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Fecal sludge management : diagnostics for service delivery in urban areas - report of a FSM study in Hawassa, Ethiopia (English)

This report summarizes the main findings of a case study on fecal sludge management in Hawassa,Ethiopia. The specific objectives of the study were: to provide quantitative and qualitative data on the sanitation situation in Hawassa from a socio-economic perspective, specifically as it relates to FSM; to do the above in such a way that the data is representative of the city as a whole but also providing a separate picture of the situation in low-income...
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Official version of document (may contain signatures, etc)


Scott,Rebecca; Ross,Ian; Hawkins,Peter M..

Fecal sludge management : diagnostics for service delivery in urban areas - report of a FSM study in Hawassa, Ethiopia (English). Water and sanitation program (WSP)|Water and sanitation program technical paper Washington, D.C. : World Bank Group.

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