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Cutting costs, boosting quality and collecting data real-time - lessons from a cell phone-based beneficiary survey to strengthen Guatemala's conditional cash transfer program (English)

A 2010 country governance and Anti-Corruption (CGAC) funded pilot in Guatemala employed entry-level mobile phones in conjunction with Episurveyor, a free, web-based software for data collection, to drastically reduce costs, facilitate accuracy and accelerate implementation of a nationally-representative beneficiary survey of Guatemala's conditional cash transfer program. As such it illustrates the potential of mobile phone-based data collection to...
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Perez Brito,Carlos Tomas; Schuster, Christian.

Cutting costs, boosting quality and collecting data real-time - lessons from a cell phone-based beneficiary survey to strengthen Guatemala's conditional cash transfer program (English). En breve ; no. 166 Washington, DC: World Bank.

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