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България – Инструментариуm За Kомпактно Градско Развитие В Подкрепа На Действия Срещу Изменението На Климата (Bulgarian)

Bulgaria faces a dual challenge of declining populations in a large number of medium and smaller sized cities and increased urbanization and growth pressures in a handful of larger cities. Around 74 percent of the population live in cities, and the majority of these in cities that were planned for 10 times less population than today. Despite having a declining population, most cities in Bulgaria are growing in terms of built area coverage, with growth...
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  • 2023/05/01

  • Report

  • 182940

  • 1

  • Bulgaria,

  • Europe and Central Asia,

  • 2023/06/19

  • Disclosed

  • България – Инструментариуm За Kомпактно Градско Развитие В Подкрепа На Действия Срещу Изменението На Климата



Official version of document (may contain signatures, etc)


Venter,Carli; Nachev,Dimitar Nikolaev; Petrov,Zdravko; Hinov,Alexander; Karadzhova-Nedkova,Dobrinka Atanasova.

България – Инструментариуm За Kомпактно Градско Развитие В Подкрепа На Действия Срещу Изменението На Климата (Bulgarian). Washington, D.C. : World Bank Group.

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