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Building Resilience in Aruba’s Food Security During the Pandemic and Beyond (English)

A strong agriculture sector and food security system can diversify the economy and systematically strengthen national capacities to better manage risk and recovery from exogenous and endogenous shocks and enhance climate resilience. The severity of the COVID19 shock has created an opportunity to rethink economic strategy in ways that not only help manage risk but can provide the stimulus to investing in new ways to create sustainable jobs. These jobs...
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Official version of document (may contain signatures, etc)


Mary Elinor Boyer; John, Horton; María Florencia, Millán; Christophe Frederic Robert Grosjean; Arias, Ramón Ernesto; Elena Mora Lopez; Peter Friedrich Wilhelm Wrede; Rendell Ernest de Kort; Ivelisse Justiniano; Chapman, Regis.

Building Resilience in Aruba’s Food Security During the Pandemic and Beyond (English). Washington, D.C. : World Bank Group.

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