Size) (0.302) Interaction (external dependence 0.574 x Structure-Aggregate ) (0.465) Interaction (external dependence 1.400 1.268 1.163 x Finance-Aggregate) (0.193) (0.014) (0.081) Number of observations 903 903 903 The dependent variable is the log difference between the number of establishments in 1990 and 1980 for each industry in each country. The p-values for heteroskedasticity robust standard errors are reported in parentheses. All regressions also include the industry's share of total value added in manufacturing in 1980. All regressions are IV. We use the British, French and German legal origin dummies and the share of Catholic, Muslim and Protestant population in total population as instnuments for financial development and financial structure. Finance-Activity = log(Total value traded as share of GDP ' Claims on private sector by financial institutions as share of GDP) Finance-Sie = log(Market capitalization and daims on private sector by financial institutions as share of GDP) Finance-Aggregate = First principal component of Finance-Activity and Finance-Size Structure-Activity = log(Total value traded divided by claims on private sector by commercials banks) Structure-Size = log(Market capitalization divided by claims on private sector by commercials bank) Structure-Aggregate = First principal components of Structure-Activity and Structure-Size Table 10: Financial Structure, the Legal Environment, and Industry Growth Dependent variable: Industry Growth, 1980-89 Structure-Activity Structure-Size Structure-Aggregate Interaction (external dependence -1.494 x Structure-Activity) (0.124) Interaction (external dependence -0.543 x Structure-Size) (0.695) Interaction (external dependence -1.651 x Structure-Aggregate ) (0.243) Interaction (external dependence 0.229 0.300 0.181 x Creditor) (0.687) (0.614) (0.756) Interaction (external dependence 1.327 0.598 1.455 x Anti-Director) (0.078) (0.594) (0.178) Interaction (external dependence 1.179 0.818 1.059 x Rule of Law) (0.001) (0.001) (0.001) F-test Creditor, Anti-Director and 4.77 4.95 4.92 Rule of Law (0.003) (0.002) (0.002) Number of observations 1016 1016 1016 Dependent variable: Growth in the Number of Firms, 1980-89 Structure-Activity Structure-Size Structure-Aggregate Interaction (external dependence -0.858 x Structure-Activity) (0.329) Interaction (external dependence 0.104 x Structure-Size) (0.926) Interaction (external dependence -0.564 x Structure-Aggregate ) (0.650) Interaction (external dependence 0.749 0.788 0.749 x Creditor) (0.138) (0.118) (0.137) Interaction (extemal dependence 1.175 0.440 0.928 x Anti-Director) (0.126) (0.069) (0.343) Interaction (external dependence 0.719 0.472 0.588 x Rule of Law) (0.012) (0.010) (0.024) F-test Creditor, Anti-Director and 2.49 3.05 2.39 Rule of Law (0.059) (0.028) (0.067) Number of observations 903 903 903 The dependent variable in the top panel is the annual compounded growth rate in real value added for 1980-90 for each industry in each country. The dependent variable in the bottom panel is the log difference between the number of establishments in 1990 and 1980 for each industry in each country. The p-values for heteroskedasticity robust standard errors are reported in parentheses. All regressions also include the industry's share of total value added in manufacturing in 1980. All regressions are IV. We use the Brtish, French and German legal origin dummies and the share of Catholic, Muslim and Protestant population in total population as instruments for financial structure and the legal determinants. Structure-Activity = log(Total value traded divided by claims on private sector by commercials banks) Structure-Size = log(Market capitalization divided by claims on private sector by commercials bank) Structure-Aggregate = First principal components of Structure-Activity and Structure-Size Creditor = index of secured creditor rights Anti-director = index of minority shareholder rights Rule of Law = measure of the law and order tradition of a country. Table 11: Firm Growth Across Countries Country STCOUNT LTCOUNT Argentina 0.51 0.46 Australia 0.46 0.39 Austria 1.00 1.00 Belgium 0.45 0.38 Brazil 0.49 0.48 Canada 0.65 0.61 Chile 0.29 0.17 Colombia 0.33 0.33 Denmark 0.43 0.35 Finland 0.47 0.42 France 0.38 0.29 Germany 0.93 0.92 Great Britain 0.39 0.28 Greece 0.36 0.28 India 0.53 0.38 Ireland 0.64 0.55 Israel 0.58 0.46 Italy 0.41 0.35 Japan 0.43 0.36 Malaysia 0.54 0.49 Mexico 0.52 0.47 Netherlands 0.36 0.26 New Zealand 0.26 0.23 Norway 0.46 0.41 Pakistan 0.46 0.32 Philippines 0.35 0.30 Portugal 0.40 0.36 South Africa 0.27 0.19 Spain 0.38 0.32 Sweden 0.46 0.38 Switzerland 0.33 0.28 Thailand 0.49 0.35 USA 0.44 0.39 STCOUNT is the share of firns that grow faster than predicted by the use of intemal resources. LTCOUNT is the share of firms that grow faster than predicted by the use of intemal resources and short-term borrowings. Data are averaged over the period 1990-95. Table 12: Financial Structure and Firm Growth 1. Dependent variable: STCOUNT Explanatory coefficient standard t-statistic P-value Observations Countries Variable error Structure-Activity -0.010 0.020 -0.479 0.632 172 33 Structure-Size -0.091 0.024 -3.846 0.000 172 33 Structure-Efficiency -0.014 0.017 -0.829 0.408 172 33 Structure-Aggregate -0.031 0.018 -1.757 0.081 172 33 2. Dependent vafiable: LTCOUNT Explanatory coefficient standard t-statistic P-value Observations Countries Variable error Structure-Activity -0.010 0.021 -0.494 0.622 172 33 Structure-Size -0.100 0.024 -4.098 0.000 172 33 Structure-Efficiency -0.010 0.017 -0.566 0.572 172 33 Structure-Aggregate -0.032 0.019 -1.738 0.084 172 33 STCOUNT is the share of firms that grow faster than predicted by the use of internal resources. LTCOUNT is the share of firms that grow faster than predicted by the use of intemal resources. Conditioning information set level and growth rate of real per capita GDP, inflation rate, total assets of firms in a country divided by GDP, and Rule of Law. We use the British, German and French legal origin as instruments for financial structure. Structure-Activity = log(Total value traded divided by claims on private sector by commercials banks) Structure-Size = log(Market capitalization divided by claims on private sector by commercials bank) Structure-Efficiency = log(Total value traded as share of GDP * banks' overhead costs as share of total assets) Structure-Aggregate = First principal components of Structure-Activity, Structure-Size and Structure-Efficiency Table 13: Financial Development and Firm Growth 1. Dependent variable: STCOUNT Explanatory coefficient standard t-statistic P-value Observations Countries Variable error Finance-Activity 0.056 0.025 2.219 0.028 172 33 Finance-Size 0.154 0.069 2.248 0.026 172 33 Finance-Efficiency 0.059 0.028 2.134 0.034 172 33 Finance-Aggregate 0.092 0.041 2.230 0.027 172 33 2. Dependent variable: LTCOUNT Explanatory coefficient standard t-statistic P-value Observations Countries Variable error Finance-Activity 0.049 0.026 1.897 0.060 172 33 Finance-Size 0.143 0.070 2.029 0.044 172 33 Finance-Efficiency 0.048 0.029 1.661 0.099 172 33 Finance-Aggregate 0.080 0.043 1.887 0.061 172 33 STCOUNT is the share of firms that grow faster than predicted by the use of intemal resources. LTCOUNT is the share of firms that grow faster than predicted by the use of intemal resources. Conditioning information set: level and growth rate of real per capita GDP, inflation rate, total assets of firms in a country divided by GOP, and Rule of Law. We use the British, German and French legal origin as instruments for financial development. Finance-Activity = log(Total value traded as share of GDP * Claims or private sector by financial institutions as share of GDP) Finance-Size = log(Market capitalization and daims on private sector by financial institutions as share of GDP) Finance-Efficiency = log(Total value traded as share of GDP divided by Banks' overhead costs as share ot total assets) Finance-Aggregate = First principal component of Finance-Activity, Finance-Size and Finance-Efficiency Table 14: Firm Growth and the Legal-Based View 1. Dependent variable: STCOUNT Explanatory coefficient standard t-statistic P-value Observations Countries Variable error Finance-Activity 0.057 0.029 1.998 0.046 172 33 Excess-Finance-Act. 0.013 0.017 0.760 0.447 Finance-Size 0.100 0.066 1.511 0.131 172 33 Excess-Finance-Size -0.013 0.047 -0.283 0.778 Finance-Efficiency 0.074 0.033 2.236 0.025 172 33 Excess-Finance-Eff. 0.021 0.018 1.145 0.252 Finance-Aggregate 0.090 0.046 1.972 0.049 172 33 Excess-Finance-Aggr. 0.019 0.030 0.651 0.515 2. Dependent variable: LTCOUNT Explanatory coefficient standard t-statistic P-value Observations Countries Variable error Finance-Activity 0.080 0.029 2.761 0.006 172 33 Excess-Finance-Act. 0.022 0.017 1.262 0.207 Finance-Size 0.150 0.067 2.227 0.026 172 33 Excess-Finance-Size 0.010 0.048 0.199 0.842 Finance-Efficiency 0.093 0.034 2.757 0.006 172 33 Excess-Finance-Eff. 0.025 0.018 1.371 0.170 Finance-Aggregate 0.123 0.046 2.665 0.008 172 33 Excess-Finance-Aggr. 0.033 0.030 1.094 0.274 STCOUNT is the share of firms that grow faster than predicted by the use of intemal resources. LTCOUNT is the share of firms that grow faster than predicted by the use of intemal resources . All regressions are estimated using panel data with random effects. Conditioning information set: level and growth rate of real per capita GDP, inflation rate, total assets of firms in a country divided by GDP, and Rule of Law. Finance-Activity, Size, Efficiency and Aggregate are the predicted values from a regression of Finance-Activity, Size, Efficiency and Aggregate on Creditor, Anti-director and Rule of Law. Excess-Finance are the residuals from the respective regression. Finance-Activity = log(Total value traded as share of GDP * Claims on private sector by financial institutions as share of GDP) Finance-Size = log(Market capitalization and claims on private sector by financial institutions as share of GOP) Finance-Efficiency = log(Total value traded as share of GDP divided by Banks' overhead costs as share ot total assets) Finance-Aggregate = First pnncipal component of Finance-Activity, Finance-Size and Finance-Efficiency Table Al: Indicators of Financial Development, Financial Structure and the Legal System Across Countries Finance- Finance- Finance- Finance- Finance- Structure- Structure- Structure- Structure- Structure- Country Activity Size Efficiency Aggregate Dummy Activity Size Efficiency Aggregate Dummy Anti-Director Creditor Rule of Law Legal origin Argentina -5.99 -1.62 -1.91 -1.39 0 -2.15 -1.09 -6.28 -0.18 0 4 1 3.21 F Australia -2.14 0.22 1.71 0.84 1 -1.18 -0.09 -5.58 0.80 1 4 1 6.00 E Austria -3.36 -0.06 0.48 0.26 1 -3.04 -2.46 -6.92 -1.27 0 2 3 6.00 G Belgium -4.37 -0.47 0.19 -0.16 0 -2.38 -0.36 -6.94 -0.17 0 0 2 6.00 F Brazil 4.14 -1.01 -0.62 -0.53 0 -0.92 -0.31 -4.87 1.01 1 3 1 3.79 F Canada -2.14 0.20 1.84 0.86 1 -1.14 -0.06 -5.59 0.82 1 5 1 6.00 E Chile -3.96 -0.07 0.20 0.10 1 -2.46 -0.03 -6.74 0.00 0 5 2 4.21 F Colombia -6.31 -1.09 -2.51 -1.31 0 -3.04 -0.78 -7.50 -0.75 0 3 0 1.25 F Cyprus -4.44 -0.04 -1.06 -0.21 1 -3.62 -1.11 -7.31 -1.05 0 3.59 E Denmark -3.63 -0.45 0.58 0.05 0 -1.87 -0.62 -6.08 0.17 1 2 3 6.00 S Ecuador -5.75 -1.25 -1.52 -1.10 0 -2.19 -0.43 -6.65 -0.04 0 2 4 4.00 F Egypt -6.85 -1.11 -1.55 -1.23 0 -4.14 -1.54 -9.60 -2.09 0 2 4 2.50 F Finland -3.52 -0.16 0.98 0.28 1 -2.72 -1.29 -7.23 -0.76 0 3 1 6.00 S France -2.57 0.10 0.64 0.50 1 -2.28 -1.42 -5.60 -0.17 0 3 0 5.39 F Germany -1.76 0.10 1.91 0.89 1 -1.52 -1.53 -5.26 0.17 1 1 3 5.54 G Ghana -9.07 -1.88 -2.71 -2.20 0 -2.17 1.34 -8.52 0.16 1 2.00 E Greece -5.05 -0.73 -0.92 -0.62 0 -2.65 -1.02 -7.37 -0.66 0 2 1 3.71 F Honduras -5.15 -1.08 -0.76 -0.77 0 -2.34 -1.46 -7.06 -0.63 0 2.07 F India -4.35 -0.92 0.52 -0.30 0 -1.61 -0.60 -6.58 0.14 0 5 4 2.50 E Ireland -2.41 -0.11 4.14 1.11 1 -0.64 -0.03 -8.02 0.33 1 4 1 4.68 E Israel -2.52 -0.23 1.43 0.51 1 -1.15 -0.56 -5.10 0.75 1 3 4 2.89 E Italy -3.89 -0.47 0.13 -0.09 1 -2.52 -1.45 -6.54 -0.55 0 1 2 5.00 F Jamaica -4.82 -0.66 -0.96 -0.55 0 -2.04 0.08 -6.12 0.38 1 2.11 E Japan -0.43 0.88 3.32 1.76 1 -1.00 -0.35 -5.24 0.86 1 4 2 5.39 G Kenya -6.83 -0.90 -2.30 -1.27 0 -3.93 -0.48 -8.88 -1.37 0 3 4 3.25 E Malaysia -1.08 0.63 3.27 1.52 1 -0.32 0.60 -4.97 1.59 1 4 4 4.07 E Mexico -4.50 -1.13 0.23 -0.49 0 -0.85 -0.02 -5.75 0.90 1 1 0 3.21 F Netherlands -1.41 0.52 2.95 1.35 1 -1.36 -0.60 -6.26 0.33 1 2 2 6.00 F New Zealand -3.14 -0.06 1.07 0.42 0 -1.64 -0.02 -6.12 0.49 1 4 3 6.00 E Norway -2.91 0.04 0.91 0.47 1 -2.06 -1.15 -6.49 -0.23 0 4 2 6.00 S Pakistan -5.41 -1.13 -0.45 -0.78 0 -2.51 -0.98 -7.47 -0.62 0 5 4 1.82 E Panama -6.55 -0.55 -1.76 -0.95 1 -5.17 -1.94 -9.98 -2.75 0 2.11 F Pewu -6.60 -1.84 -2.02 -1.62 0 -1.54 -0.07 -6.53 0.39 1 3 0 1.50 F Philippines -4.17 -0.69 0.03 -0.26 0 -1.47 -0.10 -5.92 0.58 1 3 0 1.64 F Portugal -4.32 -0.34 -0.19 -0.17 1 -3.40 -2.10 -7.52 -1.43 0 3 1 5.21 F South Africa -2.81 0.74 0.75 0.79 1 -1.90 0.94 -5.91 0.85 1 5 3 2.65 E Spain -3.11 -0.10 0.57 0.30 1 -2.36 -1.29 -6.14 -0.31 0 4 2 4.68 F Sri Lanka -5.97 -1.14 -1.26 -1.03 0 -2.66 -0.39 -7.37 -0.41 0 3 .3 1.14 E Sweden -1.91 0.39 1.49 0.92 1 -1.18 -0.15 -5.47 0.80 1 3 2 6.00 S Switzerland 0.55 0.91 2.98 1.88 1 -0.39 -0.71 -3.03 1.58 1 2 1 6.00 G Taiwan 0.31 0.34 4.43 1.84 1 0.59 -0.53 -3.62 1.86 1 3 2 5.11 S Thailand -1.98 -0.06 2.33 0.86 1 -0.92 -0.66 -5.52 0.68 1 2 3 3.75 E Finance- Finance- Finance- Finance- Finance- Structure- Structure- Structure- Structure- Structure- Country Activity Size Efficiency Aggregate Dummy Activity Size Efficiency Aggregate Dummy Anti-Director Creditor Rule of Law Legal origin Trinidad and Tobago -5.32 -0.50 -1.52 -0.67 0 -3.41 -1.00 -7.72 -1.04 0 4.00 E Tunisia -5.52 -0.44 -1.00 -0.58 1 -4.29 -1 91 -8.90 -2.09 0 2.79 F Turkey -4.77 -1.61 -0.03 -0.81 0 -0.73 -0.74 -5.54 0.71 1 2 2 3.11 F United Kingdom -1.33 0.41 2.72 1.27 1 -0.74 0.02 -4.79 1.24 1 5 4 5.14 E United States -0.80 0.64 2.24 1.37 1 -0.64 -0.11 -4.38 1.34 1 5 1 6.00 E Zimbabwe -6.14 -1.04 -1.37 -1.04 0 -2.58 0.03 -7.88 -0.35 0 3 4 2.21 E Finance-Activity = log(Total value traded as share of GOP ' Claims on private sector by financial instiutions as share of GDP) Finance-Size = log(Market capitalization and cdaims on private sector by financial institutions as share of GDP) Finance-Efficiency = log(Total value traded as share of GDP divided by Banks' overhead costs as share of total assets) Finance-Aggregate First prncipal component of Finance-Activity, Finance-Size and Finance-Efficiency Finance-Dummy = takes value 0 if claims on pnvate sector by banks as share of GDP and Value traded as share of GOP are less than sample mean, 1 otherwise Structure-Activity = log(Total value traded divided by daims on private sector by commercials banks) Structure-Size = log(Market capitalization dividecd by daims on private sector by commercials bank) Structure-Efficiency log(Total value traded as share of GDP * Banks' overhead costs as share of total assets) Structure-Aggregate = First principal components of Structure-Activity, Structure-Size and Structure-Efficiency Structure-Dummy = Dummy vanable that takes the value 1 if Structure-Aggregate is above the median, 0 otherwise Creditor = index of secured creditor rghts Anti-director = index of minority shareholder rghts Rule of Law = Measure of the law and order tradition of a country. Legal ongin: E=Bdtish, F=French, G=German, S=Scandinivaian Table A2: External Dependence Across Industries External ISIC code Industrial Sector dependence 314 Tobacco -0.45 361 Pottery -0.15 323 Leather -0.14 3211 Spinning -0.09 324 Footwear -0.08 372 Nonferrous metal 0.01 322 Apparel 0.03 353 Petroleum refineries 0.04 369 Nonmetal mineral products 0.06 313 Beverages 0.08 371 Iron and steel 0.09 311 Food products 0.14 3411 Pulp, paper 0.15 3513 Synthetic resins 0.16 341 Paper and paper products 0.18 342 Printing and publishing 0.20 352 Other chemicals 0.22 355 Rubber products 0.23 332 Furniture 0.24 381 Metal products 0.24 3511 Basic industrial goods excl. fertilizers 0.25 331 Wood products 0.28 384 Transportation equipment 0.31 354 Petroleum and coal products 0.33 3843 Motor vehicles 0.39 321 Textile 0.40 382 Machinery 0.45 3841 Ships 0.46 390 Other industries 0.47 362 Glass 0.53 383 Electric machinery 0.77 385 Professional and scientific goods 0.96 3832 Radios 1.04 3825 Office and computing products 1.06 356 Plastic products 1.14 3522 Drugs 1.49 External dependence is defined as capital expenditures (Compustat # 128) minus cash flow from operations divided by capital expenditures. Cash flow from operations is broadly defined as the sum of Compustat funds from operations(items # 110), decreases in inventories, decreases in receivables, and increases in payables. Source: Rajan and Zingales (1998) Policy Research Working Paper Series Contact Title Author Date for paper WPS2403 Can the World Cut Poverty in Half? Paul Collier July 2000 E. Khine How Policy Reform and Effective David Dollar 37471 Aid Can Meet International Development Goals WPS2404 The Distribution of Mexico's Public Gladys Lopez-Acevedo July 2000 M. Geller Spending on Education Angel Sa inas 85155 WPS2405 Marginal Willingness to Pay for Gladys Lopez-Acevedo July 2000 M. Geller Education and the Determinants of Angel Salinas 85155 Enrollment in Mexico WPS2406 How Mexico's Financial Crisis Gladys Lopez-Acevedo July 2000 M. Geller Affected Income Distribution Angel Salinas 85155 WPS2407 Utility Privatization and the Needs of Antonio Estache August 2000 G. Chenet-Smith the Poor in Latin America: Have We Andr6s Gomez-Lobo 36370 Learned Enough to Get It Right? Danny Leipziger WPS2408 What Makes Banks Special? A Study Biagio Bossone August 2000 E. Mekhova of Banking, Finance, and Economic 85984 Development WPS2409 How Did the World's Poorest Fare Shaohua Chen August 2000 P. Sader in the 1990s? Martin Ravallion MC3-556 WPS2410 Is Functional Literacy a Prerequisite Niels-Hugo Blunch August 2000 H. Vargas for Entering the Labor Market? Dorte Verner 37871 An Analysis of [)eterminants of Adult Literacy and Earnings in Ghana WPS2411 Natural Openness and Good Shang-Jin Wei August 2000 H. Sladovich Government 37698 WPS2412 Urbanization without Growth: Marianne Fay August 2000 A. Abuzeid A Not-So-Uncornmon Phenomenon Charlotte Opal 33348 WPS2413 Foreign Direct Investment in Services James Markusen August 2000 L. Tabada and the Domestic Market for Expertise Thomas F. Rutherford 36896 David Tarr WPS2414 Pension Reform and Capital Market Dimitri Vittas August 2000 A. Yaptenco Development: Feasibility" and 31823 "Impact" Preconditions WPS2415 Infrastructure Restructuring and Ian Alexander August 2000 M. Salehi Regulation: Building a Base for Antonio Estache 37157 Sustainable Growth Policy Research Working Paper Series Contact Title Author Date for paper WPS2416 The Swiss Multi-Pillar Pension Monika Queisser August 2000 A. Yaptenco System: Triumph of Common Sense? Dimitri Vittas 31823 WPS2417 The Indirect Approach David Ellerman August 2000 B. Mekuria 82756 WPS2418 Polarizaticin, Politics, and Property Philip Keefer August 2000 P. Sintim-Aboagye Rights: Links between Inequality Stephen Knack 37644 and Growth WPS2419 The Savin(s Collapse during the Cevdet Denizer August 2000 I. Partola Transition in Eastern Europe Holger C. Wolf 35759 WPS2420 Public versus Private Ownership: Mary Shirley August 2000 Z. Kranzer The Current State of the Debate Patrick Walsh 38526 WPS2421 Contractual Savings or Stock Market Mario Catalan August 2000 P. Braxton Development-Which Leads? Gregorio Impavido 32720 Alberto R. Musalem WPS2422 Private Provision of a Public Good: Sheoli Pargal August 2000 S. Pargal Social Capital and Solid Waste Daniel Gilligan 81951 Management in Dhaka, Bangladesh Mainul Huq