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Note de Conjoncture Économique du Gabon - Thème spécial: Réformes des Subventions aux Carburants (French)

The Gabon Economic Update is an annual World Bank publication that presents an overview of the evolving macroeconomic position in Gabon, followed by a detailed exploration of a specific topic in each edition. The first chapter analyzes recent economic developments, as well as the macroeconomic outlook and risks for Gabon’s future growth. It presents policy actions that could help strengthen fiscal and debt sustainability, contain food inflation, and...
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Official version of document (may contain signatures, etc)


Ondo Ndong,Sonia Barbara; Tjong,Erick; Karafli,Houda; Monteiro Da Mota,Joana.

Note de Conjoncture Économique du Gabon - Thème spécial: Réformes des Subventions aux Carburants (French). Washington, D.C. : World Bank Group.

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