Global income inequality captures income differences among all individuals around the world. Global inequality around the world increased from 1820 to 1990 as incomes in richer countries grew faster than...
The Middle East and North Africa faces significant climate challenges, such as increasing temperatures, heightened flood risks, frequent droughts, and growing air pollution issues. These challenges are...
Managing the impacts of disasters in emerging markets is an urgent necessity as climate related shocks grow in frequency and intensity. Governments face fiscal constraints, and insurance penetration remains...
The employment structure in emerging markets and developing economies (EMDEs) differs markedly from that in advanced economies, which has implications for adjustment to cyclical conditions. This paper...
This paper documents new facts on corporate taxation and the revenue potential of corporate minimum taxes, leveraging firm-level tax returns from 16 countries. First, effective tax rates follow a humped-shaped...
This paper examines the data sources and methodologies used in economic research on corruption by analyzing 339 journal articles published in 2022 that include Journal of Economic Literature codes. The...
The evidence so far is mixed as to whether educational entertainment (or “edutainment”) can create sustainable changes in financial attitudes and behaviors, and few studies have tested such hypotheses...
The singularity of the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement resides in its comprehensiveness; the agreement considers most of the challenges associated with international trade and identifies provisions to...
Understandings of what is unique and consequential about ‘social’ development vis-à-vis other sectoral domains have evolved considerably over the past eight decades, with the present articulations enjoying...
This paper explores how job vacancy data can enhance labor market information systems (LMISs) in Argentina and Uruguay where, as in many countries, data on in-demand skills is lacking. By analyzing job...
This paper assesses the impact of favoritism in public procurement on private sector productivity growth. To this end, it combines three novel microeconomic data sets: administrative data on firms, including...
This study analyzes the direct effects and local spillovers of a low-cost multifaceted economic inclusion program through a randomized controlled trial in Chad. The intervention included group savings...
Are firms adapting to climate change? This paper studies this question by combining geocoded World Bank Enterprise Survey data with spatially granular weather data to estimate temperature response functions...
The representation and significance of women in the labor force have grown significantly over the past five decades around the globe. Using nationally representative data from more than 90 countries, this...
This note examines the effective income tax rates of top earners in Honduras, using a novel approach that links personal and corporate income tax data. This comprehensive income measure, achieved through...
Businesses of the state (BOS) have regained the public debate in midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, especially as a source of resilience to shocks and a mechanism for technology development and diffusion...
The Case for Cycling Infrastructure Investments presents CyclingMax, a cost-benefit analysis tool designed to assist decision-makers in evaluating investments in cycling infrastructure. The report highlights...
Several factors contribute to the limited use of improved seed varieties in Ethiopia. Among those, on the supply side, is the restricted availability of seeds in the volume, quality, and timeliness required...
This study examines the complex relationships between rainfall shocks, agricultural productivity, and rural economic activity in Rajasthan, India’s largest state. Using district-level agricultural data...
Accurate measurement of intimate partner violence is challenging in face-to-face interviews due to concerns about anonymity and privacy, which can deter disclosure. In settings with high illiteracy, self-administered...