По оценкам, экономика Казахстана выросла на 4,0 процента ...
Отчет "Оценка бедности и равенства в Казахстане" был ...
Kazakhstan is endowed with fiscal buffers from oil revenues, but its public finances need improvement if the country is to support inclusive and resilient growth. This Public Finance Review (PFR) acknowledges...
Экономические перспективы Казахстана на следующие два...
Kazakhstan aims to progressively withdraw its dependence on fossil fuel for electricity and heating demand. Modernization of power systems and reliability of power data has been a key concern in this ...
Kazakhstan’s economy is set to experience a moderate growth acceleration, with real GDP forecast to rise by 3.5 percent in 2023 and 4 percent in 2024, propelled by the hydrocarbons sector, as...
Мы изучили эффект предложения денежного поощрения для ...
Kazakhstan is endowed with abundant mineral resources. The country is the world’s largest uranium producer (33% of world output in 2021, USGS), and ranks third for titanium, seventh for zinc, ...
This Country Climate and Development Report (CCDR) identifies ways that Kazakhstan can achieve its development objectives while fostering the transition to a more green, resilient, and inclusive development...
This Country Climate and Development Report (CCDR) identifies ways that Kazakhstan can achieve its development objectives while fostering the transition to a more green, resilient, and inclusive development...
Руководство по передовым практикам управления животноводством для личных подсобных хозяйств и семейных животноводческих ферм было разработано в рамках технической консультативной поддержки, предоставленной...
Руководство по передовым практикам управления пастбищами и кормопроизводства для личных подсобных хозяйств и семейных животноводческих ферм было разработано в рамках технической консультативной поддержки, ...
Руководство по передовым практикам управления пастбищами ...
Руководство по передовым практикам управления животноводством для личных подсобных хозяйств и семейных животноводческих ферм было разработано в рамках технической консультативной поддержки, предоставленной...
This report makes a case for greater gender diversity on Kazakhstan corporate boards (including the board of directors and management board). Empirical evidence from around the world shows the importance...
The fallout of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has hit the economy more than the crises in 2008 and 2015. The pandemic is projected to shrink by 2.5 percent this year. The economy is expected to...
The COVID-19 pandemic has turned the world economy upside down. As recently as January 2020, analysts and various institutions projected that, this year, the global economy would haverecovered from...
Kazakhstan's economy in 2019 is expected to grow at a modest rate. But growth is expected to ease in 2020, with greater risks from the external environment and vulnerability to shocks. Recently, the ...
A recovery in the oil sector boosted recent economic performance. While the recovery in global oil prices would have a welcoming effect for Kazakhstan in terms of enhancing the economy’s buffers and...