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Competitive cities for jobs and growth : appendices to six case studies of economically successful cities (English)

This case study of the economic success of the Colombian city of Bucaramanga marks the first in a series of World Bank case studies of successful metropolitan economies around the world. The Bank’s Competitive Cities Knowledge Base (CCKB) project aims to provide city leaders with the tools and knowledge for the successful formulation and implementation of effective economic development strategies at the city level. No single case study will provide...
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Cech,Alexandra Mc Elroy; Gashi,Drilon; Jordan,Luke Simon; Kilroy,Austin; Kulenovic,Zeljko Joe; Mukim,Megha; Zhu,Tingting Juni.

Competitive cities for jobs and growth : appendices to six case studies of economically successful cities (English). Washington, D.C. : World Bank Group.

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