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Romania - Competitive cities : reshaping the economic geography of Romania (Vol. 1 of 2) : Raport complet (Romanian)

This document examines the geographic distribution of employed individuals across Romania, the implications, and recommendations. Under optimal conditions, cities concentrate economic resources and human talent in a virtuous cycle of increasing urbanization that generates a diverse range of opportunities, enabling people to find better-paying jobs, companies to recruit employees with the right set of skills, and capital and ideas to flow across space...
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Blankespoor,Brian; Burduja,Sebastian Ioan; Cojocaru,Stefan Lucian; Ionescu-Heroiu,Marcel; Iorga, Elena; Man,Titus-Cristian; Moldovan,Sandu Ciprian; Moretti,Enrico; Rus, Raularian; Sandu,Dumitru D.; Van Der Weide,Roy.

Romania - Competitive cities : reshaping the economic geography of Romania (Vol. 1 of 2) : Raport complet (Romanian). Competitive cities: reshaping the economic geography of Romania|Romania Spatial and Territorial Strategy|Romania regional development program Washington, DC ; World Bank Group.

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