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Climate Toolkits for Infrastructure PPPs : Road Sector (English)

The toolkit contains three modules covering the major climate entry points (i.e., alignment with climate policies; incorporation of climate considerations in the project selection; and appraisal of climate effects in the project’s economics and financing), followed by a fourth module that provides climate-related key performance indicators (KPIs) applicable to road projects. Every module is divided into steps, outlining the logical order of the process...
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Official version of document (may contain signatures, etc)


Silva Zuniga,Mariana Carolina; Weekes,Khafi; Neves,Philippe; Jade Shu Yu Wong; Lev,Carmel Ruth; Gall,Helen Deborah; Saralegui,Gisele Annette; Diaz Fanas,Guillermo.

Climate Toolkits for Infrastructure PPPs : Road Sector (English). Washington, D.C. : World Bank Group.

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