"O (I) N ·c ~ 0 .c :5 OFFICIAL e: ::J en 0 DOCU ENTS u en 0 -~ :0 GRANT NUMBER D419-BD ::J n. Financing Agreement (Emergency Multi-Sector Robingya Crisis Response Project) between "O (I) N ·c PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF BANGLADESH 0 .c :5 ~ e: ::J and en 0 u en 0 INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION -~ :0 ::J n. May 8, 2019 GRANT NUMBER D419-BD FINANCING AGREEMENT AGREEMENT dated as of the Signature Date between PEOPLE' S REPUBLIC OF BANGLADESH ("Recipient") and INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATlON ("Association") for providing financing in support of the Emergency Multi-Sector Rohingya Crisis Response Project. The Association has decided to provide this financing on the basis, among other things, of the existence of an adequate refugee protection framework. The Recipient and the Association hereby agree as follows : ARTICLE I - GENERAL CONDITIONS; DEFINITIONS 1.0 1. The General Conditions (as defined in the Appendix to this Agreement) apply to and fonn part of this Agreement. 1.02. Unless the context requires otherwise, the capitalized tenns used in this Agreement have the meanings ascribed to them in the General Conditions or in the Appendix to this Agreement. ARTICLE II - FINANCING 2.0 1. The Association agrees to extend to the Recipient a grant, which is deemed as Concessional Financing for purposes of the General Conditions in an amount equivalent to one hundred and nineteen million four hundred thousand Special Drawing Rights (SOR l l9,400,000) ("Financing"), to assist in financing the project described in Schedule I to this Agreement ("Project''). > > 2.02. The Recipient may withdraw the proceeds of the Financing in accordance with Section III of Schedule 2 to this Agreement. 2.03 . The Maximum Commitment Charge Rate is one-half of one percent ( 1/2 of 1%) per annum on the Unwithdrawn Financing Balance. 2.06. The Payment Dates are January 15th and July 15th in each year. 2.08 . The Payment Currency is Dollar. . . -2- ARTICLE ill - PROJECT 3.01. The Recipient declares its commitment to the objective of the Project. To this end, the Recipient through its lmplementing Agencies shall carry out the Project in accordance with the provisions of Article V of the General Conditions and the Schedule 2 to this Agreement. ARTICLE IV - REMEDIES OF THE ASSOCIATION 4.01. The Additional Event of Suspension is that the Recipient no longer has, or no longer acts in a manner compatible with, an adequate refugee protection framework. 4.02. The Additional Event of Acceleration is that the event specified in Section 4.01 of this Agreement occurs and is continuing for a period of thirty (30) days after notice of the event has been given by the Association to the Recipient. ARTICLE V - EFFECTIVENESS; TERMINATION 5 .0 I. The Additional Conditions of Effectiveness consist of the following: (a) the Association is satisfied that the Recipient has an adequate refugee protection framework; and (b) The Recipient has: (i) prepared and disclosed the Environmental and Social Management Framework and Resettlement Policy Framework; (ii) carried out adequate public consultation on· such frameworks as per the framework documents ; (iii) submitted such frameworks to the Association for its review and approval; and (iv) adopted and publicly disclosed such frameworks as approved by the Association, all in the form and substance satisfactory to the Association. 5.02. The Effectiveness Deadline is the date ninety (90) days after the Signature Date. 5.03 . For purposes of Section 10.05 (b) of the General Conditions, the date on which the obligations of the Recipient under this Agreement (other than those providing for payment obligations) shall terminate is twenty (20) years after the Signature Date. • -3- ARTICLE VI - REPRESENTATIVE; ADDRESSES 6.01 . The Recipient's Representative is the Senior Secretary/Secretary or the Additional Secretary, or any Joint Secretary, Joint Chief, Deputy Secretary, Deputy Chief, Senior Assistant Secretary, Senior Assistant Chief, Assistant Secretary or Assistant Chief of the Economic Relations Division of the Ministry of Finance. 6.02 . For purposes of Section 11 .0 I of the General Conditions: (a) the Recipient's address is: Economic Relations Division Ministry of Finance Government of the People' s Republic of Bangladesh Sher-E-Bangla Nagar 1207 Dhaka, Bangladesh; and (b) the Recipient's Electronic Address is: Facsimile: E-mail: 88029180671 secretary@erd.gov.bd 6.03. For purposes of Section 11.0 l of the General Conditions: (a) The Association 's address is: International Development Association 1818 H Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20433 United States of America; and (b) the Association ' s Electronic Address is: Telex: Facsimile: E-mail: 248423 (MCI) 1-202-477-6391 qfan@worldbank.org • -4- AGREED as of the Signature Date PEOPLE ' S REPUBLIC OF BANGLADESH By Authorized Representative Name: Monow~ Ah~ Title: $Q..c:.r~r~ Date: Milj 8 , i!1. 0 I 1 INTERN ATlONAL DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATlON By Authorized Representative Name: 1) a.ndtut. C.h.tn.- Title: Ac.h~ C1uAtT-j ;:I)ire.c}oy- Date: ~ 8, :lo l-9 -5- SCHEDULE 1 Project Description The objective of the Project is to strengthen the Recipient' s systems to improve access to basic services and build disaster and social resilience of the displaced Rohingya population . The Project consists of the following parts: Part 1: Strengthening delivery of basic services, resilient infrastructure, emergency response and gender-based violence prevention l. Resilient water, sanitation and hygiene (a) lmprovement of access to safe water by establishing water supply service systems with a combination of community stand points , rain water harvesting· and piped water supply systems, including: (i) providing resilient mini piped water supply schemes including by rehabilitating the existing tube wells to above flood level through mainly solar photovoltaic pumping technologies; (ii) providing resilient tube wells including by rehabilitating the existing tube-wells to above flood level; (iii) establishing and operating mobile water treatment plants in selected Upazilas; and (iv) carrying out water resource mapping and water quality monitoring. (b) Improvement of access to resilient and eco-friendly sanitation by: (i) constructing climate resilient improved individual and chamber community latrines, bath and cloth washing facilities (with water source), septic tanks and solar support; (ii) constructing biogas plants with flood protection measures, co-composing plants and waste collection facility ; (iii) constructing integrated waste and fecal sludge management systems with necessary resilience features; (iv) carrying out feasibility studies on waste management options in selected Upazi/as and their surrounding areas; and (v) carrying out awareness program on sanitation, fecal management system, hygiene, safe water use and training on operations and maintenance of the water, sanitation and hygiene facilities. 2. Basic services, resilient infrastructure, emergency response and gender-based violence prevention (a) lmprovement of access to basic services, climate resilient infrastructure and emergency response services, in a gender and socially inclusive manner, and scale up of the gender-based violence prevention program by: (i) constructing all- weather resilient access and evacuation roads and internal roads including associated storm-water drainage network and slope 'Protective works; (i i) constructing climate resilient culverts and bridges; (iii) repairing, rehabilitating and constructing rural markets for displaced Rohingya population incorporating -6- resilient and environmentally friendly features ; (iv) installing solar powered street lights in camps for the displaced Rohingya population; (v) installing lightning protection systems in displaced Rohingya population's camp; (vi) constructing climate resilient multi-purpose disaster and service/primary school shelters including rainwater harvesting, solar powered lights, and climate proofing connecting roads; (v ii) setting up community based early-warning systems; (viii) setting up contingency planning for evacuation and emergency preparedness; and (ix) strengthening search and rescue operations, including providing equipment and training to first responders (i.e. FSCD). (b) Provision of support to scale up the existing gender-based violence prevention and response initiatives in the displaced Rohingya population ' s camps by: (i) establishing and operating gender-friendly spaces to be linked to the gender-based violence referral pathway, and safe spaces for women and adolescent girls; (ii) scaling up the existing gender-based violence prevention and treatment services to be delivered through women and children centers, door to door services, and interactive workshops on general and specific topics; (ii i) developing a gender- based violence referral pathway to be linked with on-going operations financed by the Association and existing referral pathways implemented by other development agencies; and (iv) developing and implementing a gender-based violence prevention program for adolescent boys. Part 2: Strengthening community resilience L. Communitv services Engagement of selected displaced Rohingya population in the carrying out of Community Services Subprojects catering to the vulnerable population by: (a) providing Stipends to the participants of these Community Services Subprojects; (b) providing capital inputs (equipment and tools) for carrying out said subprojects; and (c) managing and supervising activities under said subprojects including planning and selecting beneficiaries and supervising and delivering Stipends. 2. Community workfare Engagement of selected displaced Rohingya population in the carrying out of Community Workfare Subprojects by: (a) providing Wages to the beneficiaries who carried out Community Workfare Subprojects; (b) providing capital inputs (equipment and tools) for carrying out said subprojects; and (c) managing and supervising activities under said subprojects including planning and selecting beneficiaries and supervising and delivering Wages. -7- Part 3: Strengthening institutional systems to enhance service provision to the displaced Ro bingya population 1. Strengthening MoDMR, NTF. RRRC. CiC and Line Ministries ' svstems Strengthening of the overall governance, coordination and systems of the Recipient at the national, district, camp level and the volunteer network of displaced Rohingya community leaders, including other relevant ministries, entities and/or agencies also engaged in emergency response management activities, to plan, coordinate and monitor humanitarian and development interventions within the settlements of displaced Rohingya population, in coordination with the NTF, including: (i) facilitating policy dialogue and coordination support in inter- ministerial committees at the national level; (ii) facilitating knowledge exchange and sharing activities on best practices for refugee management and response; (iii) developing crises information management systems and benefit transfer mechanisms for the displaced Rohingya population; (iv) supporting central level communication and reporting mechanisms; (v) providing technical assistance to improve planning of crisis response and improve planning and management of multi-agency activities in the camps for the displanced Rohingya population; (vi) providing information systems, equipment and training to manage the reporting mechanism, benefit transfer oversight and registry for the displaced Rohingya population; (vii) providing logistics and technical support for improved coordination; (viii) enhancing volunteer networks to serve as the Recipient's displaced Rohingya engagement structure, including providing training and technical support to set up and facilitate the said structure; (ix) supporting the establishment and functioning of a Grievance Redress Mechanism; (x) strengthening beneficiaries' communication and feedback loop mechanisms; and (xi) carrying out communication activities to facilitate coordination between Recipient' s local government and humanitarian agencies to promote complementarities and alignment. 2. Strengthening LGED. DPHE and gender-based violence services (a) Strengthening of the Recipient' s service delivery systems to provide essential services to the displaced Rohingya population and respond effectively to a crisis; including harmonizing transfer of systems and capabilities between UN Agencies and the Recipient and supporting gradual transition of delivering services from humanitarian to Recipient' s systems. (b) Enhancing of DPHE' s institutional capacity to provide services to the displaced Rohingya population, including: (i) providing technical training of its staff; (ii) strengthening its technical capacity of DPHE to improve the camp sanitation, fecal sludge management, and safe water use; (iii) providing training offrontline public health workers; and (iv) providing training on community water, sanitation and hygiene management. -8- (c) Enhancing of LGED's instituational capacity of its staff working in and around the camps for the displaced Rohingya population, including: (i) providing technical training for its staff; (ii) strengthening its technical capacity to develop risk- informed maintenance guidelines for the roads including its design and associated drainage network in and around the camps; (iii) develop a training and capacity building program to evaluate resilience-enhancing measures; (iv) providing technical assistance to support new site plans fo r service delivery and identify needed infrastructure; and (v) providing capacity building sessions on hazard, vulnerability and risk and emergency crisis response during disasters in the camps. (d) Strengthening of services for the prevention of gender-based violence by carrying out a gender-based violence need and gaps assessments to determine the current needs, quality and coverage of gender-based violence services and ways to address them; address gender-based barriers resulting from climate and disaster risks, mainstream the analysis findings throughout Project interventions and inform the larger gender-based violence prevention and treatment approach. Part 4: Contingency Emergency Response Component Provision of immediate response to an Eligible Crisis or Emergency, as needed, to support response and reconstruction for the benefit of the displaced Rohingya population. -9- SCHEDULE 2 Project Execution Section I. Implementation Arrangements A. Institutional Arrangements I. Project Steering Committees. By no later than one ("I) month after the Effective Date, the Recipient shall establish and thereafter maintain, throughout the period of implementation of the Project, two (2) Project steering committees with a mandate, composition and resources satisfactory to the Association. Without limitation on the foregoing, one committee shall be chaired by the Recipient' s Senior Secretary/Secretary of MoLGRD&C and the other shall be chaired by the Recipient's Senior Secretary/Secretary of MoDMR, and each steering committee shall meet every six (6) months. Moreover, both steering committees shall carry out a joint meeting at least once every year or more often if required, which may be in the form of a central coordination committee headed by the Minister of MoDMR. The steering committees shall be responsible for, inter alia: {a) reviewing the overall progress of the Project; (b) providing strategic and policy direction on the Project; (c) providing implementation advice and operational guidance; and (d) facilitating the coordination of the Project. 2. Project Implementation Committees. By no later than one (I) month after the Effective Date, the Recipient, through the lmplementing Agencies, shall establish and thereafter maintain, throughout the period of implementation of the Project, Project implementation committees in each of the Implementing Agencies with mandates, compositions and resources satisfactory to the Association. Without limitation on the foregoing, each committee shall be chaired by the Chief Engineer of LGED, Chief Engineer of DPHE and the Additional Secretary of MoDMR as applicable, and comprise of the relevant representatives from the relevant Implementing Agency, and shall meet at least quarterly every year or more often if required for the purposes of, inter a/ia: (a) supervising and reviewing the overall progress of its Respective Part of the Project; (b) providing advice on implementation and resolving issues of its Respective Part of the Project; and (c) appraising the steering committees of the key issues and overall performance of their Respective Part of the Project. 3. Project Implementation Units. By no later than one ( l) month after the Effective Date, the Recipient, through the Implementing Agencies, shall establish, and thereafter maintain, throughout the period of implementation of the Project, Project implementation units in each of the Implementing Agencies, with functions and resources satisfactory to the Association, and with staff in adequate numbers and with qualifications, experience and terms of reference satisfactory to the Association, which shall be responsible for the management and implementation -LO- of their Respective Part of the Project. Without limitation on the foregoing, each unit shall be headed by one ( l) full-time Project director and comprise adequate numbers of financial management, procurement, social, environmental and communication, and other specialists as required, all with qualifications, experience and terms of reference satisfactory to the Association. B. · Institutional Arrangements under Part 2 of the Project I. Field Level Institutional Arrangements. For purposes of implementing Part 2 of the Project, the Recipient through MoDMR shall maintain, throughout the period of implementation of the Project, the RRRC and the CiCs, with functions and resources satisfactory to the Association, and with staff in adequate numbers and with qualifications and experience, which shall be responsible for the management and implementation of Part 2 of the Project, including the Community Services Subprojects and Community Workfare Subprojects. 2. Project Operational Manual. For purposes of implementing Part 2 of the Project, the Recipient through MoDMR shall adopt and thereafter maintain, throughout the period of implementation of the Project, the Project Operational Manual in a manner satisfactory to the Association. The Recipient shall carry out Part 2 of the Project in accordance with the provisions of the Project Operational Manual in a manner satisfactory to the Association. Except as the Association shall otherwise agree in writing, the Recipient shall not assign, amend, abrogate, or waive, or permit to be assigned, amended, abrogated, or waived, said manual and/or any provision thereof. [n the event of a conflict between the provisions of said manual and those of this Agreement, the latter shall govern. 3. Subprojects. The Recipient through MoDMR shall ensure that only those Community Services Subprojects and Community Workfare Subprojects selected, prepared and implemented in accordance with the requirements set out in the Project Operational Manual, ESMF, shall be financed out of the proceeds of the Financing, including those related to the selection of the displaced Rohingya population and the associated provision of Stipends or Wages, as applicable, for carrying out said subprojects. C. Safeguards 1. The Recipient shall ensure and cause each of the [mplementing Agencies to ensure that the Project is carried out in accordance with the provisions of the EMSF, the RPF and all Safeguard Assessments and Plans and the requirements of the Grievance Redress Mechanism. To this end, the Recipient shall ensure that the appropriate review, clearance and public disclosure of all Safeguard Assessments and Plans as required by the EMSF and the RPF. •. -1 I - 2. Whenever an additional or revised Safeguard Assessment and Plan shall be required for any proposed Project activity under the Project, in accordance with the provisions of the EMSF and the RPF, the Recipient, through the Implementing Agencies, shall: (a) prior to the commencement of such activity, proceed to have such Safeguard Assessment and Plan: (i) prepared and publicly consulted on in accordance with the provisions of the EMSF and the RPF, as the case may be; (ii) furnished to the Association for review and approval; and (iii) thereafter adopted and disclosed as approved by the Association, m a manner acceptable to the Association; (b) thereafter take such measures as shall be necessary or appropriate to ensure compliance with the requirements of such Safeguard Assessment and Plan; and (c) in the case of any resettlement activity under the Project involving Affected Persons, ensure that no displacement shall occur before necessary resettlement measures consistent with the RAP applicable to such activity have been executed, including, in the case of displacement, full payment to Affected Persons of compensation and of other assistance required for relocation, prior to displacement. 3. Without limitation on its other reporting obligations under this Agreement, the Recipient shall collect, compile and submit to the Association on a bi-annual basis (or such other frequency as may be agreed with the Association) consolidated reports on the status of compliance with the EMSF, the RPF and the Safeguard Assessments and Plans, giving details of: (a) measures taken in furtherance of the said instruments; (b) conditions, if any, which interfere or threaten to interfere with the smooth implementation of the said measures; and (c) remedial measures taken or required to be taken to address such conditions. 4. The Recipient shall not amend, abrogate or waive, or permit to be amended, abrogated or waived, the EMSF, the RPF or any Safeguard Assessments and Plans, unless the Association has provided its prior approval thereof in writing, and the Recipient has complied with the same.consultation and disclosure requirements as applicable to the original adoption of the said instruments, 5. In the event of any conflict between the provisions the EMSF, the RPF or any Safeguard Assessments and Plans, and the provisions of this Agreement, the provisions of this Agreement shall prevail. • -12- D. Contingent Emergency Response l. In order to ensure the proper implementation of contingent emergency response activities under Part 4 of the Project ("Contingent Emergency Response Part"), the Recipient shall: · (a) prepare and furnish to the Association for its review and approval, a Contingent Emergency Response Implementation Plan ("CERIP") which shall set forth detailed implementation arrangements for the Contingent Emergency Response Part, including: (i) any special institutional arrangements for coordinating and implementing the Contingent Emergency Response Part; (ii) specific activities which may be included in the Contingent Emergency Response Part, Eligible Expenditures required therefor ("Emergency Expenditures"), and any procedures for such inclusion; (iii) financial management arrangements for the Contingent Emergency Response Part; (iv) procurement methods and procedures for the Contingent Emergency Response Part; (v) · documentation required for withdrawals of Emergency Expenditures; (vi) application of any relevant safeguard instruments to the Contingent Emergency Response Part; and ( vii) any other arrangements necessary to ensure proper coordination and implementation of the Contingent Emergency Response Part; (b) afford the Association a reasonable opportunity to review the proposed CERIP; (c) promptly adopt the CERIP for the Contingent Emergency Response Part as accepted by the Association; (d) ensure that the Contingent Emergency Response Part is carried out in accordance with the CERIP; provided, however, that in the event of any inconsistency between the provisions of the CERIP and this Agreement, the provisions of this Agreement shall prevail; and (e) not amend, suspend, abrogate, repeal or waive any provision of the CERIP without the prior written approval by the Association. 2. The Recipient shall ensure that no activities are undertaken under the Contingent Emergency Response Part, unless and until the following conditions have been met in respect of said activities: (a) · the Recipient has determined that an Eligible Crisis or Emergency has occurred, has furnished to the Association a request to include said activities in the Contingent Emergency Response Part in order to respond to said Eligible Crisis or Emergency, and the Association has agreed with -13- such determination, accepted said request and notified the Recipient thereof; and (b) the Recipient has ensured the disclosure of all Safeguard Assessments and Plans required for said activities in accordance with the ESMF, the Recipient has approved all such instruments, and the Recipient has ensured the implementation of any actions which are required to be taken under said instruments. 3. Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary in this Section, Emergency Expenditures required for activities included in Part 4 of the Project shall be procured in accordance with the procurement methods and procedures set forth in the CERIP. E. United Nation Agencies/NGOs The Recipient shall enter into appropriate standard form of agreement(s) between the Recipient and the UN Agency(ies) and/or NGOs approved by the Association when entering into a contract with any UN Agency or NGO under Category ( I )(i) and (ii) and (2) of the table in Part A of this Section Ill. Section II. Project Monitoring, Reporting and Evaluation The Recipient, through the· Implementing Agencies, shall furnish to the Association each Project Report not later than forty-five (45) days after the end of each calendar quarter, covering the calendar quarter. Section ill. Withdrawal of the Proceeds of the Financing A. General Without limitation upon the provisions of Article Il of the General Conditions and in accordance with the Disbursement and Financial Information Letter, the Recipient may withdraw the proceeds of the Financing to finance Eligible Expenditures; in the amount allocated and, if applicable, up to the percentage set forth against each Category of the following table: -14- Amount of the Grant Percentage of Expenditures to Allocated be Financed Category (expressed in SDR) (inclusive of Taxes) ( I )(i) Goods 22,450,000 100% (excluding vehicles other than specialized and special purpose vehicles specified in the Procurement Plan), works, non- consulting services, consulting services, Training and lncremental Operating Costs by DPHE which shall include payments made under contracts with UN Agencies and/or NGOs under relevant Parts 1. 1 and 3 of Project (ii) Goods (excluding 68,000,000 LOO% vehicles other than specialized and special purpose vehicles specified in the Procurement Plan), works, non- consulting services, consulting services, Training and Incremental Operating Costs by LGED which shall include payments made under contracts with UN Agencies and/or NGOs under relevant Parts I .2 and 3 of Project (iii) Goods 3,600,000 100% (excluding vehicles), • -[5- works, non-consulting services, consulting services, Training and Incremental Operating Costs by MoDMR (other than payments under Category (2)) under relevant Parts 2 and 3 of the Project (2) Wages, Stipends, 25 ,350,000 100% goods, works, non- consulting services, consulting services, Training and Incremental Operating Costs by MoDMR for Community Services Subprojects and Community Workfare Subprojects under contracts with UN Agencies and/or NGOs under Part 2 of the Project (3) Emergency 0 -- Expenditures under Part 4 of the Project TOTAL AMOUNT 119,400,000 B. Withdrawal Conditions; Withdrawal Period I. Notwithstanding the provisions of Part, A above, no withdrawal shall be made for: (a) payments made prior to the Signature Date, except th.it withdrawals up to an aggregate amount not to exceed: (i ) SDR 2,245,000 may be made for payments made prior to this date but on or after November l , 20 l8 , for Eligible Expenditures under Category ( l )(i); -16- (ii) SOR 6,800,000 may be made for payments made prior to this date but on or after November I, 2018, for Eligible Expenditures under Category ( I)(ii); ( iii) SOR 360,000 may be made for payments made prior to this date but on or after November 1, 2018, for Eligible Expenditures under · Category ( 1)(iii); and (iv) SOR 2,530,000 may be made for payments made prior to this date but on or after November I, 20 18, for Eligible Expenditures under Category (2). (b) for Eligible Expenditures under Category (2), unless and until the Recipient has submitted the Project Operational Manual in a manner satisfactory to the Association ; and (c) for Emergency Expenditures under Category (3), unless and until the Association is satisfied and has notified the Recipient of its satisfaction, that all of the following conditions have been met in respect of said expenditures: ( i) (A) the Recipient has determined that an Eligible Crisis or Emergency has occurred, (B) has furnished to the Association a request to include said activities in the Contingent Emergency Response Part in order to respond to said crisis or emergency, and (C) the Association has agreed with such detennination, accepted said request and notified the Recipient thereof; (ii) the Recipient has prepared and disclosed all safeguards instruments requ ired for said activities, and the Recipient has ensured that any actions which are required to be taken under said instruments have been implemented, all in accordance with the provisions of Section I.D of this Schedule 2 to this Agreement; (iii) the entities in charge of coordinating and implementing the Contingent Emergency Response Part, has provided sufficient ev idence satisfactory to the Association that it has adequate staff and resources for the purposes of said activities; and (iv) the Recipient has adopted the CERIP, in fonn and substance acceptable to the Association, and the provisions of the CER.II> remain relevant or have been updated in accordance with the provisions of Section I.D of the Schedule to this Agreement so as I to be appropriate for the inclusion and implementation of the activities under the Contingent Emergency Response Part. -17- 2. The Closing Date is March 5, 2022. -18- APPENDIX 1. "Affected Person" means a person who, on account of the execution of the Project, has experienced or would experience direct economic and social impacts caused by: (a) the involuntary taking of land, resulting in: (i) relocation or loss of shelter; (ii) loss of assets or access to assets; or (iii) loss of income sources or means of livelihood, whether or not such person must move to another location; or (b) the involuntary restriction or access to legally designated parks and protected areas, resulting in adverse impacts on the livelihood of such person. 2. "Anti-Corruption Guidelines" means, for purposes of paragraph 5 of the Appendix to the General Conditions, the "Guidelines on Preventing and Combating Fraud and Corruption in Projects Financed by IBRD Loans and IDA Credits and Grants", dated October 15, 2006 and revised in January 2011 and as of July 1, 2016. 3. "Category" means a category set forth in the table in Section III.A of Schedule 2 to this Agreement. 4. "Contingent Emergency Response Implementation Plan" or "CERIP" means the plan referred to in Section I.D of the Schedule 2 to this Agreement, acceptable to the Association to be adopted by the Recipient for the implementation of the Contingent Emergency Resp(?nSe Part. 5. "Camps in Charge" or "CiC" means the Recipient's camps in charge, a unit representing RRRC at the camps where the displaced Roliingya population is located, responsible for implementing the Recipient's response to the displaced Rohingya population. 6. "Community Services Subprojects" means a set of works and services to be provided by selected displaced Rohingya population under Part 2.1 of the Project, which: (a) are related to: (i) awareness generation activities covering issues such as nutrition, GBV, climate and disaster risk resilience, clean energy; (ii) the provision of child care and elderly support services; (ii) the distribution and training on the use of improved cooking stoves; (iii) the carrying out of community group-facilitation, grievance management volunteer groups, communication and outreach activities; (b) have met the criteria set out in the Project Operational Manual, and (c) are completed before the Closing Date. 7. "Community Workfare Subprojects" means a set of works and services to be provided by selected displaced Rohingya population under Part 2.2 of the Project, which: (a) are related to the construction, rehabilitation and maintenance of basic infrastructure and cleaning activities; (b) have met the criteria set out in the Project Operational Manual, and (c) are completed before the Closing Date. . -19- 8. "Contingent Emergency Response Part" means Part 4 of the Project, as described in the Schedule l to this Agreement. 9. ·'Cumulative Environmental and Social Impact Assessment" or "CESIA" means the cumulative environmental and social impact assessment to be prepared under the Project in accordance with the ESMF in form and substance satisfactory to the Association, and defining details of potential environmental and social risks and adverse impacts associated with the implementation of Project activities and the activities of the other development partners, agencies and the Recipient to support the displaced Rohingya population; as such assessment may be amended from time to time with prior written consent of the Association. l 0. "Eligible Crisis or Emergency" means an event that has caused, or is likely to imminently cause, a major adverse economic and/or social impact to the Recipient, associated with a natural or man-made crisis or disaster. 11. "Emergency Expenditure" means any of the eligible expenditures set forth in the CERIP in accordance with the provisions of Section I.D of Schedule 2 to this Agreement and required for the activities to be financed under the said Contingent Emergency Response Part. 12. "Environmental and Social Impact Assessment" or "ESIA" means each of the environmental and social impact assessments to be prepared under the Project in accordance with the EMSF, each such assessment in form and substance satisfactory to the Association, and defining details of potential environmental and social risks and adverse impacts associated with the implementation of Project activities, together with an environmental and social management plan defining measures to manage such risks and impacts; as each assessment may be amended from time to time with prior written consent of the Association. 13 . ·'Environmental and Social Management Framework" or " ESMF" means the Project environmental management and social framework duly disclosed on or prior to the Effective Date, acceptable to the Association, setting forth the policy framework, principles, standards, processes and institutional arrangements to be applied the Project to assess potential adverse environmental and social impacts associated with Project activities and the ways to avoid, minimize, mitigate or offset them, including public consultation, disclosure and reporting as well as a description of the process for preparing and approving ENIPs during the implementation of the Project; as such framework may be amended from time to time with the prior written consent of the Association. 14. "Environmental and Social Management Plan" or "ESNIP" means each of the site- specific environmental and social management plans to be prepared under the Project in accordance with the EMSF, each such plan in form and substance satisfactory to the Association, and defining details of measures to manage potential . -20- environmental and social risks and mitigate, reduce and/or offset adverse environmental and social impacts associated with the implementation of Project activities, together with adequate budget, institutional, monitoring and reporting arrangements capable of ensuring proper implementation of, and regular feedback on compliance with, its terms; as each plan may be amended from time to time with prior written consent of the Association. 15 . " FSCD" means the Recipient' s Fire Service and Civil Defense or any successor thereto. 16. "General Conditions" means the "International Development Association General Conditions for IDA Financing, Investment Project Financing", dated July 14, 2017. 17. "Grievance Redress Mechanism" means the system to be established and implemented by the Recipient under the Project, which shall meet the requirements set forth in the EMSF and be acceptable to the Association, be designed to track complaints regarding the Project, guide resolution of such complaints, and track and publicize resolution of such complaints, as such system may be updated from time to time by prior written agreement between the Recipient and the Association. 18. "Implementing Agencies" means the following agencies/ministry of the Recipient: (a) Local Government Engineering Department of the MoLGRD&C (LGED); (b) the Department of Public Health Engineering of the MoLGRD&C (DPHE); and (c) the MoDMR. 19. "Incremental Operating Costs" means the reasonable costs required for the day-to- day coordination, administration and supervision of Project activities, including leasing and/or routine repair and maintenance of vehicles, fuel of specialized vehicles, equipment, facilities and office premises, office supplies, utilities, consumables, communication expenses, translation, printing, photocopying and postal expenses, bank charges, advertising expenses, insurance, Project-related meeting expenses and Project-related travel provided that such costs are paid directly to the eligible recipient using the banking system; excluding salaries, per diem, allowances and honorarium of officials of the Recipient's civil service and/or other sitting allowances and honorarium of any other nature. 20. "MoLGRD&C" means the Recipient's Ministry of Local Government, Rural Development and Cooperatives or any successor hereto. 21 . "MoDMR" means the Recipient's Ministry of Disaster Management and Relief or any successor hereto. • -21- 22. "NGOs" means the non-governmental organizations which are eligible to be selected pursuant to the Procurement Regulations to undertake activities under the Project. 23 . "NTF" means the Recipient's national Task Force, a Cabinet-approved inter- ministerial body with secretarial services provided by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, responsible for the overall Recipient' s response to the displaced Rohingya population. 24. ·'Procurement Regulations" means, for purposes of paragraph 87 of the Appendix to the General Conditions, the "World Bank Procurement Regulations for !PF Borrowers", dated July 2016, revised November 2017. 25 . ·'Project Operational Manual" means the manual referred to in Section I.B.2 of Schedule 2 to this Agreement, containing detailed arrangements and procedures for the carrying out of Part 2 of the Project, including, inter alia, (a) guidelines, procedures and implementation arrangements for the preparation, implementation and monitoring of Community Services Subprojects and Community Workfare Subprojects; (b) criteria for appraising and selecting said subprojects; (c) financial management and procurement methods and social accountability measures to be carried out under said Subprojects); and (d) environmental and social safeguard measures to be taken said Subprojects); as such manual maybe amended from time to time with the prior agreement of the Association. 26. "Resettlement Action Plan" or "RAP" means each plan to be prepared under the Project in accordance with the RPF, each such plan in form and substance satisfactory to the Association, and containing, a program of actions, measures and policies for compensation and resettlement of Affected Persons, including the magnitude of displacement, compensation and resettlement arrangements, budget and cost estimates, and sources of funding, together with adequate institutional, monitoring and reporting arrangements capable of ensuring proper implementation of, and regular feedback on compliance with its terms; as each resettlement action plan may be amended from time to time with the prior consent of the Association. 27. "Respective Part of the Project" means: (a) in respect ofDPHE, Part l.l and selected activities under Parts 3.2 and 4 of the Project as applicable; (b) in respect of LGED, Part 1.2 and selected activities under Part 3.2 and 4 of the Project as applicable; and (c) in respect of MoDMR, Parts 2 and 3. I of the Project and selected activities under Part 4 of the Project as applicable. • • -22- 28. ·'Resettlement Policy Framework" or " RPF"' means the Project resettlement framework, acceptable to the Association, setting forth the principles and objectives governing resettlement preparation and implementation, as well as a description of the process for preparing and approving RAPs during the implementation of the Project; as such framework may be amended from time to time with the prior consent of the Association. 29. ·'RRRC" means the Recipient' s office of the Refugee Relief and Repatriation Commissioner, representing MoDMR at the Cox's Baz.ar district level, responsible for the operational coordination of the Recipient's humanitarian assistance response to the displaced Rohingya population. 30. ·'Safeguard Assessment and Plan" means each ESlA, ESMP, and/or RAP including a CESlA prepared or to be prepared during the implementation of the Project, as the case may be, in accordance with the EMSF; and "Safeguard Assessments and Plans" means, collectively, all such assessments and plans. 3 l. "Signature Date" means the later of the two dates on which the Recipient and the Association signed this Agreement and such definition applies to all references to "the date of the Financing Agreement" in the General Conditions. 32. "Stipend" means the amount to be financed out of the proceeds of the Financing and to be provided by the Recipient to the selected displaced Rohingya population for providing services and/or carrying out works under the Community Services Subprojects, as the case maybe, following the requirement and rates set forth in the Project Operational Manual. 33 . "Training" means the reasonable costs required for the participation of personnel involved in training activities, workshops and study tours under the Project which have been approved by the Association in writing on annual basis, including: (a) travel, hotel, and subsistence costs for training, workshop and study tour recipient using the banking system; and (b) costs associated with rental of training and workshop facilities, preparation an reproduction of training and workshop materials, costs of academic degree studies, and other costs directly related to training course, workshop or study tour preparation and implementation, but excluding salaries of consultants and sitting allowances and honorarium of any other nature. 34. ·'UN Agency" means any of the departments, specialized agencies, funds or programs of the United Nations (a body established and operating pursuant to the Charter of the United ations signed on 26 June 1945 and entered into effect on 24 October 1945), which are eligible to be selected pursuant to the Procurement Regulations to undertake specific activities under the Project. 35 . ·'Upazi/a" means the Recipient's administrative sub-district. • -23- 36. ·'Wages" means the reasonable amount to be financed out of the proceeds of the Financing and to be provided by the Recipient to the selected displaced Rohingya population for providing services and/or carrying out works under the Community Workfare Subprojects, as the case maybe, following the requirement and rates set forth in the Project Operational Manual.